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Growth, development and life-cycle duration of the millipede Ommatoiulus sabulosus (f. aimatopodus) were studied in a Mediterranean shrubland of southern France and compared with previous data from northwest Europe. Changes in the proportions of stadia during the course of the year were analysed in several generations. The results show that stadia VII and VIII are consistently reached after the first year of growth, and stadia IX and X after the second year. First reproduction may occur at the age of two years in males reaching maturity at stadium X, but not until the age of three in those reaching maturity at stadia XI and XII. Reproduction cannot occur until at least the age of three in females, which carry mature eggs from stadium XI onwards. In comparison with more northern populations, life-cycle duration is not shorter in the Mediterranean population but there are marked differences in its phenology: the breeding period is in autumn, so that juveniles of stadia II to VI are never faced with the summer drought, and larger individuals are mostly inactive in summer; moreover, all individuals moult once every winter. The results illustrate how julid millipedes of humid temperate regions could respond to higher temperatures and drier summer conditions in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

Ommatoiuius moreleti (Lucas) occurs naturally in Portugal and Spain, and has been introduced to some Atlantic Islands, South Africa and southern Australia, where it is widespread and numerous.
In southern Portugal and south-west Spain, O. moreleti shares its range with O. oliveirae (Verhoeff), O. cingulatus (Attems) and several undescribed Ommatoiulus spp. In a study area where O. moreleti was confined to deep litter beneath Quercus trees, O. oliveirae predominated in litter of the bushes Cistus spp., while O. cingulatus was most numerous in an area dominated by grasses and herbs, but with little litter. The three species tended to eat different food items, but this probably reflected local availability rather than preference.
Ommatoiulus moreleti has a distinct western boundary which broadly corresponds with changes in the quantity of litter on the ground. The distribution of O. moreleti was related to the availability of deep litter, often provided by Pinus and Quercus trees, but also by dense shrubs and heath, and undisturbed grassland.
In addition to providing food, litter provides a refuge for O. moreleti. Grassland species such as O. cingulutus live where there is little litter, and probably have to dig deep in the soil to avoid summer desiccation and predation of immature stages. It is suggested that soil hardness and litter depth may be important determinants in the distribution of O. moreleti , and relative digging ability may explain the partitioning of the habitat between the three species studied.  相似文献   

Abstract Early juvenile stadia are described in four species of family Cambalopsidae. Hypocambala helleri Silvestri, 1897, and H. anguinea (Attems, 1900) show normal relationships between numbers of podous and apodous rings, and numbers of leg-pairs. Glyphiulus granulatus (Gervais, 1847) and Trachyiulus tjampeanus (Attems, 1903) have a deviating stadium (probably stadium III) in which most of the podous rings (10–13 rings in G. granulatus, 19 rings in T. tjampeanus) have only one leg-pair. No trace of the anterior leg-pair, nor of its sternum, could be found in these rings. At the moult to the next stadium (?IV), the normal, diplopodous condition is restored. The term haplopodous diplopods is suggested for the deviating juveniles of G. granulatus and T. tjampeanus. The haplopodous condition creates potential problems for palaeontology and indicates a closer relationship between Glyphiulus and Trachyiulus than reflected in current classifications.  相似文献   

Akkari N  Stoev P  Enghoff H 《ZooKeys》2011,(114):1-14
Two remarkable genera and species of the millipede family Julidae, Titanophyllum spiliarumgen. n., sp. n. and Mammamia profugagen. n. sp., n., are described from caves in Greece and Italy, respectively. The presence of a flagellum and the absence of a 'pro-mesomerital forceps' on the gonopods place them in the tribe Brachyiulini Verhoeff, 1909, an unnatural grouping based on plesiomorphic characters. Both are outstanding in being the only hitherto known blind julidans having such gonopodal features. A dichotomous key to the nine valid brachyiulinine genera based on peripheral and gonopodal characters is presented. Moreover, notes on subanal hooks and anchors in Julida are provided with hypotheses on their possible function.  相似文献   

Using electron microscopy we describe an accessory lateral eye for Cylindroiulus, a diplopod. The accessory eye is situated at the cell body rind of the optic lobes, deep inside the head, and is composed of six R-cells; a dioptric apparatus is absent. Comparison reveals that many arthropods possess accessory lateral eyes in addition to the compound eyes or lateral ocelli. Their homology and distribution among the arthropod main lineages is discussed along with characters that may be useful for reconstructing phylogeny.  相似文献   

The highly conserved part of the nucleotide-binding domain of the hsp70 gene family was amplified from the soil diplopod Tachypodoiulus niger (Julidae, Diplopoda). Genomic DNA yielded 701, 549 and 540 bp sequences, whereas cDNA from heat shocked animals produced only one distinct fragment of 543 bp. The sequences could be classified as a 70 kDa heat shock protein (hsp70), the corresponding 70 kDa heat shock cognate (hsc70) and a glucose-related hsp70 homologue (grp78). Comparisons of genomic and cDNA sequences of hsc70 identified two introns within the consensus sequence. Generally, stress-70 expression levels were low, which hampered successful RT-PCR and subsequent subcloning. Following experimental heat shock, however, the spliced hsc70 was amplified predominantly, instead of its inducible homologue hsp70. This finding suggests that microevolution in this soil-dwelling arthropod is directed towards low constitutive stress-70 levels and that the capacity for stress-70 induction presumably is limited. hsc70, albeit having introns, apparently is inducible and contributes to the stress-70 response.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the influence of tree species on millipede communities (Diplopoda). The research was carried out in nine sites in the Borová hora arboretum (Zvolen town, Central Slovakia). Each studied site represents a monoculture of one of nine tree species: Betula pubescens Ehrh., Pinus sylvestris L., Larix decidua Mill., Carpinus betulus L., Abies alba Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst., Alnus incana (L.) Moench, Populus nigra L., Ulmus laevis Pall. Millipedes were collected by pitfall trapping during vegetation periods in 2008-2011. In total, 1064 individuals of 17 species and 7 families were obtained. The results of research confirmed (i) an influence of tree species on the composition of millipede communities, (ii) a significant influence of soil nitrogen on the species richness and biodiversity, and (iii) an impact of soil pH on the species composition of these terrestrial invertebrate communities. In terms of total dynamic activity and species richness of millipedes, the most favourable conditions were revealed in the forest stands of Alnus incana, Populus nigra, Ulmus laevis and Carpinus betulus. On the contrary, the least favourable biotopes were (from both points of view) the forest stands of Betula pubescens and Larix decidua.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of a troglobite millipede Antrokoreana gracilipes (Verhoeff, 1938) (Dipolopoda, Juliformia, Julida) was sequenced and characterized. The genome (14,747 bp) contains 37 genes (2 ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes and 13 protein-encoding genes) and two large non-coding regions (225 bp and 31 bp), as previously reported for two diplopods, Narceus annularus (order Spirobolida) and Thyropygus sp. (order Spirostreptida). The A + T content of the genome is 62.1% and four tRNAs (tRNA(Ser(AGN)), tRNA(Cys), tRNA(Ile) and tRNA(Met)) have unusual and unstable secondary structures. Whereas Narceus and Thyropygus have identical gene arrangements, the tRNA(Thr) and tRNA(Trp) of Antrokoreana differ from them in their orientations and/or positions. This suggests that the Spirobolida and Spirostreptida are more closely related to each other than to the Dipolopoda. Three scenarios are proposed to account for the unique gene arrangement of Antrokoreana. The data also imply that the Duplication and Nonrandom Loss (DNL) model is applicable to the order Julida. Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses using amino acid sequences deduced from the 12 mitochondrial protein-encoding genes (excluding ATP8) support the view that the three juliformian members are monophyletic (BI 100%; ML 100%), that Thyropygus (Spirostreptida) and Narceus (Spirobolida) are clustered together (BI 100%; ML 83%), and that Antrokoreana (Julida) is a sister of the two. However, due to conflict with previous reports using cladistic approaches based on morphological characteristics, further studies are needed to confirm the close relationship between Spirostreptida and Spirobolida.  相似文献   

Erwin Meyer 《Ecography》1985,8(2):141-150
The research area includes subalpine meadows, alder communities, dwarf-shrub heaths, lichen heaths and highalpine meadows (1960 m–3090 m a.s.l.). The material consists of 4419 Julidae (31.6% adult) collected by extraction of litter samples (66.4%), in pitfall traps (26.3%) and by handsampling (7.3%). Cylindroiulus meinerti (Verhoeff) only occurred below 2000 m; Leptoiulus saltuvagus (Verhoeff) was mainly found at Alnus viridis sites; Leptoiulus simplex (Verhoeff) had its main distribution in the lichen heath (2200-2300 m); Ommatoiulus sabulosus (L.) was found most frequently in the subalpine meadow and Leptoiulus alemannicus (Verhoeff) occurred up to 2800 m without any altitudinal concentration. Adults of L. saltuvagus showed only one distinct activity peak in September, those of L. simplex were diplochronous (June/September) and O. sabulosus summer stenochronous (July). L. saltuvagus reached maturity in stage IX (only males), X or XI after four or five Years. In their first year of growth the members of a generation reached the third or fourth stage, in the second year the sixth or seventh, in the third year the eighth or ninth. Females could carry full-sized eggs in the autumn of the fourth year in the tenth stage or in the fifth year in stage eleven. Apparently eggs may be laid in spring of the fifth or sixth year. Overwintering density of L saltuvagus in alder litter was found to be 215.6 ± 38.7 inds m?2, the mean biomass 1.16 g m?2(max. 1.88 g m?2). Mean annual production during the growth period of 4-5 months was in the order of 0.85 g m?2 (max. 1.36 g m?2).  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the periods of dormancy previously described in the millipede Polydesmus angustus may be photoperiodically induced diapauses was tested experimentally. In this species, biennial individuals exhibit two successive periods of dormancy: aestivation in the penultimate stadium (stadium VII) and reproductive dormancy in the adults, which emerge in autumn. It was first established that the reproductive dormancy is not a thermally controlled state of quiescence. When adults emerging in autumn were kept at 16 °C under natural photoperiod, their reproduction was delayed for several months in comparison with adults emerging in spring at similar temperatures. This indicates that the reproductive dormancy begins with a period of diapause. Further experiments provided evidence of a photoperiodic induction of the adult diapause. When millipedes were reared under short day length (L:D 12:12 h) throughout their development, they required more time to reproduce than millipedes reared under long day length (L:D 16:8 h) at the same temperatures. Photoperiod influenced reproduction in females, but no significant effects were detected in adult males. On the other hand, stadium VII was markedly longer at L:D 16:8 h than at L:D 12:12 h in both sexes, which strongly suggests that aestivation is also induced by photoperiod. However, the effects on the duration of stadium VII varied among individuals, some of which showed no response to long days. This study is the first to document photoperiodic regulation of the life cycle in the class Diplopoda, a trait common in other classes of terrestrial arthropods.  相似文献   

Fishes are one of the most intensively studied marine taxonomic groups yet cryptic species are still being discovered. An integrated taxonomic approach is used herein to delineate and describe a new cryptic seamoth (genus Pegasus) from what was previously a wide-ranging species. Preliminary mitochondrial DNA barcoding indicated possible speciation in Pegasus volitans specimens collected in surveys of the Torres Strait and Great Barrier Reef off Queensland in Australia. Morphological and meristic investigations found key differences in a number of characters between P. volitans and the new species, P. tetrabelos. Further mt DNA barcoding of both the COI and the slower mutating 16S genes of additional specimens provided strong support for two separate species. Pegasus tetrabelos and P. volitans are sympatric in northern Australia and were frequently caught together in trawls at the same depths.  相似文献   

Based on an integrative taxonomic approach, we examine the differentiation of Southeast Asian snail-eating turtles using information from 1863 bp of mitochondrial DNA, 12 microsatellite loci, morphology and a correlative species distribution model. Our analyses reveal three genetically distinct groups with limited mitochondrial introgression in one group. All three groups exhibit distinct nuclear gene pools and distinct morphology. Two of these groups correspond to the previously recognized species Malayemys macrocephala (Chao Phraya Basin) and M. subtrijuga (Lower Mekong Basin). The third and genetically most divergent group from the Khorat Basin represents a previously unrecognized species, which is described herein. Although Malayemys are extensively traded and used for religious release, only few studied turtles appear to be translocated by humans. Historic fluctuations in potential distributions were assessed using species distribution models (SDMs). The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) projection of the predictive SDMs suggests two distinct glacial distribution ranges, implying that the divergence of M. macrocephala and M. subtrijuga occurred in allopatry and was triggered by Pleistocene climate fluctuations. Only the projection derived from the global circulation model MIROC reveals a distinct third glacial distribution range for the newly discovered Malayemys species.  相似文献   

报道在我国河南省信阳市发现的中国新记录属——辛蠓属Sinhalohelea及其1新种:大勇辛蠓Sinhalohelea dayongi Yu,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于微生物流行病研究所医学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

报道中国扁角菌蚊科1新记录属——乌菌蚊属Urytalpa Edwards,1929,并记述1新种:簇毛乌菌蚊U.bartata Caoet Zhou,sp.nov.,模式标本保存在浙江林学院昆虫标本室。 簇毛乌菌蚊Urytalpa barbata Caoel Zhou,新种(图1~4) 雄:体长4.1mm,翅长3.4mm。 本新种与分布于日本的U.crassicauda Uesugi,2004相似,但新种C脉略超过R5脉端至M1脉端距离之半,而U.crassicauda的C脉仅略超过R5脉端;新种Sc脉未达Rs脉基部,而U.crassicauda的Sc脉远超过Rs脉基部。另外,新种第8腹板端部中央有1卵圆形毛斑及第9背板端两侧各具1伸向腹面的长突起等特征也与该属内其它种有显著差异。 正模:♂,浙江泰顺乌岩岭,2005-V-27,王义平采自马氏诱捕器。副模:1♂,浙江庆元百山祖,1994-Ⅳ-21,吴鸿采;1♂,贵州江口梵净山,1988-Ⅴ-15,王象贤采。词源:新种学名意指其第8腹板端部中间着1簇紧密刚毛。  相似文献   

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