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There is evidence of multiple copies of the FSHD Region Candidate Gene 1 (FRG1) in humans. Analysis of human FRG1 ESTs showed many of them to be non-processed pseudogenes dispersed throughout the genome. To determine when the amplification of FRG1 occurred, we used a PCR-based approach to identify FRG1 sequences from great apes, chimpanzee, gorilla and orang-utan, and an Old World monkey, Macaca mulatta. In common with humans, multiple copies of FRG1 were detected in the great apes. However, in Macaca mulatta, only two FRG1 loci were identified, one presumed to be the homologue of the human chromosome 4q gene. This is strikingly similar to the distribution of a dispersed 3.3-kb repeat family in primates. A member of this family, D4Z4, maps to the subtelomeric region of 4q, in close proximity to FRG1. We propose that an ancestral duplication of distal 4q included FRG1. This duplication is present in Macaca mulatta whose divergence from hominoids is thought to have occurred at least 33 million years ago. We propose that this telomeric region then underwent further amplification and dispersion events in the great ape lineage, with copies of FRG1 and the 3.3-kb repeats being localized in heterochromatic regions.  相似文献   

Epithelial junctions and mucins play key roles in the gastrointestinal mucosal barrier, and their alterations are associated with numerous diseases, including carcinomas. The systematic expression of adhesion molecules and mucins in normal and malignant human gastrointestinal cells was investigated in this study. In normal human gastrointestinal cells, zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), α-catenin, β-catenin, γ-catenin and desmoglein-2 (DSG2) were located in the cytoplasmic membranes, whereas symplekin stained in the nuclei. ZO-1, the three catenins, and DSG2 were observed in the gastric and colorectal carcinomas with reduced and heterogeneous expression and with abnormal distribution. Symplekin was detected in the nuclei of tumor cells in most tumors but not observed in some others. The immunohistochemical results for ZO-1 and symplekin on the tissues were consistent with the data for the cultured cells obtained by immunocytochemical staining and Western blot analysis. MUC1 was not stained in the normal gastrointestinal cells without periodate oxidation, but it was strongly labeled in the malignant gastrointestinal cells. MUC2 was detected in the normal and malignant gastrointestinal cells without the periodate treatment. These findings indicate that alterations in the expression of the epithelial junctions and mucins are associated with the malignant transformation of gastrointestinal cells. In addition, the gastrointestinal epithelial cells of rhesus macaques expressed these adhesion molecules and mucins, as did the human cells, suggesting that the rhesus monkey is a suitable experimental animal model for research on adhesion molecules and mucins.  相似文献   

The properties of 71 S. dysenteriae 1 strains isolated from patients in the USSR and India in 1986-1988 were studied. The cultures possessed typical biochemical and serological properties. As revealed in this investigation, high fastidiousness of this infective agent to the quality of synthetic nutrient could become the cause of false negative reactions in different substrates used for the identification of enterobacteria, thus leading to diagnostic mistakes. The variability of the biochemical activity of different strains with respect to arginine, glycerol, maltose and trehalose (as well as the stability of these signs) was regarded as the theoretical substantiation of the possibility, in principle, to work out the scheme for the subdivision of S. dysenteriae 1 into independent biochemical variants.  相似文献   

The localisation of tRNA(Asn) gene clusters in the karyotypes of primates has been studied by means of in situ hybridisation. In the human and orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) karyotypes there are two such gene clusters, one each on the long and short arms of chromosome 1. Old World monkeys, however, contain both gene clusters on their equivalent of the human chromosome 1 short arm, which can be explained by a pericentric inversion which (amongst other chromosome changes) distinguishes the human and Old World monkey chromosomes 1. The capuchin (Cebus appella), however, a New World monkey, has only one tRNA(Asn) gene cluster, at least on the elements equivalent to human chromosome 1. This cluster is located proximal to the centromere on a chromosome that has been tentatively identified (by others) as the equivalent of the long arm of human chromosome 1. Should this prove to be correct, it would indicate that the large primate metacentric came into being in the form found today in the great apes, rather than in the form currently found in Old World monkeys. These data further show that the tRNA(Asn) gene cluster has been split in two since before the Old World monkeys and hominids diverged, i.e., over 30 million years ago, and also that the original transfer of these genes from one arm of chromosome 1 to the other was unlikely to have involved a pericentric inversion but, rather, some form of replicative transposition.  相似文献   

Both general esterases and acetylcholinesterases have been shown to be members of a homologous superfamily of serine esterases. A comparison of N-terminal sequences demonstrates that esterase-4 and-5 from Drosophila mojavensis belong to this family as well, with esterase-6 and esterase-P from D. melanogaster being the closest relatives. In order to investigate the presence of immunologically related esterases in other Drosophila species, crude larval extracts from five species were applied to two immunoaffinity columns with antibodies directed against esterase-4 and esterase-5 from D. mojavensis. The substrate preference for either 1- or 2-naphthyl acetate was determined. Both esterase-4 and esterase-5 from D. mojavensis are normally specific for 2-naphthyl esters, but at least three of the cross-reacting esterases from the other species have a preference for 1-naphthyl esters. This difference in substrate preference is another example of the variability observed with Drosophila esterases.  相似文献   

Defensins are small (30-45 amino acid residues) cationic proteins with broad antimicrobial activity against many bacteria and fungi, some enveloped viruses, and other activities such as chemoattraction of a range of different cell types to the sites of inflammation. These proteins represent attractive targets for developing novel antimicrobial agents and modulators of immune responses with therapeutic applicability. In this report, we present the results of functional and structural studies of 26 single-site mutants of human beta-defensin 1 (hBD1). All mutants were assayed for antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli (ATCC strain 25922) and for chemotactic activity with CCR6-transfected HEK293 cells. To analyze the structural implications of mutagenesis and to verify the correctness of the disulfide connectivity, we used x-ray crystallography to conduct complete structural studies for 10 mutants in which the topology of disulfides was the same as in the native hBD1. Mutations did not induce significant changes of the tertiary structure, suggesting that the observed alterations of biological properties of the mutants were solely associated with changes in the respective side chains. We found that cationic residues located near the C terminus (Arg(29), Lys(31), Lys(33), and Lys(36)) of hBD1 define most of the anti-E. coli in vitro activity of this protein. In turn, nearly all mutations altering the CCR6-mediated chemotaxis are located at one area of the protein, defined by the N-terminal alpha-helical region (Asp(1)... Ser(8)) and a few topologically adjacent residues (Lys(22), Arg(29), and Lys(33)). These experimental results allow for the first time drafting of the CCR6-epitope for a defensin molecule.  相似文献   

Using novel variations of traditional methods, report in the December 29(th) issue of Cell that diverse genes involved in neural biology (particularly those critical in development) show higher rates of protein evolution in primates than in rodents-particularly in the lineage leading to humans.  相似文献   

Allometric analyses of hair densities in 23 anthropoid primate taxa reveal that increasingly massive primates have systematically fewer hairs per equal unit of body surface. Considering the absence of effective sweating in monkeys and apes, the negative allometry of relative hair density may represent an architectural adaptation to thermal constraints imposed by the decreasing ratios of surface area to volume in progressively massive primates. Judging by estimates of body volume, denudation of the earliest hominids should have progressed to a considerable extent prior to their shift from a forest to a grassland habitat during the Pliocene. We propose that, lacking a reflective coat of hair, the exploitation of eccrine sweating emerged as the primary mechanism for adaptation to the increased heat loads of man's new environment and permitted further reduction of the remnant coat to its present vestigial condition.  相似文献   

Recent studies point to contact and possible admixture among contemporaneous hominin species during the Plio-Pleistocene. However, detection of hybridization in fossils-and especially fossil hominins-is contentious, and it is hindered in large part by our lack of understanding about how morphological hybridity is manifested in the primate skeleton. Here, we report on a study of known-pedigree, purebred yellow and olive baboons (n = 112) and their hybrids (n = 57), derived from the baboon colony of the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research. The hybrids were analyzed in two different groups: (1) F1 = olive x yellow first-generation hybrids; (2) B1 = olive x F1 backcross hybrids. Thirty-nine metric variables were tested for heterosis and dysgenesis. Nonmetric data were also collected from the crania. Results show that these primate hybrids are somewhat heterotic relative to their parental populations, are highly variable, and display novel phenotypes. These effects are most evident in the dentition and probably indicate the mixing of two separately coadapted genomes and the breakdown in the coordination of early development, despite the fact that these populations diverged fairly recently. Similar variation is also observed in museum samples drawn from natural hybrid zones. The results offer a strategy for detecting hybrid zones in the fossil record; implications for interpreting the hominin fossil record are discussed.  相似文献   

The PIF1 helicase family performs many cellular functions. To better understand the functions of the human PIF1 helicase, we characterized the biochemical properties of its ATPase. PIF1 is very sensitive to temperature, whereas it is not affected by pH, and the ATPase activity of human PIF1 is dependent on the divalent cations Mg2+ and Mn2+ but not Ca2+ and Zn2+. Inhibition was observed when single-stranded DNA was coated with RPA or SSB. Moreover, the ATPase activity of PIF1 proportionally decreased with decreasing oligonucleotide length due to a decreased binding ability. A minimum of 10 oligonucleotide bases are required for PIF1 binding and the hydrolysis of ATP. The analysis of the biochemical properties of PIF1 together with numerous genetic observations should aid in the understanding of its cellular functions.  相似文献   

To evaluate the polymorphism and conservation of the major histocompatibility complex class Ib molecule Qa1 in wild mouse populations, we determined the nucleotide sequence of exons 1–3 of Qa1 of eight mouse haplotypes derived from wild mice, including Mus musculus domesticus, M. m. castaneus, M. m. bactrianus, and M. spretus, as well as two t haplotypes. Our data identify eight new alleles of Qa1. Taken together with previously published data on Qa1 among the common laboratory inbred strains, and in agreement with cytotoxic T-lymphocyte, serological, and biochemical data, these results further confirm the existence of two families of Qa1 molecules, Qa1a-like and Qa1b-like, and illuminate the extreme conservation of the peptide-binding region of these molecules, even across species.The wild mouse Qa1 nucleotide sequences are available from GenBank at accession numbers AF100695–703  相似文献   

Enterocytozoon bieneusi is the most common and clinically significant microsporidium associated with chronic diarrhea and wasting in immunocompromised humans. Albendazole, which is effective against several helminths, protozoa, and microsporidia, is relatively ineffective against infections due to E. bieneusi. A likely explanation for the observed clinical resistance to albendazole was discovered from sequence analysis of the E. bieneusibeta-tubulin from isolates from an infected human and a naturally infected rhesus macaque. The beta-tubulin of E. bieneusi has a substitution at Glu(198), which is one of six amino acids reported to be associated with benzimidazole sensitivity.  相似文献   

The spliceosomal U1C protein is critical to the initiation and regulation of precursor messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) splicing, as part of the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP). We have produced full-length and 61 residue constructs of human U1C in soluble form in Escherichia coli. Atomic absorption spectroscopy and mass spectrometry show that both constructs contain one Zn atom and are monomeric. Gelmobility-shift assays showed that one molecule of recombinant U1C, either full-length or 61 residue construct, can be incorporated into the U1 snRNP core domain in the presence of U1 70k. This result is in perfect agreement with the previous experiment with U1C isolated from the HeLa U1 snRNP showing that the recombinant U1C is functionally active. We have determined the solution structure of the N-terminal 61 residue construct of U1C by NMR. A Cys(2)His(2)-type zinc finger, distinct from the TFIIIA-type, is extended at its C terminus by two additional helices. The two Zn-coordinating histidine residues are separated by a five residue loop. The conserved basic residues in the first two helices and the intervening loop may be involved in RNA binding. The opposite beta-sheet face with two surface-exposed Tyr residues may be involved in protein contacts. Both the full-length and 61 residue constructs of human U1C fail to bind RNA containing the 5' splice site sequence, in contrast to what has been reported for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae orthologue.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that changes in photoperiod alter plasma catecholamine concentrations in the rhesus monkey during late gestation. Twelve chronically catheterized pregnant rhesus macaques were acclimated to a 12-h photoperiod (lights-on, 0700-1900 h). Under the control L:D cycle, blood samples were collected at 3-h intervals over 24 h for catecholamine analysis. Plasma concentrations (mean +/- SEM, pg/ml) ranged from 678 +/- 90 to 928 +/- 142 for norepinephrine; 230 +/- 22 to 631 +/- 141 for epinephrine; and 282 +/- 70 to 1090 +/- 362 for dopamine. A diurnal rhythm was observed in epinephrine with peak concentrations during lights-on (0900-1800 h; p less than 0.05, compared to lights-off). After the first sampling protocol, the animals were divided equally between two groups: phase shift, in which lights-on was shifted 11 h (2000-0800 h) and constant light, with lights on continuously. After the phase shift, a parallel shift in the plasma epinephrine rhythm was noted, with peak levels observed between 2200 and 0700 h (p less than 0.05). Constant light abolished the rhythm in epinephrine, with an overall reduction in mean basal levels of all three catecholamines. Daily melatonin infusions (0.2 micrograms/kg/h, 1900-0630 h) under constant light failed to restore the epinephrine rhythm or to return basal catecholamine concentrations to control photoperiod levels. These data suggest that photoperiod entrains the rhythm in epinephrine secretion, but the rhythm is ablated under constant conditions. Further, melatonin does not appear to play a role in the regulation of catecholamine secretion in the pregnant rhesus macaque.  相似文献   

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