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Cucullanus bioccai n. sp. described from the intestine of Mugil cephalus caught in Lake Sabaudia (Latina, Italy) is compared with C. dodsworthi and C. mugili parasites of mullets. It differs from C. dodsworthi mainly for the position of the 1st pair of precloacal papillae, the position of vulva, the shape of gubernaculum, the measurements of eggs; from C. mugili for the number of papillae, the position of the 1st pair of precloacal papillae, the conformation of cloaca and the position of vulva.  相似文献   

Srivastavanema cynocephali n. sp., a parasite of Cynocephalus variegatus (Dermoptera) from Indonesia, is described. This species is closely related to S. yapi Durette-Desset & Lim Boo Liat, 1975, in the characters of the synlophe at the mid-body and in the shape of the caudal bursa, but it is distinguished by the pattern of the synlophe in the posterior part of the body, very long, thin rays 2 and 3, a less developed genital cone, the absence of a membrane between left and right rays 6, and longer spicules. Its morphology is slightly less specialised than the four previously known species of the genus, which are all parasites of petauristines. The genus Srivastavanema (Singh, 1962) has a systematic position between the Heligmonellinae and the Brevistriatinae. Therefore, it may be a parasite of the Dermoptera which could have secondarily evolved within the Petauristinae. The Dermoptera may have played an important role in the evolution of the Heligmonellinae.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Capillostrongyloides arapaimae sp. n., is described from the intestine and pyloric caeca of the arapaima, Arapaima gigas (Schinz), from the Mexiana Island, Amazon river delta, Brazil. It is characterized mainly by the length of the spicule (779-1,800 microm), the large size of the body (males and gravid females 9.39-21.25 and 13.54-27.70 mm long, respectively) and by the markedly broad caudal lateral lobes in the male. It is the third species of genus Capillostrongyloides reported to parasitize Neotropical freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

Pterygodermatites (Mesopectines) senegalensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Rictulariidae) is described from Mastomys huberti in Senegal. It differs from other species of the subgenus by the morphology of the head, which exhibits 4 simple cephalic papillae and a nearly axial buccal opening, the length of the spicules, the number of precloacal cuticular formations, and the absence of cephalic apophyses.  相似文献   

Vampirolepis muraiae n. sp. (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea: Hymenolepididae) is described on the basis of a single specimen from a mouse-eared bat, Myotis sp., from Yunnan Province, China. It is distinguished from its congeners on the basis of the size and shape of the rostellar hooks, which have a blade shorter than the guard, the tubular structure of the initial stage of the developing uterus and eggs with a thick outer coat.  相似文献   

A new species of entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema aciari sp. n. was described. It was recovered from a soil sample collected from Haimen town, Shantou district in the eastern coast of Guangdong province, the People's Republic of China during a survey for entomopathogenic nematodes. S. aciari sp. n. belongs to the Steinernema glaseri group. It can be separated from all described Steinernema species by the combined morphological and morphometrical characters of various stages of the nematodes. For male, the new species can be recognized by spicule length (86+/-6.3 microm); spicule tip blunt with a hook-like structure; gubernaculum with a short and Y-shaped cuneus and corpus well-separated posteriorly. For infective juvenile, the combination of the following characters: body length (1113+/-68 microm), distance from anterior end to excretory pore (95+/-3.7 microm), tail length (78+/-5.2 microm), and E % (123+/-7) can be used to differentiate the new species from other nematodes. For female, the tail (conoid with a long mamillate terminus and a distinct postanal swelling) and vulva (slightly protruding from body surface with conspicuous double flapped epiptygma) shapes can be used as diagnostic characters for the new species. The new species can also be distinguished from other Steinernema species by DNA sequences of either a partial 28S rDNA or the internal transcribed spacer regions of rDNA, and from the close related species S. glaseri, Steinernema longicaudum CWL05, and Steinernema guangdongense by cross-breeding test.  相似文献   


Tetrameres (Tetrameres) tarapungae n.sp. is described from specimens from the proventriculus of juvenile red-billed gulls from Kaikoura, New Zealand. The male is characterised by having two short rows of lateral cervical cuticular spines that do not extend beyond the middle of the oesophagus, a body length of 2.2–2.6 mm, and the larger spicule longer than half the body length. The male tail bears four pairs of subventral papillae and two pairs of lateral papillae. The pathology of the infections is described briefly.  相似文献   

A new seuratoid nematode of the family Quimperiidae, Paraquimperia africana n. sp., is described from the small intestine of the longfin eel, Anguilla mossambica Peters, from the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The new species is characterized mainly by the presence of a ventral sucker in mature males, short spicules (147-171 microm), the number and arrangement of caudal papillae, the postesophageal position of the excretory pore, and by the slender female tail. In this new species, a variability in the number (3-5 pairs) of subventral preanal papillae was observed. Paraquimperia africana is the first representative of the genus in Africa. In view of recent reports, Paraquimperia aditum (Mueller, 1934) is considered a junior synonym of Paraquimperia tenerrima (Linstow, 1878). Paraquimperia xenentodonia Gupta and Bakshi, 1984 is considered a species inquirenda.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - A new nematode species, Philometra longa n. sp. (Philometridae), is described from male and female specimens collected from the body cavity of the marine fish,...  相似文献   

A third species of the genus Schulzia Travassos, 1937 a parasite of Leptodactylus rhodonotus (Amphibian, Leptodactylidae) originating from Peru is described. By the pattern of the caudal bursa, the specimens are closely related to the two other species. They are distinguished from Schulzia uzu Lent & Santos, 1989, parasite from Atelopus oxyrhynchus in Venezuela, by the shape of the ovejector and from Schulzia travassosi Durette-Desset, Baker & Vaucher, 1985, parasite from Bufo crucifer in Brasil, Bufo granulosus and Leptodactylus bufonius in Paraguay, by the shape of the spicules. The presence of a new species in Peru points out the wide geographic distribution of the genus in the Neotropical region.  相似文献   

Jian  H.  Reid  A.P.  Hunt  D.J. 《Systematic parasitology》1997,37(2):115-125
Steinernema ceratophorum n. sp. was isolated from soil in Liaoning and Jining Provinces of China. Morphological, cross-breeding and DNA studies support the distinctiveness of S. ceratophorum n. sp. in comparison with four morphologically similar Steinernema species: S. affine, S. intermedium, S. riobrave and S. bicornutum. Diagnostic characters include: body length of infective juvenile, juvenile lip region with two horn-like structures and lateral field with six or eight longitudinal ridges; tail tip of first and second generation males lacking mucron; spicules of first generation male curved, dark yellow in colour and 71 µm long; tail tip of first generation female with small mucronate projection; and second generation female with fine mucronate process about 5.5 µm long. In addition, the restriction fragment length pattern (RFLP) of the ITS region of the ribosomal DNA repeat unit is different from other Steinernema spp., and S. ceratophorum n. sp. did not hybridise with S. riobrave, the species with the most similar RFLP.  相似文献   

A new Heterorhabditis species of entomopathogenic nematode was isolated from soil of the Atacama Desert in Chile. The new species is characterized by morphometrics of the infective juvenile (IJ) with length (L)?=?611 (578-666)?μm, head to excretory pore length (EP)?=?115 (101-126)?μm, tail?=?69 (62-79)?μm long, (EP/tail)?×?100 (E%)?=?165 (149-182) and L/maximum body diameter (ratio a)?=?28 (25-31). The male has spicules 45 (40-49)?μm long, gubernaculum 20 (17-22)?μm long and (spicule length/anal body diameter)?×?100 (SW%)?=?205 (179-249). The hermaphroditic adult has shallow cuticular folds immediately anterior and posterior to the vulva, a slight post-anal swelling and a finely rounded tail terminus. Morphologically, H. atacamensis n. sp. resembles H. safricana, H. marelatus, H. downesi and H. amazonensis, but can be distinguished by characters of adult and IJ stages. In particular, for adult males, H. atacamensis n. sp. differs from H. amazonensis by the number and orientation of the genital papillae and from H. downesi by the position of the excretory pore; by the shape of the female tail terminus from H. downesi and by the position of the IJ hemizonid from H. marelatus. Heterorhabditis atacamensis n. sp. is further characterized by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and D2D3 rDNA sequences, the closest species, H. safricana, being separated by 13?bp across 730?bp of the ITS (incorporating ITS1 (partial sequence), 5.8S (complete sequence), ITS2 (complete sequence)) and 5?bp across 592?bp of the partial 28S (incorporating D2D3) sequence. The morphological and molecular data confirm that H. atacamensis n. sp. is a valid species.  相似文献   

V Roca  G Garcia-Adell 《Parassitologia》1988,30(2-3):197-202
Spauligodon carbonelli n. sp. (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae), a parasite from the caecum of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768) and the Spanish wall lizard Podarcis hispanica (Steindachner, 1870) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) in the Pirineos Mountains, Spain, is described. S. carbonelli differs from the other known species of the same genus, mainly in the presence and length of the spicule, the morphology of the caudal end in the male and in the structure of the cephalic end of the female.  相似文献   

Metaparasitylenchus hypothenemi n. sp. (Nematoda: Allantonematidae) is described from the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), in Chiapas, Mexico. This species differs from other members of the genus by its small size, annulated cuticle, lateral fields with 3 ridges, free-living stages with an excretory pore located between the pharyngeal gland orifices, a distinct stylet with basal swellings in free-living females, a postvulval uterine extension, a thin stylet lacking basal swellings in males, 2 separate spicules, a gubernaculum, and a peloderan bursa. Parasitic females are white, with a straight or slightly curved body and are ovoviviparous. Third-stage juveniles emerge from parasitized beetles and molt twice before reaching the adult stage. Because the coffee berry borer is the most important pest of coffee throughout the world and this parasite partially or completely sterilizes female beetles, it is worthy of further investigation as a potential biological control agent.  相似文献   

Cercogylus africanus n. g., n. sp. is described from the lungs of Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster in Kinshasa, Zaire. It is characterized by the elongate, reduced male bursa, the dorsal ray represented by two widely separated branches, and the subterminal anus in the female.  相似文献   

Tetrameres (Gynaecophila) aspicula n. sp. is described from the proventriculus of the white-faced ibis Plegadis chihi (Vieillot) (Ciconiiformes, Threskiornithidae) from Argentina. The new species is characterised by the absence of spicules, by possessing two ventral rows of extremely small spines in males, extending along the second half of body length, and by the tiny, very feebly developed postcloacal papillae. T. (G.) aspicula n. sp. is compared to the remainder of the species in the subgenus as well as to other species of Tetrameres which lack or possess feebly developed spines. The absence of spicules is a character shared with two other species in the genus, T. (G.) gynaecophila and T. (G.) deccani,from which the new species differs in body size, the arrangement of caudal papillae and the somatic spination in males. A pair of somatic papillae, previously unreported in species of this genus, was found just on or ventral to the lateral line at various regions of the body length. The homology of these structures to other paired somatic papillae described in nematodes is discussed.  相似文献   

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