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DNA聚合酶在DNA合成过程中需要的引物包括RNA引物、DNA自我引物和蛋白质引物3种类型。新DNA链(如冈崎片段)的复制多是在DNA模板上合成一段RNA引物,细小病毒利用其基因组末端的反向末端重复序列(ITRs)自我折叠成DNA引物,而一些DNA、RNA病毒及真菌质粒起始复制反应的引物则是蛋白质。以感染原核生物的噬菌体Phi29和真核DNA病毒腺病毒为例,从复制过程所涉及的蛋白质、对复制原点的识别、复制起始反应、新链的延伸、复制终止过程等方面详细阐述DNA病毒由蛋白质引发的复制机制,并对已商品化的Phi29 DNA聚合酶产品多重置换扩增及单细胞测序等的应用以及基于噬菌体Phi29蛋白质起始的最小复制系统体外扩增异源DNA等最新的应用研究作相关总结介绍。  相似文献   

有许多DNA复制蛋白是装配成一定的结构发挥作用,如引物体和复制体。在复制叉处,由DNA pol Ⅲ全酶二体、引物体和解螺旋酶装配成复制体,负责先行链和后行链的同时合成。复制中,后行链模板绕DNA pol Ⅲ全酶形成折迴环,随着复制体在复制叉处前移,后行链以5′→3′的方向合成冈崎片段。  相似文献   

在真核生物中,DNA复制在染色体上特定的多位点起始.当细胞处在晚M及G1期,多个复制起始蛋白依次结合到DNA复制源,组装形成复制前复合体.pre.RC在Gl-S的转折期得到激活,随后,多个直接参与DNA复制又形成的蛋白结合到DNA复制源,启动DNA的复制,形成两个双向的DNA复制又.在染色体上,移动的DNA复制又经常会碰到复制障碍(二级DNA结构、一些蛋白的结合位点、损伤的碱基等)而暂停下来,此时,需要细胞周期检验点的调控来稳定复制叉,否则,会导致复制又垮塌及基因组不稳定.本文就真核细胞染色体DNA复制起始的机制,以及复制又稳定性的维持机制进行简要综述.  相似文献   

探讨核糖体休眠因子yfiA、rmf和hpf对大肠杆菌DNA复制起始的影响。观察ΔyfiA、Δrmf和Δhpf基因缺失突变体的DNA复制式样、细胞倍增时间、细胞大小等表型变化,并使用温度敏感性实验和蛋白定量实验探究yfiA、rmf和hpf对DNA复制起始的作用机理。结果发现,相较于野生型细胞,ΔyfiA、Δrmf和Δhpf突变体出现DNA复制起始的延迟、细胞倍增时间延长、细胞体积减小等表型变化。温度敏感性试验表明YfiA、RMF和HPF蛋白不是直接通过与DnaA、DnaB或DnaC蛋白相互作用来影响DNA复制起始。蛋白定量实验表明它们可能是通过减少细胞内总蛋白的量,包括DnaA蛋白,使细菌的代谢和生长速度减慢,从而导致细菌DNA复制起始发生延迟、细胞倍增时间延长和体积减小等表型改变。这为深入研究yfiA、rmf和hpf的功能提供基础。  相似文献   

DNA复制的准确性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文汉  李纯 《生物学杂志》2001,18(3):14-14,31
本文概述了促成原核生物DNA复制准确性的因素。这些因素主要包括四种脱氧核苷三磷酸的平衡供应、DNA聚合酶反应本身的准确性、DNA聚合酶的3′→5′外切酶活性的校对功能、需要RNA引物、后随链的不连续合成的机制以及复制后的修复等。  相似文献   

DNA复制是由DNA聚合酶催化的,反应需要四种脱氧核苷三磷酸和引物-模板;在引物的3′-羟基上,按模板的指令逐个添加脱氧核苷酸,生成碱基序列与模板互补的新DNA。复制时,DNA双链先打开,形成复制叉,随着复制叉的移动完成复制过程。双链DNA的复制是半不连续的,即先导链是连续合成滞后链则为不连续合成;后者先生成若干短片段(冈崎片段),再连在一起。 DNA复制在基因组的加倍、DNA重组以及修复DNA所受损伤等方面都对生命有决定性的作用。  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the right-hand terminal 3% of adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) DNA has been determined, using the chemical degradation technique developed by Maxam and Gilbert (1977). This region of the genome comprises the 1003 basepair long HindIII-I fragment and the first 75 nucleotides of the adjacent HindIII-F fragment, extending from the right-hand terminus to the sequences from which the main body of the mRNA of early region 4 is transcribed. One of the origins of adenovirus DNA replication is located within this part of the genome. The sequencing results are discussed in relation to several models proposed for the mechanism of replication of linear DNA molecules, which invariably depend on the presence of specific arrangements of nucleotides at the termini of those linear DNAs.  相似文献   

DNA fragments capable of conferring autonomous replicating ability to plasmids inSaccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated from four different plant genomes and from the Ti plasmid ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens. The DNA structure of these autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) as well as two from yeast were studied using retardation during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and computer analysis as measures of sequence-dependent DNA structures. Bent DNA was found to be associated with the ARS elements. An 11 bp ARS consensus sequence required for ARS function was also identified in the elements examined and was flanked by unusually straight structures which were rich in A+T content. These results show that the ARS elements from genomes of higher plants have structural and sequence features in common with ARS elements from yeast and higher animals.Supported by Grant 1RO1-GM41708-O1 from the National Institute of Health.  相似文献   

John A. Bryant 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4-6):855-863

The initiation of DNA replication is a key step in the cell division cycle and in DNA endoreduplication. Initiation of replication takes place at specific places in chromosomes known as replication origins. These are subject to temporal regulation within the cell cycle and may also be regulated as a function of plant development. In yeast, replication origins are recognised and bound by three different groups of proteins at different stages of the cell cycle. Of these, the MCM proteins are the most likely to be involved in activating the origins in order to facilitate initiation. MCM-like proteins also occur in plants, but have not been characterised in detail. Other proteins which bind to origins have been identified, as has a protein with a strong affinity for ds-ss junctions in DNA molecules.  相似文献   

WUJIARUI 《Cell research》1999,9(3):163-170
In eukaryote,nuclear structure is a key component for the functions of eukaryotic cells.More and more evidences show that the nuclear structure plays important role in regulating DNA replication.The nuclear structure provides a physical barrier for the replication licensing,participates in the decision where DNA replication initiates,and organizes replication proteins as replication factory for DNA replication.Through these works,new concepts on the regulation of DNA replication have emerged,which will be discussed in this minireview.  相似文献   

Summary When tobacco suspension culture line BY2 cells in stationary phase are transferred into fresh medium, replication of proplastid DNA proceeds for 24 h in the absence of nuclear DNA replication. Replicative intermediates of the proplastid DNA concentrated by benzoylated, naphthoylated DEAE cellulose chromatography, were radioactively labelled and hybridized to several sets of restriction endonuclease fragments of tobacco chloroplast DNA. The intermediates hybridized preferentially to restriction fragments in the two large inverted repeats. Mapping of D-loops and of restriction fragment lengths by electron microscopy permitted the localization of the replication origin, which was close to the 23S rRNA gene in the inverted repeats. The replication origins in both segments of the inverted repeat in tobacco proplastid DNA were active in vivo.  相似文献   

DNA replication in eukaryotes is initiated at multiple replication origins distributed over the entire genome, which are normally activated once per cell cycle. Due to the complexity of the metazoan genome, the study of metazoan replication origins and their activity profiles has been less advanced than in simpler genome systems. DNA replication in eukaryotes involves many protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions, occurring in multiple stages. As in prokaryotes, control over the timing and frequency of initiation is exerted at the initiation site. A prerequisite for understanding the regulatory mechanisms of eukaryotic DNA replication is the identification and characterization of the cis‐acting sequences that serve as replication origins and the trans‐acting factors (proteins) that interact with them. Furthermore, in order to understand how DNA replication may become deregulated in malignant cells, the distinguishing features between normal and malignant origins of DNA replication as well as the proteins that interact with them must be determined. Based on advances that were made using simple genome model systems, several proteins involved in DNA replication have been identified. This review summarizes the current findings about metazoan origins of DNA replication and their interacting proteins as well as the role of chromatin structure in their regulation. Furthermore, progress in origin identification and isolation procedures as well as potential mechanisms to inhibit their activation in cancer development and progression are discussed. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 512–520, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) chromosomal DNA segment(t3-ars) capable of replication in yeast (ars: autonomously replicating sequences) is presented. The subcloned region (618 bp) contained 11 bp consensus (5 A/TTTTATPuTTTA/T 3) essential for several yeast ars, and 73% A and T. Unique 70 bp repetitive sequences resided next to this sequence. Thirty-two bp AT repeats were also seen in the neighbourhood of the repetitive sequence. The hybrid plasmid containing t3-ars was mitotically stabilized by the help of yeast centromere (CEN4).  相似文献   

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