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Root biomass, root nitrogen content, and root distribution down to 50 cm depth in winter wheat were determined by soil coring
on five dates in four different treatments: control (C), drought (D), daily irrigation (I), and daily irrigation and fertilization
(IF). The first three treatments received the N fertilizer application as a single dose in spring, whereas in IF daily doses
of N were supplied in the irrigation water using a drip-tube system, according to the estimated nutrient demand of the crop.
All treatments received 20 g N m−2 year−1.
The maximum root biomass (104 g m−2) was reached earliest in IF. On 6 June, root samples were taken down to a depth of 100 cm, and the proportion of deep roots
(50–100 cm) was least in I, indicating that it had the shaklowest root system. The root biomass as a fraction of the total
plant mass decreased during crop development in all treatments down to about 4% at harvest. The decrease was more rapid in
I and C than in D and IF. The higher proportion of roots during spring in D and IF coincided with a low nitrogen concentration
in the roots, which was attributed to the restricted water supply and to the relative shortage of nitrogen during early crop
development in D and IF, respectively. The dynamics of mass and nitrogen in macroscopic organic debris in the soil suggested
that root turnover rates were high. ei]{gnB E}{fnClothier} 相似文献
Xinglong Dai Lili Xiao Dianyong Jia Haibo Kong Yuechao Wang Chuanxing Li Yu Zhang Mingrong He 《Plant and Soil》2014,384(1-2):141-152
Background and Aims
Increased plant density improves grain yield and nitrogen (N)–use efficiency in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by increasing the root length density (RLD) in the soil and aboveground N–uptake (AGN) at maturity. However, how the root distribution and N–uptake at different soil depths is affected by plant density is largely unknown.Methods
A 2–year field study using the winter wheat cultivar Tainong 18 was conducted by injecting 15?N–labeled urea into soil at depths of 0.2, 0.6, and 1.0 m under four plant densities of 135 m?2, 270 m?2,405 m?2, and 540 m?2.Results
We observed significant RLD and 15?N–uptake increases at each soil depth as the plant density increased from 135 to 405 m?2. 15?N–uptake increased with plant density as the soil depth increased, although the corresponding RLD value fell with depth. The 15?N–uptake at each soil depth was positively related to the RLD at the same depth. The total AGN was positively related to RLD in deep soil, especially at 0.8–1.2 m.Conclusions
Increasing the plant density from 135 m?2 to the optimum increases AGN primarily by increasing the RLD in deep soil and therefore increasing the plant density of winter wheat can be used to efficiently recover N leached to deep soil. Moreover, the total root numbers per unit area and RLD still increased at supraoptimal density while shoot number and N uptake stagnated. 相似文献3.
Ray Dybzinski Angelo Kelvakis John McCabe Samantha Panock Kanyarak Anuchitlertchon Leah Vasarhelyi M. Luke McCormack Gordon G. McNickle Hendrik Poorter Clare Trinder Caroline E. Farrior 《Global Change Biology》2019,25(3):885-899
Understanding the effects of global change in terrestrial communities requires an understanding of how limiting resources interact with plant traits to affect productivity. Here, we focus on nitrogen and ask whether plant community nitrogen uptake rate is determined (a) by nitrogen availability alone or (b) by the product of nitrogen availability and fine‐root mass. Surprisingly, this is not empirically resolved. We performed controlled microcosm experiments and reanalyzed published pot experiments and field data to determine the relationship between community‐level nitrogen uptake rate, nitrogen availability, and fine‐root mass for 46 unique combinations of species, nitrogen levels, and growing conditions. We found that plant community nitrogen uptake rate was unaffected by fine‐root mass in 63% of cases and saturated with fine‐root mass in 29% of cases (92% in total). In contrast, plant community nitrogen uptake rate was clearly affected by nitrogen availability. The results support the idea that although plants may over‐proliferate fine roots for individual‐level competition, it comes without an increase in community‐level nitrogen uptake. The results have implications for the mechanisms included in coupled carbon‐nitrogen terrestrial biosphere models (CN‐TBMs) and are consistent with CN‐TBMs that operate above the individual scale and omit fine‐root mass in equations of nitrogen uptake rate but inconsistent with the majority of CN‐TBMs, which operate above the individual scale and include fine‐root mass in equations of nitrogen uptake rate. For the much smaller number of CN‐TBMs that explicitly model individual‐based belowground competition for nitrogen, the results suggest that the relative (not absolute) fine‐root mass of competing individuals should be included in the equations that determine individual‐level nitrogen uptake rates. By providing empirical data to support the assumptions used in CN‐TBMs, we put their global climate change predictions on firmer ground. 相似文献
Knowledge about the physiological function of root orders is scant. In this study, a system to monitor the water flux among root orders was developed using miniaturized chambers. Different root orders of 4‐year‐old Citrus volkameriana trees were analysed with respect to root morphology and water flux. The eight root orders showed a broad overlap in diameter, but differences in tissue densities and specific root area (SRA) were clearly distinguishable. Thirty per cent of the root branch biomass but 50% of the surface area (SA) was possessed by the first root order, while the fifth accounted for 5% of the SA (20% biomass). The root order was identified as a determinant of water flux. First‐order roots showed a significantly higher rate of water uptake than the second and third root orders, whereas the fourth and fifth root orders showed water excess. The water excess suggested the occurrence of hydraulic redistribution (HR) as a result of differences in osmotic potentials. We suggest that plants may utilize hydraulic redistribution to prevent coarse root desiccation and/or to increase nutrient acquisition. Our study showed that the novel ‘miniature depletion chamber’ method enabled direct measurement of water fluxes per root order and can be a major tool for future studies on root order traits. 相似文献
Background and aims
Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important limiting factors influencing plant growth and reproduction in alpine and tundra ecosystems. However, in situ observations of the effects of root traits on N absorption by alpine plant species are still lacking.Methods
We investigated the rates of N uptake and the effect of root characteristics in ten common herbaceous alpine plant species using a 15N isotope tracer technique and the root systems of plants growing in a semi-arid steppe environment on the Tibetan Plateau. Our objective was to determine the root traits (root biomass, volume, surface area, average diameter, length, specific root length and specific root area) that make the largest contribution to the total uptake of N (15N–NO3 ?, 15N–NH4 + or 15N–glycine) by alpine plant species.Results
Monocotyledonous species had higher absorption rates for 15N–NH4 +, 15N–NO3 ?, 15N–glycine and total 15N than dicotyledonous species (P < 0.05). The root biomass, volume, surface area and average diameter were negatively correlated with the absorption capacity for 15N–NH4 +, 15N–NO3 ? and total 15N across the ten alpine plant species. However, the specific root length and the specific root area had significantly positive effects on the uptake of N.Conclusions
In contrast with traditional views on the uptake of N, the N uptake rate was not improved by a larger root volume or root surface area for these alpine plant species in a high-altitude ecosystem. Root morphological traits had greater impacts on N absorption than traits related to the root system size in alpine herbaceous plants.6.
Modelling radiation fluxes in simple and complex environments—application of the RayMan model 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The most important meteorological parameter affecting the human energy balance during sunny weather conditions is the mean
radiant temperature Tmrt. It considers the uniform temperature of a surrounding surface giving off blackbody radiation, which results in the same
energy gain of a human body given the prevailing radiation fluxes. This energy gain usually varies considerably in open space
conditions. In this paper, the model ‘RayMan’, used for the calculation of short- and long-wave radiation fluxes on the human
body, is presented. The model, which takes complex urban structures into account, is suitable for several applications in
urban areas such as urban planning and street design. The final output of the model is, however, the calculated Tmrt, which is required in the human energy balance model, and thus also for the assessment of the urban bioclimate, with the
use of thermal indices such as predicted mean vote (PMV), physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) and standard effective
temperature (SET*). The model has been developed based on the German VDI-Guidelines 3789, Part II (environmental meteorology,
interactions between atmosphere and surfaces; calculation of short- and long-wave radiation) and VDI-3787 (environmental meteorology,
methods for the human-biometeorological evaluation of climate and air quality for urban and regional planning. Part I: climate).
The validation of the results of the RayMan model agrees with similar results obtained from experimental studies. 相似文献
Isabel Cabra-Rivas Asunción Saldaña Pilar Castro-Díez Laure Gallien 《Biological invasions》2016,18(2):411-426
Climate, land use and disturbances are well known drivers of invasion. However, their relative influence may change across spatial scales, where climate is expected to be the main filter at broad scales; land use is expected to have more influence at intermediate scales, and disturbance, at fine ones. Understanding the underlying processes that drive invasion patterns at different spatial scales is thus crucial to be able to anticipate the future spread of invaders. Here, we quantified the relative importance of climate, land use, and disturbance on the distribution of the invasive trees Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia, across three nested spatial scales, namely global, country (Spain) and riverbank (three riparian riverbanks). To do so, for each species and scale, we built ensemble species distribution models. We also identified their range filling and inferred the most suitable areas in Spain for them to spread. In general, our study confirms that climate acts as an initial coarse filter of species distribution, whilst both climate and land use were important at the country scale; at the riverbank scale human-mediated disturbances gained importance. However, R. pseudoacacia and A. altissima showed differences in their degree of range filling, where A. altissima has a higher potential for range expansion in the near future. Overall, the integration of different scales into invasion studies shows a great potential to enrich our understanding of species-habitat relationships, and to help anticipate their future dynamics. 相似文献
P.G. Coelho P.R. Fernandes H.C. Rodrigues J.B. Cardoso J.M. Guedes 《Journal of biomechanics》2009,42(7):830-837
In this work, a three-dimensional model for bone remodeling is presented, taking into account the hierarchical structure of bone. The process of bone tissue adaptation is mathematically described with respect to functional demands, both mechanical and biological, to obtain the bone apparent density distribution (at the macroscale) and the trabecular structure (at the microscale). At global scale bone is assumed as a continuum material characterized by equivalent (homogenized) mechanical properties. At local scale a periodic cellular material model approaches bone trabecular anisotropy as well as bone surface area density. For each scale there is a material distribution problem governed by density-based design variables which at the global level can be identified with bone relative density. In order to show the potential of the model, a three-dimensional example of the proximal femur illustrates the distribution of bone apparent density as well as microstructural designs characterizing both anisotropy and bone surface area density. The bone apparent density numerical results show a good agreement with Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) exams. The material symmetry distributions obtained are comparable to real bone microstructures depending on the local stress field. Furthermore, the compact bone porosity is modeled giving a transversal isotropic behavior close to the experimental data. Since, some computed microstructures have no permeability one concludes that bone tissue arrangement is not a simple stiffness maximization issue but biological factors also play an important role. 相似文献
MethodsGerminated seeds of white lupins (Lupinus albus) were planted in boron-free glass rhizotrons. After 11 d, the rhizotrons were wetted from the bottom and time series of fluorescence and neutron images were taken during the subsequent day and night cycles for 13 d. The following day (i.e. 25 d after planting) the rhizotrons were again wetted from the bottom and the measurements were repeated. Fluorescence sensor foils were attached to the inner sides of the glass and measurements of oxygen and pH were made on the basis of fluorescence intensity. The experimental set-up allowed for simultaneous fluorescence imaging and neutron radiography.ConclusionsThe results suggest that the combined imaging set-up developed here, incorporating fluorescence intensity measurements, is able to map important biogeochemical parameters in the soil around living plants with a spatial resolution that is sufficiently high enough to relate the patterns observed to the root system. 相似文献
Biogeochemistry - Nitrogen (N) fertilization has enhanced the forest land carbon (C) sink by increasing the amount of C stored in soils, possibly through reductions in decomposition. Established... 相似文献
Foliar nitrogen isotope (δ15N) composition patterns have been linked to soil N, mycorrhizal fractionation, and within-plant fractionations. However, few studies have examined the potential importance of the direct foliar uptake of gaseous reactive N on foliar δ15N. Using an experimental set-up in which the rate of mycorrhizal infection was reduced using a fungicide, we examined the influence of mycorrhizae on foliar δ15N in potted red maple (Acer rubrum) seedlings along a regional N deposition gradient in New York State. Mycorrhizal associations altered foliar δ15N values in red maple seedlings from 0.06 to 0.74 ‰ across sites. At the same sites, we explored the predictive roles of direct foliar N uptake, soil δ15N, and mycorrhizae on foliar δ15N in adult stands of A. rubrum, American beech (Fagus grandifolia), black birch (Betula lenta), and red oak (Quercus rubra). Multiple regression analysis indicated that ambient atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration explained 0, 69, 23, and 45 % of the variation in foliar δ15N in American beech, red maple, red oak, and black birch, respectively, after accounting for the influence of soil δ15N. There was no correlation between foliar δ13C and foliar %N with increasing atmospheric NO2 concentration in most species. Our findings suggest that total canopy uptake, and likely direct foliar N uptake, of pollution-derived atmospheric N deposition may significantly impact foliar δ15N in several dominant species occurring in temperate forest ecosystems. 相似文献
Effects of nitrogen addition on root dynamics in an alpine meadow,Northwestern Sichuan北大核心CSCD

Zi H.-B.Chen Y.Hu L.Wang C.-T. 《植物生态学报》2018,(1):38-49
Aims Our aim was to characterize the effects of nitrogen (N) addition on plant root standing crop, production, mortality and turnover in an alpine meadow on the Northwestern plateau of Sichuan Province, China. Methods A N addition experiment was conducted in an alpine meadow on the Northwestern plateau of Sichuan Province since 2012. Urea was applied at four levels: 0, 10, 20 and 30 g·m-2·a-1, referred to as CK, N10, N20 and N30. Root samples in surface (0-10 cm) and subsurface layers (10-20 cm) were observed using Minirhizotron from May 10th to Sept. 27th in 2015. The root standing crop, production, mortality and turnover rate were estimated using WinRHZIO Tron MF software. Repeated-measure ANOVA, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation were performed to analyze the effect of N addition on soil and root characteristics. Important findings N addition significantly increased soil available N content and decreased soil pH value, but did not alter soil total N and SOM contents under all treatments. N addition did not exhibit any significant effects on the mean root standing crop and cumulative root production in the 0-10 cm, but significantly reduced mean root standing crop and cumulative root production in 10-20 cm soil layer by 195.3 and 142.3 g·m-2 (N10), 235.8 and 212.1 g·m-2 (N20) and 198.0 and 204.4 g·m-2 (N30), respectively. The cumulative root mortality was significantly decreased by 206.1 g·m-2 in N10 treatment and root turnover rate was significantly increased with 17% for N30 treatment at the 0-10 cm soil depth, but the cumulative root mortality and root turnover rate was not significantly different at 10-20 cm soil depth. In addition, cumulative root production, mortality and turnover rate in 0-10 cm soil layer were significantly correlated with the soil available N content, whereas no significant associations were observed in 10-20 cm soil. Taken together, these results demonstrate that N addition alters the soil N availability and thus induces the root dynamics and changes in root distribution as well as C allocation in alpine meadow. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All rights reserved. 相似文献
Chao Bai Richard M. Twyman Gemma Farré Georgina Sanahuja Paul Christou Teresa Capell Changfu Zhu 《In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant》2011,47(2):205-221
Numerous crops have been bred or engineered to increase carotenoid levels in an effort to develop novel strategies that address
vitamin A deficiency in the developing world. The pioneering work in rice (not covered in this review) has been followed up
in many additional crops, some of which are staples like rice whereas others are luxury products whose impact on food security
is likely to be marginal. This review surveys the progress that has been made in carotenoid breeding and metabolic engineering,
focusing on β-carotene enhancement in crops other than rice. We ask if these efforts have the potential to address vitamin
A deficiency in developing countries by comparing bioavailable pro-vitamin A levels in wild type and enhanced crops to determine
whether nutritional requirements can be met without the consumption of unrealistic amounts of food. The potential impact of
carotenoid enhancement should therefore be judged against benchmarks that include the importance of particular crops in terms
of global food security, the amount of bioavailable β-carotene, and the amount of food that must be consumed to achieve the
reference daily intake of vitamin A. 相似文献
Increased demand for protein rich nutrition and a limited land capacity combine to create a food supply issue which imposes greater dependence on phosphorus, required for yield maximization in crops for humans, and for animal feeds. To determine the technical and environmental efficiency of diverse milk production systems, this work evaluates the use of phosphorus (P), within confined, conventional grazing, and innovative dairy management regimes across two genetic merits of Holstein Friesian cows, by calculating annual farm gate P budgets and applying a series of common and novel data envelopment analysis (DEA) models. Efficiency results provide an insight into P effective dairy management systems as the DEA models consider P as an environmental pollutant as well as a non-renewable resource. We observe that dairy system efficiency differs, and can depend upon, model emphasis, whether it is the potential for losses to the environment, or the finite nature of P. DEA scores generated by pollutant focused models were wider ranging and, on average, higher for genetically improved animals within housed systems, consuming imported by-product feeds and exporting all manure. However, DEA models which considered P as a non-renewable resource presented a tighter range of efficiency scores across all management regimes and did not always favour cows of improved genetics. Divergent results arising from type of model applied generate questions concerning the importance of model emphasis and offer insight into the sustainability of P use within varied dairy systems. 相似文献
Summary A summary is given of two papers, presented by the authors at a seminar held for members of the Netherlands Hydrobiological Society. A simple model for photosynthesis is described that leads to a new relation between production rate and light intensity. This relation gives a better fit to experimental data than previous ones and allows relatively easy statistical evaluation of its parameters. It can be intergrated analytically for calculation of total photosynthesis per unit area, if the light intensity above water and extinction are known. 相似文献
Ruiz S. Koebernick N. Duncan S. Fletcher D. McKay Scotson C. Boghi A. Marin M. Bengough A. G. George T. S. Brown L. K. Hallett P. D. Roose T. 《Plant and Soil》2020,453(1-2):281-295
Plant and Soil - Our aim was to determine whether there is a synergistic interaction between the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Rhizoglomus intraradices and the bacterium Brevibacterium... 相似文献