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Beating neonatal heart cell cultures were treated with diamide or t-butyl hydroperoxide, and changes in glutathione oxidation, cell beating, and protein S-thiolation (protein mixed-disulfide formation) were examined. Both compounds caused extensive oxidation of glutathione. Cells treated with diamide stopped beating within 2 min, and beating returned to normal after 30-45 min. Cells stopped beating 25 min after the addition of t-butyl hydroperoxide, and beating did not resume. t-Butyl hydroperoxide caused S-thiolation of a variety of proteins, but only one protein, of molecular mass 23 kDa, was extensively modified. Diamide caused extensive modification of proteins with molecular masses of 97, 42 and 23 kDa as well as three proteins of about 35 kDa. Though the GSSG content of cell cultures returned to normal by 15 min after diamide treatment. S-thiolation of several proteins persisted. These studies show that S-thiolation of proteins is an important metabolic response in cells exposed to an oxidative challenge by t-butyl hydroperoxide or diamide, and that the specificity of the response depends on the agent used.  相似文献   

Protein mixed-disulfides in cultured rat heart cells were analyzed by gel electrophoresis under conditions that eliminated artifactual formation of these protein derivatives. Protein S-thiolation (protein mixed-disulfide formation) was detectable under normal culture conditions. Diamide oxidized intracellular glutathione in these cells and produced extensive protein S-thiolation. The specificity of this protein modification indicates a role in the regulation of cardiac metabolism.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase is reversibly inhibited by incubation with S-nitrosothiols. Loss of enzyme activity is associated with the depletion of 5,5'-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid)-accessible thiol groups, and is not due to nitric oxide release from RSNO. Full enzymatic activity and protein thiol content are restored by incubation of the S-nitrosothiol-modified protein with glutathione. S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, which contains a more sterically hindered S-nitroso group than S-nitrosoglutathione, predominantly modifies the protein thiol to an S-nitrosothiol via a transnitrosation reaction. In contrast, S-nitrosoglutathione modifies creatine kinase predominantly by S-thiolation. Both S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine and S-nitrosoglutathione modify bovine serum albumin to an S-nitroso derivative. This indicates that S-thiolation and S-nitrosation are both relevant reactions for S-nitrosothiols, and the relative importance of these reactions in biological systems depends on both the environment of the protein thiol and on the chemical nature of the S-nitrosothiol.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the current evidence on the role of thyroid hormones in regulating the creatine kinase energy transfer system at multiple structures in cardiac cells. 1) Thyroid hormones modulate the overall synthesis of phosphocreatine (PCr) by increasing the rate of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. 2) Thyroid hormones regulate the total activity of creatine kinase and its isoenzyme distribution. In comparison with normal thyroid state (euthyroidism), hypothyroidism is characterized by decreased total creatine kinase activity owing to diminished fraction of creatine kinase. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism, while causing no change in total creatine kinase activity, leads to increased fractions of neonatal isoforms of creatine kinase, and, in case of prolonged hyperthyroidism, to decreased fraction of mitochondrial creatine kinase. The latter change is associated with partial uncoupling between mitochondrial creatine kinase and adenine nucleotide translocase reflected by decreased PCr/O ratio. 3) Hyperthyroidism leads to increased passive sarcolemmal permeability due to which the leakage of creatine along its concentration gradient occurs. As a result of (i) increased sarcolemmal permeability for creatine, (ii) uncoupling of mitochondrial PCr synthesis, and (iii) increased energy utilization rate the steady state intracellular PCr content decreases under hyperthyroidism which, in turn, increases the myocardial susceptibility to hypoxic damage. Thyroid state also modulates the protective effects of exogenous PCr on energetically depleted myocardium.  相似文献   

S-thiolation of cardiac creatine kinase and skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase b was initiated by reduced oxygen species in reaction mixtures containing reduced glutathione. Both proteins were extensively modified at similar rates under conditions in which the oxidation of glutathione was inadequate to cause S-thiolation by thiol-disulfide exchange. Creatine kinase was both S-thiolated and non-reducibly oxidized at the same time at low glutathione concentration. The amount of each modification was decreased by adding additional reduced glutathione, and with adequate glutathione oxidation was prevented while S-thiolation was still very active. S-thiolation of glycogen phosphorylase b was not significantly affected by glutathione concentration and non-reducible oxidation of glycogen phosphorylase b was not observed. These experiments suggest that oxyradical or H2O2-initiated processes may be an important mechanism of protein S-thiolation during oxidative stress, and that the cellular concentration of glutathione may be an important factor in S-thiolation of different proteins. Both creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase b competed favorably with ferricytochrome c for superoxide anion in the standard xanthine oxidase system for the generation of oxyradicals and H2O2. These proteins were as effective as ascorbate and much more effective than reduced glutathione in this regard. Ascorbate was also an effective inhibitor of oxyradical-initiated S-thiolation of creatine kinase, suggesting a role of superoxide anion in protein S-thiolation. Other experiments showed that both catalase and superoxide dismutase could partially inhibit protein S-thiolation. Thus, reduced oxygen species may react with protein sulfhydryls resulting in S-thiolation by a mechanism that involves the reaction of an activated protein thiol with reduced glutathione.  相似文献   

Myofibrillar creatine kinase and cardiac contraction   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This article is a review on the organization and function of myofibrillar creatine kinase in striated muscle. The first part describes myofibrillar creatine kinase as an integral structural part of the complex organization of myofibrils in striated muscle. The second part considers the intrinsic biochemical and mechanical properties of myofibrils and the functional coupling between myofibrillar CK and myosin ATPase. Skinned fiber studies have been developed to evidence this functional coupling and the consequences for cardiac contraction. The data show that creatine kinase in myofibrils is effective enough to sustain normal tension and relaxation, normal Ca sensitivity and kinetic characteristics. Moreover, the results suggest that myofibrillar creatine kinase is essential in maintaining adequate ATP/ADP ratio in the vicinity of myosin ATPase active site to prevent dysfunctioning of this enzyme. Implications for the physiology and physiopathology of cardiac muscle are discussed.  相似文献   

The soluble creatine kinase isozymes CK-II, CK-III, and CK-IV fromXenopus laevis have been purified to apparent homogeneity and their subunits characterized by means of molecular weight, peptide pattern, and dissociation-reassociation experiments. CK-III and CK-IV are homodimeric isozymes whose subunits are distinct in both molecular weight (42,000 and 41,000, respectively) andStaphylococcus aureus V8 peptide pattern. In dissociation-reassociation experiments, those two subunits do form active heterodimeric isozymes with one another or with rabbit M-CK subunits. Hybrid CK-III/IV isozymes occur also during embryonic differentiation and in adult heart muscle, whereas most other adult tissues contain only homodimeric CK-III or CK-IV isozymes. The CK-II isozyme is a heterodimer composed of one CK-III subunit and another subunit specific to CK-II (M r =41,000). Neitherin vivo norin vitro does this subunit seem able to form homodimers or heterodimers with CK-IV and rabbit M-CK subunits. If we take into account the apparent association of CK-I isozyme with cellular organelles, these results corroborate earlier statements and suggest that the CK isozyme system ofX. laevis is encoded by at least four differentially regulated genomic loci.  相似文献   

Adsorption to the air/water interface of isoenzymes of creatine kinase was investigated using surface pressure-area isotherms and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) observations. Octameric mitochondrial creatine kinase (mtCK) exhibits a significant affinity for the air/water interface. Whatever the mode of formation of the interfacial film, i.e., injection of the protein in the subphase or spreading onto the buffer surface, the final arrangement and conformation adopted by mtCK molecules lead to a similar result. In contrast, the dimeric isoenzymes mtCK and cytosolic MMCK do not induce any surface pressure variation. However, when the subphase contains 0.3M NaCl, both isoenzymes adsorb to the interface. When treated with 0.8 or 3M GdnHCl, muscle creatine kinase (MMCK) becomes surface active and occupies a greater surface than mtCK. This result contrasts with previous observations, often derived from monomeric proteins, that their surface activity is increased upon unfolding. It underlines the possible influence exerted by the protein oligomeric state on its interfacial activity. At a subphase pH of 8.8, which corresponds to the pI of octameric mtCK, the profiles of the isotherms obtained with dimeric and octameric states and the resistance to compression of the protein monolayers are significantly affected when compared to those recorded at pH 7.4. These data suggest that the octamer is more hydrophobic than the dimer and may contribute to explaining why octamers bind to the inner mitochondrial membrane while dimers do not.  相似文献   

Two isozymes of creatine kinase have been purified differentially from mitochondrial and cytoplasmic subfractions of intestinal epithelial cells. These intestinal epithelial cell creatine kinases were indistinguishable from the cytoplasmic (B-CK) and mitochondrial (Mi-CK) creatine kinase isozymes of brain when compared by SDS-PAGE, cellulose polyacetate electrophoresis, and peptide mapping. In intestinal epithelial cells, immunolocalization of the Mi-CK isozyme indicates that it is associated with long, thin mitochondria, which are excluded from the brush border at the apical end of each cell. In contrast, immunolocalization of the B-CK isozyme indicates that it is concentrated distinctly in the brush border terminal web domain. Although absent from the microvilli, B-CK also is distributed diffusely throughout the cytoplasm. Terminal web localization of B-CK was maintained in glycerol-permeabilized cells and in isolated brush borders, indicating that B-CK binds to the brush border structure. The abundance and localization of the mitochondrial and cytoplasmic creatine kinase isozymes suggest that they are part of a system that temporally and/or spatially buffers dynamic energy requirements of intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

To examine the role of changes in the distribution of the creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes [BB, MB, MM, and mitochondrial CK (mito-CK)] on the creatine kinase reaction velocity in the intact heart, we measured the creatine kinase reaction velocity and substrate concentrations in hearts from neonatal rabbits at different stages of development. Between 3 and 18 days postpartum, total creatine kinase activity did not change, but the isoenzyme distribution and total creatine content changed. Hearts containing 0, 4, or 9% mito-CK activity were studied at three levels of cardiac performance: KCl arrest and Langendorff and isovolumic beating. The creatine kinase reaction velocity in the direction of MgATP production was measured with 31P magnetization transfer under steady-state conditions. Substrate concentrations were measured with 31P NMR (ATP and creatine phosphate) and conventional biochemical analysis (creatine) or estimated (ADP) by assuming creatine kinase equilibrium. The rate of ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation was estimated with oxygen consumption measurements. These results define three relationships. First, the creatine kinase reaction velocity increased as mito-CK activity increased, suggesting that isoenzyme localization can alter reaction velocity. Second, the reaction velocity increased as the rate of ATP synthesis increased. Third, as predicted by the rate equation, reaction velocity increased with the 3-fold increase in creatine and creatine phosphate contents that occurred during development.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the mitochondrial isoenzyme of creatine kinase (CKm) can be solubilized from rabbit heart mitochondria, the outer membrane of which has been removed or at least broken by a digitonin treatment or a short hypotonic exposure, but which has retained an important part of the capacity to phosphorylate ADP. Phosphate, ADP, or ATP, at concentrations which are used to study oxidative phosphorylation and creatine phosphate synthesis, solubilize CKm; the same is true with MgCl2 and KCl. The effect of adenine nucleotides does not seem to be due to their interaction with the adenine nucleotide translocase. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that CKm is the main protein released in the described conditions; however, it does not amount to more than 1% of the total protein content of the mitoplasts. When the apparent Km for ATP of CKm was estimated by measuring creatine phosphate synthesis, the values obtained using water-treated mitochondria (0.21 mM) were slightly higher than those of intact mitochondria (0.12 mM) but the difference was not significant. In the former preparation 77% of CKm was in a soluble state. If we can extrapolate these results to intact mitochondria and suppose that in this case a fraction of CKm is also soluble in the intermembrane space, this does not support the theory of functional association between CKm and the adenine nucleotide translocase.  相似文献   

Mihm MJ  Bauer JA 《Biochimie》2002,84(10):1013-1019
Although cardiac peroxynitrite formation and attendant protein nitration is an established event in both acute and chronic settings of cardiac failure, the putative intracellular targets involved remain incompletely defined. We have recently shown that the myofibrillar isoform of creatine kinase (a critical energetic controller of cardiomyocyte contractility) may be a particularly sensitive target of peroxynitrite-induced nitration and inactivation in vivo. However, the kinetic and mechanistic aspects of this interaction remain undefined. Here we tested the hypothesis that myofibrillar creatine kinase is sensitive to inhibition by peroxynitrite, and investigated the mechanistic role for tyrosine nitration in this process. Peroxynitrite potently and irreversibly inhibited myofibrillar creatine kinase capacity (Vmax), at concentrations as low as 100 nM, while substrate affinity (Km) was unaffected. Concentration-dependent nitration of myofibrillar creatine kinase was observed. The extent of nitration was linearly related to peroxynitrite concentration and highly correlated to the extent of myofibrillar creatine kinase inhibition. This inhibition was not reversible by treatment with free cysteine (250 microM), but pre-incubation with substrate (phosphocreatine and/or ATP) provided significant protection of MM-CK from both nitration and inhibition. These results suggest that myofibrillar creatine kinase is a highly sensitive target of peroxynitrite-mediated inhibition, and that nitration may mediate this inhibition.  相似文献   

Elsewhere in this book the important role of creatine kinase and its metabolites in high energy phosphate metabolism and transport in muscle cells has been reviewed. The emphasis of this review article is mainly on the compartmentalized catalytic activity of adenylate kinase in relation to creatine kinase isoenzymes, and other enzymes of energy production and utilization processes in muscle cells. At present the role of adenylate kinase is considered simply to equilibrate the stores of adenine nucleotides. Recent studies by us and others, however, suggest an entirely new view of the metabolic importance of adenylate kinase in muscle function. This view offers a closer interaction between adenylate kinase and creatine kinase, in the process of energy production (at mitochondrial and glycolytic sites), and energy utilization (at myofibrillar sites and perhaps other sites such as sarcoplasmic reticular, sarcolemmal membrane, etc.), thus being an integral part of the high energy phosphate transport system.This review article opens up the opportunity to further examine the metabolism of adenine nucleotides and their fluxes through the adenylate kinase system in intact muscle cells. Using an intact system, having a preserved integrity of their compartmentalized enzymes and substrates, is essential in clarifying the exact role of adenylate kinase in high energy phosphate metabolism in muscle cells.  相似文献   

Crosslinking of subunits of the high molecular weight oligomer of bovine heart mitochondrial creatine kinase (CKm) by dimethyl suberimidate and subsequent electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate gives eight protein bands. An increase in the time course of the enzyme crosslinking reaction results in the protein accumulation in the high molecular weight bands. Evidence has been obtained suggesting that crosslinking involves only the intraoligomeric contact areas. It is concluded that bovine heart CKm is an octamer. Crosslinking of intersubunit contacts in the octameric form of the enzyme by various diimidates has been carried out. The data obtained suggest that within the octamer the CKm subunits have a quasispherical rather than planar arrangement. This finding is supported by electron microscopy data.  相似文献   

53-fold purified creatine kinase is isolated from beef heart mitochondria by phosphate buffer extraction followed by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and KM-cellulose and preparative electrophoresis in phosphate buffer density gradient. The purified enzyme was homogenous under electrophoresis in agarose gel and moved to cathode. The enzyme did not enter into separating gel under disc electrophoresis in conditions for the separation of neutral anc acid proteins, while under conditions for separating alkaline proteins it produced five fractions. The stability of creatine kinase under storage considerably decreased after the purification.  相似文献   

To characterize the isoenzyme distribution of creatine kinase (CK) in endothelial cells (ECs) and its functional role during substrate depletion, ECs from aorta (AECs) and microvasculature (MVECs) of pig and rat were studied. In addition, high- energy phosphates were continuously monitored by (31)P NMR spectroscopy in pig AECs attached to microcarrier beads. CK activity per milligram of protein in rat AECs and MVECs (0.08 +/- 0.01 and 0.15 +/- 0.08 U/mg, respectively) was <3% of that of cardiomyocytes (6.46 +/- 1.02 U/mg). Rat and pig AECs and MVECs displayed cytosolic BB-CK, but no MM-CK. Gel electrophoresis of mitochondrial fractions of rat and pig ECs indicated the presence of mitochondrial Mi-CK, mostly in dimeric form. The presence of Mi(a)-CK was demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence staining using Mi(a)-CK antibodies. When perifused with creatine-supplemented medium, phosphocreatine (PCr) continuously increased with time (1.2 +/- 0.6 nmol x h(-1) x mg x protein(-1)), indicating creatine uptake and CK activity. Glucose withdrawal from the medium induced a rapid decrease in PCr, which was fully reversible on glucose addition, demonstrating temporal buffering of an energy deficit. Because both cytosolic and mitochondrial CK isoforms are present in ECs, the CK system may also contribute to energy transduction ("shuttle hypothesis").  相似文献   

A 31P nuclear magnetic resonance saturation transfer method was used to measure the temperature dependence of creatine kinase-catalysed fluxes in Langendorff-perfused rat hearts. A decrease in temperature from 37 to 4°C lowered the observed steady-state fluxes by about 80%. These data were used in conjunction with calculated changes in substrate concentrations with temperature to estimate the activation energy for creatine kinase in situ. The apparent activation energy of 42 kJ/mol agrees reasonably well with the range of literature values for the enzyme in vitro. This demonstrates that the reaction is not diffusion-limited in situ and that extraction and dilution of the enzyme for study in vitro does not alter fundamental kinetic properties of the enzyme exhibited in the intact tissue.  相似文献   

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