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Bacterial persistence is a potential cause of antibiotic therapy failure. Antibiotic-tolerant persisters originate from phenotypic differentiation within a susceptible population, occurring with a frequency that can be altered by mutations. Recent studies have proven that persistence is a highly evolvable trait and, consequently, an important evolutionary strategy of bacterial populations to adapt to high-dose antibiotic therapy. Yet, the factors that govern the evolutionary dynamics of persistence are currently poorly understood. Theoretical studies predict far-reaching effects of bottlenecking on the evolutionary adaption of bacterial populations, but these effects have never been investigated in the context of persistence. Bottlenecking events are frequently encountered by infecting pathogens during host-to-host transmission and antibiotic treatment. In this study, we used a combination of experimental evolution and barcoded knockout libraries to examine how population bottlenecking affects the evolutionary dynamics of persistence. In accordance with existing hypotheses, small bottlenecks were found to restrict the adaptive potential of populations and result in more heterogeneous evolutionary outcomes. Evolutionary trajectories followed in small-bottlenecking regimes additionally suggest that the fitness landscape associated with persistence has a rugged topography, with distinct trajectories toward increased persistence that are accessible to evolving populations. Furthermore, sequencing data of evolved populations and knockout libraries after selection reveal various genes that are potentially involved in persistence, including previously known as well as novel targets. Together, our results do not only provide experimental evidence for evolutionary theories, but also contribute to a better understanding of the environmental and genetic factors that guide bacterial adaptation to antibiotic treatment.  相似文献   

立体视觉不仅指对静态深度信息的感知,也包括对物体在三维空间中的运动方向的判断。本研究记录了人眼对于动态随机点图运动方向的辨别能力以及视觉训练在提高对动态信息分辨能力的作用。实验结果表明,对于没有任何相关经验的视力正常的受试者,很难分辨出动态随机点的深度运动方向,而视觉训练可以大大提高人眼对物体深度运动方向判断的敏感度。此外,这种视觉训练所达到的效果具有较长时间的持续性(至少6个月)。这种通过视觉训练提高受试者对立体运动信息的敏感度的方式为立体视觉相关的实验和研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

Structural elements for breeding such as nests are key resources for the conservation of bird populations. This is especially true when structural elements require a specific and restricted habitat, or if the construction of nests is costly in time and energy. The availability of nesting-platforms is influenced by nest creation and persistence. In a Mediterranean forest in southeastern Spain, nesting-platforms are the only structural element for three forest-dwelling raptor species: booted eagle Aquila pennata, common buzzard Buteo buteo and northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis. From 1998 to 2013, we tracked the fate of 157 nesting-platforms built and reused by these species with the aim of determining the rates of creation and destruction of nesting-platforms, estimating nest persistence by applying two survival analyses, describing the pattern of nest reuse and testing the effects of nest use on breeding success. Nest creation and destruction rates were low (0.14 and 0.05, respectively). Using Kaplan Meier survival estimates and Cox proportional-hazards regression models we found that median nest longevity was 12 years and that this was not significantly affected by nest characteristics, nest-tree dimensions, nest-builder species, or frequency of use of the platform. We also estimated a transition matrix, considering the different stages of nest occupation (vacant or occupied by one of the focal species), to obtain the fundamental matrix and the average life expectancies of nests, which varied from 17.9 to 19.7 years. Eighty six percent of nests were used in at least one breeding attempt, 67.5% were reused and 17.8% were successively occupied by at least two of the study species. The frequency of nest use had no significant effects on the breeding success of any species. We conclude that nesting-platforms constitute an important resource for forest raptors and that their longevity is sufficiently high to allow their reuse in multiple breeding attempts.  相似文献   

As human populations expand, there is increasing demand and pressure for land. Under this scenario, behavioural flexibility and adaptation become important processes leading to the persistence of large carnivores in human-dominated landscapes such as agroecosystems. A growing interest has recently emerged on the outcome of the coexistence between wolves and humans in these systems. It has been suggested that spatial heterogeneity in human activities would be a major environmental factor modulating vulnerability and persistence of this contentious species in agroecosystems. Here, we combined information from 35 den sites detected between 2011 and 2012 in agroecosystems of western Iran (Hamedan province), a set of environmental variables measured at landscape and fine spatial scales, and generalized linear models to identify patterns of den site selection by wolves in a highly-modified agroecosystem. On a landscape level, wolves selected a mixture of rangelands with scattered dry-farms on hillsides (showing a low human use) to locate their dens, avoiding areas with high densities of settlements and primary roads. On a fine spatial scale, wolves primarily excavated dens into the sides of elevated steep-slope hills with availability of water bodies in the vicinity of den sites, and wolves were relegated to dig in places with coarse-soil particles. Our results suggest that vulnerability of wolves in human-dominated landscapes could be compensated by the existence of spatial heterogeneity in human activities. Such heterogeneity would favor wolf persistence in agroecosystems favoring a land sharing model of coexistence between wolves and people.  相似文献   



Global motion detection is one of the most important abilities in the animal kingdom to navigate through a 3-dimensional environment. In the visual system of teleost fish direction-selective neurons in the pretectal area (APT) are most important for global motion detection. As in all other vertebrates these neurons are involved in the control of slow phase eye movements during gaze stabilization. In contrast to mammals cortical pathways that might influence motion detection abilities of the optokinetic system are missing in teleost fish.


To test global motion detection in goldfish we first measured the coherence threshold of random dot patterns to elicit horizontal slow phase eye movements. In addition, the coherence threshold of the optomotor response was determined by the same random dot patterns. In a second approach the coherence threshold to elicit a direction selective response in neurons of the APT was assessed from a neurometric function. Behavioural thresholds and neuronal thresholds to elicit slow phase eye movements were very similar, and ranged between 10% and 20% coherence. In contrast to these low thresholds for the optokinetic reaction and APT neurons the optomotor response could only be elicited by random dot patterns with coherences above 40%.


Our findings suggest a high sensitivity for global motion in the goldfish optokinetic system. Comparison of neuronal and behavioural thresholds implies a nearly one-to-one transformation of visual neuron performance to the visuo-motor output. In addition, we assume that the optomotor response is not mediated by the optokinetic system, but instead by other motion detection systems with higher coherence thresholds.  相似文献   

Exploratory behavior serves the function of acquiring information when facing environmental uncertainty, thus plays an important role for animals living on patchy or ephemeral resources. Our study tested the hypothesis that exploratory behavior is affected by ecological factors associated with the risk of predation. We conducted experiments to examine exploration behavior of wild‐caught Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus) under the influences of background color patterns (white or camouflaged) and group sizes (single vs. five sparrows). We further conducted two‐pattern choice experiments and offered sparrows backgrounds combining those two color patterns. In comparisons with single sparrows, flocking sparrows had shorter landing latencies, started exploring sand patches earlier, spent less total time on the ground before pecking at the first patch and nearly successfully located and pecked all patches. In contrast, sparrows responded nearly indifferently to the two single‐pattern backgrounds; yet when given a choice, sparrows still favored the camouflaged portion in the two‐pattern backgrounds and first landed more frequently there. Twice as many patches were left untouched on the two‐pattern backgrounds, mostly by single sparrows, than on both types of single‐pattern backgrounds. In tests of flocks, sparrows that first landed on the ground to initiate exploration had a higher chance to also first explore a sand patch than random expectation on single‐pattern backgrounds, but not necessarily on two‐pattern backgrounds. Our results demonstrate context‐specific effects of social exploration, suggest possible influence of individual variation and offer evidence for advantages of group living in situations where explorers have to cope with environmental uncertainty.  相似文献   

从蛋白质折叠成自由能最小的稳定结构类型为研究的出发点,为揭示蛋白质空间折叠的动力学本质,对非同源蛋白质数据库,以蛋白质序列的氮基酸频率和自协方差函数为特征矢量,求出表征特征矢量中各分量耦合作用与协同作用的协方差矩阵所对应的特征值.与Chou的方法相比,更全面地反映了蛋白质折叠密码的简并性、全局性和多意性,为定量表征折叠成不同结构类的蛋白质,提供了一种动力学参数分析方法.  相似文献   

Geostatistical techniques were applied and a series of spatial indicators were calculated (occupation, aggregation, location, dispersion, spatial autocorrelation and overlap) to characterize the spatial distributions of European anchovy and sardine during summer. Two ecosystems were compared for this purpose, both located in the Mediterranean Sea: the Strait of Sicily (upwelling area) and the North Aegean Sea (continental shelf area, influenced by freshwater). Although the biomass of anchovy and sardine presented high interannual variability in both areas, the location of the centres of gravity and the main spatial patches of their populations were very similar between years. The size of the patches representing the dominant part of the abundance (80%) was mostly ecosystem- and species-specific. Occupation (area of presence) appears to be shaped by the extent of suitable habitats in each ecosystem whereas aggregation patterns (how the populations are distributed within the area of presence) were species-specific and related to levels of population biomass. In the upwelling area, both species showed consistently higher occupation values compared to the continental shelf area. Certain characteristics of the spatial distribution of sardine (e.g. spreading area, overlapping with anchovy) differed substantially between the two ecosystems. Principal component analysis of geostatistical and spatial indicators revealed that biomass was significantly related to a suite of, rather than single, spatial indicators. At the spatial scale of our study, strong correlations emerged between biomass and the first principal component axis with highly positive loadings for occupation, aggregation and patchiness, independently of species and ecosystem. Overlapping between anchovy and sardine increased with the increase of sardine biomass but decreased with the increase of anchovy. This contrasting pattern was attributed to the location of the respective major patches combined with the specific occupation patterns of the two species. The potential use of spatial indices as auxiliary stock monitoring indicators is discussed.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of massively-parallel sequencing has confirmed that most cancers are oligoclonal, with subpopulations of neoplastic cells harboring distinct mutations. A fine resolution view of this clonal architecture provides insight into tumor heterogeneity, evolution, and treatment response, all of which may have clinical implications. Single tumor analysis already contributes to understanding these phenomena. However, cryptic subclones are frequently revealed by additional patient samples (e.g., collected at relapse or following treatment), indicating that accurately characterizing a tumor requires analyzing multiple samples from the same patient. To address this need, we present SciClone, a computational method that identifies the number and genetic composition of subclones by analyzing the variant allele frequencies of somatic mutations. We use it to detect subclones in acute myeloid leukemia and breast cancer samples that, though present at disease onset, are not evident from a single primary tumor sample. By doing so, we can track tumor evolution and identify the spatial origins of cells resisting therapy.  相似文献   

High-latitude, shelf Antarctic benthic communities are highly diversified and structured, dominated by benthic suspension feeders, and are subject to major natural disturbances. This study focuses on spatial patterns of the Antarctic benthos emphasizing the succession process after iceberg disturbance. For this purpose, underwater photographs (1 m2 each) from the southeastern Weddell Sea shelf (<300 m depth) were analyzed using techniques from the field of landscape ecology. Here, we examine measurements of spatial patterns (landscape indices) to describe changes in structural patterns along successional stages on these Antarctic benthic communities. We show a gradual separation from the early to older stages of succession based on sessile benthic cover area, size, shape, diversity, and interspersion and juxtaposition indices. Conceptually, the results describe a gradient from samples belonging to first stages of recovery with low cover area, low complexity of patch shape, small patch size, low diversity and patches poorly interspersed to samples from later stages with higher values of these indices. Cover area was the best predictor of recovery. We conclude that a variety of factors affect the observed successional sequences of Antarctic shelf benthic communities after iceberg disturbance, including the existence and dispersal abilities of propagules, growth rates, and competition between species. Overall, changes in the magnitude, frequency, and duration of disturbance regimes and alterations of ecosystem resilience pose major challenges for conservation of Antarctic benthos. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Identifying factors governing the origin, distribution, and maintenance of Neotropical plant diversity is an enduring challenge. To explore the complex and dynamic historical processes that shaped contemporary genetic patterns for a Central American plant species, we investigated the spatial distribution of chloroplast haplotypes of a geographically and environmentally widespread epiphytic bromeliad with wind‐dispersed seeds, Catopsis nutans, in Costa Rica. We hypothesized that genetic discontinuities occur between northwestern and southwestern Pacific slope populations, resembling patterns reported for other plant taxa in the region. Using non‐coding chloroplast DNA from 469 individuals and 23 populations, we assessed the influences of geographic and environmental distance as well as historical climatic variation on the genetic structure of populations spanning >1200 m in elevation. Catopsis nutans revealed seven haplotypes with low within‐population diversity (mean haplotype richness = 1.2) and moderate genetic structure (FST = 0.699). Pairwise FST was significantly correlated with both geographic and environmental distance. The frequency of dominant haplotypes was significantly correlated with elevation. A cluster of nine Pacific lowland populations exhibited a distinct haplotype profile and contained five of the seven haplotypes, suggesting historical isolation and limited seed‐mediated gene flow with other populations. Paleodistribution models indicated lowland and upland habitats in this region were contiguous through past climatic oscillations. Based on our paleodistribution analysis and comparable prior phylogeographic studies, the genetic signature of recent climatic oscillations are likely superimposed upon the distribution of anciently divergent lineages. Our study highlights the unique phylogeographic history of a Neotropical plant species spanning an elevation gradient.  相似文献   

Cell membranes display a range of receptors that bind ligands and activate signaling pathways. Signaling is characterized by dramatic changes in membrane molecular topography, including the co-clustering of receptors with signaling molecules and the segregation of other signaling molecules away from receptors. Electron microscopy of immunogold-labeled membranes is a critical technique to generate topographical information at the 5–10 nm resolution needed to understand how signaling complexes assemble and function. However, due to experimental limitations, only two molecular species can usually be labeled at a time. A formidable challenge is to integrate experimental data across multiple experiments where there are from 10 to 100 different proteins and lipids of interest and only the positions of two species can be observed simultaneously. As a solution, we propose the use of Markov random field (MRF) modeling to reconstruct the distribution of multiple cell membrane constituents from pair-wise data sets. MRFs are a powerful mathematical formalism for modeling correlations between states associated with neighboring sites in spatial lattices. The presence or absence of a protein of a specific type at a point on the cell membrane is a state. Since only two protein types can be observed, i.e., those bound to particles, and the rest cannot be observed, the problem is one of deducing the conditional distribution of a MRF with unobservable (hidden) states. Here, we develop a multiscale MRF model and use mathematical programming techniques to infer the conditional distribution of a MRF for proteins of three types from observations showing the spatial relationships between only two types. Application to synthesized data shows that the spatial distributions of three proteins can be reliably estimated. Application to experimental data provides the first maps of the spatial relationship between groups of three different signaling molecules. The work is an important step toward a more complete understanding of membrane spatial organization and dynamics during signaling.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of antibiotic resistance to streptomycin and kanamycin was examined in natural bacterial communities of two streams. The proportion of resistant bacteria was substantially higher (P < 0.05) in the midreaches of an industrially perturbed stream, but no such pattern was apparent in an undisturbed reference stream. The highest relative frequency of resistance was found at the confluence of a tributary draining a nuclear reactor and industrial complex. Antibiotic resistance increased with distance upstream from the confluence and was positively correlated (r2 = 0.54, P = 0.023) with mercury concentrations in the sediments. When the data for two years were compared, this pattern was stable for streptomycin resistance (paired t test, P < 0.05) but not for kanamycin resistance (P > 0.05). Our results imply that heavy metal pollution may contribute to increased antibiotic resistance through indirect selection.  相似文献   

In this study we determined the effect of NaCl concentration during sporulation (0 or 3.0% [wt/vol] added NaCl) and subsequent growth (0 or 2.0% [wt/vol] added NaCl) on the distributions of times associated with various stages of the lag phase of individual spores of nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum strain Eklund 17B. The effects of NaCl on the probability of germination and the probability of subsequent growth were also determined. Spore populations exhibited considerable heterogeneity at all stages of lag phase for each condition tested. Germination time did not correlate strongly with the times for later stages in the lag phase, such as outgrowth and doubling time. Addition of NaCl to either the sporulation or growth media increased the mean times for, and variability of, all the measured stages of the lag phase (germination, emergence, time to one mature cell, and time to first doubling). There was a synergistic interaction between the inhibitory effects of NaCl in the sporulation medium and the inhibitory effects of NaCl in the subsequent growth medium on the total lag time and each of its stages. Addition of NaCl to either the sporulation medium or the growth medium reduced both the probability of germination and the probability of a germinated spore developing into a mature cell, but the interaction was not synergistic. Spores formed in medium with added NaCl were not better adapted to subsequent growth in suboptimal osmotic conditions than spores formed in medium with no added NaCl were. Knowledge of the distribution of lag times for individual spores and quantification of the biovariability within lag time distributions may provide insight into the underlying mechanisms and can be used to improve predictions of growth in food and to refine risk assessments.  相似文献   

Using sophisticated microscopy techniques, we observed the spatial pattern of bacteria colonizing a sterile 316L stainless steel coupon as bulk water containing bacteria flowed across the coupon. The experiments used stainless steel of differing roughness and surface chemistry. The ultimate goal was to identify surface features which influence bacterial adsorption. The immediate statistical goal was to distinguish patterns consistent with complete spatial randomness from patterns showing regularity or aggregation. This goal was accomplished by using modified analyses of distance functions commonly applied in field ecology. The method protected against a potential multiple comparisons problem. For the null value of the distance function, we calculated tolerance envelopes such that the tolerance level was simultaneous for all distances of concern. Computer simulation experiments showed that the nominal level was accurate. The methodology was effective for detecting and describing patterns of colonization known not to be completely spatially random.  相似文献   

The microstructure of otoliths was used to examine the relationship among timing of parturition, duration of planktonic stage, and temporal patterns of settlement in young-of-the-year (YOY) Sebastes inermis collected during the settlement seasons of 1998–2001 in a seagrass bed at the northwestern coast of Japan. Parturition occurred in winter, predominantly around the new and full moons, and parturition dates were distributed mainly from early January to late February. In the 4 years YOY S. inermis settled into distinctive groups at early spring, synchronized mainly to a semi-lunar cycle at new and full moon phases; except for 1998, in which settlement occurred around the first and third quarter moons. In all years settlers extruded earlier in the parturition season encompassed the first settlement groups that appeared in the bed and vice versa. Planktonic period ranged from 53 to 113 days, and its mean values varied significantly among settlement groups and years. Mean size at settlement showed less variability among settled groups and between years (range: 18–26mm total length), which suggested an ideal size for settling and active migration. On the basis of our findings we discuss the extent to which the 'tidal control', 'settlement linkage', and 'competent size' hypotheses explain the temporal pattern of settlement.  相似文献   

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