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Daytime activity patterns of captive giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) (n = 21) were observed for 2 week periods during October 1991 and January, April, and July 1992. A daytime bimodal activity pattern was seen with increased activity coinciding with feeding times at 1000 and 1600 h. The animals spent an average of 40 ± 10% of their time sleeping, 21 ± 10% resting, 25 ± 11% eating, 13 ± 9% walking, and 1 ± 3% interacting with other giant pandas. Adult females were less active than males or juveniles. During July, giant pandas were less active during the daytime than during other seasons of the year. There was no difference in activity patterns between pregnant and non-pregnant females. Two infants had similar activity patterns to the adults by the time they were 6 months old. Comparison with wild giant pandas (n = 5) at the Wolong Nature Reserve revealed similar bimodal activity cycles, although the time of peak activity differed and foraging/feeding time was greater for wild pandas than for captive animals. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

行为谱是动物行为学研究的基础。大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)是生物多样性保护中的旗舰物种,其行为生态的研究备受关注,然而由于大熊猫数量稀少且警惕性强,很难在野外进行观察,有关其行为谱等基础行为研究结果主要是基于圈养大熊猫的观察研究。为了促进野生大熊猫行为学的深入研究,2015年1月—2016年6月,2018年8月— 2019年4月我们在卧龙自然保护区基于红外相机图片和视频数据,利用PAE编码系统建立了野生大熊猫行为谱和PAE编码系统。研究共计在14种环境背景中记录到大熊猫12种姿势、52种动作、56种行为。一方面,本研究结果基本涵盖了大熊猫的主要行为,并发现了一些未在圈养大熊猫行为谱中记录到的行为,如野生大熊猫利用植物的茎进行自我除雪行为;另一方面丰富了观察大熊猫行为的环境因素。以上结果为深入研究野生大熊猫行为生态学提供了基础信息。    相似文献   

Giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) are members of the order Carnivora. Their diet, however, consists almost entirely of bamboo. Herbivores are under strong pressure to be selective in what they eat because of the low digestibility of plant material. The purpose of this study was to determine whether two captive giant pandas exhibited preferences among three species of bamboo: black (Phyllostachys nigra), bissetii (Phyllostachys bissetii), and arrow (Pseudosasa japonica). Eighteen classic choice trials were conducted in which the species were randomly paired and placed in one of two predetermined locations in the giant pandas' indoor enclosures. The pandas preferred leaves to culms or branches for each bamboo species. In the first hour of exposure, both pandas exhibited a preference for arrow bamboo. A comparison of total bamboo consumption over the course of the night indicated a strong preference for arrow bamboo by the male. The female exhibited equal preference for both arrow and bissetii over black bamboo. Further examination of feeding behavior determined that the pandas processed arrow bamboo behaviorally more efficiently than the other two species. This is the first study to experimentally assess bamboo preferences in giant pandas, and may have implications for husbandry and management programs as well as strategies for in situ conservation. Zoo Biol 24:177–183, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

卧龙圈养大熊猫遗传多样性现状及预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中国最大的大熊猫圈养种群—四川卧龙中国大熊猫保护中心的圈养种群为对象,以8个大熊猫微卫星位点为分子标记, 探讨了大熊猫圈养种群的遗传多样性, 并与邛崃野生种群及其他7个濒危物种进行比较。微卫星数据表明, 圈养种群的遗传多样性水平(A=5.5, He =0.620, Ho=0.574) 低于邛崃野生种群(A=9.8,He=0.779,Ho=0.581),但高于其他7 个濒危物种的种群(He=0.13~0.46)。在此数据的基础上对未来100个世代内圈养种群遗传多样性的变化情况做出了预测。结果表明假设种群数量比现在扩大一倍, 经历100个世代后也只会使平均等位基因数少减少0.4。因此继续增加野生个体对保持遗传多样性的意义已经不大, 建议该圈养种群的保护策略应将重点放到制定更有效的繁殖计划以避免近交上。  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of ambient noise on animals have found variable results. A study was conducted at the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park to determine what effect short‐term demolition work would have on the behavior and cortisol excretion of giant pandas. Behavioral and endocrine differences were examined during the presence and absence of demolition work being conducted on an adjacent exhibit complex. High frequency noise was significantly louder on work days compared to non‐work days. Panda activity budgets differed significantly between work and post‐work periods, although in different ways. The male's use of substrates and locations that might be associated with refuge or shelter changed during the study; the female did not show similar changes. He spent more time in the enclosure adjacent to the work site rather than a more distant enclosure during the demolition period whether work was occurring or not. The behavior of both animals was more often characterized as “restless” during, as opposed to before or after the work period. In general, cortisol excretion increased during the study in both animals but this was likely a seasonal effect in the male. In many cases, significant short‐term increases in cortisol were temporally associated with certain kinds of construction noises or specific physiological events. Variability in cortisol secretion fluctuated during the study for both animals but in differing patterns. These results demonstrate that demolition noise was associated with behavioral and some physiological changes in giant pandas, and these changes were individual‐specific. Zoo Biol 0:1–18, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise may impact captive breeding programs for endangered species. We recorded ambient noise and monitored potential behavioral and hormonal indices of stress in two captive giant pandas for 4 years. Statistical analyses were conducted for each individual separately, which allowed us to generalize only to these two animals. These preliminary findings indicate that ambient noise can have long‐lasting effects on stress indices. Days characterized by louder levels of noise were associated with increased locomotion, restless manipulation of the exit door of the enclosure, increased scratching and vocalizations indicative of agitation, and/or increased glucocorticoids excreted in urine. These general effects were modulated by several factors: 1) Brief loud noise evoked behavioral distress, but not pituitary‐adrenal activation. More chronic, moderate‐amplitude noise was associated with higher levels of glucocorticoids. 2) Some responses were frequency‐dependent, with loud low‐frequency noise having the greatest impact. 3) Female reproductive condition interacted significantly with noise amplitude for all behavioral measures, with stronger effects for the loudest acute noises. The female appeared especially sensitive to noise during estrus and lactation, and less so during pregnancy/pseudopregnancy and nonreproductive periods. Despite these statistical effects, we found no compelling evidence that these adjustments indicate substantive detrimental effects on well‐being or reproduction. Nonetheless, careful monitoring of giant pandas and other captive‐held species is advisable, especially during reproductively sensitive periods such as implantation and birth. Zoo Biol 23:147‐164, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Feeding trials were conducted on seven subadult giant pandas (1.5–4.7 years old). The giant pandas consumed diets with 20 various levels of crude protein (CP): 132.9, 186.8, 206.0, 233.1, 251.4, 255.2, 288.5, 290.8, 299.1, 334.6, 370.7, 378.7, 379.9, 399.2, 372.6, 411.4, 436.1, 484.4, 509.3, and 563.7 g/day. According to the differences in the body weight (BW) gain (weight/month (W/M)) and the amounts of ingested CP, subadult giant pandas are divided into at least three age groups: 1.5–2.0, 2.5–3.9, and 4.0–4.7 years. Although there apparently is no direct relationship between the ΔW/M and the CP consumed by all the giant pandas, a linear relationship existed between the square root of CP ingested (g) per unit BW (W0.75, Kg) and weight gain per month (ΔW/M, Kg/M) of giant pandas aged 1.5–2.0 years. No such relationship existed in the giant pandas aged 2.5–4.7 years, but ΔW/M decreased with the increasing CP per unit gross energy (GE) consumed (CP/GE). For the 1.5–2.0‐year‐old giant pandas, CP for maintenance was determined at 3.6576 g/Kg W0.75/day when ΔW/M was 0, and CP for growth was 1.7541 g/Kg W0.75/day when ΔW/M was equal to 1 Kg/M; thus, suitable intake of total CP is 9.95 g/Kg W0.75/day. The average value of ingested CP was 13.54 ± 3.01 g/KgW0.75/day for 2.5–3.9‐year‐old pandas, and 12.25 g/KgW0.75/day for 4.5–4.7‐year‐old pandas. Zoo Biol 21:223–232, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Semen from 4 wild-caught giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) held at the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda was collected (22 samples during 1991–1993) by electroejaculation, and evaluated for use in artificial insemination. Semen characteristics (mean ± SD) recorded were as follows: semen volume–1.5 ± .9 ml (range—0.3–3.5); sperm density 1.5 ± 0.1 × 109/ml (range—0.24–4.2); motility 79 ± 10% (range—60–95); abnormal sperm 14 ± 5% (range—10–27); and pH 7.1 ± 0.2 (range—6.7–7.5). There were significant differences from year to year (P < 0.05) in semen volume collected and in the percentage abnormal sperm in 1993 compared to other years. There were no significant differences among semen produced from the four different pandas. Data collected were similar to reports for other giant pandas, and semen from all 4 giant pandas was considered suitable for use in artificial insemination. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

From 1997 to 2002, a female giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) was artificially stimulated and lactation was maintained, after her neonates were removed due to the female's inability to provide maternal care. Milk samples were collected and the amount of milk collected was quantified. The lactation curve of this animal was estimated based on the Gamma function: Yt=atbe−ct. The amount of milk collected showed significant, positive relationships with the number of days after parturition both in 1999 and in the whole study period from 1998 to 2002. This female's lactation curves fit the type I pattern of a typical mammalian lactation curve. Daily milk collection (g) during the first 30 days after parturition, and from 31 to 60 days after parturition, showed a consistent pattern with one peak at around 8:00 hr. More milk was collected during the latter period than during the former period. The amount of milk (g) collected on mucus excretion days was significantly less than that on days after mucus excretion had ended, yet no significant difference was found between milk collected one day before mucus days and on mucus days, or between milk collected one day before and one day after mucus days. Mucus excretion from the gastrointestinal tract significantly impacted the amount of milk collected. The results from this study may aid the captive propagation and conservation of giant pandas and other endangered and rare captive mammal species. Zoo Biol 28:331–342, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the current study, we used male giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) bleats in a habituation–discrimination paradigm to determine whether females discriminate between the vocalizations of different males. We found that females habituated to the bleats of a specific male showed a significant dishabituation when they were presented with bleats from a novel male. Further playbacks, in which we standardized the mean fundamental frequency (pitch) and amplitude modulation of male bleats, indicated that amplitude modulation is the key feature that females attend to when discriminating between male callers. Our results show that female giant pandas can discriminate between the vocalizations of potential mates and provide a platform for further studies investigating the functional role of caller identity in giant panda sexual communication.  相似文献   

Recent success in breeding giant pandas in captivity has encouraged panda conservationists to believe that the ex situ population is ready to serve as a source for supporting the wild population. In this study, we used 11 microsatellite DNA markers to assess the amount and distribution of genetic variability present in the two largest captive populations (Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Sichuan Province and the China Research and Conservation Center for the Giant Panda at Wolong, Sichuan Province). The data were compared with those samples from wild pandas living in two key giant panda nature reserves (Baoxing Nature Reserve and Wanglang Nature Reserve). The results show that the captive populations have retained lower levels of allelic diversity and heterozygosity compared to isolated wild populations. However, low inbreeding coefficients indicate that captive populations are under careful genetic management. Excessive heterozygosity suggests that the two captive populations have experienced a genetic bottleneck, presumably caused by founder effects. Moreover, evidence of increased genetic divergence demonstrates restricted breeding options within facilities. Based on these results, we conclude that the genetic diversity in the captive populations is not optimal. Introduction of genetic materials from wild pandas and improved exchange of genetic materials among institutions will be necessary for the captive pandas to be representative of the wild populations.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the effects of forest fragmentation on the distribution of the entire wild giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) population, and to propose a modelling approach for monitoring the spatial distribution and habitat of pandas at the landscape scale using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro‐radiometer (MODIS) enhanced vegetation index (EVI) time‐series data. Location Five mountain ranges in south‐western China (Qinling, Minshan, Qionglai, Xiangling and Liangshan). Methods Giant panda pseudo‐absence data were generated from data on panda occurrences obtained from the third national giant panda survey. To quantify the fragmentation of forests, 26 fragmentation metrics were derived from 16‐day composite MODIS 250‐m EVI multi‐temporal data and eight of these metrics were selected following factor analysis. The differences between panda presence and panda absence were examined by applying significance testing. A forward stepwise logistic regression was then applied to explore the relationship between panda distribution and forest fragmentation. Results Forest patch size, edge density and patch aggregation were found to have significant roles in determining the distribution of pandas. Patches of dense forest occupied by giant pandas were significantly larger, closer together and more contiguous than patches where giant pandas were not recorded. Forest fragmentation is least in the Qinling Mountains, while the Xiangling and Liangshan regions have most fragmentation. Using the selected landscape metrics, the logistic regression model predicted the distribution of giant pandas with an overall accuracy of 72.5% (κ = 0.45). However, when a knowledge‐based control for elevation and slope was applied to the regression, the overall accuracy of the model improved to 77.6% (κ = 0.55). Main conclusions Giant pandas appear sensitive to patch size and isolation effects associated with fragmentation of dense forest, implying that the design of effective conservation areas for wild giant pandas must include large and dense forest patches that are adjacent to other similar patches. The approach developed here is applicable for analysing the spatial distribution of the giant panda from multi‐temporal MODIS 250‐m EVI data and landscape metrics at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

During a 7 mo exhibit loan, diets of two juvenile female giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) were monitored. Mineral [calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), zinc (Zn)] and vitamin (beta-carotene and total tocopherol) concentrations in the diet were quantified as well as in a serum sample obtained from one of these animals. Diets consumed by the pandas contained (dry matter basis): 0.82% Ca, 0.62% P, 1.05% K, 14.3 mg/kg Cu, 31.8 mg/kg Zn, 12.2 mg/kg beta-carotene, and 12 mg/kg total tocopherol. Serum values for these vitamins and minerals were within reported normal limits for the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus). This diet appeared to provide adequate nutrition for maintenance and growth.  相似文献   

以往研究表明,许多成年雄性大熊猫在圈养状态下不能表达正常的社群性行为。我们设计了一个实验来研究大熊猫正常社群性行为与性情特征、展示、以及饲养管理的关系。通过调查获得大熊猫展示和饲养管理的数据,询问饲养员得知2001年繁殖季节中大熊猫的社群性行为发生频次,然后评估社群性行为能力。研究对象是分布在中国4个繁育中心的37头(12头雄性和25头雌性)成体大熊猫。通过提供新物品和气味来评估大熊猫情绪反应状况。情绪反应分为3类:畏惧、访问和访问玩耍。在有饲养员陪同玩耍的一组里,雌、雄大熊猫的"访问玩耍"的分值都较高。"畏惧"类的雌性大熊猫气味标记行为少,表达的性行为也少,并且更多地攻击接近它们的雄性,或者不理睬雄性。在繁殖季节前就接近雄性大熊猫围栏的雌性,表现出更多的气味标记行为和性行为。这些雌性的"访问玩耍"分值也高。"访问"分值高的雄性大熊猫,接近雌性的行为更多。那些与饲养员接触时间少的雄性大熊猫倾向于攻击雌性,与那些攻击性小的雄性相比,这些雄性倾向于能够接受丰富性低的环境。这些结果表明,应该采取措施减少大熊猫的畏惧,在大熊猫和饲养员之间建立积极的关系,在繁殖季节之前,增加雌性和雄性之间的熟悉程度。  相似文献   

通过非损伤性取样比如粪便样品监测野生动物受胁迫的水平已成为一个重要的手段,然而针对从野外采集的样品,其运输和贮存温度条件是否干扰分析结果,尚未有过报道。为评估不同贮存温度和天数对野生动物粪便样品中皮质醇浓度的影响,我们将大熊猫的新鲜粪便置于3 种模拟条件(0℃ 、10℃ 和22℃ ),并进行连续6 d的检测分析。结果表明,贮存天数对粪样中皮质醇浓度有显著影响(F 5,107 = 7.501,P = 0.001),但温度则无显著影响(F 2,107 = 1.094,P = 0.366)。粪样在0℃ 、10℃ 和22℃ 条件下贮存6 d,皮质醇浓度与贮存前的基准值之间均不存在显著差异(0℃ :F 6,41 = 1.274,P = 0.290;10℃ :F 6,41 = 2.027,P = 0.084;22℃ :F 6,41 =1.009, P = 0.434)。结果提示在室温条件下短期运输和贮存(不超过6 d),不会引起大熊猫粪便样品中皮质醇浓度的显著变化。该结果对于野外所采集的粪便样品运输和贮存具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

From 1991 to 1993 inclusive, seven infant giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) were born at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. Average daily weight gain in the first 6 months for mother-reared infants (n = 5) was 71.3 g/day; for one partially mother-reared and partially hand-reared infant, 41.5 g/day; and for one completely hand-reared infant, 50.3 g/day. There was a significant difference in growth rates across the first 6 months in all methods of rearing. In addition, a comparison of growth rates across the three rearing methods showed significant differences in the first, second, third, fifth, and sixth months. Average daily body length increase for mother-reared infants was 4.1 mm/day; for partially mother-reared/partially hand-reared infants, 4.0 mm/day; and for the completely hand-reared infant, 2.8 mm/day. In mother-reared infants, body length increase during the first month was significantly greater than during the following months, and was slowest during the sixth month. At birth, infants were all pink in color with a light white coat of lanugo. Black pigmentation was first noted at 7–10 days of age, which was also the time that initial hair coat growth was seen. Eyes opened at 35–48 days of age. Ears opened at 31–50 days of age. Deciduous dentition was first seen at 82–121 days of age, while permanent dentition began to erupt at 350 days of age. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)是中国特有的珍稀动物,在其整个消化道内膜上,都分布有丰富的粘液腺。在野外,这些粘液腺的分泌物包裹于大熊猫摄食的竹茎、竹叶和竹笋表面而排出体外;圈养条件下,常常见到这些分泌物积聚到一定数量而成团排出,这即被称为大熊猫的排粘液现象(王平  相似文献   

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