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The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) has the potential to influence the distribution and abundance of grasslands in many agricultural landscapes, and thereby provide habitat for grassland-dependent wildlife. Greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) are a grassland-dependent species with large area requirements and have been used as an indicator of grassland ecosystem function; they are also a species of conservation concern across much of their range. Greater prairie-chicken populations respond to the amount and configuration of grasslands and wetlands in agriculturally dominated landscapes, which in turn can be influenced by the CRP; however, CRP enrollments and enrollment caps have declined from previous highs. Therefore, prioritizing CRP reenrollments and new enrollments to achieve the greatest benefit for grassland-dependent wildlife seems prudent. We used models relating either lek density or the number of males at leks to CRP enrollments and the resulting landscape structure to predict changes in greater prairie-chicken abundance related to changes in CRP enrollments. We simulated 3 land-cover scenarios: expiration of existing CRP enrollments, random, small-parcel (4,040 m2) addition of CRP grasslands, and strategic, large-parcel (80,000 m2) addition of CRP grasslands. Large-parcel additions were the average enrollment size in northwestern Minnesota, USA, within the context of a regional prairie restoration plan. In our simulations of CRP enrollment expirations, the abundance of greater prairie-chickens declined when grassland landscape contiguity declined with loss of CRP enrollments. Simulations of strategic CRP enrollment with large parcels to increase grassland contiguity more often increased greater prairie-chicken abundance than random additions of the same area in small parcels that did not increase grassland contiguity. In some cases, CRP enrollments had no or a negative predicted change in greater prairie-chicken abundance because they provided insufficient grassland contiguity on the landscape, or increased cover-type fragmentation. Predicted greater prairie-chicken abundance increased under large-parcel and small-parcel scenarios of addition of CRP grassland; the greatest increases were associated with large-parcel additions. We suggest that strategic application of the CRP to improve grassland contiguity can benefit greater prairie-chicken populations more than an opportunistic approach lacking consideration of the larger landscape context. Strategic implementation of the CRP can benefit greater prairie-chicken populations in northwestern Minnesota, and likely elsewhere in landscapes where grassland continuity may be a limiting factor. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   



The knowledge of both potential distribution and habitat suitability is fundamental in spreading species to inform in advance management and conservation planning. After a severe decline in the past decades, the griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) is now spreading its breeding range towards the northwest in Spain and Europe. Because of its key ecological function, anticipated spatial knowledge is required to inform appropriately both vulture and ecosystem management.


Here we used maximum entropy (Maxent) models to determine the habitat suitability of potential and current breeding distribution of the griffon vulture using presence-only data (N = 124 colonies) in north-western Spain. The most relevant ecological factors shaping this habitat suitability were also identified. The resulting model had a high predictive performance and was able to predict species'' historical distribution. 7.5% (∼1,850 km2) of the study area resulted to be suitable breeding habitat, most of which (∼70%) is already occupied by the species. Cliff availability and livestock density, especially of sheep and goats, around 10 km of the colonies were the fundamental factors determining breeding habitat suitability for this species.


Griffon vultures could still spread 50–60 km towards the west, increasing their breeding range in 1,782 km2. According to our results, 7.22% of the area suitable for griffon vulture will be affected by wind farms, so our results could help to better plan wind farm locations. The approach here developed could be useful to inform management of reintroductions and recovery programmes currently being implemented for both the griffon vulture and other threatened vulture species.  相似文献   


Decision-analytic models provide forecasts of how systems of interest will respond to management. These models can be parameterized using empirical data, but sometimes require information elicited from experts. When evaluating the effects of disease in species translocation programs, expert judgment is likely to play a role because complete empirical information will rarely be available. We illustrate development of a decision-analytic model built to inform decision-making regarding translocations and other management actions for the boreal toad (Anaxyrus boreas boreas), a species with declines linked to chytridiomycosis caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Using the model, we explored the management implications of major uncertainties in this system, including whether there is a genetic basis for resistance to pathogenic infection by Bd, how translocation can best be implemented, and the effectiveness of efforts to reduce the spread of Bd. Our modeling exercise suggested that while selection for resistance to pathogenic infection by Bd could increase numbers of sites occupied by toads, and translocations could increase the rate of toad recovery, efforts to reduce the spread of Bd may have little effect. We emphasize the need to continue developing and parameterizing models necessary to assess management actions for combating chytridiomycosis-associated declines.


Low genetic variation is often considered to contribute to the extinction of species when they reach small population sizes. In this study we examined the mitochondrial control region from museum specimens of the Heath Hen (Tympanuchus cupido cupido), which went extinct in 1932. Today, the closest living relatives of the Heath Hen, the Greater (T. c. pinnatus), Attwater’s (T. c. attwateri) and Lesser (T. pallidicinctus) Prairie-chicken, are declining throughout most of their range in Midwestern North America, and loss of genetic variation is a likely contributor to their decline. Here we show that 30 years prior to their extinction, Heath Hens had low levels of mitochondrial genetic variation when compared with contemporary populations of prairie-chickens. Furthermore, some current populations of Greater Prairie-chickens are isolated and losing genetic variation due to drift. We estimate that these populations will reach the low levels of genetic variation found in Heath Hens within the next 40 years. Genetic variation and fitness can be restored with translocation of individuals from other populations; however, we also show that choosing an appropriate source population for translocation can be difficult without knowledge of historic population bottlenecks and their effect on genetic structure.  相似文献   

Demands on the resources of the deep-sea have increased in recent years. Consequently, the need to create and implement a comprehensive network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to help manage and protect these resources has become a global political priority. Efforts are currently underway to implement MPA networks in the deep North East Atlantic. To ensure these networks are effective, it is essential that baseline information be available to inform the conservation planning process. Using empirical data, we calculated conservation targets for sessile benthic invertebrates in the deep North East Atlantic for consideration during the planning process. We assessed Species-Area Relationships across two depth bands (200–1100 m and 1100–1800 m) and nine substrata. Conservation targets were predicted for each substratum within each depth band using z-values obtained from fitting a power model to the Species-Area Relationships of observed and estimated species richness (Chao1). Results suggest an MPA network incorporating 10% of the North East Atlantic’s deep-sea area would protect approximately 58% and 49% of sessile benthic species for the depth bands 200–1100 m and 1100–1800 m, respectively. Species richness was shown to vary with substratum type indicating that, along with depth, substratum information needs to be incorporated into the conservation planning process to ensure the most effective MPA network is implemented in the deep North East Atlantic.  相似文献   

Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) are an abundant and important component of the coastal ecosystems for the west coast of North America. Current Canadian federal herring management assumes five regional herring populations in British Columbia with a high degree of exchange between units, and few distinct local populations within them. Indigenous traditional knowledge and historic sources, however, suggest that locally adapted, distinct regional herring populations may have been more prevalent in the past. Within the last century, the combined effects of commercial fishing and other anthropogenic factors have resulted in severe declines of herring populations, with contemporary populations potentially reflecting only the remnants of a previously more abundant and genetically diverse metapopulation. Through the analysis of 85 archaeological herring bones, this study attempted to reconstruct the genetic diversity and population structure of ancient herring populations using three different marker systems (mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), microsatellites and SNPs). A high success rate (91%) of DNA recovery was obtained from the extremely small herring bone samples (often <10 mg). The ancient herring mtDNA revealed high haplotype diversity comparable to modern populations, although population discrimination was not possible due to the limited power of the mtDNA marker. Ancient microsatellite diversity was also similar to modern samples, but the data quality was compromised by large allele drop-out and stuttering. In contrast, SNPs were found to have low error rates with no evidence for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and simulations indicated high power to detect genetic differentiation if loci under selection are used. This study demonstrates that SNPs may be the most effective and feasible approach to survey genetic population structure in ancient remains, and further efforts should be made to screen for high differentiation markers.This study provides the much needed foundation for wider scale studies on temporal genetic variation in herring, with important implications for herring fisheries management, Aboriginal title rights and herring conservation.  相似文献   

Changes in habitat quality, destruction and fragmentation of the remaining habitats are the main causes of population and species extinction. Patch occupancy decreases with the turnover of the metapopulation dynamics and therefore the population prone to extinct. We have been examining the occurrence of endangered and strictly protected Hungarian root vole subspecies (Microtus oeconomus mehelyi) within the framework of Hungarian Biodiversity Monitoring System Program in Kis-Balaton. We analyzed the dynamics of root vole site occupancy based on 12-year-long period data. From a conservation aspect we investigated how root vole site occupancy dynamics differed in the area under NATURA 2000 protected marshland habitat management and in the privatized marshland under regular perturbation, compared to the initial, disturbance-free conditions. We applied multi-season occupancy models and we took into consideration the effects of perturbance, such as burning and mowing, and natural disturbances such as water cover and weather (wetter, drier weather period). Based on monitoring data there were 397 successful root vole captures and we identified 262 individuals. The results of both detection and occupancy estimates showed that the comprehensive mowing affecting the entire privatized area appeared as a disturbing effect, causing the emigration of the root voles. Most important factor in the loss of root vole is the additive effects of burning and natural aridity. Disturbances and perturbations of certain areas induce movements and spatial translocations which play role in the exchange of genes and individuals, ensuring to maintain the genetic variability of the remaining relict population.  相似文献   

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