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In Brazil, the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is funded by the national public health system (SUS). To evaluate treatment results in the state of Mato Grosso, central Brazil, we have consulted the files of the office of the State Department of Health responsible for supplying such medications. We obtained information on 232 treatments of 201 patients who underwent treatment in or prior to 2008. The study was conducted by reviewing medical records, making telephone calls and interviewing the assistant physicians. Thirty-nine patients (19.4%) had cirrhosis and HCV genotype 1 predominated (64.3%). Excluding patients with comorbidities or treatment without ribavirin we analysed 175 treatments (sustained virologic response occurred in 32.6% of cases). Twenty-six of these 175 were retreatments and the sustained virological response (SVR) rate among them was 30.8%; the SVR rate was 32.9% among those receiving treatment for the first time. The SVR rate of genotype 1 patients was 27.8%, whereas it was 37.5% in non-1 genotype patients. The adjusted multivariate analysis showed association of SVR with the absence of cirrhosis [odds ratio (OR): 7.7; confidence interval (CI) 95%: 2.5, 33.3], the use of pegylated interferon (OR: 5.8; CI 95%: 1.5, 21.4), non-1 genotype (OR: 5.3; CI 95%: 1.7, 16.7) and uninterrupted treatment (OR: 9.0; CI 95%: 3.3, 45.4). The SVR rates were similar to those found in other Brazilian studies about HCV, but lower than those found in national and international clinical trials. These data suggest that the treatments of chronic hepatitis C that are made available by SUS does not, under normal conditions, work as well as the original controlled studies indicated.  相似文献   

Snake envenomation is considered a public health problem in tropical countries, where they occur in a high incidence. The present study reports the snake envenomation that occurred in Mato Grosso do Sul state (Brazil) between 2007 and 2017. Epidemiological data were obtained from the online platform of the Notification Disease Information System and were analyzed according to biome. A total of 5568 cases of snake envenomations were recorded during the study period, where the highest frequency was registered between October and April. The majority of envenomations occurred in working-age males (20 to 39 years), caused mainly by Bothrops snakes, and the duration of care after the envenomation in most cases took three hours. The municipalities that showed the highest snake envenomations case per 100,000 inhabitants presents low population density, and have their economy based on agricultural activity, which is a risk factor to snake envenomations. To the Mato Grosso do Sul state, the total number of snake envenomations had a positive relationship with the size of the municipality. Since this, larger areas usually have a mosaic of environments, which may harbor higher richness and abundance of snakes, and can cause more snake encounters with the population, resulting in more snake envenomations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the seropositivity for hepatitis B virus (HBV), the vaccination index, and the vaccine response index in dentists from Campo Grande, MS. Blood samples from 474 dentists (63.7% women and 36.3% men), with a mean age of 38.5 +/- 10.5 years were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect the serological markers: HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc. The HBsAg positive samples were tested for anti-HBc IgM, HBeAg, and anti-HBe. A total of 51 (10.8%) dentists showed seropositivity for HBV. Three (0.6%) were HBsAg/anti-HBc/anti-HBe positive, 43 (9.1%) were anti-HBc/anti-HBs positive, and 5 (1.1%) had only anti-HBc. Viral DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction in 9 (17.6%) out of 51 HBV seropositive samples. A vaccination index of 96.6% (458/474) was observed, although 73.1% (335/458)completed the three-dose schedule. Excluding 46 HBV seropositive individuals from 458 that reported vaccination, 412 were analyzed for vaccine response index. It was observed that 74.5% (307/412) were anti-HBs positive; this percentage increased to 79.1% when three doses were administered. The results showed a high vaccination index and a good rate of vaccine response; however, the failure in completing the three-dose schedule and the occurrence of HBV infection reinforce the need for more effective prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract Fire is an important ecological factor in Cerrado vegetation of central Brazil, and in other savanna ecosystems. The effect of fire on the abundance of some Xenarthran mammal species Priodontes maximus Kerr, 1792 (giant armadillo), Euphractus sexcinctus Linnaeus, 1758 (yellow armadillo) and Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758 (giant anteater)) was studied at Reserva Xavante do Rio das Mortes, a 329 000 ha Xavante Indian reserve in the Cerrado of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Track counts were used to compare the abundance of these mammals along seven burned and seven unburned transects, on seven occasions between August 1995 and August 1996. The number of tracks in burned and unburned areas did not differ. Xenarthrans probably use burned areas to obtain food resources, basically termites and ants. Xavante traditional fire hunts may reduce fuel accumulation and function as a mechanism to prevent more destructive fires. Fire management at Reserva Xavante is recommended because the burning system of Brazilian farmers is already influencing the Xavante community. Xavante traditional knowledge about fire could be an important instrument for this management.  相似文献   

Brine flotation and gravity sedimentation coproscopical examinations were performed in stool samples from 69 of the 147 Iaualapiti Indians of the Xingu Park, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Intestinal parasites were present in 89.9% of the population examined. High rates of prevalence were found for some parasite species: Ancylostomidae, 82.6%; Enterobius vermicularis, 26.1%; Ascaris lumbricoides, 20.3%; and Entamoeba coli, 68.1%. Infection by Trichuris trichiura, Schistosoma mansoni, Taenia spp. and Hymenolepis nana was not detected. Helminth's prevalence in children aged one year or less was comparatively low (33.3%). Quantitative coproscopy was done in positive samples for Ascaris and Ancylostomidae and the results expressed in eggs per gram of feces (EPG). Quantitative results revealed that worm burdens are very low and overdispersed in this Indian tribe, a previously unreported fact.  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - Cryptococcosis is caused by fungi of the genus Cryptococcus. Owing to its importance, this study aimed to analyze the genetic diversity of C. gattii isolates from animals, humans,...  相似文献   

Keywords Multitemporal data sets from the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) were used to evaluate their applicability for exploratory soil mapping in the floodplain of the Northern Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Fifty-four soil profiles were classified into 21 soil units according to the FAO–UNESCO system. Information layers of vegetation types and dynamics of flooding were elaborated by applying supervised hierarchical classification rules. Geomorphologic units were mapped by visual image interpretation. Multinomial logistic regression was applied to test relations between thematic layers and soil units as well as aggregated soil clusters, developing a statistical mapping model. Northern Pantanal floodplain soils show a high variability as a function of age and granulemetry of underlying sediments, as well as soil moisture and flooding regimes. GIS layers of nine vegetation formations, three geomorphologic units and three multi-temporal moisture types were elaborated. Cross-tabulations and multinomial logistic regression models indicate significant relations between FAO–UNESCO soil units and GIS layers. As soil sampling density had been low, a final predictive model was developed for the mapping of six aggregated soil clusters, obtaining a high significance level (p<0.05) for prediction. Applied methodology was found to be appropriate to develop models on soil–landscape relationships and improve information on spatial distribution of soil groupings in the Northern Pantanal.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between the distribution of tropical floodplain vegetation and environmental factors such as the soil types, their physical‐chemical properties and inundation dynamics in the northern Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Fifty‐four soil profiles of the four principal geomorphologic units of the lowland were classified into twenty‐one units of the FAO‐UNESCO system and related to eight vegetation formations. Under the deciduous and semideciduous woodland and forest formations on flood free riverbanks and relict dunes Arenosols, Solonetz and Alisols dominate. Inundation forests grow on a large variety of soil groupings such as Alisols, Solonetz, Fluvisols, Gleysols and Cambisols, mainly on fluvial deposits. Under the grassland formations of periodically flooded spreadings and depressions Planosols, Acrisols, Alisols, Fluvisols, Arenosols and Cambisols were cored, while Gleysols are common on swamps bearing Thalia geniculata or Cyperus giganteus. Canonical Correspondence Analysis was applied to study the influence of monitored environmental factors on spatial distribution of vegetation formations. Water regime and soil texture were found to define the grassland‐forest boundaries as well as the transition between different grassland formations and between seasonal as well as evergreen forests.  相似文献   

Fishing is one of the oldest human activities in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso in Central Brazil. In the of Bento Gomes River Basin (Pantanal of Poconé) the presence of fishermen is very common. The objective of this study is to describe the fishing activity in the basin in view of the elaboration of proposals for the sustainable use of this natural resource. Of the 256 fishermen that were registered most are fishing for their subsistence (92%) and the rest (8%) are occasional fishermen (locally called "de lufada" fishermen). "Traíra" (Hoplias malabaricus) and "piranhas" (Serrasalmus marginatus, Serrasalmus spilopleura and Pygocentrus nattereri) were the species most frequently captured for human consumption. The fishing is more intensive during the ebb season and at the beginning of the drought season, when the waters begin to recede for the river channel, as the catch is facilitated by the concentration of fishes at the river margin. The fishermen and their families consume fish three to four times a week, twice a day. Fish meat is one of the only means of obtaining animal protein for dozens of poor families in the area. The number of fishermen, as well as the actual number of catches do not appear to compromise the natural fish stocks, although no specific capture criteria is obeyed by the fishing activity.  相似文献   

Over the past years, leishmaniases have become a public health issue in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, particularly in Campo Grande, the state capital. The purpose of this study was to detect the presence of Leishmania DNA in the population of phlebotomine sandflies using DNA amplification by PCR. Insect captures were carried out from 4 pm. to 7 am for 4 consecutive days each month from October 2005 to September 2006 in 16 neighborhoods located in 7 urban regions of Campo Grande. Traps were placed indoors and in the vicinity of households. As many as 971 males and 203 females were collected. One hundred and five naturally fed females were identified and grouped as 1- to 4-specimen pools. DNA extraction was carried out using whole insects. Lutzomyia longipalpis predominated, accounting for 99.15% of the phlebotomines captured. Also found was Nyssomyia whitmani, the vector of tegumentary leishmaniasis. Abundance was greatest in the vicinity of households (69.8% of the phlebotomines captured). As revealed by PCR, parasites were present in 1.9% of the Leishmania spp. specimens investigated and confirmed for visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Using nine microsatellite loci, we investigated genetic structure and diversity in 83 Brazilian cassava accessions, including several landraces, in the Cerrado biome in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. All nine loci were polymorphic, averaging 6.00 alleles per locus. Treating each of seven municipalities as a cassava group or population, they averaged 3.5 alleles per locus, with 97% polymorphic loci, high values for observed heterozygosity (0.32) and gene diversity (0.56). Total genetic variability was high (0.668), and most of this genetic variability was concentrated within municipalities (0.577). Cluster and structure analyses divided accessions into two major clusters or populations (K = 2). Also, a significant genetic versus geographic correlation was found (r = 0.4567; P < 0.0260). Migratory routes in the Cerrado are considered main contributors to the region’s high cassava diversity and spatial genetic structure, amplifying interactions between traditional farmers and the evolutionary dynamics of this crop.  相似文献   

We report the first record of the stink bug Edessa meditabunda (F.) on lettuce Lactuca sativa in the organic vegetable garden ??Cheiro Verde?? in Tangará da Serra, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil (14°37??13?? S, 57°28??46?? W). During September, October, and November 2009, we collected 1,099 adults, 43 nymphs, and 29 egg masses. Feeding by this stink bug possibly caused early bolting.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from lakes located in the Pantanal Swamp, Central Brazil were analysed for the distribution of mercury released by the local gold mining. Atmospheric transport is the only pathway of mercury contamination of these remote lakes. Mercury concentrations were higher at the surface of sediments (62 to 80 ug.kg–1) decreasing to values of 20 to 30 ug.kg–1 in deeper layers. Mercury deposition rate was estimated as 90 to 120 ug Hg.m–2yr–1 Although mercury concentrations were much lower than in industrialized areas, mercury deposition rate for these Pantanal lakes is of the same order of magnitude of deposition rates measured in lakes in industrialized areas  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype 3 and 4 can cause liver disease in human and has its main reservoir in pigs. HEV investigations in pigs worldwide have been performed but there is still a lack of information on the infection dynamics in pig populations. FINDINGS: The HEV transmission dynamics in commercial pig farms in six different European countries was studied. The data collected show prevalence in weaners ranging from 8% to 30%. The average HEV prevalence in growers was between 20% and 44%. The fatteners prevalence ranged between 8% and 73%. Sows prevalence was similar in all countries. Boar faeces were tested for HEV only in Spain and Czech Republic, and the prevalence was 4.3% and 3.5% respectively. The collected data sets were analyzed using a recently developed model to estimate the transmission dynamics of HEV in the different countries confirming that HEV is endemic in pig farms. CONCLUSIONS: This study has been performed using similar detection methods (real time RT-PCR) for all samples and the same model (SIR model) to analyse the data. Furthermore, it describes HEV prevalence and within-herd transmission dynamics in European Countries (EU): Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands and United Kingdom, confirming that HEV is circulating in pig farms from weaners to fatteners and that the reproductive number mathematical defined as R0 is in the same range for all countries studied.  相似文献   

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