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Human neutrophil-derived histamine-releasing activity (HRA-N) was partially purified and found to contain a heat-stable 1400 to 2300-Da fraction which caused human basophils and rat basophil leukemia cells (RBL) to degranulate. The capacity of HRA-N to activate basophils was not related to the gender or atopic status of the basophil donor, but was related to anti-IgE responsiveness. Several lines of evidence suggest that HRA-N and anti-IgE induce histamine release through distinctly different mechanisms: 1) the time course of HRA-N- and anti-IgE-induced RBL histamine release are different; 2) HRA-N causes histamine release from RBL with and without surface-bound IgE; 3) lactic acid stripping of IgE from human basophils reduces anti-IgE-induced histamine release, but has no consistent effect on HRA-N-induced histamine release; and 4) passive sensitization of lactic acid-stripped basophils with IgE restores anti-IgE-induced histamine release but not HRA-N-induced histamine release. Several histamine-releasing factors (HRF) were compared with HRA-N. Human nasal HRF (HRF-NW, crude and partially purified fractions of 15 to 30, 3.5 to 9, and less than 3.5 kDa), like HRA-N, caused equal histamine release from both native and IgE-sensitized RBL. However, only the 15- to 30-kDa fraction caused histamine release from human basophils in the doses tested. Mononuclear cell HRF (HRF-M, crude and a partially purified 25 kDa Mr fraction) and platelet HRF (HRF-P, crude preparation) failed to cause histamine release from either native or IgE-sensitized RBL but caused 30 +/- 5.5% and 20 +/- 10% net histamine release from human basophils, respectively. HRA-N and HRF-NW were both stable to boiling. These data, taken together, suggest that the capacity of HRA-N to induce RBL and human basophil histamine release and of HRF-NW to stimulate RBL histamine release is independent of IgE. The data further suggest that HRA-N and HRF-NW can be distinguished by size, and that they both differ from mononuclear cell HRF and platelet HRF. Thus, it appears that inflammatory cells generate a family of distinct HRF.  相似文献   

Histamine release occurs during the late phase allergic reaction concomitantly with neutrophil (PMN) infiltration. To determine whether PMN might release a factor capable of causing histamine release, supernatants generated by incubating human PMN in the presence or absence of specific activators were added to rat basophilic leukemia cells (RBL) and histamine release was measured. PMN supernatants from 17 of 21 donors induced noncytotoxic histamine release. Neutrophil-derived histamine-releasing activity, termed HRA-N, was dose-dependent and supernatants from greater than or equal to 10(7) PMN/ml caused 6 to 27% net histamine release from RBL. PMN supernatants induced histamine release as effectively as did intact PMN cocultured with RBL. The capacity of various donors to generate HRA-N was not related to atopic status or gender but was inversely related to the proportion of eosinophils (EOS) contaminating the PMN isolate (the larger the proportion of EOS, the lower the histamine release). Addition of EOS to PMN during the generation of HRA-N completely inhibited histamine-releasing activity. HRA-N was not released from mononuclear cells or platelets contaminating the PMN preparation. HRA-N release was not increased by the presence of either serum-treated zymosan or phorbol myristate acetate, agents that caused dose-related release of PMN granule enzymes. Indeed, HRA-N was released from unstimulated PMN in the complete absence of granule enzyme release. HRA-N release was detectable by 15 min and the majority of release occurred between 45 and 60 min of incubation. Thus, the data indicate that HRA-N is released spontaneously from human PMN and that HRA-N release is independent of primary or secondary PMN granule release. It is attractive to suggest that release of HRA-N by PMN might act to recruit mast cells or basophils into participating in acute inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

Enhanced phospholipid methylation has been suggested to be an obligatory process in IgE-dependent stimulus-secretion coupling in human lung mast cells. Our studies with mast cell-enriched lung preparations do not support this hypothesis, demonstrating no increased 3H-methyl radiolabeling of chloroform/methanol-extracted lipids or chromatographically separated phospholipids accompanying anti-IgE-dependent histamine secretion. Inhibitors of transmethylation, 3-deazaadenosine, and homocysteine thiolactone inhibited histamine secretion by both anti-IgE and calcium ionophore A23187, reflecting a requirement of secretion for overall integrity of cellular transmethylation. These agents induced small increases in cAMP concentration which are considered to make at most a minor contribution to this inhibition. The inability of methylation inhibitors to diminish anti-IgE-dependent increases in lung mast cell cAMP levels would suggest that not only does phospholipid methylation have no role in histamine secretion but also it does not participate in the activation of adenylate cyclase by this stimulus.  相似文献   

Microbial phytases suitable for food fermentations could be obtained from lactic acid bacteria isolated from natural vegetable fermentations. Phytase activity was evaluated for six lactic acid bacteria cultures. Although the highest activity was found for Lactobacillus plantarum, the phytase activity was very low. Further characterization of the enzyme with phytate-degrading activity showed a molecular weight of 52 kDa and an optimum activity at pH 5.5 and 65 degrees C. Enzyme activity was due to a non-specific acid phosphatase which had a higher hydrolysis rate with monophosphorylated compounds such as acetyl phosphate that could explain the low phytase activity.  相似文献   

Human placenta hexokinase type I was previously shown to be present in two subtypes with similar isoelectric points but different molecular masses of 112 and 103 kDa, respectively. In order to exclude that these subtypes arise by artifact(s) occurring during the protein purification, we have developed a single-step immunoaffinity chromatography for the isolation of microgram quantities of hexokinase. The results obtained confirmed the presence of both hexokinase subtypes in human placenta. By Northern blot analysis a single mRNA species that hybridized with a hexokinase-I cDNA was found to be present in human placenta. Furthermore, in vitro translation of placenta mRNA in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate followed by hexokinase immunoprecipitation and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography showed that only one hexokinase with apparent molecular mass of about 112 kDa is expressed in this tissue and suggests a post-translational modification as a probable cause of hexokinase I microheterogeneity. To further investigate this point we have purified the high and low Mr hexokinase and determined their NH2-terminal sequences. The results obtained show that when compared with the amino acid sequence deduced from a cDNA the high Mr hexokinase starts at amino acid 11 while the low Mr hexokinase starts at amino acid 103. Since the first 10 amino acids are involved in the binding of hexokinase to mitochondrial porin these data provide an explanation both for the inability of these hexokinases to bind to mitochondria and for their differences in Mr.  相似文献   

Chitosan (CHT) is a natural compound able to activate the plant own defence machinery against pathogen attacks and to reduce both transpiration and stomatal opening when applied as foliar spray. The data here reported show that CHT-induced antitranspirant activity in bean plants is mediated by ABA, whose level raised over threefold in treated leaves, 24 h after foliar spraying. This is thought to induce partial stomatal closure via a H2O2-mediated process, as confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and histo-cytochemistry, and, in turn, a decrease of stomatal conductance to water vapor (Gw) and transpiration rate (E), assessed by gas exchange measurements. The relatively high internal CO2 concentration (Ci) values, suggest the occurrence of a slight decrease in carboxylation efficiency after CHT treatment, which however did not prevail over stomatal limitations. The intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) of CHT treated plants was not statistically different from controls and the maximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) of PSII was not affected. Moreover, CHT determined a stimulation of the xanthophyll cycle towards de-epoxidation state. On the whole, these results, besides confirming the effectiveness of CHT in reducing plant transpiration, prove that the mechanism underlying this activity differs from that showed by the commercial antitranspirant Vapor Gard® (VP). In fact, the efficacy of the latter is based on the formation of a thin antitranspirant film over the leaf and not on the reduction of stomatal opening. Finally, suggestions for possible use of the two antitranspirants in different environmental conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

The enzyme from cod fish muscle that catalyzes the irreversible decarboxylation of oxalacetate and is homogeneous by several criteria contains very significant pyruvate kinase activity. For every unit of decarboxylase activity (0.90 unit/mg) there are 235 units of pyruvate kinase activity (212 units/mg). The inability to separate the two activities by a variety of physical techniques indicates that both are due to a single enzyme protein. Improtantly, the two activities appear to take place at the same or overlapping sites on the enzyme. Phosphoenolpyruvate and 4-ethyloxalacetate are strong linear competitive inhibitors of the decarboxylase activity with respect to oxalacetate having dissociation constants of 3.2 and 10.2 muM, respectively, while 4-ethyloxalacetate is a linear competitive inhibitor of the pyruvate kinase activity with respect to phosphoenolpyruvate, Ki - 13.5 muM. In addition, both activities exhibit sigmoidal kinetics for substrates. The differential influence of effectors on substrate cooperativity for the two reactions indicates that the decarboxylase reaction may be an important tool for studying allosteric mechanisms in this enzyme.  相似文献   

Eugenol inhibited aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 in a dose-dependent manner up to a concentration of 0.75 mmol l-1 without inhibiting growth. When the mould was grown for 3 d in the presence of 0.45 mmol l-1 eugenol (concentration inhibiting aflatoxin production by 50%), in vivo activities of components of polysubstrate monooxygenase were decreased at idiophase, concomitant with decreased activities of enzymes involved in free radical scavenging, lipid peroxidation and maintenance of redox potential. These results indicate that antiaflatoxigenic actions of eugenol may be related to inhibition of the ternary steps of aflatoxin biosynthesis involving lipid peroxidation and oxygenation.  相似文献   

Summary Extraction of Cohn IV-1, an -globulin enriched fraction of human plasma, with a high-salt, low-pH solution, followed by sequential ultrafiltration steps yielded an immunosuppressive preparation (UM05R) of mol.wt. 500–10,000. UM05R inhibited antibody formation in the mouse in vivo and transformation in vitro of lymphocytes treated with either T-or B-cell stimulants. Suppression of lymphocyte transformation, indicated by inhibition of 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA, was confirmed by inhibition of blast cell formation. From dose-response curves the UM05R concentration to produce 50% suppression of lymphocyte blast transformation was 15–50 g protein/ml. Selectivity for lymphoid cells was suggested by growth inhibition in vitro of L1210 and P1798 leukemias but not murine neuroblastoma or human fetal fibroblasts. This observation also rules out the presence of an agent which is broadly cytotoxic. Fractionation of UM05R on Sephadex G-25 in 10% acetic acid yielded an early-emerging fraction, mol. wt. 5,000–10,000, containing B-cell inhibitor, and a late fraction, mol. wt. 1,400, inhibitory for both T- and B-cell transformation and growth of L1210. The inhibitory activity for B cells was removed from the other two activities by 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The possibility is raised that the inhibitory activity for T cells and L1210 may reside in the same molecule. Sensitivity of the early-emerging B-cell inhibitor to carboxypeptidase B suggests that it is a polypeptide, but resistance of the T-cell inhibitor to various treatments leaves its nature uncertain. The properties of these factors suggest consideration of them as lymphocyte chalones occurring in plasma complexed to high-molecular-weight components.  相似文献   

Positively selected human B-cell suspensions with no detectable T cells and containing more than 99.5% B cells both at the initiation and termination of culture were shown to proliferate in response to interleukin 2 (IL-2) in a dose-dependent fashion. The lack of influence of residual T cells on this proliferative response was demonstrated in experiments where T cells were added back in increasing numbers to B-cell suspensions. No detectable enhancing effect on B-cell proliferation was noted when 2.5% T cells were purposely added back to culture, a proportion far in excess of that which might be expected to contaminate B-cell suspensions under the present methodology. In contrast, when 10% T cells were added back to B-cell cultures, an enhanced proliferation of B cells was observed suggesting that the lack of effect of lower numbers of T cells was due to their inefficiency in helping B-cell proliferation in response to IL-2. Therefore, it is concluded that highly purified IL-2 is capable of triggering human peripheral blood B cells to proliferate and that this proliferation is not due to T-cell help.  相似文献   

Many hypotheses have been developed to explain aging and age-related neurodegenerative disorders; one of the most compelling is the role of oxidative stress to induce changes in protease activity in brains of patients of Alzheimer's disease and prion disease. At the moment however, there is no clear answer how protein degradation may be achieved in the brain. We have observed that several metal compounds can degrade proteins in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, and elucidated the reaction scheme based on the new theoretical point for the reactivity of a metal-peroxide adduct with eta 1-coordination mode. In this article we would like to point out the importance of a copper(II)-peroxide adduct to promote neurodegenerative diseases such as prion disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis through its oxidative protease function.  相似文献   


The relative distribution of phytoalexins induced by Fusarium oxysporum fsp. dianthi in carnation and localized by pyrolysis-mass spectrometry in the xylem differs from that found by HPLC in acetone extracts. In situ, in the xylem, there is a predominance of 2-aryl-1,3-benzoxazin-4H-ones over the more fungitoxic N-aroylanthranilates. At least part of the dianthramides in the extracts has to be ascribed to artifacts apparently due to hydrolysis of benzoxazinones.  相似文献   

We examined the response of pulmonary rapidly adapting receptors (RAR's) to changes in dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn) in the physiological range. RAR impulse activity was recorded from the cervical vagus nerves in anesthetized open-chest dogs whose lungs were ventilated at constant rate and tidal volume (VT), with a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 3-4 cmH2O. After hyperinflation to produce maximal Cdyn, RAR's were silent or fired sparsely and irregularly. Reducing Cdyn in steps by briefly removing PEEP increased firing proportionately, and RAR's began to discharge vigorously in inflation. Activity was restored to control by hyperinflating the lungs. Activity also increased when we increased inflation rate, and hence the rate of change of airway pressure (dP/dt), by reducing inflation time, keeping VT and cycle length constant. RAR's were stimulated more when dP/dt was increased by reducing compliance than when dP/dt was increased by increasing inflation rate. We conclude that RAR's are sensitive to changes in Cdyn and speculate that excitatory input from RAR's may help to maintain VT as the lungs become stiffer.  相似文献   

A high level of glucagon immunoreactivity was apparently detected in acid-saline extract from rat submandibular glands, but tracer glucagon added to the assay mixture was mostly damaged in spite of the presence of protease inhibitors commonly used in radioimmunoassay. Gel-filtration of the extract on a Bio-Gel P-10 column revealed strong tracer-degrading activity at the void fraction where the apparent immunoreactivity was eluted. Serial changes in apparent immunoreactivity of the extract fit well on the theoretical curve of an exponential tracer degradation. These findings indicate that the salivary gland glucagon is a fictitious substance due to tracer degradation during radioimmunoassay. Further study revealed that the glucagon molecule was hydrolyzed at the arginyl bonds and split into two fragments during incubation with the acid-saline extract from rat submandibular glands.  相似文献   

Challenge of neonatal mice with an intranasal inoculation of Pneumocystis carinii results in a subclinical infection that takes 6 wk to resolve, whereas adult mice resolve a comparable challenge within 3 wk. This delayed clearance is due to a delayed inflammatory response in neonatal mice; however, the reason for this delay has been unknown. To determine whether the neonatal lung environment is sufficient to attract immunocompetent lymphocytes into the lungs, an adoptive transfer strategy was employed in which splenocytes from adult BALB/c mice were transferred into P. carinii-infected neonatal or adult SCID mice. All adults, but no pups, resolved their infections by day 37 postreconstitution. Despite reconstitution with adult splenocytes, pups had a negligible lung inflammatory response until day 24, whereas adult mice had activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells in the lung by day 13. The delay in neonates corresponded to delayed kinetics of expression of lung cytokines TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma mRNA and chemokines lymphotactin, RANTES, and macrophage inflammatory protein-1ss mRNA. Phagocytic cells from neonatal mice were significantly less efficient than adult cells at migrating to the draining lymph nodes after phagocytosing fluorescent beads. There were fewer dendritic cells and Ia(+) myeloid cells in the lungs of P. carinii-infected neonatal mice compared with adults. These data indicate that the lung environment of neonatal mice is insufficient for migration of T cells, due at least in part to inefficient phagocytosis and migration of APCs to the lymph nodes as well as delayed chemokine and TNF-alpha mRNA expression.  相似文献   

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