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Although vascular function is lower in the morning than afternoon, previous studies have not assessed the influence of prior sleep on this diurnal variation. The authors employed a semiconstant routine protocol to study the contribution of prior nocturnal sleep to the previously observed impairment in vascular function in the morning. Brachial artery vascular function was assessed using the flow-mediated dilation technique (FMD) in 9 healthy, physically active males (mean?±?SD: 27?±?9 yrs of age), at 08:00 and 16:00?h following, respectively, 3.29?±?.37 and 3.24?±?.57?h prior sleep estimated using actimetry. Heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressures were also measured. The data of the experimental sleep condition were compared with the data of the “normal” diurnal sleep condition, in which FMD measurements were obtained from 21 healthy individuals who slept only during the night, as usual, before the morning test session. The morning-afternoon difference in FMD was 1?±?4% in the experimental sleep condition compared with 3?±?4% in the normal sleep condition (p?=?.04). This difference was explained by FMD being 3?±?3% lower in afternoon following the prior experimental sleep (p?=?.01). These data suggest that FMD is more dependent on the influence of supine sleep than the endogenous circadian timekeeper, in agreement with our previous finding that diurnal variation in FMD is influenced by exercise. These findings also raise the possibility of a lower homeostatic “set point” for vascular function following a period of sleep and in the absence of perturbing hemodynamic fluctuation. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

This study examined emotional modulation of word processing, showing that the recognition potential (RP), an ERP index of word recognition, could be modulated by different emotional states. In the experiment, participants were instructed to compete with pseudo-competitors, and via manipulation of the outcome of this competition, they were situated in neutral, highly positive, slightly positive, highly negative or slightly negative emotional states. They were subsequently asked to judge whether the referent of a word following a series of meaningless character segmentations was an animal or not. The emotional induction task and the word recognition task were alternated. Results showed that 1) compared with the neutral emotion condition, the peak latency of the RP under different emotional states was earlier and its mean amplitude was smaller, 2) there was no significant difference between RPs elicited under positive and negative emotional states in either the mean amplitude or latency, and 3) the RP was not affected by different degrees of positive emotional states. However, compared to slightly negative emotional states, the mean amplitude of the RP was smaller and its latency was shorter in highly negative emotional states over the left hemisphere but not over the right hemisphere. The results suggest that emotional states influence word processing.  相似文献   

红松光合作用日进程测定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
树木光合作用对碳的同化累积是树木生长和生产力形成的基础。自然条件下,树木光合作用随着日间环境因子的变化而呈明显的变化,光合作用日变化的类型及影响因子在其  相似文献   

Sleep benefits veridical memories, resulting in superior recall relative to off-line intervals spent awake. Sleep also increases false memory recall in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Given the suggestion that emotional veridical memories are prioritized for consolidation over sleep, here we examined whether emotion modulates sleep’s effect on false memory formation. Participants listened to semantically related word lists lacking a critical lure representing each list’s “gist.” Free recall was tested after 12 hours containing sleep or wake. The Sleep group recalled more studied words than the Wake group but only for emotionally neutral lists. False memories of both negative and neutral critical lures were greater following sleep relative to wake. Morning and Evening control groups (20-minute delay) did not differ ruling out circadian accounts for these differences. These results support the adaptive function of sleep in both promoting the consolidation of veridical declarative memories and in extracting unifying aspects from memory details.  相似文献   

The brief presentation of an emotional distractor can temporarily impair perception of a subsequent, rapidly presented target, an effect known as emotion-induced blindness (EIB). How rapidly does this impairment unfold? To probe this question, we examined EIB for targets that immediately succeeded (“lag-1”) emotional distractors in a rapid stream of items relative to EIB for targets at later serial positions. Experiments 1 and 2 suggested that emotional distractors interfere with items presented very soon after them, with impaired target perception emerging as early as lag-1. Experiment 3 included an exploratory examination of individual differences, which suggested that EIB onsets more rapidly among participants scoring high in measures linked to negative affect.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized not only by a progressive movement disorder but also by a variety of mental disorders, which can be arbitrarily divided into cognitive and emotional–personality disorders. The aim of this investigation was to study the relationship between cognitive and emotional–personality disturbances in patients with PD during learning of emotionally significant words and visual recognition of emotional states. The volume and stability of recall of neutral and expressive words were significantly lower in patients than in healthy subjects, whereas the parameters of word recognition were similar in both groups. Unlike in healthy subjects, the characteristics of recall of neutral and expressive words in patients did not differ considerably. Patients with PD significantly more often incorrectly interpreted emotional states shown in pictures, particularly negative emotions. Deficit in retention of expressive words and recognition of emotional states correlated with the severity of motor and cognitive disorders, particularly of attention and executive dysfunction. The results of our study can be explained by a dissociation of the cognitive and motivational–affective functions in PD because of a disconnection between the basal ganglia, the limbic structures, and the frontal cortex. This dissociation tended to increase with progress of the disease.  相似文献   



We investigated the impact of the 6.3 magnitude 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake on standardized self-report measures of sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) and frequency of disruptive nocturnal behaviours (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index-Addendum, PSQI-A) two years after the natural disaster.


Self-reported sleep quality was assessed in 665 L’Aquila citizens exposed to the earthquake compared with a different sample (n = 754) of L''Aquila citizens tested 24 months before the earthquake. In addition, sleep quality and disruptive nocturnal behaviours (DNB) of people exposed to the traumatic experience were compared with people that in the same period lived in different areas ranging between 40 and 115 km from the earthquake epicenter (n = 3574).


The comparison between L’Aquila citizens before and after the earthquake showed a significant deterioration of sleep quality after the exposure to the trauma. In addition, two years after the earthquake L''Aquila citizens showed the highest PSQI scores and the highest incidence of DNB compared to subjects living in the surroundings. Interestingly, above-the-threshold PSQI scores were found in the participants living within 70 km from the epicenter, while trauma-related DNBs were found in people living in a range of 40 km. Multiple regressions confirmed that proximity to the epicenter is predictive of sleep disturbances and DNB, also suggesting a possible mediating effect of depression on PSQI scores.


The psychological effects of an earthquake may be much more pervasive and long-lasting of its building destruction, lasting for years and involving a much larger population. A reduced sleep quality and an increased frequency of DNB after two years may be a risk factor for the development of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

祁连圆柏光合作用日变化特征及其与生理生态因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以吐鲁沟国家森林公园内百年左右树龄的祁连圆柏为对象,采用Li-6400光合作用测定系统,在自然环境条件下测定了其生长季内各月份生理生态因子和净光合速率的日变化,探讨祁连圆柏生理生态特征以及与其生理生态因子间的关系.结果表明,在整个生长季内,祁连圆柏的净光合速率日变化为双峰型曲线,其在10:00和16:00达到峰值,于14:00达到最小值,光合作用存在明显的午休现象",而月份之间的净光合速率表现为8月>5月>6月>7月.祁连圆柏的气孔限制值与净光合速率有相似的日进程,呈现出M"型的双峰曲线,分别在10:00和16:00达到峰值,而胞间CO2浓度日变化趋势与气孔限制值相反,表现出W"型双峰曲线.水分利用效率与净光合速率有相同的日变化趋势,其在整个生长季内表现为5月>8月>7月>6月.在整个生长季内,影响祁连圆柏光合变化的主要决定生理生态因子是胞间CO2浓度和气温,限制生理生态因子是气孔导度和光合有效辐射强度.  相似文献   

Effects of personality characteristics on the structure of sleep in ten normal subjects between the ages of 21–33 under stressors of various modalities were studied. Several psychological tests and polygraph recording of sleep during three nights (adaptation, background, and after emotional stress, which was modeled using the pretension level paradigm) were conducted. Statistical cluster analysis of the psychological test results revealed two groups of subjects. The first group predominantly used active coping mechanisms and was characterized by more pronounced alterations of sleep structure in response to adaptation stress (the first night in the laboratory). The second group used nonadaptation coping strategy. The sleep structure in these subjects more significantly changed in response to emotional stress.  相似文献   

One of the most significant problems facing older individuals is difficulty staying asleep at night and awake during the day. Understanding the mechanisms by which the regulation of sleep/wake goes awry with age is a critical step in identifying novel therapeutic strategies to improve quality of life for the elderly. We measured wake, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep in young (2–4 months-old) and aged (22–24 months-old) C57BL6/NIA mice. We used both conventional measures (i.e., bout number and bout duration) and an innovative spike-and-slab statistical approach to characterize age-related fragmentation of sleep/wake. The short (spike) and long (slab) components of the spike-and-slab mixture model capture the distribution of bouts for each behavioral state in mice. Using this novel analytical approach, we found that aged animals are less able to sustain long episodes of wakefulness or NREM sleep. Additionally, spectral analysis of EEG recordings revealed that aging slows theta peak frequency, a correlate of arousal. These combined analyses provide a window into the mechanisms underlying the destabilization of long periods of sleep and wake and reduced vigilance that develop with aging.  相似文献   

Bushmeat hunting is threatening wildlife populations across west-central Africa, and now poses a greater threat to primates than habitat loss or degradation does in some areas. However, species vary in their abilities to withstand hunting, either because hunters target them differentially or they vary in their vulnerability to a given level of hunting. We studied the impact of current levels of gun-hunting on diurnal primate species in the little-studied Monte Mitra area of Monte Alén National Park, continental Equatorial Guinea. Most bushmeat is currently trapped, but gun-hunting is increasing as shotguns become more available and affordable, allowing targeting of arboreal as well as terrestrial prey. We collected data over 15-mo, via hunter interviews, gun-hunter follows, an offtake survey recording 9374 individuals, and primate surveys covering 408 km of line transects in 2 sites with differing gun-hunting histories. Inside the park, where gun-hunting pressure was recent and light, we found high primate diversity, density, and biomass, with black colobus (Colobus satanas) particularly abundant at 57 individuals/km2. However, around the village, where gun-hunting was longer-established, though other species such as the guenons still persisted (albeit at lower densities), Colobus satanas were virtually absent. Being slow and large-bodied, Colobus satanas are preferred and susceptible prey, and an early indicator of overhunting. Monte Alén National Park is currently an important stronghold for primates, particularly Colobus satanas, but regulation of the trade and enforcement of hunting bans in the park are urgently needed to safeguard their future and that of other vulnerable species. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The problem of presenile psychoses — this "perhaps the most unclarified area in all psychiatry" (Kraepelin) - is still unresolved. Specifically, opinions differ very widely on the nosological independence of involutional paranoid states. Some writers classify them with advanced schizophrenia (1, 2), others regard them as schizophrenia or organic psychoses (3), yet others regard them as nosologically independent, pointing to the significance in their development of constitutional features of personality (4) or regard them as "paranoid reactions in pathological brain function, wholly acquired." (5)  相似文献   

Individual differences in sleep and diurnal preference associate with physical and mental health characteristics, but few genetic determinants of these differences have been identified. A variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism in the PERIOD3 (PER3) gene (rs57875989) has been reported to associate with diurnal preference, i.e., preferred timing of waking and sleep. Here, the authors investigate in a prospective single-candidate genetic variant study whether allelic variation for this polymorphism associates also with reported actual sleep timing and sleep duration, as well as psychological and health measures. Six hundred and seventy-five subjects, aged 20 to 35 yrs, completed questionnaires to assess sleep and psychological and health characteristics and were genotyped for the PER3 VNTR. Homozygosity for the longer allele (PER35/5) of the VNTR was associated with increased morning preference, earlier wake time and bedtime, and reduced daytime sleepiness. Separate analyses of work and rest days demonstrated that the increase in time in bed during rest days was greatest in PER35/5 homozygotes. PER3 genotype modified the effects of sleep timing and duration on fluid intelligence and body mass index. Genotype was not associated with physical or psychological characteristics as assessed by the SF-36 Health Questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire, the Big Five Inventory, the Behavioral Inhibition System–Behavioral Activation System scales, and the Positive and Negative Affect Scale, even though these measures varied significantly with diurnal preference as assessed by the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire. Whereas diurnal preference also predicts mental health and psychological characteristics, as well as sleep timing, the PER3 VNTR specifically affects measures of sleep timing and may also modify the effects of sleep on health outcome measures. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

This study deals with female industrial night workers. There is little scientific literature on this topic since, until recently, such shift systems have in most countries been restricted to men. The amount of diurnal sleep, as well as complaints about fatigue and poor sleep, were compared in women who were (n = 17) or were not (n = 26) caring for children. The women were engaged at an assembly line, working nights (22:00-06:00) from Monday to Friday. They filled out sleep logs for 10 consecutive weeks and were interviewed about complaints concerned with fatigue and poor sleep. A comparison of the diurnal sleeps taken between consecutive night shifts showed that the average total length of daily sleep, as well as the time of onset of the first sleep, did not differ between the groups; however, workers who had children tended to show, in comparison with their childless colleagues, more sleep episodes per day and a shorter first sleep. The total number of complaints about poor sleep and fatigue did not differ between the groups; nevertheless, workers with children complained more of difficulty in falling asleep, had a greater dissatisfaction with the amount of sleep on weekdays, and tended to show an increasing fatigue as the week progressed. We conclude that there are social pressures in women who care for children that are in addition to those that are a general consequence of night work. These results reinforce a need for the implementation of measures that organise child care, so helping a mother who wishes to work also outside the home.  相似文献   

This study deals with female industrial night workers. There is little scientific literature on this topic since, until recently, such shift systems have in most countries been restricted to men. The amount of diurnal sleep, as well as complaints about fatigue and poor sleep, were compared in women who were (n = 17) or were not (n = 26) caring for children. The women were engaged at an assembly line, working nights (22:00-06:00) from Monday to Friday. They filled out sleep logs for 10 consecutive weeks and were interviewed about complaints concerned with fatigue and poor sleep. A comparison of the diurnal sleeps taken between consecutive night shifts showed that the average total length of daily sleep, as well as the time of onset of the first sleep, did not differ between the groups; however, workers who had children tended to show, in comparison with their childless colleagues, more sleep episodes per day and a shorter first sleep. The total number of complaints about poor sleep and fatigue did not differ between the groups; nevertheless, workers with children complained more of difficulty in falling asleep, had a greater dissatisfaction with the amount of sleep on weekdays, and tended to show an increasing fatigue as the week progressed. We conclude that there are social pressures in women who care for children that are in addition to those that are a general consequence of night work. These results reinforce a need for the implementation of measures that organise child care, so helping a mother who wishes to work also outside the home.  相似文献   

This study aimed to classify different emotional states by means of EEG-based functional connectivity patterns. Forty young participants viewed film clips that evoked the following emotional states: neutral, positive, or negative. Three connectivity indices, including correlation, coherence, and phase synchronization, were used to estimate brain functional connectivity in EEG signals. Following each film clip, participants were asked to report on their subjective affect. The results indicated that the EEG-based functional connectivity change was significantly different among emotional states. Furthermore, the connectivity pattern was detected by pattern classification analysis using Quadratic Discriminant Analysis. The results indicated that the classification rate was better than chance. We conclude that estimating EEG-based functional connectivity provides a useful tool for studying the relationship between brain activity and emotional states.  相似文献   

In young, good sleepers the diurnal evolution of alertness was studied as a function of degree of morningness: (1) during habitual sleep routine and (2) in a 2-hr sleep reduction protocol. During habitual sleep routine, alertness was assessed using both the subjective evaluation based on Thayer's Activation Deactivation Adjective Checklist (43 subjects) and the objective measurement of sleep latency (Multiple Sleep Latency Test, MSLT). Self-alertness scored highest around midday. Later it showed a dip, then stayed on a plateau until about 2200 hr. On average, 77+ of the subjects fell asleep at the 1400 hr MSLT session while only 35.5+ did at 1000 hr and 25.8+ at 2000 hr. Morning-types (MT) and evening-types (ET) differed only during the morning: ET fell asleep more frequently at 1000 hr and 1200 hr and rated lower self-alertness on arising than did MT. Twelve subjects were given the protocol of a 2-hr sleep reduction (both in delayed bedtime and advanced rising time conditions). At 0700 hr, MT rated their alertness lower when they had only just gotten up (delayed bedtime condition) than when they had been awake for 2 hr (advanced rising time condition). In contrast, ET had the same low level of alertness at 0800 hr, independent of the time elapsed since arising. On average the advanced rising time condition affected the general pattern of alertness more than did delayed bedtime.  相似文献   

In young, good sleepers the diurnal evolution of alertness was studied as a function of degree of morningness: (1) during habitual sleep routine and (2) in a 2-hr sleep reduction protocol. During habitual sleep routine, alertness was assessed using both the subjective evaluation based on Thayer's Activation Deactivation Adjective Checklist (43 subjects) and the objective measurement of sleep latency (Multiple Sleep Latency Test, MSLT). Self-alertness scored highest around midday. Later it showed a dip, then stayed on a plateau until about 2200 hr. On average, 77+ of the subjects fell asleep at the 1400 hr MSLT session while only 35.5+ did at 1000 hr and 25.8+ at 2000 hr. Morning-types (MT) and evening-types (ET) differed only during the morning: ET fell asleep more frequently at 1000 hr and 1200 hr and rated lower self-alertness on arising than did MT. Twelve subjects were given the protocol of a 2-hr sleep reduction (both in delayed bedtime and advanced rising time conditions). At 0700 hr, MT rated their alertness lower when they had only just gotten up (delayed bedtime condition) than when they had been awake for 2 hr (advanced rising time condition). In contrast, ET had the same low level of alertness at 0800 hr, independent of the time elapsed since arising. On average the advanced rising time condition affected the general pattern of alertness more than did delayed bedtime.  相似文献   

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