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Protists provide the opportunity to integrate analyses from a low (molecular) to a high (organism) level of complexity within a broad evolutionary framework. The perpectives they offer in the cytoskeletal field are discussed with respect to emerging concepts of cellular biology.  相似文献   

The alternative nutritional strategies in protists that were addressed during the symposium by that name at the 2010 annual meeting of the International Society of Protistologists and here in contributed papers, include a range of mechanisms that combine photosynthesis with heterotrophy in a single organism. Often called mixotrophy, these multiple trophic level combinations occur across a broad range of organisms and environments. Consequently, there is great variability in the physiological abilities and relative importance of phototrophy vs. phagotrophy and/or osmotrophy in mixotrophic protists. Recently, research papers addressing ecological questions about mixotrophy in marine systems have been more numerous than those that deal with freshwater systems, a trend that is probably partly due to a realization that many harmful algal blooms in coastal marine systems involve mixotrophic protists. After an introduction to the symposium presentations, recent studies of mixotrophy in freshwater systems are reviewed to encourage continuing research on their importance to inland waters.  相似文献   

The conserved homeobox (Hox) gene cluster is neither conserved nor clustered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Instead, C. elegans has a reduced and dispersed gene complement that is the result the loss of Hox genes in stages throughout its evolutionary history. The roles of Hox genes in patterning the nematode body axis are also divergent, although there are tantalising remnants of ancient regulatory systems. Hox patterning also differs greatly between C. elegans and a second 'model' nematode, Pristionchus pacificus. The pattern of Hox gene evolution may be indicative of the move to deterministic developmental modes in nematodes.  相似文献   


Molecular sequence data have become prominent tools for phylogenetic relationship inference, particularly useful in the analysis of highly diverse taxonomic orders. Ribosomal RNA sequences provide markers that can be used in the study of phylogeny, because their function and structure have been conserved to a large extent throughout the evolutionary history of organisms. These sequences are inferred from cloned or enzymatically amplified gene sequences, or determined by direct RNA sequencing. The first step of the phylogenetic interpretation of nucleic acid sequence variations implies proper alignment of corresponding sequences from various organisms. Best alignment based on similarity criteria is greatly reinforced, in the case of ribosomal RNAs, by secondary structure homologies. Distance matrix methods to infer evolutionary trees are based on the assumption that the phylogenetic distance between each pair of organisms is proportional to the number of nucleotide substitution events. Computed tree inference methods usually take into consideration the possibility of unequal mutation rates among lineages. Divergence times can be estimated on the tree, provided that at least one lineage has been dated by fossil records. We have utilized this approach based on ribosomal RNA sequence comparison to investigate the phylogenetic relationship between dinoflagellated and other eukaryote protists, and to refine controverse phylogenies of the class Dinophycae.  相似文献   

Understanding the origins and impacts of novel traits has been a perennial interest in many realms of ecology and evolutionary biology. Here, we build on previous evolutionary and philosophical treatments of this subject to encompass novelties across biological scales and eco-evolutionary perspectives. By defining novelties as new features at one biological scale that have emergent effects at other biological scales, we incorporate many forms of novelty that have previously been treated in isolation (such as novelty from genetic mutations, new developmental pathways, new morphological features, and new species). Our perspective is based on the fundamental idea that the emergence of a novelty, at any biological scale, depends on its environmental and genetic context. Through this lens, we outline a broad array of generative mechanisms underlying novelty and highlight how genomic tools are transforming our understanding of the origins of novelty. Lastly, we present several case studies to illustrate how novelties across biological scales and systems can be understood based on common mechanisms of change and their environmental and genetic contexts. Specifically, we highlight how gene duplication contributes to the evolution of new complex structures in visual systems; how genetic exchange in symbiosis alters functions of both host and symbiont, resulting in a novel organism; and how hybridisation between species can generate new species with new niches.  相似文献   

Summary The terminology used to describe the cytoskeleton of protists is sometimes redundant and confusing. The independent origins of protistology from studies on algae, fungi, and protozoans led to these problems. Additionally, recent studies indicate that seemingly unrelated taxa form new, monophyletic groups. However, homologous structures that support monophyly are difficult to identify when the literature is published in journals restricted to specific fields or when the terminology is in duplicate or triplicate. The purpose of this paper is to establish clear definitions, identify synonyms, and indicate homologies where possible.  相似文献   

The origin of novel traits is what draws many to evolutionary biology, yet our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the genesis of novelty remains limited. Here I review definitions of novelty including its relationship to homology. I then discuss how ontogenetic perspectives may allow us to move beyond current roadblocks in our understanding of the mechanics of innovation. Specifically, I explore the roles of canalization, plasticity and threshold responses during development in generating a reservoir of cryptic genetic variation free to drift and accumulate in natural populations. Environmental or genetic perturbations that exceed the buffering capacity of development can then release this variation, and, through evolution by genetic accommodation, result in rapid diversification, recurrence of lost phenotypes as well as the origins of novel features. I conclude that, in our quest to understand the nature of innovation, the nature of development deserves to take center stage.  相似文献   

All cells secrete a diversity of macromolecules to modify their environment or to protect themselves. Eukaryotic cells have evolved a complex secretory pathway consisting of several membrane-bound compartments which contain specific sets of proteins. Experimental work on the secretory pathway has focused mainly on mammalian cell lines or on yeasts. Now, some general principles of the secretory pathway have become clear, and most components of the secretory pathway are conserved between yeast cells and mammalian cells. However, the structure and function of the secretory system in protists have been less extensively studied. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the secretory pathway of five different groups of protists: Giardia lamblia, one of the earliest lines of eukaryotic evolution, kinetoplastids, the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, and two lineages within the "crown" of eukaryotic cell evolution, the alveolates (ciliates and Plasmodium species) and the green algae. Comparison of these systems with the mammalian and yeast system shows that most elements of the secretory pathway were presumably present in the earliest eukaryotic organisms. However, one element of the secretory pathway shows considerable variation: the presence of a Golgi stack and the number of cisternae within a stack. We suggest that the functional separation of the plasma membrane from the nucleus-endoplasmic reticulum system during evolution required a sorting compartment, which became the Golgi apparatus. Once a Golgi apparatus was established, it was adapted to the various needs of the different organisms.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is a 76-amino-acid protein with a remarkably high degree of conservation between all known sequences. Ubiquitin genes are almost always multicopy in eukaryotes, and often are found as polyubiquitin genes—fused tandem repeats which are coexpressed. Seventeen ubiquitin sequences from the amitochondrial protist Trichomonas vaginalis have been examined here, including an 11-repeat fragment of a polyubiquitin gene. These sequences reveal a number of interesting features that are not seen in other eukaryotes. The predicted amino acid sequences lack several universally conserved residues, and individual units do not always encode identical peptides as is usually the case. On the nucleotide level, these repeats are in general highly variable, but one region in the polyubiquitin is extremely homogeneous, with seven repeats absolutely identical. Such extended stretches of homogeneity have never been observed in ubiquitin genes and since substitutions are common in other coding units, it is likely that these repeats are the product of a very recent homogenization or amplification. Correspondence to: P.J. Keeling  相似文献   

Insect societies dominate the natural world: They mould landscapes, sculpt habitats, pollinate plants, sow seeds and control pests. The secret to their success lies in the evolution of queen (reproductive) and worker (provisioner and carer) castes (Oster & Wilson 1978 ). A major problem in evolutionary biology is explaining the evolution of insect castes, particularly the workers (Darwin 1859 ). Next‐generation sequencing technologies now make it possible to understand how genomic material is born, lost and reorganized in the evolution of alternative phenotypes. Such analyses are revealing a general role for novel (e.g. taxonomically restricted) genes in phenotypic innovations across the animal kingdom (Chen et al. 2013). In this issue of molecular ecology, Feldmeyer et al. (2014) provide overwhelming evidence for the importance of novel genes in caste evolution in an ant. Feldmeyer et al.'s study is important and exciting because it cements the role of genomic novelty, as well as conservation, firmly into the molecular jigsaw of social evolution. Evolution is eclectic in its exploitation of both old and new genomic material to generate replicated phenotypic innovations across the tree of life.  相似文献   

To date, molecular developmental studies have focused on vegetative rather than floral phyllotaxis because vegetative shoot apices are technically more tractable than floral apices in model plants. In contrast to evolutionary changes in the phyllotaxis of vegetative shoots, however, changes in floral phyllotaxis appear to have played a major role in angiosperm evolution. Consolidation of a whorled floral phyllotaxis in derived groups allowed synorganization of floral organs and further adaptive radiations. In basal angiosperms, floral phyllotaxis is more flexible. To study these phenomena, we need clarification of the complex relations of both spiral and whorled phyllotaxis with divergence angles, plastochrons, spiral versus simultaneous initiation of organs, parastichies, orthostichies, organ series, and whorls. Improved resolution of phylogenetic relationships and increased knowledge of the diversity of floral phyllotaxis will allow us to trace evolutionary changes in floral phyllotaxis in ever more detail. Already, such surveys have confirmed that floral phyllotaxis was unusually labile early in angiosperm evolution. Whether the original floral phyllotaxis in angiosperms was spiral or whorled is equivocal, but it appears that spiral floral phyllotaxis in Magnoliales and Laurales is derived rather than primitive.  相似文献   

The conventional analysis of enzyme evolution is to regard one single salient feature as a measure of fitness, expressed in a milieu exposing the possible selective advantage at a given time and location. Given that a single protein may serve more than one function, fitness should be assessed in several dimensions. In the present study we have explored individual mutational steps leading to a triple-point-mutated human GST (glutathione transferase) A2-2 displaying enhanced activity with azathioprine. A total of eight alternative substrates were used to monitor the diverse evolutionary trajectories. The epistatic effects of the mutations on catalytic activity were variable in sign and magnitude and depended on the substrate used, showing that epistasis is a multidimensional quality. Evidently, the multidimensional fitness landscape can lead to alternative trajectories resulting in enzymes optimized for features other than the selectable markers relevant at the origin of the evolutionary process. In this manner the evolutionary response is robust and can adapt to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages and protists are major causes of bacterial mortality. Genomics suggests that phages evolved well before eukaryotic protists. Bacteria were thus initially only confronted with phage predators. When protists evolved, bacteria were caught between two types of predators. One successful antigrazing strategy of bacteria was the elaboration of toxins that would kill the grazer. The released cell content would feed bystander bacteria. I suggest here that, to fight grazing protists, bacteria teamed up with those phage predators that concluded at least a temporary truce with them in the form of lysogeny. Lysogeny was perhaps initially a resource management strategy of phages that could not maintain infection chains. Subsequently, lysogeny might have evolved into a bacterium-prophage coalition attacking protists, which became a food source for them. When protists evolved into multicellular animals, the lysogenic bacteria tracked their evolving food source. This hypothesis could explain why a frequent scheme of bacterial pathogenicity is the survival in phagocytes, why a significant fraction of bacterial pathogens have prophage-encoded virulence genes, and why some virulence factors of animal pathogens are active against unicellular eukaryotes. Bacterial pathogenicity might thus be one playing option of the stone-scissor-paper game played between phages-bacteria-protists, with humans getting into the crossfire.  相似文献   

Stomatal architecture and evolution in basal angiosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stomatal architecture-the number, form, and arrangement of specialized epidermal cells associated with stomatal guard cells-of 46 species of basal angiosperms representing all ANITA grade families and Chloranthaceae was investigated. Leaf clearings and cuticular preparations were examined with light microscopy, and a sample of 100 stomata from each specimen was coded for stomatal type and five other characters contributing to stomatal architecture. New stomatal types were defined, and many species were examined and illustrated for the first time. Character evolution was examined in light of the ANITA hypothesis using MacClade software. Analysis of character evolution, along with other evidence from this study and evidence from the literature on fossil angiosperms and other seed plant lineages, suggests that the ancestral condition of angiosperms can be described as anomo-stephanocytic, a system in which complexes lacking subdidiaries (anomocytic) intergrade with those having weakly differentiated subsidiaries arranged in a rosette (stephanocytic). From this ancestral condition, tangential divisions of contact cells led to the profusion of different types seen in early fossil angiosperms and Amborellaceae, Austrobaileyales, and derived Chloranthaceae, while the state in Nymphaeales is little modified. Formation of new, derived types by tangential division appears to be a recurrent theme in seed plant evolution.  相似文献   

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