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The urticating gland of Thaumetopoea pityocampa, (Lepidoptera : Thaumetopoeidae) caterpillar is formed of only trichogen cells. These cells form an irregular cluster, which seems to be multilayered, although there is only one layer of cells. Each trichogen cell produces urticating protein (thaumetopoein), forms urticating hair, and the thin cuticle in which the hair is implanted.  相似文献   

This study investigated the seasonal variation in the structure and secretory activity of the androgenic gland (AG) in the freshwater crab: Travancoriana schirnerae. The androgenic gland is an elongate structure, attached to one side on the wall of the ejaculatory duct. Histological studies showed the presence of three cell types, which differ in size, shape of nuclei, and presence or absence of secretory vesicles. Type I cells are small with large nuclei whereas type II cells are large with small nuclei. Type III cells are intermediate in size and exhibited streak-like nuclei and transparent cytoplasm. Seasonal changes were discerned in the morphology, histology and secretory activity of the gland. March-June appeared to be the active season with type II cells containing secretory vesicles. The mode of release of secretion found to be holocrine. The secretory activity almost completed by July-August (the mating season) with vacuolization of type II cells. The gland remained inactive from September-December with abundance of vacuoles, scattered pycnotic nuclei, indistinct cell membranes and total cellular degeneration. January-February was the revival period with type I cell proliferation. The present study revealed that the secretory activity of the gland is in tune with the male reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

The venom gland of Crotalus viridis oreganus is composed of two discrete secretory regions: a small anterior portion, the accessory gland, and a much larger main gland. These two glands are joined by a short primary duct consisting of simple columnar secretory cells and basal horizontal cells. The main gland has at least four morphologically distinct cell types: secretory cells, the dominant cell of the gland, mitochondria-rich cells, horizontal cells, and “dark” cells. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the mitochondria-rich cells are recessed into pits of varying depth; these cells do not secrete. Horizontal cells may serve as secretory stem cells, and “dark” cells may be myoepithelial cells. The accessory gland contains at least six distinct cell types: mucosecretory cells with large mucous granules, mitochondria-rich cells with apical vesicles, mitochondria-rich cells with electron-dense secretory granules, mitochondria-rich cells with numerous cilia, horizontal cells, and “dark” cells. Mitochondria-rich cells with apical vesicles or cilia cover much of the apical surface of mucosecretory cells and these three cell types are found in the anterior distal tubules of the accessory gland. The posterior regions of the accessory gland lack mucosecretory cells and do not appear to secrete. Ciliated cells have not been noted previously in snake venom glands. Release of secretory products (venom) into the lumen of the main gland is by exocytosis of granules and by release of intact membrane-bound vesicles. Following venom extraction, main gland secretory and mitochondria-rich cells increase in height, and protein synthesis (as suggested by rough endoplasmic reticulum proliferation) increases dramatically. No new cell types or alterations in morphology were noted among glands taken from either adult or juvenile snakes, even though the venom of each is quite distinct. In general, the glands of C. v. oreganus share structural similarities with those of crotalids and viperids previously described.  相似文献   

Résumé La glande sous-maxillaire de 39 souris et de 4 rats a été examinée comparativement au microscope optique et électronique après fixation à l'acide osmique ou à la glutaraldéhyde. Cette dernière fixation favorise la mise en évidence et l'étude des deux unités sécrétoires de la glande: l'acinus et le tubule granuleux.Les cellules sécrétoires des deux unités comportent un ergastoplasme très étendu mais se distinguent par l'arrangement de cet ergastoplasme, le dèveloppement de l'appareil de Golgi et la morphologie des grains sécrétoires. L'aspect ultrastuctural et les propriétés histochimiques suggèrent que la cellule du tubule granuleux élabore un produit sécrétoire à prédominance séreuse, la cellule acineuse une substance riche en composants muqueux. Rien ne parleen faveur du passage d'une cellule à l'autre et l'absence d'image de différenciation chez l'animal alimenté normalement est frappante.Les voies excrétrices sont d'une complexité non reconnue jusqu'à présent: elles comprennent des canaux intercalaires distincts pour chacun des deux types d'ilôts glandulaires, des canaux bien définis desservant les croissants de Giantuzzi, et des canaux striés.
Summary The submaxillary glands of 39 mice and 4 rats are studied comparatively by means of light and electron microscopy. Osmic acid and glutaraldehyde are used as fixatives. The use of the latter favours the discrimination and the study of the two secretory units of the gland: acinus and secretory duct.The secretory cells of these two units show an extensive ergastoplasm; they differ from each other through the way the ergastoplasm is arranged, the development of the Golgi complex, and the morphology of the secretory granules. The ultrastructural aspect and the histochemical properties suggest that the cells of the secretory duct produce a secretory product which is predominantly serous, whereas the secretory product of the acinar cells is rich in mucous components. Nothing speaks in favour of a transition of one cell to the other; the absence of stages of differentiation in the cells of a properly nourished animal is startling.The secretory channels show a complexity which, so far, has not been appreciated: they comprise distinct intercalated ducts for each of the two types of glandular islets, specific ducts serving the crescents of Gianuzzi, and striated ducts.

Les auteurs remercient mademoiselle J. Louis pour son assistance technique dévouée.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes of the hatching gland during electrically induced precocious secretion were compared with those during natural secretion in the medaka, Oryzias latipes. The gland cells are covered by a layer of epithelial cells, which adjoin one another just on the apical center of each gland cell. When the natural as well as the precocious secretion occurred, each gland cell was swollen upward and rounded, and separation of the epithelial joints occurred, giving rise to an exposure of the apical portion of the gland cells. There were marked differences between these two kinds of secretion process in the behavior of the secretory granules prior to secretion and in the mode of discharge of the secretory substances. The changes which occurred during both types of secretion and which, therefore, seemed to be essential to the secretory processes of this gland cell were the swelling up of the gland cells in the initiation of secretion and the reduction of the electron density of the zymogen granules. These secretion-associated ultrastructural changes are discussed in view of the difference in the maturation of the gland cells.  相似文献   

The stratified epithelium of the central collecting duct of the elasmobranch(Scylliorhinus canicula, Galeorhinus galeus andRaja batis) rectal gland consists of 3 to 6 layers of cells: one superficial, and several basal cell layers. In the superficial layer normally three different types of cells can be distinguished (a) goblet cells, (b) cells with apical secretory granules and (c) flask-shaped cells. The superficial layer ofScylliorhinus canicula reveals a further cell type, so-called mitochondria-rich cells. The epithelial areas built by these cells are always single-layered. The goblet-cells are very similar to goblet cells found in the intestine of vertebrates. Their dominant structures are a well developed ergastoplasm, a large Golgi-apparatus and mucous granules compactly filling the apical cell region. The cells with apical secretory granules are columnar or dumbbell shaped. They contain a rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and a well developed Golgi-apparatus. The secretory granules are loosely distributed within the Golgi-field and are arranged in one or more rows just below the cell apex. The flask shaped cells are characterized by a cytoplasm rich in small vesicles. They posses few dictyosomes and several small mitochondria. There is some evidence for endocytotic activity. The mitochondria-rich cells are characterized by lateral cell interdigitations, by a basal labyrinth and by numerous mitochondria. They are similar to the excretory cells of rectal gland parenchyma. The cells of the basal epithelium layers are differenciated only to a small extent. They are joined in a loose formation with white blood cells often found in the intercellular spaces. The function of the elasmobranch rectal gland is not restricted to the excretion of concentrated salt solutions. There is also a significant secretion of mucous substances. The tubule glands are primarily excretory, the epithelium cells of the central collecting duct mainly secretory in function.  相似文献   

The postgonopodial gland of the myriapod Glomeris marginata (Villers), which produces a pheromone, is an integumentary gland comprising numerous functional secretory units. Each secretory unit consists of two proximal secretory cells, an intermediary cell lacking secretory characteristics and a canal cell surrounding the canal, which is secretory in nature. Secretory proximal cells exhibit a zone of small channels originating from invaginations of the plasma membrane and through which secreted material is released. Apposing each invagination of these cells is a corresponding invagination of the intermediary cell: the two units in the centre of the intermediary cell join another which communicates with the canal. Secretion produced by the latter passes through the canal wall and blends with secretion of the two proximal cells. The most striking feature of all these cells is the abundance of tubules and fibrils in the small canal zone in the proximal cells, which also exhibits a centriole; in the intermediary cell around cytoplasmic membrane invaginations where a diplosome is present, and in almost the entire canal cell.  相似文献   

Extracts of the atrial gland of the sea hare Aplysia californiea (Mollusca) induce egg laying when injected into mature individuals. Since egg laying is controlled endogenously by a peptide secreted by neuroendocrine cells in the central nervous system, the relationship between the atrial gland and these central neurons has become an issue of interest. With the particular objective of examining secretory structures we undertook an ultrastructural study of the atrial gland and adjacent tissues. This study revealed that the atrial gland epithelium is composed of two major cell types: ‘goblet-like’ exocrine cells containing large electron-dense granules, and ciliated ‘capping cells’. A non-secretory, and possibly post-secretory, cell containing electron-lucent granules was noted. A region of the large hermaphroditic duct contiguous to the atrial gland, known as the red hemiduct, also displayed capping cells and secretory cells with large granules. The content of these granules is organized into crista-like condensations. The cell also contains iron-rich pigment inclusions.  相似文献   

Histology and electron microscopy were used to describe and compare the structure of the perinotal epidermis and defensive glands of two species of shell-less marine Systellommatophora, Onchidella capensis and Onchidella hildae (Onchidiidae). The notum of both species is composed of a layer of epithelial and goblet cells covered by a multi-layered cuticle. Large perinotal multi-cellular glands, that produce thick white sticky mucus when irritated, are located within the sub-epidermal tissue. The glands are composed of several types of large secretory cell filled with products that stain for acidic, sulphated and neutral mucins, and some irregularly shaped support cells that surround a central lumen. The products of the secretory cells are produced by organelles that are basal in position. The entire gland is surrounded by a well-developed capsule of smooth muscle and collagen, and in addition smooth muscle surrounds the cells within the glands. Based on the size of the gland cells, their staining properties, and the appearance of their stored secretions at the transmission electron microscope level, five different types of secretory cells were identified in O. capensis and four in O. hildae. The products of these cells, which are released by holocrine secretion, presumably mix in the lumen of the duct as they are forced out by contraction of the smooth muscle. The structural similarity of these glands to those of siphonariids, suggest that they have a common ancestry.  相似文献   

The glycoconjugate components of secretory granules were analyzed in cells of mucous glands in ventral skin from Rana fuscigula. The analysis was done with standard histochemical methods on semithin glycol methacrylate-embedded tissues. The staining patterns in semithin sections were comparable to those using paraffin-embedded tissue while the cytological detail was better preserved. The mucous glands contained at least two different types of secretory cells lining the lower two-thirds of the mature gland: a principal cell type filled with dense staining secretory granules and a solitary type containing paler staining, globular secretory granules. The principal type of cell contained variable amounts of acid glycoconjugates; predominantly carboxylated but also variably carboxylated and weakly sulfated glycoproteins. Other secretory cells contained mainly neutral glycoproteins. The results indicated that the mucus is a heterogeneous substance and that one cell type may produce different secretory products. We suggested that the variability in histochemical staining might be related to the sequence of biosynthesis of the secretory granule.  相似文献   

Jacques Figier 《Planta》1971,98(1):31-49
Summary In the extrafloral nectary of the broad bean there is evidence of two fundamental types of cells: one with dense hyaloplasm, well developed ergastoplasm and golgi apparatus, all features of glandular cells, and another with opposite features. The cells of the head of the secretory hairs and those of the subjacent epidermis which are not prolonged with such a hair are of the first type. The epidermal cells prolonged with a hair and the pedicellar cell of this hair are of the second type. Moreover, the companion cells of the subjacent conducting bundle look like cells of the first type, especially those of the head of the secretory hairs owing to their numerous wall protuberances. Cells of the second type are presumably involved in transit processes between phloem and trichome, and cells of the first type in excretory processes.

Ce travail fait partie d'une Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat sur la cyto-physiologie des nectaires. — (Travail effectué au Laboratoire de Bot. Appl. et Microbiologie et au Centre de Microscopie électronique de la Faculté des Sciences de Bordeaux (France).  相似文献   

The aedeagal gland of male Tenebrio molitor consists of numerous acini containing several secretory units (organules) of three epithelial cells in series. The distal cortical cell and intermediate cell are secretory cells. Secretory products are passed into microvilli-lined extracellular reservoirs. From these storage areas products flow through minute canaliculi and into the efferent ductule. Canaliculi, cuticular trabeculae, and fibrillar material are characteristic features of the efferent ductules within the extracellular reservoirs of secretory cells. After passing from the secretory cells, the efferent ductule penetrates the basal ductule cell. The thin epicuticle that comprises the wall of the ductule is confluent with the epicuticle of the cuticular sheath forming the wall of the genital pocket. Secretory products flow from the cortical cell ductule into the intermediate cell and eventually empty into the genital pocket. A chemical reaction apparently takes place in the intermediate cell ductule, resulting in a frothy secretion product. When released from the ductule, this frothy product forms a foam-like layer that coats the inner wall of the genital pocket. Ultrastructural and probable functional aspects of this gland are described and discussed.  相似文献   

The defensive glands of Anisomorpha buprestoides produce the terpene toxicant anisomorphal. Each gland consists of a cuticular secretion reservoir surrounded by the secretory epithelium and the musculature which serves to compress the gland and expel the secretion. Two types of cells make up the secretory epithelium: a squamous layer next to the cuticular reservoir and a layer of larger secretory cells responsible for production of the toxicant. The microvilli-laden plasma membrane of each secretory cell is invaginated to form a central cavity. It appears that secretory products pass into the central cavity and then flow out to the gland reservoir via an efferent cuticular ductule contained within the squamous epithelial cell. Histochemical techniques demonstrate lipid reserves, carboxylic esterases, a variety of phosphatases, and an alcohol dehydrogenase, within the secretory cells. It is suggested that the lipid reserves are precursors of the terpenoid toxicant, that a mevalonic kinase has been histochemically demonstrated by the phosphatase test, and that an unusual alcohol dehydrogenase is active in the final steps of toxicant synthesis. The histochemical evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that anisomorphal is produced via the mevalonic acid pathway.  相似文献   

A pair of rosette glands (one of the tegumental glands in crustaceans) is present at the root of the dorsal spine of the thorax in mature embryos of the estuarine crab Sesarma haematocheir. Each rosette gland is spherical, 45-50 microm in diameter. This gland consists of three types of cells: 18-20 secretory cells, one central cell, and one canal cell. The secretory cells are further classified into two types on the basis of the morphology of secretory granules. There are 17-19 a cells, and only one b cell per rosette gland. An a cell contains spherical secretory granules of 2-3 microm in diameter. The granules are filled with highly electron-dense materials near the nucleus but have lower electron-density near the central cell. The secretory granules contained in the b cell have an irregular shape and are 1-1.5 microm in diameter. The density of the materials in the granules is uniform throughout the cytoplasm. The secretory granules contained in both the a and b cells are produced by the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Materials in the granules are exocytotically discharged into the secretory apparatus inside the secretory cell, sent to the extracellular channels in the central cell, and secreted through the canal cell. The rosette gland can be distinguished from the epidermal cells 2 weeks after egg-laying and the gland matures just before hatching. Materials produced by this gland are secreted after hatching and secretion continues through five stages of zoeal larvae. These rosette glands were never found in the megalopal larva. Rosette glands are found in the embryos of Sesarma spp. and Uca spp. In other crabs, tegumental glands are also found at the same position as in the embryo of S. haematocheir, but the fine structure of their glands is largely different from that of the rosette gland. On the basis of the morphology of secretory cells (a-g cell types), the tegumental glands of a variety of crab embryos can be classified into four types, including rosette glands (type I-IV). The function of these tegumental glands is not yet known, but different types of the gland seem to reflect the phylogeny of the crabs rather than differences of habitat.  相似文献   

Females of Chrysomya putoria (Diptera: Calliphoridae) have two sexual accessory glands, which are tubular and more dilated at the distal extremity. The glands open independently into the common oviduct. Two morpho-physiological regions were distinguished in the longitudinal semi-thin sections of the glands. The secretory region is constituted by three layers: a cuticular intima, lining the lumen, followed by a layer of small cells, and then a layer of very large secretory cells. The ductal region of the gland presents only two layers: the cuticular intima and a cellular layer. In both regions a basement membrane is present. Each secretory cell has in its apical region a reservoir, which enlarges throughout oogenesis; in its basal region there is a large nucleus. The ductal cells are cylindrical and smaller than the secretory cells. The glandular secretion is synthesized in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells, stored and/or modified in the reservoir, then drained to the lumen through an end apparatus seen in the apical region of the secretory cell. Histochemical tests indicate that this secretion is a glycoprotein. Measurements of the glands from females at different physiological conditions and fed on different diets correlate with the results obtained for changes in the ovary during oogenesis. Cell number averaged 561.2 ± 77.54 per gland. There was no increase in cell number during oogenesis.  相似文献   

The albumen gland of Pomacea paludosa, a prosobranch gastropod, contains two main ducts. The albumen gland duct consists of a single layer of secretory and non-secretory cells. The surface of the non-secretory cells is covered with cilia. Microvilli are associated with the luminal edges of the secretory cells. Globules of secretory products appear at the cell surfaces. The capsule gland duct coils through the albumen gland and is composed of two opposing faces each of two layers of cells. The upper layer consists of ciliated non-secretory cells and the microvilli covered necks of the goblet-shaped secretory cells. The bases of the secretory cells comprises the lower layer of cells. Differences in the arrangement of cellular processes and number exists between the duct epithelia.  相似文献   

The structure and secretory activity of the accessory salivary gland in two species of Conus were examined using routine and histochemical techniques of light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The composite layers of the accessory salivary gland of Conus are a luminal epithelium, fibromuscular layer, submuscular layer, and a capsule. In C. flavidus and C. vexillum, the luminal epithelium is formed by epitheliocytes and cytoplasmic processes extending from the secretory cells, whose perikarya form the submuscular layer. The processes carry secretory cell products (chiefly Golgi-derived glycoprotein) across the fibromuscular layer and terminate between epitheliocytes (at the bases of the secretory canaliculi) or beyond the surface of the epithelial cells. Conus vexillum is distinguished from C. flavidus by its high content of lipofuscin. Epitheliocytes are the only microvillated cells in the accessory salivary gland of Conus. In C. flavidus, epitheliocytes extrude secretory granules, various types of cytoplasmic blebs and clear vesicles by apocrine “pinching off”. Clear vesicles are shed from the tips of microvilli. The luminal epithelial cells of C. vexillum similarly egest clear vesicles, but normally undergo additional holocrine secretion to release lipofuscin. The secretions of epitheliocytes appear to be major products of the accessory salivary gland: consideration of secretory activities by both epitheliocytes and secretory cells will therefore be necessary when directly investigating accessory salivary gland function in Conus.  相似文献   

The paired accessory glands of the male mosquito, Aedes triseriatus, consisted of a single layer of columnar epithelial cells enclosed by a richly-nucleated circular muscle layer. Each accessory gland is divided into an anterior gland (AG) with one type of secretory cell, and a posterior gland (PG) with two types. The cells of the AG and those of the anterior region of the PG showed macroapocrine secretion. The mucus secreting cells located at the posterior region of the PG, however, released their contents into the lumen of the gland by rupturing the apical membrane of the cell. The secretion from all cells was in the form of membrane-bound granules which had distinct electron-dense and electron-lucent areas.  相似文献   

In the present study, the expression of secretory components and vesicular transport proteins in the canine lacrimal gland was examined and morphometric analysis was performed. The secretory epithelium consists of two types of secretory cells with different morphological features. The secretory cells constituting acinar units (type A cells) exhibited higher levels of glycoconjugates, including β-GlcNAc, than the other cell type constituting tubular units (type T cells). Immunoblot analysis revealed that antimicrobial proteins, such as lysozyme, lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase, Rab proteins (Rab3d, Rab27a and Rab27b) and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins (VAMP2, VAMP4, VAMP8, syntaxin-1, syntaxin-4 and syntaxin-6), were expressed at various levels. We immunohistochemically demonstrated that the expression patterns of lysozyme, lactoferrin, Rab27a, Rab27b, VAMP4, VAMP8 and syntaxin-6 differed depending on the secretory cell type. Additionally, in type T cells, VAMP4 was confined to a subpopulation of secretory granules, while VAMP8 was detected in almost all of them. The present study displayed the morphological and histochemical characteristics of the secretory epithelium in the canine lacrimal gland. These findings will help elucidate the species-specific properties of this gland.Key words: dog, lacrimal gland, glycoconjugate, Rab protein, SNARE protein, electron microscopy  相似文献   

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