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An extracellular polygalacturonase (PGase) from Mucor rouxii NRRL 1894 was purified to homogeneity by two chromatographic steps using CM-Sepharose and Superdex 75. The purified enzyme was a monomer with a molecular weight of 43100 Da and a pI of 6. The PGase was optimally active at 35 °C and at pH 4.5. It was stable up to 30 °C and stability of PGase decrease rapidly above 60 °C. The extent of hydrolysis of different pectins was decreased with increasing of degrees of esterification. Except Mn2+, all the examined metal cations showed inhibitory effects on the enzyme activity. The apparent Km and Vmax values for hydrolyze of polygalacturonic acid (PGA) were 1.88 mg/ml and 0.045 μmol/ml/min, respectively. The enzyme released a series of oligogalacturonates from polygalacturonic acid indicating that it had an endo-action. Its N-terminal sequence showed homologies with the endopolygalacturonase from the psychrophilic fungus Mucor flavus.  相似文献   

Badal C. Saha   《Process Biochemistry》2004,39(12):1871-1876
A newly isolated strain of the fungus, Mucor circinelloides (NRRL 26519), when grown on lactose, cellobiose, or Sigmacell 50 produces complete cellulase (endoglucanase, cellobiohydrolase, and β-glucosidase) system. The extracellular endoglucanase (EG) was purified to homogeneity from the culture supernatant by ethanol precipitation (75%, v/v), CM Bio-Gel A column chromatography, and Bio-Gel A-0.5 m gel filtration. The purified EG (specific activity 43.33 U/mg protein) was a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of 27 000. The optimum temperature and pH for the action of the enzyme were at 55 °C and 4.0–6.0, respectively. The purified enzyme was fully stable at pH 4.0–7.0 and temperature up to 60 °C. It hydrolysed carboxymethyl cellulose and insoluble cellulose substrates (Avicel, Solka-floc, and Sigmacell 50) to soluble cellodextrins. No glucose, cellobiose, and short chain cellooligosaccarides were formed from these substrates. The purified EG could not degrade oat spelt xylan and larch wood xylan. It bound to Avicell, Solka-floc, and Sigmacell 50 at pH 5.0 and the bound enzyme was released by changing the pH to 8.0. The enzyme activity was enhanced by 27±5 and 44±14% by the addition of 5 mM MgCl2 and 0.5 mM CoCl2, respectively, to the reaction mixture. Comparative properties of this enzyme with other fungal EGs are presented.  相似文献   

During our screening of lipolytic fungus which may play a role in the acidification of palm oil, we have recently isolated a Mucor sp strain. Culture conditions were optimized and the highest lipase production amounting to 57 U/ml was achieved after 6 days of cultivation. The extracellular lipase was purified 1050-fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation, carboxymethyl–sephadex chromatography and Sephadex G75 gel filtration to a final specific activity of 6600 IU/mg. The molecular weight of the homogenous lipase was determined about 42 kDa by gel filtration and SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified lipase was determined as a glycoprotein with a pI of 6.2. The Nt sequence was determined as AspGluIleGluThrValGlyXPheThrMetAspLeuProProAsnProPro and showed no homology with the sequences of the known lipases suggesting that the enzyme may be a new lipase. The purified lipase hydrolyzed both synthetic and natural triglycerides with the optimal activity recorded on trioctanoin and sunflower oil, respectively. Its activity was strongly inhibited by Triton X-100 and SDS. Metal ions such as Fe3+, Fe2+ and Hg2+ also decreased the lipase activity.  相似文献   

In this study, microbial production of rennin, a milk-clotting enzyme, from a commercial strain of Mucor miehei NRRL 3420 has been investigated in a continuously fed fermenter for prolonged times. The spherical film-type growth of the culture has been accomplished in the fermenter and the effects of medium pH, mixing and dilution rates, and feed -glucose concentration on milk-clotting activity have been elaborated. In the fermenter, optimum operational parameters have been determined as 400 rpm, 0.125 day−1, and 7.5 g l−1 for mixing rate, dilution rate, and feed -glucose concentration, respectively. Under these conditions, the fermenter operated 575 h continuously producing 1.24 IU ml−1 maximum milk-clotting activity without concentration. In the fermenter sample at maximum milk clotting activity, the R factor and specific milk-clotting activity were determined as 1.55 × 10−3 IU PU−1 and 5.28 IU mg−1 medium protein, respectively, denoting competitive characteristics of a commercial rennet after concentration.  相似文献   

Different methods for stabilization of Mucor circinelloides lipase, facilitating its application in organic solvents were tested. Lipase was either isolated from the mycelium and immobilized on solid carriers (derivatives of cellulose, diatomaceous earth, modified porous glass) or immobilized in situ in the mycelium pellets and stabilized. The immobilized enzyme preparations were used for synthesis of sucrose, glucose, butyl and propyl oleates and caprylates, carried out in petroleum and di-n-pentyl ethers. Immobilized preparations of either crude or purified lipase isolated from the mycelium were at least 4–6 times less effective in sucrose esters synthesis than mycelium-bound lipase preparations. Lipase preparation with the highest synthetic activity was obtained by cross-linking of M. circinelloides mycelium pellets with glutardialdehyde (operational stability in sucrose caprylate synthesis was 94% after 4 runs (24 h each), and caprylic acid conversion was 91–85%). The best method for production of mechanically durable biocatalyst, which efficiently catalyzed sucrose esters synthesis, was found to be entrapment of the mycelium-bound lipase in polyvinyl pyrrolidone-containing chitosan beads solidified with hexametapolyphosphate.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus albidus var.albidus produced an extracellular endo-polygalacturonase (poly (1,4--d-galacturonide) glycanohydrolase EC when grown in a synthetic medium containing one of a variety of pectic substances or galacturonic acid. The highest level of enzyme activity (15.5 VU-ml–1) was obtained after 72 h of growth on 1.0% low-methoxyl pectin. The enzyme, purified by gel filtration (Sephadex G-100) after repeated ammonium sulphate precipitation and dialysis, showed only one band by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and had the following properties: mol wt (MWr) 41000 dal; isoelectric point (pl) = 8.10 ± 0.10; optimum temperature and pH for activity around 37°C and pH 3.75, respectively; pH stability in the pH range 4.0 to 8.0; complete heat inactivation after 10 min at 55°C; Km and Vmax values 5.7· 10–1 mg·ml–1 and 5.1 · 10–1 mmoles·min–1, respectively.  相似文献   

海藻糖合成是微生物对抗环境逆境的一种重要途径。研究10L发酵罐中的分批、分批补料及分批补料控温三种不同的海藻糖发酵调控策略下酱油风味形成微生物鲁氏酵母CCTCC M2013310的代谢特征。色谱结果表明,乳酸、丙酮酸和α-酮戊二酸受到不同发酵调控模式的显著影响,但谷氨酸和谷氨酰胺总含量在三种发酵调控模式间却无显著差异。这些结果表明,细胞还原力平衡途径和碳氮调控代谢均对胞内海藻糖的积累产生影响。研究结果为鲁氏酵母CCTCC M2013310的高浓度内源性海藻糖细胞代谢工程改造提供了新思路。  相似文献   

The aspartic proteinase (MPP) gene from the zygomycete fungus Mucor pusillus was introduced into an ascomycete fungus, Aspergillus oryzae, by protoplast transformation using the nitrate reductase (niaD) gene as the selective marker. Southern blot analysis indicated that the MPP gene was integrated into the resident niaD locus at a copy number of 1–2. MPP secreted by the recombinant A. oryzae was correctly processed but was more highly glycosylated than that produced in the original M. pusillus strain. Treatment with endo--N-acetyl-glucosaminidase H and analysis of the carbohydrate composition of the secreted MPP revealed that the extra glycosylation of the MPP secreted by the recombinant A. oryzae was due to altered processing of mannose residues. The extra glycosylation of MPP affected its enzyme properties including its milk-clotting and proteolytic activities.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨卷枝毛霉中苹果酸酶同工酶V的性质。【方法】克隆卷枝毛霉中编码苹果酸酶同工酶V的mel基因并在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中表达,利用His标签纯化获得了高纯度的重组酶BLME1,并进行酶学性质分析。【结果】该重组酶最适pH为8.0,最适温度为33℃,在此条件下酶活达到92.8 U/mg,对底物L-苹果酸和NADP~+的米氏常数K_m值为0.74960±0.06129 mmol/L和0.22070±0.01810 mmol/L,最大反应速度V_(max)分别为72.820±1.077 U/mg和86.110±1.665 U/mg。金属离子Mg~(2+)、Mn~(2+)、Co~(2+)、Ni~(2+)可以激活BLME1的活性,而Ca~(2+)、Cu~(2+)对BLME1活性则有抑制作用,中间代谢产物草酰乙酸和α-酮戊二酸也会抑制BLME1的活性,但琥珀酸却对BLME1有激活作用。【结论】本实验调查了卷枝毛霉苹果酸酶同工酶V的最适反应温度和pH、动力学参数,以及各种金属离子和中间代谢产物对酶活力的影响,这为以后深入研究该苹果酸酶的功能提供了理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

Mucor javanicus lipase was effectively immobilized on silica nanoparticles which were prepared by Stöber method. Glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), which bears a reactive epoxide group, was incorporated onto the surface of the nanoparticles and the epoxide groups were directly used for multipoint coupling of the enzyme. We also introduced amine residues by coupling ethylene diamine (EDA) to the epoxide group of GMA. M. javanicus lipase was covalently immobilized onto the amine-activated silica nanoparticles by using glutaraldehyde (GA) or 1,4 phenylene diisothiocyanate (NCS) as a coupling agent. The lipase loading capacities of the EDA-GA and EDA-NCS nanoparticles (81.3 and 60.9 mg g−1, respectively) were much higher than that of the unmodified GMA nanoparticles (18.9 mg g−1). The relative hydrolytic activities in an aqueous medium of the lipases immobilized on EDA-GA and EDA-NCS attached silica nanoparticles (115% and 107%, respectively) were significantly high and almost in the same range with the free enzyme. This may be due to the improvement of the enzyme–substrate interaction by avoiding the potential aggregation of free lipase molecules. The immobilized lipases were also more resistant to temperature inactivation than the free form. This work demonstrates that the size-controlled silica nanoparticles can be efficiently employed as host materials for enzyme immobilization leading to high activity and stability of the immobilized enzymes.  相似文献   

Different experiments using Mucor miehei CBS 370.65 were carried out to study the effect of agitation speed on the production of the mold acid protease. The experiments were conducted in shake flasks at a fixed substrate concentration of 58 g l−1 of total carbohydrates and at shaker speeds from 80 to 380 rev min−1. Enzyme production was found to be directly proportional to the shaker speeds, with the highest concentration of enzyme of 1,400 Soxhlet Rennet units (SU) ml−1 obtained at 380 rev min−1. The yield of product to substrate at 380 rev min−1 was determined to be 27,081.0 SU g−1 substrate and the productivity of the process was 221 SU g−1 h−1. Enzyme production was partially growth associated, and glucose supported both cell growth and enzyme production. Product formation and cell concentration were directly related to the rate of substrate consumption. The rate of product formation decreased when product started to accumulate, suggesting that the process was affected by feedback repression.  相似文献   

Fourteen Penicillium strains have been screened on wheat bran–crude chitin mixture medium for extracellular chitinase production in solid-state fermentation. Under the experimental conditions tested, Penicillium aculeatum NRRL 2129 (=ATCC 10409) was selected as the best enzyme producer. The optimum incubation period for chitinase production by the potent organism was found to be 72 h. Chromatofocusing was performed as the first step in the purification scheme, but high amount of contaminating proteins interfered with the method. Hence, ion-exchange chromatography experiments were carried out followed by gel filtration to separate and isolate chitinase isoenzymes. Four major chitinase peaks of molecular weight 82.7, 44.6, 28.2 and 26.9 kDa were observed after gel filtration chromatography while, on SDS-PAGE, three protein bands of molecular weights 82.6, 33.9 and 29.1 kDa were identified. The purified enzyme showed optimal temperature and pH at 50 and 5.5 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract From autolysed cultures of Mucor rouxii , two chitosanases, A and B, were purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. Apparent M r values of 76 000 and 58 000 and p I values of 4.9 and 4.7 were determined for A and B, respectively. Both chitosanases showed a high specificity for chitosan and chitosan derivatives. They had optimum activities at pH 5.0 and at temperatures of 55°C and 50°C for A and B, respectively. Enzyme A was inhibited by acetate ions and enzyme B by high substrate concentration. Both enzymes showed an endo-splitting type of activity, and the end product of chitosan degradation contained a mixture of dimer, trimer and higher molecular mass oligomers of glucosamine. Glucosamine oligosaccharides were poorly hydrolysed by these enzymes. Both enzymes extensively degraded the chitosan extracted from M. rouxii cell walls.  相似文献   

Using 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA) as a positive selection system we isolated mutants of Mucor circinelloides altered in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. These mutants were found to be deficient either in orotidine-5′-monophosphate decarboxylase (OMPdecase), or in orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase) activity. Complementation tests among mutants lacking OPRTase activity classified them into three groups, thus suggesting the possibility of interallelic complementation. To investigate this hypothesis a cDNA clone corresponding to the OPRTase-encoding gene of M. circinelloides was isolated by direct complementation of E. coli. The genomic copy transformed to prototrophy one member of each of the three classes of OPRTase-deficient mutants. We therefore concluded that they were all altered at the same locus, the pyrF locus. The corresponding alleles were cloned and sequenced. Comparisons of the amino acid sequence of M. circinelloides OPRTase with those of E. coli and S. typhimurium revealed a high degree of similarity in secondary and tertiary structure. As the two bacterial enzymes exist as dimers, a homodimeric quaternary structure of the M. circinelloides mature protein can be assumed. This would also explain the interallelic complementation between some pyrF mutants. The mutations found could affect either the active site or the structure of the dimer interface of the OPRTase. Received: 22 May 1998 / Accepted: 13 August 1998  相似文献   

Biotransformation of 20(S)-protopanaxadiol (1) by the fungus Mucor spinosus AS 3.3450 yielded eight metabolites (29). On the basis of NMR and MS analyses, the metabolites were identified as 12-oxo-15α,27-dihydroxyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol (2), 12-oxo-7β,11α,28-trihydroxyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol (3), 12-oxo-7β,28-dihydroxyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol (4), 12-oxo-15α,29-dihydroxyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol (5), 12-oxo-7β,15α-dihydroxyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol (6), 12-oxo-7β,11β-dihydroxyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol (7), 12-oxo-15α-hydroxyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol (8), and 12-oxo-7β-hydroxyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol (9), respectively. Among them, 25, 7, and 8 are new compounds. These results indicated that M. spinosus could catalyze the specific C-12 dehydrogenation of 20(S)-protopanaxadiol, as well hydroxylation at different positions. These biocatalytic reactions may be difficult for chemical synthesis. The biotransformed products showed weak in vitro cytotoxic activities.  相似文献   

Incubation of methyl ent-15-oxokaur-16-en-19-oate with Rhizopus stolonifer and Mucor plumbeus gave methyl ent-7β,11-dihydroxy-15-oxokauran-19-oate and methyl ent-7β,16β-dihydroxy-15-oxokauran-19-oate, respectively.  相似文献   

The isolation of chitosan from a fungal source offers the potential of a product with controlled physicochemical properties not obtainable by the commercial chemical conversion of crustacean chitin. A variety of culture and processing protocols using Mucor rouxii were studied for their effects on biomass yield and chitosan molecular weight. Weight-averaged molecular weight determined by gel permeation chromotography ranged from 2.0 x 10(5) to approximately 1.4 x 10(6) daltons. The chitosan yield ranged from 5% to 10% of total biomass dry weight and from 30% to 40% of the cell wall. Of the culture parameters studied, length of incubation and medium composition effected biomass production and molecular weight. Modification of the processing protocol, including the type and strength of acid, and cell wall disruption in acid prior to refluxing were used to optimize the efficiency of chitosan extraction.The degree of deacetylation of fungal and commercial chitosans was compared using infrared spectrometry, titration, and first derivative of UV absorbance spectrometry. The chitosan obtained directly from the fungal cell wall had a higher degree of deacetylation than commercial chitosan from the chemical conversion process.  相似文献   

Potato pulp is a high-volume co-processing product resulting from industrial potato starch manufacturing. Potato pulp is particularly rich in pectin, notably galactan branched rhamnogalacturonan I polysaccharides, which are highly bifidogenic when solubilized. The objective of the present study was to characterize and compare four homogalacturonan degrading enzymes capable of catalyzing the required solubilization of these pectinaceous polysaccharides from potato pulp in a 1 min reaction. An additional purpose was to assess the influence of the pH and the potential buffer chelating effects on the release of these polysaccharides from the potato pulp. The pH and temperature optima of two selected pectin lyases from Emericella nidulans (formerly known as Aspergillus nidulans) and Aspergillus niger were determined to 8.6 and 4.0, respectively, at ≥100 °C within 1 min of reaction. The optima for the two selected polygalacturonases from E. nidulans and Aspergillus aculeatus were determined to pH 4.4 and 46 °C, and pH 3.7 and ≥80 °C, respectively. The polygalacturonase from A. aculeatus was 4-42 times more heat-resistant at 50 °C than the other enzymes. The difference in pH optima of the pectin lyases and the exceptional thermal stabilities of some of the enzymes are proposed to be related to specific amino acid substitutions, stabilizing hydrogen bonding and structural traits of the enzymes. The KM and Vmax values ranged from 0.3-0.6 g/L and 0.5-250.5 U/mg protein, respectively. Phosphate buffer induced release of a higher amount of dry matter than Tris-acetate buffer at pH 6, indicating a chelating effect of the phosphate. Moreover, the phosphate had a higher chelating effect at pH 6 than at pH 4. The optimal conditions for a high yield of polysaccharides from potato pulp were therefore: 1% (w/w) potato pulp treated with 1% (w/w) enzyme/substrate (E/S) pectin lyase from E. nidulans and 1% (w/w) E/S polygalacturonase from A. aculeatus at pH 6.0 and 60 °C for 1 min.  相似文献   

Mucor genevensis were used to bioconvert sinenxan A [2α,5α,10β,14β-tetraacetoxy-taxa-4(20),11-diene], a taxoid isolated from callus tissue cultures of Taxus spp., and 10 metabolites were obtained. On the basis of chemical and spectroscopic data analyses, their structures were determined as 10β-methoxy-2α,5α,14β-triacetoxy-taxa-4(20),11-diene (2), 10β-hydroxy-2α,5α,14β-triacetoxy-taxa-4(20),11-diene (3), 2α,5α,10β,14β-tetraacetoxy-4β,20-epoxy-taxa-11(12)-ene (4), 6α-hydroxy-2α,5α,10β,14β-tetraacetoxy-taxa-4(20),11-diene (5), 9α-hydroxy-2α,5α,10β,14β-tetraacetoxy-taxa-4(20),11-diene (6), 10β-hydroxy-2α,5α,14β-triacetoxy-4β,20-epoxy-taxa-11(12)-ene (7), 6α,10β-dihydroxy-2α,5α,14β-triacetoxy-taxa-4(20),11-diene (8), 6α-hydroxy-2α,5α,10β,14β-tetraacetoxy-4β,20-epoxy-taxa-11(12)-ene (9), and 9α,10β-dihydroxy-2α,5α,14β-triacetoxy-taxa-4(20),11-diene (10), and 9α,10β-O-(propane-2,2-diyl)-2α,5α,14β-triacetoxy-taxa-4(20),11-diene (11). Among them, metabolites 2, 4, and 9 were three new compounds. The three major metabolites 2, 3, and 4 along with 1 were pharmacologically evaluated for their multi-drug resistance (MDR) reversal activities towards taxol-resistant A549 tumor cells, and the results showed that 4 possessed about two-fold activity as verapamil, while 2, and 3 possessed lower activity than verapamil and 1.  相似文献   

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