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Morphogenetic proteins such as SpoVID and SafA govern assembly of the Bacillus subtilis endospore coat by guiding the various protein structural components to the surface of the developing spore. Previously, a screen for peptides able to interact with SpoVID led to the identification of a PYYH motif present in the C-terminal half of the SafA protein and to the subsequent demonstration that SpoVID and SafA directly interact. spoVID and safA spores show deficiencies in coat assembly and are lysozyme susceptible. Both proteins, orthologs of which are found in all Bacillus species, have LysM domains for peptidoglycan binding and localize to the cortex-coat interface. Here, we show that the interaction between SafA and SpoVID involves the PYYH motif (region B) but also a 13-amino-acid region (region A) just downstream of the N-terminal LysM domain of SafA. We show that deletion of region B does not block the interaction of SafA with SpoVID, nor does it bring about spore susceptibility to lysozyme. Nevertheless, it appears to reduce the interaction and affects the complex. In contrast, lesions in region A impaired the interaction of SafA with SpoVID in vitro and, while not affecting the accumulation of SafA in vivo, interfered with the localization of SafA around the developing spore, causing aberrant assembly of the coat and lysozyme sensitivity. A peptide corresponding to region A interacts with SpoVID, suggesting that residues within this region directly contact SpoVID. Since region A is highly conserved among SafA orthologs, this motif may be an important determinant of coat assembly in the group of Bacillus spore formers.  相似文献   

Bacterial spores are surrounded by a multilayered proteinaceous shell called the coat. In Bacillus subtilis, a coat protein called CotE guides the assembly of a major subset of coat proteins. To understand how CotE carries out its role in coat morphogenesis, we subjected its gene to mutagenesis and studied the effects of altered versions of CotE on coat formation. We identified regions within the C-terminal 28 amino acids that direct the deposition of the coat proteins CotA, CotB, CotG, CotSA, CotS and 35 kDa and 49 kDa proteins likely to be the spore proteins CotR (formerly known as YvdO) and YaaH respectively. The timing and genetic dependency of CotR accumulation are consistent with control of its gene by sigmaK and GerE. In addition, we identified a 35-amino-acid internal region involved in targeting of CotE to the forespore. Finally, we found that sequences within this 35-amino-acid region as well as within an 18-amino-acid stretch in the N-terminus of CotE direct the formation of CotE multimers, most probably homooligomers. These results suggest that: (i) most interactions between CotE and the coat proteins assembled under CotE control take place at the CotE C-terminus; (ii) an internal region of CotE connects it with the forespore surface; and (iii) interactions between CotE molecules depend on residues within an 18-amino-acid region in the N-terminal half of CotE.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis spore is encased in a resilient, multilayered proteinaceous shell, called the coat, that protects it from the environment. A 181-amino-acid coat protein called CotE assembles into the coat early in spore formation and plays a morphogenetic role in the assembly of the coat's outer layer. We have used a series of mutant alleles of cotE to identify regions involved in outer coat protein assembly. We found that the insertion of a 10-amino-acid epitope, between amino acids 178 and 179 of CotE, reduced or prevented the assembly of several spore coat proteins, including, most likely, CotG and CotB. The removal of 9 or 23 of the C-terminal-most amino acids resulted in an unusually thin outer coat from which a larger set of spore proteins was missing. In contrast, the removal of 37 amino acids from the C terminus, as well as other alterations between amino acids 4 and 160, resulted in the absence of a detectable outer coat but did not prevent localization of CotE to the forespore. These results indicate that changes in the C-terminal 23 amino acids of CotE and in the remainder of the protein have different consequences for outer coat protein assembly.  相似文献   

When challenged by stresses such as starvation, the soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis produces an endospore surrounded by a proteinaceous coat composed of >70 proteins that are organized into three main layers: an amorphous undercoat, lightly staining lamellar inner coat and electron-dense outer coat. This coat protects the spore against a variety of chemicals or lysozyme. Mutual interactions of the coat's building blocks are responsible for the formation of this structurally complex and extraordinarily resistant shell. However, the assembly process of spore coat proteins is still poorly understood. In the present work, the main focus is on the three spore coat morphogenetic proteins: SpoIVA, SpoVID and SafA. Direct interaction between SpoIVA and SpoVID proteins was observed using a yeast two-hybrid assay and verified by coexpression experiment followed by Western blot analysis. Coexpression experiments also confirmed previous findings that SpoVID and SafA directly interact, and revealed a novel interaction between SpoIVA and SafA. Moreover, gel filtration analysis revealed that both SpoIVA and SpoVID proteins form large oligomers.  相似文献   

Endospores formed by Bacillus subtilis are encased in a tough protein shell known as the coat, which consists of at least 70 different proteins. We investigated the process of spore coat morphogenesis using a library of 40 coat proteins fused to green fluorescent protein and demonstrate that two successive steps can be distinguished in coat assembly. The first step, initial localization of proteins to the spore surface, is dependent on the coat morphogenetic proteins SpoIVA and SpoVM. The second step, spore encasement, requires a third protein, SpoVID. We show that in spoVID mutant cells, most coat proteins assembled into a cap at one side of the developing spore but failed to migrate around and encase it. We also found that SpoIVA directly interacts with SpoVID. A domain analysis revealed that the N-terminus of SpoVID is required for encasement and is a structural homologue of a virion protein, whereas the C-terminus is necessary for the interaction with SpoIVA. Thus, SpoVM, SpoIVA and SpoVID are recruited to the spore surface in a concerted manner and form a tripartite machine that drives coat formation and spore encasement.  相似文献   

During endospore formation in Bacillus subtilis, over two dozen polypeptides are assembled into a multilayered structure known as the spore coat, which protects the cortex peptidoglycan (PG) and permits efficient germination. In the initial stages of coat assembly a protein known as CotE forms a ring around the forespore. A second morphogenetic protein, SpoVID, is required for maintenance of the CotE ring during the later stages, when most of proteins are assembled into the coat. Here, we report on a protein that appears to associate with SpoVID during the early stage of coat assembly. This protein, which we call SafA for SpoVID-associated factor A, is encoded by a locus previously known as yrbA. We confirmed the results of a previous study that showed safA mutant spores have defective coats which are missing several proteins. We have extended these studies with the finding that SafA and SpoVID were coimmunoprecipitated by anti-SafA or anti-SpoVID antiserum from whole-cell extracts 3 and 4 h after the onset of sporulation. Therefore, SafA may associate with SpoVID during the early stage of coat assembly. We used immunogold electron microscopy to localize SafA and found it in the cortex, near the interface with the coat in mature spores. SafA appears to have a modular design. The C-terminal region of SafA is similar to those of several inner spore coat proteins. The N-terminal region contains a sequence that is conserved among proteins that associate with the cell wall. This motif in the N-terminal region may target SafA to the PG-containing regions of the developing spore.  相似文献   

Bacteria assemble complex structures by targeting proteins to specific subcellular locations. The protein coat that encases Bacillus subtilis spores is an example of a structure that requires coordinated targeting and assembly of more than 24 polypeptides. The earliest stages of coat assembly require the action of three morphogenetic proteins: SpoIVA, CotE, and SpoVID. In the first steps, a basement layer of SpoIVA forms around the surface of the forespore, guiding the subsequent positioning of a ring of CotE protein about 75 nm from the forespore surface. SpoVID localizes near the forespore membrane where it functions to maintain the integrity of the CotE ring and to anchor the nascent coat to the underlying spore structures. However, it is not known which spore coat proteins interact directly with SpoVID. In this study we examined the interaction between SpoVID and another spore coat protein, SafA, in vivo using the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro. We found evidence that SpoVID and SafA directly interact and that SafA interacts with itself. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed that SafA localized around the forespore early during coat assembly and that this localization of SafA was dependent on SpoVID. Moreover, targeting of SafA to the forespore was also dependent on SpoIVA, as was targeting of SpoVID to the forespore. We suggest that the localization of SafA to the spore coat requires direct interaction with SpoVID.  相似文献   

Bacillus spores are protected by a structurally and biochemically complex protein shell composed of over 50 polypeptide species, called the coat. Coat assembly in Bacillus subtilis serves as a relatively tractable model for the study of the formation of more complex macromolecular structures and organelles. It is also a critical model for the discovery of strategies to decontaminate B. anthracis spores. In B. subtilis, a subset of coat proteins is known to have important roles in assembly. Here we show that the recently identified B. subtilis coat protein CotO (YjbX) has an especially important morphogenetic role. We used electron and atomic force microscopy to show that CotO controls assembly of the coat layers and coat surface topography as well as biochemical and cell-biological analyses to identify coat proteins whose assembly is CotO dependent. cotO spores are defective in germination and partially sensitive to lysozyme. As a whole, these phenotypes resemble those resulting from a mutation in the coat protein gene cotH. Nonetheless, the roles of CotH and CotO and the proteins whose assembly they direct are not identical. Based on fluorescence and electron microscopy, we suggest that CotO resides in the outer coat (although not on the coat surface). We propose that CotO and CotH participate in a late phase of coat assembly. We further speculate that an important role of these proteins is ensuring that polymerization of the outer coat layers occurs in such a manner that contiguous shells, and not unproductive aggregates, are formed.  相似文献   

Spore coat proteins obtained by extraction with sodium dodecylsulfate/dithiothreitol from six Bacillus spores were compared by immunoblot analysis using antibodies to spore coat proteins from two strains of B. megaterium. Although the extract from spores of each strain had heterogenous proteins with various molecular weights, there were some bands which cross-reacted with specific antibodies from B. megaterium spores. Specific antibody to 48K protein from B. megaterium ATCC 12872 cross-reacted with 17K protein from B. megaterium ATCC 19213, 13K protein from B. cereus and 50K protein from B. subtilis 60015 and B. subtilis NRRL B558. Also, specific antibody to 22K protein from the same strain cross-reacted with 22K and 17K proteins from B. megaterium ATCC 19213 and 13K protein from B. cereus T. Specific antibody to 17K protein from B. megaterium ATCC 19213 reacted with 22K and 19K proteins in addition to 17K protein of own strain, and it was cross-reactive with 16K protein from B. megaterium ATCC 12872, 19K and 27K proteins from B. thiaminolyticus, 13K protein from B. cereus.  相似文献   

The strict anaerobe Clostridium difficile is the most common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. The oxygen-resistant C. difficile spores play a central role in the infectious cycle, contributing to transmission, infection and recurrence. The spore surface layers, the coat and exosporium, enable the spores to resist physical and chemical stress. However, little is known about the mechanisms of their assembly. In this study, we characterized a new spore protein, CotL, which is required for the assembly of the spore coat. The cotL gene was expressed in the mother cell compartment under the dual control of the RNA polymerase sigma factors, σE and σK. CotL was localized in the spore coat, and the spores of the cotL mutant had a major morphologic defect at the level of the coat/exosporium layers. Therefore, the mutant spores contained a reduced amount of several coat/exosporium proteins and a defect in their localization in sporulating cells. Finally, cotL mutant spores were more sensitive to lysozyme and were impaired in germination, a phenotype likely to be associated with the structurally altered coat. Collectively, these results strongly suggest that CotL is a morphogenetic protein essential for the assembly of the spore coat in C. difficile.  相似文献   

During Bacillus subtilis endospore formation, a complex protein coat is assembled around the maturing spore. The coat is made up of more than two dozen proteins that form an outer layer, which provides chemical resistance, and an inner layer, which may play a role in the activation of germination. A third, amorphous layer of the coat occupies the space between the inner coat and the cortex, and is referred to as the undercoat. Although several coat proteins have been characterized, little is known about their interactions during assembly of the coat. We show here that at least two open reading frames of the cotJ operon ( cotJA and cotJC ) encode spore coat proteins. We suggest that CotJC is a component of the undercoat, since we found that its assembly onto the forespore is not prevented by mutations that block both inner and outer coat assembly, and because CotJC is more accessible to antibody staining in spores lacking both of these coat layers. Assembly of CotJC into the coat is dependent upon expression of cotJA . Conversely, CotJA is not detected in the coats of a cotJC insertional mutant. Co-immunoprecipitation was used to demonstrate the formation of complexes containing CotJA and CotJC 6 h after the onset of sporulation. Experiments with the yeast two-hybrid system indicate that CotJC may interact with itself and with CotJA. We suggest that interaction of CotJA with CotJC is required for the assembly of both CotJA and CotJC into the spore coat.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Spore coat extracts from Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki and israelensis and Bacillus cereus T and B. cereus NRRL 569 were characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate and by amino acid analysis.
  • 2.2. Both B. cereus spore coats had similar electrophoretic profiles.
  • 3.3. The B. thuringiensis spore coats contained crystal proteins as major components as well as lower mol. wt proteins.
  • 4.4. B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis had a unique coat protein profile which was different from B. cereus and B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki coats.
  • 5.5. Insecticidal activity of spores against the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, and the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, also was determined.
  • 6.6. B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki spores were lethally toxic to the tobacco hornworm (Lepidoptera) larvae, whereas spores of the other subspecies were not.
  • 7.7. Except for subspecies israelensis, none of the spores was effective against the mosquito (Diptera) larvae.

An immunochemical staining technique for the spore coat proteins of Bacillus megaterium ATCC 12872 was developed using colloidal gold as a second antibody. For reducing the non-specific immunogold binding and increasing the specific binding, the affinity-purified IgG was used as a first antibody. In sporulating cells at t10, gold particles were found not only in the spore coat but also in the mother cell cytoplasm, suggesting that some coat proteins were synthesized in the cytoplasm. Use of the specific affinity-purified antibody to 48K-protein demonstrated that this protein was one of the components of the outer coat.  相似文献   

Rabbit (anti-spore coat protein) IgG was prepared by immunization with coat proteins extracted with sodium dodecyl sulfate and dithiothreitol from isolated spore coats of Bacillus megaterium ATCC 12872. Coat proteins were detected from 3 hr after the end of exponential growth (t3) in the mother cell cytoplasmic fraction by sandwich enzyme immunoassay using this antibody. The proteins in the forespore coat protein fraction increased from t3 and reached a plateau at t10. Immunoblot analysis for the coat proteins in sporulating cells revealed the sequential synthesis of various proteins in the mother cell cytoplasmic fraction and simultaneous deposition of the same proteins as in the forespore coat fraction. These results suggest that turnover of precursor proteins of the spore coat is very rapid if precursor proteins are produced and they are proteolytically processed to produce mature proteins. Specific antibody to the 48,000-dalton protein, which is a major protein, did not cross-react with any other major (36,000, 22,000, 19,500, and 17,500-dalton) proteins. Specific antibody to the 22,000-dalton protein did not cross-react with the 48,000, 36,000, 19,500, 17,500, and 16,000-dalton proteins, but did cross-react with the 44,000, 25,000, and 12,000-dalton proteins.  相似文献   

Immunological evidence is presented which confirms that pp95, one of the major phosphoproteins accumulated in development of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, is identical with spore coat protein SP13. The site of phosphorylation is identified as phosphoserine. The second major phosphorylated component, pp74, corresponds to two co-migrating spore coat proteins known collectively as SP74.  相似文献   

Bacterial spores are protected from the environment by a proteinaceous coat and a layer of specialized peptidoglycan called the cortex. In Bacillus subtilis, the attachment of the coat to the spore surface and the synthesis of the cortex both depend on the spore protein SpoIVA. To identify functionally important amino acids of SpoIVA, we generated and characterized strains bearing random point mutations of spoIVA that result in defects in coat and cortex formation. One mutant resembles the null mutant, as sporulating cells of this strain lack the cortex and the coat forms a swirl in the surrounding cytoplasm instead of a shell around the spore. We identified a second class of six mutants with a partial defect in spore assembly. In sporulating cells of these strains, we frequently observed swirls of mislocalized coat in addition to a coat surrounding the spore, in the same cell. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, we found that in two of these mutants, SpoIVA fails to localize to the spore, whereas in the remaining strains, localization is largely normal. These mutations identify amino acids involved in targeting of SpoIVA to the spore and in attachment of the coat. We also isolated a large set of mutants producing spores that are unable to maintain the dehydrated state. Analysis of one mutant in this class suggests that spores of this strain accumulate reduced levels of peptidoglycan with an altered structure.  相似文献   

The spore coat forms as a rigid extracellular wall around each spore cell during culmination. Coats purified from germinated spores contain multiple protein species and an approximately equal mass of polysaccharide, consisting mostly of cellulose and a galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine polysaccharide (GPS). All but the cellulose are prepackaged during prespore cell differentiation in a regulated secretory compartment, the prespore vesicle. The morphology of this compartment resembles an anastomosing, tubular network rather than a spherical vesicle. The molecules of the prespore vesicles are not uniformly mixed but are segregated into partially overlapping domains. Although lysosomal enzymes have been found in the prespore vesicle, this compartment does not function as a lysosome because it is not acidic, and a common antigen associated with acid hydrolases is found in another, acidic vesicle population. All the prespore vesicle profiles disappear at the time of appearance of their contents outside of the cell; this constitutes an early stage in spore coat formation, which can be detected both by microscopy and flow cytometry. As an electron-dense layer, the future outer layer of the coat, condenses, cellulose can be found and is located immediately beneath this outer layer. Certain proteins and the GPS become associated with either the outer or inner layers surrounding this middle cellulose layer. Assembly of the inner and outer layers occurs in part from a pool of glycoproteins that is shared between spores, and unincorporated molecules loosely reside in the interspore matrix, a location from which they can be easily washed away. When the glycosylation of several major protein species is disrupted by mutation, the coat is assembled, but differences are found in its porosity and the extractibility of certain proteins. In addition, the retention or loss of proteolytic fragments in the mutants indicates regions of spore coat proteins that are required for association with the coat. Comparative examination of the macrocyst demonstrates that patterns of molecular distributions are not conserved between the macrocyst and spore coats. Thus spore coat assembly is characterized by highly specific intermolecular interactions, leading to saturable associations of individual glycoproteins with specific layers and the exclusion of excess copies to the interspore space.  相似文献   

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