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The production of a nonspecific inhibitor of DNA synthesis (nsINH) appears to be one of the final events in the T-suppressor cell circuit in mice exposed to contact sensitizers. We report here that: The nsINH suppresses the proliferative response to a polyclonal T-cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A), regardless of the dose of Con A used. It also suppresses DNA synthesis in lymphoid cells stimulated with alloantigens. This suppression can be completely eliminated by adding exogenous interleukin 2 (IL-2). DNA synthesis in lymphoid cells exposed to nsINH before the proliferative stimulus is uninfluenced so that activation of the lymphoid cells at the same time as exposure to nsINH seems to be a requirement for its action. Since the activity of nsINH can be absorbed by activated Lyt-1+ or Lyt-2+ lymphocytes, the early activated T cell appears to be a target of the action of nsINH. The production of nsINH is abolished or severely reduced by adult thymectomy. Natural killer (NK) cells are resistant to nsINH action and no interferon (IFN)-like activity can be demonstrated in nsINH preparation using a conventional assay for IFN.  相似文献   

In agreement with previous studies on Ia- tumor cells, evidence is presented that primary MLR of purified Lyt-2+ T cells to class I alloantigens can be elicited by a minor population of Thy 1- Ia- cells present in normal spleen, bone marrow, and day-13 fetal liver; these cells are non-stimulatory for L3T4+ T cells. The data strengthen the view that primary responses of Lyt-2+ cells do not require the presence of Ia+ cells.  相似文献   

A mouse model for assessing the sensitization of T cells to the drug D-penicillamine (D-Pen) has been established. Mice were primed with D-Pen in vivo and the secondary response of specific T cells was measured in a proliferative assay in vitro. Priming was achieved by injecting either free D-Pen or, more effectively, D-Pen in complete Freund's adjuvant at the base of the tail. After 7 to 9 days, the draining lymph node cells (responder cells) were restimulated in vitro with syngeneic spleen cells that had been preincubated with D-Pen for 20 to 22 hr and washed (D-Pen-SC). The thiol (-SH) group of D-Pen was required for generating effective stimulator cells; other thiol compounds, however, or heavy metals (Hg, Au) were unable to generate cross-reacting stimulators on incubation with spleen cells. Although D-Pen-SC proved to be good stimulator cells, thymocytes and mouse erythrocytes, after having been preincubated with D-Pen, completely failed to stimulate. The proliferating responder cells were Lyt-1+2- T cells that were highly specific for D-Pen-SC and were even capable of distinguishing between the two stereoisomers D-Pen and L-Pen. The splenic T cells of recipient mice were effectively primed by injecting D-Pen-SC, but not free D-Pen, via the i.v. route. These findings indicate that D-Pen can act as a hapten for specific T cells when presented on the surface of appropriate stimulator cells. Conceivably, if D-Pen were able to generate effective stimulator cells in vivo, this could lead to T cell reactions comparable to those in the graft-vs-host reaction (GVHR). We discuss the possibility that the GVH-like adverse immunologic side-effects of D-Pen in patients may have a GVHR-like pathogenesis.  相似文献   

In the present study we establish an assay system of tumor growth inhibition with the use of a diffusion chamber and investigate the mechanism by which tumor-specific Lyt-1+2-T cells exhibit their inhibiting effect on tumor cell growth. When a diffusion chamber containing X5563 plasmacytoma cells together with normal syngeneic C3H/HeN spleen cells was implanted in the peritoneal cavity of C3H/HeN mice, these tumor cells continued to proliferate at least 7 to 9 days. In contrast, spleen cells from C3H/HeN mice that had acquired X5563-specific immunity by intradermal (i.d.) inoculation of viable tumor cells, followed by surgical resection of the tumor, exhibited an appreciable inhibitory effect on the growth of X5563 tumor cells admixed in the chamber. This antitumor effect was mediated by Lyt-1+2-T cells and was tumor-specific, because the growth of X5563 or another syngeneic MH134 hepatoma cells was inhibited by spleen cells from C3H/HeN mice immunized to the respective tumor cell types. Most important, these tumor-specific Lyt-1+2-T cells lost their antitumor activity by depleting an adherent cell population contained in spleen cells, indicating that adherent cells are required for the Lyt-1+2-T cell-mediated antitumor effect. This was substantiated by the fact that immune spleen cells depleted of adherent cells could regain their tumor-inhibiting effect when normal spleen cells were added back as an adherent cell source, or more directly by adding back a splenic or peritoneal resident adherent cell population. These results indicate that tumor-specific Lyt-1+2-T cells mediate the tumor growth inhibition and that their antitumor effect depends on the coexistence of an adherent cell population.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (3C-7) specific for a determinant localized on the carboxy-terminus of the BSA molecule (P505-582) has been shown to cause suppression of the multispecific BSA antibody response if given i.v. before immunization. The fine binding specificity and the isotype subclass are not responsible for the suppression generated. Administration of 3C-7 i.v. results in the generation of a suppressor T cell that, when transferred into reconstituted irradiated mice, results in a diminished anti-BSA response. Suppression can be eliminated by panning T cells on idiotype (3C-7) coated plates, but not by panning on BSA, polyclonal anti-BSA antibodies, or MOPC 21. The action of the cell is antigen (BSA) specific. Idiotype-binding T cells reconstitute suppression and appear to be Lyt-1-2+. These observations demonstrate that a limited set of monoclonal antibodies directed against a single determinant on a protein molecule have the capacity to regulate the immune response to a multiplicity of determinants present on the same protein. These data support the concept of antibody-induced regulation by the induction of suppressor cells through idiotype recognition.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to attempt to define the T cell subset responsible for resistance to Toxoplasma gondii. A temperature-sensitive mutant (ts-4) strain of T. gondii was used for immunization because it causes infection but does not persist in the host. Immunization with this strain induced marked resistance against lethal challenge infection with virulent strains of T. gondii in mice. The resistance could be transferred to normal recipient mice by i.v. injection of spleen cells from ts-4-immunized mice. Marked inhibition of cyst formation in the recipient mice was also noted. The protective activity of immune spleen cells was removed by pretreatment of the spleen cells with anti-Thy-1.2 and C, indicating that T cells are responsible for the observed protection. Pretreatment of immune spleen cells with anti-Lyt-2.2 and C completely ablated their protective effect; pretreatment with anti-Lyt-1.2 or anti-L3T4 and C had lesser effects on their ability to transfer resistance. The effect of anti-Lyt-1.2 was the same as that obtained with anti-L3T4. This suggested that one T cell subset that is partially responsible for protection has both Lyt-1.2 and L3T4 markers on the cell surface. These results indicate that there are substantial roles for both the Lyt-2+ and Lyt-1+, L3T4 T cell subsets in dual regulation of resistance against toxoplasma infection and that Lyt-2+ T cells are the principal mediator of the resistance.  相似文献   

The present study determines the Ly phenotype of T cells mediating tumor cell rejection in vivo and investigates some of cellular mechanisms involved in the in vivo protective immunity. C3H/HeN mice were immunized to syngeneic X5563 plasmacytoma by intradermal (i.d.) inoculation of viable X5563 tumor cells, followed by the surgical resection of the tumor. Spleen cells from these immune mice were fractionated by treatment with anti-Lyt antibodies plus complement, and each Lyt subpopulation was tested for the reconstituting potential of in vivo protective immunity in syngeneic T cell-depleted mice (B cell mice). When C3H/HeN B cell mice were adoptively transferred with Lyt-1-2+ T cells from the above tumor-immunized mice, these B cell mice exhibited an appreciable cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to the X5563 tumor, whereas they failed to resist the i.d. challenge of X5563 tumor cells. In contrast, the adoptive transfer of Lyt-1+2- anti-X5563 immune T cells into B cell mice produced complete protection against the subsequent tumor cell challenge. Although no CTL or antibody response against X5563 tumors was detected in the above tumor-resistant B cell mice, these mice were able to retain Lyt-1+2- T cell-mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to the X5563 tumor. These results indicate that Lyt-1+2- T cells depleted of the Lyt-2+ T cell subpopulation containing CTL or CTL precursors are effective in in vivo protective immunity, and that these Lyt-1+2- T cells implement their in vivo anti-tumor activity without inducing CTL or antibody responses. The mechanism(s) by which Lyt-1+2- T cells function in vivo for the implementation of tumor-specific immunity is discussed in the context of DTH responses to the tumor-associated antigens and its related Lyt-1+2- T cell-mediated lymphokine production.  相似文献   

The Lyt phenotype of cytotoxic T cells generated in the primary H-2 response was investigated kinetically. The cytotoxicity generated in the early stage of culture was abolished by treatment with alpha Lyt-1,2,3, and complement (C), whereas that generated in the late stage was only partially eliminated by alpha Lyt-1, but was abolished by alpha Lyt-2, 3, and C. This suggested late expansion of the Lyt-1-2+3+ population. Lack of Lyt-1 antigen was confirmed with cells that were depleted of Lyt-1+ from primary culture and then stimulated in the secondary response by elimination of cytotoxicity and by direct Lyt typing. Results indicated that the response of proliferative and cytotoxic T cells of the Lyt-1+2+3+ phenotype in the early stage of culture was followed by activation of Lyt-1-2+3+ T cells. Cytotoxic T cells in the late stage were shown to be a mixture of Lyt-1+2+3+ and Lyt-1-2+3+ cells. This was confirmed with cytotoxic T cells from secondary culture and uncloned long-term T cell lines.  相似文献   

Antigen-induced activation of a chicken gamma-globulin (CGG)-specific Lyt-1+ T cell clone measured both as a function of proliferation and immune interferon (IFN-gamma) production is restricted by a class II determinant of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) mapped to the I-A subregion, as determined by studies with both recombinant inbred lines and monoclonal antibodies. Activation of Lyt-2+ picryl chloride (PC1)-specific cloned T cell lines by trinitrophenyl (TNP)-coupled spleen cells results in proliferation and the production of at least two lymphokines: lymphotoxin (LT) and IFN-gamma. This antigen-specific activation is restricted to a class I determinant of the MHC complex encoded in the K region. Thus, the common intracellular pathway leading to production of IFN-gamma by Lyt-1+ and Lyt-2+ T cells is mediated and restricted through different surface recognition units. The LT that is produced by antigen-specific activation of T cells not only kills fibroblasts, but it inhibits interleukin 2 (IL 2)-maintained T cells as well. Activation of T cells by concanavalin A (Con A) results in suicidal inhibition of proliferation and cell death by those clones that make LT, but not by those that produce only IFN-gamma under such induction conditions. These results indicate that it is neither Con A nor IFN-gamma that kills T cells, but LT. These results strongly suggest a self-regulatory role of LT in limiting continuing unrestricted T cell response to antigen activation.  相似文献   

Rabbits were immunized with TNP-specific Lyt-1+, 2- T cell-derived, antigen-binding proteins (PCI-F) released by T cells sensitized by skin painting with picrylchloride. The resulting antiserum (anti-PCI-F) bound to PCI-F and TNP-specific factors that suppressed delayed hypersensitivity (TSF) known to be comprised of PCI-F and Lyt-2+ -derived polypeptides released by cells sensitized by injection of trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBSF). Anti-PCI-F bound to T lymphocytes and 68,000 to 72,000 m.w. T cell surface proteins but not B cells on their surface proteins. Anti-PCI-F bound to both Lyt-1+ and Lyt-2+ T cells and surface proteins. A comparison of anti-PCI-F with anti-TSF indicates that anti-TSF contains specificity for Ly-2+ T cell-derived components of TSF and T cells not present in anti-PCI-F. The possibility of multiple isotypes of T cell receptors and antigen-binding molecules is discussed.  相似文献   

Hybrid resistance, which is observed in certain strain combinations when parent-strain bone marrow cells are grafted into lethally irradiated F1 hybrids, can be specifically overcome by the i.v. injection, 1 wk before the graft, of spleen cells syngeneic with the bone marrow graft. This phenomenon is due to a suppressor mechanism, induced in the spleen of the F1 hybrid by the injection of parent-strain spleen cells and mediated by a nylon-adherent Thy-1+Lyt-1+2- cell population of hybrid origin, because hybrid resistance can be inhibited by the transfer into a normal B6D2F1 of nylon-adherent Thy-1+Lyt-1+2- spleen cells from B6D2F1 mice pretreated with B6 spleen cells 1 wk earlier (B6-pretreated B6D2F1); spleen cells from B6-pretreated B6D2F1 mice not depleted of their nylon-adherent subpopulation cannot restore hybrid resistance when they are injected into a B6D2F1 rendered nonresistant by split-dose irradiation; and spleen cells from normal B6D2F1 mice cannot restore hybrid resistance when they are injected into B6-pretreated B6D2F1 hybrids. The suppressor cells specifically inhibit resistance against bone marrow cells syngeneic with the spleen cells used for pretreatment, because transfer of nylon-adherent B6-pretreated B6D2F1 spleen cells into a normal B6D2F1 does not enhance syngeneic B6D2F1 or parent-strain D2 bone marrow growth, and when injected into normal B6D2F1 hybrids, nylon-adherent spleen cells from B6D2F1 mice pretreated with D2 spleen cells 1 wk earlier (D2-pretreated B6D2F1) are not able to transfer the inhibition of hybrid resistance against B6 bone marrow cells. Moreover, the activity of the suppressor cells depends on the genetic environment of the hybrid host mice, because nylon-adherent B6-pretreated B6D2F1 spleen cells injected into normal B6C3F1 hybrids do not transfer an inhibition of hybrid resistance, and when injected into B6C3F1 hosts previously rendered nonresistant by split-dose irradiation, spleen cells from B6-pretreated B6D2F1 mice can, in contrast, transfer hybrid resistance.  相似文献   

Down-regulation of the development of CTL has been studied in mice both in vivo and in vitro. To generate CTL to hapten-altered self Ag in vivo, an immunization protocol has been used in which the host's Th cells are stimulated by a minor locus histocompatibility Ag (Mlsd) and its precursor CTL are activated by trinitrophenylated syngeneic spleen cells. Injecting the H-2 compatible Mls-disparate spleen cells along with the TNP-coupled self cells into the hind paws causes TNP-self specific CTL to appear in popliteal lymph nodes within 5 days. We have previously reported that inducing Ts cells by i.v. injecting Mlsd-bearing cells prevents in vivo generation of TNP-self specific CTL after immunization in this way. Here the induced Ts cell as well as the mechanism by which it functions have been further examined. The suppression was seen to extend to allogeneic as well as TNP-self Ag, provided the Mlsd-tolerized animal was reexposed to Mlsd-bearing cells at the time of immunization for CTL. By transferring the Mlsd-induced suppression adoptively we have learned that the splenic suppressor cell bears Thy-1.2 as well as Lyt-1.1 Ag and inhibits the generation of CTL at the afferent limb. In addition, Mlsd-induced PEC of Mlsd-tolerized mice, but not of normal mice, mediated suppression of development of CTL in vivo. The active cells within the tolerized PEC have been identified as T cells and macrophages (M phi). Furthermore, PEC from mice tolerized to Mlsd suppressed generation of CTL directed toward TNP-self targets in vitro. T cells and M phi separated from PEC of Mlsd-tolerized mice achieved suppression best in culture when present together. In addition, Lyt-1+ splenic cells from tolerized but not normal mice cooperated to down-regulate CTL generation in vitro with peritoneal M phi from either tolerized or normal mice. Supernatants of 24- to 72-h cultures of PEC from tolerized mice were suppressive of CTL generation when incorporated at 40 to 50% of culture volume. Supernatants of T cells from tolerized PEC or spleen were suppressive in culture only when M phi from normal mice were also present. To achieve suppression dialyzed supernatants of M phi from tolerized mice could replace the M phi.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mice primed with picrylsulfonic acid (PSA) and then painted on the skin with picryl chloride produce antigen-specific T suppressor factor (TsF). In contrast unpainted primed mice fail to produce active TsF. This is not due to the absence of the antigen binding part of TsF but to the absence of a cofactor. This cofactor is (a) antigen nonspecific and occurs in potassium chloride extract of normal spleen cells. It also occurs in the 24 hr supernatant of normal cells modified by haptenisation with picryl or the unrelated NP antigen (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetyl), and in preparations of conventional TsF (PSA/PCl) from painted PSA-primed mice; (b) bears I-J determinants; and (c) is produced by Lyt-1+2(-)I-J+ cells. The antigen binding molecule occurs alone in the supernatant of PSA-primed mice. It lacks I-J determinants and has a molecular weight around 35,000 and 75,000. It is produced by Lyt-1(-)2+I-J+ cells and is only active when complemented by cofactor. However, the complementation is genetically restricted and the restriction maps to the I-J subregion of the MHC.  相似文献   

Maturing thymocytes express a series of cell surface glycoproteins which can be identified by monoclonal antibodies. The stage II or common thymocyte expresses the phenotype T4+T8+T6+T3-. In response to unknown signals, but presumably involving interactions with products of the major histocompatibility complex, the thymocyte suppresses either the T8 or T4 gene, becoming committed to the T4+T8- or T4-T8+ phenotype. With maturation, the thymocyte also becomes T6-T3+. To study whether DNA methylation may be involved in regulating expression of these determinants in mature T cells, we treated cloned interleukin 2-dependent T8- and T4-bearing T cells with 5-azacytidine (5-azaC), a nucleoside analog which inhibits methylation of newly synthesized DNA. In this report, we show that T8+ T cells treated with 5-azaC express the phenotype T8+T4+T6-T3+. Treatment of the same cells with hydroxyurea, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, failed to induce T4 on T8+ cells. These results suggest that expression of the T4 gene may be suppressed by DNA methylation in mature T8+ cells.  相似文献   

Cells highly enriched for natural killer activity suppress the generation of Lyt-2+ cytolytic T cells in one-way mixed lymphocyte cultures. Suppression occurs because natural killer cells suppress or eliminate dendritic cells, which are required for proliferation of both Ly-1+ and Lyt-2+ lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of methotrexate in murine acute graft vs host (GvH) disease at concentrations analogous to those used in human rheumatoid arthritis. The GvH reaction was induced by i.v. injection of parental spleen cells into a normal F1 recipient. The acute suppression of T cell function in GvH mice was prevented by methotrexate given orally for 10 days at 1.0 or 0.5 mg/kg but not at 0.25 mg/kg. T cell mitogen response and IL-2 secretion that were inhibited in GvH mice were restored by methotrexate. Protection from immunosuppression in drug-treated GvH mice lasted at least 3 wk after drug dosing was stopped. The mechanism of the protective effect appears to be a preferential inhibition of donor and host Lyt-2+ Ts cell proliferation. In mixing experiments we found that methotrexate inhibited Ts function in GvH mice. By dual fluorescence labeling we showed that the engraftment of donor Lyt-2+ cells was prevented by drug treatment. This was not true of donor L3T4+ cells which were clearly present in the spleens of GvH mice after methotrexate treatment. These donor L3T4 cells were functional in that they induced the production of anti-DNA autoantibodies in the methotrexate-treated GvH mice.  相似文献   

The increase in affinity and heterogeneity of antibody with respect to time after immunization to the 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (TNP) determinant was studied using TNP-brucella (BA) and TNP-type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (SIII). Experimental evidence is presented in support of the maturation of 19S antibody affinity. The difficulties which have been encountered in some previous investigations in detecting such a maturation appear to be the tendency of the cells to switch from IgM to IgG synthesis early after the peak of the primary response. Data are presented indicating that this switch occurs in a non-antibody-secreting memory cell population prior to, or more likely very shortly after, boosting. We also present evidence that the use of an antigen that does not induce a massive switch from IgM to IgG antibody synthesis offers a way of unmasking maturation of the 19S response. Thus, with the T-independent antigen TNP-SIII, a definite increase in heterogeneity could be detected in the 19S response upon secondary boosting. A greater increase in heterogeneity was noted in nude mice and was possibly due to the absence of suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic response of splenic Lyt-2+ T cells to class I H-2 alloantigen-bearing stimulator cells was analyzed under limiting dilution conditions. One of 50 to one of 200 nylon wool-nonadherent (FACS-purified), small Lyt-2+ spleen cells of B6 origin gave rise in vitro to a cytotoxic T lymphocyte clone that specifically lysed targets bearing bm1 alloantigen. This population of alloantigen-specific cytotoxic lymphocyte precursors (CLP) was activated by different types of bm1 stimulator cells with different efficiency: 2 X 10(5) nonfractionated spleen cells, 5000 normal peritoneal cells, 400 to 10(4) L3T4+ helper T blasts, or 2000 to 10(4) Lyt-2+ T blasts induced clonal growth of this CLP pool. Irradiated or mitomycin-treated small (L3T4+ or Lyt-2+) bm1-derived T cells were inefficient stimulator cells for this response. Supplementation of culture medium with (recombinant) interleukin 2 was necessary and sufficient to support clonal development of alloantigen-triggered CLP in the presence of allogeneic T blasts. Under these limiting dilution conditions, we observed comparable cloning efficiencies for (wild-type) Kb-allospecific splenic Lyt-2+ CLP from bm1 mice generated in response to either irradiated B6 spleen cells or inactivated B6-derived T cell lines (EL4 and RBL-5 lymphoma cells). The data indicate that normal T lymphoblasts as well as tumor T cell lines stimulate clonal development in vitro of class I H-2-allospecific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the presence of interleukin 2.  相似文献   

Nature of the Zn2+ requirement for DNA synthesis by 3T3 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transit of 3T3 cells from quiescence to S phase requires an adequate supply of Zn2+ during the second half of the transition. The nature of this requirement has been investigated. Completion of the Zn2(+)-dependent process required ongoing mRNA and protein synthesis but could be accomplished in serum-free medium. Combination of low Zn2+ availability with inhibition of mRNA synthesis by 5,6-dichlororibofuranosylbenzimidazole or of protein synthesis by cycloheximide resulted in the cells almost completely reverting to a quiescent state. The results suggest that Zn2+ is required for the accumulation and maintenance of a protein involved in the progression of untransformed cells into S phase.  相似文献   

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