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The impact of rare but positive events on the design of organisms has been largely ignored, probably due to the paucity of recordings of such events and to the difficulty of estimating their impact on lifetime reproductive success. In this respect, we investigated the size of spider webs in relation to rare but large prey catches. First, we collected field data on a short time-scale using the common orb-weaving spider Zygiella x-notata to determine the distribution of the size of prey caught and to quantify the relationship between web size and daily capture success. Second, we explored, with an energetic model, the consequences of an increase in web size on spider fitness. Our results showed that (i) the great majority of prey caught are quite small (body length less than 2mm) while large prey (length greater than 10mm) are rare, (ii) spiders cannot survive or produce eggs without catching these large but rare prey and (iii) increasing web size increases the daily number of prey caught and thus long-term survival and fecundity. Spider webs seem, therefore, designed for making the best of the rare but crucial event of catching large prey.  相似文献   

Prey that lives with functionally different predators may experience enhanced mortality risk, because of conflicts between the specific defenses against their predators. Because natural communities usually contain combinations of prey and functionally different predators, examining risk enhancement with multiple predators may help to understand prey population dynamics. It is also important in an applied context: risk enhancement with multiple biological control agents could lead to successful suppression of pests. We examined whether risk enhancement occurs in the spider mite Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida (Acari: Tetranychidae) when exposed to two predator species: a generalist ant, Pristomyrmex punctatus Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), and a specialist predatory mite, Neoseiulus womersleyi Schicha (Acari: Phytoseiidae). We replicated microcosms that consisted of spider mites, ants, and predatory mites. Spider mites avoided generalist ants by staying inside their webs on leaf surfaces. In contrast, spider mites avoided specialist predatory mites that intruded into their webs by exiting the web, which obviously conflicts with the defense against ants. In the presence of both predators, enhanced mortality of spider mites was observed. A conflict occurred between the spider mites’ defenses: they seemed to move out of their webs and be preyed upon by ants. This is the first study to suggest that risk enhancement occurs in web‐spinning spider mites that are exposed to both generalist and specialist predator species, and to provide evidence that ants can have remarkable synergistic effects on the biological control of spider mites using specialist predatory mites.  相似文献   


Spider webs vary in size to meet the nutritional requirements of the resident spider with the resident’s body size strongly informing these requirements. In this way, the effect of body size on web-building behaviour should be apparent across species. To determine whether the size of analogous web structures scales with body size across closely related species, we first measured mainsheet area and adult female body size of 12 sheet-web spider species (Cambridgea). Using these species, we then generated alignments from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and histone 3 (H3) gene regions. These alignments were phylogenetically analysed using Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood methods. While phylogenetic trees for the COI gene suggested that Cambridgea is monophyletic relative to sampled outgroups, H3 did not. Combining our COI phylogenetic tree’s branch lengths with data on web-building behaviour, we used phylogenetic least squares to determine whether web size scales with spider size across species. While we found evidence that larger species generally build larger webs, the variation in web size across even similarly sized species suggests that environmental characteristics which influence site selection and prey type may play a role in determining the optimal web size for different species.  相似文献   

Aging is often associated with reduced behavioral performance such as decreased locomotion or food consumption, related to a deterioration in physiological functions. In orb-web spiders, webs are used to capture prey and aging can affect web-building behavior and web structure. Here, we investigated the effect of aging on prey capture in the orb-web spider Zygiella x-notata. The ability of adult females to capture flies was examined at different ages. The rate of prey capture did not change with age, but older spiders took more time to subdue and capture the prey. Alterations which appeared in web structure with age (increase in the number of anomalies affecting radii and capture spiral) affected prey capture behavior. Furthermore, the analysis of individual performance (carried out on 17 spiders at two different ages) showed that older females spent more time handling the prey and finding it in the web. Our results suggest that, in the laboratory, age does not affect prey capture rates but it influences prey capture behavior by affecting web structure or/and spider motor functions.  相似文献   

Spider silk is renowned for its high tensile strength, extensibility and toughness. However, the variability of these material properties has largely been ignored, especially at the intra-specific level. Yet, this variation could help us understand the function of spider webs. It may also point to the mechanisms used by spiders to control their silk production, which could be exploited to expand the potential range of applications for silk. In this study, we focus on variation of silk properties within different regions of cobwebs spun by the common house spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum. The cobweb is composed of supporting threads that function to maintain the web shape and hold spiders and prey, and of sticky gumfooted threads that adhere to insects during prey capture. Overall, structural properties, especially thread diameter, are more variable than intrinsic material properties, which may reflect past directional selection on certain silk performance. Supporting threads are thicker and able to bear higher loads, both before deforming permanently and before breaking, compared with sticky gumfooted threads. This may facilitate the function of supporting threads through sustained periods of time. In contrast, sticky gumfooted threads are more elastic, which may reduce the forces that prey apply to webs and allow them to contact multiple sticky capture threads. Therefore, our study suggests that spiders actively modify silk material properties during spinning in ways that enhance web function.  相似文献   

Assassin bugs from the genus Stenolemus (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) are predators of web-building spiders. However, despite their fascinating lifestyle, little is known about how these insects hunt and catch their dangerous prey. Here we characterise in detail the behaviour adopted by Stenolemus bituberus (Stål) during encounters with web-building spiders, this being an important step toward understanding this species’ predatory strategy. These bugs employed two distinct predatory tactics, “stalking” and “luring”. When stalking their prey, bugs slowly approached the prey spider until within striking range, severing and stretching threads of silk that were in the way. When luring their prey, bugs attracted the resident spider by plucking and stretching the silk with their legs, generating vibrations in the web. Spiders approached the luring bug and were attacked when within range. The luring tactic of S. bituberus appears to exploit the tendency of spiders to approach the source of vibrations in the web, such as might be generated by struggling prey.  相似文献   

Cyclosa spiders attach prey carcasses as decorations to their webs, but the functions of the carcasses are unclear and controversial. We investigated distinctive features of these webs in the field and conducted prey-capture experiments in the lab using the orb-web spider Cyclosa mulmeinensis. Webs with attached decoration had a significantly narrower mesh width than those without decoration and a higher degree of vertical asymmetry in the web’s shape. In the laboratory, webs without decorations trapped significantly more prey, even though other features of the webs were nearly identical. These results suggest that web decorations do not attract prey in this species, but might play other roles such as blinding predators to the spider’s presence.  相似文献   

Understanding the development of spatial patterns in generalist predators will improve our ability to incorporate them into biological control programs. We studied the small-scale spatial patterns of spider webs in alfalfa by analyzing the relationship between web locations over distances ranging from 4 to 66 cm. Using a coordinate-based spatial statistic (O-ring) and assuming a heterogeneous distribution of suitable web sites, we analyzed the impact of cutting and changes in spider abundance on web distribution. We analyzed the influence of small-scale variation in prey availability by comparing web distributions to the pattern of sticky-trap captures of Aphididae and Diptera described by a count-based spatial statistic (SADIE). Cutting of alfalfa reduced the overall density of web-building spiders but had no immediate impact on the spatial distribution of their webs. Availability of aphids was highest before the alfalfa was cut and was clumped at a scale of 66 cm. Spider webs, however, were not clumped at any scale or date. In contrast, webs were regularly distributed at smaller distances (<20 cm) immediately before and after cutting. Because cursorial and web-building spiders were most active during this period, we hypothesize that the development of small-scale regularity in web locations was driven by intraguild interactions. Our results suggest that intraguild interactions contribute to the development of small-scale spatial patterns of spider webs in alfalfa. Variation in prey availability may have more of an influence on web distribution in crops with a different vegetation structure or if patterns are studied at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   

As one of the most abundant predators of insects in terrestrial ecosystems, spiders have long received much attention from agricultural scientists and ecologists. Do spiders have a certain controlling effect on the main insect pests of concern in farmland ecosystems? Answering this question requires us to fully understand the prey spectrum of spiders. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) has been successfully employed to analyze spider prey spectra. However, the high sequencing costs make it difficult to analyze the prey spectrum of various spider species with large samples in a given farmland ecosystem. We performed a comparative analysis of the prey spectra of Ovia alboannulata (Araneae, Lycosidae) using NGS with individual and mixed DNA samples to demonstrate which treatment was better for determining the spider prey spectra in the field. We collected spider individuals from tea plantations, and two treatments were then carried out: (1) The DNA was extracted from the spiders individually and then sequenced separately (DESISS) and (2) the DNA was extracted from the spiders individually and then mixed and sequenced (DESIMS). The results showed that the number of prey families obtained by the DESISS treatment was approximately twice that obtained by the DESIMS treatment. Therefore, the DESIMS treatment greatly underestimated the prey composition of the spiders, although its sequencing costs were obviously lower. However, the relative abundance of prey sequences detected in the two treatments was slightly different only at the family level. Therefore, we concluded that if our purpose were to obtain the most accurate prey spectrum of the spiders, the DESISS treatment would be the best choice. However, if our purpose were to obtain only the relative abundance of prey sequences of the spiders, the DESIMS treatment would also be an option. The present study provides an important reference for choosing applicable methods to analyze the prey spectra and food web compositions of animal in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Spider mites inhabiting Sasa bamboo show considerable variation in traits believed to be the result of coevolution between predator and prey. In Schizotetranychus recki Ehara inhabiting the hairy leaves of a dwarf bamboo, Sasa senanensis, all quiescent stages, including eggs, appear within web boxes in the leaf hairs of their host plant, and this habit is thought to be a trait involved in predator avoidance. To test this hypothesis, the survival rates of S. recki eggs inside a web box and those freed of a web box were assessed in relation to six predator species that co-occur with the spider mite in the field. The results clearly show that the webbing behavior (web box) of S. recki has a function in avoiding five predator species. However, one predator species, Agistemus summersi Ehara, preyed more on eggs protected by a web box. This suggests that this predator species has a special trait to overcome the nest barriers.  相似文献   

Spiders are the most common and predominant predators in terrestrial ecosystems. The predatory behavior of spiders affects the energy flow across the food web within an ecosystem. Traditiaonal methods for analyzing spider diets such as field observation, anatomy and faeces analysis are not suitable for spider experiments due to spiders’ special dietary behavior. The molecular method based on the specific primers of prey DNA seems to be inefficient either in spite of its wide application in diet analysis. As the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology becomes prevalent in many different areas, several cases of the NGS-based analysis of mammal diets have been published. This study analyzed the diet differences of Pardosa pseudoannulata (Araneae: Lycosidae) in four habitats (a wetland, a tea plantation, an alpine meadow and a paddy field) by using the NGS technology, combined with the DNA barcode method. The results suggested that the Pardosa pseudoannulata feed on a broad range of prey, and 7 orders and 24 families of insects were detected in the four investigated habitats. Moreover, it is found that the diet diversity of Pardosa pseudoannulata is greatly influenced by their living environments and seasons. In a nutshell, this study established an NGS-based methodology for spider diets analysis, and the results provided some basic materials to inform the protection and utilization of the Pardosa pseudoannulata as a potential eco-friendly predator against pests.  相似文献   

The European sheet-web spider Linyphia triangularis (Araneae: Linyphiidae) has become established in Maine, where it often reaches very high densities. Two lines of evidence from previous work suggest that L. triangularis affects populations of the native linyphiid spider Frontinella communis. First, F. communis individuals are relatively scarce in both forest and coastal habitat where L. triangularis is common, but more common where L. triangularis is at low density. Second, in field experiments, F. communis species are less likely to settle in experimental plots when L. triangularis is present, and F. communis disappears from study plots when L. triangularis is introduced. Here we test two mechanisms that may underlie these patterns. First, we tested whether L. triangularis invades and usurps the webs of F. communis. When spiders were released onto webs of heterospecifics, L. triangularis was more likely to take over or share webs of F. communis than the reverse. We also observed natural takeovers of F. communis webs. Second, we explored the hypothesis that L. triangularis reduces prey availability for native species. We sampled flying prey in areas with L. triangularis and those where it had been removed, and found no effect of spider presence on measured prey density. We also found no effect of prey supplementation on web tenacity in F. communis, suggesting that F. communis movements are not highly dependent on prey availability. We conclude that web takeover is likely more important than prey reduction in driving negative effects of L. triangularis on F. communis.  相似文献   

Predator–prey relationships are generally based on arm-race. Wasps and spiders are both predators, which could be potential prey for each other. The orb weaver spider Zygiella x-notata is sometimes a prey for the wasp Vespula germanica. We observed the wasp hunting behaviour under natural conditions, and we tested the influence of the spider’s behaviour on the wasp attack success. Wasps were active predators during the reproductive period of the spider. Results showed that wasps located more easily male spiders than females particularly when they were engaged in mate guarding. Female location depended on the presence of a web, but also of prey or prey remains in the web. On the other hand, their location depend neither on the characteristics and the position of the retreat in the environment nor on the size of the web. After location, males were more often captured than females whatever their behaviour (mate guarding or not). Presence of prey remains or prey in the web did not increase the risk for the spider to be captured. There was also no influence of the retreat’s characteristics or of its position in the habitat on the risk for the spider to be captured; but wasp successful attacks were less numerous when silk was present around the entrance of the retreat or when the spider was completely inside. As prey and prey remains favoured location of spiders by the wasps, we tested spider web cleaning behaviour as a response to wasp predatory pressure. By throwing small polystyrene pellets in the webs, we observed that more 80% of the spiders rejected the pellets in less than one minute. Our data indicated that wasps were significant predators of Z. x-notata and wasp attack could have been a selective pressure that had favoured spider defensive behaviours such as web cleaning.  相似文献   

Argyrodes gibbosus is a kleptoparasitic spider in the web of spiders. It generally steals freshly captured prey from the web of its host. In Sicily, Argyrodes gibbosus parasitizes webs of the spider Cyrtophora citricola, a facultative colonial species. When a C. citricola female was present in its web, Argyrodes caught small prey in the web or tried to rob prey captured by the host; in that case, we never observed successful attacks on host egg-sacs. When the host disappeared from its web, the kleptoparasite modified its foraging strategies and attacked the host egg-sacs and ate the eggs. The exploitation of this new resource could ensure rapid development for the kleptoparasite which was characterized by the presence of larger females and a higher mating rate.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(3):675-681
Like many spider species, Tetragnatha elongata exhibits considerable flexibility in its spacing pattern as a response to variable levels of prey abundance. This study examines the extent and form of spider aggregation at high prey density. In experiments in which their respective densities were manipulated, when spider density was high, excess prey allowed individuals (1) a significant reduction in web building, and (2) indiscriminate use of pre-laid silk. These effects were not observed at low spider density. These results are discussed in the context of ‘risk-sensitive’ foraging theory, which shows how this type of behaviour in an aggregation might be adopted as a means for reducing resource variance. Such an approach indicates a possible means through which sociality might be initiated.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Many spiders, and in particular those in the genus Argiope, spin highly visible web decorations whose function and significance are the subject of spirited debate. In this work, we present data to address two of the competing hypotheses that fuel this controversy. In particular, we examine the relationship between the presence of web decorations and spider survivorship (predator‐protection hypothesis) and the relationship between the presence of prey and spider decorating behavior (the prey‐attraction hypothesis). Our laboratory studies reveal that the decorating behavior of the spider A. argentata has a genetic component but that the expression of decorating behavior tends to be elicited only when a spider is well fed. Furthermore, our field studies show that in the presence of abundant stingless bees, spider decorating behavior is induced. Nevertheless, our field surveys also suggest that spiders that decorate their webs show reduced survivorship. We propose that the high correlation between web decorating in the presence of stingless bees supports the hypothesis that A. argentata engage in decorating behavior when attracting or targeting specific prey types. However, we also propose that web decorations attract the predators of A. argentata because high‐frequency decorators suffer lower survivorship than spiders that decorate moderately or rarely. These findings suggest that spider web decorating behavior is affected by conflicting selection pressures: the positive effect of prey attraction versus the negative effect of predator attraction. Due to the heritable component of decorating behavior, web decorating among A. argentata is likely to be particularly sensitive to the spider's local ecology as well as local patterns of gene flow.  相似文献   

Portia is a web-invading araneophagic spider that uses aggressive mimicry to deceive its prey. The present paper is a first step toward clarifying experimentally the cues that govern Portia's decisions of whether to enter a web, whether to make signals once in a web, and whether to persist at signalling once started. The following conclusions are supported: cues from seeing a web elicit web entry, but volatile chemical cues from webs of prey spiders are not important; seeing a spider in a web increases Portia's inclination to enter the web; after web entry, cues from webs of prey spiders are sufficient to elicit signalling behaviour, even in the absence of other cues coming directly from the prey spider; seeing a prey spider or detecting vibrations on the web make Portia more prone to signal, but volatile chemical cues from prey spiders are not important; once Portia is on a web and signalling, seeing a moving spider and detecting vibrations on the web encourage Portia to persist in signalling; on the basis of visual cues alone, Portia can distinguish between quiescent spiders, insects and eggsacs.  相似文献   

蜘蛛丝作为一种具有优良机械性能的天然动物蛋白纤维,其特有的结构和机械性能与其生物学功能密切相关。由大壶状腺纺出的拖牵丝在蜘蛛的行走、建网、捕食、逃生、繁殖等多种生命活动中均发挥了重要的功能,其机械性能会受到多种内外因素相互作用的影响。本文对在不同体重、不同猎物饲养和不同营养状态3种条件下人工抽出的悦目金蛛(Argiope amoena)拖牵丝与其不同单丝间的力学性能进行了比较研究。结果表明,悦目金蛛拖牵丝的力学性能在组间、组内不同个体,以及同一个体不同丝纤维间变异都较大。随着蜘蛛个体的增大,蛛丝横截面直径逐渐增大,这会使得蛛丝的力学性能更好,便于作为救命索的拖牵丝在遇到危险时承受蜘蛛体重;蜘蛛在经过1个月的饥饿后,蛛丝在屈服点附近的力学性能并未发生显著变化,而断裂点应变和断裂能均显著减小,同时也表明无论对于作为救命索还是网丝,拖牵丝的弹性形变性能在与蛛丝相关的微观进化中要优先于塑性形变。这是蜘蛛在能量摄入受到限制时对拖牵丝的投入权衡的结果。  相似文献   

Prey subsidies originating from detritus add nutrients and energy to arboreal communities. Measurement of this subsidy is required in the understanding of how food web dynamics respond to changes in surrounding environments. Shrub spiders are one of the key predators involved in food web coupling. We evaluate the effects of potential changes in prey availabilities during secondary succession on the contribution of subsidy from detrital food webs to shrub spiders and how different spider feeding guilds used the subsidy of prey from detrital food webs. We measured the relative importance of the subsidy for the spider feeding guilds, using the ratios of stable isotopes of C (δ13C), and N (δ15N) and C isotope discrimination (Δ14C). Diet age was calculated from Δ14C values, because old diet ages of spiders indicate that the spiders consume prey from detrital food sources. Dominant aerial prey (Diptera) had a distinctively old diet age compared with arboreal prey, which indicates that aerial prey were subsidized from detrital food webs. Sit-and-wait spiders tended to have an older diet age than active hunting spiders, which indicates that sit-and-wait spiders depended more on subsidies. Diet age varied only slightly for spiders in stands of different ages, indicating that rates at which spiders use grazing and detrital prey are probably determined more by foraging strategies and not by stand age. A dominance of sit-and-wait predators will lead to higher detrital subsidy inputs in shrub habitats. This study highlights the effect of shrub spider community structure (feeding guild composition) on the volume of the subsidy received from the detrital food web.  相似文献   

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