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Similarities between age-related changes in the canine and human brain have resulted in the general acceptance of the canine brain as a model of human brain aging. The hippocampus is essentially required for intact cognitive ability and appears to be particularly vulnerable to the aging process. We observed changes in ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba-1, a microglial marker) immunoreactivity and protein levels in the hippocampal dentate gyrus and CA1 region of adult (2-3 years) and aged (10-12 years) dogs. We also observed the interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), a pro-inflammatory cytokine, protein levels in these groups. In the dentate gyrus and CA1 region of the adult dog, Iba-1 immunoreactive microglia were well distributed and their processes were highly ramified. However, in the aged dog, the processes of Iba-1 immunoreactive microglia were hypertrophied in the dentate gyrus. Moreover, Iba-1 protein level in the dentate gyrus in the aged dog was higher than in the adult dog. IFN-gamma expression was increased in the dentate gyrus homogenates of aged dogs than adult dogs. In addition, we found that some neurons were positive to Fluoro-Jade B (a marker for neuronal degeneration) in the dentate polymorphic layer, but not in the hippocampal CA1 region in the aged dog. These results suggest that Iba-1 immunoreactive microglia are hypertrophied in the dentate gyrus in the aged dog.  相似文献   

Aging is an inevitable process that occurs in the whole body system accompanying with many functional and morphological changes. Inflammation is known as one of age-related factors, and inflammatory changes could enhance mortality risk. In this study, we compared immunoreactivities of inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-2 (a pro-inflammatory cytokine), its receptor (IL-2R), IL-4 (an anti-inflammatory cytokine), and its receptor (IL-4R) in the cervical and lumbar spinal cord of young adult (2–3 years old) and aged (10–12 years old) beagle dogs using immunohistochemistry and western blotting. IL-2 and IL-2R-immunoreactive nerve cells were found throughout the gray matter of the cervical and lumbar spinal cord of young adult and aged dogs. In the spinal cord neurons of the aged dog, immunoreactivity and protein levels were apparently increased compared with those in the young adult dog. Change patterns of IL-4- and IL-4R-immunoreactive cells and their protein levels were also similar to those in IL-2 and IL-2R; however, IL-4 and IL-4R immunoreactivity in the periphery of the neuronal cytoplasm in the aged dog was much stronger than that in the young adult dog. These results indicate that the increase of inflammatory cytokines and their receptors in the aged spinal cord might be related to maintaining a balance of inflammatory reaction in the spinal cord during normal aging.  相似文献   

We investigated distribution and age-related changes in two isoforms of GABA synthesizing enzymes, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) 65 and 67, in the lumbar levels (L(5)-L(6)) of the dog spinal cord. Male German shepherds were used at 1-2 years (young adult dogs) and 10-12 years (aged dogs) of age. GAD65 immunoreaction was observed in neuropil, not in cell bodies, in all laminae of the adult lumbar spinal cord: Many punctate GAD65-immunoreactive structures were shown in all laminae. The density of GAD65 immunoreactive structures was highest in laminae I-III, and lowest in lamina VII. In the aged dog, the distribution pattern of GAD65 immunoreactivity was similar to that in the adult dog; however the density of GAD65-immunoreactive structures and its protein levels were significantly increased in the aged lumbar spinal cord. GAD67 immunoreaction in the adult dog was also distributed in all laminae of the lumbar spinal cord like GAD65; however, we found that small GAD67-immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in laminae II, III and VIII. In the aged dogs, GAD67 immunoreactivity and its protein levels were also increased compared to those in the adult group. In conclusion, our results indicate that the distribution of GAD65-immunoreactive structures is different from GAD67-immunoreactive structures and that their immunoreactivity in the aged dogs is much higher than the adult dogs.  相似文献   

Stress leads to changes in homeostasis and internal balance of the body and is known to be one of important factors in the development of several diseases. In the present study, we investigated changes in glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba-1) immunoreactivity in the adult and aged gerbil hippocampus after chronic restraint stress. Serum corticosterone level was much higher in both the stress-groups than the control groups. No neuronal death was found in all hippocampal subregions of the adult and aged gerbil after chronic restraint stress. GR immunoreactivity was decreased in both the adult and aged groups after repeated restraint stress; however, GR immunoreactivity in the adult-stress-group was decreased much more than that in the aged-stress-group. Iba-1 immunoreactive microglia were hypertrophied and activated in the adult group after repeated restraint stress; in the aged-stress-group, there was no any significant change in Iba-1 immunoreactive microglia. In brief, level of GR, not Iba-1, in the hippocampus was much decreased in the adult gerbil compared to the aged gerbil following chronic restraint stress.  相似文献   

Ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 (iba-1) is specifically expressed in microglia and plays an important role in the regulation of the function of microglia. We observed chronological changes of iba-1-immunoreactive cells and iba-1 level in the gerbil hippocampal CA1 region after transient ischemia. Transient forebrain ischemia in gerbils was induced by the occlusion of bilateral common carotid arteries for 5 min. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analysis of iba-1 were performed in the gerbil ischemic hippocampus. In the sham-operated group, iba-1-immunoreactive cells were detected in the CA1 region. Thirty minutes after ischemia/reperfusion, iba-1 immunoreactivity significantly increased, and its immunoreactive cells were well ramified. Three hours after ischemia/reperfusion, iba-1 immunoreactivity and level decreased, and thereafter they increased again with time after ischemia/reperfusion. Three days after ischemia/reperfusion, iba-1-immunoreactive cells had well-ramified processes, which projected to the stratum pyramidale of the CA1 region. Seven days after ischemia/reperfusion, iba-1 immunoreactivity and level were highest in the CA1 region, whereas they significantly decreased in the CA1 region 10 days after ischemia/reperfusion. Iba-1-immunoreactive cells in the ischemic CA1 region were co-localized with OX-42, a microglia marker. In brief, iba-1-immunoreactive cells change morphologically and iba-1 immunoreactivity alters in the CA1 region with time after ischemia/reperfusion. These may be associated with the delayed neuronal death of CA1 pyramidal cells in the gerbil ischemic hippocampus.  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein (α-syn), as a neuroprotein, is expressed in neural tissue, and it is related to a synaptic transmission and neuronal plasticity. In this study, we compared the distribution and immunoreactivity of α-syn and related gliosis in hippocampus between young adult (2–3 years) and aged (10–12 years) beagle dogs. In both groups, α-syn immunoreactivity was detected in neuropil of all the hippocampal sub-regions, but not in neuronal somata. In the aged hippocampus, α-syn immunoreactivity was apparently increased in mossy fibers compared to that in the adult dog. In addition, α-syn protein level was markedly increased in the aged hippocampus. On the other hand, GFAP and Iba-1 immunoreactivity in astrocytes and microglia, respectively, were increased in all the hippocampal sub-regions of the aged group compared to that in the adult group: especially, their immunoreactivity was apparently increased around mossy fibers. In addition, in this study, we could not find any expression of α-syn in astrocytes and microglia. These results indicate that α-syn immunoreactivity apparently increases in the aged hippocampus and that GFAP and Iba-1 immunoreactivity are also apparently increased at the regions with increased α-syn immunoreactivity. This increase in α-syn expression might be a feature of normal aging.  相似文献   

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology - The aim of this study was to evaluate age-related changes in microglial cells in various regions of the cervical spinal cord in young (4...  相似文献   

Doublecortin (DCX), a microtubule-associated protein, specifically expresses in neuronal precursors. This protein has been used as a marker for neuronal precursors and neurogenesis. In the present study, we observed differences in DCX immunoreactivity and its protein levels in the hippocampal dentate gyrus between adult and aged dogs. In the adult dog, DCX immunoreactive cells with well-stained processes were detected in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. Numbers of DCX immunoreactive cells in the dentate gyrus of the aged dog were significantly decreased compared to those in the adult dog. DCX immunoreactive cells in both adult and aged dog did not show NeuN (a marker for mature neurons) immunoreactivity. NeuN immunoreactivity in the aged dog was poor compared to that in the adult dog. DCX protein level in the aged dentate gyrus was decreased by 80% compared to that in the adult dog. These results suggest that the reduction of DCX in the aged hippocampal dentate gyrus may be involved in some neural deficits related to the hippocampus.  相似文献   

PurposeThe mechanisms underlying the topography of motor deficits in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) remain unknown. We investigated the profile of spinal cord atrophy (SCA) in SMN1-linked SMA, and its correlation with the topography of muscle weakness.ResultsCSA measurements revealed a significant cord atrophy gradient mainly located between C3 and C6 vertebral levels with a SCA rate ranging from 5.4% to 23% in SMA patients compared to controls. RD was significantly lower in SMA patients compared to controls in the anterior-posterior direction with a maximum along C4 and C5 vertebral levels (p-values < 10−5). There were no correlations between atrophy measurements, strength and disability scores.ConclusionsSpinal cord atrophy in adult SMN1-linked SMA predominates in the segments innervating the proximal muscles. Additional factors such as neuromuscular junction or intrinsic skeletal muscle defects may play a role in more complex mechanisms underlying weakness in these patients.  相似文献   

Research on the caudal spinal cord (SC) of three young and three adult tuataras (Sphenodon punctatus) has revealed that most of the glial cells were well differentiated as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The former type was not completely differentiated 3 months post-hatching, but was the main glial cell type at the age of 1 yr and in adulthood. Smaller numbers of oligodendrocytes were found in the white matter of adult animals than fibrous astrocytes. It was concluded that during growth, there is a progressive decrease in the dark, basophilic and electron-dense glioblasts, most of which develop as astrocytes.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-9 is elevated within the acutely injured murine spinal cord and blockade of this early proteolytic activity with GM6001, a broad-spectrum matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, results in improved recovery after spinal cord injury. As matrix metalloproteinase-9 is likewise acutely elevated in dogs with naturally occurring spinal cord injuries, we evaluated efficacy of GM6001 solubilized in dimethyl sulfoxide in this second species. Safety and pharmacokinetic studies were conducted in naïve dogs. After confirming safety, subsequent pharmacokinetic analyses demonstrated that a 100 mg/kg subcutaneous dose of GM6001 resulted in plasma concentrations that peaked shortly after administration and were sustained for at least 4 days at levels that produced robust in vitro inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-9. A randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled study was then conducted to assess efficacy of GM6001 given within 48 hours of spinal cord injury. Dogs were enrolled in 3 groups: GM6001 dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (n = 35), dimethyl sulfoxide (n = 37), or saline (n = 41). Matrix metalloproteinase activity was increased in the serum of injured dogs and GM6001 reduced this serum protease activity compared to the other two groups. To assess recovery, dogs were a priori stratified into a severely injured group and a mild-to-moderate injured group, using a Modified Frankel Scale. The Texas Spinal Cord Injury Score was then used to assess long-term motor/sensory function. In dogs with severe spinal cord injuries, those treated with saline had a mean motor score of 2 (95% CI 0–4.0) that was significantly (P<0.05; generalized linear model) less than the estimated mean motor score for dogs receiving dimethyl sulfoxide (mean, 5; 95% CI 2.0–8.0) or GM6001 (mean, 5; 95% CI 2.0–8.0). As there was no independent effect of GM6001, we attribute improved neurological outcomes to dimethyl sulfoxide, a pleotropic agent that may target diverse secondary pathogenic events that emerge in the acutely injured cord.  相似文献   

High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1, also called amphoterin) facilitates neurite outgrowth in early development, yet can exacerbate pathology and inhibit regeneration by inducing adverse neuroinflammation when released from dying cells, suggesting that HMGB1 plays a critical, yet undefined role in neuroregeneration. We explored whether HMGB1 contributes to recovery after complete spinal cord transection in adult zebrafish. Quantitative PCR and in situ hybridization revealed that HMGB1 mRNA levels decreased between 12 h to 11 days after spinal cord injury (SCI), then returned to basal levels by 21 days. Western blot and immunohistological analyses indicated that the time course of HMGB1 protein expression after SCI parallels that of mRNA. Immunofluorescence staining revealed that HMGB1 translocates from nuclei into the cytoplasm of spinal motoneurons at 4 and 12 h (acute stage) following SCI, then accumulates in the nuclei of motoneurons during the ensuing chronic stage (after 6 days following SCI). Immunohistology of transgenic zebrafish, expressing green fluorescent protein in blood vessels, showed enhanced HMGB1 expression in blood vessels in the vicinity of motoneurons. Application of anti-sense HMGB1 morpholinos inhibited locomotor recovery by 34 % and decreased axonal regeneration by 34 % compared to fish treated with a control morpholino. The present study shows that HMGB1 expression increases in both endothelial cells and motoneurons, suggesting that HMGB1 promotes recovery from SCI not only through enhancing neuroregeneration, but also by increasing angiogenesis. The inflammatory effects of HMGB1 are minimized through the decrease in HMGB1 expression during the acute stage.  相似文献   

成年和老年小鼠脑蛋白质组双向电泳图谱比较   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
使用双向电泳(2-DE)比较成年和老年小鼠脑蛋白质差异,从分子水平初步探索老年脑蛋白整体变化规律.以固相pH梯度等电聚焦为第一向,SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶水平电泳(PAGE)为第二向进行2-DE.图象分析软件Imagemaster® 2D Elite分析电泳图谱.重复性实验结果显示,同组样品在三次不同实验中所得蛋白质斑点数目的相对标准差(变异系数)为4.43%±0.25%;同一蛋白质斑点在三次实验中等电点、分子质量和蛋白质量的相对标准差分别为8.76%±5.14%, 13.00%±4.22%和10.84%±9.16%.成年和老年小鼠脑组织2-DE图谱分别获得996和1256个蛋白质斑点,其中8个蛋白质在老年脑组织中含量降低,20个蛋白质斑点含量增加.另至少有4个蛋白质斑点在老年脑组织中缺失,14个蛋白质点为老年脑特有. 以上差异点的发现为研究脑老化和退行性疾病机理提供了有益的线索.  相似文献   

The cell neural adhesion molecule contactin-2 plays a key role in axon extension and guidance, fasciculation, and myelination during development. We thus asked, whether contactin-2 is also important in nervous system regeneration after trauma. In this study, we used an adult zebrafish spinal cord transection model to test the functions of contactin-2 in spinal cord regeneration. The expression patterns of contactin-2 at different time points after spinal cord injury were studied at the mRNA level by qPCR and in situ hybridization, and contactin-2 protein levels and immunohistological localization were detected by Western blot and immunofluorescence analyses, respectively. Contactin-2 mRNA and protein levels were increased along the central canal at 6 days and 11 days after spinal cord injury, suggesting a requirement for contactin-2 in spinal cord regeneration. Co-localization of contactin-2 and islet-1 (a motoneuron marker) was observed in spinal cords before and after injury. To further explore the functions of contactin-2 in regeneration, an anti-sense morpholino was used to knock down the expression of contactin-2 protein by application at the time of injury. Motion analysis showed that inhibition of contactin-2 retarded the recovery of swimming functions when compared to standard control morpholino. Anterograde and retrograde tracing at 6 weeks after injury showed that knock down of contactin-2 inhibited axonal regrowth from NMLF neurons beyond lesion site. The combined observations indicate that contactin-2 contributes to locomotor recovery and successful regrowth of axons after spinal cord injury in adult zebrafish.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The changes in young, 6-day-old to adult (13-day-old) forms of T. lewisi during the course of infection in rats are attended by some changes in mitochondrial enzyme activities. The most significant differences between the 2 forms are in the content of isocitric dehydrogenases (2 distinct enzymes are present), and in the ability to carry out oxidative phosphorylation. In the mitochondria of adults there is a significant decrease in the ability to form ATP.  相似文献   

It has been reported that young animals are less vulnerable to brain ischemia. In the present study, we compared gliosis in the hippocampal CA1 region of the young gerbil with those in the adult gerbil induced by 5?min of transient cerebral ischemia by immunohistochemistry and western blot for glial cells. We used male gerbils of postnatal month 1 (PM 1) as the young and PM 6 as the adult. Neuronal death in CA1 pyramidal neurons in the adult gerbil occurred at 4?days posti-schemia; the neuronal death in the young gerbil occurred at 7?days post-ischemia. The findings of glial changes in the young gerbil after ischemic damage were distinctively different from those in the adult gerbil. Glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunoreactive astrocytes, ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule (Iba-1), and isolectin B4-immunoreactive microglia in the ischemic CA1 region were activated much later in the young gerbil than in the adult gerbil. In brief, very less gliosis occurred in the hippocampal CA1 region of the young gerbil than in the adult gerbil after transient cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

The L1 cell adhesion molecule promotes neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival in homophilic and heterophilic interactions and enhances neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival homophilically, i.e. by self binding. We investigated whether exploitation of homophilic and possibly also heterophilic mechanisms of neural stem cells overexpressing the full-length transmembrane L1 and a secreted trimer engineered to express its extracellular domain would be more beneficial for functional recovery of the compression injured spinal cord of adult mice than stem cells overexpressing only full-length L1 or the parental, non-engineered cells. Here we report that stem cells expressing trimeric and full-length L1 are indeed more efficient in promoting locomotor recovery when compared to stem cells overexpressing only full-length L1 or the parental stem cells. The trimer expressing stem cells were also more efficient in reducing glial scar volume and expression of chondroitin sulfates and the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan NG2. They were also more efficient in enhancing regrowth/sprouting and/or preservation of serotonergic axons, and remyelination and/or myelin sparing. Moreover, degeneration/dying back of corticospinal cord axons was prevented more by the trimer expressing stem cells. These results encourage the view that stem cells engineered to drive the beneficial functions of L1 via homophilic and heterophilic interactions are functionally optimized and may thus be of therapeutic value.  相似文献   

In the present study, we compared differences in cell proliferation, neuroblast differentiation and neuronal maturation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) between the adult and aged gerbil induced by 5 min of transient global cerebral ischemia using Ki-67 and BrdU (markers for cell proliferation), doublecortin (DCX, a marker for neuroblast differentiation) and neuronal nuclei (NeuN, a marker for mature neuron). The number of Ki-67-immunoreactive (+) cells in the DG of both the groups peaked 7 days after ischemia/reperfusion (I/R). However, the number in the aged DG was 40.6 ± 1.8% of that in the adult DG. Thereafter, the number decreased with time. After ischemic damage, DCX immunoreactivity and its protein level in the adult and aged DG peaked at 10 and 15 days post-ischemia, respectively. However, DCX immunoreactivity and its protein levels in the aged DG were much lower than those in the adult. DCX immunoreactivity and its protein level in the aged DG were 11.1 ± 0.6% and 34.4 ± 2.1% of the adult DG, respectively. In addition, the number of Ki-67+ cells and DCX immunoreactivity in both groups were similar to those in the sham at 60 days postischemia. At 30 days post-ischemia, the number of BrdU+ cells and BrdU+/NeuN+ cells in the adult-group were much higher (281.2 ± 23.4% and 126.4 ± 7.4%, respectively) than the aged-group (35.6 ± 6.8% and 79.5 ± 6.1%, respectively). These results suggest that the ability of neurogenesis in the ischemic aged DG is much lower than that in the ischemic adult DG.  相似文献   

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