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Now that extrasolar planets have been found, it is timely to ask whether some of them might be suitable for life. Climatic constraints on planetary habitability indicate that a reasonably wide habitable zone exists around main sequence stars with spectral types in the early-F to mid-K range. However, it has not been demonstrated that planets orbiting such stars would be habitable when biologically-damaging energetic radiation is also considered. The large amounts of UV radiation emitted by early-type stars have been suggested to pose a problem for evolving life in their vicinity. But one might also argue that the real problem lies with late-type stars, which emit proportionally less radiation at the short wavelengths ( < 200 nm) required to split O2 and initiate ozone formation. We show here that neither of these concerns is necessarily fatal to the evolution of advanced life: Earth-like planets orbiting F and K stars may well receive less harmful UV radiation at their surfaces than does the Earth itself.  相似文献   

Porphyra vietnamensis Tanaka & Pham-Hoang Ho is a tropical species of high potential for farming. Studies of the life cycle have been conducted for many years but have not been successful until recently. Mature thalli were collected from Songkhla, in the southern part of Thailand, and were used to obtain Conchocelis in the laboratory in Bangkok. Conchocelis in shells as well as free-floating filaments could be observed after one week of incubation at 25 °C, 25 salinity and 350–500 lux light intensity, and covered the culture shell surface within 2 months. Conchosporangia were formed after being incubated for 10 days at 30 °C, 20 salinity under light intensities of 350–500 lux with a photoperiod of 12 hours a day. Induction of conchospore release was achieved by lowering the temperature to 25 °C and the salinity to 10–15 and increasing the light intensity to 800–1000 lux. Liberated conchospores germinated into young thalli which became mature after 70 days.  相似文献   

A. R. Zafar 《Hydrobiologia》1959,13(3):287-299
Summary It has been pointed out that the terms Eutrophic and Oligotrophic adopted to classify the lakes are usually found by many workers to be quite inadequate and very often ambiguous. This presumably may be due to the fact that these terms at a time take many characters of a lake into consideration. This is the reason that application of these to different bodies of water becomes very difficult. Moreover, the other innumerable terms of nomenclature proposed by various workers are equally difficult in application because the shades of their meaning so often overlap each other. Much of the confusion could be avoided if one could define trophy as suggested by Faegri, exclusively on the physico-chemical nature of the lake-water. In view of this, a scheme to classify waters on the basis of Pearsall's basic ratio and N, P, and humus contents has been proposed.It has also been pointed out that if lakes are to be differentiated on the basis of their ecology, various categories will have to be created since no two freshwater bodies can be expected to be exactly identical in their ecological behaviour. This, obviously leads one to think in terms of coining a separate ecological nomenclature for various lake-types within the frame-work of trophic system.In this paper an attempt has been made to develop a system of nomenclature more or less similar to the binomeal system of Linnaeus. The proposed names are composed of three components, each almost self-explanatory, and these put together provide relevant ecological information pertaining to a lake.  相似文献   

Summary Ecologists often standardize data through the use of ratios and indices. Such measures are employed generally to remove a size effect induced by some relatively uniteresting variable. The implications of using the resultant data in correlation and regression analyses are poorly recognized. We show that ratios and indices often provide surprising and spurious results due to their unusual properties. As a solution, we advocate the use of randomization tests to evaluate hypotheses confounded by spurious correlations. In addition, we emphasize that identifying the appropriate null correlation is of utmost importance when statistically evaluating ratios, although this issue is frequently ignored.  相似文献   

In permanently frozen rocks, water occurs in all the three phases and plays a dual role from the biological point of view. About 93–98% of it is in the solid state. This, alongside with negative temperatures, contributes to cell cryoconservation. The remaining 2–7% is in the unfrozen state and represents thin films enveloping organic-mineral particles. These films play the role of cryoprotectors against cell damage by ice crystals during geologically significant time. Electron microscope examinations of prokaryotes revealed the well preserved outer cell structures, specifically strong envelopes and capsules. The cells are resistant to water phase transitions through 0 °C, i.e. to the freezing-thawing stress. The exobiolocial implication of this phenomenon is determined by the fact that the Earth permafrost at first approximation can be considered as a model of e.g. the Mars one. The latter protects the cells against radiation and simultaneously serves as a cryoconservant. However, most important is the possible presence of unfrozen (=liquid) water as prerequisite for the development of microbial life forms.Presented at the Session Water in the Solar System and Its Role in Exobiology during the 26th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, 22–26 April 1991 in Wiesbaden, Germany.Corresponding author.  相似文献   

Water relation parameters of leaf cells of the aquatic plant Elodea densa have been measured using the pressure probe. For cells in both the upper and lower epidermis it was found that the elastic modulus () and the hydraulic conductivity (Lp) were dependent on cell turgor (P). Lp was (7.8±5.5)·10-7 cm s-1 bar-1 (mean±SD; n=22 cells) for P>4 bar in cells of the upper epidermis and was increasing by a factor of up to three for P0 bar. No polarity of water movement or concentration dependence of Lp was observed. For cells of the lower epidermis the Lp-values were similar and the hydraulic conductivity also showed a similar dependence on turgor. No wall ingrowth or wall labyrinths (as in transfer cells) could be found in the cells of the lower epidermis. The elastic modulus () of cells of the upper epidermis could be measured over the whole pressure range (P=0–7 bar) by changing the osmotic pressure of the medium. increased linearly with increasing turgor and ranged between 10 and 150 bar. For cells of the lower epidermis the dependence of on P was similar, although the pressure dependence could not be measured on single cells. The Lp-values are compared with literature data obtained for Elodea by a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-technique. The dependence of Lp on P is discussed in terms of pressure dependent structural changes of the cell membranes and interactions between solute and water transport.Abbreviations P cell turgor pressure - Lp hydraulic conductivity - volumetric elastic modulus - T 1/2 half-time of water exchange of individual cell  相似文献   

The present study describes the development of an alloplasmic haploid-inducer in durum wheat cv Cando. This cultivar possesses the homozygous wheat-rye translocation 1BL/1RS from the 6x-wheat cv Veery. The nucleus of 4x-Cando-Veery 1BL/1RS was introduced into Aegilops kotschyi cytoplasm by initially using (kotschyi)-Salmon as the maternal parent. In the cross of this alloplasmic durum line with Cando-Veery 1BL/1RS, which was used as the recurrent pollen parent, haploids (n=14) were produced. The frequency of haploids increased from 5.7% in the F1 generation to 14% in the BC1 generation. The presence of rye chromosome arm 1RS and the concomitant loss of 1BS in (kotschyi)-Cando-Veery 1BL/1RS are necessary for haploid induction. Proposals are made which may enable the use of haploids produced by nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions in future wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

The success of recent spacecraft from the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. has given us a wealth of new data about the planets in our solar system. We can now develop a much better rationale for the reasons that abundant life is only found on our planet. Mars, smaller and more distant from the Sun, may nevertheless hold clues to the early development of Earth's atmosphere. The origin of life on Mars early in that planet's history cannot be ruled out. Titan offers a contemporary example of extremely primitive conditions, where chemical reactions resembling those that preceded the development of life on Earth may be occurring today. Venus and Jupiter illustrate the need for a planet to be the right size and the right distance from the sun if chemical evolution leading to the origin of life is to occur.  相似文献   

Models for the origin of Titan's atmosphere, the processing of the atmosphere and surface and its exobiological role are reviewed. Titan has gained widespread acceptance in the origin of life field as a model for the types of evolutionary processes that could have occurred on prebiotic Earth. Both Titan and Earth possess significant atmospheres ( 1 atm) composed mainly of molecular nitrogen with smaller amounts of more reactive species. Both of these atmospheres are processed primarily by solar ultraviolet light with high energy particles interactions contributing to a lesser extent. The products of these reactions condense or are dissolved in other atmospheric species (aerosols/clouds) and fall to the surface. There these products may have been further processed on Titan and the primitive Earth by impacting comets and meteorites. While the low temperatures on Titan ( 72–180 K) preclude the presence of permanent liquid water on the surface, it has been suggested that tectonic activity or impacts by meteors and comets could produce liquid water pools on the surface for thousands of years. Hydrolysis and oligomerization reactions in these pools might form chemicals of prebiological significance. Other direct comparisons between the conditions on present day Titan and those proposed for prebiotic Earth are also presented.  相似文献   

The biogenic elements, H, C, N, O, P and S, have a long cosmic history, whose evolution can still be observed in diverse locales of the known universe, from interstellar clouds of gas and dust, to pre-stellar cores, nebulas, protoplanetary discs, planets and planetesimals. The best analytical window into this cosmochemical evolution as it neared Earth has been provided so far by the small bodies of the Solar System, some of which were not significantly altered by the high gravitational pressures and temperatures that accompanied the formation of larger planets and may carry a pristine record of early nebular chemistry. Asteroids have delivered such records, as their fragments reach the Earth frequently and become available for laboratory analyses. The Carbonaceous Chondrite meteorites (CC) are a group of such fragments with the further distinction of containing abundant organic materials with structures as diverse as kerogen-like macromolecules and simpler compounds with identical counterparts in Earth’s biosphere. All have revealed a lineage to cosmochemical synthetic regimes. Several CC show that asteroids underwent aqueous alteration of their minerals or rock metamorphism but may yet yield clues to the reactivity of organic compounds during parent-body processes, on asteroids as well as larger ocean worlds and planets. Whether the exogenous delivery by meteorites held an advantage in Earth’s molecular evolution remains an open question as many others regarding the origins of life are. Nonetheless, the natural samples of meteorites allow exploring the physical and chemical processes that might have led to a selected chemical pool amenable to the onset of life.
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Ever since animal cells have been grownin-vitro, various techniques have been used to supply the cells with oxygen. The most simple and commonly used large-scale technique to provide oxygen is through the introduction of gas bubbles. However, almost since the beginning ofin-vitro cell culture, empirical observations have indicated that bubbles can be detrimental to the cells. This review will discuss the background of the problem, review the relevant research on the topic, attempt to provide a coherent summary of what we know from all of this research, and finally outline what still needs to be investigated. Specific topics to be covered include: experimental correlations of cell damage with bubbles, cell attachment to bubbles, the hydrodynamics of bubble repture, bioreactor studies, visualization studies, and computer simulations and qualification of cell death as a result of bubble rupture.  相似文献   

Soils of the terrestrial planets form at the boundaries between lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. Biogenesis occurred in these zones; thus, it is axiomatic that some, perhaps many, stages of biogenesis occurred in intimate association with the mineral constituents of soils. Because of a high surface to mass ratio and, consequently, a high surface reactivity, the layer lattice clay minerals are the most important of these. according to the geological record, clay minerals appeared very early on the primordial Earth. Recent investigations have confirmed their presence in carbonaceous meteorites and have indicated their occurrence on Mars. In this paper we collect pertinent physico-chemical data and summarize the organic reactions and interactions that are induced or catalyzed by clays. Many clay-organic reactions that do not occur readily at high water contents proceed rapidly at adsorbed water contents corresponding to surface coverages of one or two molecular layers. One or two monolayers of adsorbed water correspond to extremely dry on cold planetary environments. Some consequences of these factsvis à vis biogenesis on Mars are considered.  相似文献   

The question as to whether the homologous peptides CGRP and IAPP can regulate insulin secretion in RINm5F cells was addressed. Chicken CGRP displayed a reproducible inhibitory effect on insulin secretion within 0.1 and 1 nM concentrations and a stimulatory effect at higher concentrations. The maximal stimulatory effects on insulin secretion were obtained with 1.0 M of chicken CGRP (cCGRP), human -CGRP (h -CGRP) and human IAPP (hIAPP) which caused 246 ± 22, 302 ± 63 and 224 ± 14 percent increases of control levels, respectively (p < 0.001). Similarly, maximal accumulations of cAMP were obtained with 1.0 M of cCGRP, h -CGRP and hIAPP with the respective percent increases of control levels of 587 ± 24, 436 ± 41 and 410 ± 25 (p < 0.005). Thus the stimulatory effects on insulin secretion in RINm5F cells by cCGRP, h -CGRP and hIAPP appear to be mediated by the cAMP pathway. Chicken CGRP, the most potent peptide tested, displayed a correlated dose response stimulation of intracellular cAMP and insulin release within the concentration range of 10–1000nM. The EC50 values of cCGRP for cAMP accumulation and insulin release were similar (20nM and 10 nM respectively). The stimulatory effect of IAPP on cAMP was not additive with that of cCGRP suggesting that IAPP action was mediated by CGRP receptors. This hypothesis was further sustained by a preferential inhibition of125I[His]h -CGRP binding to RINm5F cells by cCGRP as compared to IAPP.We conclude that CGRP and IAPP, through a direct action on a chicken CGRP preferring receptor present in cells, stimulated insulin by a cAMP mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Subcellular fractionation studies in resting human neutrophils indicated a bimodal distribution for cytochrome b. A. major peak of cytochrome b co-sedimented with gelatinase under different experimental conditions. This localization was partially overlapped with specific granules (using lysozyme and lactoferrin as specific granule markers), but clearly resolved from azurophilic granules, plasma membrane, mitochondria, as well as from a novel alkaline phosphatase-rich intracellular organelle. A minor localization of cytochrome b was found in fractions enriched in both the plasma membrane marker 5-nucleotidase and alkaline phosphatase. A significant portion of ubiquinone cell content co-fractionated with the gelatinase-containing granules. After phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-cell stimulation, cytochrome b was mobilized to fractions showing respiratory burst activity and enriched in 5-nucleotidase activity. This mobilization paralleled secretion of gelatinase and lysozyme to the extracellular medium. Furthermore, neutrophil stimulation with fluoride in the absence of cytochalasin B induced release of gelatinase and generation of superoxide anion with only minimal release of lysozyme. Preincubation of cells with the anion channel blocker 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS) prevented lysozyme release, but had only a minor effect on the release of gelatinase and did not inhibit the superoxide anion generation elicited by N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine or PMA. These results suggest a main location of cytochrome b in mobilizable gelatinase-containing granules, which can constitute a subpopulation of specific granules. Furthermore, these findings show that the gelatinase-containing granule is functionally involved in the respiratory burst in neutrophils and that membrane fusion between plasma membrane and the gelatinase-containing granule occurs during activation of cells.Abbreviations DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid - FMLP N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine - PMA 4-phorbol, 12-myristate, 13-acetate  相似文献   

K. Zambou  C. G. Spyropoulos 《Planta》1989,179(3):403-408
The uptake of D-mannose was studied in detached cotyledons of germinated fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seeds. Uptake kinetics indicate the involvement of two components, a saturable component operating at low concentrations and a diffusion-like one at high concentrations. Treatment of cotyledons with carbonyl-cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone and p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid reduced D-mannose-uptake rates by about 35% and 35–65%, respectively. No difference in the uptake rates was observed in the presence of D-galactose or 3-O-methylglucose. D-Mannose uptake was not very much affected by pH. The optimum pH for its uptake was 6.5 while at pH 8.5 its uptake was reduced by 22%. D-Mannose addition to fenugreek cotyledons did not induce alkalinization of the medium. Furthermore, low turgor, which enhances proton/sugar cotransport, decreased D-mannose uptake while the uptake of 3-O-methylglucose was increased. The rate of D-mannose uptake by fenugreek cotyledons depended on the hours of imbibition. These changes of uptake were not followed by analogous changes in the turgor pressure (p) of fenugreek cotyledons, which remained fairly constant. Results indicate that D-mannose is partially taken up by a carrier which has high specificity for D-mannose, but not by a H+-sugar cotransport system. It is further concluded that the carrier plays an important role in switching on and off the uptake capacity of fenugreek cotyledons during seedling development.Abbreviations and symbols CCCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DTT dithiothreitol - 3-OMG 3-O-methylglucose - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzensulfonic acid - water potential - s osmotic potential - p turgor pressure  相似文献   

The problems of how warm and wet Mars once was and when climate transitions may have occurred are not well understood. Mars may have had an early environment similar to Earth's that was conductive to the ermergence of life. In addition, increasing geologic evidence indicates that water, upon which terrestrial life depends, has been present on Mars throughout its history. This evidence suggests that life could have developed not only on early Mars but also over longer periods of time in longer lasting, more clement local environments. Indications of past or present life most likely would be found in areas where liquid water existed in sufficient quantities to provide for the needs of biological systems. We suggest that paleolakes may have provided such environments. Unlike the case on Earth, this record of the origin and evolution of life has probably not been erased by extensive deformation of the Martian surface. Our work has identified eleven prospective areas where large lacustrine basins may once have existed. These areas are important for future biological, geological, and climatological investigations.Presented at the International Symposium on The Biological Exploration of Mars, October 26–27, 1990, Tallahassee, FL, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane anion channel (IMAC) is a channel, identified by flux studies in intact mitochondria, which has a broad anion selectivity and is maintained closed or inactive by matrix Mg2+ and H+. We now present evidence that this channel, like many other chloride/anion channels, is reversibly blocked/inhibited by stilbene-2,2-disulfonates. Inhibition of malonate transport approaches 100% with IC50 values of 26, 44, and 88 M for DIDS, H2-DIDS, and SITS respectively and Hill coefficients 1. In contrast, inhibition of Cl transport is incomplete, reaching a maximum of about 30% at pH 7.4 and 65% at pH 8.4 with an IC50 which is severalfold higher than that for malonate. The IC50 for malonate transport is decreased about 50% by pretreatment of the mitochondria withN-ethylmaleimide. Raising the assay pH from 7.4 to 8.4 increases the IC50 by about 50%, but under conditions where only the matrix pH is made alkaline the IC50 is decreased slightly. These properties and competition studies suggest that DIDS inhibits by binding to the same site as Cibacron blue 3GA. In contrast, DIDS does not appear to compete with the fluorescein derivative Erythrosin B for inhibition. These findings not only provide further evidence that IMAC may be more closely related to other Cl channels than previously thought, but also suggest that other Cl channels may be sensitive to some of the many regulators of IMAC which have been identified.  相似文献   

Alpha(1 3)-l-fucosyltransferase (1,3FT) activity was determined in plasma of patients with chronic liver diseases, namely, chronic hepatitis (CH), liver cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The plasma 1,3FT activity was significantly higher (p<0.01) in chronic liver diseases than that in normal controls. The enzyme activity in plasma of patients with HCC was also significantly higher than that in LC (p<0.05) or that in CH (p<0.01). However, no significant difference was observed in the enzyme activity between LC and CH. Plasma 1,3FT activity in patients with HCC was not significantly changed before and after transcatheter arterial embolization. In addition, the enzyme activity in the homogenate of the cirrhotic liver tissue was higher than that in the preparation of the hepatoma tissue in the same patient. These results suggest that the increased plasma 1,3FT activity in patients with HCC reflects mainly the enzyme activity of cirrhotic liver tissue, not that of hepatoma tissue. The significance of the elevated levels of plasma 1,3FT and its decreased hepatoma tissue activity in patients with HCC, compared with that in LC, remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Based upon arguments concerning properties of the environment and the energetics of nitrogen transformation reactions, new hypotheses regarding their evolution are presented. These hypotheses are supported by new calculations and observations germane to understanding the evolution of the nitrogen cycle. From calculations of shock production by meteor impact, we suggest that impact produced fixed nitrogen could have resulted in the entire reservoir of Earth's N2 being converted into fixed nitrogen at the end of accretion. We have significantly improved upon previous calculations of the abiotic fixation rate on the early earth and find a rate of fixation by lightning of 1–3 × 1016 Molecules NO/J, which is 2 to 3 times greater than previous estimates. This strengthens the suggestion, corroborated by the predominance of a single nitrogenase enzyme, that biological nitrogen fixation may have been a late evolutionary development, after the development of an aerobic atmosphere. In addition, we show for the first time that HNO, predicted to be the main product of atmospheric photochemical reactions involving NO on the primitive Earth by photochemical models, would eventually become NO2 and NO3 after reaching the Earth's surface. Based upon microbe-environment interactions on an ecological as well as a biochemical scale we suggest that denitrification arose prior to aerobic respiration and that nitrification arose after the advent of an aerobic atmosphere. We hypothesize the following evolutionary sequence for the biological transformation of nitrogen compounds: Ammonification Denitrification Nitrification Nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

During the 19th and early 20th centuries, ideas related to the possible origin in space of bioorganic molecules, or seeds, or even germs and organisms (and how they reached the Earth) included the Panspermia theory. Based on the idea of the eternity of life proposed by eminent physicists – such as Arrhenius and Kelvin – Panspermia is mainly divided into two branches: lithopanspermia (transport of germs inside stones traveling in space) and radiopanspermia (transport of spores by radiative pressure of stellar light). We point out some arguments to help to understand whether Panspermia could exist nowadays as the same theory defined one century ago. And we wonder about the kind of evolution Panspermia could have undergone during only a few decades. This possible evolution of the Panspermia concept takes place in the framework of the emergence of a new field, Bioastronomy. We present how this discipline has emerged during a few decades and how it has evolved. We consider its relationship with the progression of other scientific fields, and finally we examine how it is now included in different projects of space agencies. Bioastronomy researches having become more and more robust during the last few years, we emphasize several questions about new ideas and their consequences for the current hypothesis of Panspermia and of universal life.  相似文献   

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