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A new genus Brachylepis gen. n. hymenolepididean cestodes associated with common shrews (Sorex) in Siberia and Russian Far East is created. These genus includes three species removed from the genus Mathevolepis: Brachylepis morosovi (Karpenko, 1994) comb. n. (type species), B. sorextscherskii (Morosov, 1957) comb. n. and B. triovaria Karpenko, 1990) comb. n. The new genus is characterized by the gradual strobila with a little number of segments, unarmed scolex with apical glandular organ, by lack of internal seminal vesicle and differential seminal receptacle, by form of uterus as horse shoe in young worms and buble-like in mature worms. A tendency of inverse proportional dependence between the number of uterus segments in the strobila and the number of hexacanths in the uterus has been noticed. The table of differential characters for the species of the genus Brachylepis is proposed.  相似文献   

Mathevolepis junlanae sp. n. from shrews (Sorex spp.) of Far East is described given. The new species occupies an intermediate position between the Palaearctic species M. petrotschenkoi Spassky, 1948 (total number of proglottids--4) and M. skrjabini (Sadovskaya, 1965) (10-12 segments in a series) by the number of synchronously developing proglottids (2-4). The new species differs from M. larbi Karpenko, 1982 by the structure and measurements of copulative apparatus in proglottids. In M. larbi, vagina S-shaped, vagina length 0.147-0.154 mm, cirrus length 0.146-0.149 mm, and cirrus bursa reaching aporal excretory vessels. M. junlanae sp. n. has cirrus bursa slightly crossing center line of sexually mature proglottids, cirrus about half as long (0.084-0.092 mm), and smaller sac-shaped vagina (0.075-0.10 mm). The new species differs from the Nearctic representative M. macyi (Locker and Rausch, 1952) by lesser measurements of cirrus bursa (0.12-0.14 mm versus 0.4 mm) and a fewer number of proglottids in series (2-4 versus 5-7).  相似文献   

Vampirolepis muraiae n. sp. (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea: Hymenolepididae) is described on the basis of a single specimen from a mouse-eared bat, Myotis sp., from Yunnan Province, China. It is distinguished from its congeners on the basis of the size and shape of the rostellar hooks, which have a blade shorter than the guard, the tubular structure of the initial stage of the developing uterus and eggs with a thick outer coat.  相似文献   

A new cestode species, Monocercus dokuchaevi sp. n. is described from shrews of the genus Sorex from the Middle Kolyma plateau (Magadan Province). The new species is most closer to M. soricis (Neiland, 1953) by having regular alteration of genital atriums in the short strobila (up to 10 mm only). The size of rostellar hooks in M. dokuchaevi is intermedial between those in M. soricis and M. arioni (Sibold, 1850). In Monocercus dokuchaevi, the length of rostellar hooks is 0.038-0.045 mm (average 0.045 mm), in M. arioni, average is 0.05 mm, in M. soricis, limits are 0.027-0.033 mm. Two other species of the genus, M. baicalensis Eltyshev, 1971 and M. estavarensis Euzet et Jourdan, 1968, have much longer rostellar hooks, 0.07-0.08 and 0.092-0.106 mm, respectively, whereas the genital atriums in these species are altered irregularly.  相似文献   

The following rodents and marsupials from the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea have been examined for helminths: Anisomys imitator, Melomys spp., Pogonomelomys ruemmleri, Rattus spp., Echymipera kalubu and Peroryctes raffrayanus. Two new species and a number of new host records are reported. Echinostoma echymiperae n. sp., a digenean from the intestine of Echymipera kalubu, is characterised by the number of collar spines, the body armature and the shape and position of the gonads. Vampirolepis peroryctis n. sp., a cestode from the intestine of Peroryctes raffrayanus, is characterised by the length of the rostellar hooks, the shape of the ovary, the arrangement of the testes in a triangle and the extent of the cirrus-sac. Hymenolepis aklei, H. bradleyi, H. antechini, H. bettongiae, H. cercarteti, H. isoodontis and H. potoroi are transferred to Vampirolepis as new combinations. E. kalubu is a new host for Linstowia semoni and Pogonomelomys ruemmleri is a new host for Hymenolepis diminuta. V. peroryctis is the first platyhelminth to be reported from Peroryctes raffrayanus and Raillietina (Raillietina) sp. the second to be reported from the genus Melomys.  相似文献   

A new species of aseptate gregarine, Sphinctocystis phyllodoces gen. n., sp. n., from the gut of a polychaete Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 from White Sea is described. The electron and light microscopic data on trophozoits are presented. Taxonomy of the described species is discussed. Certain ultrastructural characters are included in generic and specific diagnoses. Order Eugregarinida Leger, 1900; suborder Aseptata Chakravarty, 1960; family Lecudinidae Kamm, 1922. GENUS: Sphinctocystis gen. n. TYPE SPECIES: Sphinctocystis phyllodoces sp. n. DIAGNOSIS: Characters of the family. Free trophozoits elongated, often with several annular constrictions. Anterior end asymmetric, without hooks, not separated from the body, with small apical papilla encircled by smooth area. Epicyte "classical", without additional axial formations at the tops of folds; epicytic folds high, monomorphic in cross sections, finger-shaped, with parallel sidewalls. In the gut of polychaetes. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: The new genus differs from Lecudina by having asymmetric anterior end, developed smooth area around the apical papilla, and monomorphic epicytic folds looking finger-shaped in cross sections. It also differs from Lankesteria by the absence of additional axial formations at the tops of the epicytic folds. It differs from both named genera by presence of annular constrictions on the trophozoit body. Sphinctocystis phyllodoces sp. n. DIAGNOSIS: Characters of the genus. Free trophozoits elongated, large, up to 617 x x 77 um. The average height of epicytic folds 976 nm, thickness 194 nm; there are 6-8 apical filaments and rippled dense structures per fold. Nucleus spherical (ellipsoid after fixation), 24-52 microm along longest axis, localised in anterior third of the body, carries several karyosomes of various size; 25-30 nm thick fibrils (possible fragments of nucleolonema) may be present in karyolymph. Other stages unknown. TYPE SERIES: Microscope preparation with 7 trophozoits, Karacci's haematoxylin stained, is kept in the Zoological museum of the Moscow State University (collection number: Z-1). TYPE HOST: Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 (Polychaeta: Phyllodocidae). LOCALISATION: Mid-gut. TYPE LOCALITY: White Sea Biological Station of the Moscow State University, Yeremeyevsky Rapid, Velikaya Salma Strait, Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea.  相似文献   

A new species of anoplocephalid cestode, Paranoplocephala gubanovi sp. n. (Cyclophyllidea, Anoplocephalidae), from wood lemmings of Eastern Siberia (Myopus schisticolor) is described. The new species differs from other known species of Paranoplocephala associated with Holarctic lemmings by having unique combination of characters as follows: a few-segmented strobila, superficial suckers sticking out of the scolex, ovary covering practically the whole middle part of the segment, relatively little number of testicles situated in the aporal part of the segment, cirrus bursa crossing the poral excretory vessels, and subspherical spermatheca situated in the middle part of the segment. Comparison of P. gubanovi sp. n. and several closest species, P. fellmani Haukisaimi et Henttonen, 2001, P. serrata Haukisaimi et Henttonen, 2000, and P. arctica (Rausch, 1952) has been carried out. Features distinguishing the new species from Aprostatandrya macrocephala and A. microti have also been studied.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Two new cestode species of the family Hymenolepididae Perrier, 1897 are described from birds of the order Passeriformes at Wondo Genet, Ethiopia. Passerilepis zimbebel n....  相似文献   

A new genus and species of cestodes from the great-crested grebe Podiceps cristatus collected in the Eastern Europe is described. The genus Mircia gen. n. in addition to the type species M. shigini gen. n. includes the following species formerly being included in the genus Joyeuxilepis Spassky, 1947: M. decacantha (Fuhrmann, 1913) comb. n., M. decacanthoides (Borgarenko et Gulyaev, 1991) comb. n., M. fimbriata (Borgarenko, Spasskaja et Spassky, 1972), comb. n., and M. uralensis (Gulyaev, 1989) comb. n. Brief revision of the genus Joyeuxilepis is provide.  相似文献   

Ostropella luxurians sp. nov. collected in the Russian Far East is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Specimens of Asymphylodora perccotti sp. n. (Trematoda: Lissorchidae) were found in the esophagus of the freshwater fish Perccottus glenii (Odobantidae) taken from the Bolshaya Ussurka River Basin (Primorsky Region, Russian Southern Far East). The first intermediate host of this trematode is a gastropod, Parafossarulus manchouricus, and the secondary hosts are the same mollusk and Boreoelona ussuriensis. Specimens of the new species are similar to A. amnicolae identified by Stunkard in 1959, but the mature worms have larger suckers and shorter ceca. The cercariae of these species are distinguished by body, suckers and pharynx size. These organs in A. perccotti sp. n. are more than one-third larger than what is observed in A. amnicolae. In addition, the new species lacks the capacity for progenesis. Finally, the new species is unusual in that it resides in the fish esophagus instead of the intestine, as is common for most Asymphylodora species. Partial ribosomal DNA sequences and phylogenetic reconstruction sequence data indicate that these worms represent a new digenean species.  相似文献   

Rodentolepis gnoskei n. sp. is described based on specimens obtained from a lesser dwarf shrew Suncus varilla minor collected in the Nyika National Park, Malawi. The new species is one of the smallest hymenolepidids known from African shrews and is morphologically closest to two other miniature hymenolepidids from African shrews, Staphylocystis loossi and S. khalili. The new species differs from both of them by a much smaller strobila size and fewer proglottids. The rostellar hooks in the new species are more numerous and smaller in size than in S. loossi. The rostellar hooks in R. gnoskei n. sp. are almost three times shorter than hooks in S. khalili. The hook shape in both S. loossi and S. khalili is substantially different from that in the new species. Molecular phylogenetic analysis indicates that the new species is close to Rodentolepis fraterna, a parasite of rodents. The new species clearly differs from R. fraterna by the much shorter strobila, larger hooks, relatively longer cirrus sac, rate of proglottid development, the number of eggs per proglottid and parasitism in shrews. Although the new species fits the current diagnosis of Rodentolepis, its generic allocation is provisional and will likely be revised in the future because the type species of Rodentolepis, R. straminea, belongs to a different well supported clade. Thus, a new genus needs to be established for the lineage that includes R. fraterna and R. gnoskei n. sp. However, this systematic rearrangement is not recommended until Staphylocystis pistillum, the type species of Staphylocystis, is included in future phylogenetic analyses. Rodentolepis gnoskei n. sp. is the first tapeworm species reported from shrews in Malawi and the first species of cestode reported from S. varilla minor and any member of Suncus in Africa.  相似文献   

K V Regel' 《Parazitologiia》1988,22(2):171-177
8 species of cestodes belonging to the family Hymenolepididae were recorded from Polysticta stelleri (Pall.) in the Chaun lowland. A new species of hymenolepidids, Microsomacanthus polystictae sp. n., differing from close (by the length of proboscis hooks) species of the genus in the structure and size of the copulatory organ is described. Brief diagnosis of the new species: cestodes small, specimens ending with hermaphrodite proglottids 2.44 to 2.91 mm long. Proboscis hooks 0.038 to 0.042 mm long, blade 0.011 to 0.012 mm long. Strobila of maximum length with 84 proglottids. In young male proglottids the aporal testis half as large as poral and median ones, in well-developed proglottids testes 0.020 to 0.026 X 0.023 to 0.032 mm. Bursa of cirrus 0.150 to 0.190 X 0.020 to 0.028 mm. Cirrus 0.107 mm long, basis 0.008 to 0.011 mm wide, median part 0.012 to 0.014 mm wide, apical part 0.004 mm wide. Cirrus armed with spines 0.003 to 0.004 mm long. Ovary bilobate, yolk gland compact. Spermatheca small, situated medially, in front of poral ovary lobe. Copulative part of vagina sacciform, 0.086 to 0.118 mm long, 0.023 to 0.037 mm maximum width. Distally and proximally vagina with muscular sphincters. Uterus sacciform, with 35 to 40 embryos. There were no mature "eggs" in the material.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species from Kenyan tidal areas,Polkepsilonema mombasae gen. et sp.n. andPternepsilonema servaesae gen. et sp.n., are described. Both are characterized by the presence of at least fourteen subcephalic setae and by thick thorns on the ventral body region of males. In the first genus, eight to ten subcephalic setae are situated anterior to the amphid, and the ambulatory setae are bisinuous. In the second, the subcephalic setae are situated at the posterior edge of the rostrum, and the ambulatory setae are straight.A key to the 13 genera of the Epsilonematidae is presented.Abbreviations a body length divided by maximum body diameter - abd body diameter at level of anus - amph % diameter of amphid as a percent of head diameter - Asl length of anteriormost ambulatory seta of external subventral row - b body length divided by pharyngeal length - c body length divided by tail length - cs length of cephalic setae - dcs distance from rostrum edge to cephalic setae - gub length of gubernaculum - L body length - lct length of copulatory thorns - lpt length of precloacal thorns - mbd maximum body diameter of posterior body region - (mdb) minimum body diameter - mbd/(mbd) maximum body diameter divided by minimum body diameter - mbd ph body diameter at level of pharyngeal bulb - N number of body rings - ph length of pharynx - spic length of spicule measured along the arc - SSph length of subdorsal somatic setae in pharyngeal region - t tail length - tmr length of nonannulated tail region - V position of vulva as a percentage of total body length from anterior  相似文献   

The nymph of a new genus and species, Indocloeon primum gen.n., sp.n. from Sri Lanka is described, distinguishing characteristics are illustrated. This new genus is most closely related to Cloeon Leach and Centroptilum Eaton. Indocloeon gen.n. possesses a unique combination of morphological characters and two derived characters.  相似文献   

Paralongicollum nemacheili n. gen., n. sp. is described from Salmo gairdneri Richardson and Nemacheilus stoliczkai Steindacher in Lake Kul'say in the basin of Lake Balkhash, Kazakh S.S.R. Its long uniformly cylindrical neck and nonfiliform proboscis distinguish it from the other 3 genera of the family. Tenuiproboscis Yamaguti, 1935, has a filiform proboscis. The neck of Pomphorhynchus Monticelli, 1905, has a bulb anteriorly, and that of Longicollum Yamaguti, 1935, is spirally twisted with expansions. A key to the genera of Pomphorhynchidae is provided. The relatively longer necks in juveniles than in larger worms probably enhance the establishment of new infections. A large proportion of worms had extensive body wall deformities. Longicollum sergenti (Choquette and Gayot, 1952) Golvan, 1969, is relegated to the new genus Paralongicollum.  相似文献   

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