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When exocytosis of granule contents is induced by nicotine stimulation, glycoprotein III (a chromaffin granule membrane constituent) is exposed on the surface of cultured chromaffin cells, where it may be labeled with an immunocytochemical tracer. The subsequent fate of this glycoprotein after endocytosis was followed at the ultrastructural level using immunogold methods and was analyzed by morphometry. After stimulation exocytosis membranes newly inserted into the plasma membrane labeled with gold particles for glycoprotein III were found to be endocytosed via coated vesicles and finally found in organelles devoid of chromogranin A, the major secretory granule protein. At intervals between 30 min and 24 h after cell stimulation and immunolabeling, most labeled structures were identified by two different morphological approaches as prelysosomes and lysosomes. In contrast with results obtained on freshly isolated chromaffin cells, it is thus concluded that in cultured cells granule membrane recycling into new granules does not occur. It is suggested that the fate of granule membrane endocytosed after cell stimulation may be influenced by the external conditions to which cells are previously exposed.  相似文献   

Isolated rat adrenal chromaffin cells were studied with laser light scattering and Nomarski differential interference contrast microscopy. Evidence of organelle movement and of the fusion of secretory granules with the plasma membrane was obtained. A specially modified microscope was used to collect, coherently, laser light scattered from groups of 1–3 cells. Autocorrelation analysis of intensity fluctuations of the scattered light indicated that relative movements of cytoplasmic particles of about 0.1 μm or larger took seconds or longer, compared with the millisecond time periods that would be expected for free diffusion of the cytoplasmic organelles of the cells in a medium with a viscosity equal to that of water. Cytochalasin B (CB) and reduced temperature were found to reduce the relatively fast component of the decay of the autocorrelation, indicating decreased motion in the cells. Fixation with formaldehyde reduced the autocorrelation amplitude to zero, indicating the absence of motion. It is suggested that the intensity fluctuations were a consequence of organelle motility within the cells. Time-lapse photomicrography with Nomarski differential interference contrast optics indicated that the movements of the cytoplasmic particles which could be distinguished were highly restricted, except for occasional observations of distinct particle saltations at about 0.2 μm/sec. No change was observed in particle motion during stimulation with secretagogues, but microspikes formed on the cell surfaces, presumably due to the addition of secretory granule membranes to the plasma membrane as a consequence of exocytosis.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is the key enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway in carbohydrate metabolism, and it plays an important role in cell proliferation and antioxidant regulation within cells in various organs. Although marked cell proliferation and oxidant/antioxidant metabolism occur in lung alveolar epithelial cells, definite data has been lacking as to whether cytochemically detectable G6PD is present in alveolar epithelial cells. The distribution pattern of G6PD within these cells, if it is present, is also unknown. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the subcellular localization of G6PD in alveolar cells in the rat lung using a newly-developed enzyme-cytochemistry (copper-ferrocyanide) method. Type I cells and stromal endothelia and fibroblasts showed no activities. Electron-dense precipitates indicating G6PD activity were clearly visible in the cytoplasm and on the cytosolic side of the endoplasmic reticulum of type II alveolar epithelial cells. The cytochemical controls ensured specific detection of enzyme activity. This enzyme may play a role in airway defense by delivering substances for cell proliferation and antioxidant forces, thus maintaining the airway architecture.  相似文献   

Cells from the axial organ of the starfish Asterias rubens were fractionated into two populations, adherent and non-adherent to nylon wool. In both populations the ultrastructural study revealed the presence of cells resembling the lymphocytes of the vertebrates, as well as phagocytic, peroxidase positive cells. The lymphocyte-like cells in the non-adherent population (average diameter 4 mu) have a high nucleo-cytoplasmatic ratio and are morphologically similar to Th lymphocytes while the adherent cells (average diameter 5.5 mu) are more similar to Bm lymphocytes. These observations are in line with the hypothesis that there exist, in the starfish, a primitive immune system with characteristics resembling those of the immune system of vertebrates.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study was performed in a series of liver biopsies from patients with various lysosomal storage diseases to evaluate the extent of lysosomal hypertrophy and hyperplasia in Ito cells (ICs). In previous studies this has been considered to be absent or only rudimentary. Lysosomal storage was recognized by the presence of storage cytosomes surrounded by limiting membranes and by the appearance of their content which was identical to that in other hepatic storage lysosomes. Storage was found in sphingomyelinase deficiency (Niemann-Pick disease types A, B), in Wolman's disease, GM1 gangliosidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis and in multiple sulphatase deficiency. In type C Niemann-Pick disease it was virtually absent with the exception of cases with prominent hepatic symptomatology. Storage was of variable degree and was accompanied by a decrease in the physiological fat content (cytoplasmic lipid droplets). The degree to which ICs were affected correlated only with the extent to which nonspecific fibroblasts were involved in the specimens studied and thus seems to reflect storage in the fibroblastic population.  相似文献   

We compared the ultrastructure of a well-differentiated rat hepatoma line (H4II) and its clonal progeny, including dedifferentiated variant cells, and revertants of the variants in which the spectrum of hepatocyte-specific functions is again expressed. The cells of the original differentiated lines and the revertants were very similar to one another. In addition, they exhibited some of the characteristics of fetal and neonatal hepatocytes. Variant cells which fail to express hepatocyte functions showed a wide range of morphological alterations accompanied by generalized disorganization. It is concluded that the loss of hepatocyte differentiation in the variants is not associated with a uniform morphological type, and that a wide range of ultrastructural phenotypes can be generated in the progeny of a single neoplastic but well-differentiated hepatocyte. Also, the expression of hepatocyte functions only occurs within a limited and organized morphological framework that includes features of young hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The endocrine cells of gastric mucosa of two elasmobranch species were studied by light and electron microscopy. Five cell types were identified in the fundic mucosa, four of which are of "open type". All of them show pleomorphic granules of variable size, except those of the type V cell which are round in shape and of comparatively small diameter. Six different cell types are found in the pyloric mucosa, all of "open type" except for type XI cells which appear to be "closed". Pyloric types VIII, IX, X and XI cells show similar structural characteristics as fundus types I, V, II and IV respectively. Silver impregnation was also used at both light and electron microscopical levels. No functional classification or analogies with other vertebrate gastric endocrine cells were attempted as these would be too speculative on the basis of ultrastructural characteristics only.  相似文献   

This study on five patients has revealed more extensive alterations to melanocytes than previously reported, and emphasizes the fact that depigmentation is an essential element of the condition. In hyperpigmented areas, melanocytes were increased in number along the basal layer of the epithelium, were hyperactive, and in some cases contained bizarre melanosomes. In two cases there was suggestion of a defect in melanosome transfer to keratinocytes. Lymphocytes were closely apposed to melanocytes, and, in hypopigmented areas, were clearly involved in their disintegration. In depigmented areas, there was complete absence of melanocytes and of melanosomes in keratinocytes, and lymphocytes were present in the basal layer. In general, the appearances did not resemble melanoma in situ with spontaneous regression, although a second biopsy of one patient after one year did reveal features of melanocytes suggestive of an early stage of this condition. The study has provided no clear information as to the initial cause of the condition, but the manner of destruction of melanocytes suggests an immune reaction. Neither has it been of assistance in suggesting a more precise name for it.  相似文献   

The olfactory epithelium contains three cell types: basal cells, supporting cells and sensory neurons. Electron microscopy as well as immunofluorescence microscopy with intermediate-filament antibodies were used to study the rat olfactory epithelium in order to obtain more information about these different cell types and to try to investigate their histogenetic origins. We found mitoses in the basal-cell layer, as well as multiple centrioles and tonofilaments in some basal cells. As revealed by electron microscopy, the supporting cells contained tonofilaments and reacted strongly with antibodies to keratin, in line with their known epithelial nature. When antibodies to other intermediate-filament types were used, i.e. glial fibrillary acidic protein, vimentin, desmin and neurofilaments, no reaction was seen in the cells of the olfactory epithelium, with the exception of occasional staining of a few axons in the subepithelial layer by neurofilament antibodies. In particular, the cell bodies, dendrites and most axons of the sensory neurons were negative for a variety of antibodies against neurofilaments. Olfactory sensory neurons therefore belong to the very few cells in adult animals which seem to lack intermediate filaments. We discuss whether this finding is related to the fact that these cells are also unique among neurons in that they are not permanent cells but constantly turn over.  相似文献   

1. Glial cells of the crayfish abdominal ganglia have been studied by transmission electron microscopy. Special attention is paid to the interrelationships between neurons and glial cells. Covers and hemocyte-related elements have also been considered. 2. Glial cells are identified by a common ultrastructure and close relationships with neurons. Four glial classes are considered, depending on their morphology, the compartment of neurons they ensheathe and neuron-glia interface. 3. Four ultrastructural classes of neurons are proposed. They differ in geometry and ultrastructure, as well as in glial covers (complexity and evaginations into the neuron somata). The morphology and organization of glial covers is specific for the neuron type they ensheathe. Specific glial covers do not differ in glia-glia communicatory structures. 4. The morphological and metabolical compartments of neurons are separated from the extracellular matrix or blood by specific glial systems. A system of two cells is interposed between neuron somata and hemolymph or the extracellular matrix. 5. Glial processes are crossed by membraneous tubular systems, at neuron perikarya and axons. Frequent gap junctions of varying area, density and number of IMP are found in the covers of neuron somata. 6. Neuron-glia interface bears numerous communicatory structures for both ionic and macromolecular exchange. They include junctions and transient modifications of membranes. Some of them suggest active transport mechanisms. 7. Modified endocytotic mechanisms seem to be responsible for the glia-to-neuron transfer of macromolecules as well as for the neuron-to-glia transfer of lamellar bodies. 8. The neuropil is divided into glomeruli (electrical or chemical) by glial processes and the trabeculae of the extracellular dense matrix. Neuron-glia membrane appositions have been found in electrical glomeruli. In chemical glomeruli, dense cored vesicles can release their content at neuron-neuron or neuron-glia intercellular cleft, at non-synaptic loci. 9. Neurons of type II contain peripheral complex Golgi systems, associated to subsurface cisternae and neuron-glia gap junctions, suggesting a cooperation of glial cells in specific macromolecular synthesis.  相似文献   

Simonsiella , an unusual aerobic Gram-negative multicellular, filamentous bacterium present in the oral flora, possesses a marked dorsal-ventral differentiation. The morphology and ultrastructure of the structural appendages on the ventral surface were examined. Two types of fibrils could be distinguished; in vitro adherence of Simonsiella to buccal epithelial cells was by means of the short fibrils.  相似文献   

Numerous data show that malnutrition during early life programs chronic diseases in adulthood. Many of these disorders may result from alterations in the development of neuroendocrine systems, such as the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathoadrenal system. We have previously reported that maternal 50% food restriction during late pregnancy and lactation reduces adrenal weight and impairs chromaffin cell differentiation in male rats at weaning. In addition, maternal undernutrition modifies the expression of several genes involved in proliferation and apoptosis. This study therefore investigated the impact of maternal food restriction on adrenal cell growth in the late postnatal rat. Histological analysis showed that the number of proliferating chromaffin cells assessed by nuclear labelling with BrdU was reduced by 45%, whereas the level of apoptosis visualised by caspase-3 immunoreactivity was increased by 340% in adrenal medulla of offspring from undernourished mothers. In contrast, maternal food restriction did not affect proliferation and apoptosis in cortical cells of rats. These developmental changes were associated with overexpression of TGFbeta2. These data show that perinatal undernutrition impairs the balance between chromaffin cell proliferation and apoptosis. These modifications may lead to "malprogramming" of adrenal medulla development, which could contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic diseases in adulthood.  相似文献   

Summary Immune aspermatogenesis was induced in young rats by the method of Freundet al. (1954) and testes were studied by electron microscopic and histochemical methods. At time of sacrifice the testes of several animals were markedly atrophic as demonstrated by reduction in weight. Sections of seminiferous tubules exhibited primarily profiles of Sertoli cells but germinal elements were sparse or absent. The ultrastructure of Sertoli cells appeared to be normal except for the presence of areas of dilated smooth endoplasmic reticulum and fragments of phagocytized germ cells in the cytoplasm.Light microscopic sections showed an apparent hyperplasia of intertubular tissue. Electron micrographs revealed a moderate to extreme vesiculation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in many interstitial cells. Macrophages and lymphocytes were often observed in contact with these cells.There was increased localization of non-specific esterase and acid phosphatase associated with lipid bodies of the tubules and in intertubular areas.This work was supported in part by USPHS Grant FR 5391.  相似文献   

Summary Neuroretinas from 6–7 day-old chick embryos were cultivated after trypsin dissociation as monolayer cultures in Petri dishes, and examined after various intervals of time with the electron microscope. Soon after plating, cells begin to reaggregate in small clumps, and typical rosettes are formed. During the first week in vitro, cells appear to differentiate as neuroblasts and presumed Müller cells; the latter form a continous sheet on the substrate, upon which neuroblasts migrate and grow their neurites. Differentiated ribbon synapses are found after 8 days in vitro, the time at which they normally appear in situ. After 15 and 21 days in vitro, synapses are still found in large numbers, mimicking their in vivo counterparts. Photoreceptor cells were identified on the basis of the presence of typical ribbons in their cytoplasm, but no outer segment was found. It appears then that synaptogenesis in the retina is programmed independently of the tissue environment, which is markedly disturbed in the monolayer culture.  相似文献   

Adipocytes in intact brown adipose tissue show multivacuolar lipid deposit and mitochondria of 'typical' morphology. Cultured brown adipocytes retain the multivacuolar lipid deposit, while 'typical' mitochondria degenerate and 'atypical' organelles appear instead of the former. Since evidence exists that catecholamines deeply influence brown adipose tissue morphology and function in vivo, we undertook the present ultrastructural investigation to assess whether exposure of cultured brown fat cell to noradrenaline could prevent (or induce regression of) the in vitro morphological modifications of brown adipocytes. Brown adipocytes cultured for 8 h in the presence of noradrenaline (5 X 10(-5) M) had a larger mitochondrial area (i.e. a larger percentage of cytoplasm occupied by non-degenerating mitochondria) in comparison with control cells, as assessed by morphometry; this was due to larger number of mitochondria in noradrenaline-treated cells. Moreover, a number of cells with mitochondria strictly resembling those of the intact tissue were visible in noradrenaline-treated cultured after 8 hr, while 'typical' mitochondria were no longer observed in parallel control cultures. After 5 days of culture without hormone addition, exposure to noradrenaline (5 X 10(-5) M) did not induce quantitative modifications of 'atypical' mitochondria or changes of their ultrastructure up to 12 hr. However, reduction in size of the lipid deposit and activation of both rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus were evident in noradrenaline-treated adipocytes in comparison with non-treated cells.  相似文献   

A patent ductus arteriosus (DA) was maintained in newborn rats (Wistar strain) by administering prostaglandin E2 (PG E2) in doses of 15 micrograms.kg-1 at 30 min intervals up to 300 min after birth. In the control animals, the DA was functionally closed 300 min after birth. The lumen was blocked by clustered endothelial cells at various stages of degeneration. Elastic membranes of the media had disintegrated into irregular fragments and the smooth muscle cells were contracted. Cytoplasm excrescences formed on their surface as a result of contraction protruded as hernias into adjacent muscle cells and into endothelial cells. The smooth muscle cells degenerated. The administration of PG E2 inhibited contraction of the smooth muscle cells and so also the development of degenerative changes; 300 min after birth the DA was fully patent, the elastic membranes were structurally intact, regularly organized and continuous. The smooth muscle cells had the character of synthesizing cells with richly developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. The intima and its endothelial lining were likewise free from structural changes. The ultrastructural image of the wall of the DA correspondent to the state 10 min after birth, when the DA was fully patent. The administration of PG E2 did not induce any ultrastructural changes indicative of injury to the wall of the DA.  相似文献   

Rats subjected to physical training through swimming increased their weight at a slower rate than controls, which initially had the same characteristics. The ratio heart weight/body weight was 23% greater in the trained rats. However, the absolute weights of the hearts were only 7% greater. The ultrastructural morphometric study, backed up by and analysis of the hierarchical variance, did not reveal significant changes neither in the myofibrillar and mitochondrial volume nor in the number of mitochondria per surface unit of myocardium. Furthermore, no variations were recorded, due to training, in the amount of mitochondrial protein nor in the specific mitochondrial activities of malate dehydrogenase, cytochrome c oxidase and ATPase. It is therefore suggested that the increase in the measured parameters, due to training, is proportional to the increase in weight and size of the heart. On the other hand, the specific activity of LDH increased by 15% after the first weeks of training.  相似文献   

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