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Transient asymmetric Nodal signaling in the left lateral plate mesoderm (L LPM) during tailbud/early somitogenesis stages is associated in all vertebrates examined with the development of stereotypical left-right (L-R) organ asymmetry. In Xenopus, asymmetric expression of Nodal-related 1 (Xnr1) begins in the posterior L LPM shortly after the initiation of bilateral perinotochordal expression in the posterior tailbud. The L LPM expression domain rapidly shifts forward to cover much of the flank of the embryo before being progressively downregulated, also in a posterior-to-anterior direction. The mechanisms underlying the initiation and propagation of Nodal/Xnr1 expression in the L LPM, and its transient nature, are not well understood. Removing the posterior tailbud domain prevents Xnr1 expression in the L LPM, consistent with the idea that normal embryos respond to a posteriorly derived asymmetrically acting positive inductive signal. The forward propagation of asymmetric Xnr1 expression occurs LPM-autonomously via planar tissue communication. The shifting is prevented by Nodal signaling inhibitors, implicating an underlying requirement for Xnr1-to-Xnr1 induction. It is also unclear how asymmetric Nodal signals are modulated during L-R patterning. Small LPM grafts overexpressing Xnr1 placed into the R LPM of tailbud embryos induced the expression of the normally L-sided genes Xnr1, Xlefty, and XPitx2, and inverted body situs, demonstrating the late-stage plasticity of the LPM. Orthogonal Xnr1 signaling from the LPM strongly induced Xlefty expression in the midline, consistent with recent findings in the mouse and demonstrating for the first time in another species conservation in the mechanism that induces and maintains the midline barrier. Our findings suggest that there is long-range contralateral communication between L and R LPM, involving Xlefty in the midline, over a substantial period of tailbud embryogenesis, and therefore lend further insight into how, and for how long, the midline maintains a L versus R status in the LPM.  相似文献   

During blastula and gastrula stages of Xenopus development, cells become progressively and asynchronously committed to a particular germ layer. We have analysed the expression of genes normally expressed in ectoderm, mesoderm or endoderm in individual cells from early and late gastrula embryos, by both in situ hybridization and single-cell RT-PCR. We show that at early gastrula stages, individual cells in the same region may express markers of two or more germ layers, and 'rogue' cells that express a marker outside its canonical domain are also observed at these stages. However, by the late gastrula stage, individual cells express markers that are more characteristic of their position in the embryo, and 'rogue' cells are seen less frequently. These observations exemplify at the gene expression level the observation that cells of the early gastrula are less committed to one germ layer than are cells of the late gastrula embryo. Ectodermal cells induced to form mesendoderm by the addition of Activin respond by activating expression of different mesodermal and endodermal markers in the same cell, recapitulating the response of marginal zone cells in the embryo.  相似文献   

Histone gene expression in early development of Xenopus laevis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. This study comprises the hybridization analysis of electrophoretically separated histone mRNAs from oocytes and embryos of Xenopus laevis , and analysis of in vitro translation products of these mRNAs on polyacrylamide gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or Triton X-100. In oocytes and embryos up to the tailbud stage, four types of mRNAs complementary to histone H2B DNA and two complementary to histone H4 DNA can be discriminated by their different electrophoretic mobilities on polyacrylamide gels. Electrophoretic heterogeneity was not detected for messengers for histones H2A and H3.
Histone mRNA, purified by hybridization under stringent conditions with a cloned histone gene cluster, was used to direct histone protein synthesis in a wheat-germ cell free system. The proteins synthesized comigrate with purified marker histones when electrophoresed on SDS-gels or acid-urea gels containing Triton X-100. When hybrid-selected histone mRNAs from oocytes and embryos in different developmental stages are translated, the proteins made by the mRNA from one stage can not be discriminated from those made by the mRNA from another stage after electrophoresis on SDS-gels or acid urea Triton X-100 gels.  相似文献   

Regulation of SV40 early gene expression   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Regulation of early adenovirus gene expression.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

The endoderm gives rise the respiratory and digestive tract epithelia as well as associated organs such as the liver, lungs and pancreas. Investigations examining the molecular basis of embryonic endodermal patterning and organogenesis have been hampered by the lack of regionally expressed molecular markers in the early endoderm. By differentially screening an arrayed cDNA library, combined with an in situ hybridization screen we identified 13 new genes regionally expressed in the early tailbud endoderm of the Xenopus embryo. The putative proteins encoded by these cDNAs include a cell surface transporter, secreted proteins, a protease, a protease inhibitor, an RNA-binding protein, a phosphatase inhibitor and several enzymes. We find that the expression of these genes falls into one of three re-occurring domains in the tailbud embryo; (1). a ventral midgut, (2). posterior to the midgut and (3). in the dorsal endoderm beneath the notochord. Several of these genes are also regionally expressed at gastrula and neurula stages and appear to mark territories that were previously only predicted by the endoderm fate map. This indicates that there is significant positional identity in the early endoderm long before stages 28-32 when regional specification of the endoderm is thought to occur. These new genes provide valuable tools for studying endodermal patterning and organogenesis in Xenopus.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, nodal-related genes are crucial for specifying mesendodermal cell fates. Six nodal-related genes have been identified in Xenopus, but only one, nodal, has been identified in the mouse. The Xenopus nodal-related gene 3 (Xnr3), however, lacks the mesoderm-inducing activity of the other five nodal-related genes in Xenopus, and can directly induce neural tissue in animal caps by antagonizing BMP signals. In this study, we isolated three clones of the Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis nodal-related gene 3 (Xtnr3) and analyzed their function. The Xtnr3 genes show high homology to Xnr3 and have the same activity. Southern blot and genomic PCR analyses indicate that the X. tropicalis genome has duplications in the Xtnr3 gene sequences and our three clones represent separate gene loci. We also found a partial clone of Xtnr3 that coded for the N-terminal part of its pro-region. Surprisingly, this sequence also induced neural tissue by antagonizing BMP signals, and its coded protein physically associated with BMP4 mature protein. Furthermore, we showed that the pro-region of Xnr5 has the same activity. Together, these findings indicate that the pro-region of nodal-related genes acts antagonistically towards BMP signals, which identifies a novel mechanism for the inhibition of BMP signaling.  相似文献   

The ectoderm of the pre-gastrula Xenopus embryo has previously been shown to be at least partially patterned along the dorsal-ventral axis. The early expression of the anti-neural homeodomain gene Dlx3 is localized to the ventral ectoderm by a mechanism that occurs prior to gastrulation and is independent of the Spemann organizer. The repression of Dlx3 is mediated by signaling though beta-catenin, but is probably not dependent on the induction of the Xnr3 or chordin genes by beta-catenin. We propose a model in which this early regulation of Dlx3 accounts for the pro-neural bias of dorsal ectoderm.  相似文献   

Convergent extension behaviour is critical for the formation of the vertebrate body axis. In Xenopus, components of the Wnt signaling pathway have been shown to be required for convergent extension movements but the relationship between cell fate and morphogenesis is little understood. We show by loss of function analysis that Xnr3 activates Xbra expression through FGFR1. We show that eFGF activity is not essential in the pathway, and that dishevelled acts downstream of Xnr3 and not in a parallel pathway. We provide evidence for the involvement of the EGF-CFC protein FRL1, and suggest that the pro-domain of Xnr3 may be required for its activity. Since Xnr3 is a direct target of the maternal betacatenin/XTcf3 signaling pathway, it provides the link between the initial, maternally controlled, allocation of cell fate, and the morphogenetic movements of cells derived from the organizer.  相似文献   

We have carried out a large-scale, semi-automated whole-mount in situ hybridization screen of 8369 cDNA clones in Xenopus laevis embryos. We confirm that differential gene expression is prevalent during embryogenesis since 24% of the clones are expressed non-ubiquitously and 8% are organ or cell type specific marker genes. Sequence analysis and clustering yielded 723 unique genes displaying a differential expression pattern. Of these, 18% were already described in Xenopus, 47% have homologs and 35% are lacking significant sequence similarity in databases. Many of them encode known developmental regulators. We classified 363 of the 723 genes for which a Gene Ontology annotation for molecular function could be attributed and found 'DNA binding' and 'enzyme' the most represented terms. The most common protein domains encoded in these embryonic, differentially expressed genes are the homeobox and RNA Recognition Motif (RRM). Fifty-nine putative orthologs of human disease genes, and 254 organ or cell specific marker genes were identified. Markers were found for nasal placode and archenteron roof, organs for which a specific marker was previously unavailable. Markers were also found for novel subdomains of various other organs. The tissues for which most markers were found are muscle and epidermis. Expression of cell cycle regulators fell in two classes, containing proliferation-promoting and anti-proliferative genes, respectively. We identified 66 new members of the BMP4, chromatin, endoplasmic reticulum, and karyopherin synexpression groups, thus providing a first glimpse of their probable cellular roles. Cluster analysis of tissues to measure tissue relatedness yielded some unorthodox affinities besides expectable lineage relationships. In conclusion, this study represents an atlas of gene expression patterns, which reveals embryonic regionalization, provides novel marker genes, and makes predictions about the functional role of unknown genes.  相似文献   

In early development of vertebrates, sonic hedgehog functions in dorsal-ventral patterning of dorsal tissue (nervous system and somites). In Xenopus, sonic hedgehog (Xshh) is first expressed in the Spemann organizer/notochord and floor plate. We report here the mechanism governing Xshh mRNA induction in these regions. In animal cap assays, the antagonizing BMPs signal was not sufficient to induce Xshh mRNA expression; however, it could induce Xshh mRNA expression in the presence of Xnr-1. In whole embryos, when secondary axes were induced by coexpressing noggin and Xnr-1 or follistatin and Xnr-1, Xshh mRNA expression was observed in the notochord and floor plate within the induced axes. It seems apparent that spatially restricted Xshh mRNA expression is determined as intersection of the two signals.  相似文献   

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