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Two monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) binding to a toxic extracellular metallo-proteinase of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. achromogenes, AsaP1, were produced. Both reacted with common epitopes of the native enzyme and recognized this 20 kDa antigen on Western blots. One of these Mabs had an inhibitory effect on the caseinase activity of the exotoxin. A Mab-based ELISA was set up and evaluated for serological detection of AsaP1 in bacterial culture filtrates. The exotoxin was identified serologically in the extracellular products of 11 of 26 atypical Aer. salmonicida isolates, including the type strain for subsp. achromogenes NCIMB 1110. The ELISA was approximately 100-fold more sensitive in detecting AsaP1 compared with an azocasein assay. The established serological test enables AsaP1 to be quantified reliably with a lower detection limit of about 0.12 ng ml-1 and has a potential use for the phenotypic differentiation of atypical Aer. salmonicida isolates.  相似文献   

大西洋鲑杀鲑气单胞菌无色亚种的分离鉴定和致病性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
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Li J  Yu L  Tian Y  Zhang KQ 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31536
Coccidioides is a primary fungal pathogen of humans, causing life-threatening respiratory disease known as coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) in immunocompromised individuals. Recently, Sharpton et al (2009) found that the deuterolysin (M35) family genes were significantly expanded in both the Coccidioides genus and in U. reesii, and that Coccidioides has acquired three more M35 family genes than U. reesii. In the present work, phylogenetic analyses based on a total of 28 M35 family genes using different alignments and tree-building methods consistently revealed five clades with high nodal supports. Interestingly, likelihood ratio tests suggested significant differences in selective pressure on the ancestral lineage of three additional duplicated M35 family genes from Coccidioides species compared to the other lineages in the phylogeny, which may be associated with novel functional adaptations of M35 family genes in the Coccidioides species, e.g., recent pathogenesis acquisition. Our study adds to the expanding view of M35 family gene evolution and functions as well as establishes a theoretical foundation for future experimental investigations.  相似文献   

An ADP-ribosylating toxin named Aeromonas salmonicida exoenzyme T (AexT) in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiological agent of furunculosis in fish, was characterized. Gene aexT, encoding toxin AexT, was cloned and characterized by sequence analysis. AexT shows significant sequence similarity to the ExoS and ExoT exotoxins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and to the YopE cytotoxin of different Yersinia species. The aexT gene was detected in all of the 12 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains tested but was absent from all other Aeromonas species. Recombinant AexT produced in Escherichia coli possesses enzymatic ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. Monospecific polyclonal antibodies directed against purified recombinant AexT detected the toxin produced by A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and cross-reacted with ExoS and ExoT of P. aeruginosa. AexT toxin could be detected in a wild type (wt) strain of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida freshly isolated from a fish with furunculosis; however, its expression required contact with RTG-2 rainbow trout gonad cells. Under these conditions, the AexT protein was found to be intracellular or tightly cell associated. No AexT was found when A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida was incubated in cell culture medium in the absence of RTG-2 cells. Upon infection with wt A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the fish gonad RTG-2 cells rapidly underwent significant morphological changes. These changes were demonstrated to constitute cell rounding, which accompanied induction of production of AexT and which led to cell lysis after extended incubation. An aexT mutant which was constructed from the wt strain with an insertionally inactivated aexT gene by allelic exchange had no toxic effect on RTG-2 cells and was devoid of AexT production. Hence AexT is directly involved in the toxicity of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida for RTG-2 fish cells.  相似文献   

Vibrio tubiashii is a recently reemerging pathogen of larval bivalve mollusks, causing both toxigenic and invasive disease. Marine Vibrio spp. produce an array of extracellular products as potential pathogenicity factors. Culture supernatants of V. tubiashii have been shown to be toxic to oyster larvae and were reported to contain a metalloprotease and a cytolysin/hemolysin. However, the structural genes responsible for these proteins have yet to be identified, and it is uncertain which extracellular products play a role in pathogenicity. We investigated the effects of the metalloprotease and hemolysin secreted by V. tubiashii on its ability to kill Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae. While V. tubiashii supernatants treated with metalloprotease inhibitors severely reduced the toxicity to oyster larvae, inhibition of the hemolytic activity did not affect larval toxicity. We identified structural genes of V. tubiashii encoding a metalloprotease (vtpA) and a hemolysin (vthA). Sequence analyses revealed that VtpA shared high homology with metalloproteases from a variety of Vibrio species, while VthA showed high homology only to the cytolysin/hemolysin of Vibrio vulnificus. Compared to the wild-type strain, a VtpA mutant of V. tubiashii not only produced reduced amounts of protease but also showed decreased toxicity to C. gigas larvae. Vibrio cholerae strains carrying the vtpA or vthA gene successfully secreted the heterologous protein. Culture supernatants of V. cholerae carrying vtpA but not vthA were highly toxic to Pacific oyster larvae. Together, these results suggest that the V. tubiashii extracellular metalloprotease is important in its pathogenicity to C. gigas larvae.  相似文献   

AexT is an extracellular ADP ribosyltransferase produced by the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. The protein is secreted by the bacterium via a recently identified type III secretion system. In this study, we have identified a further 12 open reading frames that possess high homology to genes encoding both structural and regulatory components of the Yersinia type III secretion apparatus. Using marker replacement mutagenesis of aopB, the A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida homologue of yopB in Yersinia, we demonstrate that the bacterium translocates the AexT toxin directly into the cytosol of cultured fish cells via this type III secretion pathway. An acrV mutant of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida displays a calcium-blind phenotype, expressing and secreting significant amounts of AexT even in the presence of CaCl2 concentrations as high as 10 mM. This acrV mutant is also unable to translocate AexT into the cytosol of fish cells, indicating AcrV is involved in the translocation process. Inactivation of either the aopB or acrV gene in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida (resulting in an inability to translocate AexT) is accompanied by a loss of cytotoxicity that can be restored by trans complementation. Finally, we present data indicating that preincubation of the wild-type bacteria with antibodies directed against recombinant AcrV-His protein provides fish cells protection against the toxic effects of the bacterium.  相似文献   

The nine laf (lateral flagellum) genes of mesophilic aeromonads are in the Aeromonas salmonicida genome. The laf genes are functional, except for lafA (flagellin gene), which was inactivated by transposase 8 (IS3 family). A pathogenic characteristic of mesophilic aeromonads (lateral flagella) is abolished in this specialized pathogen with a narrow host range.  相似文献   

Virulent strains of Aeromonas salmonicida observed by electron microscopy were characterized by an outer layer exhibiting a tetragonal repeat pattern. Attenuated strains had a 2.5 X 10(3)- to 5 X 10(3)-fold reduction in virulence and lost the outer layer, autoaggregating properties, and a 49-kilodalton protein (A protein) simultaneously. The A protein is the major protein component of outer membrane fractions of virulent strains. A variety of radiolabeling studies showed that this protein was surface localized and that it provided an effective barrier against iodination of other outer membrane proteins with either lactoperoxidase or diazoiodosulfanilic acid; A protein was not labeled with lactoperoxidase but was specifically labeled with diazoidosulfanilic acid. The A protein was purified by selective extraction with detergent and guanidine hydrochloride, and its amino acid composition was determined. The properties of A protein are compared with those of other bacterial surface layer proteins.  相似文献   

Batch potency testing of salmonid vaccines is mainly performed by in vivo challenge, which requires a lot of animals and causes severe pain. Due to the animal welfare concerns associated with in vivo immunization challenge tests, methods which could refine, reduce or replace (3Rs) these tests are needed.The aim of this study was to assess the use of serological assay (immunization & antibody estimation with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for batch potency testing of oil adjuvanted, inactivated commercial furunculosis vaccines. In total ten vaccines were included in the study: two commercial multi-component vaccines and two experimental single-component furunculosis vaccines with 5% and 20% antigen content (relative to the commercial vaccine), from two manufacturers. In addition two experimental single component vaccines based on A-layer positive and A-layer negative Aeromonas salmonicida respectively were included. Challenge and blood sampling were conducted 9 weeks post vaccination.There was a correlation between antibody response against A. salmonicida as measured by ELISA and protection in i.p. challenge.This study shows that the ELISA assay can be used for testing different vaccine formulations and can potentially replace in vivo challenge tests for batch potency testing of furunculosis vaccines.  相似文献   

The surface-associated subtilisin-like serine protease PrtA was identified by screening a genomic expression library from Streptococcus pneumoniae using a convalescent-phase serum. In Western blot analysis two forms of PrtA were detected in whole cell lysate and a truncated form only in culture supernatant suggesting that PrtA is produced as a precursor protein, translocated to the cell surface, truncated, and released into the surroundings. A 5' fragment of the gene was found highly conserved among 78 pneumococcal isolates of clinical relevance. Immunogenicity of PrtA, limited genetic variation, and the involvement in pneumococcal virulence demonstrated in in vivo experiments might identify PrtA as a promising candidate for a protein based vaccine.  相似文献   

The gene for Aeromonas salmonicida serine protease has been cloned into phagemid pTZ18R in two restriction fragments, 2.0-kb PstI and 2.3-kb KpnI, of genomic DNA. The nucleotide sequences of the two fragments have been determined, in both directions, after subcloning, by double-stranded sequencing of nested deletions. An open reading frame of 1863 bp translated into a sequence of 621 amino acids, a 24-amino acid signal peptide and a 597-amino acid mature enzyme of molecular mass 64,173 Da. The consensus sequence, NGTS, of a serine protease substrate primary binding site was identified and a putative ribosome-binding site GGAG occurred 6 bp upstream of the ATG initiation codon.  相似文献   

Many pathogens control production of virulence factors by self-produced signals in a process called quorum sensing (QS). We demonstrate that acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) signals, which enable bacteria to express certain phenotypes in relation to cell density, are produced by a wide spectrum of Aeromonas salmonicida strains. All 31 typical strains were AHL producers as were 21 of 26 atypical strains, but on a strain population basis, production of virulence factors such as protease, lipase, A-layer or pigment did not correlate with the production and accumulation of AHLs in the growth medium. Pigment production was only observed in broth under highly aerated conditions. Quorum sensing inhibitors (QSIs) are compounds that specifically block QS systems without affecting bacterial growth and 2 such compounds, sulphur-containing AHL-analogues, reduced production of protease in a typical strain of Aeromonas salmonicida. The most efficient compound N-(heptylsulfanylacetyl)-L-homoserine lactone (HepS-AHL), reduced protease production by a factor of 10. Five extracellular proteases were detected on gelatin-containing sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gels and 3 of these were completely down regulated by HepS-AHL. Hence, QSIs can curb virulence in some strains and could potentially be pursued as bacterial disease control measures in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Serum opacity factor (SOF) is a fibronectin-binding protein of group A streptococci that opacifies mammalian sera and is expressed by some strains that cause impetigo, pharyngitis and acute glomerulonephritis. Although SOF is expressed by approximately 35% of known serotypes, its role in the pathogenesis of group A streptococcal infections has not been previously investigated. The sof genes from M types 2, 28 and 49 Streptococcus pyogenes were cloned, sequenced, and their deduced amino acid sequences were compared. The gene for FnBA, a fibronectin-binding protein from Streptococcus dysgalactiae, was also cloned and found to express an opacity factor. The leader sequences, the fibronectin-binding domains, and the membrane anchor regions of these proteins were highly conserved. Short spans of conserved sequences were interspersed throughout the remaining parts of the proteins. The sof2 gene was insertionally inactivated in an M type 2 S. pyogenes strain, T2MR. The resultant SOF-negative mutant (YL3) did not express SOF or opacify serum, and exhibited a 71% reduction in binding fibronectin. Complementation of the SOF-negative defect with sof28 in the recombinant strain YL3(pNZ28) fully restored fibronectin-binding activity and the ability to opacify serum. To determine whether sof plays a role in virulence, mice were challenged intraperitoneally with these strains. None of the 10 mice infected with YL3(pNZ28) survived and only 1 out of 15 mice challenged with T2MR survived, whereas 12 out of 15 mice infected with YL3 survived. These data clearly indicate that SOF is a virulence factor, and they provide the first direct evidence that a fibronectin-binding protein contributes to the pathogenesis of group A streptococcal infections in vivo.  相似文献   

The members of the M4 peptidase family are involved in processes as diverse as pathogenicity and industrial applications. For the first time a number of M4 family members, also known as thermolysin-like proteases, has been characterized with an identical substrate set and a uniform set of assay conditions. Characterization with peptide substrates as well as high performance liquid chromatography analysis of beta-casein digests shows that the M4 family is a homogeneous family in terms of catalysis, even though there is a significant degree of amino acid sequence variation. The results of this study show that differences in substrate specificity within the M4 family do not correlate with overall sequence differences but depend on a small number of identifiable amino acids. Indeed, molecular modeling followed by site-directed mutagenesis of one of the substrate binding pocket residues of the thermolysin-like proteases of Bacillus stearothermophilus converted the catalytic characteristics of this variant into that of thermolysin.  相似文献   

The surface of Aeromonas salmonicida is covered by a tetragonal paracrystalline array (A-layer) composed of a single protein (A-protein, Mr = 50,778). This array is a virulence factor. Cells containing A-layer and isolated A-layer sheets specifically bound laminin and fibronectin with high affinity. Binding by cells was inactivated by selective removal of A-layer at pH 2.2, and neither isogenic A-layer-deficient A. salmonicida mutants nor tetragonal paracrystalline array producing Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas sobria strains bound either matrix protein. Laminin binding was by a single class of high affinity interactions (cell Kd = 1.52 nM), whereas fibronectin bound via two classes of interactions, one being similar to that of laminin (cell Class 2 interaction Kd = 6.6 nM). This interaction with both proteins was partly hydrophobic. The Class 1 fibronectin interaction was of lower affinity (cell Kd = 218 nM) and distinct. Purified A-protein inhibited binding of both matrix proteins to A-layer, and trypsin cleavage localized the matrix-protein binding region to the N-terminal major trypsin-resistant structural domain of A-protein. Monoclonal antibody inhibition studies showed that A-protein was folded such that Fabs of only one of two antibodies with epitopes mapping C-terminal to this trypsin-resistant peptide was capable of blocking binding.  相似文献   

Eleven strains of Aeromonas salmonicida were passaged twice by intraperitoneal injection through rainbow trout and reisolated from the kidney of moribund fish. The surface characteristics and virulence of the strains changed following passage through fish. None of the in vitro tests used could effectively predict the in vivo virulence.  相似文献   

A novel membrane proteinase of the nosocomial important bacteria species Bacillus cereus (synonyms: camelysin, CCMP) was purified up to homogeneity as was shown by mass spectrometry in its amphiphilic form. Camelysin is a neutral metalloprotease with a molecular mass of 19 kDa. Its unique N-terminus Phe-Phe-Ser-Asp-Lys-Glu-Val-Ser-Asn-Asn-Thr-Phe-Ala-Ala-Gly-Thr-Leu-Asp-Leu-Thr-Leu-Asn-Pro-Lys-Thr-Leu-Val-Asp-(Ile-Lys-Asp)- was not detected in the protein data bases during BLAST searches, but in the partially sequenced genome of Bacillus anthracis, coding for an unknown protein. Cleavage sites of the membrane proteinase for the insulin A- and B-chains were determined by mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing. Camelysin prefers cleavage sites in front of aliphatic and hydrophilic amino acid residues (-OH, -SO3H, amido group), avoiding bulky aromatic residues. The internally quenched fluorogenic substrates of the matrix metalloproteases 2 and 7 were cleaved with the highest efficiency at the Leu-decrease-Gly or Leu-decrease-Ala bond with the smaller residue in the P1' position. The protein specificity is broad--all various kinds of casein were cleaved as well as acid-soluble collagen, globin and ovalbumin; intact insulin was destroyed only to a low extent. Actin, collagen type I, fibrinogen, fibrin, alpha2-antiplasmin and alpha1-antitrypsin were cleaved. The protease formed SDS-stable complexes with Glu-plasminogen and antithrombin III, visible after SDS electrophoresis by gold staining and Western blot. The CCMP-plasminogen complex caused a partial activation of plasminogen to plasmin. Camelysin interacts with proteins of the blood coagulation cascade and could facilitate the penetration of fibrin clots and of the extracellular matrix during bacterial invasion.  相似文献   

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