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Crime poses a major burden for society. The heterogeneous nature of criminal behavior makes it difficult to unravel its causes. Relatively little research has been conducted on the genetic influences of criminal behavior. The few twin and adoption studies that have been undertaken suggest that about half of the variance in antisocial behavior can be explained by genetic factors. In order to identify the specific common genetic variants underlying this behavior, we conduct the first genome-wide association study (GWAS) on adult antisocial behavior. Our sample comprised a community sample of 4816 individuals who had completed a self-report questionnaire. No genetic polymorphisms reached genome-wide significance for association with adult antisocial behavior. In addition, none of the traditional candidate genes can be confirmed in our study. While not genome-wide significant, the gene with the strongest association (p-value = 8.7×10−5) was DYRK1A, a gene previously related to abnormal brain development and mental retardation. Future studies should use larger, more homogeneous samples to disentangle the etiology of antisocial behavior. Biosocial criminological research allows a more empirically grounded understanding of criminal behavior, which could ultimately inform and improve current treatment strategies.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a cAMP and protein kinase A (PKA)-regulated Cl channel in the apical membrane of epithelial cells. The metabolically regulated and adenosine monophosphate-stimulated kinase (AMPK) is colocalized with CFTR and attenuates its function. However, the sites for CFTR phosphorylation and the precise mechanism of inhibition of CFTR by AMPK remain obscure. We demonstrate that CFTR normally remains closed at baseline, but nevertheless, opens after inhibition of AMPK. AMPK phosphorylates CFTR in vitro at two essential serines (Ser737 and Ser768) in the R domain, formerly identified as “inhibitory” PKA sites. Replacement of both serines by alanines (i) reduced phosphorylation of the R domain, with Ser768 having dramatically greater impact, (ii) produced CFTR channels that were partially open in the absence of any stimulation, (iii) significantly augmented their activation by IBMX/forskolin, and (iv) eliminated CFTR inhibition post AMPK activation. Attenuation of CFTR by AMPK activation was detectable in the absence of cAMP-dependent stimulation but disappeared in maximally stimulated oocytes. Our data also suggest that AMP is produced by local phosphodiesterases in close proximity to CFTR. Thus we propose that CFTR channels are kept closed in nonstimulated epithelia with high baseline AMPK activity but CFTR may be basally active in tissues with lowered endogenous AMPK activity.The cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR)2 gene is mutated in patients with cystic fibrosis. CFTR has an adapted ABC transporter structural motif thereby creating an anion channel at the apical surface of secretory epithelia (1). The consequent CFTR-mediated ion transport is tightly controlled by ATP binding and phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA). However, a number of other protein kinases including PKC, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase, and cGMP-dependent kinase also control the activity of CFTR (24). These kinases converge on the regulatory domain of CFTR that is unique not only within the large ABC transporter family but among all known sequences, and may be considered as a “phosphorylation control module” (3). Regulation of CFTR by an inhibitory kinase, the adenosine monophosphate-dependent kinase (AMPK), has been described recently but the regulatory sites within CFTR, the mechanism of regulation, and the physiological relevance have all remained obscure (58). Additionally, CFTR mutation is linked to inflammation and a lack of functional CFTR expression has itself been suggested to up-regulate AMPK activity in epithelial cells carrying the cystic fibrosis (CF) defect. Pharmacologic AMPK activation was shown to inhibit secretion of inflammatory mediators (9). Thus AMPK may play multiple roles in CF pathophysiology making the mechanism of interaction an important problem in biology.AMPK is a ubiquitous serine/threonine kinase that exists as a heterotrimer with a catalytic α subunit and regulatory β and γ subunits, each with multiple isoforms. In response to metabolic depletion and a consequent increase in the cellular AMP to ATP ratio, AMPK phosphorylates numerous proteins and activates catabolic pathways that generate ATP, whereas inhibiting cell growth, protein biosynthesis, and a number of other ATP-consuming processes, thereby operating as a cellular “low-fuel” sensor (10, 11). AMPK also controls signaling pathways involved in apoptosis, cell cycle, and tissue inflammation (12). Because AMPK is a cellular metabolic sensor that inhibits CFTR and limits cAMP activated Cl secretion, a coupling of membrane transport by CFTR to the cellular metabolism has been proposed (13). However, AMPK activity can also increase without detectable changes in the cytosolic AMP to ATP ratio, suggesting a contribution of additional AMP-independent signals for regulation of CFTR by AMPK (14). Drugs used to combat type 2 diabetes, such as phenformin and metformin, act in this manner to activate AMPK, AMP-independently. It is also likely that cytosolic AMP is compartmentalized depending on the distribution of AMP generating enzymes such as phosphodiesterases that convert cAMP to AMP. The concept of spatiotemporal control of cAMP signaling by anchored protein complexes is well established (15). CFTR is known to form such macromolecular complexes with a number of interacting partners (1618). For example, competitive interaction of EBP50-PKA and Shank2-PDE4D with CFTR has been demonstrated recently (19). In addition, Barnes and co-workers (20) demonstrated that phosphodiesterase 4D generates a cAMP diffusion barrier local to the apical membrane of the airway epithelium. It is therefore likely that activator pathways through cAMP and inhibitory AMP/AMPK signaling occur in a local CFTR-organized compartment. Here we explore the functional links between CFTR, inhibition of phosphodiesterases, and AMPK focusing on the effects of mutating putative AMPK targets within the R domain on CFTR function.  相似文献   

DNA helicases are responsible for unwinding the duplex DNA, a key step in many biological processes. UvrD is a DNA helicase involved in several DNA repair pathways. We report here crystal structures of Deinococcus radiodurans UvrD (drUvrD) in complex with DNA in different nucleotide-free and bound states. These structures provide us with three distinct snapshots of drUvrD in action and for the first time trap a DNA helicase undergoing a large-scale spiral movement around duplexed DNA. Our structural data also improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate DNA unwinding by Superfamily 1A (SF1A) helicases. Our biochemical data reveal that drUvrD is a DNA-stimulated ATPase, can translocate along ssDNA in the 3′-5′ direction and shows ATP-dependent 3′-5′, and surprisingly also, 5′-3′ helicase activity. Interestingly, we find that these translocase and helicase activities of drUvrD are modulated by the ssDNA binding protein. Analysis of drUvrD mutants indicate that the conserved β-hairpin structure of drUvrD that functions as a separation pin is critical for both drUvrD’s 3′-5′ and 5′-3′ helicase activities, whereas the GIG motif of drUvrD involved in binding to the DNA duplex is essential for the 5′-3′ helicase activity only. These special features of drUvrD may reflect its involvement in a wide range of DNA repair processes in vivo.  相似文献   

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The observed social systems of extant apes and humans suggest that the common ancestral state for Miocene hominoids was living in multimale–multifemale groups that exhibited a tendency to fission and fusion in response to ecological and/or social variables. The Hominoidea share a set of social commonalities, notably a social niche that extends beyond kin and beyond the immediate social group, as well as extensive intraspecific flexibility in social organization. We propose that an essential feature of hominoid evolution is the shift from limited plasticity in a generalized social ape to expanded behavioral plasticity as an adaptive niche. Whereas in most nonhominoid primates variability and flexibility take the shape of specific patterns of demographic flux and interindividual relationships, we can consider behavioral flexibility and plasticity as a means to an end in hominoid socioecological landscapes. In addition, the potential for innovation, spread, and inheritance of behavioral patterns and social traditions is much higher in the hominoids, especially the great apes, than in other anthropoid primates. We further suggest that this pattern forms a basis for the substantial expansion of social complexity and adaptive behavioral plasticity in the hominins, especially the genus Homo. Our objectives in this article are threefold: 1) summarize the variation in the social systems of extant hominoid taxa; 2) consider the evolutionary processes underlying these variations; and 3) expand upon the traditional socioecological model, especially with respect to reconstructions of early hominin social behavior. We emphasize a central role for both ecological and social niche construction, as well as behavioral plasticity, as basal hominoid characteristics. Over evolutionary time these characteristics influence the patterns of selection pressures and the resulting social structures. We propose that a mosaic of ecological and social inheritance patterns should be considered in the reconstruction of early hominin social systems.  相似文献   

Pectin acetylation influences the gelling ability of this important plant polysaccharide for the food industry. Plant apoplastic pectinacetylesterases (PAEs) play a key role in regulating the degree of pectin acetylation and modifying their expression thus represents one way to engineer plant polysaccharides for food applications. Identifying the major active enzymes within the PAE gene family will aid in our understanding of this biological phenomena as well as provide the tools for direct trait manipulation. Using comparative genomics we propose that there is a minimal set of 4 distinct PAEs in plants. Possible functional diversification of the PAE family in the grasses is also explored with the identification of 3 groups of PAE genes specific to grasses.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Fibromyalgia is a chronic complex syndrome of non-articulate origin characterized by musculoskeletal pain, painful tender points, sleep problems and co-morbidities...  相似文献   


Apigenin, as a natural flavonoid present in several plants is characterized with potential anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Recent studies proposed that apigenin affects depression disorder through unknown mechanistic pathways. The effects of apigenin’s anti-depressive properties on streptozocin-mediated depression have been investigated through the evaluation of behavioral tests, oxidative stress, cellular energy homeostasis and inflammatory responses. The results demonstrated anti-depressive properties of apigenin in behavioral test including forced swimming and splash tests and oxidative stress biomarkers such as reduced glutathione, lipid peroxidation, total antioxidant power and coenzyme Q10 levels. Apigenin, also, demonstrated its regulatory potency in cellular energy homeostasis and immune system gene expression through inhibiting Nlrp3 and Tlr4 overexpression. Furthermore, failure in energy production as the key factor in various psychiatric disorders was reversed by apigenin modulating effect on AMPK gene expression. Overall, 20 mg/kg of apigenin was recognized as the dose suitable for minimizing the undesirable adverse effects in the STZ-mediated depression model proposed in this study. Our data suggested that apigenin could be able to adjust behavioral dysfunction, biochemical biomarkers and recovered cellular antioxidant level in depressed animals. The surprising results were achieved by raise in COQ10 level, which could regulate the overexpression of the AMPK gene in stressful conditions. The regulatory effect of apigenin in inflammatory signaling pathways such as Nlrp3, and Tlr4 gene expression was studied at the surface part of the hippocampus.


Ceramides are known to promote insulin resistance in a number of metabolically important tissues including skeletal muscle, the predominant site of insulin-stimulated glucose disposal. Depending on cell type, these lipid intermediates have been shown to inhibit protein kinase B (PKB/Akt), a key mediator of the metabolic actions of insulin, via two distinct pathways: one involving the action of atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) isoforms, and the second dependent on protein phosphatase-2A (PP2A). The main aim of this study was to explore the mechanisms by which ceramide inhibits PKB/Akt in three different skeletal muscle-derived cell culture models; rat L6 myotubes, mouse C2C12 myotubes and primary human skeletal muscle cells. Our findings indicate that the mechanism by which ceramide acts to repress PKB/Akt is related to the myocellular abundance of caveolin-enriched domains (CEM) present at the plasma membrane. Here, we show that ceramide-enriched-CEMs are markedly more abundant in L6 myotubes compared to C2C12 myotubes, consistent with their previously reported role in coordinating aPKC-directed repression of PKB/Akt in L6 muscle cells. In contrast, a PP2A-dependent pathway predominantly mediates ceramide-induced inhibition of PKB/Akt in C2C12 myotubes. In addition, we demonstrate for the first time that ceramide engages an aPKC-dependent pathway to suppress insulin-induced PKB/Akt activation in palmitate-treated cultured human muscle cells as well as in muscle cells from diabetic patients. Collectively, this work identifies key mechanistic differences, which may be linked to variations in plasma membrane composition, underlying the insulin-desensitising effects of ceramide in different skeletal muscle cell models that are extensively used in signal transduction and metabolic studies.  相似文献   

Previous studies have investigated the associations between exposure to ambient air pollution and biomarkers of physiological pathways, yet little has been done on the comparison across biomarkers of different pathways to establish the temporal pattern of biological response. In the current study, we aim to compare the relative temporal patterns in responses of candidate pathways to different pollutants. Four biomarkers of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative stress, five biomarkers of systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, ten parameters of autonomic function, and three biomarkers of hemostasis were repeatedly measured in 125 young adults, along with daily concentrations of ambient CO, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, EC, OC, and sulfate, before, during, and after the Beijing Olympics. We used a two-stage modeling approach, including Stage I models to estimate the association between each biomarker and pollutant over each of 7 lags, and Stage II mixed-effect models to describe temporal patterns in the associations when grouping the biomarkers into the four physiological pathways. Our results show that candidate pathway groupings of biomarkers explained a significant amount of variation in the associations for each pollutant, and the temporal patterns of the biomarker-pollutant-lag associations varied across candidate pathways (p<0.0001) and were not linear (from lag 0 to lag 3: p = 0.0629, from lag 3 to lag 6: p = 0.0005). These findings suggest that, among this healthy young adult population, the pulmonary inflammation and oxidative stress pathway is the first to respond to ambient air pollution exposure (within 24 hours) and the hemostasis pathway responds gradually over a 2–3 day period. The initial pulmonary response may contribute to the more gradual systemic changes that likely ultimately involve the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

This review illustrates the value of quantitative information including concentrations, kinetic constants and equilibrium constants in modeling and simulating complex biological processes. Although much has been learned about some biological systems without these parameter values, they greatly strengthen mechanistic accounts of dynamical systems. The analysis of muscle contraction is a classic example of the value of combining an inventory of the molecules, atomic structures of the molecules, kinetic constants for the reactions, reconstitutions with purified proteins and theoretical modeling to account for the contraction of whole muscles. A similar strategy is now being used to understand the mechanism of cytokinesis using fission yeast as a favorable model system.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Cerebral ischemia is one of the most devastating brain injuries and a primary cause of acquired and persistent disability worldwide. Despite ongoing therapeutic...  相似文献   

Slow Conduction in Cardiac Muscle: A Biophysical Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mechanisms of slow conduction in cardiac muscle are categorized and the most likely identified. Propagating action potentials were obtained experimentally from a synthetically grown strand of cardiac muscle (around 50 μm by 30 mm) and theoretically from a one-dimensional cable model that incorporated varying axial resistance and membrane properties along its length. Action potentials propagated at about 0.3 m/s, but in some synthetic strands there were regions (approximately 100 μm in length) where the velocity decreased to 0.002 m/s. The electrophysiological behavior associated with this slow conduction was similar to that associated with slow conduction in naturally occurring cardiac muscle (notches, Wenckebach phenomena, and block). Theoretically, reasonable changes in specific membrane capacitance, membrane activity, and various changes in geometry were insufficient to account for the observed slow conduction velocities. Conduction velocities as low as 0.009 m/s, however, could be obtained by increasing the resistance (ri) of connections between the cells in the cable; velocities as low as 0.0005 m/s could be obtained by a further increase in ri made possible by a reduction in membrane activity by one-fourth, which in itself decreased conduction velocity by only a factor of 1/1.4. As a result of these findings, several of the mechanisms that have been postulated, previously, are shown to be incapable of accounting for delays such as those which occur in the synthetic strand as well as in the atrioventricular (VA) node.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine, the first identified neurotransmitter, plays crucial roles in various brain functions. One well-known case is its involvement as an activating neurotransmitter in the regulation of locomotion. However, its inhibitory regulatory role, particularly in locomotion, remains poorly understood. In a study conducted by Polat et al., the authors investigated the inhibitory role of acetylcholine in locomotion in C. elegans. In this organism, the acetylcholine-gated chloride channel receptor consists of four subunits. The authors thoroughly examined the loss-of-function of each subunit in movement regulation. Interestingly, the mutant worms were still capable of performing various movements such as forward, backward crawling, and turning, suggesting that the overall movement was not significantly affected. However, quantitative behavior analysis revealed subtle yet significant differences in the timing and postures of the movement in these mutants. Furthermore, the authors employed optogenetics to stimulate a specific neuron involved in backward crawling and demonstrated that the loss-of-function of the receptors in individual neurons affects the transitioning between locomotion modes. This work provides evidence for the inhibitory regulatory role of acetylcholine in locomotion. The loss-of-function of acetylcholine-gated chloride channel receptors likely disrupts the balance of neuronal and circuit physiology, thereby affecting the regulation of locomotion. Moreover, this study highlights the powerful role of quantitative behavior analysis in discovering and understanding more sophisticated functions of neural circuits.  相似文献   

Phyllotactic Patterns: A Biophysical Mechanism for their Origin   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
The patterns seen in plant shoots and flowers, ‘phyllotaxis’,originate in an annular region. They are typically propagatedinward from this ring-like area. We show here that an initialundulating periodic pattern (a ‘whorl’ of hump-likeorgans) can arise in a flat unstructured annulus. The patternarises not from pre-localized pushes from below, but ratheras a spontaneous physical response of the expanding surfaceto lateral constraint. Physical properties of a uniform formativelayer (tunica) and a uniform substratum (corpus) provide thewavelength of the undulation and hence the number of organs.Establishment of the parameters for this buckling, as well asthe follow-through of organ development, is biological. We propose,however, that at the moment of periodic pattern initiation theplant tissue simply manifests the spontaneous but complex propertiesof a two-layered inanimate sheet. Phyllotaxis; tunica; corpus; patterning; shoot apex; morphogenesis; biophysics; buckling  相似文献   

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