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Objective: To summarize research on couple sleeping with respect to gender-specific differences and chronotype. Methods: Systematic review of the literature. Results: Millions of adults around the world share their beds with a partner. This may be an expression of intimacy and attachment and tends to intensify romantic relationships. Yet, couple sleeping still has underestimated implications for the quality of the relationship, quality of sleep and for physical and psychological health which are not consistently positive. Implications for research and therapy are discussed. Conclusions: Despite the people involved perhaps not even being aware of their nocturnal interactions, it is important that sleeping together becomes a subject of discussion.

Abbreviations: REM: rapid eye movement; QOL: quality of life; OSA: obstructive sleep apnea; CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure  相似文献   

Light is an important environmental stimulus for the entrainment of the circadian clock and for increasing alertness. The intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells in the retina play an important role in transferring this light information to the circadian system and they are elicited in particular by short-wavelength light. Exposure to short wavelengths is reduced, for instance, in elderly people due to yellowing of the ocular lenses. This reduction may be involved in the disrupted circadian rhythms observed in aged subjects. Here, we tested the effects of reduced blue light exposure in young healthy subjects (n?=?15) by using soft orange contact lenses (SOCL). We showed (as expected) that a reduction in the melatonin suppressing effect of light is observed when subjects wear the SOCL. However, after chronic exposure to reduced (short wavelength) light for two consecutive weeks we observed an increase in sensitivity of the melatonin suppression response. The response normalized as if it took place under a polychromatic light pulse. No differences were found in the dim light melatonin onset or in the amplitude of the melatonin rhythms after chronic reduced blue light exposure. The effects on sleep parameters were limited. Our results demonstrate that the non-visual light system of healthy young subjects is capable of adapting to changes in the spectral composition of environmental light exposure. The present results emphasize the importance of considering not only the short-term effects of changes in environmental light characteristics.  相似文献   



OSA increases atrial fibrillation (AF) risk and is associated with poor AF treatment outcomes. However, a causal association is not firmly established and the mechanisms involved are poorly understood. The aims of this work were to determine whether chronic obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) induces an atrial pro-arrhythmogenic substrate and to explore whether mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are able to prevent it in a rat model of OSA.


A custom-made setup was used to mimic recurrent OSA-like airway obstructions in rats. OSA-rats (n = 16) were subjected to 15-second obstructions, 60 apneas/hour, 6 hours/day during 21 consecutive days. Sham rats (n = 14) were placed in the setup but no obstructions were applied. In a second series of rats, MSC were administered to OSA-rats and saline to Sham-rats. Myocardial collagen deposit was evaluated in Picrosirius-red stained samples. mRNA expression of genes involved in collagen turnover, inflammation and oxidative stress were quantified by real time PCR. MMP-2 protein levels were quantified by Western Blot.


A 43% greater interstitial collagen fraction was observed in the atria, but not in the ventricles, of OSA-rats compared to Sham-rats (Sham 8.32 ± 0.46% vs OSA 11.90 ± 0.59%, P < 0.01). Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme (ACE) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6) expression were significantly increased in both atria, while Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) expression was decreased. MSC administration blunted OSA-induced atrial fibrosis (Sham + Saline 8.39 ± 0.56% vs OSA + MSC 9.57 ± 0.31%, P = 0.11), as well as changes in MMP-2 and IL-6 expression. Interleukin 1-β (IL-1β) plasma concentration correlated to atrial but not ventricular fibrosis. Notably, a 2.5-fold increase in IL-1β plasma levels was observed in the OSA group, which was prevented in rats receiving MSC.


OSA induces selective atrial fibrosis in a chronic murine model, which can be mediated in part by the systemic and local inflammation and by decreased collagen-degradation. MSCs transplantation prevents atrial fibrosis, suggesting that these stem cells could counterbalance inflammation in OSA.  相似文献   

最近基因组研究表明树鼩属于灵长类或是与灵长类亲缘关系最密切的姐妹种.因此,树鼩可能是应用于建立人类疾病动物模型的最佳动物之一.该文报道一种抑郁症的社会竞争失败病因学树鼩(Tupaia belangerichinensis)模型.一对雄性树鼩被饲养在一个双笼中,用网格把双笼隔开,网格上有一小门.适应1周后,把小门打开,这一对树鼩产生短暂的争斗,每天一次,连续21天.其中争斗失败者被称为服从者.这个过程可导致每天1 h的直接社交冲突和23 h的间接相互影响(比如通过气味、视觉等).与正常对照相比,失败者在第三周也就是社交冲突的最后一周显示了体重、自主活动、躲避行为、尿液皮质醇水平等的变化,并且这种改变可持续至少2周以上.此外,还报道全新的记忆模型,一种被捕获条件反射树鼩模型.在一个封闭的小房间中放置捕获笼,其中挂有一片苹果,小房间中有一只自由活动的树鼩.训练的前4次树鼩进入捕获笼吃苹果并不触发捕获笼关闭,但在第5次时触发捕获笼关闭,并持续一小时才释放树鼩.第1-5次树鼩进入捕获笼的延迟时时间作为适心性指标,其中第5次才是作为被捕获的一次学习训练.24 h后,测试树鼩进入捕获笼的延迟时间作为被捕获记忆能力指标.树鼩经过第5次被捕获训练,能形成很好的被捕获记忆,因为24 h后的延迟时间极人地增加.在训练前腹腔注射已知能阻断记忆形成的NMDA受体拮抗剂MK-801(0.2 mg/kg,腹腔注射),对适应指标没有显著影响,但足极大地缩短了24 h后测试的延迟时间,即阻断了被捕获记忆.这些结果表明了一种抑郁症的慢性社会竞争失败与学习和记忆的一次被捕获条件反射树鼩模型.这两种树趵模型对抑郁症与学习和记忆的机理研究、抗抑郁症新药的临床前药效学评价具有潜在的重要意义.
Recent genome studies indicate that tree shrew is in the order or a closest sister of primates, and thus may be one of the best animals to model human diseases. In this paper, we report on a social defeat model of depression in tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis). Two male tree shrews were housed in a pair-cage consisting of two independent cages separated by a wire mesh partition with a door connecting the two cages. After one week adaptation, the connecting door was opened and a brief fighting occurs between the two male tree shrews and this social conflict session consisted of 1 h direct conflict (fighting) and 23 h indirect influence (e.g. smell, visual cues) per day for 21 days. The defeated tree shrew was considered the subordinate. Compared with naive animals, subordinate tree shrews at the final week of social conflict session showed alterations in body weight, locomotion, avoidance behavior and urinary cortisol levels.Remarkably, these alterations persisted for over two weeks. We also report on a novel captive conditioning model of learning and memory in tree shrew. An automatic trapping cage was placed in a small closed room with a freely-moving tree shrew. For the first four trials, the tree shrew was not trapped when it entered the cage and ate the bait apple, but it was trapped and kept in the cage for 1 h on the fifth trial. Latency was defined as the time between release of the tree shrew and when it entered the captive cage. Latencies during the five trials indicated adaptation. A test trial 24 h later was used to measure whether the one-trial trapping during the fifth trial could form captive memory. Tree shrews showed much longer trapping latencies in the test trial than the adaptation trials. The N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist MK-801 (0.2 mg/kg, i.p.), known to prevent the formation of memory, did not affect latencies in the adaptation trails, but did block captive memory as it led to much shorter trapping latencies compared to saline treatment in the test trial. These results demonstrate a chronic social defeat model of depression and a novel one-trial captive conditioning model for learning and memory in tree shrews, which are important for mechanism studies of depression, learning,memory, and preclinical evaluation for new antidepressants.  相似文献   

Current strategies to predict psychosis identify only a small proportion of individuals at risk. Additional strategies are needed to increase capacity for pre­diction and prevention of serious mental illness, ideally during childhood and adolescence. One possible approach would be to investigate systems in which psychosis risk factors are concentrated during childhood. One notable such system is represented by Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Although psychotic disorders are uncommon in CAMHS, many risk factors for psychosis are highly prevalent in young people who enter this system. We hypothesized, therefore, that youth attending CAMHS would be a high‐risk group for psychosis if followed into adulthood and, furthermore, that CAMHS systems would capture a substantial proportion of future psychosis cases. We constructed a total population cohort study of all Finns born in 1987 (N=55,875), linking together extensive register data on health care contacts from birth through age 28 years. We identified all individuals diagnosed with a psychotic or bipolar disorder by age 28 (N=1,785). The risk of psychosis/bipolar disorder by age 28 years was 1.8% for individuals who had not attended CAMHS during childhood or adolescence, whereas it was 12.8% for those with a history of any outpatient CAMHS contact (odds ratio, OR=7.9, 95% CI: 7.2‐8.7). Furthermore, the risk of psychosis/bipolar disorder by age 28 years was 2.3% for individuals without a history of inpatient CAMHS admission, whereas it was 24.0% for those with a history of inpatient CAMHS admission (OR=13.3, 95% CI: 11.9‐14.9), and 36.5% for those with a history of inpatient CAMHS admission in adolescence (age 13‐17 years) (OR=24.2, 95% CI: 21.2‐27.6). Individuals who attended CAMHS but received no mental disorder diagnosis had an equally high risk of subsequently developing a psychosis/bipolar disorder as individuals who did receive a diagnosis (OR=0.9, 99.5% CI: 0.7‐1.1). Compared to other CAMHS attendees, individuals who developed psychosis or bipolar disorder were more likely to have had an initial CAMHS diagnosis of depressive or other mood disorder (OR=2.3, 99.5% CI: 1.6‐3.0) and disruptive behaviour disorder (OR=1.7, 99.5% CI: 1.2‐2.5). Of all psychosis/bipolar diagnoses by age 28 years, 50.2% occurred in individuals who had, at some point in childhood or adolescence, attended CAMHS, indicating that CAMHS represent not only a high‐risk but also a high‐capacity system for prediction of psychosis/bipolar disorder. These findings suggest an enormous, untapped potential for large‐scale psychosis/bipolar disorder prediction and prevention research within existing specialist CAMHS.  相似文献   

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