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In many songbird species, females prefer males that sing a larger repertoire of syllables. Males with more elaborate songs have a larger high vocal centre (HVC) nucleus, the highest structure in the song production pathway. HVC size is thus a potential target of sexual selection. Here we provide evidence that the size of the HVC and other song production nuclei are heritable across individual males within a species. In contrast, we find that heritabilities of other nuclei in a song-learning pathway are lower, suggesting that variation in the sizes of these structures is more closely tied to developmental and environmental differences between individuals. We find that evolvability, a statistical measure that predicts response to selection, is higher for the HVC and its target for song production, the robustus archistriatalis (RA), than for all other brain volumes measured. This suggests that selection based on the functions of these two structures would result in rapid major shifts in their anatomy. We also show that the size of each song control nucleus is significantly correlated with the song related nuclei to which it is monosynaptically connected. Finally, we find that the volume of the telencephalon is larger in males than in females. These findings begin to join theoretical analyses of the role of female choice in the evolution of bird song to neurobiological mechanisms by which the evolutionary changes in behaviour are expressed.  相似文献   

Adult male zebra finches underwent unilateral denervation of the syrinx or unilateral lesion of the forebrain nucleus HVC known to be important for song control. Disruptive effects of song were greater after right-side than after left-side operations. After denervation of the right half of the syrinx, the fundamental frequencies of all syllables within a song converged on a value near 500 Hz, and nearly all syllables were altered in type. In contrast, the syllables produced after denervation of the left side of the syrinx largely maintained their preoperative frequencies, and fewer syllables changed in type. Unlike nerve sections, HVC lesions did not result in strikingly lateralized effects on syllable phonology; however, HVC lesions did affect the temporal patterning of a bird's song, whereas nerve sections did not, and changes in temporal patterning were more marked after right than after left HVC lesions. Right-side dominance for zebra finch song control is the reverse of that described in other songbird species with lateral asymmetry for vocal communication. We suggest that the need for a dominant side is more important than the side of dominance. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Right-side dominance for song control in the zebra finch.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Adult male zebra finches underwent unilateral denervation of the syrinx or unilateral lesion of the forebrain nucleus HVC known to be important for song control. Disruptive effects on song were greater after right-side than after left-side operations. After denervation of the right half of the syrinx, the fundamental frequencies of all syllables within a song converged on a value near 500 Hz, and nearly all syllables were altered in type. In contrast, the syllables produced after denervation of the left side of the syrinx largely maintained their preoperative frequencies, and fewer syllables changed in type. Unlike nerve sections, HVC lesions did not result in strikingly lateralized effects on syllable phonology; however, HVC lesions did affect the temporal patterning of a bird's song, whereas nerve sections did not, and changes in temporal patterning were more marked after right than after left HVC lesions. Right-side dominance for zebra finch song control is the reverse of that described in other songbird species with lateral asymmetry for vocal communication. We suggest that the need for a dominant side is more important than the side of dominance.  相似文献   



Specialized neural pathways, the song system, are required for acquiring, producing, and perceiving learned avian vocalizations. Birds that do not learn to produce their vocalizations lack telencephalic song system components. It is not known whether the song system forebrain regions are exclusively evolved for song or whether they also process information not related to song that might reflect their ‘evolutionary history’.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To address this question we monitored the induction of two immediate-early genes (IEGs) c-Fos and ZENK in various regions of the song system in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) in response to an aversive food learning paradigm; this involves the association of a food item with a noxious stimulus that affects the oropharyngeal-esophageal cavity and tongue, causing subsequent avoidance of that food item. The motor response results in beak and head movements but not vocalizations. IEGs have been extensively used to map neuro-molecular correlates of song motor production and auditory processing. As previously reported, neurons in two pallial vocal motor regions, HVC and RA, expressed IEGs after singing. Surprisingly, c-Fos was induced equivalently also after food aversion learning in the absence of singing. The density of c-Fos positive neurons was significantly higher than that of birds in control conditions. This was not the case in two other pallial song nuclei important for vocal plasticity, LMAN and Area X, although singing did induce IEGs in these structures, as reported previously.


Our results are consistent with the possibility that some of the song nuclei may participate in non-vocal learning and the populations of neurons involved in the two tasks show partial overlap. These findings underscore the previously advanced notion that the specialized forebrain pre-motor nuclei controlling song evolved from circuits involved in behaviors related to feeding.  相似文献   

In zebra finches early auditory experience is critical for normal song development. Young males first listen to and memorize a suitable song model and then use auditory feedback from their own vocalizations to mimic that model. During these two phases of vocal learning, song-related brain regions exhibit large, hormone-induced changes in volume and neuron number. Overlap between these neural changes and auditory-based vocal learning suggests that processing and acquiring auditory input may influence cellular processes that determine neuron number in the song system. We addressed this hypothesis by measuring neuron density, nuclear volume, and neuron number within the song system of normal male zebra finches and males deafened prior to song learning (10 days of age). Measures were obtained at 25, 50, 65, and 120 days of age, and included four song nuclei: the hyperstriatum ventralis pars caudalis or higher vocal center (HVc), Area X, the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), and the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (IMAN). In both HVc and Area X, nuclear volume and neuron number increased markedly with age in both normal and deafened birds. The volume of RA also increased with age and was not affected by early deafening. In IMAN, deafening also did not affect the overall age-related loss of neurons, although at 25 days neuron number was slightly less in deafened than in normal birds. We conclude that while the addition and loss of neurons in the developing song system may provide plasticity essential for song learning, these changes do not reflect learning.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Male zebra finches normally crystallize song at approximately 90 days and do not show vocal plasticity as adults. However, changes to adult song do occur after unilateral tracheosyringeal (ts) nerve injury, which denervates one side of the vocal organ. We examined the effect of placing bilateral lesions in LMAN (a nucleus required for song development but not for song maintenance in adults) upon the song plasticity that is induced by ts nerve injury in adults. The songs of birds that received bilateral lesions within LMAN followed by right ts nerve injury silenced, on average, 0.25 syllables, and added 0.125 syllables (for an average turnover of 0.375 syllables), and changed neither the frequency with which individual syllables occurred within songs nor the motif types they used most often. In contrast, the songs of birds that received sham lesions followed by ts nerve injury lost, on average, 1.625 syllables, silenced 0.125 syllables, and added 0.75 syllables, turning over an average of 2.5 syllables. They also significantly changed both the frequency with which individual syllables were included in songs and the motif variants used. Thus, song plasticity induced in adult zebra finches with crystallized songs requires the presence of LMAN, a nucleus which had been thought to play a role in vocal production only during song learning. Although the changes to adult songs induced by nerve transection are more limited than those that arise during song development, the same circuitry appears to underlie both types of plasticity.  相似文献   

Adult neurogenesis is often correlated with learning new tasks, suggesting that a function of incorporating new neurons is to permit new memory formation. However, in the zebra finch, neurons are added to the song motor pathway throughout life, long after the initial song motor pattern is acquired by about 3 months of age. To explore this paradox, we examined the relationship between adult song structure and neuron addition using sensitive measures of song acoustic structure. We report that between 4 and 15 months of age there was an increase in the stereotypy of fine-grained spectral and temporal features of syllable acoustic structure. These results indicate that the zebra finch continues to refine motor output, perhaps by practice, over a protracted period beyond the time when song is first learned. Over the same age range, there was a decrease in the addition of new neurons to HVC, a region necessary for song production, but not to Area X or the hippocampus, regions not essential for singing. We propose that age-related changes in the stereotypy of syllable acoustic structure and HVC neuron addition are functionally related.  相似文献   

Z Chi  D Margoliash 《Neuron》2001,32(5):899-910
In the zebra finch forebrain nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA), neurons burst during singing. We showed that the internal structure of spike bursts was regulated with a precision of circa 0.2 ms, and yielded alignment of acoustic features of song with a precision of circa 1 ms. In addition, interburst intervals and corresponding syllable durations displayed systematic variation within song (average elongation 0.3 ms/s song), and slower "drift" across songs. Systematic variation on even a coarser time scale might be difficult to detect in other systems, but could affect the analysis of temporal patterning. The close relationship between precise timing of individual spikes and stereotypic behavior suggests that song is represented in RA by a temporal code.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmins are a family of proteins that function in membrane fusion events, including synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Within this family, synaptotagmin IV (Syt IV) is unique in being a depolarization-induced immediate early gene (IEG). Experimental perturbation of Syt IV modulates neurotransmitter release in mice, flies, and PC12 cells, and modulates learning in mice. Despite these features, induction of Syt IV expression by a natural behavior has not been previously reported. We used the zebra finch, a songbird species, to investigate Syt IV because song is a naturally learned behavior whose neuroanatomical basis is largely identified. We observed that, similar to rodents, Syt IV is inducible in songbirds. This induction was selective and depended on the nature of neuronal depolarization. Generalized seizures caused by the GABA(A) receptor antagonist, metrazole, induced the IEG, ZENK, in zebra finch brain. However, these same seizures failed to induce Syt IV in song control areas. In contrast, when nontreated birds sang, three song control areas showed striking Syt IV induction. Further, this induction appeared sensitive to the social context in which song was sung. Together, these data suggest that neural activity during singing can drive Syt IV expression within song circuitry whereas generalized seizure activity fails to do so even though song control areas are depolarized. Our findings indicate that, within this neural circuit for a procedurally learned sensorimotor behavior, Syt IV is selective and requires precisely patterned neural activity and/or neuromodulation associated with singing.  相似文献   

Songbirds sing complex songs as a result of evolution through sexual selection. The evolution of such sexually selected traits requires genetic control, as well as selection on their expression. Song is controlled by a discrete neural pathway in the brain, and song complexity has been shown to correlate with the volume of specific song control nuclei. As such, the development of these nuclei, in particular the high vocal centre (HVC), is thought to be the mechanism controlling signal expression indicating male quality. We tested the hypothesis that early developmental stress selectively affects adult HVC size, compared with other brain nuclei. We did this by raising cross-fostered zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) under stressed and controlled conditions and determining the effect on adult HVC size. Our results confirm the strong influence of environmental conditions, particularly on HVC development, and therefore on the expression of complex songs. The results also show that both environmental and genetic factors affect the development of several brain nuclei, highlighting the developmental plasticity of the songbird brain. In all, these results explain how the complex song repertoires of songbirds can evolve as honest indicators of male quality.  相似文献   

Songbirds are an important model system for the study of the neurological bases of song learning, but variation in song learning accuracy and adult song complexity remains poorly understood. Current models of sexual selection predict that signals such as song must be costly to develop or maintain to constitute honest indicators of male quality. It has been proposed that reductions of nestling condition during song development might limit the expression of song learning. Adult song could thus act as an indicator of early stress as only males that enjoy good condition during development could learn accurately and sing long songs or large repertoires. We tested this hypothesis in the zebra finch by modifying early condition through cross-fostering chicks to small, medium, and large broods. Song learning was very accurate and was found to reflect very closely tutor song characteristics and to depend on the number of males in the tutoring group. Although the brood size manipulation strongly affected several measures of nestling condition and adult biometry, we found no relationship between early condition and song learning scores or song characteristics. Similarly, brain mass and high vocal center (HVC), robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA), and lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN) volumes did not covary with nestling condition and growth measurements. We found no significant relationship between song repertoire size and HVC and RA volumes, although there was a nonsignificant trend for HVC to increase with increasing proportion of learnt elements in a song. In conclusion, the results provide no evidence for song learning to be limited by nestling condition during the period of nutritional dependence from the parents in this species.  相似文献   

Early nutrition has recently been shown to have pervasive, downstream effects on adult life-history parameters including lifespan, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Damage to biomolecules caused by oxidants, such as free radicals generated during metabolic processes, is widely recognized as a key contributor to somatic degeneration and the rate of ageing. Lipophilic antioxidants (carotenoids, vitamins A and E) are an important component of vertebrate defences against such damage. By using an avian model, we show here that independent of later nutrition, individuals experiencing a short period of low-quality nutrition during the nestling period had a twofold reduction in plasma levels of these antioxidants at adulthood. We found no effects on adult external morphology or sexual attractiveness: in mate-choice trials females did not discriminate between adult males that had received standard- or lower-quality diet as neonates. Our results suggest low-quality neonatal nutrition resulted in a long-term impairment in the capacity to assimilate dietary antioxidants, thereby setting up a need to trade off the requirement for antioxidant activity against the need to maintain morphological development and sexual attractiveness. Such state-dependent trade-offs could underpin the link between early nutrition and senescence.  相似文献   

In many songbirds, vocal learning depends upon appropriate auditory experience during a sensitive period that coincides with the formation and reorganization of song-related neural pathways. Because some effects of early sensory experience on neural organization and early learning have been linked to activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, we measured binding to this receptor within the neural system controlling song behavior in zebra finches. Quantitative autoradiography was used to measure binding of the noncompetitive antagonist [3H]MK-801 (dizocilpine) in the brains of both adult and juvenile male zebra finches, focusing on four telencephalic regions implicated in song learning and production. Overall, the pattern of MK-801 binding in zebra finches was similar to the pattern found in rats (Monaghan and Cotman, 1985, J. Neurosci. 5:2909–2919; Sakurai, Cha, Penney, and Young, 1991, Neuroscience 40:533–543). That is, binding was highest in the telencephalon, intermediate in thalamic regions, and virtually absent from the brain stem and cerebellum. The telencephalic song areas exhibited intermediate levels of binding, and binding in the juveniles was not significantly different from adult levels in most song nuclei. However, in the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (IMAN), binding at 30 days of age was significantly higher than binding in adults. Given the established role of NMDA receptors in other developing neural systems, both their presence in song control nuclei and their developmental regulation within a region implicated in song learning suggest that NMDA receptors play a role in mediating effects of auditory experience on the development of song behavior.  相似文献   

Birdsong is a learned behavior that is controlled by a group of identified nuclei, known collectively as the song system. The cortical nucleus HVC (used as a proper name) is a focal point of many investigations as it is necessary for song production, song learning, and receives selective auditory information. HVC receives input from several sources including the cortical area MMAN (medial magnocellular nucleus of the nidopallium). The MMAN to HVC connection is particularly interesting as it provides potential sensorimotor feedback to HVC. To begin to understand the role of this connection, we investigated the physiological relation between MMAN and HVC activity with simultaneous multiunit extracellular recordings from these two nuclei in urethane anesthetized zebra finches. As previously reported, we found similar timing in spontaneous bursts of activity in MMAN and HVC. Like HVC, MMAN responds to auditory playback of the bird's own song (BOS), but had little response to reversed BOS or conspecific song. Stimulation of MMAN resulted in evoked activity in HVC, indicating functional excitation from MMAN to HVC. However, inactivation of MMAN resulted in no consistent change in auditory responses in HVC. Taken together, these results indicate that MMAN provides functional excitatory input to HVC but does not provide significant auditory input to HVC in anesthetized animals. We hypothesize that MMAN may play a role in motor reinforcement or coordination, or may provide modulatory input to the song system about the internal state of the animal as it receives input from the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Song in oscine birds is a culturally inherited mating signal and sexually dimorphic. From differences in song production learning, sex differences in song recognition learning have been inferred but rarely put to a stringent test. In zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, females never sing and the species has one of the greatest neuroanatomical differences in song-related brain nuclei reported for songbirds. Preference tests with sibling groups for which exposure to song had been identical during the sensitive phase for song learning in males, revealed equally strong influence of the tutor's song (here the father) on males' and females' adult song preferences. Both sexes significantly preferred the father's over unfamiliar song when having free control over exposure to playbacks via an operant task. The sibling comparisons suggest that this preference developed independently of the song's absolute quality: variation between siblings was as great as between nests. The results show that early exposure has an equally strong influence on males' and females' song preferences despite the sexual asymmetry in song production learning. This suggests that the trajectory for song recognition learning is independent of the one for song production learning.  相似文献   

Estrogens influence neuronal differentiation, migration, and survival in intact brains. In injured brains, estrogens can also be neuroprotective. In Experiment 1, following a unilateral penetrating injury to the hippocampus (HP), adult female zebra finches were injected once with BrdU to label mitotic cells then sacrificed 2 h, 1 day, or 7 days postinjection. Cell proliferation was dramatically enhanced in the ipsilateral HP, as well as in neuroproliferative areas including the subventricular zone (SVZ) proximal to the injury. This increase was seen at all time points investigated. Ovariectomy (OVX) substantially suppressed proliferation bilaterally especially in the SVZ indicating that gonadal hormones influenced cell proliferation in both the intact and injured hemisphere. To determine if estrogens were directly involved, estrogen was depleted in Experiment 2 through either OVX or administration of the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole (FAD). Birds were implanted with estradiol or blank followed 2 weeks later by a unilateral penetrating lesion to the HP. Injury-induced substantial proliferation, which was again significantly suppressed bilaterally in both OVX and FAD birds. Estrogen replacement reversed this effect in FAD but not OVX birds therefore the suppression following OVX may be due in part to nonestrogenic influences. Suppression of cell birth in FAD birds was indeed due to the removal of endogenous sources of estrogen. Results therefore indicate that estrogens are directly involved in the brain's response to injury and may be acting to provide a rich environment for the production and perhaps protection of new cells.  相似文献   

Individual differences in sexual behavior have received much attention by evolutionary biologists, but relatively little is known about the proximate causes of this variation. We studied the quantitative genetics of male and female sexual behavior of captive zebra finches and found surprisingly strong maternal effects (differing between individual mothers) on the aggressiveness and song rate of sons and on the daughters' mating preferences for these male traits. We also found that daughters differed in their choosiness during mate-choice experiments depending on whether they originated from eggs produced early or late within the laying sequence of a clutch. Because this effect of laying order occurred independently of hatching order in cross-fostered broods, it must have been caused by consistent within-mother variation in maternal effects transmitted through the egg. Our findings raise the question whether these maternal effects might represent strategic programming of offspring behavior in response to the environment experienced by mothers or whether they are merely nonadaptive byproducts of developmental processes.  相似文献   

In many songbirds, vocal learning depends upon appropriate auditory experience during a sensitive period that coincides with the formation and reorganization of song-related neural pathways. Because some effects of early sensory experience on neural organization and early learning have been linked to activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, we measured binding to this receptor within the neural system controlling song behavior in zebra finches. Quantitative autoradiography was used to measure binding of the noncompetitive antagonist [3H]MK-801 (dizocilpine) in the brains of both adult and juvenile male zebra finches, focusing on four telencephalic regions implicated in song learning and production. Overall, the pattern of MK-801 binding in zebra finches was similar to the pattern found in rats (Monaghan and Cotman, 1985, J. Neurosci. 5:2909-2919; Sakurai, Cha, Penney, and Young, 1991, Neuroscience 40:533-543). That is, binding was highest in the telencephalon, intermediate in thalamic regions, and virtually absent from the brain stem and cerebellum. The telencephalic song areas exhibited intermediate levels of binding, and binding in the juveniles was not significantly different from adult levels in most song nuclei. However, in the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (IMAN), binding at 30 days of age was significantly higher than binding in adults. Given the established role of NMDA receptors in other developing neural systems, both their presence in song control nuclei and their developmental regulation within a region implicated in song learning suggest that NMDA receptors play a role in mediating effects of auditory experience on the development of song behavior.  相似文献   

Juvenile male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) learn a stereotyped song by imitating sounds from adult male tutors. Their song is composed of a series of syllables, which are separated by silent periods. How acoustic units of song are translated into respiratory and syringeal motor gestures during the song learning process is not well understood. To learn about the respiratory contribution to the imitation process, we recorded air sac pressure in 38 male zebra finches and compared the acoustic structures and air sac pressure patterns of similar syllables qualitatively and quantitatively. Acoustic syllables correspond to expiratory pressure pulses and most often (74%) entire syllables are copied using similar air sac pressure patterns. Even notes placed within different syllables are generated with similar air sac pressure patterns when only segments of syllables are copied (9%). A few of the similar syllables (17%) are generated with a modified pressure pattern, typically involving addition or deletion of an inspiration. The high similarity of pressure patterns for like syllables indicates that generation of particular sounds is constrained to a narrow range of air sac pressure conditions. Following presentation of stroboscope flashes, song was typically interrupted at the end of an expiratory pressure pulse, confirming that expirations and, therefore, syllables are the smallest unit of motor production of song. Silent periods, which separate syllables acoustically, are generated by switching from expiration to inspiration. Switching between respiratory phases, therefore, appears to play a dominant role in organizing the stereotyped motor program for song production.  相似文献   

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