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Research on predator–prey interaction has generally ignored the possibility of prey injury by predator. Although injured prey usually constitute a minor group in a population, sublethal predation can play an important role in some aquatic assemblages. In a laboratory experiment, I tested the effect of attack by larvae of the damselfly Ischnura elegans and tanyponid Clinotanypus nervosus on the oligochaete Stylaria lacustris. Predation by these insect larvae caused damage to the prey which then are able to escape and survive. More than 50% of the worms used in the experiment were damaged by C. nervosus. Results of predation by I. elegans larvae of different lengths showed that the number of damaged worms decreased with the length of predatory larvae. Small predators injured more worms than large ones, which killed and totally consumed most of the prey. Damage to S. lacustris usually involves the loss of anterior, posterior or both these fragments (middle part preserved). An analysis of the survival of worms revealed that individuals which lost anterior, posterior, or both fragments survived equally well as control ones, with the exception of worms that lost 70% of the body length posteriorly amputated. It should be noted that these worms were the least numerous in all worms damaged by predators. The laboratory experiment on the regenerative capability of S. lacustris showed that after amputation, all worms regenerated the lost structures and started to increase in length. The small individuals after amputation of both anterior and posterior fragments achieved their initial length in the course of the experiment. It is likely that the regenerative capability in S. lacustris is an adaptation to sublethal effects of predation, which seems to play an important role in littoral assemblages dominated by oligochaetes.  相似文献   

The impact of different levels of agitation speed, carbondioxide and dissolved oxygen concentration on the key parameters and production of rhG-CSF in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)PLysS were studied. Lower carbondioxide concentrations as well as higher agitation speeds and dissolved oxygen concentrations led to reduction in the acetate concentrations, and enhanced the cell growth, but inhibited plasmid stability and rhG-CSF expression. Similarly, higher carbondioxide concentrations and lower agitation speeds as well as dissolved oxygen concentrations led to enhanced acetate concentrations, but inhibited the cell growth and protein expression. To address the bottlenecks, a two-stage agitation control strategy (strategy-1) and two-stage dissolved oxygen control strategy (strategy-2) were employed to establish the physiological and metabolic conditions, so as to improve the expression of rhG-CSF. By adopting strategy-1 the yields were improved 1.4-fold over constant speed of 550 rpm, 1.1-fold over constant dissolved oxygen of 45%, respectively. Similarly, using strategy-2 the yields were improved 1.6-fold over constant speed of 550 rpm, 1.3-fold over constant dissolved oxygen of 45%, respectively.  相似文献   

Evaluation of kinetic parameters of methane oxidation under various conditions, on the basis of an analysis of the literature and the authors’ own laboratory research, is presented. Variation in methanotrophic activity in the profile of a simulated landfill cover was observed. The greatest activity was found at a depth of 60 cm. A low affinity (1/KM) and high potential activity (Vmax) were observed. Vmax values ranged from 0.11 × 10−3 to 0.86 × 10−3 units. The values of KM ranged from 0.6 to 2.9% of CH4 (v/v).  相似文献   

The effect of O2 concentration on energy metabolism and senescence has been studied in cut flowers of Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. Scania. As compared to the control (21% O2), 5% O2 delays flower senescence as well as decay of nucleotide level and AEC (adenylate energy charge). An atmosphere of 100% O2 accelerates senescence as well as the decrease of nucleotide level and AEC. While anoxia brings about a faster decrease of ATP and AEC than of total nucleotides, hyperoxia brings about a faster decrease in adenyl nucleotides than in ATP and AEC values. Petal oxygen uptake is over 90% of the maximal value under 4% O2 and saturates at 10% O2. The development of senescence is dicussed as a two phase process (first phase-progressive and second phase-catastrophic) triggered by the action of hyperoxia, first on the system for energy utilization and later on the system for energy production, the degradation of which seems to be linked with increase in membrane permeability and withering.  相似文献   

The capacity of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus niger to produce and assemble complex immunogenic viral proteins into virus-like particles (VLPs) in batch culture was enhanced by optimizing the bioprocessing parameters, agitation intensity and dissolved oxygen (dO2) concentration. Response surface methodology (RSM) and a two-factor-two-level central composite rotatable design (CCRD) were employed to evaluate the interactive response pattern between parameters and their optimum combination. The recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was used as a model VLP system to determine the effect of these parameters on biomass yield, fungal morphology, HBsAg production and bioreactor kinetics. The response surface model predicted optimum cultivation conditions at an agitation of rate of 100 rpm and a dO2 concentration of 25%, obtaining highest intracellular membrane-associated HBsAg levels of . HBsAg production levels were increased tenfold compared to yields obtained in shake flask cultivation. Although hepatitis B VLPs mostly accumulated intracellularly, optimal bioreactor conditions resulted in significant HBsAg release in culture supernatant. These results compare favourably with other recombinant VLP systems in batch culture, and therefore, indicate a substantial potential for further engineering of the A. niger production system for the high level of intracellular and extracellular VLP production.  相似文献   

The Florida Everglades is an oligotrophic, phosphorus (P)-limited wetland that is experiencing eutrophication as a result of P-enriched agricultural runoff. Effects of P enrichment on diel water-column dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) profiles were measured along nutrient gradients downstream of agricultural discharges in two northern Everglades marshes and in field enclosures (mesocosms) exposed to different P loading rates. Reference (i.e., water-column TP < 10 g/L) areas in the marsh interior were characterized by strong diel fluctuations in DO, and aerobic conditions generally were maintained throughout the diel cycle. Enriched stations (water-column TP elevated to between 12 and 131 g/L) were characterized by dampened diel fluctuations and reduced DO, and the extent of these changes was correlated strongly with marsh P concentrations. Mean DO declined from between 1.81 and 7.52 mg/L at reference stations to between 0.04 and 3.18 mg/L in highly enriched areas. Similarly, minimum DO declined from between 0.33 and 5.86 mg/L to between 0 and 0.84 mg/L with increasing enrichment, and the frequency of extremely low DO (< 1 mg/L) increased from between 0 and 20% to as high as 100% in the most enriched areas. Diel oxygen profiles in P-enriched mesocosms declined progressively with time; all loading treatments exhibited similar DO during the 1st year of P loading, but concentrations declined significantly at higher loads by year 3. Reductions in water-column DO with increased P enrichment were associated with reduced oxygen production by submersed periphyton and macrophytes and increased sediment oxygen demand. Increased emergent macrophyte cover in enriched areas likely contributed to these changes by shading the water-column, which inhibited submerged productivity, and by providing inputs of nutrient-rich detritus, which increased oxygen demand. Declines in marsh DO are associated with other ecological changes such as increased anaerobic metabolism and an increase in invertebrate taxa that tolerate low DO. While background oxygen concentrations in wetlands can be lower than those in lakes and rivers, declines in water-column DO caused by eutrophication can result in biological impacts similar to those in other aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on the metabolism of glucose inPseudomonas putida BM014 was investigated. Glucose was completely converted to 2-ketogluconatevia extracellular oxdative pathway and then taken up for cell growth under the condition of sufficient dissolved oxygen concentration. On the other hand, oxygen limitation below dissolved oxygen tension (DOT) value of 20% of air saturation caused the shift of glucose metabolism from the extracellular oxidative pathway to the intracellular phosphorylative pathway. Specific activities of hexokinase and gluconate kinase in intracellular phosphorylation pathway decreased as the DOT increased, while 2-ketogluconokinase activity in extracellular oxidative pathway increased under the same condition. This result can be usefully applied to microbial transformation of glucose to 2-ketogluconate, the synthetic precursor for iso-vitamine C, with almost 100% yieldvia extracellular oxidation by simple DOT control.  相似文献   

The dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) was sampled during a diurnal cycle in three water holes heavily used by wildlife and with distinctive biological features along the Seronera River. The DO fluctuated widely (by up to 11.5 mg l−1) as a function of time, mechanical stirring and aeration by animals, and the presence of fringing wetlands. The DO cycle was successfully modeled (within 0.3 mg l−1) by assuming that the four dominant processes were photosynthesis and respiration by algae near the surface, trapping by wetlands, decomposition of dead organic matter on the bottom, and stirring/aeration by hippos. The rate of DO decline from the decay of dead organic matter was equal to the rate of DO removal by algal respiration at night.  相似文献   

Oxygen is essential for all aerobic organisms. Higher plants need oxygen to sustain metabolism and growth. After experiencing anaerobic stress for a period of time, most plant tissues will be damaged. This study examined the physiological characteristics and anatomical structures in the root tips of rice seedlings (cultivars Xiushui09 and Chunyou84) in response to different rhizosphere oxygen environments. The results showed that moderate oxygen (MO: 2.5–3.5 mg L−1) increased the dry weight accumulation and formation of rice roots (including length, surface area, number of tips) in both genotypes. Compared to under normal conditions (NC), the magnitudes of increase in these four variables were 4.67, 66.40, 35.44 and 49.50% in Xiushui09 and 12.25, 15.59, 13.57 and 13.48% in Chunyou84, respectively. Low oxygen (LO: 0–1.0 mg L−1) stress decreased the root surface area but increased root volume and average diameter. LO and high oxygen (HO: >6.8 ± 0.21 mg L−1) stress each damaged the apical cells' ultrastructure, reduced the number of organelles, and increased electrical conductivity. Meanwhile, the root activity and respiration of rice seedlings decreased; the abscisic acid content increased compared to levels under NC. Under MO treatment, the cell membrane was not damaged, the root tip organelles were rich, the soluble protein content, root activity, respiration rate and gibberellic acid content increased compared to levels under NC; the magnitudes of these increases were 24.76, 36.00, 8.00 and 283.00% in Xiushui09 and 4.78, 40.00, 15.45 and 49.35% in Chunyou84, respectively. In conclusion, MO optimised rice root morphology and enhanced root physiological activity.  相似文献   

This study reports the first results on telemetry of caudal differential pressure during spontaneous swimming activity in cod Gadus morhua and demonstrates that tail-beat pressure may be used as a predictor of activity and swimming costs of free-swimming cod. Tail-beat pressure was monitored using a differential pressure sensor on the caudal peduncle of cod and spontaneous swimming activity was quantified using a customized video-computer tracking programme. Tail-beat pressure was found to correlate with (1) swimming speed ( U ) and oxygen consumption during forced swimming and (2) mean U during spontaneous activity. Based on the relationship between and the integrated pressure performed by the tail during forced swimming, it should be possible to predict during spontaneous activity. To gain precise measures of activity and thus predictions of for free-swimming fish, however, individual calibrations are necessary.  相似文献   

The harlequin ladybird is considered to be one of the most successful invasive insect species. Among other traits, its invasive success is considered to be caused by a powerful immune system. In the present study, we investigate the ontogenetic profile of protein concentration, concentration of circulating haemocytes and constitutive antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli in Harmonia axyridis haemolymph during late larval development and early adult life. Protein concentration increases during the first 32 days of adult life from 45 to 100 mg per mL of haemolymph and reaches intermediate values during larval stages. The concentration of circulating haemocytes is very low (5000 haemocytes per μL of haemolymph) in late larval stages and increases strongly during first 8 days of adult life to values of approximately 30 000 haemocytes per μL of haemolymph. The killing efficiency of haemolymph against E. coli is lowest in larval stages, rapidly increases in the prepupal stage and then steadily grows during the whole period of adult life. There are no significant effects of sex on any of the investigated physiological or immune parameters. In general, the patterns observed for H. axyridis contrast with many results that are reported for other insects (e.g. bees, fruit flies, crickets or mosquitoes). One possible explanation is the contrasting life history of H. axyridis, with a fast preimaginal development and a long adult lifespan being linked to a long reproductive period. Substantial variation in physiological and immune parameters during ontogeny also has important methodological implications because individuals of exactly the same stage/age have to be employed for comparative studies.  相似文献   

In microbiology the terms viability and culturability are often equated. However, in recent years the apparently self-contradictory expression viable-but-nonculturable (VBNC) has been applied to cells with various and often poorly defined physiological attributes but which, nonetheless, could not be cultured by methods normally appropriate to the organism concerned. These attributes include apparent cell integrity, the possession of some form of measurable cellular activity and the apparent capacity to regain culturability. We review the evidence relating to putative VBNC cells and stress our view that most of the reports claiming a return to culturability have failed to exclude the regrowth of a limited number of cells which had never lost culturability. We argue that failure to differentiate clearly between use of the terms viability and culturability in an operational versus a conceptual sense is fuelling the current debate, and conclude with a number of proposals that are designed to help clarify the major issues involved. In particular, we suggest an alternative operational terminology that replaces VBNC with expressions that are internally consistent.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the regulation of Aspergillus niger growth rate during citric acid fermentation in a stirred tank bioreactor. For this, the influence of dissolved oxygen concentration in a medium on intracellular pH values and consequently on overall microbial metabolism was emphasized. Intracellular pH of mycelium grown under different concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the medium was determined. Sensitivity of proteins toward proton concentration is well recognized, therefore pH influences on the activities of key regulatory enzymes of Aspergillus niger were determined at pH values similar to those detected in the cells grown under lower dissolved oxygen concentrations. The results have shown significantly reduced specific activities of hexokinase, 6-phosphofructokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in more acidic environment, while pyruvate kinase was found to be relatively insensitive towards higher proton concentration. As expected, due to the reduced specific activities of regulatory enzymes under more acidic conditions, overall metabolism should be hindered in the medium with lower dissolved oxygen concentration which was confirmed by detecting the reduced specific growth rates. From the studies, we conclude that dissolved oxygen concentration affects the intracellular pH and thus growth rate of Aspergillus niger during the fermentation process.  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on human secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) glycosylation by the insect cell-baculovirus expression system was investigated in a well-controlled bioreactor. Oligomannose-type N-linked glycans (i.e., Man2 to Man6 and Man3F) were present in SEAP produced by Spodoptera frusiperda Sf-9 (Sf-9) and Trichoplusia ni BTI-Tn-5B1-4 (Tn-5B1-4) insect cell lines. The relative amounts of the most highly processed glycans (i.e., Man3F and Man2 in the SEAP from Sf-9 and Tn-5B1-4 cells, respectively) were significantly higher at 50% of air saturation than at either 10% or 190% of air saturation. That is, glycan processing was inhibited at both low and high dissolved oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of O2 tension, temperature, salt concentration and organic matter concentration on the growth and nitrifying activity of Nitrosomonas N3 isolated from Tay Estuary sediments have been investigated. Chemostat-grown cultures were able to grow and nitrify at dissolved O2 concentrations as low as 0.1 mg O2· 1−1 (cell population densities were 15% of those obtained in fully aerated cultures). This bacterium was sensitive to reduced temperatures as chemostat-grown cultures washed out at growth temperatures below 15°C, at dilution rates > 0.025 · h−1. Batch-grown cultures of Nitrosomonas N3 were used to study the effects of NaCl and complex organic matter concentration on nitrifying activity. Maximum rates of NH+4 oxidation were recorded at NaCl concentrations of 1% w/v, whilst tryptone soya broth (TSB), nutrient broth (NB), yeast extract broth (YEB) and peptone were inhibitory at concentrations > 10 mg · 1−1.  相似文献   

冯瑞芳  杨万勤  张健  邓仁菊  简毅  林静 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4019-4026
采用控制环境生长室研究了川西亚高山森林生态系统中与C、N、P循环有关的土壤转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性的月动态及其对模拟大气CO2浓度增加、温度升高以及交互作用的动态响应。在一个生长季节内,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在温度较高的夏季。其中,土壤有机层的转化酶活性高峰出现在6月份,但土壤矿质层的转化酶活性高峰出现在7月份,土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的脲酶和酸性磷酸酶的活性高峰均出现在7月份,而硝酸还原酶的活性高峰均出现在8月份。升高大气CO2浓度处理(EC)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的转化酶、脲酶、硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性没有显著影响。升高温度处理(ET)显著增加了土壤有机层和矿质土壤层的酶活性,并且土壤有机层的转化酶、硝酸还原酶和脲酶活性增加更显著。大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高之间的交互作用(ECT)对土壤有机层和矿质土壤层酶活性的影响主要是温度升高引起的。  相似文献   

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