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We determined the karyotypes of nine species of Lessingianthus, eight of which are here analyzed for the first time. The results include the first chromosome count for L. plantaginoides, which is tetraploid with 2n = 64. All species showed a high proportion of metacentric chromosomes combined with a lower proportion of submetacentric pairs. Only L. coriaceus had a subtelocentric chromosome pair. B chromosomes were observed in L. coriaceus and L. varroniifolius, which were subtelocentric. Differences among the karyotypes of the studied species were small, suggesting that karyotype diversity in the genus evolved by small changes in the structure of chromosomes. Karyotype features appear useful to distinguish Lessingianthus from the closely related genera Chrysolaena and Lepidaploa.  相似文献   

Micromorphological characters of 113 species of the South American genus Lessingianthus H.Rob. (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) were analyzed to evaluate their reliability as taxonomic markers. The corolla pubescence was studied in detail for the first time in the genus. Glandular and non-glandular trichomes were studied and described. The trichome types allow differentiation among related species, but do not reflect the relationships among species groups. On the other hand, the basal stylar node only occurs in a distinctive group of species within the genus. The apical appendage of the anthers is non-glandular in all species of the genus. Several character states analyzed in Lessingianthus are often widespread in other related genera of Vernonieae. Therefore, Lessingianthus can be circumscribed only by a combination of micro- and macromorphological features.  相似文献   

Vegetative anatomical features are poorly known in the South American genus Chrysolaena. In this study, leaves and stems of six Chrysolaena species were described and compared morphologically and anatomically using diaphanization, microtome serial sectioning and scanning electron microscopy. The species differed in leaf epidermis, type of stomata, shape of anticlinal walls of epidermal cells, trichome density, and presence or absence in stems of small air spaces in the cortical parenchyma and of druse‐shaped oxalate crystals. Furthermore, glandular trichomes and three types of non‐glandular trichomes with different number of basal cells were identified on leaves and stems. Collectively, these features proved instrumental to discriminate among the six studied species, suggesting that leaves and stems of Chrysolaena can represent a source for taxonomically useful characters. We also discuss anatomical features in relation to the environmental conditions in the species’ habitats.  相似文献   

Vernonieae is one of the major tribes in Asteraceae (subfamily Cichorioideae) with ca. 1,100 species placed into 129 genera. Currently, 21 subtribes are recognized in Vernonieae and one of them is Lychnophorinae, almost entirely endemic to Brazil, containing 11 genera and ca. 100 species. About 42 % of Lychnophorinae genera are monophyletic, reflecting the poorly understood relationships among the members of the group. Trichomes are one of the most useful anatomical characters to be used in angiosperm taxonomy; they are diverse, exist in many taxa and are not difficult to study. This work intends to illustrate non-glandular leaf trichome diversity in Lychnophorinae and discuss this diversity in the light of the subtribe’s taxonomy. Sampled material included 67 species of 11 genera. Macerations and free hand sections were performed to be analyzed in the light microscope and photographed. A phenogram was generated using a matrix with 67 terminals (species) and 18 characters coded as binary. The subtribe Lychnophorinae displays a great diversity of non-glandular trichomes (5 types and 18 subtypes). The present study reveals the great diversity of non-glandular trichomes in Lychnophorinae. While trichome complement is of little use to distinguish genera, it appears to be a valuable characteristic at a lower taxonomic level to identify closely morphologically related species.  相似文献   

Research on dolabellane diterpenes of brown algae Dictyota spp. has shown that these diterpenoids have strong anti-HIV-1 activity, but there are not data about antiviral activity of dolabellane diterpenes isolated from octocorals, which are antipodes of those isolated from the brown algae. Dolabellanes 13-keto-1(R),11(S)-dolabella-3(E),7(E),12(18)-triene (1) and β-Araneosene (2) were isolated from the Caribbean octocoral Eunicea laciniata, and both showed low anti-HIV-1 activity and low toxicity. Since it was shown that oxygenated dolabellanes from algae have better anti-HIV-1 activity, in this work some derivatives of the main dolabellane of E. laciniata 1 were obtained by epoxidation (3), epoxide opening (4), and allylic oxidation (5). The derivatives showed significant improvement in the anti-HIV-1potency (100-fold), being compounds 3 and 5 the most active ones. Their high antiviral activities, along with their low cytotoxicity, make them promissory antiviral compounds; and it is worth noting that the absolute configuration at the ring junction in the dolabellane skeleton does not seem to be determinant in the antiviral potency of these diterpeneoids.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology is an important source of information to increase systematic resolution in Asteraceae, especially in Vernonieae. Aiming to investigate if palynological traits give support to Caatinganthus, Strophopappus and Xiphochaeta as separate genera from Stilpnopappus, we used cluster analysis followed by a test of group sharpness. Further, ordination analysis was applied to detect informative pollen traits associated with the revealed groups. The analyses evidenced five groups: (G1) Caatinganthus rubropappus as a single-species group; (G2) species of Stilpnopappus; (G3) Xiphochaeta aquatica as a single-species group; (G4) Strophopappus bicolor, S. glomeratus, S. villosus, S. ferrugineus, S. pohlii and S. speciosus; (G5) Strophopappus bullatus and S. regnelli. The interruption in the middle of the muri in apertural lacunae explains the single-species group Caatinganthus rubropappus. The thickness of sexine, the type of apertures (porate or colporate), and spine dimensions (length, thickness and distance from each other) are the traits explaining differences between species of Stilpnopappus and Strophopappus. Equatorial lacunae give support to Xiphochaeta aquatica as a single-species group, despite the smaller size of pollen grains of this species as compared to the others species analyzed. The differences among pollen morphology give support to Caatinganthus, Stilpnopappus, Strophopappus and Xiphochaeta as genera according to the taxonomic classification currently accepted. The used approach was efficient to reveal individual pollen traits informative to explain the sharp groups, and was an effective alternative to the use of “pollen types”.  相似文献   

Species within three families of basal angiosperms (Trimeniaceae, Winteraceae, Monimiaceae) illustrate differences and similarities in pollen within a species, between species and between genera. Trimenia papuana (Trimeniaceae) has dimorphic pollen (inaperturate, polyforate), each confined to different individual plants. Other species have either disulculate or polyforate pollen. Evolution seems to be from disulculate to inaperturate to polyforate. Present-day Winteraceae have pollen in permanent tetrads except four species of Zygogynum with monads. Why? Did such monads appear as fossils before tetrads in Winteraceae? Molecular studies of Takhtajania perrieri indicate it is basal but its unique bicarpellate unilocular gynoecium seems derived. Although Hedycarya arborea and Kibaropsis caledonica have near-identical permanent pollen tetrads, many other features are very different. Hedycarya species have permanent tetrads or inaperturate monads with spinulose, `starry' or other sculpturing, and it is suggested this and recent molecular data indicate further studies are needed to determine generic limits.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes all accepted species and subspecies of the generaPetasites andEndocellion, together with important synonyms, type quotations, main diacritical characters, and an outline of their distribution. The new taxa described in this study are as follows: subgen.Capillopetalum, sect.Cricostigma, sect.Schistostigma, sect.Trichostigma, sect.Sceptrostigma, further ser.Japonici, ser.Orientales, ser.Fragrantes, ser.Spurii, ser.Imberbes, ser.Sagittati, and subspeciesPetasites frigidus subsp.sibiricus. New combinations:Petasites radiatus (J. F. Gmel.),P. rubellus (J. F. Gmel.)P. hybridus subsp.georgicus (Manden.),P. nivalis subsp.vitifolius (L. E. Greene),P. nivalis subsp.hyperboreus (Rydb.),P. palmatus subsp.speciosus (Nutt.),Endocellion sibiricum (J. F. Gmel.) andE. glaciale (Ledeb.).  相似文献   

This paper reports the antifouling properties of the dichloromethane crude extract (DC) and 3 pure compounds isolated from the Brazilian brown seaweed Canistrocarpus cervicornis against establishment of the mussel Perna perna. DC extract showed a strong inhibition activity against byssal threads. Two natural dolastanes and one seco-dolastane diterpene, namely (4R, 9S, 14S)-4α-acetoxy-9β,14α-dihydroxydolast-1(15),7-diene (1), (4R,7R,14S)-4α,7α-diacetoxy-14-hydroxydolast-1(15),8-diene (2) and isolinearol (3), were isolated from DC extract. Dolastane (1) inhibited 60% of byssal fixation, while compound 2 and the seco-dolastane (3) strongly inhibited (82%) the establishment of P. perna. This is the first report of this type of chemical skeleton in three powerful compounds that could be further explored for the development of antifouling technology.  相似文献   

Morphological variation, ploidy level and genetic diversity have been studied on 10 populations of the Pilosella hoppeana aggr. from the Alps, Abruzzo, Calabria and Sicily. Chromosome counts showed that the plants from Abruzzo and those from Sicily are tetraploid (2n = 36); they are assigned to P. hoppeana subsp. macrantha. The plants from the Alps (P. hoppeana subsp. hoppeana) and those from Calabria are diploid. The Calabrian populations, previously included in P. hoppeana subsp. macrantha, are shown to belong to a separate species, P. leucopsilon. The principal component analysis, based on 25 morphological characters, allowed distinguishing clearly four groups. An allozyme study using 10 enzyme systems revealed 7 polymorphic loci with a total of 20 alleles, some of them exclusive at regional level, others shared between populations showing similar morphological features. The genetic differentiation between populations was relatively high. The obtained dendrogram supports recognition of the morphologically defined taxa.  相似文献   

The results of a study on pollen morphology of the species of the genus Ptilostemon growing in Italy: Ptilostemon niveus, P. greuteri, P. gnaphaloides, P. casabonae, P. strictus, P. stellatus by light and scanning electron microscopy were presented and discussed including in relation to their taxonomic position. The exine shows two different ornamentation patterns: echinae and scabrae. This last ornamentation pattern together with other features was previously described in the genus Ptilostemon. Of 6 species analysed, P. stellatus is the only one that shows a scabrate ornamentation of exine. Two pollen types were recognized through the exine ornamentation, length of ectocolpus and polar outline: P. stellatus type and P. niveus type. A multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis) was carried out with the aim of examining potential morphological characters which could be used to identify taxa. The data suggest that several characteristics can be used to delimit the species in particular the exine ornamentation. The results of our studies support the actually subgeneric classification, and several features of the pollen grains analysed seem to have a palynoecological role and an important taxonomic significance. A dichotomous key based on palynological data is also given.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of Centaurea section Acrocentron in Iran is briefly reviewed. A critical study of 251 herbarium specimens, and an additional 37 accessions collected specifically for this research, led to the discovery of a new variety, Centaurea irritans var. longispinosa Montazerolghaem , and the revival of another, C. persica var. subinermis, a taxon previously treated as a synonym for about 25 years. A key to all Iranian species of Centaurea section Acrocentron is provided. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 99–106.  相似文献   

Cirsium Miller, one of the largest genera of the Asteraceae (Carduoideae), contains more than 250 taxa. Turkey is one of its diversity centers and according to recent studies this genus is represented by 80 taxa. In the present study, cypsela morphologies, micromorphologies and anatomical structures of 17 C. sect. Epitrachys taxa distributed in Turkey are characterized in detail by using stereomicroscope, light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Cypselas are found to be obovate to narrowly oblong, or rarely oblanceolate. Based on SEM characters, six cypselas surface ornamentation types are identified, pericarp anatomical structures are described, as well as the structure of the testa. Crystal formations were observed in three taxa and secretory materials in the mesocarp were evaluated. Data obtained from this study are compared with previously published results and it is concluded that fruit micromorphological and anatomical characters are useful for the delimitation of taxa in Cirsium and may be useful for supraspecific classification.  相似文献   

The dihydric phenolics from the leaves of 590 specimens of 91 genera of Gesneriaceae have been examined as semiquinone radicals by EPR spectroscopy. The glycosides acteoside and/or conandroside were found widespread in the family, but were not observed in the tribes Klugieae and Napeantheae and in the genera Agalmyla and Saintpaulia. The absence of the glycosides in several specimens seemed compensated for by the presence of either protocatechuic acid or an ester of homogentisic acid. Actually, the ester was found to be ubiquitous in Agalmyla, but absent in the related Aeschynanthus. A dihydrocaffeic acid ester was found restricted to the European gesneriads, distinguishing them from similar Asian genera. Chlorogenic acid was not observed in the family, at variance with older reports. Hydroquinone was recorded from three specimens.  相似文献   

A Fourier-transform method has been used to measure the spin-lattice relaxation-times (T1 values) of the anomeric protons of a selection of oligo- and poly-saccharide derivatives. Although systematic variations are found for the substances of lower molecular weight, these variations are essentially non-existent at higher molecular weights. Data for the disaccharides cellobiose, maltose, lactose, gentiobiose, and melibiose demonstrate that proton T1-values may provide a powerful method for evaluating conformations of oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

An analysis of Italian herbarium specimens belonging to the genus Azolla was carried out using optical microscope and SEM techniques. According to recent international reviews, three micro-morphological characters have been considered for the specimen analysis: (i) number of leaf trichome cells, (ii) septation of glochidia and (iii) features of the macrospore perine. The analysis of the patterns concerning both vegetative and reproductive characters was complicated by the relatively low number of sporulated specimens stored in the Italian Herbaria. The analysis of the selected specimens showed the presence of two well distinct systematic groups. One group was characterized by bicellular leaf trichomes, pluriseptate glochidia and not-warty perine, traits that permitted to taxonomically attribute it to A. cristata. The second group was characterized by monocellular leaf trichomes, non-septate or uniseptate glochidia and warty perine, so that it could be taxonomically attributed to A. filiculoides Lam. This study confirmed the large use in the past of the name ‘A. caroliniana’ to indicate the species actually named A. cristata. In Italy, this species was found to be collected only in the past, while A. filiculoides was found to be present with both ancient and recent herbarium specimens.  相似文献   

Stylar micromorphological diversity of 42 Asteraceae species from Argentina was analysed considering species phylogenetic membership and some floral reproductive functions (pollen presentation and pollen reception). In particular, the morphology and organisation of pollen presenter (sweeping hairs) and pollen receptive structures (stigmatic papillae) were described. Results showed that style morphology of the studied species is far more diverse than the categories previously established for Asteraceae, and that it is problematic to relate the sweeping-hair arrangement of species to the only three modes of pollen presentation described for the family, indicating that the hypothesised relationship could be more complex than was formerly thought. For all species with di- or trimorphic florets, the styles of female florets were more slender and without or with more reduced sweeping hairs than the styles of hermaphrodite florets, and divergences of sweeping hair arrangements and morphology were higher among phylogenetically related species. These results suggest that functional aspects of floral morphology seem to be more important than phylogenetic constraints as selective forces determining stylar pollen presentation structures. In contrast, stigmatic-area organisation as well as the morphology of stigmatic papillae remain identical between female and hermaphrodite florets and among phylogenetically related species. Thus, stigmatic papilla morphology seems to be a phylogenetically constrained character in the studied species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The polymorphic African species D. anomala is subdivided in three subspecies and two new nomenclatural combinations in the genus Dicoma (Mutisieae, Asteraceae) are proposed: Dicoma anomala subsp. attenttata and D. anomala subsp. gerrardii .  相似文献   

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