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The role of accumulated intrauterine fluid in rats at oestrus was investigated by experimentally altering the fluid volume in 106 rats. Complete evacuation of uterine fluid or low natural fluid volume did not significantly reduce the number of embryos on Day 10 of pregnancy overall. Transuterine (but not transcervical) sperm transport was reduced by uterine fluid removal, but did not vary significantly with naturally occurring variations in fluid content. Irrespective of fluid content, transuterine sperm transport was, on average, greater in right than left horns. Distensible balloons inserted into the uterus indicated that increasing and decreasing volume increased and decreased respectively myometrial activity at oestrus and dioestrus. Left horns contracted less frequently than did right horns at low volumes. While uterine fluid volume clearly affected uterine contractility and transuterine sperm transport, we were unable to demonstrate a major role of fluid for fertility.  相似文献   

Analysis of luminal fluid microenvironments in the reproductive tract is pivotal to elucidate embryo-maternal signaling mechanisms responsible for successful reproduction in mammals, including cattle. Besides facilitating production of an optimized medium for in vitro fertilization and embryo culture in assisted reproductive technologies, screening of luminal fluid constituents in the oviduct and uterus could also provide critical information for elucidation of mechanisms underlying developmental programming. A key issue in this type of research is the sampling of luminal fluids. In this review we discuss the sampling techniques available for bovine species, including a recent in situ technique developed with the Ghent device, which allows rapid recovery of measurable amounts of pure uterine luminal fluid with minimal disturbance to the donor animal.  相似文献   

Peroxidase activity in the uterine luminal fluid of mice treated with diethylstilbestrol was measured by the guaiacol assay and also by the formation of 3H2O from [2-3H]estradiol. In the radiometric assay, the generation of 3H2O and 3H-labeled water-soluble products was dependent on H2O2 (25 to 100 microM), with higher concentrations being inhibitory. Tyrosine or 2,4-dichlorophenol strongly enhanced the reaction catalyzed either by the luminal fluid peroxidase or the enzyme in the CaCl2 extract of the uterus, but decreased the formation of 3H2O from [2-3H]estradiol by lactoperoxidase in the presence of H2O2 (80 microM). NADPH, ascorbate, and cytochrome c inhibited both luminal fluid and uterine tissue peroxidase activity to the same extent, while superoxide dismutase showed a marginal activating effect. Lactoferrin, a major protein component of uterine luminal fluid, was shown not to contribute to its peroxidative activity, and such an effect by prostaglandin synthase was also ruled out. However, it was not possible to exclude eosinophil peroxidase, brought to the uterus after estrogen stimulation, as being the source of peroxidase activity in uterine luminal fluid.  相似文献   

Blood ethanol level and the presence of ethanol in the oviductal and uterine luminal fluids were determined in female albino rats (Wistar strain) following chronic alcoholization by 20% ethanol offered ad libitum in drinking water during a period of 40-50 and 90-100 days, respectively. Ethanol was found both in the oviductal and in the uterine luminal fluids in lower concentrations as compared with the blood ethanol level. The findings presented suggest the possible direct noxious action of ethanol upon preimplantation development (effects detected in previous investigations). Problems raised by present results are discussed.  相似文献   

Alveolar fluid reabsorption (AFR) is important in keeping the air spaces free of edema. This process is accomplished via active transport of Na(+) across the alveolo-capillary barrier mostly by apical Na(+) channels and basolateral Na(+)-K(+)-ATPases. Recently, we have reported that acute elevation of left atrial pressures is associated with decreased AFR in isolated rat lungs. However, the effect of chronic elevation of pulmonary capillary pressure, such as seen in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), on AFR is unknown. CHF was induced by creating an aorto-caval fistula (ACF) in Sprague-Dawley male rats. Seven days after the placement of the fistula, AFR was studied in the isolated perfused rat lung model. AFR in control rats was 0.49 +/- 0.02 ml/h (all values are means +/- SE) and increased by approximately 40% (0.69 +/- 0.03 ml/h) in rats with chronic CHF (P < 0.001). The albumin flux from the pulmonary circulation into the air spaces did not increase in the experimental groups, indicating that lung permeability for large solutes was not increased. Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and protein abundance at the plasma membrane of distal alveolar epithelial tissue were significantly increased in CHF rats compared with controls. These changes were associated with increased plasma norepinephrine levels in CHF rats compared with controls. We provide evidence that in a rat model of chronic compensated CHF, AFR is increased, possibly due to increased endogenous norepinephrine upregulating active sodium transport and protecting against alveolar flooding.  相似文献   

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema results from increased hydrostatic pressures across the pulmonary circulation. We studied active Na(+) transport and alveolar fluid reabsorption in isolated perfused rat lungs exposed to increasing levels of left atrial pressure (LAP; 0--20 cmH(2)O) for 60 min. Active Na(+) transport and fluid reabsorption did not change when LAP was increased to 5 and 10 cmH(2)O compared with that in the control group (0 cmH(2)O; 0.50 +/- 0.02 ml/h). However, alveolar fluid reabsorption decreased by approximately 50% in rat lungs in which the LAP was raised to 15 cmH(2)O (0.25 +/- 0.03 ml/h). The passive movement of small solutes ((22)Na(+) and [(3)H]mannitol) and large solutes (FITC-albumin) increased progressively in rats exposed to higher LAP. There was no significant edema in lungs with a LAP of 15 cmH(2)O when all active Na(+) transport was inhibited by hypothermia or amiloride (10(-4) M) and ouabain (5 x 10(-4) M). However, when LAP was increased to 20 cmH(2)O, there was a significant influx of fluid (-0.69 +/- 0.10 ml/h), precluding the ability to assess the rate of fluid reabsorption. In additional studies, LAP was decreased from 15 to 0 cmH(2)O in the second and third hours of the experimental protocol, which resulted in normalization of lung permeability to solutes and alveolar fluid reabsorption. These data suggest that in an increased LAP model, the changes in clearance and permeability are transient, reversible, and directly related to high pulmonary circulation pressures.  相似文献   

Summary The luminal epithelium of adult ovariectomized mice responds to estradiol-17 with a synchronised wave of DNA synthesis and mitosis. Estriol, however, although producing a similar DNA-synthetic and mitotic response fails to cause an increase in cell number owing to a wave of cell death occurring at mitosis. In the present study it was shown that cells died by two different routes. The majority died by apoptosis but, unusually, a minority also died by necrosis. In the apoptotic cells the cytoplasm became dense, the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear cisternae dilated; chromatin became marginated the nucleus shrank and became deeply infolded and contorted. Apoptosis, however, was uncharacteristic in that the nucleus failed to fragment, form caps or show disruption before the cells died by membrane rupture. Furthermore, the cells were frequently lost in sheets from the epithelium into the lumen. Part of the biochemical explanation for this onset of cell death comes from the accelerated loss from the tissue of estriol when compared to estradiol-17. This resulted in a decline in protein and rRNA biosynthesis and a failure to complete ribosomal maturation. Evidence in favour of this explanation came from experiments that showed a return to the estradiol-17 level of response and an inhibition of cell death when the occupancy of the estriol receptor was maintained.  相似文献   

P. zeylanica treatment during first 7 days of pregnancy abolished uterine proteins of 13,000, 19,000 and 26,000 and 75,000 Da molecular weights resulting in preimplantationary loss. Proteins having molecular weights 55,000 and 65,000 Da were absent in aborted rats, that were given P. zeylanica root powder since day 6 to day 17 of pregnancy. The results suggest that proteins having molecular weights 13,000, 19,000, 26,000 and 75,000 Da influence the implantation and proteins of 55,000 and 65,000 Da are required for the maintenance of the pregnancy.  相似文献   

The lateral intercellular spaces (LIS) are believed to be the final common pathway for fluid reabsorption from the renal proximal tubule. We postulate that electrogenic sodium pumps in the lateral membranes produce an electrical potential within the LIS, that the lateral membranes bear a net negative charge, and that fluid moves parallel to these membranes because of Helmholtz-type electro-osmosis, the field- induced movement of fluid adjacent to a charged surface. Our theoretical analysis indicates that the sodium pumps produce a longitudinal electric field of the order of 1 V/cm in the LIS. Our experimental measurements demonstrate that the electrophoretic mobility of rat renal basolateral membrane vesicles is 1 micron/s per V/cm, which is also the electro-osmotic fluid velocity in the LIS produced by a unit electric field. Thus, the fluid velocity in the LIS due to electro-osmosis should be of the order of 1 micron/s, which is sufficient to account for the observed reabsorption of fluid from renal proximal tubules. Several experimentally testable predictions emerge from our model. First, the pressure in the LIS need not increase when fluid is transported. Thus, the LIS of mammalian proximal tubules need not swell during fluid transport, a prediction consistent with the observations of Burg and Grantham (1971, Membranes and Ion Transport, pp. 49-77). Second, the reabsorption of fluid is predicted to cease when the lumen is clamped to a negative voltage. Our analysis predicts that a voltage of -15 mV will cause fluid to be secreted into the Necturus proximal tubule, a prediction consistent with the observations of Spring and Paganelli (1972, J. Gen. Physiol., 60:181).  相似文献   

The present report examines the composition of luminal fluid in the seminiferous tubule (STF), rete testis (RTF), and ductus epididymidis of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). This subject is of particular interest, both because the reproductive ducts are intra-abdominal and because sperm production is more rapid in birds than in mammals. It was interpreted that micropuncture samples of STF contain varying amounts of contamination with intracellular solute, particularly K and protein. The concentration of solute in samples was correlated with packed cell volume (spermatocrit), and when the latter was used to assess estimates of solute concentration in STF, the magnitude of the estimates were much the same as determinations in RTF. Consequently, it is concluded that the fluid entering the rete testis of the quail is the primary secretion of the seminiferous tubules. The composition of RTF in the quail was determined to be 148 mM Na, 126 mM Cl, 9.8 mM K, 2.7 mM Mg, 1.4 mM Ca, 2.1 mM glutamate, 3.4 mM glutamine, 20.2 mM bicarbonate, 1.8 microg microl(-1) of protein, pH 7.34, and 310 mmol kg(-1), and it is significantly different from the composition of blood plasma. Estimates of solute output by the testis and reabsorption by the extratesticular ducts indicate, first, that most of the solutes secreted into the seminiferous tubules are subsequently reabsorbed from the extratesticular ducts and, second, that sufficient solute of testicular origin (except for protein) exists to account for the concentrations of solutes throughout the lumen of the duct system. Changes in the concentration of solute in the extratesticular ducts probably result from different reabsorption rates of solute and water. The composition of fluid from the distal end of the ductus epididymidis was 133 mM Na, 125 mM Cl, 25 mM K, 1.0 mM Mg, 0.3 mM Ca, 6.7 mM glutamate, 4.0 mM glutamine, 19.5 mM bicarbonate, 6.0 microg microl(-1) of protein, pH 7.33, and 335 mmol kg(-1), and it is significantly different from those of RTF and blood.  相似文献   

In the rat and the rabbit, a number of studies have reported the effects of angiotensin II (ANG II) on Na(+) reabsorption by the proximal (PT) and distal (DT) convoluted tubules of the kidney. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of ANG II on Ca(2+) uptake by the luminal membranes of the PT and DT of the rabbit. Incubation of PT and DT with 10(-12) M ANG II enhanced the initial Ca(2+) uptake in the two segments. Dose-response experiments revealed, for Ca(2+) as well as for Na(+) transport, a biphasic action with a maximal effect at 10(-12) M. Ca(2+) transport by the DT luminal membrane presents a dual kinetic. ANG II action influenced the high-affinity Ca(2+) channel, increasing maximal velocity from 0.72 +/- 0.03 to 0.90 +/- 0.05 pmol x microg(-1) x 10 s(-1) (P < 0.05, n = 3) and leaving the Michaelis-Menten constant unchanged. The effect of ANG II was abolished by losartan, suggesting that the hormone is acting through AT1 receptors. In the PT, calphostin C inhibited the effect of the hormone. It is therefore probable that protein kinase C is involved as a messenger. In the DT, however, neither Rp cAMP, calphostin C, nor econazole (a phospholipase A inhibitor) influenced the hormone action. Therefore, the mechanisms involved in the hormone action remain undetermined. Finally, we questioned whether ANG II acts in the same DT segment as does parathyroid hormone on Ca(2+) transport. The two hormones increased Ca(2+) transport, but their actions were not additive, suggesting that they both influence the same channels in the same segment of the distal nephron, i.e., the segment responsible for the high-affinity calcium channel.  相似文献   

The binding of 125I-labelled rat uterine luminal proteins from Day-5 pregnant rats showed higher binding affinity to blastocysts than did the binding of proteins in uterine fluid from pro-oestrous rats (Day 0), rat serum albumin (RSA) or bovine serum albumin (BSA). Apparently little uptake of proteins into cells by phagocytosis or entry into the blastocoelic cavity occurred since similar results were obtained in the presence of sodium azide or cytochalasin B. Autoradiographic studies showed that the proteins were localized on the outer surface of the blastocyst. The binding was Ca2+-dependent. Denaturation of Day-5 uterine proteins at 80 degrees C reduced the counts to the values obtained with undenatured RSA and Day-0 fluids; this residual binding was considered as non-specific. The binding of labelled Day-5 uterine proteins was substantially reduced in the presence of unlabelled Day-5 proteins but to a lesser extent in the presence of RSA or rat serum. The dissociation of the bound labelled Day-5 uterine proteins occurred most rapidly in the presence of unlabelled Day-5 proteins. However, dissociation occurred within 2 h in the presence of other macromolecules, suggesting that the binding was not strong.  相似文献   

Exogenous estradiol treatment of intact or ovariectomized rats causes accumulation of significant volumes of fluid in the uterine horns. In this report, evidence is presented showing the presence of mammalian cell growth factor(s) in uterine luminal fluid (ULF), along with other data showing that the exogenous estradiol treatment needed to cause significant accumulation of the fluid also facilitates the movement of vaginal origin bacteria into the uterine horns. It is shown that microorganisms infect the uteri of 80% or more of rats administered exogenous estradiol, and that the microorganisms are most probably of vaginal origin; procedures such as ligation of the uterine body above the cervix or antibiotic treatment did not suppress the infections. Administration of different doses of exogenous estrogen by either implantation of a single 25-mg estradiol/cholesterol pellet which causes a 20- to 50-fold elevation of estradiol levels above physiological plasma concentrations, or instead, by a Silastic tube delivery method that elevates levels only 2- to 3-fold above the normal range, resulted in equal frequency of uterine infections and in the appearance of infection at the same time after starting treatment. A number of bacterial species are present in the contaminated ULF, and these are the origins of intracellular products which are potent inhibitors of mammalian cell growth; the presence of these bacterial origin inhibitors interferes with the bioassay of the ULF growth factor activity, and hence, impedes the characterization of the growth factor(s) present in luminal fluid. Characterization of the origins of the growth-inhibiting activities showed that Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus mirabilis are the predominant species present in infected uteri and that both produce exotoxin activities which inhibit growth of mammalian cells in culture; Pseudomonas appears to be the greater producer of cytotoxic activity. Evidence is presented that suggests that the well-known Exotoxin A produced by Pseudomonas may be responsible, in part, for the toxic effects of this organism. Other, as yet unidentified, cell growth inhibitors also may be produced by the bacteria found in ULF. Surgical separation of the uterine body from the cervix allows preparation of ULF which contains no bacteria and substantially reduced levels of growth inhibitors to mammalian cell lines.  相似文献   

The influence on fluid flow of the fixed charge on the surface of capillaries is calculated using the linearised Poisson-Boltzmann equations. The results depend strongly upon the ratio of the capillary radius to the Debye length. At physiological ionic strength, the Debye length is less than 1 nm and electrostatic effects are negligible. In particular, they can not explain the Copley-Scott Blair phenomenon in artificial capillaries. Electrostatic effects can be significant in smaller channels and it is calculated that in intercellular clefts in the capillary endothelium the apparent viscosity of the fluid may increase more than 50%. These effects can also be important in the flow in the narrow gap between a red cell and the blood capillary wall. Using the Fitzgerald-Lighthill model of this flow and parameters typical of the human microcirculation, the theory predicts that the apparent viscosity in the gap will be increased by about 5%.  相似文献   

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