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Social relationships are essential for maintaining human mental health, yet little is known about the brain mechanisms involved in the development and maintenance of social bonds. Animal models are powerful tools for investigating the neurobiological mechanisms regulating the cognitive processes leading to the development of social relationships and for potentially extending our understanding of the human condition. In this review, we discuss the roles of the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin in the regulation of social bonding as well as related social behaviors which culminate in the formation of social relationships in animal models. The formation of social bonds is a hierarchical process involving social motivation and approach, the processing of social stimuli and formation of social memories, and the social attachment itself. Oxytocin and vasopressin have been implicated in each of these processes. Specifically, these peptides facilitate social affiliation and parental nurturing behavior, are essential for social recognition in rodents, and are involved in the formation of selective mother-infant bonds in sheep and pair bonds in monogamous voles. The convergence of evidence from these animal studies makes oxytocin and vasopressin attractive candidates for the neural modulation of human social relationships as well as potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of psychiatric disorders associated with disruptions in social behavior, including autism.  相似文献   

Social stressors such as depressed maternal care and family conflict are robust challenges which can have long-term physiological and behavioral effects on offspring and future generations. The current study investigates the transgenerational effects of an ethologically relevant chronic social stress on the behavior and endocrinology of juvenile and adult rats. Exposure to chronic social stress during lactation impairs maternal care in F0 lactating dams and the maternal care of the F1 offspring of those stressed F0 dams. The overall hypothesis was that the male and female F2 offspring of stressed F1 dams would display decreased social behavior as both juveniles and adults and that these behavioral effects would be accompanied by changes in plasma corticosterone, prolactin, and oxytocin. Both the female and male F2 offspring of dams exposed to chronic social stress displayed decreased social behavior as juveniles and adults, and these behavioral effects were accompanied by decreases in basal concentrations of corticosterone in both sexes, as well as elevated juvenile oxytocin and decreased adult prolactin in the female offspring. The data support the conclusion that social stress has transgenerational effects on the social behavior of the female and male offspring which are mediated by changes in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. Social stress models are valuable resources in the study of the transgenerational effects of stress on the behavioral endocrinology of disorders such as depression, anxiety, autism, and other disorders involving disrupted social behavior.  相似文献   

There are indications that exposing adolescent rodents to oxytocin (OT) may have positive “trait-changing” effects resulting in increased sociability and decreased anxiety that last well beyond acute drug exposure and into adulthood. Such findings may have relevance to the utility of OT in producing sustained beneficial effects in human psychiatric conditions. The present study further examined these effects using an intermittent regime of OT exposure in adolescence, and using Long Evans rats, that are generally more sensitive to the acute prosocial effects of OT. As OT has substantial affinity for the vasopressin V1a receptor (V1aR) in addition to the oxytocin receptor (OTR), we examined whether a more selective peptidergic OTR agonist – [Thr4, Gly7]-oxytocin (TGOT) – would have similar lasting effects on behavior. Male Long Evans rats received OT or TGOT (0.5–1 mg/kg, intraperitoneal), once every three days, for a total of 10 doses during adolescence (postnatal day (PND) 28–55). Social and anxiety-related behaviors were assessed during acute administration as well as later in adulthood (from PND 70 onwards). OT produced greater acute behavioral effects than TGOT, including an inhibition of social play and reduced rearing, most likely reflecting primary sedative effects. In adulthood, OT but not TGOT pretreated rats displayed lasting increases in social interaction, accompanied by an enduring increase in plasma OT. These findings confirm lasting behavioral and neuroendocrine effects of adolescent OT exposure. However, the absence of such effects with TGOT suggests possible involvement of the V1aR as well as the OTR in this example of developmental neuroplasticity.  相似文献   

社会联属是指一些社会性动物社群内由于不同年龄、性别组的个体的社会角色与等级地位存在明显差异,在个体间形成的复杂的支配-从属关系,而这种支配-从属关系在不同的物种有着各自独特的模式(Clutton-Brock,1974)。了解社群内个体通过亲缘、非亲缘联盟、婚配、竞争而建立的支配-从属关系,是进一步开展社群内个体等级与资源竞争、互惠利益、母系投入策略等诸多研究的前提,  相似文献   

The effect of isolation on exploratory behavior has been shown to differ depending on the developmental stages of male rats. However, there has been little systematic comparison of the frequencies and the patterns of exploratory behavior across the developmental stages. The present study assessed the frequencies of exploration using the emergence test and exploratory patterns in the open-field test in three developmental stages of male rats: juvenile, post-puberty, and adult. A lower propensity for exploration was observed in rats isolated during the juvenile stage, as assessed by increased latency and decreased duration of exploratory behaviors compared to pair-reared rats, and this tendency was maintained in adulthood. Altered patterns of exploratory behavior were demonstrated both in rats isolated in adulthood, who showed an increased active pattern, and those pair-reared following puberty, who shifted to a more passive pattern. However, rats isolated during the juvenile stage did not change their exploratory patterns following puberty. These results suggest that the changes in the exploratory pattern, which can be observed in adulthood, are associated with the emergence of adult-like dominance relationships. Juvenile-isolated rats did not show these changes following puberty, suggesting the importance of social interaction as juveniles for the ontogenetic emergence of behavioral flexibility implicated in the regulation of exploratory patterns.  相似文献   

不育控制既可直接降低害鼠种群的生育率,又能影响个体的社会行为,引起种群内等级关系和社群结构的变化,进而干扰种群繁殖。为探究不同剂量卡麦角林对雄鼠行为的影响和持效时间,选取健康雄性黄毛鼠使用50mg/kg和100 mg/kg卡麦角林灌胃给药,并于给药后第1 d和第18 d与正常雄鼠遭遇,第4 d和第21 d与正常雌鼠遭遇,比较给药前(卡麦角林灌胃前4 d和前1 d 时分别与正常雄鼠和雌鼠遭遇)和给药后个体行为的差异。结果显示:卡麦角林降低了雄鼠对正常雄鼠的探究、攻击时间,降低雄鼠对正常雌鼠的攻击时间和频次;100 μg/kg卡麦角林降低雄鼠对正常雌鼠的探究频次,且雄鼠自身修饰和休息频次显著减少。这表明卡麦角林可干扰黄毛鼠对同性和异性个体间的社会行为。此外,药物处理后第18 d和第21 d,雄性个体与同性和异性个体的社会行为与处理前无显著差异,表明停药后药物对行为的影响会随着时间的延长逐渐消失。    相似文献   

The neuropeptide Oxytocin (OT) has been implicated in many aspects of mammalian social behavior. This study investigates how OT interacts with two well-studied determinants of cooperative behavior: incentives and social information. Participants received OT or a placebo and played two economic games: a Coordination Game (with strong incentives to cooperate) and a Prisoner's Dilemma (with weak cooperative incentives). OT enhanced cooperation only when social information was present, and this effect was significantly more pronounced in the Coordination Game. When social information was lacking, OT surprisingly decreased cooperation. Consistent with the well-established role of OT in trust-building and in social cognition, social information appears to be crucial for OT to boost cooperative expectations in an interdependent social interaction that provides incentives to cooperate. When these cues are absent, OT appears to instead elicit a risk-averse strategy.  相似文献   

抑郁症是一种以显著而持久的心境低落为主要特征的情感障碍,通常伴随情绪低落、意志活动减退、自杀观念和行为,给病人和亲属带来了极大的痛苦和负担。随着生活压力的增大,我国抑郁症的发病率呈现上升趋势。最近越来越多的研究表明,催产素及受体基因在抑郁症的防治中发挥着重要的作用。本文总结了近年来关于催产素及受体基因与抑郁症的研究进展,并提出催产素对抑郁症的潜在治疗机制,为抑郁症等精神疾病的发病机制及临床治疗等领域提供了新的研究方向。但目前的实验研究尚有不足,还需大量的临床实验和研究,来进一步明确其临床治疗机制,为抑郁症的防治提供新的依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present strategies for teaching animal behavior within a mixed traditional and nontraditional format. Based on our experience, it is very useful to use zoological parks as convenient locales for observational studies. Students gain many valuable experiences in a nontraditional course such as this. Various suggestions are made for animal behavior courses and student projects. Some of the potential pitfalls and problems associated with an animal behavior course are also discussed. Finally, future directions are suggested.  相似文献   

Traffic noise is a prevalent and yet poorly understood anthropogenic disturbance associated with reduced avian diversity, population densities and pairing and mating success. How these systems are affected is not clear as a direct experimental link between noise and behavior underlying these patterns is missing. Here we provide the first empirical evidence of the effects of long-term exposure to simulated traffic noise on social and risk-taking behavior of Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) and tufted titmice (Baeolophus bicolor). In testing for these effects we compare two hypotheses regarding the effects of noise on behavior. We found that noise increases sociality by reducing nearest neighbor distances and increasing the number of close-perches within study flocks. These behavioral responses mimic those of species in high-risk situations, such as birds in the presence of a predator. These results provide support for the 'Increased Threat Hypothesis,' which argues that chronic traffic noise affects behavior by increasing the perceived level of threat. Although the adaptive value or function of these responses to noise is unknown, they may serve to mitigate any negative effects of traffic noise. If true, species lacking behavioral plasticity may be more susceptible to effects of traffic noise and other similar acoustic disturbances.  相似文献   

Maintaining a good cub-rearing relationship is of great significance for the healthy development of newborn giant panda cubs. Oxytocin plays a key role in this cub-rearing relationship development during the breeding period. To investigate the relationship between oxytocin levels and maternal behavior, we sampled the maternal behavior of 6 adult female giant pandas (3 in lactation group, 3 in non-lactation group) at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding from June to September 2019 by using the focal sampling method, and tested the urine oxytocin level of each individuals by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that the oxytocin levels were significantly higher in the lactation group (278. 86 pg/mg ±44. 42 pg/mg) than in the non-lactation group. For the two types of breastfeeding groups, the level of oxytocin in the multiparous female pandas (185. 64 pg/mg ±44. 61 pg/mg) was significantly lower than that in the primiparous female pandas (465. 30 pg/mg ±82. 39 pg/mg). Compared with the primiparous female pandas, the multiparous female pandas had more embracing cub behavior (77. 45% ±1. 24%) and feeding behavior (15. 22% ±1. 62%), but less licking cub (14. 26% ±0. 91%) and position adjustment behavior (1. 69% ±0. 29%). Finally, we found the licking cub behavior was significantly positively correlated with the oxytocin level in the lactation group, and the embracing cub behavior was significantly negatively correlated with the oxytocin level in the lactation group. The results indicate that primiparous female pandas show more maternal behavior, less individual behavior and higher oxytocin levels. The results of this study suggest that the different reactions of oxytocin in the two types of giant panda females may help to improve the refined and differentiated breeding techniques for captive giant pandas in the future.  相似文献   

Individuals are believed to calibrate their antisocial level in response to the socioecological environment where they live. However, knowledge of the relationship between specific socioecological factors and antisocial behavior remains scant. This research focused on humans' residential mobility and explored its influence on antisocial behavior. Three studies were designed to test the hypothesis that individuals with high (vs. low) residential mobility tend to engage in antisocial behavior more frequently. The results showed that both self-reported residential mobility (Study 1) and manipulated residential mobility (Studies 2 and 3) positively predicted individuals' antisocial level. Furthermore, we found that social monitoring played a role in moderating the linkage between residential mobility and antisocial behavior (Study 3); individuals with high residential mobility decreased their antisocial behavior when they were observed by artificial eyes, while individuals with low residential mobility did the opposite. Taken together, this research suggests that, generally speaking, residential mobility is one socioecological factor that increases antisocial behavior, and that social monitoring can have diverse effects on such behavior.  相似文献   

秦岭雄性羚牛的发情行为与其社会状态的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年5月31日至8月31日在陕西省佛坪县国家级自然保护区,对羚牛秦岭亚种(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)的繁殖行为及雄牛的社会状态进行了研究。研究期间每天在比较容易见到羚牛的区域内沿固定路线寻找羚牛,在不惊扰羚牛正常活动的情况下,记录牛群大小、群内个体的性别、年龄、雄性的社会状态,即是单独活动还是在繁殖群中;社会状态的变动,即每只是进入还是离开繁殖群;羚牛群中个体之间的相互关系,包括入群的独牛与群内其它雄牛之间的行为、与群内雌牛之间的行为。同时用摄像机辅助记录羚牛在群内的行为,并根据图像资料对记录的数据进行校正。研究期间累计对277 头次雄性羚牛的繁殖行为进行了观察,记录到241次繁殖行为。虽然6月初至8月下旬都可以见到羚牛的繁殖活动,但80% 以上的繁殖行为发生在6月20日至7月10日期间,其中以6月21 ~ 30日间的繁殖活动最多(105 次)。繁殖季节中雄性羚牛有两种社会状态,即在繁殖群中和单独活动(即独牛)。研究期间累计的独牛比例占成年雄性的30. 32%,其中72. 62%的独牛出现在6月10 日至7 月10 日。6 月21 ~ 30 日间独牛比例最高,占成年雄性个体的50. 67%。雄牛进出繁殖群的现象比较常见,独牛的比例与繁殖行为正相关。繁殖高峰期后,单独活动的雄牛数量迅速减少。雄牛的社会状态会随着繁殖期的不同阶段发生改变,独牛在不同繁殖群之间移动寻求更多的交配机会。我们的研究结果不支持以往认为独牛是繁殖争斗失败者的观点。  相似文献   

Relationships between group-living primates depend strongly on their position in the group dominance hierarchy and on their relationships with other group members. The influence of various behaviours on social relationships of immature rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was investigated here. Dominance ranks were established and related to the degree of affiliation in a dyad. Older monkeys were mostly dominant to the younger ones, regardless of kinship. Subordinate monkeys left proximity of their dominant members more often than they were left by them both among siblings and non-siblings, but the effect of dominance rank on the amount of play initiation and grooming in a dyad differed between these two types of dyads. The amount of agonistic help two individuals provided for each other was low among immatures. Nevertheless, pairs of siblings gave help to each other in agonistic conflicts more often than non-siblings, and such help was more often reciprocated between siblings than between non-siblings. Help in agonistic conflicts was positively correlated with the amount of time monkeys spent playing, grooming, or in proximity. Adults tended to interfere less in conflicts of frequent sibling play partners or non-sibling grooming partners. No evidence was found for young monkeys to exchange reciprocally grooming for agonistic help. It is argued that the time monkeys spend interacting with each other in affiliative interactions increases their familiarity and thus promotes close relationships between them. On the whole, young monkeys' relationships, like those between adults, are influenced strongly by their kinship, and position in the dominance hierarchy.  相似文献   

Social dominance and agonistic behavior play important roles in animal societies. Melatonin and testosterone are closely related to social dominance and agonistic behavior in rodents, but interactions between both of them remain unknown. In this study we investigated the effects of testosterone and melatonin by manipulating photoperiod and castration on social dominance and agonistic behavior in male Tscheskia triton. Castration significantly decreases social dominance of both short- and long-day males, suggesting that testosterone benefits social dominance of males in both breeding and non-breeding seasons. In intact conditions, long-day males tended to dominate short-day males, suggesting that the effect of testosterone on social dominance was a little stronger than melatonin. However, castrated short-day males became dominant over their castrated long-day opponents meaning that high melatonin levels obviously benefit social dominance in males. Hormone implantation indicated that testosterone had no effect on non-breeding condition, but that melatonin was important during the breeding season. Our results indicate that both testosterone and melatonin are important in determining social dominance in male hamsters, and the effect of testosterone appears to be stronger than melatonin. Testosterone is responsible for aggression and social dominance in male hamsters during the breeding season, while melatonin regulates behavior during non-breeding, probably due to the different seasonal secretory patterns of the hormones.  相似文献   

S E File 《Peptides》1981,2(3):255-260
Intraperitoneal injection of Org 2766 (0.01-0.4 microgram/kg) produced a dose-related increase in the number of social contacts and in the time spent in active social interaction by pairs of male rats tested in arenas with which they were familiar, but had little effect when the rats were tested in unfamiliar arenas. The increased social interaction was not accompanied by any change in motor activity. In contrast, alpha-MSH (20-200 microgram/kg) decreased the time spent in active social dose-related. Both peptides reduced exploratory head-dipping only at high doses (4-8 microgram/kg for Org 2766 and 200 microgram/kg for alpha-MSH); this change was not accompanied by a reduction in motor activity.  相似文献   

Based on a wide variety of data, it is now clear that birds and teleost (bony) fish possess a core "social behavior network" within the basal forebrain and midbrain that is homologous to the social behavior network of mammals. The nodes of this network are reciprocally connected, contain receptors for sex steroid hormones, and are involved in multiple forms of social behavior. Other hodological features and neuropeptide distributions are likewise very similar across taxa. This evolutionary conservation represents a boon for experiments on phenotypic behavioral variation, as the extraordinary social diversity of teleost fish and songbirds can now be used to generate broadly relevant insights into issues of brain function that are not particularly tractable in other vertebrate groups. Two such lines of research are presented here, each of which addresses functional variation within the network as it relates to divergent patterns of social behavior. In the first set of experiments, we have used a sexually polymorphic fish to demonstrate that natural selection can operate independently on hypothalamic neuroendocrine functions that are relevant for (1) gonadal regulation and (2) sex-typical behavioral modulation. In the second set of experiments, we have exploited the diversity of avian social organizations and ecologies to isolate species-typical group size as a quasi-independent variable. These experiments have shown that specific areas and peptidergic components of the social behavior network possess functional properties that evolve in parallel with divergence and convergence in sociality.  相似文献   

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