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Climate Change Forces New Ecological States in Tropical Andean Lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Air temperatures in the tropical Andes have risen at an accelerated rate relative to the global average over recent decades. However, the effects of climate change on Andean lakes, which are vital to sustaining regional biodiversity and serve as an important water resource to local populations, remain largely unknown. Here, we show that recent climate changes have forced alpine lakes of the equatorial Andes towards new ecological and physical states, in close synchrony to the rapid shrinkage of glaciers regionally. Using dated sediment cores from three lakes in the southern Sierra of Ecuador, we record abrupt increases in the planktonic thalassiosiroid diatom Discostella stelligera from trace abundances to dominance within the phytoplankton. This unprecedented shift occurs against the backdrop of rising temperatures, changing atmospheric pressure fields, and declining wind speeds. Ecological restructuring in these lakes is linked to warming and/or enhanced water column stratification. In contrast to seasonally ice-covered Arctic and temperate alpine counterparts, aquatic production has not increased universally with warming, and has even declined in some lakes, possibly because enhanced thermal stability impedes the re-circulation of hypolimnetic nutrients to surface waters. Our results demonstrate that these lakes have already passed important ecological thresholds, with potentially far-reaching consequences for Andean water resources.  相似文献   

In order to determine the efficacy of sampling benthic invertebrates to a depth of 100 mm as compared with 200 mm, the gravel substratum of an experimental recirculating stream was sampled to both depths. Except for 6 taxa which were significantly more numerous in the shallower samplers, there was no significant difference between the densities determined from the two depths.  相似文献   

集合群落(metacommunity)是指多个潜在相互作用的物种通过它们之间的扩散而连接在一起的一组局域群落,目前已成为斑块生境下生物群落结构、格局和动态的重要理论基础之一。斑块动态、物种排序、群体效应和中性模型等4种理论模型,可用于解释不同情形下集合群落内物种的迁移状况,描述集合群落的动态。可采用群落结构或生态学机制等途径,来阐述所研究的群落是属于哪一种特定的集合群落类型。集合群落可用于研究河流鱼类群聚,解释鱼类的群落结构等问题。另外本文还结合我国水域生态环境及水生生物现状,对今后集合群落的研究作了展望。  相似文献   

This study evaluates litter dynamics and its relation to macroinvertebrate communities (assemblages and feeding habits) at Piburja stream (3300 m, Ecuador). Annual litterfall (216 g AFDM/m2) was not related to rainfall, but differed significantly between months. Transport of Coarse Particulate Organic Matter (CPOM) did not differ between seasons, but retention was higher during the dry season. Thus, CPOM standing stock was higher in the dry (125.28 g AFDM/m2) compared to the wet season (12.27 g AFDM/m2). Macroinvertebrate richness and diversity were positively related to Coarse Benthic Organic Matter (CBOM) especially during the wet season. Gut content analysis revealed that, regardless of season, CPOM and Fine Particulate Organic Matter (FPOM) were the most important food items in the diet of most invertebrate taxa, including those that are not considered shredders or gathering collectors in the literature. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Tropical Pacific island streams have poorly understood communities that deserve scientific attention. We examined benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes of the Inem River on Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia. Larval chironomids, lepidopterans, odonates, and freshwater shrimps dominated the benthos and drift. Diel periodicity in drift was not evident. Nine fishes, two shrimps, and one snail species were identified. Kosrae's stream fauna appears even more depauperate than other Pacific high islands, possible due to its extreme isolation.  相似文献   

The 3.5-Å resolution X-ray crystal structure of mature cricket parvovirus (Acheta domesticus densovirus [AdDNV]) has been determined. Structural comparisons show that vertebrate and invertebrate parvoviruses have evolved independently, although there are common structural features among all parvovirus capsid proteins. It was shown that raising the temperature of the AdDNV particles caused a loss of their genomes. The structure of these emptied particles was determined by cryo-electron microscopy to 5.5-Å resolution, and the capsid structure was found to be the same as that for the full, mature virus except for the absence of the three ordered nucleotides observed in the crystal structure. The viral protein 1 (VP1) amino termini could be externalized without significant damage to the capsid. In vitro, this externalization of the VP1 amino termini is accompanied by the release of the viral genome.  相似文献   

Stream water exports of nutrients and pollutants to water bodies integrate internal and external watershed processes that vary in both space and time. In this paper, we explore nitrate (NO3) fluxes for the 326 km2 mixed-land use Fall Creek watershed in central New York for 1972–2005, and consider internal factors such as changes in land use/land cover, dynamics in agricultural production and fertilizer use, and external factors such as atmospheric deposition. Segmented regression analysis was applied independently to dormant and growing seasons for three portions of the period of record, which indicated that stream water NO3 concentrations increased in both dormant and growing seasons from the 1970s to the early 1990s at all volumes of streamflow discharge. Dormant season NO3 concentrations then decreased at all flow conditions between the periods 1987–1993 and 1994–2005. Results from a regression-based stream water loading model (LOADEST) normalized to mean annual concentrations showed annual modeled NO3 concentration in stream water increased by 34% during the 1970s and 1980s (from 1.15 to 1.54 mg l−1), peaked in about 1989, and then decreased by 29% through 2005 (to 1.09 mg l−1). Annual precipitation had the strongest correlation with stream water NO3 concentrations (r = −0.62, P = 0.01). Among land use factors, corn production for grain was the variable most highly correlated to stream water NO3 concentrations (r = 0.53, P = 0.01). The strongest associative trend determined using Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) was found between stream water NO3 concentrations and N-equivalence of dairy production (Bonferroni adjusted P value = 0.0003). Large increases in dairy production were coincident with declining nitrate concentrations over the past decade, which suggest that dairy management practices may have improved in the watershed. However, because dairy production in the Fall Creek watershed has been fueled by large increases in feed imports, the environmental costs of feed production have likely been externalized to other watersheds.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to increase water temperatures in many lotic systems, but little is known about how changes in air temperature affect lotic systems heavily influenced by groundwater. Our objectives were to document spatial variation in temperature for spring-fed Ozark streams in Southern Missouri USA, create a spatially explicit model of mean daily water temperature, and use downscaled climate models to predict the number of days meeting suitable stream temperature for three aquatic species of concern to conservation and management. Longitudinal temperature transects and stationary temperature loggers were used in the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers during 2012 to determine spatial and temporal variability of water temperature. Groundwater spring influence affected river water temperatures in both winter and summer, but springs that contributed less than 5% of the main stem discharge did not affect river temperatures beyond a few hundred meters downstream. A multiple regression model using variables related to season, mean daily air temperature, and a spatial influence factor (metric to account for groundwater influence) was a strong predictor of mean daily water temperature (r2 = 0.98; RMSE = 0.82). Data from two downscaled climate simulations under the A2 emissions scenario were used to predict daily water temperatures for time steps of 1995, 2040, 2060, and 2080. By 2080, peak numbers of optimal growth temperature days for smallmouth bass are expected to shift to areas with more spring influence, largemouth bass are expected to experience more optimal growth days (21 – 317% increase) regardless of spring influence, and Ozark hellbenders may experience a reduction in the number of optimal growth days in areas with the highest spring influence. Our results provide a framework for assessing fine-scale (10 s m) thermal heterogeneity and predict shifts in thermal conditions at the watershed and reach scale.  相似文献   

By genetically characterizing adult individuals, we documented the presumed prefragmentation population structure of an endangered Andean tree, Magnolia espinalii. Our sample included all known surviving individuals for this species. Genetic diversity was high, but genetic distance was not related to geographic distance between sites. Magnolia espinalii apparently was originally distributed in numerous semi‐isolated demes. The lack of evidence of recruitment around most adults in this species suggests a fragmentation‐related disruption of their reproductive ecology. Artificial propagation projects should obviously attempt to involve all 23 known surviving trees.  相似文献   

A key challenge for ecologists is to quantify, explain and predict the ecology and behaviour of animals from knowledge of their basic physiology. Compared to our knowledge of many other types of distribution and behaviour, and how these are linked to individual function, we have a poor level of understanding of the causal basis for orientation behaviours. Most explanations for patterns of animal orientation assume that animals will modify their exposure to environmental factors by altering their orientation. We used a keystone grazer on rocky shores, the limpet Cellana tramoserica, to test this idea. Manipulative experiments were done to evaluate whether orientation during emersion affected limpet desiccation or body temperature. Body temperature was determined from infrared thermography, a technique that minimises disturbance to the test organism. No causal relationships were found between orientation and (i) level of desiccation and (ii) their body temperature. These results add to the growing knowledge that responses to desiccation and thermal stress may be less important in modifying the behaviour of intertidal organisms than previously supposed and that thermoregulation does not always reflect patterns of animal orientation. Much of what we understand about orientation comes from studies of animals able to modify orientation over very short time scales. Our data suggests that for animals whose location is less flexible, orientation decisions may have less to do with responses to environmental factors and more to do with structural habitat properties or intrinsic individual attributes. Therefore we suggest future studies into processes affecting orientation must include organisms with differing levels of behavioural plasticity.  相似文献   

The succession of bacterial communities inhabiting the forefield of the Dammaglacier (Switzerland) was investigated in soils ranging in successional age from 0 to 100 years since deglaciation. Overall activity per bacterial cell was estimated by the amount of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolyzed per DAPI-stained cell, and an index of "opportunism" was determined from the ratio of culturable to total cells (C:T ratio). Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) was used to estimate the richness of dominant phylotypes and to construct rank-abundance plots of the dominant populations. We observed a biphasic trend in specific cellular activity, which exhibited minima in the 0- and 100-year-old soils while a maximum activity per cell was reached in the 70-y soil. On average, the C:T ratio showed the same trend as the specific activity, although we observed some differences between the two sampling transects. RISA revealed a decrease in dominant phylotype richness as successional age increased, and rank-abundance plots indicated that the evenness of the dominant bacterial phylotypes significantly decreased with successional age. The combination of specific cellular activity and C:T ratio results suggested the presence of an r-K continuum of bacteria while RISA showed that richness and evenness of dominant phylotypes decreased with successional age. We conclude that bacterial succession in the glacier forefield was a dynamic process with adaptation to the differing stages of succession occurring on both the individual and community levels.  相似文献   

Under the warmer climate, predicted for the future, northern peatlands are expected to become drier. This drying will lower the water table and likely result in reduced emissions of methane (CH4) from these ecosystems. However, the prediction of declining CH4 fluxes does not consider the potential effects of ecological succession, particularly the invasion of sedges into currently wet sites (open water pools, low lawns). The goal of this study was to characterize the relationship between the presence of sedges in peatlands and CH4 efflux under natural conditions and under a climate change simulation (drained peatland). Methane fluxes, gross ecosystem production, and dissolved pore water CH4 concentrations were measured and a vegetation survey was conducted in a natural and drained peatland near St. Charles-de-Bellechasse, Quebec, Canada, in the summer of 2003. Each peatland also had plots where the sedges had been removed by clipping. Sedges were larger, more dominant, and more productive at the drained peatland site. The natural peatland had higher CH4 fluxes than the drained peatland, indicating that drainage was a significant control on CH4 flux. Methane flux was higher from plots with sedges than from plots where sedges had been removed at the natural peatland site, whereas the opposite case was observed at the drained peatland site. These results suggest that CH4 flux was enhanced by sedges at the natural peatland site and attenuated by sedges at the drained peatland site. However, the attenuation of CH4 flux due to sedges at the drained site was reduced in wetter periods. This finding suggests that CH4 flux could be decreased in the event of climate warming due to the greater depth to the water table, and that sedges colonizing these areas could further attenuate CH4 fluxes during dry periods. However, during wet periods, the sedges may cause CH4 fluxes to be higher than is currently predicted for climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Stream metabolism, in the form of gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER), is an important metric of stream ecosystem function, given GPP and ER are integrative...  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine interrelationships between the heterotrophic and phototrophic populations within an epilithic community in the outlet stream of a high alpine lake. Levels of nitrates, phosphates, and total organic compounds in the lake were consistently near the lower limits of detectability. Microscopic examination of the community by phase-contrast light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy revealed diatoms, filamentous algae, and bacteria embedded within a dense gelatinous matrix. Chlorophyll a and primary productivity measurements had peak values in early August, with subsequent declines. Bacterial heterotrophic activity, as measured by Vmax, turnover rate, and relative activity, increased significantly as the phototrophic community declined. This trend in heterotrophic activity was not accompanied by an increase in total bacterial numbers as determined by epi-illuminated fluorescence microscopy. These results suggest that the phototrophic community responded to changes in, or interactions among, various chemical and physical factors throughout the study period. The catabolic activity of the sessile bacteria appeared to be positively influenced by changes in the mat environment resulting from the decline of the phototrophic populations.  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence for the non-analogue nature of Late Glacial (18,000–11,700 years BP) ecosystems. Several dispersal episodes of human forager groups moving into previously uninhabitable glacial or periglacial landscapes also occurred during this period. In palaearctic northern Europe, these dispersals are associated with a succession of archaeological technocomplexes that are traditionally thought to reflect changing adaptation strategies synchronised with contemporaneous environmental changes. Recent investigations into ecological disequilibrium dynamics suggest, however, that there may be a greater degree of mismatch between organisms and their environments, especially in arctic-type environments and during times of rapidly changing climate. We link these climatic changes to cultural changes via demographic inference. Based on recent dating evidence, environmental analyses and preliminary morphometric and technological analyses of lithic material, we infer that Late Glacial Palearctic foragers, similarly at disequilibrium and with very low population densities, were prone to regional extinction episodes. We focus in particular on ‘Hamburgian’ culture and its potentially failed dispersal into southern Scandinavia. In conclusion, we suggest avenues for further testing this hypothesis of regional extinction.  相似文献   

Global circulation models forecasts indicate a future temperature and rainfall pattern modification worldwide. Such phenomena will become particularly evident in Europe where climate modifications could be more severe than the average change at the global level. As such, river flow regimes are expected to change, with resultant impacts on aquatic and riparian ecosystems. Riparian woodlands are among the most endangered ecosystems on earth and provide vital services to interconnected ecosystems and human societies. However, they have not been the object of many studies designed to spatially and temporally quantify how these ecosystems will react to climate change-induced flow regimes. Our goal was to assess the effects of climate-changed flow regimes on the existing riparian vegetation of three different European flow regimes. Cases studies were selected in the light of the most common watershed alimentation modes occurring across European regions, with the objective of appraising expected alterations in the riparian elements of fluvial systems due to climate change. Riparian vegetation modeling was performed using the CASiMiR-vegetation model, which bases its computation on the fluvial disturbance of the riparian patch mosaic. Modeling results show that riparian woodlands may undergo not only at least moderate changes for all flow regimes, but also some dramatic adjustments in specific areas of particular vegetation development stages. There are circumstances in which complete annihilation is feasible. Pluvial flow regimes, like the ones in southern European rivers, are those likely to experience more pronounced changes. Furthermore, regardless of the flow regime, younger and more water-dependent individuals are expected to be the most affected by climate change.  相似文献   

A predictive model, incorporating macroinvertebrate and environmental data, similar to that developed for Australian rivers (AUSRIVAS) and British rivers (RIVPACS) was constructed using a dataset collected from 23 reference (least altered) wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, sampled in summer and spring, 1989 and spring, 1990. Four main groups of reference wetlands were identified by UPGMA classification (using the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity measure). Distinguishing environmental variables identified by Stepwise Multiple Discriminant Function Analysis were: calcium, colour (gilvin), latitude, longitude, sodium and organic carbon. Observed to expected ratios of taxa with a >50% chance of occurrence (OE50) derived from the model for a suite of 23 test wetlands sampled in spring, 1997, were significantly correlated with pH and the depth of the sampling sites. Greater discrimination between the test wetlands was provided by the OE50 ratios than either raw richness (number of families) or a biotic index (SWAMPS). Results obtained for a subset of 11 test wetlands sampled with both a rapid bioassessment protocol (incorporating field picking of 200 invertebrates collected in 2 min sweeps from selected habitats) and a semi-quantitative protocol (incorporating laboratory picking of all invertebrates collected in sweeps along 10 m transects at randomly allocated sites) were not significantly different, indicating that the former could be used to reduce the time and costs associated with macroinvertebrate-based wetland monitoring programs. In addition to providing an objective method of assessing wetland condition, predictive modelling provides a list of taxa expected to occur under reference conditions, which can be used as a target in wetland restoration programs. The probable impediment to widespread adoption of predictive modelling for wetland bioassessment is the need to produce models tailored to specific geographic regions and specific climatic conditions. This may incur significant costs in countries, such as Australia, which span a wide range of climatic zones.  相似文献   

We studied the Piburja stream, a high‐altitude tropical stream in Ecuador. Our main goals were to determine whether the macroinvertebrate community composition and abundance differed between seasons, reaches and velocity patches. Likewise, we aimed to examine the importance of the hydrological regime in determining these differences. Flow was significantly higher in the wet season, but the stability of flow was higher in the dry season. There was a strong increase in macroinvertebrate community metrics (richness, density and diversity) in the dry season. Seasons and velocity patches better explained the community composition. Reaches did not show differences at the community level, but some taxa showed significant differences among reaches. Our findings differed from those published in previous studies that have suggested that mountain tropical streams are non‐seasonal. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We used in situ hybridization with fluorescently labeled rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes concurrently with measurements of bacterial carbon production, biomass, and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) to describe the bacterial community in sediments along a glacial stream. The abundance of sediment-associated Archaea, as detected with the ARCH915 probe, decreased downstream of the glacier snout, and a major storm increased their relative abundance by a factor of 5.5 to 7.9. Bacteria of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group were also sixfold to eightfold more abundant in the storm aftermath. Furthermore, elevated numbers of Archaea and members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group characterized the phylogenetic composition of the supraglacial ice community. We postulate that glacial meltwaters constitute a possible source of allochthonous bacteria to the stream biofilms. Although stream water temperature increased dramatically from the glacier snout along the stream (3.5 km), sediment chlorophyll a was the best predictor for bacterial carbon production and specific growth rates along the stream. Concomitant with an increase in sediment chlorophyll a, the EPS carbohydrate-to-bacterial-cell ratio declined 11- to 15-fold along the stream prior to the storm, which is indicative of a larger biofilm matrix in upstream reaches. We assume that a larger biofilm matrix is required to assure prolonged transient storage and enzymatic processing of allochthonous macromolecules, which are likely the major substrate for microbial heterotrophs. Bacteria of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster, which are well known to degrade complex macromolecules, were most abundant in these stream reaches. Downstream, higher algal biomass continuously supplies heterotrophs with easily available exudates, therefore making a larger matrix unnecessary. As a result, bacterial carbon production and specific growth rates were higher in downstream reaches.  相似文献   

Both ecological and evolutionary timescales are of importance when considering an ecological system; population dynamics affect the evolution of species traits, and vice versa. Recently, these two timescales have been used to explain structural patterns in host-parasite networks, where the evolution of the manner in which species balance the use of their resources in interactions with each other was examined. One of these patterns was nestedness, in which the set of parasite species within a particular host forms a subset of those within a more species-rich host. Patterns of both nestedness and anti-nestedness have been observed significantly more often than expected due to chance in host-parasite networks. In contrast, mutualistic networks tend to display a significant degree of nestedness, but are rarely anti-nested. Within networks with different interaction types, therefore, there appears to be a feature promoting non-random structural patterns, such as nestedness and anti-nestedness, depending on the interaction types involved. Here, we invoke the co-evolution of species trait-values when allocating resources to interactions to explain the structural pattern of nestedness in a mutualistic community. We look at a bipartite, multi-species system, in which the strength of an interaction between two species is determined by the resources that each species invests in that relationship. We then analyze the evolution of these interactions using adaptive dynamics. We found that the evolution of these interactions, reflecting the trade-off of resources, could be used to accurately predict that nestedness occurs significantly more often than expect due to chance alone in a mutualistic network. This complements previous results applying the same concept to an antagonistic network. We conclude that population dynamics and resource trade-offs could be important promoters of structural patterns in ecological networks of different types.  相似文献   

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