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Germ line PERK mutations are associated with diabetes mellitus and growth retardation in both rodents and humans. In contrast, late embryonic excision of PERK permits islet development and was found to prevent onset of diabetes, suggesting that PERK may be dispensable in the adult pancreas. To definitively establish the functional role of PERK in adult pancreata, we generated mice harboring a conditional PERK allele in which excision is regulated by tamoxifen administration. Deletion of PERK in either young adult or mature adult mice resulted in hyperglycemia associated with loss of islet and β cell architecture. PERK excision triggered intracellular accumulation of proinsulin and Glut2, massive endoplasmic reticulum (ER) expansion, and compensatory activation of the remaining unfolded-protein response (UPR) signaling pathways specifically in pancreatic tissue. Although PERK excision increased β cell death, this was not a result of decreased proliferation as previously reported. In contrast, a significant and specific increase in β cell proliferation was observed, a result reflecting increased cyclin D1 accumulation. This work demonstrates that contrary to expectations, PERK is required for secretory homeostasis and β cell survival in adult mice.  相似文献   

A rat model of pulpitis/periapical periodontitis was used to study mechanisms underlying extraterritorial enhancement of masseter response associated with tooth inflammation. Periapical bone loss gradually increased and peaked at 6 weeks after complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) application to the upper molar tooth pulp (M1). On day 3, the number of Fos-immunoreactive (IR) cells was significantly larger in M1 CFA rats compared with M1 vehicle (veh) rats in the trigeminal subnucleus interpolaris/caudalis transition zone (Vi/Vc). The number of Fos-IR cells was significantly larger in M1 CFA and masseter (Mass) capsaicin applied (M1 CFA/Mass cap) rats compared with M1 veh/Mass veh rats in the contralateral Vc and Vi/Vc. The number of phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (pERK)-IR cells was significantly larger in M1 CFA/Mass cap and M1 veh/Mass cap rats compared to Mass-vehicle applied rats with M1 vehicle or CFA in the Vi/Vc. Pulpal CFA application caused significant increase in the number of Fos-IR cells in the Vi/Vc but not Vc on week 6. The number of pERK-IR cells was significantly lager in the rats with capsaicin application to the Mass compared to Mass-vehicle treated rats after pulpal CFA- or vehicle-application. However, capsaicin application to the Mass did not further affect the number of Fos-IR cells in the Vi/Vc in pulpal CFA-applied rats. The digastric electromyographic (d-EMG) activity after Mass-capsaicin application was significantly increased on day 3 and lasted longer at 6 weeks after pulpal CFA application, and these increase and duration were significantly attenuated by i.t. PD98059, a MEK1 inhibitor. These findings suggest that Vi/Vc and Vc neuronal excitation is involved in the facilitation of extraterritorial hyperalgesia for Mass primed with periapical periodontitis or acute pulpal-inflammation. Furthermore, phosphorylation of ERK in the Vi/Vc and Vc play pivotal roles in masseter hyperalgesia after pulpitis or periapical periodontitis.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle is the major site for glucose disposal, the impairment of which closely associates with the glucose intolerance in diabetic patients. Diabetes-related ankyrin repeat protein (DARP/Ankrd23) is a member of muscle ankyrin repeat proteins, whose expression is enhanced in the skeletal muscle under diabetic conditions; however, its role in energy metabolism remains poorly understood. Here we report a novel role of DARP in the regulation of glucose homeostasis through modulating AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity. DARP is highly preferentially expressed in skeletal muscle, and its expression was substantially upregulated during myotube differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts. Interestingly, DARP-/- mice demonstrated better glucose tolerance despite similar body weight, while their insulin sensitivity did not differ from that in wildtype mice. We found that phosphorylation of AMPK, which mediates insulin-independent glucose uptake, in skeletal muscle was significantly enhanced in DARP-/- mice compared to that in wildtype mice. Gene silencing of DARP in C2C12 myotubes enhanced AMPK phosphorylation, whereas overexpression of DARP in C2C12 myoblasts reduced it. Moreover, DARP-silencing increased glucose uptake and oxidation in myotubes, which was abrogated by the treatment with AICAR, an AMPK activator. Of note, improved glucose tolerance in DARP-/- mice was abolished when mice were treated with AICAR. Mechanistically, gene silencing of DARP enhanced protein expression of LKB1 that is a major upstream kinase for AMPK in myotubes in vitro and the skeletal muscle in vivo. Together with the altered expression under diabetic conditions, our data strongly suggest that DARP plays an important role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis under physiological and pathological conditions, and thus DARP is a new therapeutic target for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   



The actions of peripherally administered nesfatin-1 on glucose homeostasis remain controversial. The aim of this study was to characterize the mechanisms by which peripheral nesfatin-1 regulates glucose metabolism.


The effects of nesfatin-1 on glucose metabolism were examined in mice by continuous infusion of the peptide via osmotic pumps. Changes in AKT phosphorylation and Glut4 were investigated by Western blotting and immnuofluorescent staining. Primary myocytes, adipocytes and hepatocytes were isolated from male mice.


Continuous peripheral infusion of nesfatin-1 altered glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in mice fed either normal or high fat diet, while central administration of nesfatin-1 demonstrated no effect. Nesfatin-1 increases insulin secretion in vivo, and in vitro in cultured min6 cells. In addition, nesfatin-1 up-regulates the phosphorylation of AKT in pancreas and min6 islet cells. In mice fed normal diet, peripheral nesfatin-1 significantly increased insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of AKT in skeletal muscle, adipose tissue and liver; similar effects were observed in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue in mice fed high fat diet. At basal conditions and after insulin stimulation, peripheral nesfatin-1 markedly increased GLUT4 membrane translocation in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue in mice fed either diet. In vitro studies showed that nesfatin-1 increased both basal and insulin-stimulated levels of AKT phosphorylation in cells derived from skeletal muscle, adipose tissue and liver.


Our studies demonstrate that nesfatin-1 alters glucose metabolism by mechanisms which increase insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity via altering AKT phosphorylation and GLUT 4 membrane translocation in the skeletal muscle, adipose tissue and liver.  相似文献   

Some muscles have demonstrated a differential recruitment of their motor units in relation to their location and the nature of the motor task performed; this involves functional compartmentalization. There is little evidence that demonstrates the presence of a compartmentalization of the superficial masseter muscle during biting. The aim of this study was to describe the topographic distribution of the activity of the superficial masseter (SM) muscle’s motor units using high-density surface electromyography (EMGs) at different bite force levels. Twenty healthy natural dentate participants (men: 4; women: 16; age 20±2 years; mass: 60±12 kg, height: 163±7 cm) were selected from 316 volunteers and included in this study. Using a gnathodynamometer, bites from 20 to 100% maximum voluntary bite force (MVBF) were randomly requested. Using a two-dimensional grid (four columns, six electrodes) located on the dominant SM, EMGs in the anterior, middle-anterior, middle-posterior and posterior portions were simultaneously recorded. In bite ranges from 20 to 60% MVBF, the EMG activity was higher in the anterior than in the posterior portion (p-value = 0.001).The center of mass of the EMG activity was displaced towards the posterior part when bite force increased (p-value = 0.001). The topographic distribution of EMGs was more homogeneous at high levels of MVBF (p-value = 0.001). The results of this study show that the superficial masseter is organized into three functional compartments: an anterior, a middle and a posterior compartment. However, this compartmentalization is only seen at low levels of bite force (20–60% MVBF).  相似文献   



The phenotype of large diameter sensory afferent neurons changes in several models of neuropathic pain. We asked if similar changes also occur in “functional” pain syndromes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Acidic saline (AS, pH 4.0) injections into the masseter muscle were used to induce persistent myalgia. Controls received saline at pH 7.2. Nocifensive responses of Experimental rats to applications of Von Frey Filaments to the masseters were above control levels 1–38 days post-injection. This effect was bilateral. Expression of c-Fos in the Trigeminal Mesencephalic Nucleus (NVmes), which contains the somata of masseter muscle spindle afferents (MSA), was above baseline levels 1 and 4 days after AS. The resting membrane potentials of neurons exposed to AS (n = 167) were hyperpolarized when compared to their control counterparts (n = 141), as were their thresholds for firing, high frequency membrane oscillations (HFMO), bursting, inward and outward rectification. The amplitude of HFMO was increased and spontaneous ectopic firing occurred in 10% of acid-exposed neurons, but never in Controls. These changes appeared within the same time frame as the observed nocifensive behaviour. Ectopic action potentials can travel centrally, but also antidromically to the peripheral terminals of MSA where they could cause neurotransmitter release and activation of adjacent fibre terminals. Using immunohistochemistry, we confirmed that annulospiral endings of masseter MSA express the glutamate vesicular transporter VGLUT1, indicating that they can release glutamate. Many capsules also contained fine fibers that were labelled by markers associated with nociceptors (calcitonin gene-related peptide, Substance P, P2X3 receptors and TRPV1 receptors) and that expressed the metabotropic glutamate receptor, mGluR5. Antagonists of glutamatergic receptors given together with the 2nd injection of AS prevented the hypersensitivity observed bilaterally but were ineffective if given contralaterally.


Low pH leads to changes in several electrical properties of MSA, including initiation of ectopic action potentials which could propagate centrally but could also invade the peripheral endings causing glutamate release and activation of nearby nociceptors within the spindle capsule. This peripheral drive could contribute both to the transition to, and maintenance of, persistent muscle pain as seen in some “functional” pain syndromes.  相似文献   

Genes encoding sterol ester-forming enzymes were recently identified in the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome. One belongs to a family of six members presenting homologies with the mammalian Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferases. The other one belongs to the superfamily of Membrane-Bound O-Acyltransferases. The physiological functions of these genes, Phospholipid Sterol Acyltransferase1 (PSAT1) and Acyl-CoA Sterol Acyltransferase1 (ASAT1), respectively, were investigated using Arabidopsis mutants. Sterol ester content decreased in leaves of all mutants and was strongly reduced in seeds from plants carrying a PSAT1-deficient mutation. The amount of sterol esters in flowers was very close to that of the wild type for all lines studied. This indicated further functional redundancy of sterol acylation in Arabidopsis. We performed feeding experiments in which we supplied sterol precursors to psat1-1, psat1-2, and asat1-1 mutants. This triggered the accumulation of sterol esters (stored in cytosolic lipid droplets) in the wild type and the asat1-1 lines but not in the psat1-1 and psat1-2 lines, indicating a major contribution of the PSAT1 in maintaining free sterol homeostasis in plant cell membranes. A clear biological effect associated with the lack of sterol ester formation in the psat1-1 and psat1-2 mutants was an early leaf senescence phenotype. Double mutants lacking PSAT1 and ASAT1 had identical phenotypes to psat1 mutants. The results presented here suggest that PSAT1 plays a role in lipid catabolism as part of the intracellular processes at play in the maintenance of leaf viability during developmental aging.Sterols are components of most eukaryotic membranes; as such, they are important regulators of membrane fluidity and thus influence membrane properties, functions, and structure (Demel and De Kruyff, 1976; Bloch, 1983; Schuler et al., 1991; Roche et al., 2008). Unlike animals, in which cholesterol is most often the unique end product of sterol biosynthesis, each plant species has its own distribution of sterols, with the three most common phytosterols being sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol (Benveniste, 2004). In addition to their free sterol form, phytosterols are also found as conjugates, particularly fatty acyl sterol esters (SE). Since SE are hardly integrated into the bilayer of the membranes (Hamilton and Small, 1982), the biochemical process of sterol acylation is believed to play a crucial role in maintaining free sterol concentration in the cell membranes (Lewis et al., 1987; Dyas and Goad, 1993; Chang et al., 1997; Sturley, 1997; Schaller, 2004). In other words, SE are generally thought to constitute a storage pool of sterols when those are present in amounts greater than immediately required for the cells. For instance, in plants, accumulation of SE has been described during seed maturation and senescence or when plant cell cultures reach stationary phase (Dyas and Goad, 1993, and refs. therein) as well as in mutant lines overproducing sterols (Gondet et al., 1994; Schaller et al., 1995).In mammals and yeast, the genes involved in sterol esterification have been known for a long time. These genes encode two types of enzymes responsible for the formation of SE in animals, the Acyl-Coenzyme A:Cholesterol Acyltransferase (ACAT) and the Lecithin:Cholesterol Acyltransferase (LCAT). ACAT, which catalyzes an acyl-CoA-dependent acylation, is a membrane-bound enzyme acting inside the cells (Chang et al., 1997). LCAT, which is evolutionarily unrelated to ACAT, catalyzes transacylation of acyl groups from phospholipids to sterols. It is a soluble enzyme present in the blood stream, where it is an important regulator of circulating cholesterol (Jonas, 2000). The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two enzymes of the ACAT type for the synthesis of SE (Yang et al., 1996).In plants, genes encoding enzymes responsible for SE formation have long been unknown. Based on biochemical studies, it was suggested that phospholipids and/or neutral lipids could serve as acyl donors (Garcia and Mudd, 1978a, 1978b; Zimowski and Wojciechowski, 1981a, 1981b). The identification in the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome of two genes involved in sterol esterification was based on homology searches. First, the phospholipid:sterol acyltransferase gene AtPSAT1 (At1g04010) was found to display consistent identity with the mammalian LCAT and then was biochemically characterized by expression in Arabidopsis (Noiriel, 2004; Banas et al., 2005). The encoded protein was shown to be associated with microsomal membranes and to catalyze the transfer of unsaturated fatty acyl groups from position sn-2 of phosphatidylethanolamine (and phosphatidylcholine to a lesser extent) to sterols. The preferred acceptor molecules of PSAT1 were cholesterol, a minor biosynthetic end product in Arabidopsis, then campesterol and sitosterol, the two main end products. Sterol coincubation studies performed with this microsomal enzymatic assay showed that sterol precursors such as cycloartenol or obtusifoliol, which were poor substrates when incubated alone, were preferentially acylated in the presence of sitosterol, suggesting an activation of the enzyme by sitosterol (Banas et al., 2005). Another sterol acyltransferase gene, AtASAT1 (At3g51970), was identified in a survey of members of the Arabidopsis superfamily of membrane-bound O-acyltransferases with a yeast ACAT mutant functional complementation approach (Chen et al., 2007). AtASAT1 encodes a protein structurally related to the animal and yeast ACATs. This enzyme was shown to prefer saturated fatty acyl-CoAs as acyl donors and cycloartenol as the acyl acceptor. Overexpression of AtASAT1 in seeds of Arabidopsis resulted in a strong accumulation of cycloartenol fatty acyl esters accompanied by an increase of the whole SE content of these seeds and, in spite of a slight decrease of the free sterol pool, an increase of the total sterol content of the transgenic seeds by up to 60% compared with that of the wild type (Chen et al., 2007). We took advantage of the availability of Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion mutants of these two genes to investigate their respective physiological roles. Here, we report on the involvement of AtPSAT1 in leaf senescence, its major contribution to SE formation in leaves and seeds, and also its essential role in free sterol homeostasis in these organs.  相似文献   



Emerging evidence suggests that dietary soy and phytoestrogens can have beneficial effects on lipid and glucose metabolism. We have previously shown that male mice fed from conception to adulthood with a high soy-containing diet had reduced body weight, adiposity and a decrease in glucose intolerance, an early marker of insulin resistance and diabetes.


The purpose of this study was to identify the precise periods of exposure during which phytoestrogens and dietary soy improve lipid and glucose metabolism. Since intrauterine position (IUP) has been shown to alter sensitivity to endocrine disruptors, we also investigated whether the combination of IUP and fetal exposure to dietary phytoestrogens could potentially affect adult metabolic parameters.


Male outbred mice (CD-1) were allowed ad libitum access to either a high soy-containing diet or a soy-free diet either during gestation, lactation or after weaning. Adiposity and bone mass density was assessed by dual x-ray absorptiometry. Glucose tolerance was assessed by a glucose tolerance test. Blood pressure was examined by the tail-cuff system.


Here we show that metabolic improvements are dependent on precise windows of exposure during life. The beneficial effects of dietary soy and phytoestrogens on adiposity were apparent only in animals fed post-natally, while the improvements in glucose tolerance are restricted to animals with fetal exposure to soy. Interestingly, we observed that IUP influenced adult glucose tolerance, but not adiposity. Similar IUP trends were observed for other estrogen-related metabolic parameters such as blood pressure and bone mass density.


Our results suggest that IUP and fetal exposure to estrogenic environmental disrupting compounds, such as dietary phytoestrogens, could alter metabolic and cardiovascular parameters in adult individuals independently of adipose gain.  相似文献   

In active biological contractile processes such as skeletal muscle contraction, cellular mitosis, and neuronal growth, an interesting common observation is that multiple motors can perform coordinated and synchronous actions, whereas individual myosin motors appear to randomly attach to and detach from actin filaments. Recent experiment has demonstrated that, during skeletal muscle shortening at a wide range of velocities, individual myosin motors maintain a force of ∼6 pN during a working stroke. To understand how such force-homeostasis can be so precisely regulated in an apparently chaotic system, here we develop a molecular model within a coupled stochastic-elastic theoretical framework. The model reveals that the unique force-stretch relation of myosin motor and the stochastic behavior of actin-myosin binding cause the average number of working motors to increase in linear proportion to the filament load, so that the force on each working motor is regulated at ∼6 pN, in excellent agreement with experiment. This study suggests that it might be a general principle to use catch bonds together with a force-stretch relation similar to that of myosin motors to regulate force homeostasis in many biological processes.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae FAB1 gene encodes a 257-kD protein that contains a cysteine-rich RING-FYVE domain at its NH2-terminus and a kinase domain at its COOH terminus. Based on its sequence, Fab1p was initially proposed to function as a phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns(4)P) 5-kinase (Yamamoto et al., 1995). Additional sequence analysis of the Fab1p kinase domain, reveals that Fab1p defines a subfamily of putative PtdInsP kinases that is distinct from the kinases that synthesize PtdIns(4,5)P2. Consistent with this, we find that unlike wild-type cells, fab1Δ, fab1tsf, and fab1 kinase domain point mutants lack detectable levels of PtdIns(3,5)P2, a phosphoinositide recently identified both in yeast and mammalian cells. PtdIns(4,5)P2 synthesis, on the other hand, is only moderately affected even in fab1Δ mutants. The presence of PtdIns(3)P in fab1 mutants, combined with previous data, indicate that PtdIns(3,5)P2 synthesis is a two step process, requiring the production of PtdIns(3)P by the Vps34p PtdIns 3-kinase and the subsequent Fab1p- dependent phosphorylation of PtdIns(3)P yielding PtdIns(3,5)P2. Although Vps34p-mediated synthesis of PtdIns(3)P is required for the proper sorting of hydrolases from the Golgi to the vacuole, the production of PtdIns(3,5)P2 by Fab1p does not directly affect Golgi to vacuole trafficking, suggesting that PtdIns(3,5)P2 has a distinct function. The major phenotypes resulting from Fab1p kinase inactivation include temperature-sensitive growth, vacuolar acidification defects, and dramatic increases in vacuolar size. Based on our studies, we hypothesize that whereas Vps34p is essential for anterograde trafficking of membrane and protein cargoes to the vacuole, Fab1p may play an important compensatory role in the recycling/turnover of membranes deposited at the vacuole. Interestingly, deletion of VAC7 also results in an enlarged vacuole morphology and has no detectable PtdIns(3,5)P2, suggesting that Vac7p functions as an upstream regulator, perhaps in a complex with Fab1p. We propose that Fab1p and Vac7p are components of a signal transduction pathway which functions to regulate the efflux or turnover of vacuolar membranes through the regulated production of PtdIns(3,5)P2.  相似文献   

The liver plays a critical role in glucose metabolism and communicates with peripheral tissues to maintain energy homeostasis. Obesity and insulin resistance are highly associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, the precise molecular details of NAFLD remain incomplete. The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) regulate liver metabolism. However, the physiological contribution of MAPK phosphatase 1 (MKP-1) as a nuclear antagonist of both p38 MAPK and JNK in the liver is unknown. Here we show that hepatic MKP-1 becomes overexpressed following high-fat feeding. Liver-specific deletion of MKP-1 enhances gluconeogenesis and causes hepatic insulin resistance in chow-fed mice while selectively conferring protection from hepatosteatosis upon high-fat feeding. Further, hepatic MKP-1 regulates both interleukin-6 (IL-6) and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21). Mice lacking hepatic MKP-1 exhibit reduced circulating IL-6 and FGF21 levels that were associated with impaired skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidation and susceptibility to diet-induced obesity. Hence, hepatic MKP-1 serves as a selective regulator of MAPK-dependent signals that contributes to the maintenance of glucose homeostasis and peripheral tissue energy balance. These results also demonstrate that hepatic MKP-1 overexpression in obesity is causally linked to the promotion of hepatosteatosis.  相似文献   

黑素皮质素受体对动物采食量和能量稳态的调控   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
蒋思文  彭健  熊远著 《遗传》2002,24(2):223-226
黑素皮质素受体是G-蛋白耦联受体超家族成员。5个黑素皮质素受体基因已经被克隆和鉴定,并有不同的组织分布和生物学功能。本文综述了黑素皮质素受体3和受体4基因调控采食量和能量稳态的研究进展。 Abstract:The melanocortin receptors are members of the super-family of G-protein coupled receptors.To date,five melanocortin receptor genes (MC1R-MC5R) have been cloned and characterized.These receptorsdiffer in their tissue distributions and physiological roles.This review focuses on the roles of MC3R and MC4R in regulation of food intake and energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨A型肉毒毒素不同注射方式治疗单纯性咬肌肥大患者的疗效及对咬肌厚度的影响。方法:选择2014年6月-2016年6月在我院接受治疗的单纯性咬肌肥大患者84例,根据随机数字表法将患者均分为研究组和对照组,两组各42例,其中对照组进行单次注射A型肉毒毒素,研究组给予连续注射A型肉毒毒素。所有患者在治疗前、治疗后1个月、治疗后3个月、治疗后6个月、治疗后9个月、治疗后12个月,采用超声对进行咬肌厚度进行检测;在治疗后12个月调查两组患者对治疗效果的主观评价,同时邀请两名专家对患者的治疗效果进行评价。记录患者在治疗后出现的不良反应。结果:研究组在治疗后9个月、治疗后12个月的咬肌厚度显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),对照组患者的咬肌厚度在治疗后1个月至治疗后6个月逐渐降低,治疗后6个月达到最低值,在治疗后9个月和治疗后12个月开始回升。研究组患者的咬肌厚度在治疗后一直呈下降的趋势,并在治疗后12个月达到最低值。两组治疗后的各个时间点的咬肌厚度均低于治疗前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组患者本人的主观评价和专家评价为A、B、C的比例均显著低于对照组,D、E的比例均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者不良反应发生情况无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:与单次注射相比,A型肉毒毒素连续注射能更好的降低咬肌厚度,同时患者对治疗效果的主观评价和专家的评价较好,且不良反应少,临床上治疗咬肌肥大时可选用连续注射A型肉毒毒素的方式。  相似文献   

目的:应用电镜观察睡眠剥夺对大鼠咬肌超微结构的影响.方法:35只Wistar大鼠,随机分为5组:睡眠剥夺1d组、5d组、9d组、正常对照组和大平台对照组.采用改良多平台睡眠剥夺法(modified multiple plat-form method,MMPM)建立大鼠SD模型,观察咬肌超微结构的变化.结果:睡眠剥夺5d组大鼠咬肌线粒体出现水肿,基质密度降低,线粒体嵴减少,肌纤维微血管内出现充血性改变;睡眠剥夺9d组大鼠咬肌线粒体出现严重空泡性变,肌纤维微血管出现更为严重的充血性改变.结论:睡眠剥夺可导致咬肌肌纤维微血管充血性改变和线粒体损伤,这种变化随时间的延长而加重.  相似文献   

IL-15 is a member of the gamma chain family of cytokines (γc – CD132). The IL-15 receptor (IL-15R) complex consists of 3 subunits: the ligand-binding IL-15Rα chain (CD215), the β chain (CD122; also used by IL-2), and the common γ chain. The biological activities of IL-15 are mostly mediated by the IL-15:IL-15Rα complex, produced by the same cell and ‘trans-presented’ to responder cells expressing the IL-15Rβγc. The peculiar and almost unique requirement for IL-15 to be trans-presented by IL-15Rα suggests that the biological effects of IL-15 signaling are tightly regulated even at the level of availability of IL-15. Tissue-specific deletion of IL-15Rα has shown macrophage-and dendritic cell-derived IL-15Rα mediate the homeostasis of different CD8+ T cell subsets. Here we show that hepatocyte and macrophage- specific expression of IL-15Rα is required to maintain the homeostasis of NK and NKT cells in the liver. Thus, homeostasis of IL-15-dependent lymphocyte subsets is also regulated by trans-presentation of IL-15 by non-hematopoietic cells in the tissue environment.  相似文献   

目的:研究功能矫形前伸大鼠下颌后浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡的变化规律,探讨功能矫形的肌肉改建机理。方法:选用50只5周龄Sprague-Dawley(SD)雄性大白鼠,随机分为实验组和对照组各25只。实验组大鼠戴自制上颌功能矫治嚣,引导下颌前伸,并打开咬合。利用RT-PCR方法检测两组大鼠浅层嚼肌Bcl-2和Bax基因表达情况,利用TUNEL方法检测浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡情况。结果:①Bcl-2和Bax基因表达随大鼠戴用矫治器时间的延长而升高,至第3周开始下降但仍高于对照组,但Bax的表达高于Bcl-2。Bax/Bcl-2比值随大鼠戴用矫治器时间的延长而升高,至第4周开始下降。②TUNEL实验结果显示浅层嚼肌细胞在戴用矫治器1天后,开始出现凋亡,随着时间延长而增加,至第3周达到顶峰,第4周开始下降。结论:①Bax/Bcl-2比值升高促进浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡。②功能矫形可引起浅层嚼肌细胞凋亡,导致肌肉的结构和功能发生适应性改建。  相似文献   

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