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Odor, taste, and flavor perception of some flavoring agents   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Psychophysical functions for the odor, taste, and flavor offive common flavorings were obtained by the method of magnitudeestimation. The stimuli included three simple compounds (vanillin,piperonal, and benzaldehyde) and two complex ones (natural vanillaextract and artificial almond essence). The odor intensity ofall the flavorings grew much less rapidly with concentrationthan did taste intensity. The growth of flavor for the complexsubstances and piperonal behaved very much like taste. For vanillinand benzaldehyde, the flavor functions resembled taste functionsat high concentrations but showed a tendency to flatten at lowerconcentrations. These findings implied that, at least for someflavorings, the growth of flavor reflects the most salient featureon the particular concentration range studied. At low concentrationsodor seems to be the most important feature and so flavor functionsare generally flat, but at high concentrations taste becomesthe salient feature and so flavor functions steepen.  相似文献   

Cognitive neuroscience approaches to memory attempt to elucidate the brain processes and systems that are involved in different forms of memory and learning. This paper examines recent research from brain-damaged patients and neuroimaging studies that bears on the distinction between explicit and implicit forms of memory. Explicit memory refers to conscious recollection of previous experiences, whereas implicit memory refers to the non-conscious effects of past experiences on subsequent performance and behaviour. Converging evidence suggests that an implicit form of memory known as priming is associated with changes in posterior cortical regions that are involved in perceptual processing; some of the same regions may contribute to explicit memory. The hippocampal formation and prefrontal cortex also play important roles in explicit memory. Evidence is presented from recent PET scanning studies that suggests that frontal regions are associated with intentional strategic efforts to retrieve recent experiences, whereas the hippocampal formation is associated with some aspect of the actual recollection of an event.  相似文献   

As long ago as the sixteenth century, Paracelsus recognized that ‘the dose makes the poison’. Indeed, environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals excreted by humans are limited, most importantly because a defined dose is given to just a fraction of the population. By contrast, recent studies have identified direct emission from drug manufacturing as a source of much higher environmental discharges that, in some cases, greatly exceed toxic threshold concentrations. Because production is concentrated in specific locations, the risks are not linked to usage patterns. Furthermore, as the drugs are not consumed, metabolism in the human body does not reduce concentrations. The environmental risks associated with manufacturing therefore comprise a different, wider set of pharmaceuticals compared with those associated with risks from excretion. Although pollution from manufacturing is less widespread, discharges that promote the development of drug-resistant microorganisms can still have global consequences. Risk management also differs between production and excretion in terms of accountability, incentive creation, legal opportunities, substitution possibilities and costs. Herein, I review studies about industrial emissions of pharmaceuticals and the effects associated with exposure to such effluents. I contrast environmental pollution due to manufacturing with that due to excretion in terms of their risks and management and highlight some recent initiatives.  相似文献   

Taste–taste and flavor–taste interactions (suppression)in caffeine–sucrose and coffee–sucrose mixtureswere determined. Similar interactions for both types of mixturesshowed an extended hypoadditivity effect for overall taste orflavor intensity (percentage of suppression about 30–40%).Futhermore, mutual suppression among the components has beendetermined. Firstly, the physical intensity of the suppressivecomponent controls the amount of suppression of the other component.Thus, the suppression of bitterness and coffee flavor qualitiesincrease when sucrose levels increase, and similarly, the suppressionof sweetness increases when caffeine or coffee levels rise.Secondly, the magnitude of suppression depends upon the qualityof the suppressive component. Comparisons of the reciprocalactions were made at similar subjective intensities of the mixture'sconstituents in isolation. The results showed that, at similarperceived intensities, caffeine bitterness or coffee flavorwere suppressed by sucrose but sweetness was not affected bycaffeine or coffee.  相似文献   

A review of catfish genomics: progress and perspectives   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Catfish is one of the lower teleosts whose genome research is important for evolutionary genomics. As the major aquaculture species in the USA, its genome research also has practical and economical implications. Much progress has been made in recent years, including the development of large numbers of molecular markers, the construction of framework genetic linkage maps, the identification of putative markers involved in performance traits, and the development of genomic resources. Repetitive elements have been identified and characterized in the catfish genome that should facilitate physical analysis of the catfish genome. A large number of genes or full-length cDNAs have been analysed using genomic approaches, providing information on gene structure, gene evolution and gene expression in relation to functions. Catfish genome research has come to a stage when physical mapping through BAC contig construction is greatly demanded, in order to develop regional markers for QTL analysis and for large-scale comparative mapping. The current effort in large-scale EST analysis and type I marker mapping should further enhance research efficiency through comparative mapping. Candidate gene identification is being accelerated through the use of cDNA microarrays.  相似文献   

Shape information from shading: a theory about human perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Pentland 《Spatial Vision》1989,4(2-3):165-182
I present evidence that people assume a simple, linear reflectance function when interpreting shading information. Using this reflectance function I derive a closed-form solution to the problem of extracting shape information from image shading. The solution does not employ an assumption about surface smoothness and so is directly applicable to complex natural surfaces such as hair or cloth. A simple biological mechanism is proposed to implement this recovery of shape. It is shown that this simple mechanism can also extract significant shape information from line drawings.  相似文献   

Energy homeostasis plays a significant role in food consumption and body weight regulation with fat intake being an area of particular interest due to its palatability and high energy density. Increasing evidence from humans and animal studies indicate the existence of a taste modality responsive to fat via its breakdown product fatty acids. These studies implicate multiple candidate receptors and ion channels for fatty acid taste detection, indicating a complex peripheral physiology that is currently not well understood. Additionally, a limited number of studies suggest a reduced ability to detect fatty acids is associated with obesity and a diet high in fat reduces an individual's ability to detect fatty acids. To support this, genetic variants within candidate fatty acid receptors are also associated with obesity reduced ability to detect fatty acids. Understanding oral peripheral fatty acid transduction mechanisms and the association with fat consumption may provide the basis of novel approaches to control development of obesity.  相似文献   

Music is an ancient and ubiquitous form of human expression. One important component for which music is sought after is its aesthetic value, whose appreciation has typically been associated with largely learned, culturally determined factors, such as education, exposure, and social pressure. However, neuroscientific evidence shows that the aesthetic response to music is often associated with automatic, physically- and biologically-grounded events, such as shivers, chills, increased heart rate, and motor synchronization, suggesting the existence of an underlying biological platform upon which contextual factors may act. Drawing on philosophical notions and neuroscientific evidence, I argue that, although there is no denying that social and cultural context play a substantial role in shaping the aesthetic response to music, these act upon largely universal, biological mechanisms involved with neural processing. I propose that the simultaneous presence of culturally-influenced and biologically-determined contributions to the aesthetic response to music epitomizes Baumgarten's equation of sensory perception with taste. Taking the argument one step further, I suggest that the heavily embodied aesthetic response to music bridges the cleavage between the two discrepant meanings-the one referring to sensory perception, the other referring to judgments of taste-traditionally attributed to the word "aesthetics" in the sciences and the humanities.  相似文献   

Cho YK  Li CS  Smith DV 《Chemical senses》2003,28(2):155-171
The lateral hypothalamus (LH) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) exert an influence on many aspects of ingestive behavior. These nuclei receive projections from several areas carrying gustatory and viscerosensory information, and send axons to these nuclei as well, including the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST). Gustatory responses of NST neurons are modulated by stimulation of the LH and the CeA, and by several physiological factors related to ingestive behavior. We investigated the effect of both LH and CeA stimulation on the activity of 215 taste-responsive neurons in the hamster NST. More than half of these neurons (113/215) were modulated by electrical stimulation of the LH and/or CeA; of these, 52 cells were influenced by both areas, often bilaterally. The LH influenced more neurons than the CeA (101 versus 64 cells). Contralateral stimulation of these forebrain areas was more often effective (144 responses) than ipsilateral (74). Modulatory effects were mostly excitatory (102 cells); 11 cells were inhibited, mostly by ipsilateral LH stimulation. A subset of these cells (n = 25) was examined for the effects of microinjection of DL-homocysteic acid (DLH), a glutamate receptor agonist, into the LH and/or CeA. The effects of electrical stimulation were completely mimicked by DLH, indicating that cell somata in and around the stimulating sites were responsible for these effects. Other cells (n = 25) were tested for the effects of electrical stimulation of the LH and/or CeA on the responses to taste stimulation of the tongue (32 mM sucrose, NaCl and quinine hydrochloride, and 3.2 mM citric acid). Responses to taste stimuli were enhanced by the excitatory influence of the LH and/or CeA. These data demonstrate that descending influences from the LH and CeA reach many of the same cells in the gustatory NST and can modulate their responses to taste stimulation.  相似文献   

Agricultural weeds frequently hybridize with each other or with related crop species. Some hybrid weeds exhibit heterosis (hybrid vigor), which may be stabilized through mechanisms like genome duplication or vegetative reproduction. Even when heterosis is not stabilized, hybridization events diversify weed gene pools and often enable adaptive introgression. Consequently, hybridization may promote weed evolution and exacerbate weed–crop competition. However, hybridization does not always increase weediness. Even when viable and fertile, hybrid weeds sometimes prove unsuccessful in crop fields. This review provides an overview of weed hybridization and its management implications. We describe intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence hybrid fitness in agroecosystems. We also survey the rapidly growing literature on crop–weed hybridization and the link between hybridization and invasiveness. These topics are increasingly relevant in this era of genetic tools for crop improvement, intensive and simplified cropping systems, and globalized trade. The review concludes with suggested research priorities, including hybridization in the context of climate change, plant–insect interactions, and redesigned weed management programs. From a weed management perspective, hybridization is one of many reasons that researchers and land managers must diversify their weed control toolkits.  相似文献   

Actin binding proteins (ABPs) have been considered components of the cytoskeleton, which gives structure and allows mobility of the cell. The complex dynamic properties of the actin cytoskeleton are regulated at multiple levels by a variety of proteins that control actin polymerization, severing of actin filaments and cross-linking of actin filaments into networks, which may be used by molecular motors. Proteins that cross-link F-actin are important for the maintenance of the viscoelastic properties of the cytoplasm and for the integrity of plasma membrane-associated macromolecules. Most of these F-actin cross-linking proteins have an actin-binding domain homologous to calponin. In addition, some of them have been considered scaffolds. Through the years, several research groups have found different proteins that interact with ABPs; however, the effect of these interactions on ABPs remains mostly unknown. In addition to organize the cytoskeletal structure, recent data indicate that ABPs can also migrate to the nucleus. This fact is in agreement and could be relevant to the recently found role that actin might play in nuclear function. Recent data and analysis of published results have also indicated that scaffold proteins like filamin A (FLNa) may be processed by proteolysis and that the degradation products generated by this reaction may play a role as signaling molecules, integrating nuclear and cytosolic pathways. Some of the relevant information in this area is reviewed here.  相似文献   

The extraction of statistically meaningful quantitative information from microscopy images is increasingly important for modern biological research. Obtaining accurate, quantitative information from biological specimens, however, is a complex process that requires optimization of several parameters. One must consider the number of probes, fluorescent channels required, type of plate to be used, number of fields to be acquired and optimal resolution for image acquisition. The extraction of information from images is dependent on and can be aided greatly by careful consideration of the factors involved in the image acquisition process. I summarize here the general principles behind the imaging and software technology that is used to quantify images and highlight particular issues of concern for critically applying image quantitation techniques for research.  相似文献   

The bovine placenta has been the subject of many studies. Concurrently, several specialized terms have been developed to describe its development, morphology, components, function, and pathology. Many of these terms are simple, some are difficult to understand and use, and others are antiquated and may not be scientifically accurate. Defining and adopting terminology for the bovine placenta that is clear, precise and understandable, and available in a single source is expected to facilitate exchange of clinical and research information. This review presents a brief overview of the current knowledge regarding the bovine placenta and attempts to define terms. In this process, conventional terminology is presented, and contemporary and novel terms are proposed from a biological perspective. For example, use of terms such as syndesmochorial, retained placenta, and large offspring syndrome should be revisited. Furthermore, the clinical relevance of the structure and function of the bovine placenta is reviewed. Finally, terms discussed in this review are summarized (in table format).  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori adhesins: review and perspectives   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Evans DJ  Evans DG 《Helicobacter》2000,5(4):183-195
It is highly unlikely that chronic infection with H. pylori could occur in the absence of adhesin–host cell interactions. Also, there is no evidence that any of the serious outcomes of H. pylori infection such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastric cancer or mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma could occur without prior colonization of the gastric epithelium mediated by H. pylori adhesins. H. pylori is highly adaptable, as evidenced by the fact that it can occupy a single host for decades. An important facet of this adaptability is its ability to physically interact with various types of host cells and also with host mucins and extracellular matrix proteins using a number of different adhesins displaying a variety of unique receptor specificities. Thus it is highly unlikely that any one particular H. pylori adhesin will ever be proven responsible for a particular outcome such as duodenal ulcer, MALT lymphoma, or adenocarcinoma. Also, while the search for additional H. pylori adhesins should and certainly will continue, we suggest that the scope of this effort should be expanded to include investigations into the patterns of expression and interaction between individual outer membrane proteins. Which of the numerous H. pylori outer membrane proteins (OMPs) actually function as adhesins (i.e., have receptor‐binding sites) and which OMPs are simply necessary for optimal display of the adhesive OMPs? There are many other important questions about H. pylori adhesins waiting to be answered. For example, which adhesins are responsible for loose adherence to host cells and which adhesins are responsible for intimate, or membrane‐to‐membrane, adherence, and do these adhesins normally work in concert or in a sequential fashion? Also, is a specific type of adhesin necessary for type IV protein translocation into host cells and, if so, is adhesin expression coregulated with the effector protein export?  相似文献   

生态系统服务研究文献现状及不同研究方向评述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生态系统服务研究是生态学研究的前沿和热点。对生态系统服务文献发表情况和生态系统服务主要研究方向进行阐述分析。(1)通过Thomson Reuters公司ISI Web of knowledge 信息平台提供的Science Citation Index Expanded 数据库为数据源检索分析得到:生态系统服务研究从文献数量、作者、国家和机构上近年来都表现出陡增的趋势;最主要的研究国家为美国、英国、德国、澳大利亚和中国;涉及54 个学科,不同的国家侧重的研究领域不同;来自258 个期刊,55% 的文献集中在24 个主要期刊上,主要期刊平均影响因子5.976。(2)从生态系统服务评价方法、生态系统内部和生态系统外部驱动因素、基于生态系统服务的生态系统管理4个方面来评述生态系统服务的研究进展。其中生态系统内部驱动主要是指生物多样性和土地利用变化,生态系统外部驱动因素包括自然因素和人为活动。最后,对生态系统服务研究的发展做了展望。  相似文献   

Self-reported abnormal sensitivity, qualitative distortions and phantom sensations with respect to smell and taste was assessed with a longitudinal design, based on questions referring to gestational weeks 13-16 and 31-34 of pregnancy in comparison with 9-12 weeks post partum and with non-pregnant women with corresponding time durations and intervals. The results show that abnormal smell and/or taste perception was reported by 76% of the pregnant women, typically believed to be caused by their pregnancy. Increased smell sensitivity was found to be very common at the early stage of pregnancy (67% of all pregnant respondents) and occasionally accompanied by qualitative smell distortions (17%) and phantom smells (14%). The smell abnormalities were less common at the late pregnancy stage and almost absent post partum. Abnormal taste sensitivity was fairly commonly reported (26%), often described as increased bitter sensitivity and decreased salt sensitivity. These results, suggesting that abnormal smell and/or taste perception is experienced by a large majority of pregnant women, imply that further research is needed to understand to what extent these chemosensory changes may underlie food aversions and craving with implications for food intake during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Mucor indicus, one of the most important strains of zygomycetes fungi, has been the subject of several studies since a couple of hundred years ago. This fungus, regarded as a non-pathogenic dimorphic microorganism, is used for production of several beers and foods. Morphology of the fungus can be manipulated and well controlled by changing a number of parameters. Furthermore, M. indicus can grow on a variety of substrates including lignocellulosic hydrolysates which are mixtures of hexoses, pentoses, and different severe fermentation inhibitors. Indeed, high yield ethanol production is among the most important features of this strain. Presence of considerable amounts of chitosan in the cell wall is another important aspect of the fungus. Besides production of ethanol and chitosan, the biomass of this fungus has shown a great potential to be used as a rich nutritional source, e.g. fish feed. The fungus is also among the oleaginous fungi and produces high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids particularly γ-linolenic acid. Furthermore, the biomass autolysate has a high potential for yeast extract replacement in fermentation by the fungus. Additionally, the strain has shown promising results in heavy metal removal from wastewaters. This review discusses different aspects of biology and industrial application perspectives of M. indicus. Furthermore, open areas for the future basic and applied levels of research are also presented.  相似文献   

青钱柳叶是一种古老茶饮,也是国家卫健委认定的新食品原料。青钱柳多糖是其主要活性成分之一,具有降血糖、降血脂、抗氧化、免疫调节等多种功能,在食品、医药和生物医学等领域应用市场潜力巨大。通过综述国内外相关研究文献报道,对青钱柳叶所含功能性多糖的提取工艺、结构特征、药理活性及开发应用的研究现状进行较系统的归纳和分析,并对青钱柳多糖未来研究方向作了展望,拟为开发高活性青钱柳多糖保健食品或药物提供理论依据及研究支撑。  相似文献   

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