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Human growth-hormone-releasing hormone [(1-44)NH2] (hGHRH) was a potent stimulus for insulin release from rat islets of Langerhans in vitro; the optimum concentration used was 10(-11) M. The dose response curves for hGHRH effects on insulin secretion were notably different in intact islets of Langerhans compared to cultured dispersed islet cells. Pancreatic islets responded to a very low hGHRH concentration (10(-12) M), but at a higher hGHRH concentration (10(-9) M) no stimulation of insulin release was observed. When somatostatin antiserum was included in the incubation medium, hGHRH (10(-9) M) stimulated insulin release from intact islets. In cultured dispersed islet cells, which are principally insulin-secreting B cells, hGHRH directly and potently stimulated insulin release even at a concentration of 10(-9) M. Addition of somatostatin (10(-7), 10(-8) M) significantly reduced the hGHRH-induced insulin-secretory responses of dispersed islet cells. hGHRH (10(-11)-10(-9) M) raised islet cAMP levels; individually, hGHRH and theophylline exerted positive effects on insulin release, their combined effect was greater than that caused by either one. We conclude that hGHRH directly affects insulin secretion in vitro by a cAMP-dependent mechanism, and that the difference in responses of intact islets versus islet cells to increasing concentrations of hGHRH may be related to hGHRH-induced release of somatostatin in intact rat islets.  相似文献   

Circulating insulin is dependent on a balance between insulin appearance through secretion and insulin clearance. However, to what extent changes in insulin clearance contribute to the increased insulin levels after glucagon administration is not known. This study therefore assessed and quantified any potential effect of glucagon on insulin kinetics in mice. Prehepatic insulin secretion in mice was first estimated following glucose (0.35 g/kg i.v.) and following glucose plus glucagon (10 μg/kg i.v.) using deconvolution of plasma C-peptide concentrations. Plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, and glucagon were then measured simultaneously in individual mice following glucose alone or glucose plus glucagon (pre dose and at 1, 5, 10, 20 min post). Using the previously determined insulin secretion profiles and the insulin concentration-time measurements, a population modeling analysis was applied to estimate the one-compartment kinetics of insulin disposition with and without glucagon. Glucagon with glucose significantly enhanced prehepatic insulin secretion (Cmax and AUC0-20) compared to that with glucose alone (p < 0.0001). From the modeling analysis, the population mean and between-animal SD of insulin clearance was 6.4 ± 0.34 mL/min for glucose alone and 5.8 ± 1.5 mL/min for glucagon plus glucose, with no significant effect of glucagon on mean insulin clearance. Therefore, we conclude that the enhancement of circulating insulin after glucagon administration is solely due to stimulated insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Streptozotocin (70 mg/kg) was administered intravenously to female Syrian hamsters. The hamsters received insulin (5U/animal/day). Insulin treatment was withdrawn 3 days before sacrifice in one group, while another group was maintained on insulin until sacrifice. Ten to 14 days following streptozotocin administration the animals were killed, and the pancreatic islets isolated and subsequently dispersed. Islet DNA content was decreased while the glucagon content was elevated by streptozotocin treatment. The glucagon secretory responsiveness of the dispersed alpha cells of control animals was stimulated by glucopenia and decreased by glucose. Alpha cells of streptozotocin hamsters were not only suppressed but were actually stimulated by high glucose concentrations. Treatment with insulin in vivo but not in vitro, resulted in a restoration of the alpha cells responsiveness to glucose suppression. Dispersed alpha cells from control and streptozotocin treated animals were stimulated by arginine. Basal and total glucagon secretion was greatest in dispersed alpha cells from streptozotocin treated animals. We concluded: that the paradoxical response of alpha cells to glucose noted in diabetes is not due to short term insulin deprivation or the lack of morphologic contact with beta cells; that the alpha cells require and insulin stimulated islet metabolite and extra islet materials to respond appropriately to glucose; and that the alpha cells response to arginine is mediated independently of glucose regulation.  相似文献   

Inactivation of histamine by gastric mucosal tissue was examined in dispersed rabbit gastric mucosal cells. Mucosal cells were incubated with [14C]histamine. The formed radioactive metabolites were separated and identified by thin layer co-chromatography and quantitated, in both the cellular and extracellular mediums. Gastric mucosal cells internalized histamine, most of which was immediately methylated primarily to N tau-methylhistamine and released. Cellular histamine product accumulation reached a plateau. The rate of histamine methylation increased with increasing extracellular histamine concentration, moving towards a plateau above 5 microM. Histamine methylation was greatly decreased but not abolished at 4 degrees C, in the absence of Na+ and by phlorizin (0.5 mM), an inhibitor of Na(+)-dependent co-transport. Inhibition of histamine N-methyltransferase decreased intracellular methylhistamine content dose dependently without increasing intracellular histamine. The secretagogues pentagastrin and carbachol did not influence histamine metabolism but ethanol inhibited methylation. The data suggest that gastric mucosal cells take up histamine by a Na(+)-dependent and Na(+)-independent process. The histamine uptake capacity appears to be linked to the methylation activity within the cell. The decrease in histamine uptake and metabolism caused by ethanol could potentially increase histamine concentrations near the target cells and be the reason for the stimulatory effect of ethanol on acid secretion.  相似文献   

In vitro paracrine regulation of islet B-cell function by A and D cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In monolayer cultures of islet cells from neonatal rats, incubation of cells for 1 hour with either anti-somatostatin serum or anti-glucagon serum enhanced insulin release. The former appears to be due to neutralization of endogenously secreted somatostatin. The latter may be due to removal of a stimulatory effect of endogenously released glucagon upon somatostatin secretion. Thus, although exogenously added glucagon stimulates insulin secretion, the effect of endogenously released glucagon upon islet B cells is a restraining one which may be mediated through an effect upon D cells and their release of endogenous somatostatin.  相似文献   

A series of glucagon analogues, des-(1-4)-glucagon, des-(5-9)-glucagon, des-(10-15)-glucagon, des-(16-21)-glucagon, des-(22-26)-glucagon and des-(27-29)-glucagon, were prepared by condensation of synthetic fragments and characterized biologically and immunologically. Fully synthetic glucagon was also characterized. The potencies with regard to glucagon receptor binding in purified rat liver plasma membranes were, in decreasing order: synthetic glucagon 108%, des-(1-4)-glucagon 5.7%, des-(27-29)-glucagon 0.92%, des-(5-9)-glucagon 0.47%, des-(10-15)-glucagon 0.0028%, des-(16-21)-glucagon 0.0017% and des-(22-26)-glucagon 0.00060% relative to that of natural porcine glucagon. Des-(27-29)-glucagon was the only analogue that activated the adenylate cyclase in rat liver plasma membranes or stimulated the lipolysis in isolated free fat cells from rat epididymal fat pad. The potencies were 0.16% and 0.20% of that of glucagon, respectively. Des-(1-4)-glucagon was a glucagon antagonist in the adenylate cyclase assay. The immunoreactivities of the glucagon analogues were determined with two commonly used anti-glucagon sera, K 5563 and K 4023, directed towards the C-terminus and some segment in the sequence 2-23, respectively. In the K 5563 assay, des-(27-29)-glucagon and des-(22-26)-glucagon had potencies of 0.0009% and less than 0.09% of that of glucagon, respectively. The remaining analogues had potencies varying from 45% to 141% of that of glucagon. In the K 4023 assay, the analogues showed a non-linear dilution effect. The combined results indicate a partition within the glucagon molecule with regard to receptor binding and adenylate cyclase activation. The region 10-26 appears to be the most important for receptor binding, whereas 1-4 is essential for adenylate cyclase activation. The C-terminal segment 27-29 is important for the maintenance of full receptor binding but non-essential for adenylate cyclase activation.  相似文献   

The metabolism of D-glucose was characterized in both normal dispersed rat islet cells and the 2-mercaptoethanol-dependent insulin-secreting cells of the INS-1 line. The normal and tumoral islet cells differed from one another by the relative magnitude, concentration dependency and hierarchy of the increase in the production of 3HOH from D-[5-3H]glucose and 14C-labelled CO2, acidic metabolites and amino acids from D-[U-14C]glucose at increasing concentrations of the hexose. For instance, whilst the paired ratio between D-[U-14C]glucose oxidation and D-[5-3H]glucose utilization augmented in a typical sigmoidal manner in normal islet cells exposed to increasing concentrations of D-glucose, it progressively decreased under the same experimental conditions in INS-1 cells. Nevertheless, the absolute values and concentration-response relationship for the increase in ATP generation rate attributable to the catabolism of D-glucose were virtually identical in normal and tumoral cells. These findings indicate that the analogy in the secretory response to D-glucose of normal and INS-1 islet cells, although coinciding with a comparable response to the hexose in terms of ATP generation, contrasts with a vastly different pattern of D-glucose metabolism in these two cell types.  相似文献   

Reactive nitrogen and oxygen species have been proposed to be involved in control of insulin release from the pancreatic β cell. Recent evidence suggests that the supposedly inert anions nitrate and nitrite are metabolized in blood and tissues to form nitric oxide (NO) and other bioactive nitrogen oxides. Here we present evidence for a novel stimulatory role of nitrite in influencing pancreatic islet physiology via a dual mechanism, involving both indirect enhancement (through microcirculation redistribution) and direct insulinotropic effects on the β cell. In rats, intraperitoneal injection of sodium nitrite increased pancreatic islet blood flow by 50% and serum insulin concentrations by 30%, while whole pancreatic blood flow and glycemia remained unaffected. Nitrite also dose dependently enhanced insulin secretion from rat β cells in vitro under nonstimulatory glucose concentrations. This effect was not mimicked by nitrate and was abolished by the guanylyl cyclase (GC) inhibitor ODQ and the NO scavenger cPTIO. It was also mimicked by a cyclic GMP agonist (8-CPT-cGMP) and a classical NO donor (NONOate). Interestingly, a reactive oxygen species scavenger (vitamin E analog, Trolox) abolished the insulin secretion induced by nitrite. We conclude that nitrite exerts dual stimulatory effects on pancreatic islet function, including enhancement of islet blood flow and subsequent insulin secretion in vivo and direct stimulation of insulin release in vitro. The insulinotropic effect of nitrite is cGMP-dependent and involves formation of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species.  相似文献   

There are a variety of different tissue preparations which have been used to study secretion from the endocrine pancreas and there are considerable differences in the results obtained from these. The purpose of this study was to compare several preparations in one laboratory using the same rats, buffers, and radioimmunoassays. The preparations included the isolated perfused rat pancreas, fresh isolated intact islets and dispersed cells, and cultured islets and cells. Insulin release from the perfused rat pancreas at 2.8 mM glucose was so low that it could not be measured, such that over a 90-min time period the amount of insulin released was less than 0.004% of pancreatic insulin content. In contrast, islets in static incubation appear to release 2.0% of their stored content and dispersed cells appear to release 2.6% of their content. Samples were taken at early time points during incubations of fresh islets and dispersed cells, and it was found that almost all of the insulin found at the end of a 90-min incubation period was present during the first 5 min. It is therefore suspected that the true secretory rate of insulin at a low glucose concentration is far lower than had been generally appreciated. Glucagon release patterns showed similarities in that with isolated islets and dispersed cells a disproportionate amount of glucagon release was found during a 0- to 30-min incubation period when compared with the 30- to 90-min period. In summary, artifacts have been identified in some of the in vitro systems used for the study of endocrine pancreatic secretion and these deserve greater recognition.  相似文献   

Cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR), a product of CD38, has a second messenger role for in intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization from microsomes of pancreatic islets as well as from a variety of other cells. ADP-ribosylation of CD38 by ecto-mono ADP-ribosyltransferase in activated T cells results in apoptosis as well as inactivation of its activities. We, therefore, examined the effect of ADP-ribosylation of CD38 in mouse pancreatic islet cells. NAD-dependent inactivation and ADP-ribosylation of CD38, intracellular concentrations of cADPR and Ca(2+), and insulin secretion were measured following incubation of mouse pancreatic islet cells with NAD. ADP-ribosylation of CD38 inactivated its ecto-enzyme activities, and abolished glucose-induced increase of cADPR production, intracellular concentration of Ca(2+), and insulin secretion. Taken together, ecto-cyclase activity of CD38 to produce intracellular cADPR seems to be indispensable for insulin secretion.  相似文献   



The possible participation of endogenous islet catecholamines (CAs) in the control of insulin secretion was tested.


Glucose-induced insulin secretion was measured in the presence of 3-Iodo-L-Tyrosine (MIT), a specific inhibitor of tyrosine-hydroxylase activity, in fresh and precultured islets isolated from normal rats. Incubated islets were also used to measure CAs release in the presence of low and high glucose, and the effect of α2-(yohimbine [Y] and idazoxan [I]) and α1-adrenergic antagonists (prazosin [P] and terazosin [T]) upon insulin secretion elicited by high glucose.


Fresh islets incubated with 16.7 mM glucose released significantly more insulin in the presence of 1 μM MIT (6.66 ± 0.39 vs 5.01 ± 0.43 ng/islet/h, p < 0.02), but did not affect significantly the insulin response to low glucose. A similar enhancing effect of MIT upon insulin secretion was obtained using precultured islets devoid of neural cells, but absolute values were lower than those from fresh islets, suggesting that MIT inhibits islet rather than neural tyrosine hydroxylase. CAs concentration in the incubation media of fresh isolated islets was significantly higher in the presence of 16.7 than 3.3 mM glucose: dopamine 1.67 ± 0.13 vs 0.69 ± 0.13 pg/islet/h, p < 0.001, and noradrenaline 1.25 ± 0.17 vs 0.49 ± 0.04 pg/islet/h, p < 0.02. Y and I enhanced the release of insulin elicited by 16.7 mM glucose while P and T decreased such secretion.


Our results suggest that islet-originated CAs directly modulate insulin release in a paracrine manner.  相似文献   

Resveratrol (RSV), a natural compound, is known for its effects on energy homeostasis. Here we investigated the effects of RSV and possible mechanism in insulin secretion of high-fat diet rats. Rats were randomly divided into three groups as follows: NC group (animals were fed ad libitum with normal chow for 8 weeks), HF group (animals were fed ad libitum with high-fat diet for 8 weeks), and HFR group (animals were treated with high-fat diet and administered with RSV for 8 weeks). Insulin secretion ability of rats was assessed by hyperglycemic clamp. Mitochondrial biogenesis genes, mitochondrial respiratory chain activities, reactive oxidative species (ROS), and several mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme activities were evaluated in islet. We found that HF group rats clearly showed low insulin secretion and mitochondrial complex dysfunction. Expression of silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog- 1 (SIRT1) and related mitochondrial biogenesis were significantly decreased. However, RSV administration group (HFR) showed a marked potentiation of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. This effect was associated with elevated SIRT1 protein expression and antioxidant enzyme activities, resulting in increased mitochondrial respiratory chain activities and decreased ROS level. This study suggests that RSV may increase islet mitochondrial complex activities and antioxidant function to restore insulin secretion dysfunction induced by high-fat diet.  相似文献   

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