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Summary The digestive system of larvae of Tipula abdominalis (Diptera, Tipulidae), a stream detritivore, is poorly adapted for the digestion of the major polysaccharides in its diet, but well adapted for the digestion of protein. These crane fly larvae are unable to digest the major cell wall polysaccharides of higher plants, i.e., cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. The only polysaccharides toward which the midguts of T. abdominalis exhibited any activity were -amylose and laminarin, indicating that polysaccharide digestion is restricted to -1,4-and -1,3-glucans. The most concentrated source of these two classes of carbohydrates in submerged leaf litter would be associated fungal tissue. The midgut of T. abdominalis is strongly alkaline throughout, with a maximum pH near 11.5 in a narrow zone near the midpoint. Proteolytic activity in the midgut is extraordinarily high, and the pH optimum for midgut proteolytic activity is above 11. We conclude that the high alkalinity and high proteolytic activity observed in T. abdominalis larvae are manifestations of a highly efficient protein-digesting system, a system of crucial importance to a nitrogen-limited organism which must derive its nitrogen from a resource in which much of the limited nitrogen present is in a bound form in complexes of proteins with lignins and polyphenols.  相似文献   

1. Knowledge of the influence of predatory fish in detritus‐based stream food webs is poor. We tested whether larval abundance of the New Zealand leaf‐shredding caddisfly, Zelandopsyche ingens (family Oeconesidae), was affected by the presence of predatory brown trout, Salmo trutta and the abundance of their primary detrital resource (Nothofagus leaves). 2. The density of Z. ingens and the biomass of leaves were determined in seven fishless streams and four trout streams in the Cass region, central South Island, on four occasions spanning 5 years. 3. Physicochemical conditions were similar in trout and fishless streams, but ancova indicated that Z. ingens numbers were positively related to leaf biomass and that caddisfly numbers were significantly greater in fishless streams than trout streams for any given biomass of leaf. The cases of trout stream larvae were also heavier per unit length than those in fishless streams. 4. Our results provide evidence for both top‐down and bottom‐up influences on a detritus‐based stream food web. Although stream detritivores may benefit from a habitat that provides both food and a degree of protection from predators, top‐down effects of predators on detritivore population abundance were still important. Thus, detrital resource availability may determine maximum attainable population size, whereas predation is likely to reduce the population to a level below that.  相似文献   

Aim We tested the hypothesis that shredder detritivores, a key trophic guild in stream ecosystems, are more diverse at higher latitudes, which has important ecological implications in the face of potential biodiversity losses that are expected as a result of climate change. We also explored the dependence of local shredder diversity on the regional species pool across latitudes, and examined the influence of environmental factors on shredder diversity. Location World‐wide (156 sites from 17 regions located in all inhabited continents at latitudes ranging from 67° N to 41° S). Methods We used linear regression to examine the latitudinal variation in shredder diversity at different spatial scales: alpha (α), gamma (γ) and beta (β) diversity. We also explored the effect of γ‐diversity on α‐diversity across latitudes with regression analysis, and the possible influence of local environmental factors on shredder diversity with simple correlations. Results Alpha diversity increased with latitude, while γ‐ and β‐diversity showed no clear latitudinal pattern. Temperate sites showed a linear relationship between γ‐ and α‐diversity; in contrast, tropical sites showed evidence of local species saturation, which may explain why the latitudinal gradient in α‐diversity is not accompanied by a gradient in γ‐diversity. Alpha diversity was related to several local habitat characteristics, but γ‐ and β‐diversity were not related to any of the environmental factors measured. Main conclusions Our results indicate that global patterns of shredder diversity are complex and depend on spatial scale. However, we can draw several conclusions that have important ecological implications. Alpha diversity is limited at tropical sites by local factors, implying a higher risk of loss of key species or the whole shredder guild (the latter implying the loss of trophic diversity). Even if regional species pools are not particularly species poor in the tropics, colonization from adjacent sites may be limited. Moreover, many shredder species belong to cool‐adapted taxa that may be close to their thermal maxima in the tropics, which makes them more vulnerable to climate warming. Our results suggest that tropical streams require specific scientific attention and conservation efforts to prevent loss of shredder biodiversity and serious alteration of ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between diversity and ecosystem function, which is controversial and has rarely been examined for consumer assemblages, for the process of leaf breakdown by the shredder guild in a tropical stream. We manipulated species richness, evenness and identity of four macroinvertebrate shredder species (three caddisflies and one mayfly) in microcosms and tested their effect on leaf breakdown rates measured as leaf mass loss per capita and per milligram of animal. Species richness, evenness and species identity all affected leaf breakdown rates. Breakdown rates tended to increase with higher richness, but only for the three caddisflies, probably through a release of intraspecific interference, although other mechanisms such as niche complementarity or facilitation cannot be discarded. Leaf breakdown by the caddisflies was reduced in the presence of the mayfly, possibly because of its mode of movement by swimming instead of crawling and its similarity to some predators that are common in leaf litter. Species identity was more important than species richness in determining leaf breakdown rates, indicating that some species within the shredder guild are not redundant, and suggesting important consequences of particular species loss for the functioning of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Bioturbation can affect community structure by influencing resource distribution and habitat heterogeneity. Bioturbation by detritivores in small headwater streams could affect community structure by reintroducing buried detrital resources into the food web and could also affect the distribution of various taxa on detritus. We evaluated the ability of the caddisfly Pycnopsyche gentilis to uncover experimentally buried leaves in a headwater stream. Packs of leaves were placed in enclosures and covered with a known volume of sediment. We added 0, 3 or 6 large Pycnopsyche to the enclosures which were permeable to most other invertebrate taxa. Leaf packs were sampled after 23 days and leaf pack mass, the amount of sediment covering the leaf packs, and macro‐ and microinvertebrate densities on leaf packs were quantified. There was a significant negative relationship between Pycnopsyche density and leaf pack mass. Pycnopsyche also reduced the volume of sediment covering leaf packs. Pycnopsyche had complex effects on the abundance of invertebrate taxa associated with the leaves. Some taxa exhibited their highest abundance in the 3 Pycnopsyche treatment while others exhibited non‐significant increases as Pycnopsyche density increased. These results suggest that the beneficial effects of Pycnopsyche (e.g. uncovering leaves which increases the availability of habitat and food) outweigh any negative effects (e.g. disturbance, encounter competition) of the caddisfly when it is present at lower densities. However, the negative impacts of Pycnopsyche appear to outweigh the positive effects via sediment removal at higher caddisfly densities for some taxa. Our results suggest that bioturbating organisms in streams have the potential to reintroduce organic matter to detrital food webs and affect the distribution and abundance of benthic taxa associated with organic matter.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Differences in decay rates of autumn and spring balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.) leaf litter input to a stream and their effects on a lotic detritivore Tipula commiscibilis Diane were investigated.
2. Autumnal leaf litter decay rates were significantly greater than spring decay rates despite higher initial quality of spring leaves. Reduced spring/summer decomposition rates were the result of decreased microbial activity and biomass, and significantly lower numbers, kinds and biomass of macroinvertebrate detritivores.
3. Growth of the detritivore Tipula commiscibilis was significantly lower when fed spring leaves indicating that they were a poorer quality food source than autumn leaves.
4. Lower numbers of detritivores coupled with reduced leaf quality resulted in lower leaf litter decay rates characteristic of spring/summer.  相似文献   

Pattern of movements of adult Barbus haasi in a small Mediterranean stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most adult Barbus haasi , at a 1950 m-long site in Vallvidrera creek, were highly sedentary and resided within a home range <20 m (32 m2), while a small group were more mobile. On successive sampling occasions, between 52·3 and 64·9% of fish were recaptured in the same 10-m-long section in which they had previously been captured. Movements over long distances were infrequent, and only 5·6% of the fish moved >100 m. The movement pattern of the population was seasonally stable, although the mean distances were slightly greater in summer because of the medium-range movements of a few individuals. Overall, upstream and downstream movements were equally common but a significant downstream movement occurred in spring. The size of the fish did not influence the movement rate. Fish inhabiting those sections of the stream with greater depth, slower current and more cover had a lower movement rate than fish occupying shallower, exposed sections. The restricted movement of B. haasi could increase the survival of fish by increasing the probability of staying in the remaining pools during summer dry-out, and may therefore be of adaptive significance.  相似文献   

1. The ability of hyporheic sediments to exchange water and retain ammonium and phosphate in the Riera Major stream ,North-East Spain, under different discharge conditions was measured by conducting short-term nutrient and chloride additions. 2. The mean exchange coefficients from free-flowing water to the storage zone (k1) and vice versa (k2) were 0.82 × 10–4 s??1 and 7 × 10??3 s??1, respectively. The ratio of storage zone cross-sectional area to stream cross-sectional area (AS/A) averaged 2.8 × 10–2 and was negatively correlated with discharge (r = –0.85, d.f. = 13, P < 0.001). 3. The percentage of hyporheic zone water which came from surface water varied as a function of discharge and hyporheic depth, ranging between 33% and 95% at 25 cm depth, and between 78% and 100% at 10 cm depth. 4. The nutrient retention efficiency in the hyporheic zone at 10 cm depth measured as uptake length (Swh) was less than 3.3 cm for ammonium and 37 cm for phosphate. Higher nutrient retentions were measured in the sediments at 10 cm depth than at 25 cm, indicating that near-surface sediments were involved more actively in phosphate retention than the deeper hyporheic sediments. The lack of ammonium at any depth of the hyporheic zone showed that ammonium was very rapidly taken up in the surfacial sediments.  相似文献   

The effects of seasonality and dilution stress on the functioning of Rambla Salada, a hypersaline Mediterranean stream in SE Spain, were evaluated. The stream is subject to diffuse freshwater inputs from the drainage of intensively irrigated agriculture in the catchment and periodic losses of water through an irrigation channel. Metabolic rates and the biomass of primary producers and consumers were estimated over a 2-year period. During the first year several dilution events occurred, while during the second year the salinity recovery reached predisturbance levels. Functional indicators were compared in the disturbance and recovery salinity periods. Primary production and respiration rates in the Rambla Salada ranged between 0.07–21.05 and 0.19–17.39 g O2 m−2 day−1, respectively. The mean values for these variables were 7.35 and 5.48 g O2 m−2 day−1, respectively. Mean net daily metabolism rate was 1.87 ± 0.52 g O2 m−2 day−1 and mean production/respiration ratio was 2.48 ± 1.1, reflecting autotrophic metabolism. The metabolic rates showed the typical seasonal pattern of Mediterranean open canopy streams. Therefore, gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) registered maximum values in summer, intermediate values in spring and autumn and minimum values in winter. The metabolic rates and biomass of consumers were greater in the disturbance period than in the recovery period. However, they did not show significant differences between periods due to their important dependence on seasonal cycle. Seasonality accounted for much of the temporal variability in GPP and ER (76% and 83% in the multiregression models, respectively). Light availability seems to be the most important factor for GPP and ER in the Rambla Salada. Autotrophic biomass responded more to variations in discharge and conductivity than to seasonal variations. In fact, it was severely affected by freshwater inputs after which the epipelic biomass decreased significantly and Cladophora glomerata proliferated rapidly. Epipelic algal biomass was the most sensitive parameter to dilution disturbance. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

1. Due to the hierarchical organization of stream networks, land use changes occurring at larger spatial scales (i.e. the catchment) can affect physical, chemical and biological characteristics at lower spatial scales, ultimately altering stream structure and function. Anthropogenic effects on streams have primarily been documented using structural metrics such as water chemistry, channel alteration and algal biomass. Functional parameters, including metrics of nutrient retention and metabolism, are now being widely used as indicators of stream condition. 2. Within this hierarchical context, we used a multivariate approach to examine how structural and functional (i.e. nutrient retention and metabolism) attributes of streams are related to catchment variables, including land use. The study was done in 13 streams located within a single Mediterranean catchment, but draining sub‐catchments with contrasting land use. 3. At the catchment scale, results showed two contrasting land use gradients: (i) from forested‐ to urban‐dominated catchments and (ii) from low to moderate agricultural‐dominated catchments. Variation in structural and functional parameters was strongly related to these land use gradients. Specifically, NH4+ demand (measured as the uptake velocity, Vf) decreased along the gradient from forested‐ to urban‐dominated catchments primarily in response to increases in stream nutrient concentrations [NH4+, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and carbon (DOC)]. Both primary production and respiration increased along the gradient of agricultural development in response to increases in algal biomass (chlorophyll a). Soluble reactive phosphorus demand was not related to any of the land use gradients. 4. Our results illustrate the connections among factors operating at different spatial scales (i.e. from catchments to streams) and their distinct influence on stream ecosystem function. Managers should take into consideration these connections when designing stream management and restoration plans. Because ecologically successful stream management and restoration is expected to restore function as well as structure to streams, the use of appropriate measures of functional processes is required. Nutrient retention and metabolism parameters are good candidates to fill this gap.  相似文献   

We performed a stream fertilisation experiment in an oligotrophic, forested, undisturbed stream by increasing nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. The effect of nutrient loading on microfauna was studied over 6 months. A before after control impact (BACI) design was used to determine the outcome of the addition by comparing three upstream non-enriched reaches with an enriched one downstream. Ciliates such as Hymenostomata (Frontonia, Lembadion, Paramecium, Cyclidium) and Pleurostomatida (Litonotus) showed a positive response to fertilisation. No significant changes were detected for flagellates and testate amoebae. Mean density values observed (0.2–3×103 ind cm−2) were compared with those found in literature.  相似文献   

Mediterranean climates predispose aquatic systems to both flood and drought periods, therefore, stream sediments may be exposed to desiccation periods. Changes in oxygen concentrations and sediment water content influence the biotic processes implicated in nitrogen dynamics. The objectives of this study were to identify (1) the changes of inorganic nitrogen in stream sediments during the transition from wet to dry conditions, and (2) the underlying processes in N dynamics and its regulation. Extractable sediment NO3 -N and NH4 +-N, organic matter and extractable organic carbon content were assessed during natural desiccation in microcosms with sediments from an intermittent Mediterranean stream. In agreement with our initial hypothesis, our results showed how the NO3 -N content of the sediment was enhanced during the first 10 days of sediment drying, whereas NH4 +-N was lost by 14 days post-drying. During the first 10 days, sediment desiccation seemed to stimulate the net N-mineralization and net nitrification from sediments. Afterwards, the extractable NO3 -N concentration sharply dropped, which may be attributed to lower ammonium-oxidation rates as ammonium and organic matter are depleted, and to an increase in NO3 -N consumption by microbial populations. Denitrification was inhibited, with a significant decrease as % water-filled pore space lowered. We hypothesize that the sediment inorganic N content enhanced during sediment desiccation could be released as part of the N pulse observed after sediment rewetting. However, the stream N availability after rewetting dried sediments would differ depending on desiccation period duration.  相似文献   

Food of introduced mosquitofish: ontogenetic diet shift and prey selection   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki of Lake Banyoles, Catalonia, Spain, were strictly littoral. Their population was dominated by females throughout the year, except in spring when males were more common. Their diet was based on littoral cladocerans, particularly Chydorus sphaericus, Scapholeberis ramneri, Ceriodaphnia reticulata , and Pleuroxus laevis , and nematoceran (basically chironomid) adults. There was a large variety of prey of terrestrial (collembolans, ants) or aquatic neustonic origin ( S. ramneri , emerging nematoceran adults), showing the microhabitat of mosquitofish closely linked to the water surface. In contrast to other studies, terrestrial insects were not especially important in summer. In addition to seasonal and between-site variation, there was an ontogenetic diet shift from microcrustaceans, particularly cladocerans (smallest fish also using diatoms and copepod nauplii) to larger prey, namely nematoceran adults. However, there was an unusual, inverse relationship between fish length and the size of two prey ( S. ramneri and the collembolan Sminthurides sp.), paralleling the overall increase in mean prey size.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,70(1-3):144-153
Brush encroachment is reducing pasture and amenity values of rangelands in the upper Galilee, Israel. Local Mamber goats are efficient at preventing brush encroachment, but their low prolificacy and slow growth of their kids prevent profitable farming. Boer goats from southern Africa are deemed to be prolific and rapidly growing, but their ability to exploit Mediterranean woodland and scrubland in Israel was unknown. Simultaneous observations (n = 604) on the eating behaviour of Boer goats imported from Namibia and of local Mamber goats were recorded from May 1997 to January 1998. Socialization between breeds was prevented by keeping them in distinct flocks in two similar paddocks. Boer goats spent less time than Mamber goats in grazing herbaceous species (22 and 44%, respectively), which suggests that Boers would be potentially less competitive to cattle than Mambers in mixed grazing systems. Boers allocated 90% of their eating time to eight species, compared with only four species for Mambers. Browse use on the main encroaching species differed between goat breeds: Mambers spent more time browsing on Sarcopoterium spinosum whereas Boers spent more time on Cistus creticus and Cistus salvifolius. No difference between breeds was observed with regard to Calycotome villosa, the main encroaching species on the range. Boers exhibited a 10% lower bite rate than Mambers, but no difference between breeds was noted in their mass per bite of browse species. Results of this study suggest that Boer goats have the potential to control brush encroachment more than Mamber goats, especially when they are associated with cattle.  相似文献   

1. Freshly fallen green leaves and flowers of terrestrial plants enter temperate streams in spring and summer, when senescent leaf litter is often scarce. These resources appear to provide good supplementary food for macroinvertebrate shredders, but have some potential shortcomings as food or case material for caddisflies. 2. To compare suitability of green leaves or flowers and senescent leaves for the growth and development of stream shredders, we reared the caddisfly Lepidostoma complicatum in the laboratory with treatments that provided larvae with senescent (oak) and green (oak or maple) leaves separately, and also together, in case the combined use of both types of leaf may benefit the shredder. 3. Larvae supplied with green leaves alone grew at 65% of the rate of those provided with senescent leaves alone, due to their lower consumption rate. No individuals given green leaves alone developed into adults, whereas 70% of the individuals given senescent leaves alone did. Green leaves may inhibit larval consumption due to their high phenol content, or they may be unsuitable for case material because they are less tough than senescent leaves. 4. Larvae supplied with both senescent and green leaves (or flowers) had a higher growth rate and developed faster, than those given senescent leaves alone, whereas the proportions of successfully emerged individuals did not differ. Lepidostoma probably benefits from the higher nitrogen content of the green leaves when used together with senescent leaves. 5. These results suggest that green leaves (or flowers) cannot serve as an alternative food resource to senescent leaves, but that they can enhance the growth and development of a Lepidostoma stream shredder if senescent leaves are also available.  相似文献   

The pumpkinseed sunfish Lepomis gibbosus introduced into Lake Banyoles (Spain) were predominantly littoral but there was a tendency of large fish to use deeper zones. Their diet was dominated by littoral macrobenthos, particularly amphipods ( Echinogammarus sp.). There was ontogenetic variation in the diet, with small young-of-the-year (LF<4 cm) feeding on several littoral microcrustaceans, especially the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia reticulata , whereas larger fish shifted to a freshwater shrimp ( Atyaephyra desmaresti ), snails and damselfly larvae. Seasonal variation in diet was linked to resource availability, with consumption of fish eggs and plant debris in spring and summer. In autumn, pumpkinseeds were partially zooplanktivores, preying on the cladoceran Daphnia longispina. The diet of pumpkinseeds in Lake Banyoles and other Iberian populations shows less molluscivory than North American populations. The potential ecological impact of this successful exotic species involves mainly predation on fish eggs and molluscs.  相似文献   

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