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对一只雕消化系统的形态学作了初步的观察与研究,结果表明:雕舌呈鞋底形,舌根分叉,叉粘膜上具有尖端指向后方的栉状突;食管宽而扁,无明显可见的嗉囊;肌胃无明显的类角质膜;肠道长是体长的2.05倍,小肠较发达,长970.5 mm,占肠道总长的75.7%,具有较发达的双侧盲肠。并与蛇雕、毛脚、黑鸢的消化系统进行了比较。  相似文献   

<正>在倒霉蛇遇上愣头雕之前,它刚吃完一只青蛙和一只老鼠,准备钻进草丛找一个隐蔽的地方消消食。在愣头雕遇上倒霉蛇之前,也刚吃完一只老鼠和一只青蛙,准备飞上树梢找一根结实的枝头歇歇脚。就在愣头雕选好树枝,计划降落的前一秒钟,它发现了正在草丛中蜿蜒潜行的倒霉蛇,随即重新张开宽大的翅膀,悄无声息地从天而降,一双利爪准确无误地落在了倒霉蛇的身上。直到这时,倒霉蛇才意识到——自己倒霉了!  相似文献   

自然界中蛇类的食物十分丰富.蛇主要吃活的动物,包括从低等的无脊椎动物如蚯蚓、蛞蝓、蛇、鸟、鱼、蛙、蜥蜴以及昆虫等,甚至小型兽类.蛇吃植物非常少见,但曾有人了见到蟒蛇吃芒果或番茄.研究蛇的食性,有利于为饲养蛇供应食料.蛇的种类很多,各种蛇所摄取的食物也不相同.有的蛇是狭食性的,专吃某一种或几种食物.例如翠青蛇吃蚯蚓;钝头蛇吃陆生软体动物;乌梢蛇吃蛙;眼镜王蛇专吃蛇或蜥蜴;眼镜蛇、蝰蛇嗜吃鼠类;尖吻蝮(五步蛇)、蝮蛇(土公蛇)等不但吃鼠、蛙、还捕食鸟类;银环蛇喜吃蟮鱼、泥鳅:金环蛇以鱼、蜥蜴、蛇为食;烙铁头以蜥蜴、鼠类和鸟为食;竹叶青以蛙、晰蜴和鼠类为食;海蛇均以鱼类为食;白花锦蛇和黑  相似文献   

目的了解人工养殖的不同体重尖吻蝮初生幼蛇对不同种类、重量食物的选择性,分析影响尖吻蝮幼蛇开口率的因素。方法将刚孵化出的尖吻蝮幼蛇按体重抽样分组,分别投入棘胸蛙幼蛙、多疣壁虎和小白鼠进行饲喂,统计不同体重的幼蛇对不同食物的偏好性、幼蛇对不同特征食物的选择性以及不同食物的损耗率。结果尖吻蝮幼蛇总开口率达98.33%,不同食物的开口率有显著性差异;在不同食物的分组开口实验中,投喂幼蛙的幼蛇开口率达95.0%,投喂壁虎的幼蛇开口率达60.0%,投喂乳鼠的幼蛇开口率仅15.0%。不同初生体重的幼蛇投喂壁虎、乳鼠的开口率差异显著,而投喂幼蛙的开口率差异无显著性。结论初生体重对幼蛇的进食能力有显著影响,尖吻蝮幼蛇开口食物应以幼蛙为主,壁虎为辅。  相似文献   

嘉陵江不同江段蛇鮈的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年和2016年的10—11月,在嘉陵江上游(广元)、中游(蓬安)、下游(合川)采集210尾蛇鮈Saurogobio dabryi,采用传统镜检法对其食性进行研究。结果表明:嘉陵江蛇鮈属于杂食性鱼类,饵料生物包括5大类(79小类);聚类分析表明,出现率(F%)、数量百分比(N%)和相对重要性指数(IRI%)在衡量食物对嘉陵江蛇鮈的重要性方面表现一致,但基于质量百分比(W%)的食物重要性结果与前三者之间的差异有统计学意义。4种指数显示,上游和中游江段蛇鮈均以动物性饵料为主,为偏肉食性的杂食性鱼类,下游江段蛇鮈以藻类为主,为偏植食性的杂食性鱼类。选用W%对其食性进行不同江段之间比较,聚类分析表明中游与上游和下游存在显著差异(d> 0. 3); Schoener重叠指数比较显示,不同江段蛇鮈摄食的饵料生物存在空间差异(Cxy<0. 60)。研究认为蛇鮈的食性具有较强的地域性和可塑性,可能是对不同江段水生生态环境适应的结果。  相似文献   

为了丰富短耳鸮的形态学资料,对其消化系统进行了解剖观察,结果表明:短耳鸮有锐利的角质喙以利于撕裂食物,舌后端左右分叉,而且分叉的两侧各有一排尖端后指的角质栉状突,可以防止食物滑落;食管纵向皱襞发达,有较大的伸缩性,无明显嗉囊,食管胸段粗大。肌胃壁薄而无明显角质膜,用来进行化学消化,而不起研磨作用;肠道较体长略长,其中小肠最发达,具有不甚发达的双侧盲肠。并与部分肉食和植食性鸟类作了比较。  相似文献   

黑鸢消化系统形态学的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
周菊萍  郭延蜀  米志平  胡锦矗 《四川动物》2004,23(4):346-348,F003
对黑鸢消化系统的形态学作了初步的观察与研究,结果表明:黑鸢舌尖钝圆,舌根分叉,叉粘膜上具有尖端指向后方的栉状突;食管宽而扁,无明显可见的嗉囊;肌胃无明显的类角质膜;肠道长是体长2.3倍,小肠较发达,K1275mm,古肠道总长的93.6%,具有不发达的双侧盲肠:胰腺短而厚、并与蛇雌、毛脚鸢的消化系统进行了比较。  相似文献   

陈金印  张坤  沈勇  徐敏  蒋福升  丁志山  范永升 《蛇志》2012,24(2):156-159,184
目的观察投喂不同食物时尖吻蝮(Dienagkistrodon acutus)幼蛇的开口率,研究尖吻蝮幼蛇对食物的选择性,寻找最适宜的尖吻蝮幼蛇开口饵料;研究气味对尖吻蝮进食行为的影响,为人工配合饲料开发提供理论基础。方法将尖吻蝮幼蛇随机分组,在相同条件下对幼蛇进行饲养,分别使用泽蛙、幼体蟾蜍、SD大鼠的乳鼠、昆明种小鼠幼鼠、大麦虫、蚯蚓、中华蟋蟀、蟑螂对尖吻蝮幼蛇进行投喂,并统计开口率;在黑暗条件下投喂新鲜的死泽蛙和小鼠肉块,减少振感和食物与环境间温差对尖吻蝮的刺激,观察记录尖吻蝮的进食行为。结果尖吻蝮幼体开口率与食物种类有明显相关性,对蛙类和鼠类的开口率较高,而对昆虫类几乎无捕食。同时存在多种食物时尖吻蝮对食物有一定选择性,对运动较活跃和体温较高的食物选择性高。尖吻蝮可凭借气味寻找到食物并完成进食,对死食的进食率较活食低。结论 (1)泽蛙和幼鼠是尖吻蝮幼蛇的理想开口饵料;(2)尖吻蝮捕食过程中,除依赖视觉、震感、颊窝红外热感等感知食物外,还可通过气味来识别食物。  相似文献   

对几种常见观赏蛇的生长及繁殖情况进行比较, 为观赏蛇人工高效养殖提供科学参考。实验采用室内温度控制个体单独饲养法, 分别对玉米蛇、王蛇、黑眉曙蛇、赤链蛇、王锦蛇、白条锦蛇6 种常见观赏蛇进行饲养与观察, 测量与记录取食、增重、蜕皮、交配、产卵、孵化、子蛇存活、患病及死亡等相关生物学特性指标, 并进行比较分析。结果显示, 20-32 ℃人工养殖条件下, 大鼠和小鼠的幼鼠是各观赏蛇的主要食物; 王锦蛇在出生重与1-4 龄重等指标明显高于其它品种蛇; 进食越多的个体蜕皮次数越多, 3 龄前为各蛇种生长高峰期; 3 龄蛇可达性成熟, 多数在3-5月份交配; 玉米蛇、王蛇的孵化率、成活率较其他四种观赏蛇高。人工养殖条件下, 各观赏蛇生长与繁殖生物学特性不同, 中小规模人工养殖具有可行性。  相似文献   

蛇雕繁殖生态的初步观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蛇雕(Spilornischeela)属隼形目鹰科猛禽。有关其繁殖行为研究,到目前未见报道。笔者于1997~1998年,在贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区内,对蛇雕东南亚种(Spilornischeelaricketti)的繁殖生态作了初步观察,现将观察情况报道如下。1 自然概况茂兰保护区位于贵州南部的荔波县境内。东经107°10′10″~108°05′40″,北纬25°09′20″~25°20′50″。海拔500~1100m,最高点为肯西山1170m。林区总面积2100hm2。为中亚热带季风湿润气候。年平均气温153℃,年降雨量1750mm左右,集中于4~10月,年平均相对…  相似文献   

纵纹腹小鸮Athene noctua消化系统形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛红星  王艳梅  余燕 《四川动物》2005,24(2):181-183
本文对纵纹腹小鸮Athene noctua的消化系统形态学结构进行了较为系统的解剖与观察。结果表明:纵纹腹小鹗舌根表面具有尖端指向后方的栉状突,可防止食物的滑脱;无嗉囊,食管相对比较宽阔,且粘膜褶发达;肌胃的结构适于其食肉特性,壁薄,内有粘膜褶,伸缩性较大,其作用除消化外,尚有储食功能;小肠发达;具两条末端膨大的盲肠。文中还与部分鸟类作了比较。  相似文献   

灰鹤消化系统的形态学观察   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
路纪琪 《四川动物》2001,20(2):88-89
本文对灰鹤的消化系统进行了大体解剖和形态学观察,结果表明灰鹤具有发达的舌、小肠、肝脏和胰脏;相对发达的盲肠;但嗉囊不甚发达。  相似文献   

The crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela hoya) has no distinct sexual dimorphic traits. In the current study, we report the results of an EE0.6 (EcoRI 0.6-kb fragment) sequence applied to S. cheela hoya and a novel random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker that can be used to sex individuals within the species S. cheela hoya and Accipiter trivigatus formosae (crested goshawk). We used sex-specific primers for the avian CHD1 (chromo-helicase-DNA-binding 1) gene and the EE0.6 sequence in PCR assays to determine sex. In addition, 120 random primers were used for RAPD fingerprinting to search for novel sex-specific fragments of S. cheela hoya. The OPBB08 random primer generated a 1241-bp sex-specific fragment in all female S. cheela hoya. From the nucleotide sequence, PCR primers were designed to amplify 553-, 895-, and 194-bp sex-specific fragments present in all female S. cheela hoya. One of these primer pairs (ScBB08-7F/R) also amplified a male/female common fragment that can be used as an internal control (543 bp). Moreover, one of the primer pairs (ScBB08-5aF/5bR) could be used to identify genders of A. trivigatus formosae. In conclusion, we identified novel sex-specific DNA markers of S. cheela hoya and A. trivigatus formosae that can be used for rapid and accurate sex identification.  相似文献   

蓝翅希鹛消化系统的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于德芳  郭延蜀 《四川动物》2007,26(4):919-922,F0003
对6只(3♀,3♂)蓝翅希鹛的消化系统进行了解剖观察,结果表明:蓝翅希鹛的舌成细长三角形,雌、雄舌尖端差异显著:雌鸟舌尖端各有一根长刺毛,而雄鸟无此长刺毛;在舌前端正中央还有一"v"形的凹缺,使舌成二分叉,雌鸟分叉深约2.77 mm,雄鸟为1.63 mm。食道颈胸部分段不明显,食管长18.64~23.55 mm,嗉囊外观不明显。腺胃乳突短而小,分布均匀;肌胃发达,具角质膜。肠道长与体长基本相等,小肠较发达,雌鸟长100.90 mm,占肠道总长90.08%,雄鸟分别为102.52 mm和89.60%;具有双侧盲肠,但不发达,占肠道总长的2.3%~2.8%,右侧盲肠略大于左侧;直肠短,雌鸟仅占肠道8.55%,雄鸟占8.72%。肝为体内最大的消化腺,分左右两叶。胰位于十二指肠袢内,细长形,分二小叶。由消化道特征说明其食性是以食虫为主的杂食性鸟类。  相似文献   

Flying animals may experience a selective constraint on gut volume because the energetic cost of flight increases and maneuverability decreases with greater digesta load. The small intestine is the primary site of absorption of most nutrients (e.g., carbohydrates, proteins, fat) in both birds and mammals. Therefore, we used a phylogenetically informed approach to compare small intestine morphometric measurements of birds with those of nonflying mammals and to test for effects of diet within each clade. We also compared the fit of nonphylogenetic and phylogenetic models to test for phylogenetic signal after accounting for effects of body mass, clade, and/or diet. We provide a new MATLAB program (Regressionv2.m) that facilitates a flexible model-fitting approach in comparative studies. As compared with nonflying mammals, birds had 51% less nominal small intestine surface area (area of a smooth bore tube) and 32% less volume. For animals <365 g in body mass, birds also had significantly shorter small intestines (20%-33% shorter, depending on body mass). Diet was also a significant factor explaining variation in small intestine nominal surface area of both birds and nonflying mammals, small intestine mass of mammals, and small intestine volume of both birds and nonflying mammals. On the basis of the phylogenetic trees used in our analyses, small intestine length and nominal surface area exhibited statistically significant phylogenetic signal in birds but not in mammals. Thus, for birds, related species tended to be similar in small intestine length and nominal surface area, even after accounting for relations with body mass and diet. A reduced small intestine in birds may decrease the capacity for breakdown and active absorption of nutrients. Birds do not seem to compensate for reduced digestive and absorptive capacity via a longer gut retention time of food, but we found some evidence that birds have an increased mucosal surface area via a greater villus area, although not enough to compensate for reduced nominal surface area. We predict that without increased rate of enzyme hydrolysis and/or mediated transport and without increased passive absorption of water-soluble nutrients, birds may operate with a reduced digestive capacity, compared with that of nonflying mammals, to meet an increase in metabolic needs (i.e., a reduced spare capacity).  相似文献   

The environmental estrogen bisphenol A (BPA) is regarded as a modulator of endocrine systems and has been reported to have adverse effects on the reproductive organs of animals. In rats, BPA is metabolized to glucuronide by UDP-glucuronosyltransferase UGT2B1 in the liver and excreted into the bile. In the present study, we found that most of the bisphenol A-glucuronide (BPA-GA) excreted into the small intestine was deconjugated in the contents of the cecum. After BPA administration, BPA-GA was (immediately should be 15 min) found in the contents of the upper part of the small intestine, and then it moved to the lower part of the small intestine. However, only free BPA was found in the content of the cecum, and there was smaller amount of free BPA in the colon contents, indicating that BPA had been reabsorbed in the colon. BPA-GA was deconjugated by extract prepared from the cecum content which included highest beta-glucuronidase (beta-Gase) observed in Western blot analysis using antibodies against bacterial beta-Gase.These results indicate enterohepatic circulation of BPA and suggest that the adverse effects of BPA are enhanced by repeated exposure.  相似文献   

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