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Saeedeh Azary Arupa Ganguly Greta R. Bunin Christina Lombardi Andrew S. Park Beate Ritz Julia E. Heck 《PloS one》2016,11(3)
Retinoblastoma is the most frequent tumor of the eye in children and very little is known about the etiology of non-familial (sporadic) retinoblastoma. In this study we examined whether parental tobacco smoking or alcohol consumption (pre- or post-conception) contribute to the two phenotypes (bilateral or unilateral) of sporadic retinoblastoma.Methods
Two large multicenter case-control studies identified 488 cases through eye referral centers in the United States and Canada or through the Children’s Oncology Group. Controls (n = 424) were selected from among friends and relatives of cases and matched by age. Risk factor information was obtained via telephone interview. We employed multivariable logistic regression to estimate the effects of parental tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption on retinoblastoma.Findings
Maternal smoking before and during pregnancy contributed to unilateral retinoblastoma risk in the child: year before pregnancy conditional Odds Ratio (OR), 8.9; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.5–51, and unconditional OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3–4.7; month before or during pregnancy, conditional OR, 3.3; 95% CI, 0.5–20.8, and unconditional OR, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.1–7.0. No association was found for maternal or paternal alcohol consumption.Conclusion
The results of this study indicate that maternal active smoking during pregnancy may be a risk factor for sporadic retinoblastoma. Our study supports a role for tobacco exposures in embryonal tumors. 相似文献2.
Relationships between the neighborhood environment and children’s physical activity have been well documented in Western countries but are less investigated in ultra-dense Asian cities. The aim of this study was to identify the environmental facilitators and barriers of physical activity behaviors among Hong Kong Chinese children using nominal group technique.Methods
Five nominal groups were conducted among 34 children aged 10–11 years from four types of neighborhoods varying in socio-economic status and walkability in Hong Kong. Environmental factors were generated by children in response to the question “What neighborhood environments do you think would increase or decrease your willingness to do physical activity?” Factors were prioritized in order of their importance to children’s physical activity.Results
Sixteen unique environmental factors, which were perceived as the most important to children’s physical activity, were identified. Factors perceived as physical activity-facilitators included “Sufficient lighting”, “Bridge or tunnel”, “Few cars on roads”, “Convenient transportation”, “Subway station”, “Recreation grounds”, “Shopping malls with air conditioning”, “Fresh air”, “Interesting animals”, and “Perfume shop”. Factors perceived as physical activity-barriers included “People who make me feel unsafe”, “Crimes nearby”, “Afraid of being taken or hurt at night”, “Hard to find toilet in shopping mall”, “Too much noise”, and “Too many people in recreation grounds”.Conclusions
Specific physical activity-related environmental facilitators and barriers, which are unique in an ultra-dense city, were identified by Hong Kong children. These initial findings can inform future examinations of the physical activity-environment relationship among children in Hong Kong and similar Asian cities. 相似文献3.
Sitong Zhou Yemei Yang Kangxing Liu Shiyun Huang Yongxuan Hu Xianyi Zhou 《Mycopathologia》2017,182(5-6):577-581
Majocchi’s granuloma is an intracutaneous or subcutaneous granulomatous inflammation caused by invasion of dermatophytic fungus, especially Trichophyton rubrum. This type of lesion is misdiagnosed frequently without proper auxiliary examination. Here, we report a case of widespread Majocchi’s granuloma caused by T. rubrum in a 35-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus for 9 years. The patient was initially misdiagnosed as SLE-associated skin lesions, which delayed her treatment and resulted in severe multiple disseminated lesions. After confirmed as Majocchi’s granuloma, the patient was cured after 11-month treatment with terbinafine. 相似文献
BackgroundThere is evidence vitamin A plays a role in neuroblastoma. Not only is 13-cis-retinoic acid used as maintenance therapy for high-risk cases, but prenatal vitamin intake use may decrease neuroblastoma risk. We hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in vitamin A-related genes are may be associated with neuroblastoma risk and potentially be modified by vitamin A intake.MethodsThe Neuroblastoma Epidemiology in North America (NENA) study recruited 563 case-parent sets through the Children’s Oncology Group’s Childhood Cancer Research Network. We ascertained dietary nutrient intake through questionnaires and genotyped 463 SNPs in vitamin A-related genes from saliva DNA. Offspring and maternal log-additive risk ratios (RR) and stratum-specific RR for gene-environment interaction were estimated with a log-linear model. We avoided false positives due to multiple testing by using the false discovery rate (FDR).ResultsWhen all neuroblastoma cases were considered together, no offspring variants met the significance criteria (FDR Q-value < 0.2). One maternal SNP (rs12442054) was associated with decreased risk of neuroblastoma (RR: 0.61; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.47–0.79, Q = 0.076). When the cases were categorized according to prognostic risk category and age at onset, nine offspring SNPs were significantly associated with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma. Maternal rs6776706 was associated with (RR: 0.49; 95% CI: 0.33–0.72, Q = 0.161) high-risk neuroblastoma and maternal rs11103603 (RR: 0.60; 95% CI: 0.45–0.79, Q = 0.127) was associated with neuroblastoma aged <1 year. For gene-environment interaction, maternal rs729147 was associated with decreased risk of neuroblastoma among mothers with vitamin A consumption above the recommendation.ConclusionsAlthough there is biologic plausibility for the role of vitamin A in neuroblastoma, we found weak evidence of a relationship between vitamin A related genes and neuroblastoma. 相似文献
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy is an autoimmune disease associated with a significant increase in the titer of autoantibodies to thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin and is characterized by inflammatory and degenerative brain disorders. We report a clinical case of the recurrent status of acute symptomatic seizures in a female patient with Hashimoto’s encephalopathy. 相似文献
Michael Rost Tenzin Wangmo Felix Niggli Karin Hartmann Heinz Hengartner Marc Ansari Pierluigi Brazzola Johannes Rischewski Maja Beck-Popovic Thomas Kühne Bernice S. Elger 《Journal of bioethical inquiry》2017,14(4):555-565
The goal is to present how shared decision-making in paediatric oncology occurs from the viewpoints of parents and physicians. Eight Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group centres participated in this prospective study. The sample comprised a parent and physician of the minor patient (<18 years). Surveys were statistically analysed by comparing physicians’ and parents’ perspectives and by evaluating factors associated with children’s actual involvement. Perspectives of ninety-one parents and twenty physicians were obtained for 151 children. Results indicate that for six aspects of information provision examined, parents’ and physicians’ perceptions differed. Moreover, parents felt that the children were more competent to understand diagnosis and prognosis, assessed the disease of the children as worse, and reported higher satisfaction with decision-making on the part of the children. A patient’s age and gender predicted involvement. Older children and girls were more likely to be involved. In the decision-making process, parents held a less active role than they actually wanted. Physicians should take measures to ensure that provided information is understood correctly. Furthermore, they should work towards creating awareness for systematic differences between parents and physicians with respect to the perception of the child, the disease, and shared decision-making. 相似文献
《Endocrine practice》2013,19(4):92-96
ObjectiveCushing’s disease is a rare, devastating condition associated with high morbidity and increased mortality. Primary treatment for Cushing’s disease is transsphenoidal surgery to remove the pituitary adenoma; however, recurrence can occur in up to 25% of patients. Second-line medical therapies do not directly target the pituitary tumor. Thus, normalization of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and inhibition of tumor growth is not usually achieved.MethodsIn this case report, we present a de novo patient with a pituitary macroadenoma who was randomized to receive treatment with subcutaneous twice-daily injections of pasireotide 900 μg as part of the double-blind, Phase III CSOM230B2305 clinical trial.ResultsAround one month after treatment initiation, the patient’s urinary free cortisol (UFC) level showed a dramatic reduction (from 151.1 to 7.4 μg/24h) necessitating a dose reduction to 600 μg to relieve the symptoms of corticosteroid withdrawal. One month after dose reduction, the patient’s UFC levels remained stable and were associated with improvements in clinical signs and symptoms. These improvements continued into the 12-month extension phase following a dose increase to 900 μg and were accompanied by a significant reduction in tumor volume (from 0.797 cm3 at baseline to 0.359 and 0.365 cm3 at months 18 and 24, respectively). UFC remained normalized throughout the extension period. During the study, the patient developed hyperglycemia, which was effectively controlled with diet and then medication.ConclusionIn this case study, long-term pasireotide treatment as first-line therapy led to normalization of UFC, reduction of tumor volume and significant improvement in the clinical signs and symptoms of Cushing’s disease. (Endocr. Pract. 2013;19:e92-e96) 相似文献
Waters Siân El Harrad Ahmed Bell Sandra Setchell Joanna M. 《International journal of primatology》2019,40(3):316-330
International Journal of Primatology - People’s perceptions of primates vary across and within cultures and may not be consistent with their behavior toward the primates themselves. We used... 相似文献
Hirai Y Ainoda Y Shoji T Fujita T Yoshinaga K Shiseki M Mori N Teramura M Totsuka K Motoji T 《Mycopathologia》2011,172(3):227-232
Rituximab-related late-onset neutropenia (R-LON) is an adverse event associated with rituximab. A 65-year-old woman presented
with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the kidney without bone marrow involvement. She was treated with 4 cycles of CHOP chemotherapy
consisting of doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisolone at 4-week intervals. Rituximab was also administrated
of the second, third, fourth CHOP cycles. She developed a high fever of 38°C, nausea, and severe neutropenia following the
four cycles of R-CHOP chemotherapy. Her leukocyte count was 160/μl without neutrophils. Initially, a blood and pleural fluid
and cerebrospinal fluid cultures were positive for Cryptococcus neoformans. Once she became asymptomatic following treatment with fluconazole and neutropenia was recovered with lenograstim, she had
neck stiffness and admitted soon. Cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) culture was positive for Cryptococcus neoformans. Treatment with amphotericin B(AMPH-B) and flucytosine(5-FC) was initiated as diagnosis of cryptococcus meningitis. Lenograstim
was administrated for 9 months, and amount of dose was 9,750 μg. Cryptococcosis with malignant lymphoma is rare disease, and
previously 17 cases were reported. Of note, mortality of disseminated cryptococcosis with malignant lymphoma is 54%. The more
and more rituximab is widely used; the cases of severe infection in R-LON may increase. 相似文献
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious global public health issue. Acceptance of wife beating is known to be associated with IPV, but few studies have analysed the acceptance of wife beating from both women and men’s points of view. The objective of this study was to examine whether acceptance of wife beating among couples is associated with lifetime and past one-year physical IPV perpetration towards wives in Nepal.Methods
A cross-sectional study was conducted from August to September 2011, with 717 randomly selected couples with wives aged 18 to 49 years old from the Kirtipur municipality and Bhaktapur district of Nepal. Wives’ and husbands’ acceptance of wife beating was measured by six scale items, while physical IPV experience among wives was measured by seven physical assault scale items. To assess the association between acceptance of wife beating and physical IPV, multiple logistic regression analysis was used.Results
Nearly 30% of wives and husbands indicated that beating of wives is acceptable under certain circumstances. Statistically, no significant difference was detected between wives’ and husbands’ level of acceptance of wife beating. However, husbands’ acceptance of wife beating was positively associated with lifetime and past one-year perpetration of physical IPV, whereas wives’ acceptance of wife beating was neither associated with lifetime nor past one-year victimization of physical IPV. The positive association for husbands remained even after controlling for their partner’s factors.Conclusions
Acceptance of wife beating is an important risk factor, which must be considered to prevent perpetration of physical IPV towards wives in Nepal. Future studies should include men to better understand the structure and dynamics of IPV in Nepal, and prevention programs should also target men to change their attitudes or to identify which couples are at more risk of physical IPV occurring toward wives. 相似文献13.
The intense environmental and social changes taking place in Amazonia make this a key area for health studies of populations transitioning to a cosmopolitan lifestyle and market economy. Caboclos are among those populations. They comprise the majority of rural Brazilian Amazon peoples. At present there is limited information about their patterns of growth and health. In this paper, anthropometric data on Caboclo children from three groups living in different environments are presented and discussed within a bioanthropological framework. Caxiuanã, Aracampina, and Santana have a combined population of 1,069 people. Caxiuanã relies more on subsistence activities for survival and Santana more on commerce, while Aracampina uses both subsistence strategies. Compared to US children, Caboclo are generally shorter and lighter in all age groups. However, their weight-for-height is above the 50th percentile. In relation to skinfolds, age groups 0–2, 6–8, and 9–11 years present statistically significant differences among the three communities. Caxiuanã children have the smallest and Aracampina children have the largest skinfolds. While seasonal and environmental differences may account for some of the observed variation in growth and fatness patterns, socioeconomic factors also play a key role in the trends observed. Thus, an ecological model provides the best framework for explaining these findings. Caxiuanã children are small and thin as a result of their combined poor environment and limited access to cash, western goods, and health care. Aracampina and Santana’s fuller access to such socioeconomic influences and richer ecology results in taller and fatter children. Understanding similar interactions between ecology and social factors will be fundamental to developing sustainable health initiatives among rural Amazonian populations. 相似文献
《PloS one》2016,11(3)
Amyloid imaging plays an important role in the research and diagnosis of dementing disorders. Substantial variation in quantitative methods to measure brain amyloid burden exists in the field. The aim of this work is to investigate the impact of methodological variations to the quantification of amyloid burden using data from the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network (DIAN), an autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease population. Cross-sectional and longitudinal [11C]-Pittsburgh Compound B (PiB) PET imaging data from the DIAN study were analyzed. Four candidate reference regions were investigated for estimation of brain amyloid burden. A regional spread function based technique was also investigated for the correction of partial volume effects. Cerebellar cortex, brain-stem, and white matter regions all had stable tracer retention during the course of disease. Partial volume correction consistently improves sensitivity to group differences and longitudinal changes over time. White matter referencing improved statistical power in the detecting longitudinal changes in relative tracer retention; however, the reason for this improvement is unclear and requires further investigation. Full dynamic acquisition and kinetic modeling improved statistical power although it may add cost and time. Several technical variations to amyloid burden quantification were examined in this study. Partial volume correction emerged as the strategy that most consistently improved statistical power for the detection of both longitudinal changes and across-group differences. For the autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease population with PiB imaging, utilizing brainstem as a reference region with partial volume correction may be optimal for current interventional trials. Further investigation of technical issues in quantitative amyloid imaging in different study populations using different amyloid imaging tracers is warranted. 相似文献
Longgen Xu Peng Han Yong Liu Hongwei Wang Yirong Yang Feng Qiu Wanling Peng Ligong Tang Jing Fu Xiaofeng Zhu Youhua Zhu 《Cell biochemistry and biophysics》2014,68(1):173-179
Even though the incidence of pregnancies in the female recipients is lower and also chronic renal disease in male patients is associated with impaired spermatogenesis, the health of the children born to these patients was not studied. In this report, we discuss information on the growth and development of offspring of 248 male and female kidney recipient patients. Physical and routine clinical measurements of the 252 offspring (129 male and 123 female) born to these transplantation patients were made along with the intelligence tests. In some of these children chest X-ray and immune indices were assessed. Among the recipients, 219 males fathered 223 children with an average birth weight of 3,255 ± 374 g and 29 female recipients gave birth to 29 children with an average birth weight of 2,923 ± 551. While most of these children were normal, we noticed a case of soft double toe, a case of short tongue tie, five cases of marginal mental retardation, three cases of proteinuria, six cases of microscopic hematuria, 15 cases of low hemoglobin, and 21 cases with recurrent respiratory tract infections. We conclude that kidney transplantation has no significant impact on the growth, development, health, and intelligence of the offspring born to recipients. 相似文献
BackgroundAsthma and rhinitis are common childhood health conditions. Being an understudied and rapidly growing population in the US, Hispanic children have a varying risk for these conditions that may result from sociocultural (including acculturative factors), exposure and genetic diversities. Hispanic populations have varying contributions from European, Amerindian and African ancestries. While previous literature separately reported associations between genetic ancestry and acculturation factors with asthma, whether Amerindian ancestry and acculturative factors have independent associations with development of early-life asthma and rhinitis in Hispanic children remains unknown. We hypothesized that genetic ancestry is an important determinant of early-life asthma and rhinitis occurrence in Hispanic children independent of sociodemographic, acculturation and environmental factors.MethodsSubjects were Hispanic children (5–7 years) who participated in the southern California Children’s Health Study. Data from birth certificates and questionnaire provided information on acculturation, sociodemographic and environmental factors. Genetic ancestries (Amerindian, European, African and Asian) were estimated based on 233 ancestry informative markers. Asthma was defined by parental report of doctor-diagnosed asthma. Rhinitis was defined by parental report of a history of chronic sneezing or runny or blocked nose without a cold or flu. Sample sizes were 1,719 and 1,788 for investigating the role of genetic ancestry on asthma and rhinitis, respectively.ResultsChildren had major contributions from Amerindian and European ancestries. After accounting for potential confounders, per 25% increase in Amerindian ancestry was associated with 17.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.74–0.99) and 13.6% (95% CI: 0.79–0.98) lower odds of asthma and rhinitis, respectively. Acculturation was not associated with either outcome.ConclusionsEarlier work documented that Hispanic children with significant contribution from African ancestry are at increased asthma risk; however, in Hispanic children who have little contribution from African ancestry, Amerindian ancestry was independently associated with lower odds for development of early-childhood asthma and rhinitis. 相似文献
José Domingo Villarroel 《Journal of biological education》2016,50(1):41-53
This study examines the drawings that elementary grade school children make on the subject of plant life. More specifically, the pictorial elements drawn by children are analysed together with their colour choices and the size of coloured surfaces. Furthermore, the results are put into perspective with the age of the children in the sample. The results indicate that there are significant differences in terms of both the content of the drawings and how colours are used. These findings are linked to the process of the comprehension of the plant world that, according to several studies, initially begins in elementary education. The conclusions highlight the convenience of considering the study of young children’s drawings and colour choices in order to achieve a clearer picture regarding the initial steps of the process of the understanding of biological phenomena in early childhood. 相似文献
Garnet L. Anderson 《Statistics in biosciences》2013,5(2):330-343
Chronic disease prevention trials test strategies to reduce the risk of a specific health event in generally healthy people. These strategies are often thought to affect other health conditions and their use in the population requires a very favorable safety profile. A prevention trial assessing such a strategy is most valuable when designed to capture the overall public health impact and hence provide more comprehensive, reliable information for policy and practice. This broad agenda, and particularly the assessment of multiple outcomes, creates statistical challenges in the design, monitoring, and reporting of such a trial. In this article these issues are described in the context of the Women’s Health Initiative, a large randomized prevention trial testing three interventions in post-menopausal women: hormone therapy, a low-fat diet and calcium and vitamin D supplementation. Each intervention was hypothesized to influence multiple chronic disease rates including cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancers, and fractures. Here the design, monitoring, and reporting of the WHI trials is reviewed in the context of multiple outcomes and the approach to a global assessment of these interventions is described. 相似文献
Amelia Maika Murthy N. Mittinty Sally Brinkman Sam Harper Elan Satriawan John W. Lynch 《PloS one》2013,8(10)