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Ulf Heyman 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):89-103
Production and biomass values from phytoplankton populations in four different Swedish lakes were analysed. The production in all lakes was directly proportional to biomass during homothermal periods. When the lakes were stratified there was a strong negative relation between specific growth rate and biomass. The data fitted to a logistic density dependent growth equation of the form: dB/ dt = µmB(1-B · K–1) where B is the biomass, µm the maximum specific growth rate and K the carrying capacity. The equation was used to derive the parameters µ · µm –1 and carrying capacity (the maximum possible biomass). These parameters were then discussed in relation to light climate, phosphorus concentration and humic content.  相似文献   

1. Submerged macrophyte and phytoplankton components of eutrophic, shallow lakes have frequently undergone dynamic changes in composition and abundance with important consequences for lake functioning and stability. However, because of a paucity of long‐term survey data, we know little regarding the nature, direction and sequencing of such changes over decadal–centennial or longer timescales. 2. To circumvent this problem, we analysed multiple (n = 5) chronologically correlated sediment cores for plant macro‐remains and a single core for pollen and diatoms from one small, shallow, English lake (Felbrigg Hall Lake, Norfolk, U.K.), documenting 250 years of change to macrophyte and algal communities. 3. All five cores showed broadly similar stratigraphic changes in macrophyte remains with three distinct phases of macrophyte development: Myriophyllum–Chara–Potamogeton (c. pre‐1900), to Ceratophyllum–Chara–Potamogeton (c. 1900–1960) and finally to Zannichellia–Potamogeton (c. post‐1960). Macrophyte species richness declined from at least 10 species pre‐1900 to just four species at the present day. Additionally, in the final Zannichellia–Potamogeton phase, a directional shift between epi‐benthic and phytoplankton‐based primary production was indicated by the diatom data. 4. Based on macrophyte–seasonality relationships established for the region, concomitant with the final shift to Zannichellia–Potamogeton, we infer a reduction in the seasonal duration of plant dominance (plant‐covered period). Furthermore, we hypothesise that this change in species composition resulted in a situation whereby macrophyte populations were seasonally ‘sandwiched’ between two phytoplankton peaks in spring and late summer as observed in the contemporary lake. 5. We suggest that eutrophication‐induced reductions in macrophyte species richness, especially if the number of plant‐seasonal strategies is reduced, may constrict the plant growing season. In turn, this may render a shallow lake increasingly vulnerable to seasonal invasions of phytoplankton resulting in further species losses in the plant community. Thus, as part of a slow (over perhaps 10–100s of years) and self‐perpetuating process, macrophytes may be gradually pushed out by phytoplankton without the need for a perturbation as required in the alternative stable states model of plant loss.  相似文献   

Many rivers and wetlands in south-western Australia are threatened by salinisation due to rising saline watertables, which have resulted from land clearing and the replacement of deep-rooted perennial species with shallow-rooted annual species. A four to six weekly sampling program of water quality, submerged macrophytes and macroinvertebrates was undertaken at six wetlands, from September 2002 to February 2004, to investigate seasonal variation in a range of primary and secondary saline systems. The wetlands dried and filled at different times in response to local rainfall patterns, and salinities varied accordingly with evapoconcentration and dilution. Two types of clear-water wetlands were recognised; those dominated by submerged aquatic macrophytes (Ruppia, Lepilaena and Lamprothamnium) and those dominated by benthic microbial communities. Two types of turbid wetlands were also recognised; those with high concentrations of phytoplankton and those with high concentrations of suspended sediments. A primary saline lake and two lakes that have only recently been affected by secondary salinisation persisted in a clear, macrophyte-dominated regime throughout most of the study period, except during drying and filling. Two lakes with a long history of secondary salinisation (70 years) moved between regimes over the study period. A clear, benthic microbial community – dominated regime only persisted at the wetland which contained permanent water throughout the study period. The turbid regimes were only present during drying and refilling phases. A richer and more abundant macroinvertebrate fauna was associated with the clear, macrophyte- dominated wetlands. Our results suggest that the development of management guidelines that recognise the presence of different ecological regimes and that consider the interactions between water regime, salinity, and primary and secondary production will be more useful in protecting biodiversity and ecological function in these systems than managing salinity as a single factor.  相似文献   

Shallow eutrophic lakes tend to be either in a turbid state dominated by phytoplankton or in a clear-water state dominated by submerged macrovegetation. Recent studies suggest that the low water turbidity in the clear-water state is maintained through direct and indirect effects of the submerged vegetation. This study examined what mechanisms may cause a recession of the submerged vegetation in the clear-water state, and thereby a switch to the turbid state. The spatial distribution of submerged vegetation biomass was investigated in two shallow eutrophic lakes in the clear-water state in southern Sweden. Biomass of submerged vegetation was positively correlated with water depth and wave exposure, which also were mutually correlated, suggesting that mechanisms hampering submerged vegetation were strongest at shallow and/or sheltered locations. The growth of Myriophyllum spicatum, planted in the same substrate and at the same water depth, was compared between sheltered and wave exposed sites in two lakes. After 6 weeks the plants were significantly smaller at the sheltered sites, where periphyton production was about 5 times higher than at the exposed sites. Exclosure experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of waterfowl grazing on macrophyte biomass. Potamogeton pectinatus growth was decreased by grazing, whereas M. spicatum was not affected. The effects were greater at a sheltered than at a wave-exposed site, and also negatively related to distance from the reed belt. These results suggest that competition from epiphytes and waterfowl grazing hamper the development of submerged vegetation at sheltered and/or shallow locations. An increased strength of these mechanisms may cause a recession of submerged vegetation in shallow eutrophic lakes in the clear-water state and thereby a switch to the turbid state. Received: 24 June 1996 / Accepted: 8 September 1996  相似文献   

1. The alternative state theory claims that shallow lakes may have either clear water, and be dominated by submerged macrophytes, or turbid water and be dominated by phytoplankton. Most evidence for this theory comes from studies in temperate or boreal regions of Europe. Because of differences in the strength of trophic interactions, such as in the pressure of zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton, this influential theory might not apply elsewhere. 2. Here, we test the theory for South American lakes, combining field data and Landsat satellite data. We studied the frequency distribution of primary producers and water transparency, looking for potential bimodality separating clear and turbid lakes. A bimodal distribution might be observed if there are indeed alternative states, although would not itself be sufficient evidence for the theory. Possible shifts between alternative states were analysed by comparing satellite data from 1987 to 2005. 3. In our field data, there was a bimodal pattern in phytoplankton abundance and possibly in the abundance of submerged macrophytes, but not in water transparency. Analyses of the larger satellite data set revealed bimodality in lake transparency in 2005, but less so in 1987. In 1987, the lakes were generally clearer, and the transition to higher turbidity was more gradual than in 2005. The stronger bimodality in the more recent data, and the overall lower transparency, could have been caused by an increase in fertiliser use and subsequent eutrophication but also by differences in hydrology. Further, 1987 was much wetter than 2005, which could have caused dilution of suspended particles, leading to clearer water. 4. While a bimodal distribution in the abundance of primary producers and water clarity is not decisive evidence for or against the theory of alternative states, our data clearly fail to refute it.  相似文献   

Alternative stable states in shallow lakes have received much attention over the past decades, but less is known about transient dynamics of such lakes in the face of stochastic perturbations such as incidental extremes in water levels driven by climatic variability. Here, we report on the ecosystem dynamics of 70 lakes in the floodplains of the Lower Rhine in The Netherlands from 1999 to 2004. In any particular year, most lakes were either in a macrophyte-dominated clear state or in a contrasting state with turbid water and sparse submerged macrophyte cover. Macrophyte dominance was positively related to the occurrence of drawdown, and negatively to lake surface area and mean depth. We did not find a relation with nutrient levels. Remarkably, shifts between the two contrasting states were common, and episodes of low water levels appear to be an important external driver. A dry period before our study and the exceptionally dry summer of 2003 caused widespread drawdown of floodplain lakes, resulting in establishment of submerged macrophytes in the next year upon refill. In the 4 years without drawdown, many lakes returned to a macrophyte-poor turbid state. Although some lakes turned turbid again quickly, others took several years to shift into the turbid state. A model analysis suggests that such prolonged transient vegetated states may be explained by the fact that the system dynamics slow down in the vicinity of the “almost stable” macrophyte-dominated state. Such a “ghost” of an equilibrium causes the system to stick around that state relatively long before slipping into the only true stable state. Our results support the idea that transient dynamics rather than equilibrium may be the key to understanding the overall state of some ecosystems. A practical implication of our findings is that artificial stabilization of the water level in shallow lakes may have been an important factor aggravating the permanent loss of submerged macrophytes due to cultural eutrophication.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns in primary productivity and algal biomass in subtropical Florida lakes along increasing gradients of both dissolved organic color and phytoplankton biomass are presented. Chlorophyll a concentrations and gross primary productivity generally reached maxima during the summer and were most depressed in winter months, regardless of color or trophic classification. Primary productivity was more strongly correlated with chlorophyll a, nutrient concentrations and water clarity in clearwater (< 75 Pt units) than in colored (> 75 Pt units) systems. Amplitudes in algal biomass were considerably smaller than temperate lakes. Variability in primary production in Florida lakes was intermediate to patterns in the temperate zone and tropics, but was more closely aligned to northern latitudes. Within the Florida peninsula, variability of primary productivity decreased from north to south and corresponded to latitudinal gradients in climatic regimes.  相似文献   

Deepwater sediments and trophic conditions in Florida lakes   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Flannery  M. S.  Snodgrass  R. D.  Whitmore  T. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):597-602
Sediment cores were taken from near maximum depth in 15 Florida lakes representing a wide range of trophic conditions. Chemical analyses of surface sediments showed Al, Fe, and Ca to be the most abundant elements in all samples, and the ratio of Al to Ca to be smaller for eutrophic lakes. Sediment organic matter increased with trophic state, as did the degree to which it was enriched in nitrogen. Corresponding sediment C/N ratios decreased with increasing lake trophic state and showed significant negative correlation with chlorophylla, total N, and total P in the water column. Concentrations of sedimentary chlorophyll derivatives showed some relation to trophic state but differences in basin morphometry hinder its use as an inter-lake index of chlorophyll production.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Removal of zooplanktivorous fish (mainly bream) in 1987 from a shallow eutrophic lake in the Netherlands, Lake Zwemlust, resulted in a quick switch from a turbid state with cyanobacteria blooms to a clear state dominated by macrophytes.
2. The clear state was not stable in the long term, however, because of high nutrient loadings.
3. In 1999, another removal of zooplanktivorous fish (mainly rudd) had similar effects as in 1987, although macrophytes returned more slowly.
4. In the years directly following both interventions there was a 'transition period' of very clear water with high densities of zooplanktonic grazers in the absence of macrophytes; low oxygen concentrations indicate that during those years primary production was low relative to heterotrophic activity.
5. The transition period appears to provide the light climate necessary for the return of macrophytes.
6. Reduction of nutrient loading is necessary to improve water quality in Lake Zwemlust in the long term. In the short term, repeated fish stock reduction is a reasonable management strategy to keep Lake Zwemlust clear.  相似文献   

The planktonic ciliate populations of 20 Florida lakes ranging from oligotrophic to hypereutrophic were examined monthly for one year. Oligotrophic lakes displayed abundance peaks during fall mixis and biomass peaks in late winter and fall. Mesotrophic systems exhibited a spring-fall bimodality in ciliate abundance with a biomass maxima occurring during fall. Eutrophic/hypereutrophic lakes had pronounced abundance and biomass maxima during summer, with the large ciliates Plagiopyla nasuta and Paramecium trichium often contributing heavily to the midsummer biomass peak. Members of the Oligotrichida numerically dominated abundance and biomass peaks in oligotrophic lakes while the Scuticociliatida dominated the communities of higher trophic states. Total ciliate abundance and biomass were strongly correlated with chlorophyll a concentrations as were various ciliate taxonomic groups. The relationship between ciliate seasonal distribution in these subtropical lakes with lake thermal regimes and trophic state is discussed.  相似文献   

1. An increase in human population and associated changes in land use have caused an increase in groundwater nitrate concentrations throughout central Florida. Within the region, this nitrate‐laden groundwater returns to the surface via numerous large springs that serve as the origin of flow for many coastal streams and rivers. These rivers can exhibit strong nitrate gradients because of the high nutrient uptake potential of the rivers. 2. We hypothesised that downstream declines in nitrate concentrations would be manifested spatially as increases in the δ15N of the residual pool of nitrate, macrophytes and periphyton as a consequence of isotopic fractionation associated with preferential use of 14NO3. This hypothesis was tested in two spring‐fed river systems, the Chassahowitzka and Homosassa rivers, along Florida's central Gulf of Mexico coast. 3. In general, δ15N values of nitrate, macrophytes and periphyton increased with decreasing fraction of nitrate remaining in each of the two study systems. The fractionation associated with nitrate uptake by macrophytes and associated periphyton was determined from the relationship between δ15N of both constituents of the macrophyte community and the fraction of nitrate removed from the system. Values for fractionation by macrophytes and periphyton ranged from 1.9‰ to 3.6‰ and from 0.7‰ to 2.5‰, respectively.  相似文献   

The biomass and production of the most important zooplankton species were followed for two years in three lakes of varying trophic status in the Lake Washington watershed. Cladocerans and copepods were of equal importance in the biomass of lakes Findley and Chester Morse (both oligotrophic), whereas, copepods were the main biomass component in Lake Sammamish (mesotrophic). Cladocerans dominated production in lakes Sammamish and Chester Morse, while in Findley Lake their productive role, like that of biomass, was equal to that of the copepods. Rotifers contributed a relatively small biomass and production.Data from this study supported Hillbricht-Ilkowska's postulate that the energy transfer efficiency between the primary and secondary trophic levels decreases with increasing trophic state. Energy transfer efficiencies for the lakes of this study expressed as a two year mean of the ratio-secondary: primary production, were as follows: Findley Lake-0.13; Chester Morse Lake-0.08; and Lake Sammanish-0.04.On the other hand, the hypothesis of Patalas that the secondary productivity: biomass ratio (P/B) tended to increase in proportion to the productivity of a lake, could not be supported. Lake Sammamish, the most productive of the lakes studied, had a P/B ratio of 0.03 while lakes Findley and Chester Morse had P/B ratios of 0.04.  相似文献   

The introduction of artificial nighttime lighting due to human settlements and transport networks is increasingly altering the timing, intensity, and spectra of natural light regimes worldwide. Much of the research on the impacts of nighttime light pollution on organisms has focused on animal species. Little is known about the impacts of daylength extension due to outdoor lighting technologies on wild plant communities, despite the fact that plant growth and development are under photoperiodic control. In a five‐year field experiment, artificial ecosystems (“mesocosms”) of grassland communities both alone or in combination with invertebrate herbivores and predators were exposed to light treatments that simulated street lighting technologies (low‐pressure sodium, and light‐emitting diode [LED]‐based white lighting), at ground‐level illuminance. Most of the plant species in the mesocosms did not exhibit changes in biomass accumulation after 5 years of exposure to the light treatments. However, the white LED treatment had a significant negative effect on biomass production in the herbaceous species Lotus pedunculatus. Likewise, the interaction between the white LED treatment and the presence of herbivores significantly reduced the mean shoot/root ratio of the grass species Holcus lanatus. Artificial nighttime lighting had no effect on the foliar carbon or nitrogen in most of the grassland species. Nevertheless, the white LED treatment significantly increased the leaf nitrogen content in Lotus corniculatus in the presence of herbivores. Long‐term exposure to artificial light at night had no general effects on plant biomass responses in experimental grassland communities. However, species‐specific and negative effects of cool white LED lighting at ground‐level illuminance on biomass production and allocation in mixed plant communities are suggested by our findings. Further studies on the impacts of light pollution on biomass accumulation in plant communities are required as these effects could be mediated by different factors, including herbivory, competition, and soil nutrient availability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether littoral nematode community patterns are shaped by lake trophic state. It was hypothesized that trophic level is associated negatively with the proportion of omnivores and positively with the percentages of bacterial feeders, but not at all with the diversity, abundance, and biomass of freshwater nematodes. Sediment samples were taken at littoral sites of eight southern Swedish lakes of different trophy in spring and autumn 2007. Trophic level was found to strongly influence species richness, as oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes supported the greatest species numbers, whereas nematode abundance, biomass, and Shannon index were unaffected. Furthermore, our results indicated effects on the nematode community’s trophic structure, with a larger proportion of predatory nematodes in oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes but no differences in the other feeding types (bacteria, algae and suction feeders, omnivorous species). Multivariate analysis indicated a shift in species compositions along the threshold from mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions, with the presence of Tobrilus gracilis, Monhystera paludicola, Brevitobrilus stefanskii, and Ethmolaimus pratensis related to the latter. Nematode communities in oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes were characterized by a similar species composition, with pronounced occurrences of Eumonhystera longicaudatula, Semitobrilus cf. pellucidus, Prodesmodora circulata, and Rhabdolaimus terrestris. Overall, the results suggested that lake trophic state is a major factor structuring littoral nematode communities, although intra-lake variations might be of importance as well.  相似文献   

Hoyer  Mark V.  Canfield  Daniel E. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,279(1):107-119
Data from 46 Florida lakes were used to examine relationships between bird abundance (numbers and biomass) and species richness, and lake trophic status, lake morphology and aquatic macrophyte abundance. Average annual bird numbers ranged from 7 to 800 birds km–2 and bird biomass ranged from 1 to 465 kg km–2. Total species richness ranged from 1 to 30 species per lake. Annual average bird numbers and biomass were positively correlated to lake trophic status as assessed by total phosphorus (r = 0.61), total nitrogen (r = 0.60) and chlorophyll a (r = 0.56) concentrations. Species richness was positively correlated to lake area (r = 0.86) and trophic status (r = 0.64 for total phosphorus concentrations). The percentage of the total annual phosphorus load contributed to 14 Florida lakes by bird populations was low averaging 2.4%. Bird populations using Florida lakes, therefore, do not significantly impact the trophic status of the lakes under natural situations, but lake trophic status is a major factor influencing bird abundance and species richness on lakes. Bird abundance and species richness were not significantly correlated to other lake morphology or aquatic macrophyte parameters after the effects of lake area and trophic status were accounted for using stepwise multiple regression. The lack of significant relations between annual average bird abundance and species richness and macrophyte abundance seems to be related to changes in bird species composition. Bird abundance and species richness remain relatively stable as macrophyte abundance increases, but birds that use open-water habitats (e.g., double-crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus) are replaced by species that use macrophyte communities (e.g., ring-necked duck, Aythya collaris).  相似文献   

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