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Characterization of legumain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mammalian legumain, also called asparaginyl endopeptidase (AEP), is critically involved in the processing of bacterial antigens for MHC class II presentation. In order to investigate the substrate specificity of AEP in the P1' position, we created a peptide library and digested it with purified pig kidney AEP. Digestion was less efficient only when proline was in the P1' position. Maximum AEP activity was found in lysosomal fractions of different types of antigen presenting cells (APC). When the multiple sclerosis-associated autoantigen myelin basic protein (MBP) was digested with AEP, the immunodominant epitope 83-99 was destroyed. Myoglobin as an alternative substrate was AEP resistant. These results suggest an important, but not necessarily critical role for AEP in lysosomal antigen degradation.  相似文献   

Legumain, an asparaginyl endopeptidase, is up-regulated in tumour and tumour-associated cells, and is linked to the processing of cathepsin B, L, and proMMP-2. Although legumain is mainly localized to the endosomal/lysosomal compartments, legumain has been reported to be localized extracellularly in the tumour microenvironment and associated with extracellular matrix and cell surfaces. The most potent endogenous inhibitor of legumain is cystatin E/M, which is a secreted protein synthesised with an export signal. Therefore, we investigated the cellular interplay between legumain and cystatin E/M. As a cell model, HEK293 cells were transfected with legumain cDNA, cystatin E/M cDNA, or both, and over-expressing monoclonal cell lines were selected (termed M38L, M4C, and M3CL, respectively). Secretion of prolegumain from M38L cells was inhibited by treatment with brefeldin A, whereas bafilomycin A1 enhanced the secretion. Cellular processing of prolegumain to the 46 and 36 kDa enzymatically active forms was reduced by treatment with either substance alone. M38L cells showed increased, but M4C cells decreased, cathepsin L processing suggesting a crucial involvement of legumain activity. Furthermore, we observed internalization of cystatin E/M and subsequently decreased intracellular legumain activity. Also, prolegumain was shown to internalize followed by increased intracellular legumain processing and activation. In addition, in M4C cells incomplete processing of the internalized prolegumain was observed, as well as nuclear localized cystatin E/M. Furthermore, auto-activation of secreted prolegumain was inhibited by cystatin E/M, which for the first time shows a regulatory role of cystatin E/M in controlling both intra- and extracellular legumain activity.  相似文献   

Vacuolar processing enzymes (VPEs) are cysteine proteinases responsible for maturation of various vacuolar proteins in plants. A larger precursor to VPE synthesized on rough endoplasmic reticulum is converted to an active enzyme in the vacuoles. In this study, a precursor to castor bean VPE was expressed in a pep4 strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to examine the mechanism of activation of VPE. Two VPE proteins of 59 and 46 kDa were detected in the vacuoles of the transformant. They were glycosylated in the yeast cells, although VPE is not glycosylated in plant cells in spite of the presence of two N-linked glycosylation sites. During the growth of the transformant, the level of the 59 kDa VPE increased slightly until a rapid decrease occurred after 9 h. By contrast, the 46 kDa VPE appeared simultaneously with the disappearance of the 59 kDa VPE. Vacuolar processing activity increased with the accumulation of the 46 kDa VPE, but not of the 59 kDa VPE. The specific activity of the 46 kDa VPE was at a similar level to that of VPE in plant cells. The 46 kDa VPE instead of proteinase A mediated the conversion of procarboxypeptidase Y to the mature form. This indicates that proteinase A responsible for maturation of yeast vacuolar proteins can be replaced functionally by plant VPE. These findings suggest that an inactive VPE precursor synthesized on the endoplasmic reticulum is transported to the vacuoles in the yeast cells and then processed to make an active VPE by self-catalytic proteolysis within the vacuoles.  相似文献   

Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) accumulates prolamines and glutelins as its major storage proteins. Glutelins are synthesized on rough endoplasmic reticulum as 57-kDa precursors; they are then sorted into protein storage vacuoles where they are processed into acidic and basic subunits. We report a novel rice glutelin mutant, W379 , which accumulates higher levels of the 57-kDa glutelin precursor. Genetic analysis revealed that the W379 phenotype is controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. Using a map-based cloning strategy, we identified this gene, OsVPE1 , which is a homolog of the Arabidopsis βVPE gene. OsVPE1 encodes a 497-amino-acid polypeptide. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a missense mutation in W379 that changes Cys269 to Gly. Like the wild-type protein, the mutant protein is sorted into vacuoles; however, the enzymatic activity of the mutant OsVPE1 is almost completely eliminated. Further, we show that OsVPE1 is incorrectly cleaved, resulting in a mature protein that is smaller than the wild-type mature protein. Taken together, these results demonstrate that OsVPE1 is a cysteine protease that plays a crucial role in the maturation of rice glutelins. Further, OsVPE1 Cys269 is a key residue for maintaining the Asn-specific cleavage activity of OsVPE1.  相似文献   

Perception and integration of signals into responses is of crucial importance to cells. Both the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton are known to play a role in mediating diverse stimulus responses. Self-incompatibility (SI) is an important mechanism to prevent self-fertilization. SI in Papaver rhoeas triggers a Ca(2+)-dependent signaling network to trigger programmed cell death (PCD), providing a neat way to inhibit and destroy incompatible pollen. We previously established that SI stimulates F-actin depolymerization and that altering actin dynamics can push pollen tubes into PCD. Very little is known about the role of microtubules in pollen tubes. Here, we investigated whether the pollen tube microtubule cytoskeleton is a target for the SI signals. We show that SI triggers very rapid apparent depolymerization of cortical microtubules, which, unlike actin, does not reorganize later. Actin depolymerization can trigger microtubule depolymerization but not vice versa. Moreover, although disruption of microtubule dynamics alone does not trigger PCD, alleviation of SI-induced PCD by taxol implicates a role for microtubule depolymerization in mediating PCD. Together, our data provide good evidence that SI signals target the microtubule cytoskeleton and suggest that signal integration between microfilaments and microtubules is required for triggering of PCD.  相似文献   

Vacuolar processing enzymes (VPEs) are responsible for the maturation of seed proteins. These processing enzymes belong to a novel group of cysteine proteinases with molecular masses of 37 to 39 kDa. We isolated two genes of VPEs from a genomic library of Arabidopsis. The gene products were designated -VPE and -VPE, and they were 56% identical in terms of amino acid sequence. The amino acid sequences of -VPE and -VPE were also 55% and 67% identical to that of castor bean VPE, respectively. The gene for -VPE had 7 introns, while that of -VPE had 8 introns. Northern blot analysis revealed that -VPE is expressed in rosette leaves, cauline leaves and stems of Arabidopsis, while -VPE is predominantly expressed in the flowers and buds. Neither -VPE nor -VPE is expressed in the siliques. This result strongly suggests that the isolated genes encode isozymes of VPE that are specific to vegetative organs.  相似文献   

Proteins containing a conserved motif known as the CLE domain are found widely distributed across land plants. While the functions of most CLE proteins are unknown, specific CLE proteins have been shown to control shoot meristem, root and vascular development. This has been best studied for CLV3 which is required for stem cell differentiation at shoot and flower meristems. In vivo evidence indicates that the CLE domain is the functional region for CLV3, and that it is proteolytically processed from the CLV3 precursor protein. But the mechanism and activity responsible for this processing is poorly understood. Here we extend analysis of an in vitro CLE processing activity and show that in vitro cleavage occurs at Arg70, exactly matching in vivo maturation. We provide evidence that related processing activities are present in multiple tissues and species. We show that efficient protease recognition can occur with as little as four residues upstream of the CLE domain, and that the conserved arginine at position +1 and conserved acidic residues at positions -2 and/or -3 are required for efficient cleavage. Finally, we provide evidence that the N-terminal processing enzyme is a secreted serine protease while C-terminal processing may occur via a progressive carboxypeptidase.  相似文献   

The proteinase A structural gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cloned by using an immunological screening procedure that allows detection of yeast cells which are aberrantly secreting vacuolar proteins (J. H. Rothman, C. P. Hunter, L. A. Valls, and T. H. Stevens, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 83:3248-3252, 1986). A second cloned gene was obtained on a multicopy plasmid by complementation of a pep4-3 mutation. The nucleotide sequences of these two genes were determined independently and were found to be identical. The predicted amino acid sequence of the cloned gene suggests that proteinase A is synthesized as a 405-amino-acid precursor which is proteolytically converted to the 329-amino-acid mature enzyme. Proteinase A shows substantial homology to mammalian aspartyl proteases, such as pepsin, renin, and cathepsin D. The similarities may reflect not only analogous functions but also similar processing and intracellular targeting mechanisms for the two proteins. The cloned proteinase A structural gene, even when it is carried on a single-copy plasmid, complements the deficiency in several vacuolar hydrolase activities that is observed in a pep4 mutant. A strain carrying a deletion in the genomic copy of the gene fails to complement a pep4 mutant of the opposite mating type. Genetic linkage data demonstrate that integrated copies of the cloned proteinase A structural gene map to the PEP4 locus. Thus, the PEP4 gene encodes a vacuolar aspartyl protease, proteinase A, that is required for the in vivo processing of a number of vacuolar zymogens.  相似文献   

Ungerminated pollen of Nicotiana tabacum contains a pectolytic enzyme which has its optimal activity between pH 5.5 and 6.5. Pectic lyase was not detected.  相似文献   

Proproteins of various vacuolar proteins are post-translationally processed into mature forms by the action of a unique vacuolar processing enzyme. If such a processing enzyme is transported to vacuoles together with proprotein substrates, the enzyme must be a latent form. Immunocytochemical localization of a vacuolar processing enzyme, a 37-kD cysteine proteinase, in the endosperm of maturing castor bean seeds places the enzyme in the vacuolar matrix, where a variety of proproteins is also present. To characterize a molecular structure of vacuolar processing enzyme, we isolated a cDNA for the enzyme. Deduced primary structure of a 55-kD precursor is 33% identical to a putative cysteine proteinase of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni. The precursor is composed of a signal peptide, a 37-kD active processing enzyme domain, and a propeptide fragment. Although the precursor expressed in Escherichia coli has no vacuolar processing activity, a 36-kD immunopositive protein expressed in E. coli is active. These results suggest that the activation of the vacuolar processing enzyme requires proteolytic cleavage of a 14-kD C-terminal propeptide fragment of the precursor.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) in Papaver rhoeas involves an allele-specific recognition between stigmatic S-proteins and pollen, resulting in inhibition of incompatible pollen. A picture of some of the signalling events and mechanisms involved in this specific inhibition of pollen tube growth is beginning to be built up. This highly specific response triggers a Ca(2+)-dependent signalling cascade in incompatible pollen when a stigmatic S-protein interacts with it. Rapid increases in cytosolic free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) can now be attributed (at least in part) to Ca(2+) influx. The rapid loss of the pollen apical Ca(2+) gradient within approximately 1-2 min is accompanied by the inhibition of pollen tube tip growth. Concomitant with this time-frame, hyper-phosphorylation of p26, a soluble pollen phosphoprotein is detected. Characterization of p26 reveals that it is a soluble inorganic pyrophosphatase, which suggests a possible direct functional role in pollen tube growth. Slightly later, a putative MAP kinase (p52) is thought to be activated. Finally, preliminary evidence that programmed cell death (PCD) may be triggered in this response is described. A key target for these signals, the actin cytoskeleton, has also been identified. In this article the current understanding of some of the components of this signalling cascade and how they are beginning to throw some light on possible mechanisms involved in this SI-induced inhibition of pollen tube growth, is discussed.  相似文献   

Gruis D  Schulze J  Jung R 《The Plant cell》2004,16(1):270-290
The role(s) of specific proteases in seed protein processing is only vaguely understood; indeed, the overall role of processing in stable protein deposition has been the subject of more speculation than direct investigation. Seed-type members of the vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) family were hypothesized to perform a unique function in seed protein processing, but we demonstrated previously that Asn-specific protein processing in developing Arabidopsis seeds occurs independently of this VPE activity. Here, we describe the unexpected expression of vegetative-type VPEs in developing seeds and test the role(s) of all VPEs in seed storage protein accumulation by systematically stacking knockout mutant alleles of all four members (alphaVPE, betaVPE, gammaVPE, and deltaVPE) of the VPE gene family in Arabidopsis. The complete removal of VPE function in the alphavpe betavpe gammavpe deltavpe quadruple mutant resulted in a total shift of storage protein accumulation from wild-type processed polypeptides to a finite number of prominent alternatively processed polypeptides cleaved at sites other than the conserved Asn residues targeted by VPE. Although alternatively proteolyzed legumin-type globulin polypeptides largely accumulated as intrasubunit disulfide-linked polypeptides with apparent molecular masses similar to those of VPE-processed legumin polypeptides, they showed markedly altered solubility and protein assembly characteristics. Instead of forming 11S hexamers, alternatively processed legumin polypeptides were deposited primarily as 9S complexes. However, despite the impact on seed protein processing, plants devoid of all known functional VPE genes appeared unchanged with regard to protein content in mature seeds, relative mobilization rates of protein reserves during germination, and vegetative growth. These findings indicate that VPE-mediated Asn-specific proteolytic processing, and the physiochemical property changes attributed to this specific processing step, are not required for the successful deposition and mobilization of seed storage protein in the protein storage vacuoles of Arabidopsis seeds.  相似文献   

Characterization of a vacuolar proton ATPase in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Of the total ATPase activity in homogenates of the ameba, Dictyostelium discoideum, approximately one-third was inhibited at pH 7 by 25 microM 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl). Upon isopycnic sucrose density gradient centrifugation, the bulk of the NBD-CI-sensitive ATPase activity was recovered in a major membrane fraction with a broad peak at 1.16 g/ml, well-resolved from markers for plasma membranes, mitochondria, lysosomes and contractile vacuoles. The gradient peak had a specific activity of 0.5 mumol/min per mg protein. The activity was half-inhibited by 1 microM silicotungstate, 2 microM diisothiocyanatostilbene disulfonate (DIDS), 2.5 microM dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), 4 microM NBD-CI and 20 microM N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) but was resistant to conventional inhibitors of mitochondrial and plasma membrane ATPase. That this ATPase activity constituted a proton pump was shown by the MgATP-dependent uptake and quenching of Acridine orange fluorescence by partially purified vacuoles. The Acridine orange uptake was specifically blocked by the aforementioned inhibitors. The generation of proton electrochemical gradients was suggested by the stimulation of enzyme activity by protonophores (fatty acids) and cation exchangers (nigericin). Uncoupling stimulated the ATPase activity as much as 20-fold, revealing an unusually high impermeability of the membranes to protons. ATPase activity was also stimulated by halide ions, apparently through a parallel conductance pathway. Under a variety of sensitive test conditions, the reverse enzyme reaction (i.e., incorporation of 32Pi into ATP) was not detected. We conclude that this major H+-ATPase serves to acidify the abundant prelysosomal vacuoles found in D. discoideum (Padh et al. (1989) J. Cell Biol. 108, 865-874). The finding of a vacuolar H+-ATPase in a protist suggests the ubiquity of this enzyme among the eukaryotic kingdoms.  相似文献   

Legumain or asparaginyl endopeptidase is an enzyme overexpressed in some cancers and involved in cancer migration, invasion, and metastasis. We have developed radioiodine- ([125I]I-LCP) or fluorescein-labeled peptides (FL-LCP) with a cell-permeable d-Arg nonamer fused to an anionic d-Glu nonamer via a legumain-cleavable linker, to function as peptide probes that measure and monitor legumain activity. Non-cleavable probes of FL-NCP and [125I]I-NCP were similarly prepared and evaluated as negative control probes by altering their non-cleavable sequence. Model peptides with the legumain-cleavable or non-cleavable sequence (LCP and NCP, respectively) reacted with recombinant human legumain, and only LCP was digested by this enzyme. [125I]I-LCP uptake in legumain-positive HCT116 cells was significantly higher than that of [125I]I-NCP (11.2 ± 0.44% vs 1.75 ± 0.06% dose/mg). The accumulation of FL-LCP in the HCT116 cells was rather low (4.75 ± 0.29% dose/mg protein), but not significantly different from the levels of FL-NCP. It is possible that low concentrations of [125I]I-LCP (40 pM) can be effectively internalized after legumain cleavage. On the other hand, the cellular uptake of much higher concentrations of the FL-LCP derivative (1 mM) may be restricted by high concentrations of polyanions. The in vivo biodistribution studies in tumor-bearing mice demonstrated that the tumor uptake of [125I]I-LCP was 1.34% injected dose per gram (% ID/g) at 30 min. The tumor/blood and tumor/muscle ratios at 30 min were 0.63 and 1.77, respectively, indicating that the [125I]I-LCP accumulation in tumors was inadequate for in vivo imaging. Although further structural modifications are necessary to improve pharmacokinetic properties, [125I]I-LCP has been demonstrated to be an effective scaffold for the development of nuclear medicine imaging probes to monitor legumain activity in living subjects.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction in higher plants uses pollination, involving interactions between pollen and pistil. Self-incompatibility (SI) prevents self-fertilization, providing an important mechanism to promote outbreeding. SI is controlled by the S-locus; discrimination occurs between incompatible pollen, which is rejected, while compatible pollen can achieve fertilization. In Papaver rhoeas, S proteins encoded by the pistil part of the S-locus interact with incompatible pollen to effect rapid inhibition of tip growth. This self-incompatible interaction triggers a Ca(2+)-dependent signalling cascade. SI-specific events triggered in incompatible pollen include rapid depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton; phosphorylation of soluble inorganic pyrophosphatases, and activation of a MAPK. It has recently been shown that programmed cell death (PCD) is triggered by SI. This provides a precise mechanism for the specific destruction of 'self' pollen. Recent data providing evidence for SI-induced caspase-3-like protease activity, and the involvement of actin depolymerization and MAPK activation in SI-mediated PCD will be discussed. These studies not only significantly advance our understanding of the mechanisms involved in SI, but also contribute to our understanding of functional links between signalling components and initiation of PCD in a plant cell. Recent data demonstrating SI-mediated modification of soluble inorganic pyrophosphatases are also described.  相似文献   

The study was designed to perform immunodetection in spermatozoa and seminal plasma, immunolocalization in spermatozoa, and evaluation of the enzymatic activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in the semen of Holstein bulls. We used ejaculates from five bulls as part of a regular collection of semen. The monoclonal anti-ACE antibody recognized a single protein band with 100 kDa in detergent extract prepared from sperm and in seminal plasma. ACE enzymatic activity in sperm was 43.7, 21.3, 45.6, 60.0, and 57.7 mU/mL in bulls 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, and 0.3, 2.3, 3.0, 2.3, and 2.6 mU/mL in seminal plasma of the same bulls, respectively. The average percentages of sperm with acrosome reactions after treatment with heparin were 28.3%, 28.6%, 35.2%, 25.0%, and 32.3%, respectively. These values were higher than the percentages of acrosome reactions in controls and the captopril group (P<0.05), although no difference was seen between the captopril and control groups (P>0.05). After 4h of incubation, motility in the control group (32.9%) was significantly higher than that in the heparin (15.7%) and captopril (12.1%) groups. No difference was found in motility after the capacitation assay in the heparin and captopril groups (P>0.05). In conclusion, ACE was immunologically localized in the acrosome of the spermatozoa of Holstein bull, the specific enzymatic activity of ACE in detergent-extracted spermatozoa and seminal plasma was inhibited by captopril, and this ACE inhibitor reduced the percentage of sperm with progressive motility and acrosome reactions after capacitation in vitro.  相似文献   

Randall SK 《Plant physiology》1992,100(2):859-867
The vacuole plays a major structural and biochemical role in the higher plant cell. Among the most studied properties of the vacuole have been transport activities. One important aspect of vacuolar function is its participation in the regulation of cytosolic calcium levels. To identify the molecular entities involved in calcium regulation, a study of vacuole-associated, calcium-binding proteins (CaBs) was initiated. A competition assay was used, and it was observed that the majority of the total cellular membrane-associated, calcium-binding activity resided in low-density fractions enriched in vacuole membranes. Much of that calcium-binding activity was inactivated by a 0.5 m KI wash, and of the remaining activity, 77% was estimated to be peripherally associated with vacuolar membranes, whereas 23% was integrally associated with the vacuolar membrane. Calcium-ligand blots were used, and four major CaBs, with apparent molecular masses of 64, 58, 55, and 42 kD, were detected in purified vacuole membrane fractions. Two of these, the 58- and the 55-kD polypeptide, also appear to be present in significant amounts in endoplasmic reticulum-enriched fractions. However, the 64- and the 42-kD polypeptide are found primarily in vacuolar fractions. It is interesting that expression of the 42-kD polypeptide appears to be restricted to the heavily vacuolated cortical tissues (i.e. it is not found in vascular tissues). The localization of CaBs in the vacuole is consistent with the presence of calcium uptake (H+/Ca2+ antiport) and release mechanisms (inositol trisphosphate sensitive) on vacuolar membranes. These vacuole-associated CaBs, which may play a role in calcium buffering, together with the calcium transport systems, could mediate the vacuolar component of cellular calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

Regulator of the H+-ATPase of the vacuolar and endosomal membranes (RAVE) is essential for the reversible assembly of H+-ATPase. RAVE primarily consists of three subunits: Rav1p, Rav2p and Skp1p. To characterize these subunits, in this study, four strains derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4742 were constructed with a FLAG tag on the Rav1p and Rav2p subunits. Then, the corresponding RAVE containing complex was isolated by affinity purification. Western blot and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analyses showed that the RAVE complex contains not only the known V1-ATPase subunits (Vma1p and Vma2p) but also a newly found Leu1p that interacts with the RAVE subunit. Furthermore, we constructed rav1?/rav2?/vma2?/leu1-deficient recombinants by fusion PCR and homologous recombination and demonstrated that leu1 is indispensable in adjusting the microbial cell to adverse environments and that the function is similar to that of rav1/rav2 but significantly differs from that of vma2. Leu1p probably plays an important role in RAVE regulation of V-ATPase activity in conjunction with RAVE.  相似文献   

Evidence for Ca2+ signalling in pollen during the self-incompatibility (SI) response in Papaver rhoeas L. has been presented previously. However, it was not known whether the S-protein alone could act as an elicitor of the response or whether the presence of other stigmatic components was required, since relatively crude stigmatic extracts had been used. The S 1 gene has since been cloned and its product expressed in Escherichia coli has been shown to exhibit biological activity. In this paper it is reported that the recombinant protein (S1e) elicits a transient rise in [Ca2+]i in incompatible pollen. The Ca2+ signal appears indistinguishable from that elicited by S-gene products partially purified from plant extracts in terms of both its timing and spatial distribution. Pollen tube growth is arrested directly after the rise in [Ca2+]i.
The results provide direct evidence that the S-protein alone acts as an elicitor which triggers the Ca2+ signal for the pollen SI response. In addition, it is now clear that the recombinant S-protein does not require several post-translational processing events which take place in the plant to act as an elicitor. With respect to the spatial distribution of the Ca2+ transient, data are presented which correlate the localized rise in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) with the 'nuclear complex' and the endoplasmic reticulum which is associated with this region.  相似文献   

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