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赵可夫  范海 《植物学报》2000,17(3):282-288
报道了世界上可以利用海水灌溉的盐生植物种类及其生活型、植物类型、分布、光合途径、耐盐水平和用途。此类植物有168种,分属32科,一些用途不明的耐盐能力达到适应海水的植物没有列入,例如粉藻科、眼子菜科、水龟科等,约有60余种。  相似文献   

中国的盐生植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要讨论了有关中国盐生植物的五个方面的问题:(1)中国盐生植物的种类;(2)中国盐生植物的类型;(3)中国盐生植物的植被类型;(4)世界盐生植物名录中漏录的中国盐生植物;(5)中国盐生植物的经济潜势。最后还讨论了我国今后盐生植物研究方向和重点。  相似文献   

中国的盐生植物   总被引:73,自引:1,他引:73  
本文主要讨论了有关中国盐生植物的五个方面的问题:(1)中国盐生植物的种类;(2)中国盐生植物的类型;(3)中国盐生植物的植被类型;(4)世界盐生植物名录中漏录的中国盐生植物;(5)中国盐生植物的经济潜势。最后还讨论了我国今后盐生植物研究方向和重点。  相似文献   

盐生植物海马齿耐盐的生理特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以盐生植物海马齿为研究材料,分别用淡水、1/4海水、1/2海水、全海水浇灌15 d和30 d,研究盐生植物耐盐的生理特性和机理。海马齿植物在低于1/2的海水浇灌时,植物生长旺盛,主要表现为叶片增大和变厚,地上部分生物量增加;而全海水抑制了植物的生长。在盐胁迫下,海马齿植物中Na+的含量叶中最高,茎中含量次之,根中含量最低。长时间盐胁迫时,海马齿植物根、茎、叶中的相对含水量与淡水浇灌相比,变化不大,叶中略有增加;而脯氨酸含量显著增加,且可溶性糖的含量也比淡水浇灌的高。由此推测:海马齿植物主要以有机小分子作为渗透调节物质来维持细胞渗透压,在其耐盐中起着重要的作用。土壤中Na+的毒害,并没有减少土壤中可被植物利用的可交换K+,反而使其增加,说明海马齿植物根部对Na+的吸收能力和Na+/K+交换能力非常强。海马齿植物耐盐性强,还表现为能阻止盐胁迫对植物细胞原生质膜的氧化损伤,不破坏植物叶片内叶绿素的合成,能基本维持植物茎、叶中K+和根、茎中Mg2+的相对稳定。  相似文献   

盐胁迫是植物生长最重要的非生物胁迫之一.盐生植物具有耐盐性,可以在高盐环境下正常生长.通过对近年来有关盐生植物分类、盐渍化对植物的影响和耐盐机制等方面的研究进行梳理和分析,归纳总结了影响盐生植物耐盐性的各种因素,为更好地了解和开发利用盐生植物提供理论依据.  相似文献   

杨瑞瑞  曾幼玲 《广西植物》2015,35(3):366-372
当前土壤盐渍化日益严重,是限制植物生长的一个主要环境因子,然而在盐碱自然环境中生长着许多耐盐植物,为更好地了解盐生植物的耐盐机理,该文从无机离子Na+,K+,Ca2+含量、脯氨酸水平、水势变化、丙二醛含量和盐胁迫的表型等生理参数以及半定量RT-PCR检测脯氨酸合成关键酶基因(P5CS)的表达规律等方面探讨盐胁迫下盐爪爪的耐盐特性。结果表明:(1)随着盐浓度的升高,Na+在根和肉质化的叶中显著地富集,且叶中积累的Na+比根中更多;(2)在盐胁迫条件下,随着盐浓度的增加,脯氨酸的含量和脯氨酸合成关键酶基因的表达显著地增强;(3)Na+和脯氨酸是植物有效的渗透调节剂,可使处于低水势的植物细胞仍能从细胞外高浓度的盐溶液中吸收水分;(4)在0和700 mmol·L-1Na Cl处理下,盐爪爪肉质化叶中丙二醛的含量较其它处理高,这表明植物在这两个处理下可能受到了氧化胁迫;(5)从盐胁迫3个月的生长表型来看,低盐环境中生长的盐爪爪植株的生物量更多,肉质化的叶嫩且绿。综上所述,结合对野外生境的调查和实验室长期的盐胁迫表型结果表明盐爪爪的生长是需盐的,相对低的盐浓度环境对盐爪爪的生长是顺境,而无盐或高浓度盐环境对于盐爪爪的生长来说都是逆境。该研究结果为全面深入研究盐爪爪的耐盐特性,以及更好地利用盐爪爪的生物和基因资源改良土壤和提高作物和林木的耐盐性奠定基础。  相似文献   

生物技术与耐海水作物的追求   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
今天,人类已经跨入了21世纪,然而农产品短缺仍是生物学家和农学家所面临的最大挑战。制约农产品增加的主要因素是淡水资源的匮乏和耕地的日渐减少。虽然这两个问题可以通过诸如兴修水利、节水灌溉、提高单产和增加复种指数等途径来解决,但从长远看,研究耐海水被子植物的分子生物学机理和应用生物技术培育耐海水作物,发展沿海滩涂和内陆盐碱地的生态农业,是解决淡水资源缺乏和耕地不足的一条重要途径。据联合国粮农组织统计,全世界沿海和内陆盐碱地面积为3.8亿公顷,中国有3000万公顷,其开发利用前景十分广阔。以往,人类赖…  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔草原药用盐生植物资源及利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据调查结果,统计出呼伦贝尔草地野生药用盐生植物共52种,隶属于19科44属,其中药用价值高、资源丰富,具备开发潜力的约10种,建议对这些资源进行合理的开发利用。  相似文献   

盐生植物是研究植物耐盐分子机制和分离耐盐基因的良好材料,可以反映植物对盐胁迫的适应策略。综述盐生植物响应盐胁迫的转录因子、渗透平衡调节、离子平衡调节、氧化还原平衡调节、光合作用调节及代谢变化,反映盐生植物在多个方面适应盐胁迫的策略。此外,还对盐生植物耐盐分子机制的研究前景作了展望。  相似文献   

海水灌溉欧洲菊苣盐肥耦合效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年在江苏北部沿海滩涂进行田间试验研究了不同浓度海水灌溉下欧洲菊苣(Cicherium intybus L.)的盐肥耦合效应。结果表明:1)20%海水灌溉下欧洲菊苣肉质根和地上部分生物产量与淡水处理相比没有显著差异,而40%海水灌溉下产量均显著下降;N3(氮用量90kg.hm-2)水平与N1(氮用量0kg.hm-2)水平相比,欧洲菊苣肉质根产量与地上部分生物产量可以显著提高;同样,P3(P2O5用量45kg.hm-2)水平与P1(P2O5用量0kg.hm-2)水平相比,欧洲菊苣产量亦显著提高。2)各浓度海水灌溉下,随着施氮、磷量的增加菊苣主茎普遍增长和增粗。3)经过海水与氮肥及磷肥的交互作用对总产量影响的分析,可以看出W1N3(淡水,氮用量90kg.hm-2)和W1P3(淡水,P2O5用量45kg.hm-2)是优化组合。4)经过海水与氮肥及磷肥的交互作用对籽粒产量影响的分析,可以看出W2N3(20%海水,氮用量90kgN.hm-2)和W1P2(淡水,P2O5用量22.5kg.hm-2)是优化的组合。处理因子分析表明:海水、氮肥、磷肥对欧洲菊苣产量具有显著效应,以海水影响最大;总产量的优化组合为W1N3P...  相似文献   

中国盐生植物种类补遗   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
赵可夫  周三  范海 《植物学通报》2002,19(5):611-613,628
本文在《中国盐生植物论文》论文集和《中国盐生植物》专著的基础上 ,通过 2 0 0 0、2 0 0 1两年再次赴新疆、海南和广东对盐生植物的调查 ,新发现了 5科 1 9属 79种盐生植物 ,特此加以补充  相似文献   

Irrigation with desalinated seawater is an effective way to use ocean resources and save freshwater resources. However, seawater irrigation would cause yield loss of rice. In order to explore the effects of ultrasonic seed treatment on rice performances under seawater irrigation, the present study was conducted with three irrigation treatments (fresh water (SW0), ten times diluted seawater (SW1%, 0.34% salinity), and five times diluted seawater (SW2%, 0.68% salinity)) and two seed treatments (ultrasonic treated seeds (UT) and untreated seeds (CK)). Compared with SW0 + CK treatment, SW1 + CK and SW2 + CK treatments significantly decreased grain yield by 56.19% and 66.69%, spikelets per panicle by 30.11% and 55.80%, seed-setting rate by 23.05% and 18.87%, and 1000-grain weight by 4.55% and 14.50%, respectively. Seawater irrigation also significantly increased malonaldehyde (MDA) and proline contents and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD). Ultrasonic seed treatment significantly increased the grain number per panicle, seed-setting rate, and grain yield of rice under seawater irrigation. Compared with CK, UT treatment substantially reduced MDA content, SOD activity, and POD activity in SW1 and SW2 conditions. Furthermore, UT treatment significantly increased proline content and down-regulated proline dehydrogenase activity under seawater irrigation. We deduced that ultrasonic seed treatment enhanced the salinity tolerance of rice by inducing the proline accmulation. Our findings indicated that ultrasonic seed treatment could an effective strategy to promote rice productivity under seawater irrigation.  相似文献   

The attachment activity of microorganisms in seawater was studied by electrochemical and microscopic techniques. It was frequently observed that in natural seawater, the open circuit potential (Eocp) of stainless steel was ennobled due to biofilm formation on the metal surface. Microscope observation revealed that the ennoblement of the Eocp value of stainless steel changed linearly with the number of bacteria attached to the metal surface. Considering the fact that Eocp of copper is almost a constant for a longer time in seawater, a compound electrode was made up of a stainless steel electrode and copper electrode for assessing the attachment of microbes in different seawater media according to the change in the potential difference between the two metals. The results demonstrated a good performance of the compound electrode for this purpose.  相似文献   

It is more important to improve the salt tolerance of crops in a salinized world with the situations of increasing populations, declining crop yields, and a decrease in agricultural lands. Attempts to produce salt-tolerant crops have involved the manipulation of existing crops through conventional breeding, genetic engineering and marker-assisted selection (MAS). However, these have, so far, not produced lines growing on highly saline water. Hence, the domestication of wild halophytes as crops appears to be a feasible way to develop agriculture in highly saline environments. In this review, at first, the assessment criteria of salt tolerance for halophytes are discussed. The traditional criteria for the classification of salinity in crops are less applicable to strong halophytes with cubic growth curves at higher salinities. Thus, realistic assessment criteria for halophytes should be evaluated at low and high salinity levels. Moreover, absolute growth rather than relative growth in fields during a crop's life cycle should be considered. Secondly, the use of metabolomics to understand the mechanisms by which halophytes respond to salt tolerance is highlighted as is the potential for metabolomics-assisted breeding of this group of plants. Metabolomics provides a better understanding of the changes in cellular metabolism induced by salt stress. Identification of metabolic quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with salt tolerance might provide a new method to aid the selection of halophyte improvement. Thirdly, the identification of germplasm-regression-combined (GRC) marker-trait association and its potential to identifying markers associated with salt tolerance is outlined. Results of MAS/linkage map-QTL have been modest because of the absence of QTLs with tight linkage, the non-availability of mapping populations and the substantial time needed to develop such populations. To overcome these limitations, identification by GRC-based marker-trait association has been successfully applied to many plant traits, including salt tolerance. Finally, we provide a prospect on the challenges and opportunities for halophyte improvement, especially in the integration of metabolomics- and GRC-marker-assisted selection towards new or unstudied halophyte breeding, for which no other genetic information, such as linkage maps and QTL, are available.  相似文献   

Agricultural production of halophytes irrigated with seawater   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Growing agricultural crops with direct seawater irrigation has progressed within the past few years from the conceptual to the experimental phase. This has been accomplished by selecting halophytes with inherently high salinity tolerance for use as crop plants rather than by increasing the ability of traditional crop plants to tolerate seawater. Some of the halophytes being investigated for use as crops in seawater irrigation scenarios have high nutritional value as forage or fodder crops. Most of them also have high digestibility. The limiting factor in such use is their high salt content, but this limitation can be moderated. However, since seeds of halophytes do not accumulate salt any more than do those of glycophytes, the greatest promise for seawater-irrigated halophytes probably will be as seed crops. The seeds of many halophytes have high protein and oil contents and compare favorably with traditional oilseed crops. Sustained high yields of seed and biomass already have been obtained from some halophytes irrigated with seawater, and within the next few years seawater agriculture should proceed from the experimental to the operational phase.  相似文献   

目的观察创伤合并海水浸泡后对伤口愈合时间的影响及愈合过程中的病理学改变。方法以大鼠为实验动物,建立背部双侧圆形创伤模型,创后随机分为对照组和实验组,每组50只,实验组创后置海水中浸泡30min。观察2组创面的愈合生长状况。观察伤口局部愈合过程中的病理学改变,应用免疫组化方法观察愈合过程中伤口修复细胞增殖指数及微血管密度变化。结果对照组平均愈合时间为(12.0±1.0)d,而实验组的平均愈合时间为(14.3±0.8)d;两组在肉芽组织形成时间上以及修复细胞增殖能力上存在差异。结论创伤合并海水浸泡可导致伤口愈合时间延迟,加重创伤局部的炎症反应、延缓肉芽组织形成时间。  相似文献   

华静  冯华松  王庆  张燕  张春阳  赵丽 《生物磁学》2013,(27):5242-5246
目的:建立海水淹溺肺损伤(SWD-ALl)的大鼠模型,为SWD—ALl的基础及救治研究提供平台。方法:128只健康SD大鼠随机分为4组,即对照(CG)组和海水灌注(SGI、SG2、SG4)组(分别气管内注入1、2、4mL/kg海水)。观察大鼠气管内海水灌注后症状以及各组呼吸频率、心率、动脉血气、肺湿/干重r~(W/D),留取肺组织病理标本观察病变。结果:与对照组比较,海水灌注组大鼠心率、呼吸频率明显加快,气道有白色泡沫渗出物,口唇发绀,肺部满布湿罗音。动脉血气分析氧分压(PaO2)和二氧化碳分压(Pa—CO2)显著降低(P〈0.01);SGl、SG2组30min测氧合指数(Pa02/FiO2)低于300mmHg,之后逐渐升高至接近正常,SG4组各时间点测PaOJFi02得均在300mmHg以下;各组间比较,SG4组肺组织湿/干重比(W/D)明显高于其他组(P〈0.01)。肺组织病理观察,光镜下肺间质水肿,肺泡隔断裂,大量的红细胞及炎性细胞浸润。结论:经气管内灌注海水4mL/kg,可成功建立海水淹溺急性肺损伤的动物模型。  相似文献   

In recent decades, approaches to evaluating irrigation efficiency have undergone a radical reevaluation. Classical models considered drainage water “lost” to irrigation by flowing out of the system. The recognition that drainage water can remain in the system and become available for use by downstream irrigators has forced the reassessment. Irrigation may be relatively inefficient at the irrigation system and field levels but quite efficient at the basin level. The implications for small-scale, gravity-flow canal systems managed by farmers, which constitute 85% of the world's irrigated area, are significant. These implications are explored in an historic and ethnographic analysis of the chain irrigation system of the Orbigo valley of northwestern Spain. This system of drainage and reuse helps to account for high and sustained agricultural productivity by farmers in the region over several centuries. The property rights institutions devised by farmers to manage this system are discussed and its internal organization compared with south Asian cascade irrigation.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DBBS 9122134.

目的:回顾35例面部外伤合并海水浸泡的治疗.方法:对35例病人采取包括清水、庆大霉素溶液清洗和抗感染等治疗.观察创面的感染情况和临床治疗结果.结果:35例患者外伤愈合良好,无感染、血肿,随访未发生瘢痕增生等并发症.结论:在面部损伤急诊处理中,应用整形外科技术对患者面部功能及形态的恢复有很大的帮助.  相似文献   

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