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用T7 RNA聚合酶体外转录合成大鼠肝tRNAIle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR技术从rec-M13mp18中扩增出120 bp的大鼠肝tRNAIle合成基因片段,经限制性内切酶BstNⅠ酶切后作为模板,利用T7 RNA聚合酶在体外无细胞体系转录由T7启动子带动的大鼠肝tRNAIle基因,生成不含修饰碱基的tRNAIle,并对体外转录反应条件进行了优化,回收的tRNA产量可达DNA模板量的40倍.  相似文献   

采用PCR技术从rec M1 3mp1 8中扩增出 1 2 0bp的大鼠肝tRNAIle合成基因片段 ,经限制性内切酶BstNⅠ酶切后作为模板 ,利用T7RNA聚合酶在体外无细胞体系转录由T7启动子带动的大鼠肝tRNAIle基因 ,生成不含修饰碱基的tRNAIle,并对体外转录反应条件进行了优化 ,回收的tRNA产量可达DNA模板量的 4 0倍  相似文献   

The structures of polio-, coxsackie-, and rhinovirus polymerases have revealed a conserved yet unusual protein conformation surrounding their buried N termini where a β-strand distortion results in a solvent-exposed hydrophobic amino acid at residue 5. In a previous study, we found that coxsackievirus polymerase activity increased or decreased depending on the size of the amino acid at residue 5 and proposed that this residue becomes buried during the catalytic cycle. In this work, we extend our studies to show that poliovirus polymerase activity is also dependent on the nature of residue 5 and further elucidate which aspects of polymerase function are affected. Poliovirus polymerases with mutations of tryptophan 5 retain wild-type elongation rates, RNA binding affinities, and elongation complex formation rates but form unstable elongation complexes. A large hydrophobic residue is required to maintain the polymerase in an elongation-competent conformation, and smaller hydrophobic residues at position 5 progressively decrease the stability of elongation complexes and their processivity on genome-length templates. Consistent with this, the mutations also reduced viral RNA production in a cell-free replication system. In vivo, viruses containing residue 5 mutants produce viable virus, and an aromatic phenylalanine was maintained with only a slightly decreased virus growth rate. However, nonaromatic amino acids resulted in slow-growing viruses that reverted to wild type. The structural basis for this polymerase phenotype is yet to be determined, and we speculate that amino acid residue 5 interacts directly with template RNA or is involved in a protein structural interaction that stabilizes the elongation complex.Members of the Picornaviridae family of small RNA viruses cause a wide range of diseases in humans, including liver disease, heart disease, aseptic meningitis, the common cold, and poliomyelitis. The picornaviruses include the most common human viruses, which are the rhinoviruses that spread through respiratory pathways, and the second most common viruses, which are enteroviruses that spread by fecal-oral transmission. These viruses have ≈7.5-kb positive-sense genomes containing a single large open reading frame encoding a ≈250-kDa polyprotein that is cleaved into about a dozen different proteins by viral proteases (20). Their genome life cycle is completely RNA based, with replication being driven by the viral 3Dpol protein, an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP).After viral RNA translation and polyprotein processing, 3Dpol replicates the infecting positive-strand RNA template into a negative-strand intermediate that is subsequently used as a template for positive-strand synthesis. During these processes, 3Dpol interacts with multiple templates, substrates, and other viral proteins; however, many aspects of these events remain obscure. The crystal structures of several picornaviral 3Dpol enzymes have been solved, and these all conform to the “right hand” analogy commonly used to describe polymerases as having palm, thumb, and finger domains (10, 14, 18, 22, 27, 29). Based on homology to other polymerases and the structures of 3Dpol-RNA complexes with foot-and-mouth disease and Norwalk virus polymerases, the finger domain interacts with the template RNA, the palm domain contains the active-site aspartate residues that coordinate the metals needed for catalysis, and the thumb domain contacts the exiting duplex RNA product (13, 26, 30).Poliovirus is among the most-studied picornaviruses, and its polymerase has been thoroughly characterized biochemically (3, 15) and structurally (28, 29). Processive RNA synthesis requires the formation of a stable 3Dpol elongation complex through a multistep process involving at least two conformational changes (2). First, following RNA binding, there is a slow (t1/2 ≈ 12 s) conformational change that results in a 3Dpol-RNA complex poised for nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) incorporation. Second, following the addition of the first nucleotide to the primer, there is another conformational change to produce a very stable elongation complex with an in vitro half-life on the order of several hours. The polymerase begins processive elongation after the formation of this stable elongation complex, and each nucleotide addition cycle involves a five-step mechanism, of which NTP repositioning and NTP catalysis are rate limiting (3). Similar experiments using the homologous foot-and-mouth disease virus polymerase reveal an analogous set of complexes resulting in an elongation complex with a half-life of 27 h (1). Although these viral polymerase complexes have been well characterized biochemically, there is relatively little known about any structural changes involved in elongation complex formation or the catalytic cycle itself; all the 3Dpol structures solved thus far show essentially the same conformation, with no evidence for significant conformational changes upon RNA or NTP binding.The activation of several picornaviral polymerases is dependent upon correct cleavage of 3Dpol from the viral 3CDpro precursor protein in order to create a new N terminus that can be buried in a pocket at the base of the 3Dpol finger domain. This buried N terminus has been observed in poliovirus, coxsackievirus, rhinovirus, and foot-and-mouth disease virus polymerases (10, 14, 22, 29). In solving the structure of poliovirus polymerase, we observed that burying the N terminus resulted in a subtle but important conformational change in the active site whereby Asp238 was repositioned to make a key hydrogen bond with the 2′ hydroxyl of a bound NTP (29). Addition or deletion of a single residue at the N terminus abolished enzyme activity, and mutation of Gly1 to alanine resulted in a partially active enzyme with slightly altered positioning of Asp238. Further data from coxsackievirus polymerase showed that the addition of a second N-terminal glycine also inactivated the enzyme, but activity could be restored by also deleting Glu2, indicating that there is a specific length requirement in the N-terminal sequence of the enzyme (10). A prime candidate for involvement in such a length requirement is residue Phe5 of coxsackievirus 3Dpol that corresponds to Trp5 in poliovirus 3Dpol. In the 3Dpol structures, there is a backbone distortion in the β-strand composed of residues 1 to 9 that results in this large hydrophobic amino acid being solvent exposed rather than buried in an adjacent hydrophobic pocket (Fig. (Fig.11 A). This unusual conformation at residue 5 is conserved among picornaviral polymerase structures, and substitution mutations at this residue had significant effects on coxsackievirus polymerase activity (10). Large hydrophobic amino acids at residue 5 increased 3Dpol activity, while small amino acids at residue 5 decreased 3Dpol activity (10). Based on these data, we previously proposed that the 3Dpol catalytic cycle involves a conformational change wherein residue 5 flips into an adjacent hydrophobic patch on the polymerase to aid in NTP positioning, and such a conformational change would require the N terminus to be correctly buried to act as a stable pivot for the rotational movement.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Elongation complex formation. (A) Structure of poliovirus polymerase showing the distortion of the β-sheet conformation between residues 3 and 4 that results in Trp5 being solvent exposed adjacent to a large hydrophobic patch composed of residues from the index (green) and middle (orange) fingers. (B) Cartoon of the PETE (polymerase elongation template element) RNAs used in complex formation assays. Both RNAs are G-less until the sixth nucleotide from the end, which limits secondary structure and stops elongation before the 5′ end to avoid possible end effects. The asterisk indicates the position of the amino-modified deoxythymidine where the IRDye label is covalently attached. (C) Denaturing PAGE showing the time course for formation of the +1 and +2 products from the two RNAs. Elongation complexes were formed by incubating 1 μM each PETE RNA, 15 μM 3Dpol, and 40 μM ATP and GTP at 22°C for various times as indicated. (D) Kinetics of +2 complex formation rates obtained from band intensity data curve fit to a single exponential. The resulting formation time constants are listed in Table Table11.In this work, we have investigated the role of residue 5 in 3Dpol in further detail by examining how a series of mutations in poliovirus 3Dpol affects RNA binding, elongation complex formation, elongation rate, and elongation complex stability. The data show that residue 5 mutations have major effects on the stability of the elongation complex, with minor effects on elongation complex formation and no effect on RNA binding affinities and elongation rates. Replication defects are also observed in the context of viral replication centers where residue 5 mutations significantly reduce RNA synthesis in cell-free coupled translation-replication reactions and slow the growth of infectious virus in cells.  相似文献   

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