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Objective: To test the associations between the N363S polymorphism of the glucocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C1) and factors related to the metabolic syndrome in middle‐aged men with and without juvenile‐onset obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: This study included two groups of middle‐aged men, who were originally identified at 20 years of age at the draft boards. One group (n = 208; age, 48 ± 6 years) was selected on the basis of juvenile‐onset obesity (BMI ≥ 31 kg/m2). The other group consisted of mainly nonobese men randomly sampled from the same population in parallel with the obese men (n = 299; age, 50 ± 7 years). The subjects were genotyped for the N363S polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism. Body composition was measured by DXA. Glucose metabolism was evaluated by an oral glucose tolerance test, and the Matsudas index was calculated as a proxy for insulin sensitivity. Serum triglycerides and total and high‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol were measured in the fasting state. Results: Among the men with juvenile‐onset obesity, carriers (n = 17) of the 363S allele had a lower whole body fat percentage, after accounting for differences in BMI and higher Matsudas index, compared with the noncarriers. The difference in Matsudas index lost statistical significance after the difference in body fat was accounted for. In the randomly sampled men, these variables did not relate to genotype. No relationship between carriers and noncarriers was found in body fat distribution or serum lipids. Discussion: This study suggests that, in men developing obesity early in life, the 363S allele is associated with less adiposity at a given BMI, leading to higher insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

4 个新药——Contrave、Saxenda、Xultophy 和 Trulicity 在 2014 年 9 月份相继获批或推荐批准,分别用于治疗肥胖症和 2 型糖尿病,可见糖尿病和肥胖症治疗领域迎来长足进展。分别介绍这 4 个新药及其开发历程与市场前景。  相似文献   

Objective: Abdominal obesity has a key role in the pathogenesis of prevalent and serious diseases and has been shown to be associated with an altered hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis function, which is regulated by endocrine feedback mediated via hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors (GR). Research Methods and Procedures: We examined the HPA axis function by repeated salivary samples for the assessment of cortisol, as well as other endocrine, anthropometric, metabolic, and circulatory variables in middle‐aged Swedish men (n = 284). With the restriction enzyme BclI, variants of the GR gene (GRL) locus were identified and two alleles with fragment lengths of 4.5 and 2.3 kilobases (kb) were detected. Results: The observed frequencies were 40.1% for the 2.3‐ and 2.3‐kb, 46.2% for the 4.5‐ and 2.3‐kb, and 13.7% for the 4.5‐ and 4.5‐kb genotypes. The larger allele (4.5 and 4.5 kb) was associated with elevated body mass index (BMI; p < 0.001), waist‐to‐hip circumference ratio (p = 0.015), abdominal sagittal diameter (p = 0.002), leptin (p < 0.001), and systolic blood pressure (borderline, p = 0.058). The 4.5‐ and 4.5‐kb allele was associated with leptin after adjustment for BMI. Moreover, salivary cortisol values, particularly after stimulation by a standardized lunch (p = 0.040 to 0.086), were elevated in the men with the larger allele. Discussion: These results indicate that there is an association between a deficient GR function, defined as a poor feedback regulation of the HPA axis activity, and a polymorphic restriction site at the GR gene locus. An abnormal control of HPA axis function due to genetic alterations may contribute to the pathogenesis of abdominal obesity.  相似文献   

SJÖSTRÖM, c. DAVID, LAUREN LISSNER, HANS WEDEL, and LARS SJÖSTRÖM. Reduction in incidence of diabetes, hypertension and lipid disturbances after intentional weight loss induced by bariatric surgery: the SOS Intervention Study. Obes Res. Objective: To examine the effect of a large, long standing and intentional weight reduction on the incidence of diabetes, hypertension and lipid disturbances in severely obese individuals as compared to weight-stable obese controls. Research Methods and Procedures: The ongoing prospective SOS (Swedish Obese Subjects) intervention consists of a surgically treated group and a matched control group obtaining conventional obesity treatment. This report is based on 845 surgically treated patients and 845 controls (BMI41. 0±4. 6 kg/m2 (mean±standard deviation [S])) followed for 2 years. Results: Surgically treated patients lost 28±15 kg and controls 0. 5±8. 9 kg (p<0. 0001). Two-year incidence of hypertension, diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, and lipid disturbances was compared in the two treatment groups. Adjusted odds ratios (95% CI) for the surgically treated group versus controls were 0. 38 (0. 22, 0. 65) for hypertension, 0. 02 (0. 00, 0. 16) for diabetes, 0. 10 (0. 03, 0. 28) for hyperinsulinemia, 0. 10 (0. 04, 0. 25) for hypertriglyceridemia, 0. 28 (0. 16, 0. 49) for low HDL-cholesterol and 1. 24 (0. 84, 1. 8) for hypercholesterolemia. Compared to controls, the 2-year recovery rates from hypertension, diabetes, hypo-HDL, and hypertriglyceridemia were significantly higher in the surgically treated group. Discussion: Intentional weight loss in the obese causes a marked reduction in the 2-year incidence of hypertension, diabetes and some lipid disturbances. The results suggest that severe obesity can and should be treated.  相似文献   

Hypertension and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are major public health issues that disproportionately affect minority communities, including Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPI). Minority communities are also more likely to have undiagnosed hypertension and T2D. Marshallese Pacific Islanders have been shown to have high proportions of diagnosed and undiagnosed hypertension and T2D. Using survey and biometric data collected from 378 overweight/obese Marshallese Pacific Islander adults, this study documents the prevalence of hypertension and T2D, as well as the prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension and T2D. The study also examines associations between undiagnosed hypertension and undiagnosed T2D and age group, sex, health care access (defined by foregone care due to cost and health insurance status), and body mass index (BMI). Among participants with blood pressure readings indicative of hypertension, 68.4% were undiagnosed, and among participants with HbA1c indicative of T2D, 31.6% were undiagnosed. A quarter of participants (24.5%) had blood pressure and HbA1c measures indicative of both undiagnosed hypertension and undiagnosed T2D. Undiagnosed hypertension was significantly associated with age group (p’s<0.0001) and sex (p=0.028). Undiagnosed T2D was significantly associated with age group (p’s<0.05), forgone care due to cost (p=0.018), health insurance status (p=0.035), and BMI (p=0.001). Participants in this study had high proportions of undiagnosed hypertension and undiagnosed T2D. These findings will be immediately useful for those working to address hypertension and T2D disparities among Marshallese and other NHPI populations.  相似文献   

肥胖及2型糖尿病是代谢紊乱相关的慢性低度系统炎症状态。半乳糖苷凝集素-3(galectin-3)是一种β-半乳糖苷结合蛋白,在炎症、信号转导、细胞增殖与分化等过程中发挥重要作用。新近的研究表明,半乳糖苷凝集素-3在患肥胖和2型糖尿病的人及鼠类体内高表达,对鼠类体脂的沉积、脂肪细胞分化、血糖浓度、胰岛素敏感性、葡萄糖耐受性和系统炎症等具有重要影响。本文综述了半乳糖苷凝集素-3的结构、分布及其对肥胖和2型糖尿病的调控作用与分子机制,以期为研发针对半乳糖苷凝集素-3靶点的新药提供重要思路和参考。  相似文献   

目的:探讨内皮型一氧化氮合酶基因(eNOS)与湖北汉族人原发性高血压(EH)和2型糖尿病(T2DM)的关系。方法:采用病例-对照设计,分析了657例样本eNOS第四内含子重复序列多态性a/b,测量了身高、体重、腰围、臀围、收缩压、舒张压、空腹血糖,餐后2小时血糖等临床指标。结果:EH病例组eNOSab+aa基因型和a等位基因频率显著高于EH对照组(基因型:25.3%vs18.9%,P=0.049;等位基因:13.3%vs9.8%,P=0.045);而T2DM病例组与T2DM对照组的eNOSab+aa基因型频率没有显著差异(20.2%vs24.1%,P=0.247)。单因素Logistic回归分析显示eNOSab+aa基因型是EH的危险因子(OR=1.623,95%CI 1.053—2.506,P=0.029)。多因素回归分析显示,EH的独立风险因素是年龄、体重指数和eNOS基因a/b多态性,而体重指数和腰臀比是T2DM的独立风险因素。结论:eNOS基因a/b多态性是湖北汉族人群EH的一个易感标记,而与T2DM没有相关性。  相似文献   

Objective: To report the prevalence of total and central obesity in a representative sample of Puerto Rican and Dominican elders in Massachusetts, to compare them with a neighborhood‐based group of non‐Hispanic white elders, and to examine associations of obesity indices with the presence of type 2 diabetes. Research Methods and Procedures: We examined the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and central obesity in 596 Hispanics of Caribbean origin, ages 60 to 92 years, and 239 non‐Hispanic whites, and tested linear and logistic regression models to determine associations among body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and diabetes. Results: Obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) was prevalent among all ethnic groups, ranging from 17% to 29% for Dominican and Puerto Rican men, respectively, and from 29% to 40% for non‐Hispanic white and Dominican women, respectively. These differences were not statistically significant. Among Hispanic men and women, diabetes was prevalent across all BMI and WC categories but tended to be greatest among those with BMI of 25 to 29 kg/m2 (41% to 43%). In contrast, diabetes was most prevalent in the obese group (36% to 45%) of non‐Hispanic whites. Both BMI and WC were associated with the presence of diabetes, but the coefficients were greater for non‐Hispanic whites than for Hispanics. Discussion: Caribbean Hispanics and non‐Hispanic whites living in the same Massachusetts localities had high prevalences of overweight and obesity. Total and central obesity exerted a differential effect on the presence of diabetes among ethnic groups; for Hispanics, diabetes was prevalent even among non‐obese individuals, whereas for non‐Hispanic white women, the prevalence of diabetes was strongly associated with total and central obesity. Additional research is needed to investigate the factors associated with the differential effect of obesity on the prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Hispanic and non‐Hispanic white elders.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex disease characterized by hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and impaired insulin secretion. T2DM is under strong genetic control. Identification and characterization of genes involved in determining T2DM will contribute to a greater understanding of the pathogenesis of T2DM, and ultimately might lead to the development of better diagnosis, prevention and treatment strategies. Efforts to identify T2DM susceptibility genes have focused on candidate gene approach (association studies) and genome-wide scans (linkage analyses). In this article, we review the current status for mapping and identification of genes for T2DM, with a focus on some promising regions (or genes) and future prospects.  相似文献   

2型糖尿病易感基因的连锁和关联研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2型糖尿病(T2DM)是由于胰岛素抵抗和β细胞分泌缺陷导致高血糖的一种复杂多基因疾病。遗传因素在T2DM的发生发展中起着重要的作用,其遗传率估计为70%~80%。鉴定2型糖尿病基因将有助于阐明其发病机制,发展更好的诊断、预防和治疗策略。2型糖尿病易感基因的鉴定方法主要有候选基因关联研究和全基因组连锁分析。有3种类型的候选基因:功能候选基因、图位候选基因和表达候选基因。虽然许多候选基因与T2DM的关联分析已经进行,但多数都没有得到一致的重复,过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受-γ,体和β-细胞ATP敏感性钾通道基因是目前最好重复的基因。迄今为止,T2DM的全基因组扫描已在20多个不同的群体中进行,包括欧洲人、美国白人、墨西哥裔美国人、美国本地印度人、非洲裔美国人和亚洲人,这些研究鉴定了一些与T2DM相关的QTLs区域。与T2DM显著和证实连锁的区域包括1q25、2q37.3q28、3p24、6q22、8p23、10q26、12q24、18p11、20q13等,与T2DM提示连锁的区域有1q42、2p21、2q24、4q34、5q13、5q31、7q32、9p24、9q21、10p14、11p13、11q13、12q15、14q23、20p12、Xq23等。鉴定这些区域的T2DMQTLs基因及其作用机制是未来的主要挑战。把DNA微阵列和蛋白质组学技术结合起来应用于传统的连锁分析和关联研究,研究基因-基因间、基因-环境间的互作和多个基因对T2DM的加性效应和综合作用,进一步加强国际协作,T2DM的遗传机制可望在不远的将来得到阐明。本文总结了2型糖尿病基因鉴定的现状,重点在一些得到重复的区域和未来的展望。  相似文献   

The massive obesity caused in rodents by the disruption of the leptin-receptor signal through genetic defects at the level of either leptin (OB) or leptin receptor (OB-R) has raised the question of the relevance of these genes to morbid obesity in humans. In this study, we screened a large population of massively obese subjects for the presence of a leptin receptor mutation homologous to that of fa/fa rats, a single base substitution changing glutamine 269, a highly conserved glutamine found at position 270 in the human sequence. After polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of a DNA region encompassing the end of exon 5, intron 5, and the beginning of exon 6, we performed restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Within the limitations of this approach where only mutations introducing restriction sites (5 of 8 possibilities) could be assessed, no evidence of mutation at the codon gin 270 was found in 343 massively obese subjects. However, a new OB-R gene variant in intron 5 was revealed by Maell digestion of the PCR products. MaelVhOB-R genotyping revealed no difference in the distribution of the genotypes between obese subjects and a group of 79 unrelated non-obese control subjects. In addition, no significant association between various obesity-related metabolic phenotypes and the presence of MaeII/hOB-R alleles was found. Thus, our results did not support a significant role for the Maell/hOB-R gene variant in the development of the obese phenotype in the population we studied.  相似文献   

To study genetic loci influencing obesity in nuclear families with type 2 diabetes, we performed a genome‐wide screen with 325 microsatellite markers that had an average spacing of 11 cM and a mean heterozygosity of ~75% covering all 22 autosomes. Genotype data were obtained from 562 individuals from 178 families from the Breda Study Cohort. These families were determined to have at least two members with type 2 diabetes. As a measure of obesity, the BMI of each diabetes patient was determined. The genotypes were analyzed using variance components (VCs) analysis implemented in GENEHUNTER 2 to determine quantitative trait loci influencing BMI. The VC analysis revealed two genomic regions showing VC logarithm of odds (LOD) scores ≥1.0 on chromosome 1 and chromosome 11. The regions of interest on both chromosomes were further investigated by fine‐mapping with additional markers, resulting in a VC LOD score of 1.5 on chromosome 1q and a VC LOD of 2.4 on chromosome 11q. The locus on chromosome 1 has been implicated previously in diabetes. The locus on chromosome 11 has been implicated previously in diabetes and obesity. Our study to determine linkage for BMI confirms the presence of quantitative trait loci influencing obesity in subjects with type 2 diabetes on chromosomes 1q31‐q42 and 11q14‐q24.  相似文献   

王炜  来茂德 《遗传》2006,28(2):226-230
    胰岛素受体基因第11号外显子因为变异性剪接而形成两种胰岛素受体,两者与配体胰岛素、胰岛素样生长因子的结合力以及分别诱导的信号传导通路、发挥的生物学效应存在显著差异。这种差异不仅可能是导致胰岛素抵抗、2型糖尿病的重要原因,也会影响肿瘤细胞的生长、增殖、抗凋亡。虽然具体的调节机制尚不明确,但高胰岛素血症及高血糖等代谢因素是影响胰岛素受体变异性剪接的重要原因,同时基因序列敲除试验证实,胰岛素受体基因水平的改变会影响胰岛素受体的变异性剪接。        相似文献   

蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶1B(PTP1B)与2型糖尿病及肥胖的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王辰  王沥  杨泽 《遗传》2004,26(6):941-946
蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶1B(PTP1B)是一种在体内广泛表达的胞内蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶,在调节胰岛素敏感性和能量代谢的过程中起着重要作用。通过抑制PTP1B可增加胰岛素和瘦蛋白(leptin)的活性, 为寻找2型糖尿病、肥胖的治疗提供了光明前景。  相似文献   

The apelin/APJ system has been implicated in obesity-related hypertension. We investigated the mechanism responsible for the pathogenesis of obesity-related hypertension with a special focus on the crosstalk between AngII/its type 1 receptor (AT1R) signaling and apelin/APJ expression. Sprague-Dawley rats fed a high-fat (obesity-related hypertension, OH) or normal-fat diet (NF) for 15 weeks were randomly assigned to one of two groups and administered vehicle or perindopril for 4 weeks. Compared to the NF rats, the OH rats showed lower levels of plasma apelin and apelin/APJ mRNAs of perirenal adipose tissues, and these changes were restored by perindopril. Administration of the AT1R antagonist olmesartan resulted in the restoration of the reduction of apelin and APJ expressions induced by AngII for 48 h in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Among several inhibitors for extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) PD98059, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) SB203580 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) LY294002, the latter showed an additive effect on AngII-mediated inhibitory effects. In addition, the levels of p-Akt, p-ERK and p38MAPK proteins were decreased by long-term treatment with AngII (120 min), and these changes were restored by Olmesartan. Apelin/APJ appears to be impaired in obesity-related hypertension. The AngII inhibition-mediated beneficial effects are likely attributable, at least in part, to restoration of p38/ERK-dependent apelin/APJ expression in diet-induced obesity-related hypertension.  相似文献   

In this review, we focus specifically on the role that the metalloproteinase, A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase 17 [ADAM17] plays in the development and progression of the metabolic syndrome. There is a well-recognised link between the ADAM17 substrate tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and obesity, inflammation and diabetes. In addition, knocking out ADAM17 in mice leads to an extremely lean phenotype. Importantly, ADAM17-deficient mice exhibit one of the most pronounced examples of hypermetabolism in rodents to date. It is vital to further understand the mechanistic role that ADAM17 plays in the metabolic syndrome. Such studies will demonstrate that ADAM17 is a valuable therapeutic target to treat obesity and diabetes.  相似文献   

Objective: The common C825T polymorphism of the gene that encodes the G protein β3 subunit has been shown to influence lipolysis in human adipocytes and to be associated with hypertension, body fat distribution, and obesity. In addition, it has been shown to be associated with insulin resistance in a small group of hypertensive subjects. We investigated whether this polymorphism contributed to the variability in obesity in our population from southern Germany and whether it was associated with insulin sensitivity of lipolysis and/or glucose disposal. Research Methods and Procedures: We determined percentage body fat, body fat distribution, glucose tolerance [oral glucose‐tolerance test (OGTT)], insulin sensitivity, and serum free fatty acids using data from OGTTs (N = 774) and clamp (euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp, N = 216) in normal and impaired glucose tolerant subjects who were genotyped for this polymorphism. Results: Compared with noncarriers of the C825T mutation, subjects with the C825T variant (prevalence ~32%) had higher percentage body fat (p = 0.02) and higher BMI (p = 0.03). No conclusive effect was seen on serum free fatty acids measured either during fasting or at the end of a 2‐hour OGTT. Insulin sensitivity determined during the OGTT and during the clamp, both adjusted for age, gender, and percentage body fat, was not different between the genotypes (p = 0.33 and p = 0.48, respectively). Discussion: We have concluded that the C825T polymorphism in the G protein β3 subunit played an important role in the determination of obesity in this German population. However, it probably had no direct effects on insulin sensitivity of lipolysis and glucose disposal.  相似文献   


Relationship between vitamin D receptor (VDR) BsmI (rs1544410) gene polymorphism and the type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) susceptibility is still conflicting at present. This meta-analysis was conducted to assess the association between VDR BsmI gene polymorphism and the risk of T2DM. The association studies were identified from PubMed, and Cochrane Library on 1 January 2014, and eligible investigations were included and synthesized using meta-analysis method. Eleven reports were recruited into this meta-analysis for the association of VDR BsmI gene polymorphism with T2DM susceptibility. In overall populations, B allele, BB genotype and bb genotype were not associated with T2DM risk. VDR BsmI gene polymorphism was also not associated with the T2DM risk in Asians and Caucasians. In conclusion, VDR BsmI gene polymorphism was also not associated with T2DM risk in overall populations, Asians and Caucasians. However, more studies should be conducted to confirm it.  相似文献   

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