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There is an urgent need for rapid, accurate, and sensitive diagnostic platforms to confirm exposure to radiation and estimate the dose absorbed by individuals subjected to acts of radiological terrorism, nuclear power plant accidents, or nuclear warfare. Clinical symptoms and physical dosimeters, even when available, do not provide adequate diagnostic information to triage and treat life-threatening radiation injuries. We hypothesized that intestinal microbiota act as novel biomarkers of prior radiation exposure. Adult male Wistar rats (n = 5/group) received single or multiple fraction total-body irradiation of 10.0 Gy and 18.0 Gy, respectively. Fresh fecal pellets were obtained from each rat prior to (day 0) and at days 4, 11, and 21 post-irradiation. Fecal microbiota composition was determined using microarray and quantitative PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analyses. The radiation exposure biomarkers consisted of increased 16S rRNA levels of 12 members of the Bacteroidales, Lactobacillaceae, and Streptococcaceae after radiation exposure, unchanged levels of 98 Clostridiaceae and Peptostreptococcaceae, and decreased levels of 47 separate Clostridiaceae members; these biomarkers are present in human and rat feces. As a result of the ubiquity of these biomarkers, this biomarker technique is non-invasive; microbiota provide a sustained level of reporting signals that are increased several-fold following exposure to radiation, and intestinal microbiota that are unaffected by radiation serve as internal controls. We conclude that intestinal microbiota serve as novel biomarkers of prior radiation exposure, and may be able to complement conventional chromosome aberrational analysis to significantly enhance biological dose assessments.  相似文献   



There is a crucial shortage of methods capable of determining the extent of accidental exposures of human beings to ionizing radiation. However, knowledge of individual exposures is essential for early triage during radiological incidents to provide optimum possible life-sparing medical procedures to each person.

Methods and Findings

We evaluated immunocytofluorescence-based quantitation of γ-H2AX foci as a biodosimeter of total-body radiation exposure (60Co γ-rays) in a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) model. Peripheral blood lymphocytes and plucked hairs were collected from 4 cohorts of macaques receiving total body irradiation doses ranging from 1 Gy to 8.5 Gy. Each cohort consisted of 6 experimental and 2 control animals. Numbers of residual γ-H2AX foci were proportional to initial irradiation doses and statistically significant responses were obtained until 1 day after 1 Gy, 4 days after 3.5 and 6.5 Gy, and 14 days after 8.5 Gy in lymphocytes and until 1 day after 1 Gy, at least 2 days after 3.5 and 6.5 Gy, and 9 days after 8.5 Gy in plucked hairs.


These findings indicate that quantitation of γ-H2AX foci may make a robust biodosimeter for analyzing total-body exposure to ionizing radiation in humans. This tool would help clinicians prescribe appropriate types of medical intervention for optimal individual outcome. These results also demonstrate that the use of a high throughput γ-H2AX biodosimeter would be useful for days post-exposure in applications like large-scale radiological events or radiation therapy. In addition, this study validates a possibility to use plucked hair in future clinical trials investigating genotoxic effects of drugs and radiation treatments.  相似文献   

Biomarkers to indicate past exposure to radiation have not been entirely satisfactory. Using cDNA microarray hybridization to find new potential biomarkers, we identified highly expressed genes in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) after irradiation 1 Gy ex vivo. The present set of radiation markers in PBLs was identified 12 h after radiation. A total of 44 genes were identified. However, when RT-PCR was performed with mRNA from the PBLs of five individuals, only four genes, including TRAIL receptor 2, DRAL (now known as FHL2), cyclin G, and cyclin protein gene, showed greater than 50% agreement between gene induction as detected by microarray analysis and by RT-PCR. When more than 32 donors were tested for the above four genes, greater than 85% agreement was obtained between gene induction measured by microarray analysis and by RT-PCR. There was a linear dose-response relationship between 0.5 and 4 Gy 12 h after irradiation; however, there was less linearity at later times. These results suggested that the relative expression levels of genes such as TRAIL receptor 2, FHL2, cyclin G, and cyclin protein gene in PBLs may provide estimates of radiation exposures.  相似文献   

We investigated the association between biomarkers of dermal exposure, naphthyl-keratin adducts (NKA), and urine naphthalene biomarker levels in 105 workers routinely exposed to jet-fuel. A moderate correlation was observed between NKA and urine naphthalene levels (p?=?0.061). The NKA, post-exposure breath naphthalene, and male gender were associated with an increase, while CYP2E1*6 DD and GSTT1-plus (++/+?) genotypes were associated with a decrease in urine naphthalene level (p?<?0.0001). The NKA show great promise as biomarkers for dermal exposure to naphthalene. Further studies are warranted to characterize the relationship between NKA, other exposure biomarkers, and/or biomarkers of biological effects due to naphthalene and/or PAH exposure.  相似文献   

We investigated the association between biomarkers of dermal exposure, naphthyl-keratin adducts (NKA), and urine naphthalene biomarker levels in 105 workers routinely exposed to jet-fuel. A moderate correlation was observed between NKA and urine naphthalene levels (p?=?0.061). The NKA, post-exposure breath naphthalene, and male gender were associated with an increase, while CYP2E1*6 DD and GSTT1-plus (++/+-) genotypes were associated with a decrease in urine naphthalene level (p?相似文献   

Human metabolism of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is complex and yields mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP) and numerous oxidative metabolites. The oxidative metabolites, mono(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP), mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP), mono(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate (MECPP) and mono(2-carboxymethylhexyl) phthalate (MCMHP), have been considered to be better biomarkers for DEHP exposure assessment than MEHP because urinary levels of these metabolites are generally higher than MEHP, and their measurements are not subject to contamination. The urinary levels of the above metabolites, and of three other recently identified DEHP oxidative metabolites, mono(2-ethyl-3-carboxypropyl) phthalate (MECPrP), mono-2-(1-oxoethylhexyl) phthalate (MOEHP), and mono(2-ethyl-4-carboxybutyl) phthalate (MECBP), were measured in 129 adults. MECPP, MCMHP and MEHHP were present in all the samples analysed. MEHP and the other oxidative metabolites were detected less frequently: MEOHP (99%), MECBP (88%), MECPrP (84%), MEHP (83%) and MOEHP (77%). The levels of all DEHP metabolites were highly correlated (p<0.0001) with each other, confirming a common parent. The ? and ?-1 oxidative metabolites (MECPP, MCMHP, MEHHP and MEOHP) comprised 87.1% of all metabolites measured, and thus are most likely the best biomarkers for DEHP exposure assessment. The percentage of the unglucuronidated free form excreted in urine was higher for the ester linkage carboxylated DEHP metabolites compared with alcoholic and ketonic DEHP metabolites. The percentage of the unglucuronidated free form excreted in urine was higher for the DEHP metabolites with a carboxylated ester side-chain compared with alcoholic and ketonic metabolites. Further, differences were found between the DEHP metabolite profile between this adult population and that of six neonates exposed to high doses of DEHP through extensive medical treatment. In the neonates, MEHP represented 0.6% and MECPP 65.5% of the eight DEHP metabolites measured compared to 6.6% (MEHP) and 31.8% (MECPP) in the adults. Whether the observed differences reflect differences in route/duration of the exposure, age and/or health status of the individuals is presently unknown.  相似文献   

To identify micro RNA (miRNA) biomarker candidates for early detection of breast cancer and detection of minimal residual breast cancer, we performed miRNA expression profiling in pooled RNA samples from breast tumors, and from bone marrow mononuclear cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma from healthy controls. We found substantially higher levels of five miRNAs in the breast tumors compared to the normal samples. However, validation of these miRNA levels, and seven other candidates selected from the literature, in individual samples from healthy controls and patients with non-metastatic breast cancer did not suggest further examination of their biomarker potential.  相似文献   

To identify micro RNA (miRNA) biomarker candidates for early detection of breast cancer and detection of minimal residual breast cancer, we performed miRNA expression profiling in pooled RNA samples from breast tumors, and from bone marrow mononuclear cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma from healthy controls. We found substantially higher levels of five miRNAs in the breast tumors compared to the normal samples. However, validation of these miRNA levels, and seven other candidates selected from the literature, in individual samples from healthy controls and patients with non-metastatic breast cancer did not suggest further examination of their biomarker potential.  相似文献   

Ram B. Jain 《Biomarkers》2016,21(4):342-346
Cutoff levels on the scales for benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, styrene, o-xylene and m/p-xylene in blood were developed to classify smokers from non-smokers. Self-reported smoking during the last 5 d was used as the true smoking status. Receiver operating characteristics methods that minimized the difference between specificity and sensitivity were used to develop these cutoffs. Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for the cycle 2005–2006 were used for this purpose. For the total population, a cutoff of 0.038?ng/ml for benzene was able to classify smokers from non-smokers with a sensitivity of 83.6% and specificity of 83.7%.  相似文献   

Cholesterol, 1, which is present in both the lung lining fluid and cell membranes of lung tissue, reacts with ozone in aqueous systems to give 3 beta-hydroxy-5-oxo-5,6-secocholestan-6-al (2) as the major product. Reaction of 2 with 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine (DNPH) in aqueous solutions, liposomes or lung extracts affords the anti and syn DNPH derivatives of 2 (3b and 3c) and of the rearrangement product 3,5-dihydroxy-B-norcholestane-6-carboxaldehyde (3a). These derivatives also are detected in lung tissue extracts from rats exposed to 1.3 ppm ozone for 12 hr.  相似文献   

Since early in the Atomic Age, biological indicators of radiation exposure have been sought, but currently available methods are not entirely satisfactory. Using cDNA microarray hybridization to discover new potential biomarkers, we have identified genes expressed at increased levels in human peripheral blood lymphocytes after ex vivo irradiation. We recently used this technique to identify a large set of ionizing radiation-responsive genes in a human cell line (Oncogene 18, 3666-3672, 1999). The present set of radiation markers in peripheral blood lymphocytes was identified 24 h after treatment, and while the magnitude of mRNA induction generally decreased over time, many markers were still significantly elevated up to 72 h after irradiation. In all donors, the most highly responsive gene identified was DDB2, which codes for the p48 subunit of XPE, a protein known to play a crucial role in repair of ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage in DNA. Induction of DDB2, CDKN1A (also known at C1P1/WAF1) and XPC showed a linear dose-response relationship between 0.2 and 2 Gy at 24 and 48 h after irradiation, with less linearity at earlier or later times. These results suggest that relative levels of gene expressions in peripheral blood cells may provide estimated of environmental radiation exposures.  相似文献   

A sensitive gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method was developed to measure nitrosamine-haemoglobin adducts (HPB-Hb) (4-hydroxy-3-pyridinyl-1-butanone) at trace levels in red blood cells of smoking and non-smoking mothers and their newborn babies. GC/MS methods with chemical ionization (CI) of methane reagent gas in both positive and negative ion mode as well as electron ionization (EI) were studied to determine differences in sensitivity among the various ionization methods. Detection limits using both positive and negative chemical ionization modes were found to be 30 fmol HPB, whereas detection using electron impact modes yielded a detection limit of 80 fmol HBP. In order to apply the various methods of detection to tobacco-exposed samples from human populations, we characterized adduct levels in maternal as well as paired fetal samples obtained from mothers exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy. Maternal samples were characterized using serum cotinine levels and were classified as non-smokers, passively smoke-exposed women, less than one pack per day smokers and greater than one pack per day smokers. Paired maternal and fetal blood samples were obtained at delivery for qualitative and qualitative analysis of nitrosamine adducts. Comparative derivatization of HPB released under alkaline hydrolysis conditions was performed using O-bis(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) and 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoylchloride (PFBC). Both negative CI and positive CI modes of analysis were compared to the more widely accepted EI modes of mass spectrometric analysis. These results suggest that both NICI and PICI modes of detection offer a greater sensitivity of adduct characterization when compared with EI ionization techniques and that either NICI or PICI modes are preferably applicable towards the detection of human biomarker assessment of tobacco-related nitrosamines.  相似文献   

Accidental exposure to ionizing radiation can be unforeseen, rapid, and devastating. The detonation of a radiological device leading to such an exposure can be detrimental to the exposed population. The radiation-induced damage may manifest as acute effects that can be detected clinically or may be more subtle effects that can lead to long-term radiation-induced abnormalities. Accurate identification of the individuals exposed to radiation is challenging. The availability of a rapid and effective screening test that could be used as a biomarker of radiation exposure detection is mandatory. We tested the suitability of alterations in gene expression to serve as a biomarker of human radiation exposure. To develop a useful gene expression biomonitor, however, gene expression changes occurring in response to irradiation in vivo must be measured directly. Patients undergoing radiation therapy provide a suitable test population for this purpose. We examined the expression of CC3, MADH7, and SEC PRO in blood samples of these patients before and after radiotherapy to measure the in vivo response. The gene expression after ionizing radiation treatment varied among different patients, suggesting the complexity of the response. The expression of the SEC PRO gene was repressed in most of the patients. The MADH7 gene was found to be upregulated in most of the subjects and could serve as a molecular marker of radiation exposure.  相似文献   

Traumatic osteonecrosis of femoral head (TONFH) is a common orthopedic disease caused by physical injury in hip. However, the unclear pathogenesis mechanism of TONFH and lacking of simple noninvasive early diagnosis method cause the necessity of hip replacement for most patients with TONFH. In this study, we aimed to identify circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) by integrated bioinformatics analyses as potential biomarker of TONFH. mRNA expression profiles were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus database. Then we combined two miRNA screen methods: Weighted gene co-expression network analysis and fold change based differentially expressed miRNAs analysis. As a result, we identified 14 key miRNAs as potential biomarkers for TONFH. Besides, 302 target genes of these miRNAs were obtained and the miRNA–mRNA interaction network was constructed. Furthermore, the results of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Gene and Genome pathway analysis, Gene Ontology function analysis, protein–protein interaction (PPI) network analysis and PPI network module analysis showed close correlation between these 14 key miRNAs and TONFH. Then we established receiver operating characteristic curves and identified 6-miRNA signature with highly diagnosis value including miR-93-5p (area under the curve [AUC] = 0.93), miR-1324 (AUC = 0.92), miR-4666a-3p (AUC = 0.92), miR-5011-3p (AUC = 0.92), and miR-320a (AUC = 0.89), miR-185-5p (AUC = 0.89). Finally, the results of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction confirmed the significantly higher expression of miR-93-5p and miR-320a in the serum of patients with ONFH. These circulating miRNAs could serve as candidate early diagnosis markers and potential treatment targets of TONFH.  相似文献   

This review presents analysis of the literature and our own research with respect to the role of miRNAs in the regulation of activity (expression) of genes controlling cellular homeostasis in human cells when exposed to ionizing radiation. Human cells, on one hand, can have increased resistance to radiation, which hinders the effectiveness of tumor treatment in radiotherapy. On the other hand, increased sensitivity to radiation may be accompanied by the development of several pathologies, including tumorigenesis. This paper examines the role of specific miRNAs in the formation of radioresistance and radiosensitivity of human cells and their impact on the respective target genes. Separate sections are devoted to the role of different miRNAs in radiation therapy of tumors of different localization, as well as their role in the bystander effect. A special section highlights features of gene activity and its regulators, miRNAs, in radiosensitive cells in patients with Down syndrome. The final section provides information about new approaches to change miRNA expression and, accordingly, their target genes by the action of plant and synthetic drugs (crown compounds) which reduce damaging effects of mutagens. It is assumed that antimutagens affecting the expression levels of miRNAs and structural genes may be used to correct the increase and decrease in cellular radioresponse, reducing the risk of development of pathological processes, including tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Porphyrins as early biomarkers for arsenic exposure in animals and humans.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the effect of arsenic exposure on the haem biosynthetic pathway in the rat and humans. Significant increases in protoporphyrin IX, coproporphyrin III, coproporphyrin I were observed in the blood, liver and kidney, and in the urine of rats after a single dose of arsenic. The level of increase was dependent on the arsenic species present. Most of porphyrin concentrations in the tissues increased within 24 hr and urinary excretion elevated within 48 hr. In the human study, we collected urine samples from 113 people who live in Xing Ren of Guizhou Province, a coal-borne arsenicosis endemic area in southwest of PR China and from 30 people who live in Xing Yi (about 80 km southwest of Xing Ren) where arsenicosis is not prevalent. We analyzed the urinary porphyrins using HPLC. Results indicate that all urinary porphyrins were higher in the arsenic exposed group than those in the control group. Women, children and older age people spend much of their time indoors, they had greater increases of urinary arsenic and porphyrins. They were the higher risk groups among the study subjects. A positive correlation between the urinary arsenic levels and porphyrin concentrations demonstrated the effect of arsenic on haem biosynthesis. Significant alteration in the porphyrin excretion profiles of the younger age (<20 y) arsenic exposed group suggested that porphyrins could be used as early warning biomarkers for chronic exposure to arsenic.  相似文献   

Numerical and experimental methods were employed to assess the individual and collective dosimetry of mice used in a bioassay on the exposure to pulsed radiofrequency energy at 900 MHz in the Ferris-wheel exposure system (Utteridge et al., Radiat. Res. 158, 357-364, 2002). Twin-well calorimetry was employed to measure the whole-body specific absorption rate (SAR) of mice for three body masses (23 g, 32 g and 36 g) to determine the lifetime exposure history of the mice used in the bioassay. Calorimetric measurements showed about 95% exposure efficiency and lifetime average whole-body SARs of 0.21, 0.86, 1.7 and 3.4 W kg(-1) for the four exposure groups. A larger statistical variation in SAR was observed in the smallest mice because they had the largest variation in posture inside the plastic restrainers. Infrared thermography provided SAR distributions over the sagittal plane of mouse cadavers. Thermograms typically showed SAR peaks in the abdomen, neck and head. The peak local SAR at these locations, determined by thermometric measurements, showed peak-to-average SAR ratios below 6:1, with typical values around 3:1. Results indicate that the Ferris wheel fulfills the requirement of providing a robust exposure setup, allowing uniform collective lifetime exposure of mice.  相似文献   

Liquid biopsy refers to the sampling, screening, and detecting potential biomarkers in unique liquid samples for clinical use. Lung cancer is one of the most highly frequent cancer subtypes, which is hard to be early diagnosed and monitored by radiological and histopathological evaluation that are the most general and accurate methods. Circulating miRNA is a potential clinical examination index for tumor detection and monitoring tumorigenesis progression using liquid biopsy. However, recognizing and validating the unique clinical values of each candidate circulating miRNA is expensive and time consuming. In this study, we presented a novel computational approach for identifying significant circulating miRNAs that may be applied to early screening, diagnosis, and constant monitoring of lung cancer progression. This approach incorporated several machine learning algorithms and was applied on the expression profiles of circulating miRNAs on lung cancer patients and control samples. In brief, a powerful feature selection method, minimum redundancy maximum relevance, was adopted to evaluate the importance of all features, resulting in a feature list. Then, incremental feature selection incorporating random forest followed to extract key circulating miRNAs. At the same time, an efficient classifier with MCC 0.740 was built. Top five circulating miRNAs, including miR-92a, miR-140-5p, miR-331-3p, miR-223, miR-374a, were analyzed and confirmed that they participated in the pathogenesis of lung cancer, indicating their significant prognosis power in lung cancer.  相似文献   

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