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Redox control and oxidative stress in yeast cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is a common form of ataxia caused by decreased expression of the mitochondrial protein frataxin. Oxidative damage of mitochondria is thought to play a key role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Therefore, a possible therapeutic strategy should be directed to an antioxidant protection against mitochondrial damage. Indeed, treatment of FRDA patients with the antioxidant idebenone has been shown to improve neurological functions. The yeast frataxin knock-out model of the disease shows mitochondrial iron accumulation, iron-sulfur cluster defects and high sensitivity to oxidative stress. By flow cytometry analysis we studied reactive oxygen species (ROS) production of yeast frataxin mutant cells treated with two antioxidants, N-acetyl-L-cysteine and a mitochondrially-targeted analog of vitamin E, confirming that mitochondria are the main site of ROS production in this model. Furthermore we found a significant reduction of ROS production and a decrease in the mitochondrial mass in mutant cells treated with rapamycin, an inhibitor of TOR kinases, most likely due to autophagy of damaged mitochondria.  相似文献   


Pro-oxidant effects of hemoglobin-derived heme and iron contribute to the progressive damage observed in β thalassemic and sickle (HbS) red blood cells. Agents that prevent heme/iron release and inhibit their redox activity might diminish such injury. Consequently, the inhibitory effects of chloroquine (CQ), a heme-binding antimalarial drug, and a novel dichloroquine compound (CQ-D2) on iron release and lipid peroxidation were investigated. In contrast to normal hemoglobin, significant amounts of iron were released from both purified hemin and α-hemoglobin chains during incubations with exogenous reduced glutathione (GSH) and/or H2O2. Addition of either CQ or CQ-D2 effectively inhibited GSH- and GSH/H2O2-mediated iron release from hemin (P<0.001). During prolonged incubations (6 h), both CQ and CQ-D2 significantly decreased the release of heme-free iron from both purified hemoglobin and α-hemoglobin chains. Interestingly, CQ and CQ-D2 differentially affected the redox availability of the heme-bound iron. The CQ: heme complex significantly enhanced membrane lipid peroxidation whereas CQ-D2 dramatically (P<0.001) inhibited heme-dependent peroxidation to almost baseline levels. In summary, CQ-derivatives which render heme redox inert and prevent the release of free iron from heme might be beneficial in the treatment of certain hemoglobinopathies and, perhaps, other pathologies promoted by delocalized heme/iron.  相似文献   

In pigs, the genetic selection for lean, large muscle blocks and fast growth has been linked to an increased prevalence of metabolic diseases such as porcine stress syndrome and mulberry heart disease. These diseases are associated with cardiovascular inadequacy, which may lead to oxidative stress. In the present study, reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs) and the anti-oxidant power (OXY) in sera of different swine groups were investigated. The following groups were selected (each around 80 kg body weight): wild boars (WB), Cinta Senese (CS), and Landrace x Large White (LxLW), the latter as both specific pathogen-free (SPF) and intensively farmed animals. In addition, a group of LxLW agonic sows (AS) was also investigated; this group is known to be under oxidative stress. Two colorimetric micro-methods were used to measure ROMs and OXY; ROMs were expressed as mM H(2)O(2) and OXY as microM HOCl neutralised. Between groups, average ROM and OXY values were found to be significantly different by one-way ANOVA (P < 0.001). ROM levels were lower in WB (13.41 +/- 1.85) and CS (19.27 +/- 1.68), and highest in LxLW (42.00 +/- 1.36). OXY values ranged from 260.10 +/- 22.13 (WB) to 396.90 +/- 9.83 (LxLW). Only one swine group (the CS group) showed a significant, positive correlation between ROM and OXY values. The AS group even showed a negative correlation between ROM and OXY values. These results imply satisfactory environmental coping occurred only within the CS group. Results are discussed in the light of animal welfare legislation, food safety and consumers' protection.  相似文献   

Dielectric properties of yeast cells as determined by electrorotation.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Electrorotational spectra of yeast cells, Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain R XII, were measured over a frequency range of nearly 7 decades. The physical properties of distinct cell parts were simultaneously determined for individual cells by comparison with an electrical two-shell model: The conductivity of the cytoplasm, cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane of living cells were found to be 5.5 mS/cm, 0.1 to more than 0.5 mS/cm and less than 0.25 nS/cm to 4.5 microS/cm, respectively. The conductivity of the cytoplasmic membrane was dependent on the conductivity of the medium. Membrane behaviour is interpreted as an opening of membrane channels when the environment becomes more physiological. The specific membrane capacitance was determined to be 1.1 microF/cm2 and the thickness of the cell wall was calculated as 0.11 micron. Heat treated cells showed an increased membrane conductivity of more than 0.1 microS/cm (at 25 microS/cm medium conductivity) and a drop in cytoplasmic conductivity to between 0.1 and 0.8 mS/cm, depending on the length of time the cells were suspended in low conductivity water (25 microS/cm), indicating a perforation of the membrane. A slightly decreased spinning speed scaling factor for dead cells suggests a modification to the cellular surface, while the principal structure of the cell wall appears to be uneffected. It can be demonstrated by these observations, that cellular electrorotation permits the simultaneous investigation of the different cellular compartments of individual cells in vivo under various environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in cereal-growing regions worldwide. In the present work, the protein expression profile of rice leaves exposed to glyphosate was analyzed in order to investigate the alternative effects of glyphosate on plants. Two-week-old rice leaves were subjected to glyphosate or a reactive oxygen species (ROS) inducing herbicide paraquat, and total soluble proteins were extracted and analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. A total of 25 differentially expressed proteins were identified from the glyphosate treated sample, wherein 18 proteins were up-regulated and 7 proteins were down-regulated. These proteins had shown a parallel expression pattern in response to paraquat. Results from the 2-DE analysis, combined with immunoblotting, clearly revealed that ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) large subunit was significantly decreased by the treatment of both herbicides. An increased accumulation of antioxidant enzymes including ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase, thioredoxin h-type, nucleoside diphosphate kinase 1, peroxiredoxin and a superoxide dismutase [Cu–Zn] chloroplast precursor in the glyphosate-treated sample suggests that a glyphosate treatment possibly generates oxidative stress in plants. Moreover, a gene expression analysis of five antioxidant enzymes by Northern blot confirmed their mRNA levels in the rice leaves. A histo-cytochemical investigation with DAB (3,3-diaminobenzidine) to localize H2O2 and increases of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) concentration revealed that the glyphosate application generates ROS, which resulted in the peroxidation and destruction of lipids in the rice leaves.  相似文献   

To create a conditional system for molecular analysis of effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on cellular physiology, we have constructed a strain of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) that functionally expresses, under defined conditions, the Delta12 desaturase gene from the tropical rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis. This strain produces up to 15% PUFA, exclusively under inducing conditions resulting in production of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, one of the major end products of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid peroxidation. The PUFA-producing yeast was initially more sensitive to oxidative stress than the wild-type strain. However, over extended time of cultivation it became more resistant to hydrogen peroxide indicating adaptation to endogenous oxidative stress caused by the presence of PUFA. Indeed, PUFA-producing strain showed an increased concentration of endogenous ROS, while initially increased hydrogen peroxide sensitivity was followed by an increase in catalase activity and adaptation to oxidative stress. The deletion mutants constructed to be defective in the catalase activity lost the ability to adapt to oxidative stress. These data demonstrate that the cellular synthesis of PUFA induces endogenous oxidative stress which is overcome by cellular adaptation based on the catalase activity.  相似文献   

Conversion of protein –SH groups to disulfides is an early event during protein oxidation, which has prompted great interest in the study of thiol proteins. Chemical carcinogenesis is strongly associated with the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The goal of this study was to detect thiol proteins that are sensitive to ROS generated during diethylnitrosamine (DEN) metabolism in the rat liver. DEN has been widely used to induce experimental hepatocellular carcinoma. We used modified redox-differential gel electrophoresis (redox-DIGE method) and mass spectrometry MALDI-TOF/TOF to identify differential oxidation protein profiles associated with carcinogen exposure. Our analysis revealed a time-dependent increase in the number of oxidized thiol proteins after carcinogen treatment; some of these proteins have antioxidant activity, including thioredoxin, peroxirredoxin 2, peroxiredoxin 6 and glutathione S-transferase alpha-3. According to functional classifications, the identified proteins in our study included chaperones, oxidoreductases, activity isomerases, hydrolases and other protein-binding partners. This study demonstrates that oxidative stress generated by DEN tends to increase gradually through DEN metabolism, causes time-dependent necrosis in the liver and has an oxidative effect on thiol proteins, thereby increasing the number of oxidized thiol proteins. Furthermore, these events occurred during the hepatocarcinogenesis initiation period.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxins are a family of abundant peroxidases found in all organisms. Although these antioxidant enzymes are thought to be critically involved in cellular defense and redox signaling, their exact physiological roles are largely unknown. In this study, we took a genetic approach to address the functions of peroxiredoxins in budding yeast. We generated and characterized a yeast mutant lacking all five peroxiredoxins. The quintuple peroxiredoxin-null mutant was still viable, though the growth rate was lower under normal aerobic conditions. Although peroxiredoxins are not essential for cell viability, peroxiredoxin-null yeast cells were more susceptible to oxidative and nitrosative stress. In the complete absence of peroxiredoxins, the expression of other antioxidant proteins including glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase was induced. In addition, the quintuple mutant was hypersensitive to glutathione depletion. Thus, the glutathione system might cooperate with other antioxidant enzymes to compensate for peroxiredoxin deficiency. Interestingly, the peroxiredoxinnull yeast cells displayed an increased rate of spontaneous mutations that conferred resistance to canavanine. This mutator phenotype was rescued by yeast peroxiredoxin Tsa1p, but not by its active-site mutant defective for peroxidase activity. Our findings suggest that the antioxidant function of peroxiredoxins is important for maintaining genome stability in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The effect of oxidative stress on riboflavin (vitamin B2) biosynthesis and iron accumulation in flavinogenic yeast P. guilliermondii was investigated. Treatment of P. guilliermondii cells with superoxidgenerating agent methylviologen leads to elevated production of malondialdyhyd (MDA) which reflects the overall cellular oxidation state. Increased iron content in the cells and enhanced productivity of flavinogenesis under these conditions has been shown too. Significant increasing of MDA and riboflavin production by yeast cells under iron deficiency was observed. Riboflavin overproducing P. guilliermondii mutant strains rib80, rib81 and hit, possess high iron transport and synthesize increased quantity of MDA. The role of riboflavin overproduction and activation of iron assimilation in the P. guilliermondii antioxidant defence is discussed.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae KNU5377 strain, which was isolated from spoilage in nature, has the ability to convert biomass to alcohol at high temperatures and it can resist against various stresses. In order to understand the defense mechanisms of the KNU5377 strain under menadione (MD) as oxidative stress, we used several techniques for study: peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) followed by two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis, liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS), and surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization-time of flight (SELDI-TOF) technology. Among the 35 proteins identified by MALDI-TOF MS, 19 proteins including Sod1p, Sod2p, Tsa1p, and Ahp1p were induced under stress condition, while 16 proteins were augmented under normal condition. In particular, five proteins, Sod1p, Sod2p, Ahp1p, Rib3p, Yaf9p, and Mnt1p, were induced in only stressed cells. By LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis, 37 proteins were identified in normal cells and 49 proteins were confirmed in the stressed cells. Among the identified proteins, 32 proteins were found in both cells. Five proteins including Ye1047cp and Met6p were only upregulated in the normal cells, whereas 17 proteins including Abp1p and Sam1p were elevated in the stressed cells. It was interesting that highly hypothetical proteins such as Ynl281wp, Ygr279cp, Ypl273wp, Ykl133cp, and Ykr074wp were only expressed in the stressed cells. SELDI-TOF analysis using the SAX2 and WCX2 chips showed that highly multiple-specific protein patterns were reproducibly detected in ranges from 2.9 to 27.0 kDa both under normal and stress conditions. Therefore, induction of antioxidant proteins, hypothetical proteins, and low molecular weight proteins were revealed by different proteomic techniques. These results suggest that comparative analyses using proteomics might contribute to elucidate the defense mechanisms of KNU5377 under MD stress.  相似文献   

The facile abstraction of bis-allylic hydrogens from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is the hallmark chemistry responsible for initiation and propagation of autoxidation reactions. The products of these autoxidation reactions can form cross-links to other membrane components and damage proteins and nucleic acids. We report that PUFAs deuterated at bis-allylic sites are much more resistant to autoxidation reactions, because of the isotope effect. This is shown using coenzyme Q-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae coq mutants with defects in the biosynthesis of coenzyme Q (Q). Q functions in respiratory energy metabolism and also functions as a lipid-soluble antioxidant. Yeast coq mutants incubated in the presence of the PUFA α-linolenic or linoleic acid exhibit 99% loss of colony formation after 4 h, demonstrating a profound loss of viability. In contrast, coq mutants treated with monounsaturated oleic acid or with one of the deuterated PUFAs, 11,11-D2-linoleic or 11,11,14,14-D4-α-linolenic acid, retain viability similar to wild-type yeast. Deuterated PUFAs also confer protection to wild-type yeast subjected to heat stress. These results indicate that isotope-reinforced PUFAs are stabilized compared to standard PUFAs, and they protect coq mutants and wild-type yeast cells against the toxic effects of lipid autoxidation products. These findings suggest new approaches to controlling ROS-inflicted cellular damage and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Friedreich ataxia is the most common recessive neurodegenerative disease and is caused by reduced expression of mitochondrial frataxin. Frataxin depletion causes impairment in iron-sulfur cluster and heme biosynthesis, disruption of iron homeostasis and hypersensitivity to oxidants. Currently no pharmacological treatment blocks disease progression, although antioxidant therapies proved to benefit patients. We show that sensitivity of yeast frataxin-deficient cells to hydrogen peroxide is partially mediated by the metacaspase. Metacaspase deletion in frataxin-deficient cells results in recovery of antioxidant capacity and heme synthesis. In addition, our results suggest that metacaspase is associated with mitochondrial respiration, intracellular redox control and genomic stability.  相似文献   

Understanding the actions of drugs and toxins in a cell is of critical importance to medicine, yet many of the molecular events involved in chemical resistance are relatively uncharacterized. In order to identify the cellular processes and pathways targeted by chemicals, we took advantage of the haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletion strains (Winzeler et al., 1999). Although ~4800 of the strains are viable, the loss of a gene in a pathway affected by a drug can lead to a synthetic lethal effect in which the combination of a deletion and a normally sublethal dose of a chemical results in loss of viability. WE carried out genome-wide screens to determine quantitative sensitivities of the deletion set to four chemicals: hydrogen peroxide, menadione, ibuprofen and mefloquine. Hydrogen peroxide and menadione induce oxidative stress in the cell, whereas ibuprofen and mefloquine are toxic to yeast by unknown mechanisms. Here we report the sensitivities of 659 deletion strains that are sensitive to one or more of these four compounds, including 163 multichemicalsensitive strains, 394 strains specific to hydrogen peroxide and/or menadione, 47 specific to ibuprofen and 55 specific to mefloquine.We correlate these results with data from other large-scale studies to yield novel insights into cellular function.  相似文献   

The ability of P. brasiliensis yeast cells to withstand microaerophilic conditions was investigated in a liquid medium distributed in tall columns in screw-capped tubes. Young cells of three isolates were inoculated on top of the medium, and the tubes were incubated aerobically and anaerobically at 36 degrees C for 28 days. The viability of cells that had sedimented to the bottoms of the tubes was studied by fluorescent microscopy and by their capacity to resume growth when transferred to fresh medium under continuous agitation. The proportion of viable cells in the sediments diminished with time of incubation. However, after 28 days, 27% of the cells were still viable and fully capable of active growth when placed under adequate aeration. On the other hand, drastic reduction of oxygen access elicited an accelerated death rate, with no survival after 7 days of incubation.  相似文献   

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