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A novel double deletion in cardiac troponin T (cTnT) of two highly conserved amino acids (Asn-100 and Glu-101) was found in a restrictive cardiomyopathic (RCM) pediatric patient. Clinical evaluation revealed the presence of left atrial enlargement and marked left ventricle diastolic dysfunction. The explanted heart examined by electron microscopy revealed myofibrillar disarray and mild fibrosis. Pedigree analysis established that this mutation arose de novo. The patient tested negative for six other sarcomeric genes. The single and double recombinant cTnT mutants were generated, and their functional consequences were analyzed in porcine skinned cardiac muscle. In the adult Tn environment (cTnT3 + cardiac troponin I), the single cTnT3-ΔN100 and cTnT3-ΔE101 mutations had opposing effects on the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development compared with WT, whereas the double deletion cTnT3-ΔN100/ΔE101 increased the Ca(2+) sensitivity + 0.19 pCa units. In addition, cTnT3-ΔN100/ΔE101 decreased the cooperativity of force development, suggesting alterations in intrafilament protein-protein interactions. In the fetal Tn environment, (cTnT1 + slow skeletal troponin I), the single (cTnT1-ΔN110) and double (cTnT1-ΔN110/ΔE111) deletions did not change the Ca(2+) sensitivity compared with control. To recreate the patient's heterozygous genotype, we performed a reconstituted ATPase activity assay. Thin filaments containing 50:50 cTnT3-ΔN100/ΔE101:cTnT3-WT also increased the myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity compared with WT. Co-sedimentation of thin filament proteins indicated that no significant changes occurred in the binding of Tn containing the RCM cTnT mutation to actin-Tm. This report reveals the protective role of Tn fetal isoforms as they rescue the increased Ca(2+) sensitivity produced by a cTnT-RCM mutation and may account for the lack of lethality during gestation.  相似文献   

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an energy-sensing enzyme central to the regulation of metabolic homeostasis. In the heart AMPK is activated during cardiac stress-induced ATP depletion and functions to stimulate metabolic pathways that restore the AMP/ATP balance. Recently it was demonstrated that AMPK phosphorylates cardiac troponin I (cTnI) at Ser-150 in vitro. We sought to determine if the metabolic regulatory kinase AMPK phosphorylates cTnI at Ser-150 in vivo to alter cardiac contractile function directly at the level of the myofilament. Rabbit cardiac myofibrils separated by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing subjected to a Western blot with a cTnI phosphorylation-specific antibody demonstrates that cTnI is endogenously phosphorylated at Ser-150 in the heart. Treatment of myofibrils with the AMPK holoenzyme increased cTnI Ser-150 phosphorylation within the constraints of the muscle lattice. Compared with controls, cardiac fiber bundles exchanged with troponin containing cTnI pseudo-phosphorylated at Ser-150 demonstrate increased sensitivity of calcium-dependent force development, blunting of both PKA-dependent calcium desensitization, and PKA-dependent increases in length dependent activation. Thus, in addition to the defined role of AMPK as a cardiac metabolic energy gauge, these data demonstrate AMPK Ser-150 phosphorylation of cTnI directly links the regulation of cardiac metabolic demand to myofilament contractile energetics. Furthermore, the blunting effect of cTnI Ser-150 phosphorylation cross-talk can uncouple the effects of myofilament PKA-dependent phosphorylation from β-adrenergic signaling as a novel thin filament contractile regulatory signaling mechanism.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the mechanisms by which a double mutation (E59D/D75Y) in cardiac troponin C (CTnC) associated with dilated cardiomyopathy reduces the Ca2+-activated maximal tension of cardiac muscle. Studying the single mutants (i.e. E59D or D75Y) indicates that D75Y, but not E59D, causes a reduction in the calcium affinity of CTnC in troponin complex, regulated thin filaments (RTF), and the Ca2+ sensitivity of contraction and ATPase in cardiac muscle preparations. However, both D75Y and E59D are required to reduce the actomyosin ATPase activity and maximal force in muscle fibers, indicating that E59D enhances the effects of D75Y. Part of the reduction in force/ATPase may be due to a defect in the interactions between CTnC and cardiac troponin T, which are known to be necessary for ATPase activation. An additional mechanism for the reduction in force/ATPase comes from measurements of the binding stoichiometry of myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) to the RTF. Using wild type RTFs, 4.8 mol S-1 was bound per mol filament (seven actins), whereas with E59D/D75Y RTFs, the number of binding sites was reduced by ∼23% to 3.7. Altogether, these results suggest that the reduction in force and ATPase activation is possibly due to a thin filament conformation that promotes fewer accessible S-1-binding sites. In the absence of any family segregation data, the functional results presented here support the concept that this is likely a dilated cardiomyopathy-causing mutation.  相似文献   

Cardiac diseases associated with mutations in troponin subunits include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), and restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM). Altered calcium handling in these diseases is evidenced by changes in the Ca2+ sensitivity of contraction. Mutations in the Ca2+ sensor, troponin C (TnC), were generated to increase/decrease the Ca2+ sensitivity of cardiac skinned fibers to create the characteristic effects of DCM, HCM, and RCM. We also used a reconstituted assay to determine the mutation effects on ATPase activation and inhibition. One mutant (A23Q) was found with HCM-like properties (increased Ca2+ sensitivity of force and normal levels of ATPase inhibition). Three mutants (S37G, V44Q, and L48Q) were identified with RCM-like properties (a large increase in Ca2+ sensitivity, partial loss of ATPase inhibition, and increased basal force). Two mutations were identified (E40A and I61Q) with DCM properties (decreased Ca2+ sensitivity, maximal force recovery, and activation of the ATPase at high [Ca2+]). Steady-state fluorescence was utilized to assess Ca2+ affinity in isolated cardiac (c)TnCs containing F27W and did not necessarily mirror the fiber Ca2+ sensitivity. Circular dichroism of mutant cTnCs revealed a trend where increased α-helical content correlated with increased Ca2+ sensitivity in skinned fibers and vice versa. The main findings from this study were as follows: 1) cTnC mutants demonstrated distinct functional phenotypes reminiscent of bona fide HCM, RCM, and DCM mutations; 2) a region in cTnC associated with increased Ca2+ sensitivity in skinned fibers was identified; and 3) the F27W reporter mutation affected Ca2+ sensitivity, maximal force, and ATPase activation of some mutants.  相似文献   

The R21C substitution in cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is the only identified mutation within its unique N-terminal extension that is associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in man. Particularly, this mutation is located in the consensus sequence for β-adrenergic-activated protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated phosphorylation. The mechanisms by which this mutation leads to heart disease are still unclear. Therefore, we generated cTnI knock-in mouse models carrying an R21C mutation to evaluate the resultant functional consequences. Measuring the in vivo levels of incorporated mutant and WT cTnI, and their basal phosphorylation levels by top-down mass spectrometry demonstrated: 1) a dominant-negative effect such that, the R21C+/- hearts incorporated 24.9% of the mutant cTnI within the myofilament; and 2) the R21C mutation abolished the in vivo phosphorylation of Ser(23)/Ser(24) in the mutant cTnI. Adult heterozygous (R21C+/-) and homozygous (R21C+/+) mutant mice activated the fetal gene program and developed a remarkable degree of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis. Investigation of cardiac skinned fibers isolated from WT and heterozygous mice revealed that the WT cTnI was completely phosphorylated at Ser(23)/Ser(24) unless the mice were pre-treated with propranolol. After propranolol treatment (-PKA), the pCa-tension relationships of all three mice (i.e. WT, R21C+/-, and R21C+/+) were essentially the same. However, after treatment with propranolol and PKA, the R21C cTnI mutation reduced (R21C+/-) or abolished (R21C+/+) the well known decrease in the Ca(2+) sensitivity of tension that accompanies Ser(23)/Ser(24) cTnI phosphorylation. Altogether, the combined effects of the R21C mutation appear to contribute toward the development of HCM and suggest that another physiological role for the phosphorylation of Ser(23)/Ser(24) in cTnI is to prevent cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Troponin is a pivotal regulatory protein that binds Ca(2+) reversibly to act as the muscle contraction on-off switch. To understand troponin function, the dynamic behavior of the Ca(2+)-saturated cardiac troponin core domain was mapped in detail at 10 °C, using H/D exchange-mass spectrometry. The low temperature conditions of the present study greatly enhanced the dynamic map compared with previous work. Approximately 70% of assessable peptide bond hydrogens were protected from exchange sufficiently for dynamic measurement. This allowed the first characterization by this method of many regions of regulatory importance. Most of the TnI COOH terminus was protected from H/D exchange, implying an intrinsically folded structure. This region is critical to the troponin inhibitory function and has been implicated in thin filament activation. Other new findings include unprotected behavior, suggesting high mobility, for the residues linking the two domains of TnC, as well as for the inhibitory peptide residues preceding the TnI switch helix. These data indicate that, in solution, the regulatory subdomain of cardiac troponin is mobile relative to the remainder of troponin. Relatively dynamic properties were observed for the interacting TnI switch helix and TnC NH(2)-domain, contrasting with stable, highly protected properties for the interacting TnI helix 1 and TnC COOH-domain. Overall, exchange protection via protein folding was relatively weak or for a majority of peptide bond hydrogens. Several regions of TnT and TnI were unfolded even at low temperature, suggesting intrinsic disorder. Finally, change in temperature prominently altered local folding stability, suggesting that troponin is an unusually mobile protein under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The influences of [Ca(2+)] and Ca(2+) dissociation rate from troponin C (TnC) on the kinetics of contraction (k(Ca)) activated by photolysis of a caged Ca(2+) compound in skinned fast-twitch psoas and slow-twitch soleus fibers from rabbits were investigated at 15 degrees C. Increasing the amount of Ca(2+) released increased the amount of force in psoas and soleus fibers and increased k(Ca) in a curvilinear manner in psoas fibers approximately 5-fold but did not alter k(Ca) in soleus fibers. Reconstituting psoas fibers with mutants of TnC that in solution exhibited increased Ca(2+) affinity and approximately 2- to 5-fold decreased Ca(2+) dissociation rate (M82Q TnC) or decreased Ca(2+) affinity and approximately 2-fold increased Ca(2+) dissociation rate (NHdel TnC) did not affect maximal k(Ca). Thus the influence of [Ca(2+)] on k(Ca) is fiber type dependent and the maximum k(Ca) in psoas fibers is dominated by kinetics of cross-bridge cycling over kinetics of Ca(2+) exchange with TnC.  相似文献   

Ca2+ dissociation from troponin causes cessation of muscle contraction by incompletely understood structural mechanisms. To investigate this process, regulatory site Ca2+ binding in the NH2-lobe of subunit troponin C (TnC) was abolished by mutagenesis, and effects on cardiac troponin dynamics were mapped by hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX)-MS. The findings demonstrate the interrelationships among troponin''s detailed dynamics, troponin''s regulatory actions, and the pathogenesis of cardiomyopathy linked to troponin mutations. Ca2+ slowed HDX up to 2 orders of magnitude within the NH2-lobe and the NH2-lobe-associated TnI switch helix, implying that Ca2+ greatly stabilizes this troponin regulatory region. HDX of the TnI COOH terminus indicated that its known role in regulation involves a partially folded rather than unfolded structure in the absence of Ca2+ and actin. Ca2+-triggered stabilization extended beyond the known direct regulatory regions: to the start of the nearby TnI helix 1 and to the COOH terminus of the TnT-TnI coiled-coil. Ca2+ destabilized rather than stabilized specific TnI segments within the coiled-coil and destabilized a region not previously implicated in Ca2+-mediated regulation: the coiled-coil''s NH2-terminal base plus the preceding TnI loop with which the base interacts. Cardiomyopathy-linked mutations clustered almost entirely within influentially dynamic regions of troponin, and many sites were Ca2+-sensitive. Overall, the findings demonstrate highly selective effects of regulatory site Ca2+, including opposite changes in protein dynamics at opposite ends of the troponin core domain. Ca2+ release triggers an intramolecular switching mechanism that propagates extensively within the extended troponin structure, suggests specific movements of the TnI inhibitory regions, and prominently involves troponin''s dynamic features.  相似文献   

This spectroscopic study examined the steady-state and kinetic parameters governing the cross-bridge effect on the increased Ca(2+) affinity of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-cardiac troponin C (HCM-cTnC) mutants. Previously, we found that incorporation of the A8V and D145E HCM-cTnC mutants, but not E134D into thin filaments (TFs), increased the apparent Ca(2+) affinity relative to TFs containing the WT protein. Here, we show that the addition of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) to TFs reconstituted with these mutants in the absence of MgATP(2-), the condition conducive to rigor cross-bridge formation, further increased the apparent Ca(2+) affinity. Stopped-flow fluorescence techniques were used to determine the kinetics of Ca(2+) dissociation (k(off)) from the cTnC mutants in the presence of TFs and S1. At a high level of complexity (i.e. TF + S1), an increase in the Ca(2+) affinity and decrease in k(off) was achieved for the A8V and D145E mutants when compared with WT. Therefore, it appears that the cTnC Ca(2+) off-rate is most likely to be affected rather than the Ca(2+) on rate. At all levels of TF complexity, the results obtained with the E134D mutant reproduced those seen with the WT protein. We conclude that strong cross-bridges potentiate the Ca(2+)-sensitizing effect of HCM-cTnC mutants on the myofilament. Finally, the slower k(off) from the A8V and D145E mutants can be directly correlated with the diastolic dysfunction seen in these patients.  相似文献   

The rate-limiting step of cardiac muscle relaxation has been proposed to reside in the myofilament. Both the rates of cross-bridge detachment and Ca(2+) dissociation from troponin C (TnC) have been hypothesized to rate-limit myofilament inactivation. In this study we used a fluorescent TnC to measure both the rate of Ca(2+) dissociation from TnC and the rate of cross-bridge detachment from several different species of ventricular myofibrils. The fluorescently labeled TnC was sensitive to both Ca(2+) dissociation and cross-bridge detachment at low Ca(2+) (presence of EGTA), allowing for a direct comparison between the two proposed rates of myofilament inactivation. Unlike Ca(2+) dissociation from TnC, cross-bridge detachment varied in myofibrils from different species and was rate-limited by ADP release. At subphysiological temperatures (<20 °C), the rate of Ca(2+) dissociation from TnC was faster than the rate of cross-bridge detachment in the presence of ADP. These results support the hypothesis that cross-bridge detachment rate-limits relaxation. However, Ca(2+) dissociation from TnC was not as temperature-sensitive as cross-bridge detachment. At a near physiological temperature (35 °C) and ADP, the rate of cross-bridge detachment may actually be faster than the rate of Ca(2+) dissociation. This provides evidence that there may not be a simple, single rate-limiting step of myofilament inactivation.  相似文献   

Over the 40 years since its discovery, many studies have focused on understanding the role of troponin as a myofilament based molecular switch in regulating the Ca2+-dependent activation of striated muscle contraction. Recently, studies have explored the role of cardiac troponin as a target for cardiotonic agents. These drugs are clinically useful for treating heart failure, a condition in which the heart is no longer able to pump enough blood to other organs. These agents act via a mechanism that modulates the Ca2+-sensitivity of troponin; such a mode of action is therapeutically desirable because intracellular Ca2+ concentration is not perturbed, preserving the regulation of other Ca2+-based signaling pathways. This review describes molecular details of the interaction of cardiac troponin with a variety of cardiotonic drugs. We present recent structural work that has identified the docking sites of several cardiotonic drugs in the troponin C-troponin I interface and discuss their relevance in the design of troponin based drugs for the treatment of heart disease.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Cav2.1 Ca2+ channels undergo dual modulation by Ca2+, Ca2+-dependent inactivation (CDI), and Ca2+-dependent facilitation (CDF), which can influence synaptic plasticity in the nervous system. Although the molecular determinants controlling CDI and CDF have been the focus of intense research, little is known about the factors regulating these processes in neurons. Here, we show that calretinin (CR), a Ca2+-binding protein highly expressed in subpopulations of neurons in the brain, inhibits CDI and enhances CDF by binding directly to α12.1. Screening of a phage display library with CR as bait revealed a highly basic CR-binding domain (CRB) present in multiple copies in the cytoplasmic linker between domains II and III of α12.1. In pulldown assays, CR binding to fusion proteins containing these CRBs was largely Ca2+-dependent. α12.1 coimmunoprecipitated with CR antibodies from transfected cells and mouse cerebellum, which confirmed the existence of CR-Cav2.1 complexes in vitro and in vivo. In HEK293T cells, CR significantly decreased Cav2.1 CDI and increased CDF. CR binding to α12.1 was required for these effects, because they were not observed upon substitution of the II-III linker of α12.1 with that from the Cav1.2 α1 subunit (α11.2), which lacks the CRBs. In addition, coexpression of a protein containing the CRBs blocked the modulatory action of CR, most likely by competing with CR for interactions with α12.1. Our findings highlight an unexpected role for CR in directly modulating effectors such as Cav2.1, which may have major consequences for Ca2+ signaling and neuronal excitability.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent regulation of tension and ATPase activity in permeabilized porcine ventricular muscle was lost after incubation with 10 mM vanadate. After transfer from vanadate to a vanadate-free, low-Ca2+ solution (pCa> 8), the permeabilized muscle produced 84.8% ± 20.1% (± S.D., n=98) of the isometric force elicited by high Ca22+ (pCa 4.5 prior to incubation with vanadate. Transfer back to a high Ca2+ solution elicited no additional force (83.2% ± 18.7% of control force). SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis of fibers and solutions demonstrated substantial extraction (>90%) of Troponin I (TnI). Calcium dependence was restored after incubation with solutions containing either whole cardiac troponin or a combination of TnI and troponin C subunits. This reversible extraction of troponin directly demonstrates the role of TnI in the regulation of striated muscle contractility and permits specific substitution of the native TnI with exogenously supplied protein.  相似文献   

Activation of thin filaments in striated muscle occurs when tropomyosin exposes myosin binding sites on actin either through calcium-troponin (Ca-Tn) binding or by actin-myosin (A-M) strong binding. However, the extent to which these binding events contributes to thin filament activation remains unclear. Here we propose a simple analytical model in which strong A-M binding and Ca-Tn binding independently activates the rate of A-M weak-to-strong binding. The model predicts how the level of activation varies with pCa as well as A-M attachment, N·k(att), and detachment, k(det), kinetics. To test the model, we use an in vitro motility assay to measure the myosin-based sliding velocities of thin filaments at different pCa, N·k(att), and k(det) values. We observe that the combined effects of varying pCa, N·k(att), and k(det) are accurately fit by the analytical model. The model and supporting data imply that changes in attachment and detachment kinetics predictably affect the calcium sensitivity of striated muscle mechanics, providing a novel A-M kinetic-based interpretation for perturbations (e.g. disease-related mutations) that alter calcium sensitivity.  相似文献   

The regulatory function of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) involves three important contiguous regions within its C-domain: the inhibitory region (IR), the regulatory region (RR), and the mobile domain (MD). Within these regions, the dynamics of regional structure and kinetics of transitions in dynamic state are believed to facilitate regulatory signaling. This study was designed to use fluorescence anisotropy techniques to acquire steady-state and kinetic information on the dynamic state of the C-domain of cTnI in the reconstituted thin filament. A series of single cysteine cTnI mutants was generated, labeled with the fluorophore tetramethylrhodamine, and subjected to various anisotropy experiments at the thin filament level. The structure of the IR was found to be less dynamic than that of the RR and the MD, and Ca(2+) binding induced minimal changes in IR dynamics: the flexibility of the RR decreased, whereas the MD became more flexible. Anisotropy stopped-flow experiments showed that the kinetics describing the transition of the MD and RR from the Ca(2+)-bound to the Ca(2+)-free dynamic states were significantly faster (53.2-116.8 s(-1)) than that of the IR (14.1 s(-1)). Our results support the fly casting mechanism, implying that an unstructured MD with rapid dynamics and kinetics plays a critical role to initiate relaxation upon Ca(2+) dissociation by rapidly interacting with actin to promote the dissociation of the RR from the N-domain of cTnC. In contrast, the IR responds to Ca(2+) signals with slow structural dynamics and transition kinetics. The collective findings suggested a fourth state of activation.  相似文献   

We generated a transgenic mouse model expressing the apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-causing mutation ACTC E99K at 50% of total heart actin and compared it with actin from patients carrying the same mutation. The actin mutation caused a higher Ca(2+) sensitivity in reconstituted thin filaments measured by in vitro motility assay (2.3-fold for mice and 1.3-fold for humans) and in skinned papillary muscle. The mutation also abolished the change in Ca(2+) sensitivity normally linked to troponin I phosphorylation. MyBP-C and troponin I phosphorylation levels were the same as controls in transgenic mice and human carrier heart samples. ACTC E99K mice exhibited a high death rate between 28 and 45 days (48% females and 22% males). At 21 weeks, the hearts of the male survivors had enlarged atria, increased interstitial fibrosis, and sarcomere disarray. MRI showed hypertrophy, predominantly at the apex of the heart. End-diastolic volume and end-diastolic pressure were increased, and relaxation rates were reduced compared with nontransgenic littermates. End-systolic pressures and volumes were unaltered. ECG abnormalities were present, and the contractile response to β-adrenergic stimulation was much reduced. Older mice (29-week-old females and 38-week-old males) developed dilated cardiomyopathy with increased end-systolic volume and continuing increased end-diastolic pressure and slower contraction and relaxation rates. ECG showed atrial flutter and frequent atrial ectopic beats at rest in some ACTC E99K mice. We propose that the ACTC E99K mutation causes higher myofibrillar Ca(2+) sensitivity that is responsible for the sudden cardiac death, apical hypertrophy, and subsequent development of heart failure in humans and mice.  相似文献   

The cardiac troponin I (cTnI) R21C (cTnI-R21C) mutation has been linked to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and renders cTnI incapable of phosphorylation by PKA in vivo. Echocardiographic imaging of homozygous knock-in mice expressing the cTnI-R21C mutation shows that they develop hypertrophy after 12 months of age and have abnormal diastolic function that is characterized by longer filling times and impaired relaxation. Electrocardiographic analyses show that older R21C mice have elevated heart rates and reduced cardiovagal tone. Cardiac myocytes isolated from older R21C mice demonstrate that in the presence of isoproterenol, significant delays in Ca2+ decay and sarcomere relaxation occur that are not present at 6 months of age. Although isoproterenol and stepwise increases in stimulation frequency accelerate Ca2+-transient and sarcomere shortening kinetics in R21C myocytes from older mice, they are unable to attain the corresponding WT values. When R21C myocytes from older mice are treated with isoproterenol, evidence of excitation-contraction uncoupling is indicated by an elevation in diastolic calcium that is frequency-dissociated and not coupled to shorter diastolic sarcomere lengths. Myocytes from older mice have smaller Ca2+ transient amplitudes (2.3-fold) that are associated with reductions (2.9-fold) in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content. This abnormal Ca2+ handling within the cell may be attributed to a reduction (2.4-fold) in calsequestrin expression in conjunction with an up-regulation (1.5-fold) of Na+-Ca2+ exchanger. Incubation of permeabilized cardiac fibers from R21C mice with PKA confirmed that the mutation prevents facilitation of mechanical relaxation. Altogether, these results indicate that the inability to enhance myofilament relaxation through cTnI phosphorylation predisposes the heart to abnormal diastolic function, reduced accessibility of cardiac reserves, dysautonomia, and hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Nearly 70% of all of the known cTnT mutations that cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy fall within the TNT1 region that is critical to cTn-Tm binding. The high resolution structure of this domain has not been determined, and this lack of information has hindered structure-function analysis. In the current study, a coupled computational experimental approach was employed to correlate changes in cTnT dynamics to basic function using the regulated in vitro motility assay (R-IVM). An in silico approach to calculate forces in terms of a bending coordinate was used to precisely identify decreases in bending forces at residues 105 and 106 within the proposed cTnT "hinge" region. Significant functional changes were observed in multiple functional properties, including a decrease in the cooperativity of calcium activation, the calcium sensitivity of sliding speed, and maximum sliding speed. Correlation of the computational and experimental findings revealed an association between TNT1 flexibility and the cooperativity of thin filament calcium activation where an increase in flexibility led to a decrease in cooperativity. Further analysis of the primary sequence of the TNT1 region revealed a unique pattern of conserved charged TNT1 residues altered by the R92W and R92L mutations and may represent the underlying "structure" modulating this central functional domain. These data provide a framework for further integrated in silico/in vitro approaches that may be extended into a high-throughput predictive screen to overcome the current structural limitations in linking molecular phenotype to genotype in thin filament cardiomyopathies.  相似文献   

The contractile performance of the heart is linked to the energy that is available to it. Yet, the heart needs to respond quickly to changing demands. During diastole, the heart fills with blood and the heart chambers expand. Upon activation, contraction of cardiac muscle expels blood into the circulation. Early in systole, parts of the left ventricle are being stretched by incoming blood, before contraction causes shrinking of the ventricle. We explore here the effect of stretch of contracting permeabilized cardiac trabeculae of the rat on the rate of inorganic phosphate (P(i)) release resulting from ATP hydrolysis, using a fluorescent sensor for P(i) with millisecond time resolution. Stretch immediately reduces the rate of P(i) release, an effect observed both at full calcium activation (32 μmol/liter of Ca(2+)), and at a physiological activation level of 1 μmol/liter of Ca(2+). The results suggest that stretch redistributes the actomyosin cross-bridges toward their P(i)-containing state. The redistribution means that a greater fraction of cross-bridges will be poised to rapidly produce a force-generating transition and movement, compared with cross-bridges that have not been subjected to stretch. At the same time stretch modifies the P(i) balance in the cytoplasm, which may act as a cytoplasmic signal for energy turnover.  相似文献   

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