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An obligate chemolithoautotroph, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans API 9–3, could utilize amino acids, other than glycine, methionine and phenylalanine, as a sole source of nitrogen. However, both the growth rate and growth yield were lower than those in Fe2+-NH4 -salts medium, suggesting that the ammonium ion was a superior nitrogen source for the strain compared to amino acids. Methionine and phenylalanine strongly inhibited the cell growth on Fe2+-NH4-salts medium at 10 mm. [14C]Glycine could not be taken up into the cells, and this meant the strain could not use glycine as a sole source of nitrogen. The uptake of [14C]leucine into the cells was dependent on the presence of Fe2 +. When the strain was cultured on Fe2 + - leucine (lOmm)-salts medium lacking an inorganic nitrogen source for 5 days at 30°C, 83.5% and 16.5% of the cellular carbon were derived from carbon dioxide and leucine, respectively, indicating that carbon dioxide was a superior carbon source for the bacterium compared to leucine. The ammonium ion did not inhibit the utilization of leucine for cellular carbon. Leucine uptake was markedly inhibited by inhibitors of protein synthesis, such as chloramphenicol (94.3% at 1 mm), streptomycin (57.2% at 5mm) and rifampin (77.2% at 0.1 mm), respectively. Carbon dioxide uptake was also completely inhibited by chloramphenicol at 4mm. These results suggest that the transport of both amino acids and carbon dioxide into the cells was dependent on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Major salivary gland tumours are uncommon neoplasms of the head and neck. The increase of precise pre-operative diagnosis is crucial for their correct management and the identification of molecular markers would surely improve the required accuracy. In this study we performed a comparative proteomic analysis of fine needle aspiration fluids of the most frequent benign neoplasms of major salivary glands, namely pleomorphic adenoma and Warthin''s tumour, in order to draw their proteomic profiles and to point out their significant features. Thirty-five patients submitted to parotidectomy were included in the study, 22 were identified to have pleomorphic adenoma and 14 Warthin''s tumour. Fine needle aspiration samples were processed using a two-dimensional electrophoresis/mass spectrometry-based approach. A total of 26 differentially expressed proteins were identified. Ingenuity software was used to search the biological processes to which these proteins belong and to construct potential networks. Intriguingly, all Warthin''s tumour up-regulated proteins such as Ig gamma-1 chain C region, Ig kappa chain C region and Ig alpha-1 chain C region and S100A9 were correlated to immunological and inflammatory diseases, while pleomorphic adenomas such as annexin A1, annexin A4, macrophage-capping protein, apolipoprotein E and alpha crystalline B chain were associated with cell death, apoptosis and tumorigenesis, showing different features of two benign tumours. Overall, our results shed new light on the potential usefulness of a proteomic approach to study parotid tumours and in particular up regulated proteins are able to discriminate two types of benign parotid lesions.  相似文献   

The human vitreous contains primarily water, but also contains proteins which have yet to be fully characterized. To gain insight into the four vitreous substructures and their potential functions, we isolated and analyzed the vitreous protein profiles of three non-diseased human eyes. The four analyzed substructures were the anterior hyaloid, the vitreous cortex, the vitreous core, and the vitreous base. Proteins were separated by multidimensional liquid chromatography and identified by tandem mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics tools then extracted the expression profiles, signaling pathways, and interactomes unique to each tissue. From each substructure, a mean of 2,062 unique proteins were identified, with many being differentially expressed in a specific substructure: 278 proteins were unique to the anterior hyaloid, 322 to the vitreous cortex, 128 to the vitreous base, and 136 to the vitreous core. When the identified proteins were organized according to relevant functional pathways and networks, key patterns appeared. The blood coagulation pathway and extracellular matrix turnover networks were highly represented. Oxidative stress regulation and energy metabolism proteins were distributed throughout the vitreous. Immune functions were represented by high levels of immunoglobulin, the complement pathway, damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), and evolutionarily conserved antimicrobial proteins. The majority of vitreous proteins detected were intracellular proteins, some of which originate from the retina, including rhodopsin (RHO), phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). This comprehensive analysis uncovers a picture of the vitreous as a biologically active tissue, where proteins localize to distinct substructures to protect the intraocular tissues from infection, oxidative stress, and energy disequilibrium. It also reveals the retina as a potential source of inflammatory mediators. The vitreous proteome catalogues the dynamic interactions between the vitreous and surrounding tissues. It therefore could be an indirect and effective method for surveying vitreoretinal disease for specific biomarkers.  相似文献   

New Insights into Microbial Oxidation of Antimony and Arsenic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Sb(III) oxidation was documented in an Agrobacterium tumefaciens isolate that can also oxidize As(III). Equivalent Sb(III) oxidation rates were observed in the parental wild-type organism and in two well-characterized mutants that cannot oxidize As(III) for fundamentally different reasons. Therefore, despite the literature suggesting that Sb(III) and As(III) may be biochemical analogs, Sb(III) oxidation is catalyzed by a pathway different than that used for As(III). Sb(III) and As(III) oxidation was also observed for an eukaryotic acidothermophilic alga belonging to the order Cyanidiales, implying that the ability to oxidize metalloids may be phylogenetically widespread.  相似文献   

Batch cultures of a lithotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium, strain BrT, isolated from the rhizosphere of a wetland plant, were grown in bioreactors and used to determine the significance of microbial Fe(II) oxidation at circumneutral pH and to identify abiotic variables that affect the partitioning between microbial oxidation and chemical oxidation. Strain BrT grew only in the presence of an Fe(II) source, with an average doubling time of 25 h. In one set of experiments, Fe(II) oxidation rates were measured before and after the cells were poisoned with sodium azide. These experiments indicated that strain BrT accounted for 18 to 53% of the total iron oxidation, and the average cellular growth yield was 0.70 g of CH2O per mol of Fe(II) oxidized. In a second set of experiments, Fe(II) was constantly added to bioreactors inoculated with live cells, killed cells, or no cells. A statistical model fitted to the experimental data demonstrated that metabolic Fe(II) oxidation accounted for up to 62% of the total oxidation. The total Fe(II) oxidation rates in these experiments were strongly limited by the rate of Fe(II) delivery to the system and were also influenced by O2 and total iron concentrations. Additionally, the model suggested that the microbes inhibited rates of abiotic Fe(II) oxidation, perhaps by binding Fe(II) to bacterial exopolymers. The net effect of strain BrT was to accelerate total oxidation rates by up to 18% compared to rates obtained with cell-free treatments. The results suggest that neutrophilic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria may compete for limited O2 in the rhizosphere and therefore influence other wetland biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of the small eukaryotic fraction (cell diameter, 0.2 to 5 μm) was investigated in a mesotrophic lake by tyramide signal amplification-fluorescence in situ hybridization targeting seven different phylogenetic groups: Chlorophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Cercozoa, LKM11, Perkinsozoa (two clades), and Fungi. The abundance of small eukaryotes ranged from 1,692 to 10,782 cells ml−1. The dominant groups were the Chrysophyceae and the Chlorophyceae, which represented 19.6% and 17.9% of small eukaryotes, respectively. The results also confirmed the quantitative importance of putative parasites, Fungi and Perkinsozoa, in the small heterotrophic eukaryotic assemblage. The relative abundances recorded for the Perkinsozoa group reached as much as 31.6% of total targeted eukaryotes during the summer. The dynamics of Perkinsozoa clade 1 coincided with abundance variations in Peridinium and Ceratium spp. (Dinoflagellates), while the dynamics of Perkinsozoa clade 2 was linked to the presence of Dinobryon spp. (Chrysophyceae). Fungi, represented by chytrids, reached maximal abundance in December (569 cells ml−1) and were mainly correlated with the dynamics of diatoms, especially Melosira varians. A further new finding of this study is the recurrent presence of Cercozoa (6.2%) and LKM11 (4.5%) cells. This quantitative approach based on newly designed probes offers a promising means of in-depth analysis of microbial food webs in lakes, especially by revealing the phylogenetic composition of the small heterotrophic flagellate assemblage, for which an important fraction of cells are generally unidentified by classical microscopy (on average, 96.8% of the small heterotrophic flagellates were identified by the specific probes we used in this study).Recently developed molecular methods based on the amplification and sequencing of rRNA genes have made it possible to investigate picoeukaryote assemblage composition (pigmented or nonpigmented unicellular eukaryotes with cell diameters of <2 μm or <5 μm according to the studies) in various aquatic systems, independently of morphological identification and cultivation (14, 23, 27, 28, 29, 39). The essential role of picoplankton (both eukaryotic and prokaryotic) as a contributor to plankton biomass and to carbon and nutrient cycling has long been established (9), but the unexpected diversity among the smallest eukaryotes (cell diameters, <5 μm) was only recently revealed. Most of these data were obtained in oceanic systems, but a few recent studies conducted in lakes have also highlighted the broad diversity of 18S rRNA sequences affiliated with numerous phylogenetic groups: Chlorophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Cercozoa, Fungi, Choanoflagellida, Bicosoecida, Ciliophora, Haptophyceae, Perkinsozoa, LKM11, Hyphochytridiomycota, Katablepharidaceae, Dinophyceae, and Eustigmatophyceae (22, 23, 24, 34). Thus, it has been possible to observe clear seasonal changes in small-eukaryote structure in an oligomesotrophic lake (23), and the lake-based studies generally report a dominance of heterotrophic cells within the lacustrine small-eukaryote assemblage. Moreover, the recurrent presence of sequences affiliated with parasitic groups has been highlighted in lakes of various trophic statuses (22, 23). Lepère et al. (25) reported the unexpected importance of two groups: first, fungi affiliated with two clades of chytrids known as parasites of various groups of microalgae; and second, members of the phylum Perkinsozoa belonging to two clades closely related to Perkinsus marinus and Parvilucifera infectans, which are parasites of bivalves and dinoflagellates, respectively (30), and whose systematic position has been controversial, since they are phylogenetically related to the Apicomplexa or the Dinoflagellata (6, 13).Although these data brought new insight into the structural diversity of lacustrine small eukaryotes, the relative importance, dynamics, and functional roles of these microorganisms from various phylogenetic groups are still largely unknown. We now need to research specific in situ abundances of previously undetected taxa. In this study, specially developed oligonucleotide probes, designed on the basis of molecular data obtained from sequencing (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 34), were used for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) coupled with tyramide signal amplification (TSA) to investigate the composition, abundance, and dynamics of lacustrine small eukaryotes (<5 μm) in the mesotrophic Lake Bourget over 1 year. Special attention was paid to the dynamics of putative parasitic groups (Perkinsozoa, Fungi, Cercozoa).  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(5):1025-1037
Different attributes of membrane protein substrates have been proposed and characterized as translocation-pathway determinants. However, several gaps in our understanding of the mechanism of targeting, insertion, and assembly of inner-membrane proteins exist. Specifically, the role played by hydrophilic N-terminal tails in pathway selection is unclear. In this study, we have evaluated length and charge density as translocase determinants using model proteins. Strikingly, the 36-residue N-tail of 2Pf3–Lep translocates independent of YidC–Sec. This is the longest known substrate of this pathway. We confirmed this using a newly constructed YidC–Sec double-depletion strain. Increasing its N-tail length with uncharged spacer peptides led to YidC dependence and eventually YidC–Sec dependence, hence establishing that length has a linear effect on translocase dependence. Tails longer than 60 residues were not inserted; however, an MBP–2Pf3–Lep fusion protein could be ranslocated. This suggests that longer N-tails can be translocated if it can engage SecA. In addition, we have examined how the positioning of charges within the translocated N-tail affects the insertion pathway. Additional charges can be translocated by the Lep TM when the charges are distributed across a longer N-tail. We tested charge density as a translocase determinant and confirmed that the addition of positive or negatives charges led to a greater dependence on YidC–Sec when they were placed close to each other than away. Findings from this work make an important advance in our existing knowledge about the different insertion mechanisms of membrane proteins in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Recent advances within the field of proteomics, including both upstream and downstream protocols, have fuelled a transition from simple protein identification to functional analysis. A battery of proteomics approaches is now being employed for the analysis of protein expression levels, the monitoring of cellular activities and for gaining an increased understanding into biochemical pathways. Combined, these approaches are changing the way we study disease by allowing accurate and targeted, large scale protein analysis, which will provide invaluable insight into disease pathogenesis. Neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Huntington’s disease (HD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), prion disease, and other diseases that affect the neuromuscular system, are a leading cause of disability in the aging population. There are no effective intervention strategies for these disorders and diagnosis is challenging as it relies primarily on clinical symptomatic features, which often overlap at early stages of disease. There is, therefore, an urgent need to develop reliable biomarkers to improve early and specific diagnosis, to track disease progression, to measure molecular responses towards treatment regimes and ultimately devise new therapeutic strategies. To accomplish this, a better understanding of disease mechanisms is needed. In this review we summarize recent advances in the field of proteomics applicable to neurodegenerative disorders, and how these advances are fueling our understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of these complex disorders.  相似文献   

Soil microbial communities are extremely complex, being composed of thousands of low-abundance species (<0.1% of total). How such complex communities respond to natural or human-induced fluctuations, including major perturbations such as global climate change, remains poorly understood, severely limiting our predictive ability for soil ecosystem functioning and resilience. In this study, we compared 12 whole-community shotgun metagenomic data sets from a grassland soil in the Midwestern United States, half representing soil that had undergone infrared warming by 2°C for 10 years, which simulated the effects of climate change, and the other half representing the adjacent soil that received no warming and thus, served as controls. Our analyses revealed that the heated communities showed significant shifts in composition and predicted metabolism, and these shifts were community wide as opposed to being attributable to a few taxa. Key metabolic pathways related to carbon turnover, such as cellulose degradation (∼13%) and CO2 production (∼10%), and to nitrogen cycling, including denitrification (∼12%), were enriched under warming, which was consistent with independent physicochemical measurements. These community shifts were interlinked, in part, with higher primary productivity of the aboveground plant communities stimulated by warming, revealing that most of the additional, plant-derived soil carbon was likely respired by microbial activity. Warming also enriched for a higher abundance of sporulation genes and genomes with higher G+C content. Collectively, our results indicate that microbial communities of temperate grassland soils play important roles in mediating feedback responses to climate change and advance the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of community adaptation to environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

The microbial community composition of Wadden Sea sediments of the German North Sea coast was investigated by in situ hybridization with group-specific fluorescently labeled, rRNA-targeted oligonucleotides. A large fraction (up to 73%) of the DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole)-stained cells hybridized with the bacterial probes. Nearly 45% of the total cells could be further identified as belonging to known phyla. Members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster were most abundant in all layers, followed by the sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

The activities of iron-oxidizing and reducing microorganisms impact the fate of arsenic in groundwater. Phylogenetic information cannot exclusively be used to infer the potential for iron oxidation or reduction in aquifers. Therefore, we complemented a previous cultivation-independent microbial community survey covering 22 arsenic contaminated drinking water wells in Bangladesh, with the characterization of enrichments of microaerophilic iron oxidizers and anaerobic iron reducers, conducted on the same water samples. All investigated samples revealed a potential for microbial iron oxidation and reduction. Microbial communities were phylogenetically diverse within and between enrichments as was also observed in the previous cultivation-independent analysis of the water samples from which these enrichments were derived. Enrichment uncovered a larger diversity in iron-cycling microorganisms than previously indicated. The iron-reducing enrichments revealed the presence of several 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene sequences most closely related to Acetobacterium, Clostridium, Bacillus, Rhizobiales, Desulfovibrio, Bacteroides, and Spirochaetes, in addition to well-known dissimilatory iron-reducing Geobacter and Geothrix species. Although a large diversity of Geobacteraceae was observed, they comprised only a small part of the iron-reducing consortia. Iron-oxidizing gradient tube enrichments were dominated by Comamonadaceae and Rhodocyclaceae instead of Gallionellaceae. Forty-five percent of these enrichments also revealed the presence of the gene encoding arsenite oxidase, which converts arsenite to less toxic and less mobile arsenate. Their potential for ferric (oxyhydr)oxides precipitation and arsenic immobilization makes these iron-oxidizing enrichments of interest for rational bioaugmentation of arsenite contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   

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