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During tissue repair, excess fibroblasts are eliminated by apoptosis. This physiologic process limits fibrosis and restores normal anatomic patterns. Replicating physiologic apoptosis associated with tissue repair, fibroblasts incorporated into type I collagen matrices undergo apoptosis in response to collagen matrix contraction. In this in vitro model of wound repair, fibroblasts first attach to collagen via alpha2beta1 integrin. This provides a survival signal via activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signal pathway. However, during subsequent collagen matrix contraction, the level of phosphorylated Akt progressively declines, triggering apoptosis. The mechanism underlying the fall in phosphorylated Akt is incompletely understood. Here we show that PTEN phosphatase becomes activated during collagen matrix contraction and is responsible for antagonizing phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity and promoting a decline in phosphorylated Akt and fibroblast apoptosis in response to collagen contraction. PTEN null fibroblasts displayed enhanced levels of phosphorylated Akt and were resistant to collagen matrix contraction-induced apoptosis. Reconstitution of PTEN in PTEN null cells conferred susceptibility to apoptosis in response to contraction of collagen matrices. Consistent with this, knockdown of PTEN in PTEN(+/+) embryonic fibroblasts by small interfering RNA augmented Akt activity and suppressed apoptosis in contractile collagen matrices. Furthermore, inhibition of Akt activity restored the sensitivity of PTEN null cells to collagen contraction-induced apoptosis, indicating that the mechanism by which PTEN alters fibroblast viability is through modulation of phosphorylated Akt levels. Our work suggests that collagen matrix contraction activates PTEN by a mechanism involving cytoskeletal disassembly. Our studies indicate a key role for PTEN in regulating fibroblast viability during tissue repair.  相似文献   

Recent work has demonstrated that human articular chondrocytes and meniscus cells can express the gene for a contractile actin isoform, alpha-smooth muscle actin (SMA), in vivo. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of two growth factors, transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB, on the SMA content of these cells and their contraction of a collagen-glycosaminoglycan (GAG) analog of extracellular matrix in vitro. TGF-beta1 was found to markedly increase SMA content of the cells and PDGF-BB decreased SMA expression, with both findings achieving statistical significance. A notable finding was the increased contraction of the collagen-GAG matrix induced by TGF-beta1 and the decrease in contraction resulting from PDGF-BB treatment, indicating a causal relationship between expression of SMA and the contractility of the cells. A novel cell force monitor, employed to estimate the force exerted per cell, demonstrated a higher force exerted by the TGF-beta1-treated cells. The findings demonstrate that the expression of SMA by articular chondrocytes and meniscal cells and their associated contractile behavior can be regulated by selected growth factors. This work provides a foundation for the rational investigation of the mechanisms underlying SMA-enabled contraction of these cell types and the control of this behavior in tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) modulates actin-dependent cell functions in several systems. We hypothesized that HSP27 modulates wound contraction. Stably transfected fibroblast cell lines that overexpress HSP27 (SS12) or underexpress HSP27 (AS10) were established, and cell behaviors related to wound contraction were examined. First, fibroblast-populated collagen lattice (FPCL) contraction was examined because it has been studied as a wound-healing model. In floating FPCL contraction assays, SS12 cells caused increased contraction, whereas AS10 cells caused reduced contraction. Because floating matrix contraction is thought to be mediated by the tractional force of the cells, cell behaviors related to tractional force were examined. In collagen matrix, SS12 cells elongated faster and to a greater extent and contained longer stress fibers than control cells, whereas AS10 cells were slower to elongate than control cells. SS12 cells attached to the dishes more efficiently than the control, whereas AS10 cells attached less efficiently. Migration of SS12 cells on collagen-coated dishes was also enhanced, although AS10 cells did not differ from the control cells. In summary, HSP27 regulates fibroblast adhesion, elongation, and migration and the contraction of the floating matrix in a manner dependent on the level of its expression.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated contraction plays a critical role in many physiological and pathological processes, notably organized contraction during wound healing. Implantation of an appropriately formulated (i.e., mean pore size, chemical composition, degradation rate) three-dimensional scaffold into an in vivo wound site effectively blocks the majority of organized wound contraction and results in induced regeneration rather than scar formation. Improved understanding of cell contraction within three-dimensional constructs therefore represents an important area of study in tissue engineering. Studies of cell contraction within three-dimensional constructs typically calculate an average contractile force from the gross deformation of a macroscopic substrate by a large cell population. In this study, cellular solids theory has been applied to conventional column buckling relationships to quantify the magnitude of individual cell contraction events within a three-dimensional, collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffold. This new technique can be used for studying cell mechanics with a wide variety of porous scaffolds that resemble low-density, open-cell foams. It extends previous methods for analyzing cell buckling of two-dimensional substrates to three-dimensional constructs. From data available in the literature, the mean contractile force (Fc) generated by individual dermal fibroblasts within the collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffold was calculated to range between 11 and 41 nN (Fc=26+/-13 nN, mean+/-SD), with an upper bound of cell contractility estimated at 450 nN.  相似文献   

Cell and tissue therapy applications in humans are being used increasingly, particularly for tissue repair. Several reconstructed skin models have been proposed. Wound healing involves overlapping steps of inflammation, cell migration and proliferation, neovascularisation, extracellular matrix production and remodelling. This is regulated by numerous cytokines and other soluble mediators. We have prepared dermal substitutes (DS) consisting of a collagen-GAG, three-dimensional matrix colonized by human dermal fibroblasts (HDF), isolated by skin explant or enzymatic digestion of the skin for potential therapeutic use in humans. To test the functionality of these DS, we measured (ELISA) the stimulatory effect on HDF in the matrix, of serial dilutions of human serum (HS) on the production of wound healing mediators: interleukin-8 (IL-8), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1). We observed: 1). a stimulatory effect of HS on HDF production of the different mediators tested, with a dose-dependent effect in the case of IL-8 and VEGF. 2). A matrix-potentiating effect on the production of the different mediators by HDF. 3). A decrease in the production of IL-8 and VEGF when HDF isolated by enzymatic digestion was used to colonize the matrix as compared with HDF isolated by skin explant. We conclude: 1). that the production by HDF, in a collagen-GAG matrix, of mediators involved in cutaneous wound healing is decreased when HDF are isolated by enzymatic skin digestion rather than by skin explant. 2). That measurement of the production of cytokines or other mediators could be a useful quality control to test the functionality of tissue-engineered DS for tissue repair therapy in humans and more generally of cells prepared for cell therapy.  相似文献   

Fibroblast cells play a central role in the proliferation phase of wound healing processes, contributing to force development. The intracellular signaling pathways regulating this non-muscle contraction are only partially understood. To study the relations between Rho A and contractile responses, constitutively active Rho A (CA-Rho A) fibroblast cells were reconstituted into fibers and the effects of calf serum (CS) on isometric force were studied. CS-induced force in CA-Rho A fibroblast fibers was twice as large as that in wild type (NIH 3T3) fibroblast fibers. During this response, the translocation of Rho A from the cytosol to the membrane was detected by Rho A activity assays and Western blot analysis. Pre-treatment with a Rho specific inhibitor (C3-exoenzyme) suppressed translocation as well as contraction. These results indicate that Rho A activation is essential for fibroblast contraction. The Rho kinase inhibitor (Y27632) inhibited both NIH 3T3 and CA-Rho A fibroblast fiber contractions. Activation of Rho A is thus directly coupled with Rho kinase activity. We conclude that the translocation of Rho A from the cytosol to the membrane and the Rho kinase pathway can regulate wound healing processes mediated by fibroblast contraction.  相似文献   

Tissue remodeling following injury involves TGF-beta-mediated fibroblast contraction. While these cells are embedded in a fibronectin (FN)-rich matrix, the role of FN-cell interactions in this process is not fully understood. To explore the role of FN matrix presentation, we analyzed the effect of TGF-beta on fibroblasts adhered to FN-coated polyacrylamide gels (PAG). Surprisingly, under these conditions TGF-beta triggered cell rounding/contraction. This was accompanied by increased Rho activation and MLC phosphorylation and was reversed by inhibition of Rho kinase. Although fibroblasts are known to bind to fibronectin's RGD and synergy sites, their relative contribution to cell function is not clear. MLC phosphorylation was reduced and cell contraction was reversed when FN's synergy site was blocked, indicating that contraction requires signals from the synergy site in addition to TGF-beta-mediated Rho activation. Thus, regulating the FN synergy site therapeutically may provide a mechanism for modulating contractile forces during tissue repair.  相似文献   

Bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC), grown in vitro, are shown to synthesize and secrete factor(s) that stimulate fibroblasts to contract collagen matrices. The amount of contraction-promoting activity in the conditioned media is dependent on conditioning time and the number of cells in the culture. Production of the contraction-promoting activity continues at a high stable level for at least 5 d in serum-free medium but is abolished when the cells are exposed to an inhibitor of protein synthesis. The mechanism of action of the contraction factor(s) derived from endothelial cells was compared with that of unidentified serum factors. The endothelial cell-secreted factor(s) depends on active protein synthesis by the target cell but does not need to be present during the contraction process. The serum factors on the other hand promote collagen contraction in the absence of de novo protein synthesis but need to be continuously present. Preliminary biochemical characterization of the contraction-promoting factors produced by endothelial cells revealed properties similar to those of previously identified growth factors. However, the BAEC-secreted factor was found to be distinct from a previously identified contraction-promoting transforming growth factor beta.  相似文献   

Integrins regulate cell viability through their interaction with the extracellular matrix. Integrins can sense mechanical forces arising from the matrix and convert these stimuli to chemical signals capable of modulating intracellular signal transduction. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling pathway is a major regulator of cell survival. It is not known, however, whether integrins, acting as mechanoreceptors, regulate cell survival via the PI3K/Akt pathway. Here, we show that in response to a matrix-derived mechanical stimulus, beta1 integrin regulated cell viability by regulating Akt activity in a PI3K-dependent fashion. To accomplish this, we employed fibroblasts cultured in collagen gels. During contraction of collagen matrices, fibroblasts underwent apoptosis. We demonstrate that ligation of beta1 integrin with anti-beta1 integrin antibodies protected fibroblasts from apoptosis. The nature of the survival signal activated by beta1 integrin engagement with antibody was mediated by PI3K acting through Akt/protein kinase B. We show that Akt phosphorylation decreased during collagen contraction and that this decrease correlated precisely with the onset of fibroblast apoptosis. Fibroblasts transfected with constitutively active PI3K displayed increased Akt phosphorylation and were protected from anoikis and collagen gel contraction-induced apoptosis. Our data identify a novel role for beta1 integrin in regulating fibroblast viability through a PI3K/Akt/protein kinase B signaling pathway in response to a matrix-derived mechanical stimulus.  相似文献   

Human dermal fibroblasts suspended in a collagen matrix exhibit a 4-day delay in cell division, while the same cells in monolayer divided by day 1. The initial rates of 3H-thymidine incorporation by cells in monolayer or suspended in collagen were not significantly different. When suspended in collagen, there was a threefold increase in the proportion of cells in a tetraploidal (4N) DNA state compared to the same cells in monolayer. Flow cytometry analysis and 3H-thymidine incorporation studies identified the delay of cell division as a consequence of a block in the G2/M of the cell cycle and not an inhibition of DNA synthesis. The inclusion of 150 μ/ml of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the manufacture of fibroblast populated collagen lattices (FPCL) caused a stimulation of cell division, as determined by cell counting; increased the expression of tubulin, as determined by Western blot analysis; and reduced the proportion of cells in a 4N state, as determined by flow cytometry. HA added to the same cells growing in monolayer produced a minimal increase in the rate of cell division or DNA synthesis. HA supplementation of FPCLs stimulated cell division as well as tubulin concentrations, but it did not enhance lattice contraction. The introduction of tubulin isolated from pig brain or purchased tubulin into fibroblasts by electroporation prior to their transfer into collagen lattices promoted cell division in the first 24 hours and enhanced FPCL contraction. It is proposed that tubulin protein, the building blocks of microtubules, is limited in human fibroblasts residing within a collagen matrix. When human fibroblasts are suspended in collagen, one effect of added HA may be to stimulate the synthesis of tubulin which assists cells through the cell cycle. J. Cell. Physiol. 177:465–473, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human fibroblast culture on a crosslinked dermal porcine collagen matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of a novel porcine-derived collagen biomaterial as a dermal tissue engineering matrix was examined. The matrix is derived from porcine dermis, and is processed to retain the native collagen (Type 1) and elastin structure. Human primary fibroblasts were cultured on the matrix to examine its potential for creating a dermal replacement. Attachment of fibroblasts on the collagen was compared to tissue culture plastic and PET membranes. Cell proliferation was assessed using the MTT assay and DAPI staining. For seeding densities of 5×104 and 1×105 cells cm−2, PET and plastic demonstrated >95% attachment of seeded numbers after 3 h. The collagen matrix reached levels >80% after 3–4 h with no influence of the seeding density. Matrix samples with perforating pores of 40 μm diameter were also studied. After 216 h culture in static culture, with media replacement every 3 days, the final cell numbers reached 2.1×105 (perforated) and 2.0×105 cells cm−2 (unperforated). In comparison fibroblast culture in a perfusion bioreactor, with continuous media replacement, reached 2.3×105 (unperforated) and 2.5×105 cells cm−2 (perforated) after 216 h.  相似文献   

Fibroblast locomotion is thought to generate tractional forces which lead to contraction and reorganisation of collagen in tissue development and repair. A culture force monitor device (CFM) was used to measure changes in force in fibroblast populated collagen lattices, which resulted from cytoskeletal reorganisation by cytochalasin B, colchicine, vinblastine, and taxol. Microfilament disruption abolished contraction forces, microtubule disruption elicited a new peak of contraction, while taxol stabilisation of microtubules produced a gradual fall in measured force across the collagen gel. Based on these measurements, it is suggested that the cell can be viewed as an engineering structure in which residual intracellular forces, from contractile microfilaments, exert compressive loading on microtubular elements. This microtubular structure appears to act as a “balanced space frame” (analogous to an aeroplane chassis), maintaining cell shape and consequently storing a residual internal tension (RIT). In dermal fibroblasts this hidden RIT was up to 33% of the measurable force exerted on the collagen gel. Phenotypic differences between space frame organisation and RIT levels could explain site and pathological variations in fibroblast contraction. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Treating rats with vanadate, a nonspecific inhibitor of protein tyrosine phosphatases, optimizes the uniform packing of collagen fiber bundles in wound granulation tissue and doubles wound breaking strength in rat incisional wounds. The speculation is vanadate optimizes the packing of collagen fiber bundles through the orientation of newly arrived wound fibroblasts in the fibrin clot filling the defect. Segments of 14 day chick embryo tendons were placed on fibrin clots and maintained in organ culture with and without 30 microM vanadate. On day 7 explants were examined histologically and biochemically. Tendon fibroblast outgrowth from untreated explants migrated in a random fashion, while fibroblasts from vanadate-treated explants migrated out in linear arrays. Fibroblasts were elongated by 20% form vanadate treated explant compared to controls. Myosin ATPase, required for optimal cell motility, is optimized by the phosphorylation of its myosin light chain (MLC). Western blot analysis of lysates from the fibroblasts that migrated into the fibrin showed vanadate increased MLC-P levles. These findings support the notion that vanadate promotes the deposition of regular, parallel collagen fiber bundles by advancing the orientation of fibroblasts in parallel linear arrays early in the wound repair process.  相似文献   

The use of 3D extracellular matrix (ECM) microenvironments to deliver growth-inductive signals for tissue repair and regeneration requires an understanding of the mechanisms of cell–ECM signaling. Recently, hyaluronic acid (HA) has been incorporated in collagen matrices in an attempt to recreate tissue specific microenvironments. However, it is not clear how HA alters biophysical properties (e.g. fibril microstructure and mechanical behavior) of collagen matrices or what impact these properties have on cell behavior. The present study determined the effects of varying high molecular weight HA concentration on 1) the assembly kinetics, fibril microstructure, and viscoelastic properties of 3D type I collagen matrices and 2) the response of human dermal fibroblasts, in terms of morphology, F-actin organization, contraction, and proliferation within the matrices. Results showed increasing HA concentration up to 1 mg/ml (HA:collagen ratio of 1:2) did not significantly alter fibril microstructure, but did significantly alter viscoelastic properties, specifically decreasing shear storage modulus and increasing compressive resistance. Interestingly, varied HA concentration did not significantly affect any of the measured fibroblast behaviors. These results show that HA-induced effects on collagen matrix viscoelastic properties result primarily from modulation of the interstitial fluid with no significant change to the fibril microstructure. Furthermore, the resulting biophysical changes to the matrix are not sufficient to modulate the cell–ECM mechanical force balance or proliferation of resident fibroblasts. These results provide new insight into the mechanisms by which cells sense and respond to microenvironmental cues and the use of HA in collagen-based biomaterials for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix alters PDGF regulation of fibroblast integrins   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

Dynamic interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix are essential in the regulation of a number of cellular processes including migration, adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. A variety of factors have been identified which modulate these interactions including transforming growth factor-beta, platelet-derived growth factor and others. Insulin-like growth factors have been shown to regulate collagen production by heart fibroblasts; however, the effects of this growth factor on the interactions of heart fibroblasts with the extracellular matrix have not been examined. The present studies were carried out to determine the effects of IGF-I on the ability of fibroblasts to interact with the extracellular matrix and to begin to determine the mechanisms of this response. These experiments illustrate that IGF-I treatment results in increased migration, collagen reorganization and gel contraction by heart fibroblasts. IGF-I has been shown to activate both the mitogen-activated protein kinase and phophatidylinositol-3 kinase pathways in isolated cells. Experiments with pharmacological antagonists of these pathways indicate that the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is essential for IGF-I stimulated collagen gel contraction by fibroblasts. These studies illustrate that IGF-I modulates the ability of fibroblasts to interact with the collagen matrix and that activation of multiple signaling pathways by IGF-I may produce distinct downstream responses in these cells.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts synthesize, organize, and maintain connective tissues during development and in response to injury and fibrotic disease. These morphogenetic processes depend on cell-matrix remodeling, which has been investigated using cells cultured in three-dimensional collagen matrices. The current studies were carried out to test the role of Rho kinase activity and retraction of fibroblast extensions on the matrix remodeling process. We found that remodeling (contraction) of floating collagen matrices stimulated by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) did not require Rho kinase activity or retraction of fibroblast extensions. On the other hand, LPA-stimulated contraction of restrained matrices became Rho kinase dependent after the matrices were allowed to develop mechanical loading for 2-4 h, suggesting that the remodeling process itself was able to feed back to modulate cell behavior in an iterative process. Modulation was specific for LPA since fibroblast-collagen matrix contraction stimulated by platelet-derived growth factor was Rho kinase dependent before or after mechanical loading developed.  相似文献   

The invasion of migratory cells through connective tissues involves metallo- and serine types of cell surface proteases. We show that formation of a novel protease complex, consisting of the membrane-bound prolyl peptidases seprase and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV), at invadopodia of migratory fibroblasts is a prerequisite for cell invasion and migration on a collagenous matrix. Seprase and DPPIV form a complex on the cell surface that elicits both gelatin binding and gelatinase activities localized at invadopodia of cells migrating on collagenous fibers. The protease complex participates in the binding to gelatin and localized gelatin degradation, cellular migration, and monolayer wound closure. Serine protease inhibitors can block the gelatinase activity and the localized gelatin degradation by cells. Antibodies to the gelatin-binding domain of DPPIV reduce the cellular abilities of the proteases to degrade gelatin but do not affect cellular adhesion or spreading on type I collagen. Furthermore, expression of the seprase-DPPIV complex is restricted to migratory cells involved in wound closure in vitro and in connective tissue cells during closure of gingival wounds but not in differentiated tissue cells. Thus, we have identified cell surface proteolytic activities, which are non-metalloproteases, seprase and DPPIV, that are responsible for the tissue-invasive phenotype.  相似文献   

Isolation of the pericellular matrix of human fibroblast cultures   总被引:33,自引:21,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
The pericellular matrix of human fibroblast cultures was isolated, using sequential extraction with sodium deoxycholate and hypotonic buffer in the presence of protease inhibitor. The matrix attached to the growth substratum had a "sackcloth-like" structure as seen by phase contrast, immunofluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy, and it had a vaguely filamentous ultrastructure similar to that seen in intact cell layers. The matrix consisted of hyaluronic acid and heparan sulfate as the major glycosaminoglycan components and fibronectin and procollagen as major polypeptides as shown by metabolic labeling, gel electrophoresis, immunofluorescence, and collagenase digestion. This pericellular matrix can be regarded as an in vitro equivalent of the loose connective tissue matrix.  相似文献   

Cellular growth and collagen biosynthesis were compared in dermal calf fibroblasts cultured on plastic or on a reconstituted basement membrane gel, termed matrigel. This matrix, extracted from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm tumors, consists mainly of laminin, entactin, type IV collagen, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan. The multiplication rate of fibroblasts grown on matrigel was stimulated compared to that of monolayered cells cultured on plastic, and these cells formed multilayers after 4 days. Protein and collagen biosynthesis was reduced in fibroblasts cultured on matrigel. A higher proportion of the newly synthesized collagen (40%) was incorporated to the extracellular matrix in cultures grown on matrigel than in those grown on plastic (14%). Type III collagen was the preferential collagen type deposited on matrigel, and the ratio of type III:type I collagens secreted in the medium was also slightly higher in cultures grown on matrigel. Partially processed collagen was more abundant in fibroblasts grown on matrigel than in cells cultured on plastic. Finally, cells grown on matrigel exhibited a higher catabolic activity than cells grown on plastic. In this experimental model, the reconstituted basement-membrane matrix seems to influence the activities of fibroblasts significantly.  相似文献   

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