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MOORE  R. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(6):771-778
A morphometric analysis of the ultrastructure of columella statocytesin primary roots of Zea mays was performed to determine theprecise location of cellular organelles in graviperceptive cells.Vacuoles occupy the largest volume in the cell (11.4 per centof the protoplasm). The nucleus (9.51 per cent), amyloplasts(7.57 per cent), mitochondria (3.42 per cent), spherosomes (2.13per cent) and dictyosomes (0.55 per cent) occupy progressivelysmaller volumes of the statocytes. All organelles are distributedasymmetrically within the cell. Amyloplasts, spherosomes anddictyosomes are found in greatest numbers (and relative volumes)in the lower (i.e. ‘bottom’) third of the cell.The largest numbers and relative volumes of mitochondria arein the lower and middle thirds of the cell. Nuclei tend to befound in the middle third of the statocytes. Only the hyaloplasmis concentrated in the upper (i.e. ‘top’) thirdof Z. mays statocytes. When the sedimentation of amyloplasts(and the resulting exclusion of other organelles from the lowerthird of the cell) is corrected for, all cellular constituentsremain asymmetrically distributed within the cell. Therefore,the sedimentation of amyloplasts alone is not responsible forthe differential distribution of other cellular organelles inZ. mays statocytes. The quantitative ultrastructure of Z. maysstatocytes is discussed relative to the graviperceptive functionof these cells. Zea mays, corn, maize, root cap, stereology, columella, statocytes, graviperception, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Cell length variation of sieve tube elements and phloem fibreswas studied in relation to their relative position within thebark in five species of Dalbergia. It was found that in fourout of the five species studied, the fibre elements occurringin the vicinity of cambium are longer than those occurring atthe periphery of the bark. D. latifolia is found to be an exception,since the shorter elements occur near the cambium while thelonger elements are found in the outer regions of the bark inthis species. In all the species fibre length declines markedlyin the middle region of the bark, and this is followed by asudden but temporary rise, except in D. latifolia in which theshortest elements occur both in the middle as well as near thecambium. The cell length variation of sieve tube cells does not followany recognizable trend in any of the species studied.  相似文献   

SAKAI  W. S.; THOM  M. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(2):245-248
By use of combined light, transmission electron, and scanningelectron microscopy with energy dispersive analysis of X-rays,silicon was localized in specific cell wall layers of the stomatalapparatus of sugar cane. The silicon occurs beneath the cuticlein layers of wall which correspond to the middle lamella andfirst-formed primary wall region of interior plant cells. Inother plants these regions are also reported high in pectinsand hemicellulose. It is suggested that the silicon may interactwith the pectins and hemicellulose and also with the ligninsand phenolics which may also be deposited in these wall layers. Saccharum officinarum L, sugar cane, stomata, silicon, X-ray analysis  相似文献   

  1. A method has been developed to measure the hydraulic conductivityof the wall of the internodal cell of Nitella flexilis.
  2. Therate of water penetration through the cell wall varies linearlywith the hydrostatic pressure difference between the two sidesof the wall, showing that water permeability of the cell wallremains independent of the pressure difference applied.
  3. Waterpermeability of the cell wall is inversely proportionalto itsthickness It is 30µµmin–3{dot}atm–3when the thickness of the wall is 10 µ.
  4. Water permeabilityof the cell wall is the same for inward andoutward water flow.The polar water permeability of the entiremembrane system (walland protoplasmic part) of the living celldemonstrated by KAMIYAand TAZAWA (1) is, therefore, due tothe living protoplasmicpart.
  5. The ratio of the inward to outward permeability constantsofthe protoplasmic layer alone is higher than that of the entiremembrane system composed of protoplasmic layer and cell wall.
1 Dedicated to Prof. H. TAMIYA on the occasion of his 60th birthday.The present work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid forFundamental Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education. 2 Present address: Sh?in Women's College, Kobe. (Received July 21, 1962; )  相似文献   

Mature contact cells in the metaxylem of tomato stems are characterizedby a distinctive wall deposit occurring mainly over the areaof the pit membrane that separates the cell from an adjoiningvessel member but also extending as a layer on the secondarywall round the interior of the cell. Cytochemical tests showthe layer contains a low concentration of pectin, no lignin,and a high concentration of polysaccharides. It can be distinguishedfrom the primary and secondary walls by quantitative differencesin the cytochemical staining reactions and by its loose-texturedappearance under the electron microscope. The layer is similarin composition and structure to the ‘protective layer’described in woody plants. The layer has also been found inpea and cotton and may be a characteristic feature of the contactcells in herbaceous plants. Cell wall ultrastructure, contact cells, Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill., protective layer, tomato, xylem  相似文献   

Quantitative anatomical and other measurements were made onfully expanded flag leaves of a series of diploid, tetraploidand hexaploid Triticum and Aegilops species, and photosyntheticrates per unit leaf area were measured at light saturation (Pmax). Diploids had the highest Pmax, hexaploids the lowest with tetraploidsbeing intermediate. The anatomical features of tetraploids andhexaploids were generally similar, but different from the diploids.The diploids had thinner leaves with less dry matter and chlorophyllper unit area. The surface area of the mesophyll cells per unitvolume of mesophyll tissue was similar for all ploidy levels,as was the ratio mesophyil cell surface area per unit leaf area.It is argued that while these anatomical features are unlikelyto account for the observed variation in Pmax, it is possiblethat other structural factors with which they are correlatedmay causally influence Pmax. One such feature is the averagediffusion path length from the plasmalemma at the cell surfaceto the sites of carboxylation. Anatomy, photosynthesis, mesophyll, cell size, Triticum, Aegilops, polyploidy  相似文献   

The conventional method of measuring plant cell turgor pressure is the pressure probe but applying this method to single cells in suspension culture is technically difficult and requires puncture of the cell wall. Conversely, compression testing by micromanipulation is particularly suited to studies on single cells, and can be used to characterise cell wall mechanical properties, but has not been used to measure turgor pressure. In order to demonstrate that the micromanipulation method can do this, pressure measurements by both methods were compared on single suspension-cultured tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum vf36) cells and generally were in good agreement. This validates further the micromanipulation method and demonstrates its capability to measure turgor pressure during water loss. It also suggests that it might eventually be used to estimate plant cell hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

Amitosis and Endocytogenesis in the Fruit of Malus sylvestris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MILLER  R. H. 《Annals of botany》1980,46(5):567-575
Cyto-histological investigations on the initiation and developmentof a non-pathogenic physiological ‘cork spot’ necrosisin the outer cortex of the fruit of Malus sylvestris Mill. ‘YorkImperial’ revealed two distinct aberrancies, namely, amitoticnuclear division and intracellular or endogenous proliferationswithout hyperplasia per se The incipient necrotic conditionbecomes evident internally about 3 weeks after fruit set asminute isolated, discoloured, amorphous spots of disorganizedruptured cells within otherwise healthy cortical tissue Thedisorganization continues slowly with adjoining cells becomingsimilarly necrotic After the lysis of the initial cork spotcells, about 1 month later, sporadic cellular changes occurin various healthy vacuolated cortical cells contiguous to andencompassing the necrotic tissues. The nuclei increase in sizeand volume as they assume distinctive positions in preparationfor amitotic nuclear divisions. The enlarged nucleus or macronucleus,containing one or several nucleoli, divides by a distinct cleavagedeveloping from a constriction perpendicular to its longitudinalaxis The division results in the amitotic formation of two daughtermicronuclei that usually become separated by the formation ofa cell wall. No evidence of cell plate formation was observedand the method of cell wall formation could not be determined.Repeated amitotic divisions of the micronuclei result in anintracellular or endocytogenetic proliferation of parenchymatouscells that are invariably confined within the original mothercell until its wall ruptures The endogenous proliferations arereleased into lacunae or intercellular spaces, eventually becomedisorganized, and disintegrate, with the accumulated residualincrements resulting in an overall ‘cork spot’ appearance. Malus sylvestris Mill., apple, amitosis, endocytogenesis, multinucleate cells, macronuclei, micronuclei  相似文献   

Sycamore and soybean cell suspensions were subjected to osmoticstress by culturing for one passage in media supplemented with6 per cent mannitol or sorbitol. The effects on growth wereto reduce cell number and biomass (d. wt) production throughoutthe culture period by about 30 per cent. Ultrastructural studiesat the early exponential phase of culture growth indicated similarreductions in cell wall thickness in both species. Osmoticallystressed sycamore cells became less vacuolate, but no such changeoccurred in stressed soybean cells. Acer pseudoplatanus L., sycamore, Glycine max L. var. Biloxi, soybean, suspension culture cells, osmotic stress, growth, ultrastructure  相似文献   

TIWARI  S. C. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(1):17-26
A histochemical investigation on the cell walls of the hypostasein Torenia fournieri Lind. (Scrophulariaceae) revealed thatthey contain large amounts of callose, cellulose and pectins.Except in the middle lamellae, tests failed to show lignin inthe walls. It is surmised that the callose in the hypostasedevelops in order to regulate the flow of metabolites to theembryo sac. Torenia fournieri Lind., hypostase, cell wall, callose  相似文献   

Protoplasts of cotton cotyledons were isolated and culturedto undergo cell wall regeneration and cell division. DNA contentand cell cycle parameters of nuclei from cotyledons and/or protoplastswere determined by flow cytometry. The DNA content of cotton,Gossypium hirsutum L., was estimated to be 4·34±0·12pg DNA per nucleus. There was a strong positive correlation between G2 or Sand G2,and cell wall regeneration and cell division and a strong negativecorrelation between G1, and cell wall regeneration and celldivision of cotton cotyledon protoplasts. The cell cycle statusof cotyledons changes during their development; as the cotyledonsenlarge, the proportion of cells in G0 and G1 phases of thecell cycle increases. The implication of these results in relationto protoplast growth and development is discussed. Key words: Cell cycle parameters, cell wall regeneration, cell division, flow cytometry, Gossypium  相似文献   

The Role of Cell Expansion in the Abscission of Impatiens sultani leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The histological events occurring during the latter stages ofabscission were followed continuously in longitudinal slicesthrough the petiole base of Impatiens sultani Hook. It appearsthat the middle lamella of the cortical parenchyma cells isdegraded first. This is followed by an expansion of these cellsand a concomitant stretching and separation of the collenchymaand vascular trace. The parenchyma cells continue to enlargeuntil they become virtually spherical, a process which finallyruptures the last restraining xylem vessels. The increased volumeof the parenchyma cells appears to be principally due to a conformationalchange in cell shape from a near regular hexagonal prism toa sphere of similar surface area. The dimensions of the prismaticcells are such that most of them change into spheres whose diametersare the same as the transverse distance between the oppositesides of the six axially orientated faces of the prisms. Cellularexpansion is thus entirely directed along the axis of the petiole.The significance of these observations to the general anatomyand mechanism of fracture of abscission zones is discussed. Impatiens sultani Hook., abscission, cell expansion, cell wall degradation, cell shape  相似文献   

SHAH  G. L.; GOPAL  B. V. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(3):737-749
The structure and development of stomata in 10 Amaryllidaceousmembers are described. The study is made on the leaves and floralorgans of Amaryllis belladona, Crinum asiaticum, C. bulbispermum,C. latifolium, C. pratense, Pancratium sp., Polianthes tuberosa,and Zephyranthes atamsco, and on leaves of Agave sp. and Curculigoorchioides. In most of the organs of the different plants studiedmore than one type of stoma occur, even on the same surface.However, the stomata are largely anomocytic in Amaryllis, Crinum,Pancratium, Polianthes, and Zephyranthes, but they are tetracyticin Agave and Curculigo. An increase in the number of subsidiarycells in teracytic, tricytic, paracytic, and stomata with onesubsidiary cell has been noted. It may be due to wall formationin the subsidiary cells or by the neighbouring perigenes assumingtheir form. The range of variation in different types of stomatain each organ has been studied. Abnormal features such as juxtaposedor superimposed contiguous stomata, connections between guardcells of nearby stomata, transformation of meristemoids intoepidermal cells are observed. The development of different typesof stomata in different organs of the same plant is perigenous.The systematic position of different genera is discussed inlight of the present findings. A method of preparing epidermalimprints by the use of Depex, a mounting medium, and white ofan egg is also described.  相似文献   

PARRY  D. WYNN; KELSO  M. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(4):855-862
Silicon accumulation in the endodermis of the ‘set’and ‘shoot’ roots of Saccharum officinarum (L.)were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and electron-probemicroanalysis. Silicon microassay was also carried out by meansof the Corinth analytical microscope (CORA). Aggregates arelargely associated with the inner tangential wall (ITW) of theendodermis and their formation is basically similar to thoseseen in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. In contrast to Sorghumthe earliest deposits in Saccharum appear in wall strata wellwithin the cell wall cytoplasm interface. An additional layerof silicon was also located along the endodermal pericycle boundaryextending some distance along the middle lamella of the radialwalls. The results are discussed in relation to those of previous studiesof silicon accumulation in endodermal cells and to possiblefactors affecting such accumulations.  相似文献   

The anatomy, histochemistry, kinetics and hormonal regulationof perianth abscission in Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (Montbretia)has been investigated. The abscission zone is anatomically welldefined, with cell divisions occurring in this region at anthesis.Abscission is first detectable 3 d after perianth opening, whenthe walls of a group of cells beneath the adaxial epidermisshow reduced staining with polyanion-specific stains, and adecline in penanth break strength also occurs. Abscission isachieved by cell wall breakage in thc abscission zone, whichprogresses eccentrically from the adaxial epidermis throughthe abscission zone, rather than the separation of intact cellsas occurs in flowers of dicotyledons. Experiments on detachedflowers suggest similarities in the hormonal regulation of abscissionin Crocosmia to that of dicotyledons, in that an ethylene promotion,and possibly an auxin inhibition, mechanism may exist in Crocosmia.Ovary expansion occurs throughout the development and senescenceof unpollinated flowers, but does not appear to be the solecause of wall breakage in the abscission zone. It is suggestedthat hormonally regulated wall hydrolases weaken the cell wallsin the abscission zone, and allow wall breakage and subsequentabscission to occur. Cdrocosmia x crocosmiiflora, Montbretia, anatomy, breakstrength, cell wall changes, histochemistry, flowers, monocotyledons, perianth, senescence, ethylene, auxin  相似文献   

The effective pore size of the cell walls of Gladiolus pollentubes (grown in vitro) and stigmatic palpillae has been examinedby the solute-exclusion technique. The estimated pore size in3.5–4.5 nm which is similar to that reported for othercell types, but is smaller than that of wall channels whichhave been demonstrated in stigmatic papillae by freeze-fracturestudies. Within a sample of pollen tubes or stigmatic papillaethere are wide variations in the response to the solute exclusiontests, suggesting variation in the wall structure of individualcells. Gladiolus, solute exclusion, cell wall porosity, pollen-stigma interactions, plant cell recognition, plasmolysis, cytorrhysis  相似文献   

Two modes of cell separation occur within raspberry abscissionzones. In the cortex, fracture of the middle lamella, partialdissolution of the cell wall, and growth stresses in the abscissionzone cause existing intercellular spaces to develop into largecavities. Cells remain intact during this process. In the vascularbundle, dissolution of the middle lamella and the resultantformation of cavities in the cell wall is followed by cell wallbreakdown and cell disintegration. Intracellular membrane systemsappear to be associated with areas of middle lamellar dissolution. Rubus idaeus L., raspberry, fruit structure, abscission  相似文献   

Wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Warigal) were subjectedto 20 d of water deficit during the period of endosperm celldivision. Drought accentuated the differences in final grainweight between spikelets and between grains within spikelets.The distal grains of top spikelets were most affected by drought.The maximum number of endosperm cells was, respectively, 30and 40 per cent lower in basal grains and distal grains of draughtedplants. In basal grains of middle spikelets, the number of largestarch granules per cell was unaffected but the number of smallstarch granules per cell was 45 per cent lower in grains ofdraughted plants. The initiation of small starch granules wasmore affected than cell division because severe water deficitoccurred earlier during the former process than the latter.Final dry weight appeared to correlate well with the maximumnumber of endosperm cells, but depended also on the number ofstarch granules per cell. Consequently, the amount of dry matterper cell was not constant in both treatments. The concentration of sucrose per endosperm cell was lower onlyin the droughted distal grains of top spikelets. The supplyof sucrose to endosperm cells did not regulate the initiationof small starch granules. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, drought, grain growth, cell division, starch  相似文献   

The various pathways of pollen development were investigatedin cultured anthers of Lolium temulentum, Festuca pratensisand the L. multiflorum x F. pratensis hybrid ‘Elmet’.In all three, development from the vegetative cell was the predominantpathway of pollen callus development. However, there were characteristicdifferences in the behaviour of the generative cell. In L. temulentumit remained attached to the pollen wall and degenerated, whereasin F. pratensis it divided. In ‘Elmet’ it detachedfrom the pollen wall and remained undivided. Both polarizedand unpolarized partitioned calluses were observed. Developmentof the fusion product of the vegetative and generative nucleiwere also observed in anthers of L. temulentum. Anomalous grainswere not found to be major source of pollen calluses. Sections of anthers of L. temulentum were used to investigatethe origin of S pollen grains, the small pale-staining grainswhich denote pollen dimorphism. Such grains form out of contactwith the tapetum and are therefore determined before or duringmeiosis (i.e. before harvest of anthers for culture). Sectionswere also used to demonstrate the influence of the durationof pretreatment on the development of the middle layer of theanther wall. Festuca pratensis, Lolium temulentum, Lolium x Festuca, anther culture, haploid, microspore, pollen  相似文献   

The internodal cells of Nitella opaca L. have been used in anattempt to assess the part which mechanical properties of thewall may play in the control of cell growth. It is shown thatthe wall is mechanically anisotropic in both its plastic andelastic properties, and evidence is presented which indicatesthat this arises from its anisotropy of structure. The degreeof anisotropy is greater in cells with a high growth-rate thanin those with a low growth-rate. Evidence is presented thatthis variation in properties with growth-rate is due wholly,or in part, to changes in the orientation of the crystallinecomponent, in the relative proportion of wall constituents,and in the condition of active groups of the wall components.The findings are in harmony with the theory that extension growthof the cell wall is due to ‘creep’, i.e. disturbancesof the molecular forces within the wall leading to a slow plasticyielding to turgor pressure.  相似文献   

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