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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease that results in progressive degeneration of motor neurons, ultimately leading to paralysis and death. Approximately 10% of ALS cases are familial, with the remaining 90% of cases being sporadic. Genetic studies in familial cases of ALS have been extremely informative in determining the causative mutations behind ALS, especially as the same mutations identified in familial ALS can also cause sporadic disease. However, the cause of ALS in approximately 30% of familial cases and in the majority of sporadic cases remains unknown. Sporadic ALS cases represent an underutilized resource for genetic information about ALS; therefore, we undertook a targeted sequencing approach of 169 known and candidate ALS disease genes in 242 sporadic ALS cases and 129 matched controls to try to identify novel variants linked to ALS. We found a significant enrichment in novel and rare variants in cases versus controls, indicating that we are likely identifying disease associated mutations. This study highlights the utility of next generation sequencing techniques combined with functional studies and rare variant analysis tools to provide insight into the genetic etiology of a heterogeneous sporadic disease.  相似文献   

Detection of low-frequency mutations in cancer genomes or other heterogeneous cell populations requires high-fidelity sequencing. Molecular barcoding is one of the key technologies that enables the differentiation of true mutations from errors, which can be caused by sequencing or library preparation processes. However, current approaches where barcodes are introduced via primer extension or adaptor ligation do not utilize the full power of barcoding, due to complicated library preparation workflows and biases. Here we demonstrate the remarkable tolerance of MuA transposase to the presence of multiple replacements in transposon sequence, and explore this unique feature to engineer the MuA transposome complex with randomised nucleotides in 12 transposon positions, which can be introduced as a barcode into the target molecule after transposition event. We applied the approach of Unique MuA-based Molecular Indexing (UMAMI) to assess the power of rare mutation detection by shortgun sequencing on the Illumina platform. Our results show that UMAMI allows detection of rare mutations readily and reliably, and in this paper we report error rate values for the number of thermophilic DNA polymerases measured by using UMAMI.  相似文献   

Somatic mutations in KRAS, NRAS, and BRAF genes are related to resistance to anti-EGFR antibodies in colorectal cancer. We have established an extended RAS and BRAF mutation assay using a next-generation sequencer to analyze these mutations. Multiplexed deep sequencing was performed to detect somatic mutations within KRAS, NRAS, and BRAF, including minor mutated components. We first validated the technical performance of the multiplexed deep sequencing using 10 normal DNA and 20 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor samples. To demonstrate the potential clinical utility of our assay, we profiled 100 FFPE tumor samples and 15 plasma samples obtained from colorectal cancer patients. We used a variant calling approach based on a Poisson distribution. The distribution of the mutation-positive population was hypothesized to follow a Poisson distribution, and a mutation-positive status was defined as a value greater than the significance level of the error rate (α = 2 x 10-5). The cut-off value was determined to be the average error rate plus 7 standard deviations. Mutation analysis of 100 clinical FFPE tumor specimens was performed without any invalid cases. Mutations were detected at a frequency of 59% (59/100). KRAS mutation concordance between this assay and Scorpion-ARMS was 92% (92/100). DNA obtained from 15 plasma samples was also analyzed. KRAS and BRAF mutations were identified in both the plasma and tissue samples of 6 patients. The genetic screening assay using next-generation sequencer was validated for the detection of clinically relevant RAS and BRAF mutations using FFPE and liquid samples.  相似文献   

Efforts to detect and investigate key oncogenic mutations have proven valuable to facilitate the appropriate treatment for cancer patients. The establishment of high-throughput, massively parallel "next-generation" sequencing has aided the discovery of many such mutations. To enhance the clinical and translational utility of this technology, platforms must be high-throughput, cost-effective, and compatible with formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples that may yield small amounts of degraded or damaged DNA. Here, we describe the preparation of barcoded and multiplexed DNA libraries followed by hybridization-based capture of targeted exons for the detection of cancer-associated mutations in fresh frozen and FFPE tumors by massively parallel sequencing. This method enables the identification of sequence mutations, copy number alterations, and select structural rearrangements involving all targeted genes. Targeted exon sequencing offers the benefits of high throughput, low cost, and deep sequence coverage, thus conferring high sensitivity for detecting low frequency mutations.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized genetics and enabled the accurate identification of many genetic variants across many genomes. However, detection of biologically important low-frequency variants within genetically heterogeneous populations remains challenging, because they are difficult to distinguish from intrinsic NGS sequencing error rates. Approaches to overcome these limitations are essential to detect rare mutations in large cohorts, virus or microbial populations, mitochondria heteroplasmy, and other heterogeneous mixtures such as tumors. Modifications in library preparation can overcome some of these limitations, but are experimentally challenging and restricted to skilled biologists. This paper describes a novel quality filtering and base pruning pipeline, called Complex Heterogeneous Overlapped Paired-End Reads (CHOPER), designed to detect sequence variants in a complex population with high sequence similarity derived from All-Codon-Scanning (ACS) mutagenesis. A novel fast alignment algorithm, designed for the specified application, has O(n) time complexity. CHOPER was applied to a p53 cancer mutant reactivation study derived from ACS mutagenesis. Relative to error filtering based on Phred quality scores, CHOPER improved accuracy by about 13% while discarding only half as many bases. These results are a step toward extending the power of NGS to the analysis of genetically heterogeneous populations.  相似文献   

Chemical mutagenesis efficiently generates phenotypic variation in otherwise homogeneous genetic backgrounds, enabling functional analysis of genes. Advances in mutation detection have brought the utility of induced mutant populations on par with those produced by insertional mutagenesis, but systematic cataloguing of mutations would further increase their utility. We examined the suitability of multiplexed global exome capture and sequencing coupled with custom-developed bioinformatics tools to identify mutations in well-characterized mutant populations of rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). In rice, we identified ∼18,000 induced mutations from 72 independent M2 individuals. Functional evaluation indicated the recovery of potentially deleterious mutations for >2600 genes. We further observed that specific sequence and cytosine methylation patterns surrounding the targeted guanine residues strongly affect their probability to be alkylated by ethyl methanesulfonate. Application of these methods to six independent M2 lines of tetraploid wheat demonstrated that our bioinformatics pipeline is applicable to polyploids. In conclusion, we provide a method for developing large-scale induced mutation resources with relatively small investments that is applicable to resource-poor organisms. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that large libraries of sequenced mutations can be readily generated, providing enhanced opportunities to study gene function and assess the effect of sequence and chromatin context on mutations.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of the circulating pathogens in a particular geographic location aids in effectively utilizing targeted, rapid diagnostic assays, thus allowing for appropriate therapeutic and containment procedures. This is especially important in regions prevalent for highly pathogenic viruses co-circulating with other endemic pathogens such as the malaria parasite. The importance of biosurveillance is highlighted by the ongoing Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa. For example, a more comprehensive assessment of the regional pathogens could have identified the risk of a filovirus disease outbreak earlier and led to an improved diagnostic and response capacity in the region. In this context, being able to rapidly screen a single sample for multiple pathogens in a single tube reaction could improve both diagnostics as well as pathogen surveillance. Here, probes were designed to capture identifying filovirus sequence for the ebolaviruses Sudan, Ebola, Reston, Taï Forest, and Bundibugyo and the Marburg virus variants Musoke, Ci67, and Angola. These probes were combined into a single probe panel, and the captured filovirus sequence was successfully identified using the MiSeq next-generation sequencing platform. This panel was then used to identify the specific filovirus from nonhuman primates experimentally infected with Ebola virus as well as Bundibugyo virus in human sera samples from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, thus demonstrating the utility for pathogen detection using clinical samples. While not as sensitive and rapid as real-time PCR, this panel, along with incorporating additional sequence capture probe panels, could be used for broad pathogen screening and biosurveillance.  相似文献   



The identification of gene variants plays an important role in the diagnosis of genetic diseases.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To develop a rapid method for the diagnosis of phenylketonuria (PKU) and tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiency, we designed a multiplex, PCR-based primer panel to amplify all the exons and flanking regions (50 bp average) of six PKU-associated genes (PAH, PTS, GCH1, QDPR, PCBD1 and GFRP). The Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (PGM) System was used to detect mutations in all the exons of these six genes. We tested 93 DNA samples from blood specimens from 35 patients and their parents (32 families) and 26 healthy adults. Using strict bioinformatic criteria, this sequencing data provided, on average, 99.14% coverage of the 39 exons at more than 70-fold mean depth of coverage. We found 23 previously documented variants in the PAH gene and six novel mutations in the PAH and PTS genes. A detailed analysis of the mutation spectrum of these patients is described in this study.


These results were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. In conclusion, benchtop next-generation sequencing technology can be used to detect mutations in monogenic diseases and can detect both point mutations and indels with high sensitivity, fidelity and throughput at a lower cost than conventional methods in clinical applications.  相似文献   

A major challenge in interpreting the large volume of mutation data identified by next-generation sequencing (NGS) is to distinguish driver mutations from neutral passenger mutations to facilitate the identification of targetable genes and new drugs. Current approaches are primarily based on mutation frequencies of single-genes, which lack the power to detect infrequently mutated driver genes and ignore functional interconnection and regulation among cancer genes. We propose a novel mutation network method, VarWalker, to prioritize driver genes in large scale cancer mutation data. VarWalker fits generalized additive models for each sample based on sample-specific mutation profiles and builds on the joint frequency of both mutation genes and their close interactors. These interactors are selected and optimized using the Random Walk with Restart algorithm in a protein-protein interaction network. We applied the method in >300 tumor genomes in two large-scale NGS benchmark datasets: 183 lung adenocarcinoma samples and 121 melanoma samples. In each cancer, we derived a consensus mutation subnetwork containing significantly enriched consensus cancer genes and cancer-related functional pathways. These cancer-specific mutation networks were then validated using independent datasets for each cancer. Importantly, VarWalker prioritizes well-known, infrequently mutated genes, which are shown to interact with highly recurrently mutated genes yet have been ignored by conventional single-gene-based approaches. Utilizing VarWalker, we demonstrated that network-assisted approaches can be effectively adapted to facilitate the detection of cancer driver genes in NGS data.  相似文献   

New state-of-the-art techniques in sequencing offer valuable tools in both detection of mycobiota and in understanding of the molecular mechanisms of resistance against antifungal compounds and virulence. Introduction of new sequencing platform with enhanced capacity and a reduction in costs for sequence analysis provides a potential powerful tool in mycological diagnosis and research. In this review, we summarize the applications of next-generation sequencing techniques in mycology.  相似文献   



Retinal dystrophies are genetically heterogeneous, resulting from mutations in over 200 genes. Prior to the development of massively parallel sequencing, comprehensive genetic screening was unobtainable for most patients. Identifying the causative genetic mutation facilitates genetic counselling, carrier testing and prenatal/pre-implantation diagnosis, and often leads to a clearer prognosis. In addition, in a proportion of cases, when the mutation is known treatment can be optimised and patients are eligible for enrolment into clinical trials for gene-specific therapies.


Patient genomic DNA was sheared, tagged and pooled in batches of four samples, prior to targeted capture and next generation sequencing. The enrichment reagent was designed against genes listed on the RetNet database (July 2010). Sequence data were aligned to the human genome and variants were filtered to identify potential pathogenic mutations. These were confirmed by Sanger sequencing.


Molecular analysis of 20 DNAs from retinal dystrophy patients identified likely pathogenic mutations in 12 cases, many of them known and/or confirmed by segregation. These included previously described mutations in ABCA4 (c.6088C>T,p.R2030*; c.5882G>A,p.G1961E), BBS2 (c.1895G>C,p.R632P), GUCY2D (c.2512C>T,p.R838C), PROM1 (c.1117C>T,p.R373C), RDH12 (c.601T>C,p.C201R; c.506G>A,p.R169Q), RPGRIP1 (c.3565C>T,p.R1189*) and SPATA7 (c.253C>T,p.R85*) and new mutations in ABCA4 (c.3328+1G>C), CRB1 (c.2832_2842+23del), RP2 (c.884-1G>T) and USH2A (c.12874A>G,p.N4292D).


Tagging and pooling DNA prior to targeted capture of known retinal dystrophy genes identified mutations in 60% of cases. This relatively high success rate may reflect enrichment for consanguineous cases in the local Yorkshire population, and the use of multiplex families. Nevertheless this is a promising high throughput approach to retinal dystrophy diagnostics.  相似文献   

The congenital muscular dystrophies (CMDs) comprise a heterogeneous group of heritable muscle disorders with often difficult to interpret muscle pathology, making them challenging to diagnose. Serial Sanger sequencing of suspected CMD genes, while the current molecular diagnostic method of choice, can be slow and expensive. A comprehensive panel test for simultaneous screening of mutations in all known CMD-associated genes would be a more effective diagnostic strategy. Thus, the CMDs are a model disorder group for development and validation of next-generation sequencing (NGS) strategies for diagnostic and clinical care applications. Using a highly multiplexed PCR-based target enrichment method (RainDance) in conjunction with NGS, we performed mutation detection in all CMD genes of 26 samples and compared the results with Sanger sequencing. The RainDance NGS panel showed great consistency in coverage depth, on-target efficiency, versatility of mutation detection, and genotype concordance with Sanger sequencing, demonstrating the test''s appropriateness for clinical use. Compared to single tests, a higher diagnostic yield was observed by panel implementation. The panel''s limitation is the amplification failure of select gene-specific exons which require Sanger sequencing for test completion. Successful validation and application of the CMD NGS panel to improve the diagnostic yield in a clinical laboratory was shown.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is strongly influenced by hereditary risk factors, a majority of which still remain unknown. Here, we performed a targeted next-generation sequencing of 796 genes implicated in DNA repair in 189 Finnish breast cancer cases with indication of hereditary disease susceptibility and focused the analysis on protein truncating mutations. A recurrent heterozygous mutation (c.904_916del, p.Arg304ValfsTer3) was identified in early DNA damage response gene, MCPH1, significantly associating with breast cancer susceptibility both in familial (5/145, 3.4%, P = 0.003, OR 8.3) and unselected cases (16/1150, 1.4%, P = 0.016, OR 3.3). A total of 21 mutation positive families were identified, of which one-third exhibited also brain tumors and/or sarcomas (P = 0.0007). Mutation carriers exhibited significant increase in genomic instability assessed by cytogenetic analysis for spontaneous chromosomal rearrangements in peripheral blood lymphocytes (P = 0.0007), suggesting an effect for MCPH1 haploinsufficiency on cancer susceptibility. Furthermore, 40% of the mutation carrier tumors exhibited loss of the wild-type allele. These findings collectively provide strong evidence for MCHP1 being a novel breast cancer susceptibility gene, which warrants further investigations in other populations.  相似文献   

Kawasaki disease (KD) typically occurs in children aged under 5 years and can cause coronary artery lesions (CALs). Early diagnosis and treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin can reduce the occurrence of CALs; therefore, identifying a good biomarker for diagnosing KD is essential. Here, using next-generation sequencing in patients with recurrent KD, those with viral infection, and healthy controls, we identified dysregulated circulating microRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers for KD. Pathway enrichment analysis illustrated the putative role of these miRNAs in KD progression. Their expression levels were validated using real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Fifteen dysregulated circulating miRNAs (fold changes >2 and <0.5) were differentially expressed in the recurrent KD group compared with the viral infection and control groups. These miRNAs were significantly involved in the transforming growth factor-β, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and cell apoptosis signaling pathways. Notably, their expression levels were frequently restored after intravenous immunoglobulin treatment. Among the candidates, miR-24-3p expression level was significantly higher in patients with recurrent KD compared with healthy controls or viral infection controls (p < 0.001). Receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed that high miR-24-3p expression levels may be a potential biomarker for KD diagnosis. In conclusion, we identified miR-24-3p significantly higher in KD patients, which may be a potential diagnostic biomarker for KD.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing technology has increased the capacity to generate molecular data for plant biological research, including phylogenetics, and can potentially contribute to resolving complex phylogenetic problems. The evolutionary history of Medicago L. (Leguminosae: Trifoliae) remains unresolved due to incongruence between published phylogenies. Identification of the processes causing this genealogical incongruence is essential for the inference of a correct species phylogeny of the genus and requires that more molecular data, preferably from low-copy nuclear genes, are obtained across different species. Here we report the development of 50 novel LCN markers in Medicago and assess the phylogenetic properties of each marker. We used the genomic resources available for Medicago truncatula Gaertn., hybridisation-based gene enrichment (sequence capture) techniques and Next-Generation Sequencing to generate sequences. This alternative proves to be a cost-effective approach to amplicon sequencing in phylogenetic studies at the genus or tribe level and allows for an increase in number and size of targeted loci. Substitution rate estimates for each of the 50 loci are provided, and an overview of the variation in substitution rates among a large number of low-copy nuclear genes in plants is presented for the first time. Aligned sequences of major species lineages of Medicago and its sister genus are made available and can be used in further probe development for sequence-capture of the same markers.  相似文献   

Plant diversity affects species richness and abundance of taxa at higher trophic levels. However, plant diversity effects on omnivores (feeding on multiple trophic levels) and their trophic and non-trophic interactions are not yet studied because appropriate methods were lacking. A promising approach is the DNA-based analysis of gut contents using next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. Here, we integrate NGS-based analysis into the framework of a biodiversity experiment where plant taxonomic and functional diversity were manipulated to directly assess environmental interactions involving the omnivorous ground beetle Pterostichus melanarius. Beetle regurgitates were used for NGS-based analysis with universal 18S rDNA primers for eukaryotes. We detected a wide range of taxa with the NGS approach in regurgitates, including organisms representing trophic, phoretic, parasitic, and neutral interactions with P. melanarius. Our findings suggest that the frequency of (i) trophic interactions increased with plant diversity and vegetation cover; (ii) intraguild predation increased with vegetation cover, and (iii) neutral interactions with organisms such as fungi and protists increased with vegetation cover. Experimentally manipulated plant diversity likely affects multitrophic interactions involving omnivorous consumers. Our study therefore shows that trophic and non-trophic interactions can be assessed via NGS to address fundamental questions in biodiversity research.  相似文献   

As the number of transgenic livestock increases, reliable detection and molecular characterization of transgene integration sites and copy number are crucial not only for interpreting the relationship between the integration site and the specific phenotype but also for commercial and economic demands. However, the ability of conventional PCR techniques to detect incomplete and multiple integration events is limited, making it technically challenging to characterize transgenes. Next-generation sequencing has enabled cost-effective, routine and widespread high-throughput genomic analysis. Here, we demonstrate the use of next-generation sequencing to extensively characterize cattle harboring a 150-kb human lactoferrin transgene that was initially analyzed by chromosome walking without success. Using this approach, the sites upstream and downstream of the target gene integration site in the host genome were identified at the single nucleotide level. The sequencing result was verified by event-specific PCR for the integration sites and FISH for the chromosomal location. Sequencing depth analysis revealed that multiple copies of the incomplete target gene and the vector backbone were present in the host genome. Upon integration, complex recombination was also observed between the target gene and the vector backbone. These findings indicate that next-generation sequencing is a reliable and accurate approach for the molecular characterization of the transgene sequence, integration sites and copy number in transgenic species.  相似文献   

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